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List of works by Simon Cooper

A mixed-methods study of interprofessional learning of resuscitation skills

scientific article published in September 2009

A trial of e-simulation of sudden patient deterioration (FIRST2ACT WEB) on student learning

scientific article published on 13 August 2015

Access to, interest in and attitude toward e-learning for continuous education among Malaysian nurses

scientific article published on 28 September 2015

An analysis of nursing students' decision-making in teams during simulations of acute patient deterioration

scientific article published on 5 June 2016

Assessing preregistration nursing students' clinical competence: A systematic review of objective measures

scientific article published on April 1, 2013

Attitudes towards vital signs monitoring in the detection of clinical deterioration: scale development and survey of ward nurses

scientific article published on 16 April 2015

Attitudes, implementation and practice of family presence during resuscitation (FPDR): a quantitative literature review.

scientific article published on 12 July 2012

Barriers and enablers to the use of high-fidelity patient simulation manikins in nurse education: an integrative review

scientific article published on 19 August 2015

Can eye-tracking technology improve situational awareness in paramedic clinical education?

scientific article published on 8 November 2013

Can scholarship in nursing/midwifery education result in a successful research career?

scientific article published on 07 June 2018

Change on the horizon: issues and concerns of neophyte advanced healthcare practitioners.

scientific article published on September 2006

Clinical decision-making: midwifery students' recognition of, and response to, post partum haemorrhage in the simulation environment

scientific article

Clinical deterioration of ward patients in the presence of antecedents: A systematic review and narrative synthesis

scientific article published on 17 July 2018

Collaborative practices in unscheduled emergency care: role and impact of the emergency care practitioner--qualitative and summative findings

scientific article published on September 2007

Collaborative practices in unscheduled emergency care: role and impact of the emergency care practitioner--quantitative findings

scientific article published on September 2007

Communication challenges in surgical oncology


Corrigendum to “Undergraduate nursing students' performance in recognising and responding to sudden patient deterioration in high psychological fidelity simulated environments: An Australian multi-centre study” [Nurse Educ. Today 34(5) (May 2014)


Designing a medical records review tool: an instructional guide.

scientific article published on February 2015

Designing and evaluating the effectiveness of a serious game for safe administration of blood transfusion: A randomized controlled trial

scientific article published on 6 May 2017

Developing advanced rural nursing practice: a whole new scope of responsibility

scientific article

Developing leaders for advanced life support: evaluation of a training programme

scientific article published on 01 April 2001

Developing situation awareness amongst nursing and paramedicine students utilizing eye tracking technology and video debriefing techniques: a proof of concept paper

scientific article

Developing team based acute care scenarios: a rural hospital experience

scientific article published on 2 December 2012

Development and psychometric testing of a Clinical Reasoning Evaluation Simulation Tool (CREST) for assessing nursing students' abilities to recognize and respond to clinical deterioration

scientific article published on 12 December 2017

Doing the Right Thing at the Right Time: Assessing Responses to Patient Deterioration in Electronic Simulation Scenarios Using Course-of-Action Analysis

scientific article

E-simulation: preregistration nursing students' evaluation of an online patient deterioration program

scientific article published on March 2015

Educational gaming in the health sciences: systematic review

scientific article

Effectiveness of paracetamol versus ibuprofen administration in febrile children: A systematic literature review.

scientific article published on 24 April 2017

Emergency care practitioners (ECP): practice and performance in the UK West country--a case study

scientific article published on 11 June 2008

Enhancing the management of deteriorating patients with Australian on line e-simulation software: Acceptability, transferability, and impact in Hong Kong.

scientific article published on 22 April 2016

Exploring young Australian adults’ asthma management to develop an educational video


FIRST2ACT: educating nurses to identify patient deterioration - a theory-based model for best practice simulation education.

scientific article published on 08 April 2011

Family presence during resuscitation (FPDR): A survey of emergency personnel in Victoria, Australia

scientific article published on 2 February 2015

Family presence during resuscitation (FPDR): Perceived benefits, barriers and enablers to implementation and practice.

scientific article published on 14 August 2013

Final-year nursing students' ability to assess, detect and act on clinical cues of deterioration in a simulated environment.

scientific article published on 23 August 2010

Generic qualitative research: a design for qualitative research in emergency care?

scientific article published on December 2007

Identifying patient deterioration: using simulation and reflective interviewing to examine decision making skills in a rural hospital.

scientific article published on 22 December 2011

Immediate life support (ILS) training Impact in a primary care setting?

scientific article published on 27 October 2006

Improving emergency care pathways: an action research approach.

scientific article published on 26 June 2010

Inattentional blindness and pattern-matching failure: The case of failure to recognize clinical cues

scientific article published on 19 July 2018

Is simulation a substitute for real life clinical experience in midwifery? A qualitative examination of perceptions of educational leaders

scientific article published on 30 March 2011

Leadership and teamwork in medical emergencies: performance of nursing students and registered nurses in simulated patient scenarios.

scientific article published on 4 June 2014

Leadership of resuscitation teams: "Lighthouse Leadership'.

scientific article published in September 1999

Locating "gold standard" evidence for simulation as a substitute for clinical practice in prelicensure health professional education: A systematic review

scientific article published on 13 August 2019

Managing deteriorating patients: registered nurses' performance in a simulated setting

scientific article published on 18 November 2011

Managing patient deterioration: a protocol for enhancing undergraduate nursing students' competence through web-based simulation and feedback techniques

scientific article published on 28 September 2012

Managing patient deterioration: assessing teamwork and individual performance

scientific article published on 19 May 2012

Managing the deteriorating patient in a simulated environment: nursing students' knowledge, skill and situation awareness.

