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List of works by anonymous

"Abraham flytar"

drawing by Okänd

"Blue Boy" by Anonymous

scientific article published in November 2017

"Det är en bone som sjör i skogen och så faller det ned snö från en gren. Då blir hästen räd, så hopar han til, själken hopar mot en stube. Så flyger en avkuba upp och slår till."

drawing by Okänd

"K. No 3. Karta öfver Kyrkholmen och Sillhofvet"

drawing by Okänd

"Noli me tangere!"

drawing by Okänd

.... så jag tecknat träd III

drawing by Ingen uppgift


publication published in 1977

10 små allegorier i rektangelform med latinska överskrifter

drawing by Okänd

104-Week carcinogenicity study in male rats 4,4'-methylenebis (2-chloroaniline) (MOCA)

final contract report published in 1977

1600-tals bägare, sedd rakt från sidan

drawing by Okänd

18-year-old Brazilian died on the job when a shoplifter stabbed him

newsletter published in 2005

1976 annual report on occupational safety and health under Public Law 91-596

publication published in 1976

1977 annual report on occupational safety and health under Public Law 91-596

publication published in 1977

1978 annual report on occupational safety and health under Public Law 91-596

publication published in 1979

1979 annual report on occupational safety and health under Public Law 91-596

publication published in 1980

1983 mineral resources studies: Kantishna Hills and Dunkle Mine areas, Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska. Volume III plates

final contract report published in 1984

1992 Update to the National Plan for Research in Mining and Mineral Resources and the 1992 Report on the Mineral Institute Program of the U.S. Department of the Interior

published in 1992

19th century residential block with courtyard and garden

anonymous print

2008 Fact sheet - childhood agricultural injuries

publication published in 2008

2009 Editors' Citations for Excellence in Refereeing

4 Porslinskarotter med lock, blåvita, rokokoform

drawing by Okänd

42-year-old Brazilian roofer died on the job when electrocuted

newsletter published in 2005

50-Cap Blasting Machine Development Program

publication (CP) published in 1973

8 Blåvita porslinspjäser i rokokostil

drawing by Okänd

A 15-year-old student amputates fingers while operating an unguarded table saw in woodworking class - Massachusetts

newsletter published in 2003

A 16-year-old Massachusetts youth was fatally injured at work while operating a forklift

newsletter published in 2002

A Buddhist Monk Sits Meditating as He Smokes

1926; unknown artist; 1926; Wellcome Collection

A Bull and Two Goats

drawing by Okänd

A Comparative Study of Metabolic, Respiratory and Cardiovascular Characteristics of Fatigue During Lifting Tasks and Bicycle Ergometry


A Current Appraisal of Underground Coal Gasification

publication (CP) published in 1971

A Demonstration of Longwall Mining -- Appendix

final contract report published in 1983

A Journal of the First Voyage of Vasco Da Gama

journal voyage of Vasco da Gama, 1497

A Latrine

drawing by Okänd

A Mineral Appraisal of the Areas Traversed by the Kobuk, Killik, Alatna, and John Rivers and the North Fork of the Koyukuk River, Brooks Range, Alaska: A Summary Report

publication (CP) published in 1979

A Mineral Appraisal of the Areas Traversed by the Salmon and Noatak Rivers in the Western Brooks Range: A Summary Report

publication (CP) published in 1979

A Palm Tree with Detailed Paintings of the Trunk and Leaf

1849; unknown artist; 1849; Wellcome Collection

A Report on the Assessment of Coal Slurry Pipelines. Executive Summary


A Review of Five Coal Competition Studies


A Saint Discovers a Spring by the Sea-shore

drawing by Okänd

A Study of Coal Liquefaction and Gasification Plants: An Industrial Hygiene Assessment, A Control Technology Assessment, and the Development of Sampling and Analytical Techniques: Volume IV

publication published in 1982

A Study of the Properties of Mine Waste in the Midwestern Coal Fields


A Study of the Properties of Mine Waste in the Midwestern Coal Fields Phase I Report


A behavioral approach: motivational/financial impact

final grant report published in 1980

A cohort study of cancer mortality in virologists

final grant report published in 1979

A comprehensive approach to problems with oil spills in marine environments: the Alaska story

conference proceedings item published in 1992

A cost comparison of selected coal mines from Australia

publication published in 1993

A family group gathered around a fireside table singing and playing musical instruments.

engraving by Villain after Jan Steen

A feasibility study for the automated diagnosis of pneumoconiosis from radiographs

publication published in 1973

A field program and instrumentation system for electromagnetic noise measurements

final contract report published in 1972

A final report for heat stress instrument development (WBGT Integrator) Contract HSM 099-71-20

publication published in 1972

A footnote on Poland 1971


A forecasting system for critical imported minerals

final contract report published in 1975

A genetic counselor's journey from provider to patient: a mother's story

scientific article published on 17 September 2008

A gentil Carolina

composição musical de Anônimo, obras da coleção Canções Populares do Brasil

A grinning old man squeezing a lemon over a roasted bird, possibly a portrait of Pieter Gerritsz. van Roestraeten

Mezzotint after Daniël Boone

A guide to the selection of automatic fire protection systems for mine haulage equipment

final contract report published in 1974

A guide to using la loteria de los pesticidas

publication published in 1994

A key word list for use with the process reference index

final contract report published in 1976

A living donor's journey

scientific article published on January 2012

A look at the Bureau of Occupational Safety and Health

publication published in 1969

A male black-billed capercaillie in a landscape

drawing by anonymous

A male black-billed capercaillie in a landscape

drawing by anonymous

A master environmental control and mine system design simulator for underground coal mining. Tape MDS-5. Computer programs

final contract report published in 1975

A master environmental control and mine system design simulator for underground coal mining. Tape MDS-8. Test data

final contract report published in 1975

A medical survey for lead hazards at Dismantling Company, Inc., Tacoma, Washington

publication published in 1969

A microwave-induced emission spectrometric system for subnanogram multielemental analyses of biological materials and atmospheric samples

publication published in 1973

A preliminary report on the biology and ecology of the Snowy River area in northeastern Victoria

article by anonymous published 1947 in Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria

