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List of works by Jennie Hudson

A Genome-Wide Test of the Differential Susceptibility Hypothesis Reveals a Genetic Predictor of Differential Response to Psychological Treatments for Child Anxiety Disorders.

scientific article published on 05 April 2016

A clinician's quick guide of evidence-based approaches: Childhood anxiety disorders.

scientific article published on March 2014

A genome-wide association meta-analysis of prognostic outcomes following cognitive behavioural therapy in individuals with anxiety and depressive disorders

scientific article published on 23 May 2019

A randomized controlled trial of a bidirectional cultural adaptation of cognitive behavior therapy for children and adolescents with anxiety disorders

scientific article published on 20 June 2019

A randomized controlled trial of cognitive-behavior therapy plus bright light therapy for adolescent delayed sleep phase disorder

scientific article published on December 2011

A randomized controlled trial of the Cool Teens CD-ROM computerized program for adolescent anxiety

scientific article published on 21 January 2012

An examination of the interactions between mothers and children with anxiety disorders

scientific article published on 09 September 2008

An experimental manipulation of maternal perfectionistic anxious rearing behaviors with anxious and non-anxious children

scientific article published on 15 February 2013

An investigation into the lower peer liking of anxious than nonanxious children.

scientific article published on 23 June 2014

Anxiety and Adverse Life Events in Professional Creative and Early Psychosis Populations

scientific article published on 18 September 2020

Anxiety and Attentional Bias in Preschool-Aged Children: An Eyetracking Study.

scientific article published in August 2015

Anxiety disorders during childhood and adolescence: origins and treatment.

scientific article published on January 2009

Appreciating Complexity in Adolescent Self-Harm Risk Factors: Psychological Profiling in a Longitudinal Community Sample.

scientific article published on 28 July 2017

Assessment of anxiety in children and adolescents: A comparative study on the validity and reliability of the Spence Children's Anxiety Scale in children and adolescents with anxiety and Autism Spectrum Disorder

scientific article published on 10 September 2019

Biases in attention, interpretation, memory, and associations in children with varying levels of spider fear: Inter-relations and prediction of behavior.

scientific article published on 5 October 2016

Changes in maternal expressed emotion toward clinically anxious children following cognitive behavioral therapy

scientific article published on 5 August 2009

Child and maternal influence on parenting behavior in clinically anxious children

scientific article published in March 2009

Child involvement, alliance, and therapist flexibility: process variables in cognitive-behavioural therapy for anxiety disorders in childhood

scientific article

Children with social phobia have lower quality friendships than children with other anxiety disorders.

scientific article published on 14 November 2014

Clinical Predictors of Response to Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Pediatric Anxiety Disorders: The Genes for Treatment (GxT) Study

scientific article published on April 2015

Cognitive behavioral therapy age effects in child and adolescent anxiety: an individual patient data metaanalysis

scientific article

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Children With Anxiety and Comorbid Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

scientific article published on 17 May 2018

Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Versus an Active Control for Children and Adolescents With Anxiety Disorders: A Randomized Trial

scientific article published on 01 May 2009

Cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety disordered youth: a randomized clinical trial evaluating child and family modalities

scientific article published in April 2008

Cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety-disordered youth: Secondary outcomes from a randomized clinical trial evaluating child and family modalities


Combining whole-school and targeted programs for the reduction of bullying victimization: A randomized, effectiveness trial

scientific article published on 17 February 2020

Comparing outcomes for children with different anxiety disorders following cognitive behavioural therapy.

scientific article published on 23 June 2015

Comparison of Stepped Care Delivery Against a Single, Empirically Validated Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Program for Youth With Anxiety: A Randomized Clinical Trial

scientific article

Content-Specific Interpretation Bias in Children with Varying Levels of Anxiety: The Role of Gender and Age

scientific article published on 01 October 2019

Content-specific interpretation biases in clinically anxious children

scientific article published on 09 August 2019

D-cycloserine enhances generalization of fear extinction in children

scientific article published on 10 March 2015

Development and Validation of a Measure of Maladaptive Social-Evaluative Beliefs Characteristic of Social Anxiety Disorder in Youth: The Report of Youth Social Cognitions (RYSC).

scientific article

Does the Composite International Diagnostic Interview underdiagnose the eating disorders?

scientific article published in April 1998

Early Childhood Predictors of Anxiety in Early Adolescence

scientific article published on 01 July 2019

Economic evaluation of stepped care for the management of childhood anxiety disorders: Results from a randomised trial

scientific article published on 18 January 2019

Effect of comorbidity on treatment of anxious children and adolescents: results from a large, combined sample

scientific article

Family disorganization, sleep hygiene, and adolescent sleep disturbance

scientific article published in September 2009

Friendship Quality and Social Information Processing in Clinically Anxious Children

scientific article published on 01 February 2014

Friendship quality predicts treatment outcome in children with anxiety disorders

scientific article published on 31 October 2012

Genetic variation in the endocannabinoid system and response to Cognitive Behavior Therapy for child anxiety disorders

scientific article published on 27 June 2016

Genome-wide association study of response to cognitive-behavioural therapy in children with anxiety disorders.

scientific article published on 17 March 2016


scientific article published on 07 October 2015

In-session exposure tasks and therapeutic alliance across the treatment of childhood anxiety disorders

scientific article published in June 2009

Informing early intervention: preschool predictors of anxiety disorders in middle childhood

scientific article

Interpretation bias in preschool children at risk for anxiety: a prospective study

scientific article

Interpretation modification training reduces social anxiety in clinically anxious children

scientific article

Longitudinal investigation of the role of temperament and stressful life events in childhood anxiety

scientific article published on 2 January 2014

Maternal expectancy versus objective measures of child skill: evidence for absence of positive bias in mothers' expectations of children with internalizing disorders

scientific article

Measurement Invariance of a Body Dysmorphic Disorder Symptom Questionnaire Across Sex: The Body Image Questionnaire-Child and Adolescent Version.