scientific article published on August 2010

Managing women with acute physiological deterioration: student midwives performance in a simulated setting

scientific article published on 22 September 2011

Measuring non-technical skills of medical emergency teams: an update on the validity and reliability of the Team Emergency Assessment Measure (TEAM)

scientific article published on 12 September 2013

Measuring situation awareness in emergency settings: a systematic review of tools and outcomes.

scientific article published on 18 December 2013

Measuring teamwork performance: Validity testing of the Team Emergency Assessment Measure (TEAM) with clinical resuscitation teams

scientific article

Measuring the quality of nursing clinical placements and the development of the Placement Evaluation Tool (PET) in a mixed methods co-design project

scientific article published on 29 October 2020

Mixed methods research: a design for emergency care research?

scientific article published on 15 August 2010

Modelling emergency decisions: recognition-primed decision making. The literature in relation to an ophthalmic critical incident

scientific article published on August 2006

Nursing students' educational experience in regional Australia: Reflections on acute events. A qualitative review of clinical incidents


Nursing teamwork in general ward settings: A mixed-methods exploratory study among enrolled and registered nurses

scientific article published on 09 July 2020

Patient Deterioration Education: Evaluation of Face-to-Face Simulation and e-Simulation Approaches

scientific article published in February 2015

Patient deterioration simulation experiences: impact on teaching and learning.

scientific article published on January 2012

Patients' experiences of acute deterioration: A scoping review

scientific article published on 30 September 2019

Predicting survival, in-hospital cardiac arrests: resuscitation survival variables and training effectiveness

scientific article published on 01 August 1997

Prolonged resuscitation: a case report

scientific article published in September 2001

Qualitative research: specific designs for qualitative research in emergency care?

scientific article

Rating teams' non-technical skills in the emergency department: A qualitative study of nurses' experience

scientific article published on 5 February 2018

Reliability testing and update of the Resuscitation Predictor Scoring (RPS) Scale

scientific article published on 23 March 2007

Research publication performance of Australian Professors of Nursing & Midwifery

scientific article published on 17 May 2017

Respiratory rate records: the repeated rate?

scientific article published on 8 May 2013

Simulation based learning in Australian midwifery curricula: results of a national electronic survey

scientific article published on 8 March 2011

Simulation based learning in midwifery education: a systematic review

scientific article published on 13 April 2011

Simulation in the Internet age: the place of web-based simulation in nursing education. An integrative review.

scientific article

Simulation versus lecture? Measuring educational impact: considerations for best practice

scientific article

Simulation-based learning in nurse education: systematic review.

scientific article published on January 2010

Situation awareness in undergraduate nursing students managing simulated patient deterioration

scientific article published on 11 January 2014

Team Emergency Assessment Measure (TEAM) for the assessment of non-technical skills during resuscitation: Validation of the French version

scientific article published on 17 December 2015

Teamwork: What should we measure and how should we measure it?

scientific article published on 07 November 2016

The "4-hour target": emergency nurses' views

scientific article published on June 2007

The PUC-CAM-Q: a new questionnaire for delving into the use of complementary and alternative medicines.

scientific article

The divided self: near death experiences of resuscitated patients--a review of literature

scientific article published on 05 August 2011

The educational impact of web-based and face-to-face patient deterioration simulation programs: An interventional trial

scientific article published on 8 February 2018

The effectiveness of education in the recognition and management of deteriorating patients: A systematic review.

scientific article

The emerging role of the emergency care practitioner

scientific article

The factors that influence junior doctors' capacity to recognise, respond and manage patient deterioration in an acute ward setting: An integrative review

scientific article

The impact of a Web-based educational program on the recognition and management of deteriorating patients.

scientific article

The impact of walk-in centres and GP co-operatives on emergency department presentations: A systematic review of the literature

scientific article (publication date: 12 May 2017)

The impact of web-based and face-to-face simulation on patient deterioration and patient safety: protocol for a multi-site multi-method design

scientific article

The implementation of Mask-Ed: reflections of academic participants.

scientific article published on 20 May 2014

The influence of anxiety on student nurse performance in a simulated clinical setting: A mixed methods design

scientific article published on 22 June 2019

The perspectives of Australian midwifery academics on barriers and enablers for simulation in midwifery education in Australia: a focus group study

scientific article published on 7 September 2011

The reality of clinical learning in critical care settings: a practitioner:student gap?

scientific article

The use and limits of eye-tracking in high-fidelity clinical scenarios: A pilot study.

scientific article

The value of peer learning in undergraduate nursing education: a systematic review

scientific article published on 03 April 2013

The value of simulation-based learning in pre-licensure nurse education: A state-of-the-art review and meta-analysis.

scientific article published on 19 August 2017

Undergraduate nursing students' performance in recognising and responding to sudden patient deterioration in high psychological fidelity simulated environments: an Australian multi-centre study.

scientific article published on 29 September 2013

Use of educational games in the health professions: a mixed-methods study of educators' perspectives in the UK.

scientific article published in March 2010

Use of simulation-based learning in undergraduate nurse education: An umbrella systematic review

scientific article published on 22 November 2016