A prescription for battery workers

publication published in 1976

A professional patient no more

scientific article published in January 2011

A retrospective study of inferred fertility of married men occupationally exposed to ethylene dibromide (EDB). Final report

final contract report published in 1977

A shrimp girl

A study of coal liquefaction processes: industrial hygiene comprehensive survey

publication published in 1980

A study of coal liquefaction processes: industrial processes: industrial hygiene comprehensive survey

publication published in 1980

A study of mechanisms of cadmium toxicity

final grant report published in 1976

A study to determine the feasibility for developing interim decompression schedules for tunnel workers

publication published in 1979

A synonym list for the 150 selected hazards

final contract report published in 1976

A synonym list for the 203 selected hazards

final contract report published in 1974

A three and one half day strategic planning and evaluation workshop for the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

publication published in 1973

A visionary who uses leverage to make a difference. Jerry Lee.

scientific article published in December 2003

A young man returning from the hunt

AGU Fellows Elected for 2011

AGU affiliates with American Institute of Physics

AGU elects 2002 Fellows

AGU on the move

AIM: accident investigation methodology

publication published in 1978

Abdominal aortic tourniquet? Use in afghanistan

scientific article published in January 2013

Abduction of Ganymede

eengraving by Henriqueez after Rubens

Abertura do túnel João Ricardo

photograph by unknown author

Abrahams offer

drawing by Okänd

Abrahams offer

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Abrasive blasting operations: engineering control and work practices manual

publication published in 1976

Abstracts [Spring Meeting, 1988]


Abstracts of Papers to be Presented at the 1955 Thanksgiving Meeting at the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, November 25 and 26, 1955

scientific article

Abstracts of selected research: safety in the petrochemical industry

final contract report published in 1980

Academic composition study: Christ and the Samaritan woman

drawing made by anonymous

Academic composition study: Jacob blesses Joseph's sons

drawing made by anonymous

Academic composition study: the incredulity of Thomas

drawing attributed to Pieter Ramaut

Academic expression study: boy with eyes shut

anonymous drawing

Academic expression study: contentment

anonymous drawing

Academic expression study: happiness

anonymous drawing

Academic expression study: indignation

anonymous drawing

Academic expression study: wonder

anonymous drawing

Academic life drawing study: kneeling and standing male nude

anonymous drawing

Academic life drawing study: kneeling male nude

anonymous drawing

Academic life drawing study: reclining male nude

drawing attributed to Ignatius Josephus Van Regemorter

Academic life drawing study: seated male nude

drawing made by anonymous

Academic life drawing study: seated male nude

drawing made by anonymous (0016.GRO0142.55.II)

Academic life drawing study: seated male nude as Hercules

anonymous drawing

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

drawing made by anonymous

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

drawing attributed to Guillielmus Petrus Geysen

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

drawing attributed to Ignatius Josephus Van Regemorter

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

drawing made by anonymous (0016.GRO0059.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

drawing made by anonymous (0016.GRO0071.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

drawing made by anonymous (0016.GRO0060.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

drawing made by anonymous (0016.GRO0068.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

drawing attributed to Ignatius Josephus Van Regemorter (0016.GRO0142.47.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

drawing attributed to Ignatius Josephus Van Regemorter (0016.GRO0142.40.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0357.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0356.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0358.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0360.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0359.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0361.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0379.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0380.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0419.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0417.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0418.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0494.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0487.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0509.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0507.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0510.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0511.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0515.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0527.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0528.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0526.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0533.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0529.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0530.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0534.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0535.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0537.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude holding a shield

drawing made by anonymous

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude with handbow, seen from behind

anonymous drawing

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude, seen from behind

drawing made by anonymous

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude, seen from behind

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0492.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude, seen from behind

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0488.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude, seen from behind

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0508.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude, seen from behind

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0505.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude, seen from behind

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0524.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude, seen from behind

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0525.II)

Academic life drawing study: standing male nude, seen from behind

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0538.II)

Academic ornament study: relief with three women

anonymous drawing

Academic ornament study: relief with two figures

anonymous drawing

Academic print: Corinthian order

anonymous print

Academic print: column with fluting on a pedestal

anonymous print

Academic print: head of Saint Cecilia

anonymous print

Academic print: statue of a faun with kid

anonymous print

Academic study after Carracci: seated Atlas

anonymous drawing

Academic study after Suvée: head of an old man

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a print or a sculpture: right foot on a pedestal

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a print or sculpture: left foot

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a print or sculpture: left foot

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO1162.II)

Academic study after a print: Marcellus as Hermes Logios, seen from behind

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a print: Saint Joseph

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a print: bust of Saint Anthony the Great

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a print: bust of a bearded man

drawing made by anonymous

Academic study after a print: bust of a man

drawing made by anonymous

Academic study after a print: bust of a young man wearing a laurel wreath

drawing made by anonymous

Academic study after a print: bust of saint Joseph

drawing attributed to Joseph van Biesbrouck after Jean Baptiste Lucien and Jean-Jacques-François Le Barbier

Academic study after a print: bust of saint Joseph

anonymous drawing after Jean Baptiste Lucien and Jean-Jacques-François Le Barbier

Academic study after a print: detail of an arm

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a print: face of a man

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a print: foot of Laocoön

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a print: four children's heads with guidelines for proportions

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a print: half-figure of a breastfeeding woman

anonymous drawing after Rembrandt

Academic study after a print: head of Faustina

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a print: head of a bearded man

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a print: head of a bearded man wearing a turban

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a print: head of a figure looking down, with guidelines for proportions

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO1189.II)

Academic study after a print: head of a figure looking up, with guidelines for proportions

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO1187.II)

Academic study after a print: head of a figure with guidelines for proportions

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a print: head of a figure with guidelines for proportions

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO1184.II)

Academic study after a print: head of a figure with guidelines for proportions

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO1186.II)

Academic study after a print: head of a woman

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a print: head of a woman looking up, with guidelines for proportions

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO1190.II)

Academic study after a print: head of a woman wearing a cap

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a print: head of a woman with guidelines for proportions

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO1185.II)

Academic study after a print: head of a young woman looking up

drawing made by anonymous

Academic study after a print: head with guidelines for proportions

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO1188.II)

Academic study after a print: human skull

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a print: left arm

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a print: left foot wearing a sandal

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a print: left hand in drapery

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a print: portrait Marguerite Halseber