scientific article

Metacognitive beliefs and processes in clinical anxiety in children

scientific article published on 28 January 2013

Navigating the development and dissemination of internet cognitive behavioral therapy (iCBT) for anxiety disorders in children and young people: A consensus statement with recommendations from the #iCBTLorentz Workshop Group

scientific article published on 19 February 2018

Neurotrophic gene polymorphisms and response to psychological therapy.

scientific article

Non-replication of the association between 5HTTLPR and response to psychological therapy for child anxiety disorders

scientific article published on 20 August 2015

Obsessing/worrying about the overlap between obsessive-compulsive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder in youth

scientific article published in October 2004

Online cognitive-behaviour therapy is similarly effective to clinic-based CBT for reducing adolescent anxiety

scientific article published on 18 February 2012

Parent-child CBT reduces anxiety disorders among children aged 4-7 years

scientific article published on 01 February 2011

Parent-child interactions in children with asthma and anxiety.

scientific article published on 28 August 2017

Parent-child interactions in clinically anxious children and their siblings.

scientific article

Parental Meta-Emotion Philosophy and Emotion Coaching in Families of Children and Adolescents with an Anxiety Disorder.

scientific article

Parental reactions to children's negative emotions: relationships with emotion regulation in children with an anxiety disorder

scientific article

Parental responses to positive and negative emotions in anxious and nonanxious children

scientific article published on April 2008

Parent–child interactions and anxiety disorders: an observational study

scientific article published on 01 December 2001

Practitioner Review: Anxiety disorders in children and young people - assessment and treatment

scientific article published on 21 January 2020

Predicting outcomes following cognitive behaviour therapy in child anxiety disorders: the influence of genetic, demographic and clinical information.

scientific article

Prevalence and correlates of body dysmorphic disorder in a community sample of adolescents

scientific article published on 31 August 2016

Prevention of Anxiety Disorders Across the Lifespan.

scientific article published on 6 September 2017

Psychometric properties of the Child Anxiety Life Interference Scale (CALIS).

scientific article published on 26 September 2013

Research Review: Recommendations for reporting on treatment trials for child and adolescent anxiety disorders - an international consensus statement

scientific article published on 19 July 2020

Rethinking pathology in adolescent self-harm: Towards a more complex understanding of risk factors

scientific article published on 16 November 2016

Serotonin transporter [corrected] methylation and response to cognitive behaviour therapy in children with anxiety disorders.

scientific article

Sex Differences in the Presentation of Body Dysmorphic Disorder in a Community Sample of Adolescents

scientific article published on 25 May 2017

Short term CBT and sertraline, alone or in combination, reduce anxiety in children and adolescents.

scientific article published in August 2009

Showing you can do it: homework in therapy for children and adolescents with anxiety disorders.

scientific article

Specificity of Dysfunctional Beliefs in Children with Social Anxiety Disorder: Effects of Comorbidity

scientific article published on 17 January 2020

Subthreshold body dysmorphic disorder in adolescents: Prevalence and impact.

scientific article

Temperament and family environment in the development of anxiety disorder: two-year follow-up

scientific article published on 29 October 2011

Temperament, family environment and anxiety in preschool children.

scientific article

The Cool Teens CD-ROM for anxiety disorders in adolescents : a pilot case series

scientific article published on 18 June 2008

The Limited Effect of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Anxiety in Children and Adolescents: A Meta-Analysis

scientific article published on 25 June 2020

The Pain Course: a randomised controlled trial of a clinician-guided Internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy program for managing chronic pain and emotional well-being

scientific article published in June 2013

The Role of Cognitive Factors in Childhood Social Anxiety: Social Threat Thoughts and Social Skills Perception

scientific article

The Role of Self-reports and Behavioral Measures of Interpretation Biases in Children with Varying Levels of Anxiety.

scientific article published in December 2018

The Structure of Challenging Parenting Behavior and Associations With Anxiety in Dutch and Australian Children

scientific article published on 20 October 2017

The association between poor reading and internalising problems: A systematic review and meta-analysis


The classification of body dysmorphic disorder symptoms in male and female adolescents

scientific article published on 23 August 2017

The effect of attentional focus on social anxiety

scientific article published on 4 April 2007

The impact of brief parental anxiety management on child anxiety treatment outcomes: a controlled trial.

scientific article

The impact of treatment delivery format on response to cognitive behaviour therapy for preadolescent children with anxiety disorders

scientific article published on 9 March 2018

The metacognitive model of generalized anxiety disorder in children and adolescents

scientific article published on June 2010

The relationship between challenging parenting behaviour and childhood anxiety disorders.

scientific article

The role of perfectionism in cognitive behaviour therapy outcomes for clinically anxious children.

scientific article published on 18 June 2013

The sleep patterns and problems of clinically anxious children

scientific article published on 20 January 2009

The utility of the SCAS-C/P to detect specific anxiety disorders among clinically anxious children

scientific article published on 09 May 2019

Therapygenetics: the 5HTTLPR and response to psychological therapy.

scientific article published on 25 October 2011

Threat interpretation and parental influences for children with asthma and anxiety

scientific article published on 10 November 2016

Types of parental involvement in CBT with anxious youth: a preliminary meta-analysis

scientific article published on 19 May 2014

d-Cycloserine does not enhance the effects of in vivo exposure among young people with broad-based anxiety disorders

scientific article published on 18 October 2016