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List of works by Tomislav Milekovic

A brain-spine interface alleviating gait deficits after spinal cord injury in primates

scientific article

An online brain-machine interface using decoding of movement direction from the human electrocorticogram

scientific article published on 19 June 2012

Brain-computer interfaces based on intracortical recordings of neural activity for restoration of movement and communication of people with paralysis

Configuration of electrical spinal cord stimulation through real-time processing of gait kinematics

scientific article published on 01 September 2018

Detection of error related neuronal responses recorded by electrocorticography in humans during continuous movements

scientific article

Effect of Al doping on the cation distribution in copper ferrite nanoparticles and their structural and magnetic properties

Electronic dura mater for long-term multimodal neural interfaces

scientific article

Error-related electrocorticographic activity in humans during continuous movements

scientific article published on 13 February 2012

Inhaling xenon ameliorates l-dopa-induced dyskinesia in experimental parkinsonism

scholarly article by Jérôme Baufreton et al published October 2018 in Movement Disorders

Local field potentials in primate motor cortex encode grasp kinetic parameters

scientific article

Low-latency multi-threaded processing of neuronal signals for brain-computer interfaces

scientific article (publication date: 2014)

Stable long-term BCI-enabled communication in ALS and locked-in syndrome using LFP signals

scientific article published on 25 April 2018

Synthesis and magnetic properties of NiFe2−xAlxO4 nanoparticles

Variance Based Measure for Optimization of Parametric Realignment Algorithms

scientific article

Volitional control of single-electrode high gamma local field potentials by people with paralysis

scientific article published on 20 February 2019