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a print: portrait of a bearded man wearing a harness

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a print: portrait of a young woman with a chain of pearls in her hair

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a print: seated male nude, seen from behind

drawing made by anonymous

Academic study after a print: soldier at rest, seen from behind

drawing attributed to Pièrre Denis

Academic study after a print: standing male nude

anonymous drawing after Bernard Romain Julien

Academic study after a print: standing male nude

drawing attributed to Jean Noos

Academic study after a print: standing male nude holding a stick

drawing made by anonymous

Academic study after a print: standing male nude holding a stick, seen from behind

anonymous drawing after Bernard Romain Julien and Marc Antoine Hervier

Academic study after a print: standing male nude, seen from behind

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a print: standing male nude, seen from behind

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0648.II)

Academic study after a print: standing male nude, seen from behind

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0649.II)

Academic study after a print: two details of arms with draperies

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a sculpture: Apollo Sauroctonos

drawing attributed to Ignatius Josephus Van Regemorter

Academic study after a sculpture: Borghese Gladiator

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a sculpture: Discophoros

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a sculpture: Discophoros

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0681.II)

Academic study after a sculpture: Discophoros

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0682.II)

Academic study after a sculpture: Satyr with flute

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0659.II)

Academic study after a sculpture: bust of Antinous

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a sculpture: bust of Antinous

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0591.II)

Academic study after a sculpture: bust of Athena

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a sculpture: bust of Athena

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0437.II)

Academic study after a sculpture: bust of Athena

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0572.II)

Academic study after a sculpture: bust of Athena

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0571.II)

Academic study after a sculpture: bust of Euripides

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a sculpture: bust of Homer

drawing made by anonymous (0016.GRO0144.II)

Academic study after a sculpture: bust of Julius Caesar

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a sculpture: bust of Niobe

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a sculpture: bust of Rome

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a sculpture: bust of Rome

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0587.II)

Academic study after a sculpture: bust of Rome

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0613.II)

Academic study after a sculpture: bust of Rome

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0614.II)

Academic study after a sculpture: bust of Venus de Milo

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a sculpture: bust of Vestal virgin

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO1182.II)

Academic study after a sculpture: bust of a Roman boy

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a sculpture: bust of a Roman boy

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0431.II)

Academic study after a sculpture: bust of a Roman boy

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0432.II)

Academic study after a sculpture: bust of a Roman boy

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0433.II)

Academic study after a sculpture: bust of a Roman man

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a sculpture: bust of a Roman soldier

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a sculpture: bust of a Vestal virgin

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a sculpture: bust of a young man

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a sculpture: child with a goose

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a sculpture: crouching Venus

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a sculpture: dancing satyr

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0439.II)

Academic study after a sculpture: head of a bearded man

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a sculpture: head of a man looking up

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a sculpture: head of a man looking up

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO1176.II)

Academic study after a sculpture: head of a man looking up

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO1177.II)

Academic study after a sculpture: head of a man with a painful facial expression

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a sculpture: head of a man with a painful facial expression

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO1179.II)

Academic study after a sculpture: head of an older man

drawing attributed to Louis van der Beke

Academic study after a sculpture: right arm of a child

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a sculpture: right arm with drapery

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a sculpture: right hand

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a sculpture: satyr with flute

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a sculpture: satyr with flute

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a sculpture: satyr with flute

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0655.II)

Academic study after a sculpture: satyr with flute

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0656.II)

Academic study after a sculpture: satyr with flute

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0658.II)

Academic study after a sculpture: satyr with flute

anonymous drawing (0022.GRO0657.II)

Academic study after a sculpture: seated child with hourglass

anonymous drawing

Academic study after a sculpture: seated child with small column

drawing attributed to Joannes Castille after Jerôme (II) Du Quesnoy

Academic study after a sculpture: the dying slave

anonymous drawing

Academic study: bust of a man

anonymous drawing

Academic study: half-figure of a seated woman wearing a pearl necklace

drawing made by anonymous

Academic study: landschape with a field and two cottages

drawing made by anonymous

Academic study: seated woman, reading

drawing made by anonymous

Academic study: three ears

anonymous drawing

Academic study: townscape with a church and houses

drawing made by anonymous

Accantus leaf with shell

anonymous print

Accident prediction investigation study (Mod 1A)

final contract report published in 1972

Acetaldehyde analytical method

publication published in 1979

Acetone: development of a biologic standard for the industrial worker by breath analysis

final contract report published in 1975

Achilles in a fight with Hector

anonymous print


publication published in 1979

Acrylic acid and esters

publication published in 1979


drawing by Okänd

Acuerdos hechos por la M.N. y M.L. Provincia de Alava en sus Juntas Generales extraordinarias celebradas en la Ciudad de Vitoria . en virtud de la proclama del General Moncey, con motivo de haber entrado las armas francesas en esta Provincia ...

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Adam and Eve

pair of paintings from the workshop of Lucas Cranach the Elder

Administration of the Federal Metal and Nonmetal Mine Safety Act, 1970 annual report

publication (IH) published in 1972

Administrative manual: voluntary accreditation for occupational safety and health programs in industry

publication published in 1976

Adoration of the Magi

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 49/2017)

Advanced Coal Extraction Systems Project: Report of Activities for Fiscal Year 1980-1981


Advanced techniques for drilling 1,000-ft small diameter horizontal holes in a coal seam. Volume 2. Survey system design and fabrication

final contract report published in 1975

Advanced techniques for radon gas removal

final contract report published in 1975

Advancement of Mine Ventilation Network Analysis from Art to Science

final contract report published in 1978

Advancing coal mining technology research, development, and demonstration in fiscal year 1977

information circular published in 1977

Advancing the agenda for safety and health

conference proceedings item published in 1995

Advertising for liquor company De Poldenaar

printed matter by anonymous

Advisory Conference on Tunnelling of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Proceedings

publication (CP) published in 1970

Aenea's Flight from Troy

drawing by Okänd


Trojan hero in Greco-Roman mythology

Aeroporto Santos Dumont

photograph by unknown author

Aerosol measurement: principles, techniques, and applications

book published in 1993

Agda på Norrlands älvar

drawing by Okänd

Agricultural Safety and Health: a national conference on detection, prevention and intervention, Columbus, Ohio, August 24-26, 1994. Abstracts

final cooperative agreement report published in 1994


chapter published in 1998

Air-inflatable temporary supports for coal mine roofs

final contract report published in 1973

Akademie. Liggande mansfigur. i förkortning

drawing by Okänd

Akademie. Naken man sedd från ryggen.

drawing by Okänd

Akademie. Stående naken man med staf i handen

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1640/1863)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1641/1863)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1643/1863)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1645/1863)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1646/1863)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1647/1863)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1648/1863)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1649/1863)

Akademier. Två nakna mansfigurer

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Alaska 1/250,000 scale quadrangle map overlays showing exploratory oil and gas well drilling locations and productive oil- and gasfield locations

publication (CP) published in 1973

Alaska 1/250,000 scale quadrangle map overlays showing mineral deposit locations, principal minerals, and number and type of claims

publication (CP) published in 1973

Alberto Santos Dumont em frente à réplica do monumento de Ícaro

photograph by unknown author

Album of Song Emperor Portraits

painting series

Alexandria Codex of Sofia


Allegori över konstkritiken

drawing by Okänd

Allegori över vetenskapen: Tre kvinnofig med attribut

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Allegorisk bild äfven konturer

drawing by Okänd

Allegorisk kvinnofigur, med konstarternas attributer och Amor

drawing by Okänd

Allermus k:a

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Allotment plan of Nieuwpoort

anonymous print

Allotment plan of Nieuwpoort

anonymous print

Allyl chloride

publication published in 1975

Almshouse De La Fontaine

print by Rousseau, Charlesanonymous

Almshouse De La Fontaine

print by Rousseau, Charlesanonymous


drawing by Okänd

Altare i en kyrka

drawing by Okänd

Altarpiece of Wichmannsburg

Gothic winged altar in St. George's Church, Wichmannsburg, Bienenbüttel, Lower Saxony, Germany

Altos riscos/entrevista com Thais Catalani Morata

journal article published in 1999

Amazing Anthony. Giving hats and love to cancer patients

scientific article published in December 2003

Amor och Venus

drawing by Okänd

Amorphous silicas

publication published in 1979

An Alchemist’s Shop

drawing by Okänd

An Analysis of the Applicability and Probable Cost Effectiveness of Advancing Longwall Mining Systems in the United States


An Angel Holding Out a Child

drawing by Okänd

An Economic Analysis of a White Nahcolite Installation in Colorado, Option I, Circa 1971

publication (CP) published in 1972

An Economic Analysis of an Oil Shale, Nahcolite, Dawsonite Complex in Colorado, Option II, Circa 1971

publication (CP) published in 1972

An Economic Analysis of an Oil Shale, Nahcolite, Dawsonite Complex in Colorado, Option III Circa 1971

publication (CP) published in 1972

An Economic Evaluation of Two Mechanized Shaft Sinking Concepts: the Blind Shaft Borer and the Large Diameter Drill


An Evacuation Simulation for Underground Mining

publication published in 1993

An Investigation of Coal Prices and Mine Productivity


An Overview of Skill Training in the Underground Coal Mining Industry


An appraisal of minerals availability for 34 commodities

publication (IH) published in 1987

An attitudinal survey of area residents toward indiscriminate trash dumping and possible causes of Anthracite Mine Fires, Pennsylvania Anthracite Region. in two volumes

publication (CP) published in 1970

An economic reconnaissance of selected heavy mineral placer deposits in the U.S. Exclusive economic zone

publication (CP) published in 1987

An economic reconnaissance of selected sand and gravel deposits in the U.S. exclusive economic zone

publication (CP) published in 1987

An evaluation of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Query and Answer Technical Information Service

publication published in 1973

An evaluation of the effectiveness of NIOSH's Health Hazard Evaluation Program

final contract report published in 1979

An evaluation of the occupational health program in the state of Montana

publication published in 1964

An industrial hygiene study of polyurethane foam insulation application activities at Thermal Acoustic Foam Insulation, Inc., Columbia, Maryland

field study published in 1980

An industrial hygiene study of polyurethane foam insulation manufacturing at the Isocyanate Products Division of the Witco Chemical Company

field study published in 1980

An industrial hygiene study of urea formaldehyde foam insulation application activities at Pel Foam Insulation, Inc

field study published in 1980

An industrial hygiene study of urea formaldehyde foam insulation manufacturing at Rapco Foam, Inc

field study published in 1980

An industrial hygiene survey of American Foundry and Machine Company, Salt Lake City, Utah

publication published in 1964

An interactive computer system for evaluating coal mine illumination

final contract report published in 1978

An introduction to the History of Geophysics Committee

An investigation of electric and magnetic fields and operator exposure produced by VDTs: NIOSH VDT Epidemiology Study (final report)

final contract report published in 1990

An occupational health program for the city of Albuquerque

publication published in 1963

An undated Abbasid astrolabe mater with a replacement Maghribi rete

object 1179 in the King Catalogue of Scientific Instruments

Analyses of tipple and delivered samples of coal (Collected during fiscal year 1971)

report of investigation published in 1972

Analyses of tipple and delivered samples of coal collected during fiscal year 1970

report of investigation published in 1971

Analysis of industry research and development recommendations in mining and reclamation technology

final contract report published in 1979

Analysis of large-scale non-coal underground mining methods

final contract report published in 1974

Analysis of men, material and supplies handling systems in underground metal and nonmetal mines - 3 volume set. Volume 1 - phase II report, systems improvements

final contract report published in 1975

Analysis of men, material and supplies handling systems in underground metal and nonmetal mines - 3 volume set. Volume 2 - phase I report, present systems study

final contract report published in 1975

Analysis of men, material and supplies handling systems in underground metal and nonmetal mines - 3 volume set. Volume 3 - appendices associated with phase I report

final contract report published in 1975

Analysis of ore handling systems in underground metal mines for improved safety and efficiency - 3 volume set. Volume 1 - phase I report. present systems study

final contract report published in 1974

Analysis of ore handling systems in underground metal mines for improved safety and efficiency - 3 volume set. Volume 2 - phase I appendices, present systems study

final contract report published in 1974

Analysis of ore handling systems in underground metal mines for improved safety and efficiency - 3 volume set. Volume 3 - phase II and final report. System improvements and research recommendations

final contract report published in 1974

Analysis of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) in human blood serum samples

publication published in 1978

Analysis of the Labor Productivity Decline in the U.S. Bituminous Coal Mining Industry

publication, part 1

Analysis of the Labor Productivity Decline in the U.S. Bituminous Coal Mining Industry

publication, part 2

Analysis of the economic feasibility for development of coal resources in the Narragansett Basin of Rhode Island and Massachusetts

final contract report published in 1979

Analysis of tipple and delivered samples of coal. Collected during fiscal year 1969

report of investigation published in 1970

Analytical method S11

publication published in 1979

Analytical method no. S17

publication published in 1979

Analytical method no. S43

publication published in 1979

Analytical method no. S85

publication published in 1979

Analytical methods for determining atmospheric contamination by 2-hexanone, diisobutyl-ketone, and isophorone

publication published in 1977


drawing by Okänd

Angel in medallion

anonymous print

Aniline and its derivatives used in the dye industry: preliminary evaluation of plant visits

final contract report published in 1980

Anisidine (o,p-isomers) analytical method

publication published in 1979

Announcement: Corrections in Physical Review publications

scientific article published on 3 January 2018


anonymous print

Antigo edifício da Central do Brasil

photograph by unknown author

Antik sjöbatalj. I form af Basrelief

drawing by Okänd

Antikt drömspel V.

drawing by Ingen uppgift


Ancient Roman statue at the Museu Nacional Arqueològic de Tarragona

Antique ruins with two figures

drawing by Okänd

Antonius låter fängsla Marius

drawing by Okänd

Apendice, y coleccion curiosa de algunas de las cartas de oficio, y contextaciones, ocurridas entre los señores de la Junta de Gobierno de esta M.N. y M.L. Provincia de Alava

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Aphrodite-MAHG 19025

Roman copy of an hellenistic statue, on display at MAHG in Geneva

Apollo på solens vagn

drawing by Okänd

Apollon är ute och kör med solen

drawing by Okänd

Apor i urskogen

drawing by Okänd

Apor och krokodil i urskogen

drawing by Okänd

Apostel sedd från ryggen (Contre epreuve)

drawing by Okänd

Apostel sedd från ryggen (Nästan utplånad)

drawing by Okänd

Apparent Consumption of Industrial Explosives and Blasting Agents in the United States in 1982


Application notes: mine electric power systems

publication (IH) published in 1981

Application of a Total System Surface Mine Simulator to Coal Stripping - 7 Volume Set


Application of ergonomics to occupational safety

publication published in 1978

Aqueduto da Carioca, Santa Teresa e Glória

photograph by unknown author

Arbete i drivhus

drawing by Okänd

Architectural Plate with Elevation and Plan of a Rustic Facade

anonymous print

Architectural Plate with Ionic Pedestals According to da Vignola, Palladio, Scamozzi and Serlio.

anonymous print

Architectural Plate with a Plan of the Doric Intercolumniation

anonymous print

Architectural Plate with cross-sections and proportions for mouldings

anonymous print

Architectural Plate with the Parallel of the Greek Doric Order

anonymous print

Arco do Teles

photograph by unknown author

Are you a working teen? What you should know about safety and health on the job

NIOSH publication published in 1997

Area reports: international

publication (IH) published in 1989


drawing by Ingen uppgift

Articles of Incorporation of the American Geophysical Union

Aryl phosphates

publication published in 1979

Aryl sulfonic acid and salts

publication published in 1979

As ice is to water

scientific article published in January 2011

Asbestos personal samples at Johns-Manville, Texas

publication published in 1968

Asfaltarbetare IV

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Asli Heer Waris Shah (Persian)

Urdu Qissa

Aspects of noise generation and hearing protection in underground coal mines

final contract report published in 1972

Assessment of Research Projects and Expenditures by the Coal Industry


Assessment of electromagnetic noise measurements taken by Bureau of Mines contractors

final contract report published in 1972

Assessment of engineering control monitoring equipment

final contract report published in 1981

Assessment of engineering control monitoring equipment. Volume II

publication published in 1981

Assessment of leaf surface residues for selected organophosphorus insecticides

publication published in 1976

Assessment of measurement techniques for worker exposure to pesticides

publication published in 1976

Assessment of university occupational safety and health program practices, survey results

publication published in 1976

Astarte of El Carambolo


Ath Heer Sant Bansari Wale ki

Punjabi Qissa

Ath Sihrafi Heer Ranjha

Punjabi Qissa

Att måla

drawing by Okänd

Att rita är det roligaste jag vet

drawing by Okänd

Attachment to National Occupational Exposure Survey (NOES)

publication published in 1980

Audiovisual Guide

publication (IH) published in 1972

Automated Extraction System. Design, Manufacture, and Field Development


Automated breathing metabolic simulator (abms). Final report

final contract report published in 1973

Automobile accident

1905 film

Auxiliary Rescue Apparatus, Msa Chemox

publication (IH) published in 1972

Availability of Strategic and Critical Minerals: Role of the Republic of South Africa

publication (CP) published in 1986

Avenida Almirante Barroso; Palace Hotel e o prédio do Jockey Club

photograph by unknown author

Avenida Beira-Mar

photograph by unknown author (001AN30001001)

Avenida Beira-Mar

photograph by unknown author (001RJ002)

Avenida Beira-Mar

photograph by unknown author (002014RJRJ010)

Avenida Beira-Mar; enseada de Botafogo

photograph by unknown author

Avenida Central - Palácio Monroe

photograph by unknown author

Avenida Central, atual Rio Branco, tomada das imediações da Rua Pedro Lessa

photograph by unknown author

Avenida Niemeyer

photograph by unknown author (013RJ004042)

Avenida Niemeyer

photograph by unknown author (007A5P3F13-014)

Avenida Passos - Igreja do Santíssimo Sacramento

photograph by unknown author

Avenida Presidente Vargas; ao fundo, a Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Candelária

photograph by unknown author

Avenida Rio Branco

photograph by unknown author (007A5P3F04-045)

Avenida Rio Branco na altura da Rua Sete de Setembro

photograph by unknown author

Avenida Rio Branco; Edifício da Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen

photograph by unknown author

Avenida Rio Branco; edifícios do Jornal do Comércio e da Companhia Adriática de Seguros

photograph by unknown author

Avenida Rio Branco; em primeiro plano, à esquerda, o prédio do Jornal da Brasil

photograph by unknown author

Avenida Rio Branco; iluminação noturna

photograph by unknown author

Avenida Rio Branco; prédios da Sociedade Sul Rio Grandense e de parte do Palace Hotel

photograph by unknown author

Avenida Vieira Souto; ao fundo, o Morro Dois Irmãos

photograph by unknown author

Avenida e Canal do Mangue

photograph by unknown author


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Bacchusbarn med druvklase

drawing by Okänd

Bacchusbarn med druvklase

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 189/1973 verso)

Bacharach Monoxor Carbon Monoxide Indicator

publication (IH) published in 1972

Bachus på tunnan

drawing by Okänd

Back injuries: mechanical stresses in the human spine

final grant report published in 1988

Backup Data Report No. 298


Backup Data Report No. 346


Backup Data Report No. 355


Backup Data Report No. 356


Badande flickor

drawing by Okänd

Badande putti

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Bairro de Santa Teresa com o Castelinho do Valentim ao fundo

photograph by unknown author

Bairro de São Cristóvão

photograph by unknown author

Bairro do Catete visto de Santa Teresa

photograph by unknown author

Bairros da Glória e do Centro; vistos das proximidades da Rua da Glória

photograph by unknown author

Baldakin, blå med gula kanter och gula tofsar

drawing by Okänd

Banhistas na praia da Glória

photograph by unknown author

Barah Bharitra

poetry composed by anonymous

Barbara Allen

traditional ballad


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1827/1863)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1826/1863)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1828/1863)

Barnen plockar bär i skogen

drawing by Okänd

Barnen plockar näckrosor

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Barnhand med päron

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar"

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar"

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 129/1945)

Barnteckning "Våra lekar"

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 92/1945)

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Banka läder

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Blindbock

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Blindbock

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 119/1945)

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Bro, bro i Breja

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Brännboll

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Båtfärd på sjön

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Dockan på promenad

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Dragkamp, midsommarafton

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Fotboll

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Fotbollslag i vår skola

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Handboll

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Jag fotograferar ett fågelbo

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Jag promenerar med min docka

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Karusellen

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Klockan går

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Köra sladder genom byn

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Landpirater

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Lek med våra båtar

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Leka gömma

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Mamma, pappa och barn

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", När vi hoppar hage

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", När vi leker indianer

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Pirater i Gravarne

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Pirater stiger i land i Viken

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Segelflygning

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Slå den tredje

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Trädklättring

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Tvekamp i båt

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Vi dansar ut granen på torget i Enköping

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Vi har maskerad

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Vi leker kurragömma i skogen

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Vi leker med boll

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning "Våra lekar", Vi leker med dockor

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning: Bondgård

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning: Dans

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning: Djävul

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning: Fisknäten torkas

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning: Flotte till havs

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning: Fågeljägare på Alvaret

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning: Hakens fyr och samhälle

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning: Hedlandskap med väg

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning: Julottefärd

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning: Spöke

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning: Två djur

drawing by Okänd

Barnteckning: Tycho Brahes hus på Ven

drawing by Okänd

Basic course particulate contaminants

publication published in 1972

Basic ionizing radiation measurements course

publication published in 1972

Batalj framför ett grek. tempel

drawing by Okänd

Batalj med stridsvagnar

drawing by Okänd

Batalj utanför en stadsmur

drawing by Okänd

Bathing Nymphs and Cattle

drawing by Okänd

Battle scene

drawing by Okänd

Bawit. Monastery of Saint Apollo. Archivolt with vegetable motif in relief

glass diapositives Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Bawit. Monastery of Saint Apollo. Corinthian capital of column

glass diapositives Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Bawit. Monastery of Saint Apollo. Frieze with vegetable motifs, birds and flower baskets from chapel A

glass diapositives Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Bawit. Monastery of Saint Apollo. Panel with relief from Northern Church Two angels hold a medallion with a portrait of a woman

glass diapositives Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Bawit. Monastery of Saint Apollo. Wooden lintel with relief from the Northern Church

glass diapositives Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Baía de Guanabara

photograph by unknown author (001AAN005150)


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 240/1973)


drawing by Okänd

Beggar Eating a Bowl of Soup

drawing by Okänd

Beggar with a Dog

drawing by Okänd

Beggars in a Town Square

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Behavioral Procedures for Reducing Worker Exposures to Carcinogens


Behavioral patterns of workers and accidents in high risk jobs in construction work

conference proceedings item published in 1974


drawing by Ingen uppgift

Benzoyl peroxide - failure report

publication published in 1976

Benzyl chloride

publication published in 1977

Berg- och dalbana

drawing by Okänd

Berg- och dalbana

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 174/1956)

Berglandskap med en flod, i förgrund körsbärsträd

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Ingen uppgift

Berit som Pippi Långstrump

drawing by Okänd

Beslag, rosetter och blomkalkar

drawing by Okänd

Bespisande av fattiga

drawing by Okänd

Besök i bikupa i träd

drawing by Okänd

Besök i ett sameläger vid Hornavan, Lappland

drawing by Okänd

Bhobola Charitra

poetry composed by anonymous

Biblia, thet är, all then Helgha Scrifft, på swensko

Bibliography of occupational health

publication published in 1963

Bibliography on dyeing and finishing of textiles

final contract report published in 1981

Big Eggo

Comic strip character by DC Thomson

Bil på väg genom bergport

drawing by Okänd

Bilarna kör till julottan

drawing by Okänd

Bildhuggare atelier, med flera figurer

drawing by Okänd

Birthdays, appraisals and Harold Shipman

Wellcome Collection story

Biskop hittar två nycklar i buken på en fisk

drawing by Okänd

Biskop välsingar en kvinna

drawing by Okänd

Blast Designs to Improve Dragline Stripping Rates. Phase I


Blessing for Henri Pyck en Léonie Hardy

anonymous print, part of Musea Brugge collection, 0020.GRO0612.III

Blessing for Henri Pyck en Léonie Hardy

anonymous print, part of Musea Brugge collection, 0020.GRO0408.III

Blom- och bärplockning

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Blue cameo vase from Pompeii

Ancient roman amphora made of cameo glas

Boat repairman killed when battery explodes

publication published in 2009

Boats near the Coast

drawing by Okänd

Boec van Cato

13th-century Middle Dutch translation of Cato's Distichs

Bok innehållande fyra dekorativa silkesbroderier i färg

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Ingen uppgift

Bonde med krus

drawing by Okänd

Bonde plöjer en åker

drawing by Okänd

Bonde sår en åker

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Ingen uppgift

Bondfolk med kreatur. Qvinna rider på en åsna; får etc

drawing by Okänd

Bondinho do Pão de Açúcar sobre a Escola Militar da Praia Vermelha

photograph by unknown author

Bonfolk, en ko, ett får

drawing by Okänd

Boreas bortför Oreityia

drawing by Okänd

Boron and its compounds

publication published in 1977


photograph by unknown author (007A5P3F04-050)

Brasileiro de 18 anos morreu no trabalho ao ser esfaqueado por um ladrao

newsletter published in 2005

Breve chronicon Northmannicum

book documenting a war

Brinnande skepp

drawing by Okänd

Bro öppnad för båtar

drawing by Okänd

Broderimönster för ett schabrak

drawing by Okänd

Broderimönster för ett schabrak

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 18/1903)

Broderimönster, motiv med stiliserade blad och blommor

drawing by Okänd

Brominated aromatic compounds

publication published in 1977

Brudpar från Järvamaa, Estland. "Die Bräut aüs dem Jerfischen district in Estland" och "Der Bräütigam aus selbigen district"

drawing by Okänd

Bröllop på landet

drawing by Okänd

Bröllopsaltare med sparre-vapnet

drawing by Okänd

Building a safety culture

conference proceedings item published in 1995

Built in Test Equipment (Bite) to Improve Front End Loader Productivity


Built-in Test Equipment (Bite) to Improve Front-end-loader Productivity


Built-in Test Equipment for Front-end Loaders


Bulk pesticide applicator's handbook

final contract report

Bureau of Mines Pittsburgh Mining and Safety Research Center Research and Development Activities: Fiscal Year 1971

information circular published in 1974

Bureau of Mines Research '79. A Summary of Significant Results in Mining, Metallurgy, and Mineral Economics

publication (IH) published in 1980

Bureau of Mines Research 77. A summary of significant results in mining, metallurgy, and mineral economics

publication (IH) published in 1978

Bureau of Mines Safety Research Center, Research and Development Activities: Fiscal Year 1970

information circular published in 1972

Bureau of Mines cost estimating system handbook (In Two Parts). 1. Surface and underground mining

information circular published in 1987

Bureau of Mines cost estimating system handbook (In Two Parts). 2. Mineral processing

information circular published in 1987

Bureau of Mines health and safety research. A status report covering November 1, 1978 - May 31, 1979

information circular published in 1980

Bureau of Mines mineral investigations in the Juneau Mining District, Alaska: 1984-1988. Volume I.--executive summary

publication published in 1991

Bureau of Mines research 1972. A summary of significant results in mining, metallurgy, and energy

publication (IH) published in 1973

Bureau of Mines research 1974. A summary of significant results in mining, metallurgy, and energy

publication (IH) published in 1975

Bureau of Mines research 87. A summary of significant results in mineral technology and economics

publication (IH) published in 1988

Bureau of Mines research in 1971. A summary of significant results in mining, metallurgy, and energy

publication (IH) published in 1972

Bureau of Mines research in 1973. A summary of significant results in mining, metallurgy, and energy

publication (IH) published in 1974


drawing by Okänd

Bust of Marcus_Aurelus-MAHG 19050

Roman bust on display at MAHG

Busto do Marechal Machado Bittencourt

photograph by unknown author


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 146/1947)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 159/1947)

Båt med röda segel

drawing by Okänd

Båten "Waxholm"

drawing by Okänd

COST: the Comprehensive Occupational Safety Training program

final grant report published in 1993

Cadeia Velha, atual Palácio Tiradentes

photograph by unknown author


drawing by Okänd

Cais de Santa Luzia

photograph by unknown author

Campo de Santana

photograph by unknown author (001AN01001019)

Campo de Santana

photograph by unknown author (001AN01001020)

Carbon black

publication published in 1977

Carbon disulfide

publication published in 1976

Carbon monoxide poisoning

newsletter published in 2007

Carbon oxysulfide

publication published in 1979

Card with two medallions

anonymous print

Carnival coach with Bacchus and followers

drawing by Okänd

Casa de Rui Barbosa

photograph by unknown author

Case comparison study of parental employment and fetal outcome

publication published in 1982

Catechisme, ou abrégé de la doctrine chrétienne : a l'usage des jeunes enfans

18th century literary work printed in Bayonne

Cato's distichs

13th-century English translation of Cato's Distichs

Cavaleri strid

drawing by Okänd

Cavaleri strid

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1819/1863)

Ceiling decoration of the Galerie d'Hercule after Le Brun and Le Sueur

print by Le Brun, Charles, Le Sueur, Eustache and Picart, Bernardanonymous

Ceremonier kring en vit mans offrande

drawing by Okänd

Chant of the Passion of Christ (Orihuela)

literary and musical work

Chapel of the Dukes of Burgundy, in Antwerp

anonymous print

Characterization of Subsidence Over Longwall Mining Panels


Characterization of airborne mine dusts

final contract report published in 1973

Characterization--characterization of Bulk Samples

publication (OP) published in 1982


hymn tune first published in The United States' Sacred Harmony in 1799

Chemical and Physical Separation--bulk Specimens--task B--chemical Extraction

publication (OP) published in 1982

Chemical and Physical Separation--bulk Specimens--task B--physical Separation

publication (OP) published in 1982

Chemical and physical characterization of smelter dusts

publication published in 1978

Chest x-ray analysis by computer final report

publication published in 1972

Chest x-ray analysis by computer final technical report

publication published in 1972

Chlordane analytical method

publication published in 1979

Christ Lag in Todesbanden

German hymn tune, known for its use in Johann Sebastian Bach's Cantata No. 4

Christ and Thomas

drawing by Okänd

Christ before Caiaphas

Anonymous print after Golzius

Christ on the cross

anonymous print

Christi döda kropp

drawing by Okänd

Christi hufvud

drawing by Okänd

Christi korsfästelse

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Ingen uppgift


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1599/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1600/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1601/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1602/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1603/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1604/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1605/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1606/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1607/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1608/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1609/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1610/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1611/1973)

Christus [...] (Oval)

drawing by Okänd

Christus nedtages från korset. Många figurer

drawing by Okänd

Chronicle of Dalimil


Classification of dusts relative to electrical equipment in Class II hazardous locations

publication published in 1982

Classification of gases, liquids, and volatile solids relative to explosion-proof electrical equipment

publication published in 1982

Clinical and laboratory studies of metal sensitivity

final grant report published in 1976

Clio, Aesculapius and Hygieia: Design for a Medal for Someone in the Field of Medical History

1911; unknown artist; 1911; Wellcome Collection

Co-carcinogenicity of foundry particulates silica and silica sand substitutes, volume 1, final report

publication published in 1984

Co-carcinogenicity of foundry particulates silica and silica sand substitutes, volume 2, final report

publication published in 1984

Co-carcinogenicity of foundry particulates silica and silica sand substitutes, volume 3, final report

publication published in 1984

Coal Gettability Studies. Methods of Evaluation and Verification of Coal Deposited in Seams


Coal Hydraulic Transport At Bruceton


Coal Manpower Projections, 1970-80

publication (CP) published in 1972

Coal Mine Rescue and Survival, Volume 4. Program Evolution and Management

publication (CP) published in 1971

Coal Mine Rescue and Survival, Volume 5. Executive Summary

publication (CP) published in 1971

Coal Mine Ventilation

publication (IH) published in 1972

Coal Mining Research and Development. Fiscal Year 1980


Coal Mining and Preparation Research Development and Demonstration in Fiscal Year 1978


Coal Seam Exploration Techniques


Coal mine fire and explosion prevention. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines technology transfer seminars, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 2, 1978 and Denver, Colorado, March 14, 1978

information circular published in 1978

Coal mine illuminaton. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines technology transfer seminars. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 4, 1975; St. Louis, Missouri, November 6, 1975; and Denver, Colorado, November 11, 1975

information circular published in 1976

Coal mine rescue and survival - 3 volume set. Volume 1 - survival subsystem

final contract report published in 1971

Coal mine rescue and survival - 3 volume set. Volume 2 - communications/location subsystem

final contract report published in 1971

Coal mine rescue survival system - 3 volume set. Volume 3 - rescue subsystem

final contract report published in 1971

Coat of Arms of Emperor Charles V surrounded by war trophies

anonymous print

Coat of arms of Emperor Joseph II

drawing by anonymous

Cobalt and its compounds

publication published in 1977

Codex Magliabechiano

pictorial Aztec codex

Codex Mashhad

two 7th century Qurʾānic manuscripts in the early ḥijāzī script

Codex Wintoniensis

12th-century cartulary from Winchester

Collaborative testing of activated charcoal sampling tubes for seven organic solvents

final contract report published in 1973

Collection and analysis of work surface accident profile data, final report

final contract report published in 1977

Collection of air samples at mineral milling and fabricating facilities located in North Carolina

publication published in 1972

Columbus lämnar Spanien

drawing by Okänd

Column flotation of coal with fluorosurfactants. Final report

publication (OP) published in 1989

Come Into His Presence

tune for Christian worship chorus

Commemoration of the competition for concert bands in Brussels, dedicated to the members of the band of the 'Garde Nationale de Roubaix'

anonymous print

Communication, Monitoring, and Control


Community health nursing for working people

NIOSH publication published in 1970

Compendium Salernitanum

Compendium of materials for noise control

NIOSH publication published in 1975

Compound reference data, Volume 1

final contract report published in 1974

Compound reference data, Volume 2

final contract report published in 1974

Comprehensive Investigation and Report on Helium Uses

final cooperative agreement report published in 1977

Comprehensive bibliography on pregnancy and work

NIOSH publication published in 1978

Comprehensive ground control study of a mechanized longwall operation - 2 Volume Set: final report - volume 2

final contract report published in 1976

Comprehensive ground control study of a mechanized longwall operation - 2 volume set: Final report - volume 1

final contract report published in 1976

Comprehensive safety recommendations for the precast concrete products industry

NIOSH criteria document published in 1984

Conceptual design of an automated longwall system - 4 volume set. Phase I--survey of operating longwalls

final contract report published in 1975

Conceptual design of an automated longwall system - 4 volume set. Phase II--state-of-the-art

final contract report published in 1975

Conceptual design of an automated longwall system - 4 volume set. Volume I. Final report

final contract report published in 1975

Conceptual design of an automated longwall system - 4 volume set. Volume II. Appendices

final contract report published in 1975

Concurso mundial de beleza; misses desfilam, sob a passarela, crianças espiam

photograph by unknown author

Conference on low back X-rays in pre-employment physical examinations, summary report and proceedings

publication published in 1973

Conference on medical screening and biological monitoring for the effects of exposure in the workplace, July 1984, Part II

journal article published in 1986

Conservation and development in-house and contract research in fiscal year 1984

information circular published in 1984

Construction, Inspection, and Maintenance of Mine Haulage Track - 3 Volume Set


Construção da Cinelândia (Praça Marechal Floriano); e, ao fundo, os prédios do Conselho Municipal (atual Palácio Pedro Ernesto) e do Teatro Municipal

photograph by unknown author

Containerized Haulage Using Permanent Magnet Levitation


Contest rules, drawing classes of prints, Bruges Academy

regulation attributed to Paul De Cock attributed to Frans Vande Steene

Contest rules, drawing classes of prints, Bruges Academy

regulation attributed to Paul De Cock and attributed to Frans Vande Steene

Continuous optical monitoring of asbestos in air

final grant report published in 1980

Continuum Finite Element Approach for Rock Failure and Rubble Formation


Control of Sulfur Oxide Emissions in Copper, Lead, and Zinc Smelting

information circular published in 1971

Control of acid mine drainage: proceedings of a technology transfer seminar

information circular published in 1985

Control of respirable dust in noncoal mines and ore processing mills, handbook

final contract report published in 1974

Control technology assessment for coal gasification and liquefaction process, General Electric Company, Corporate Research and Development Center, Coal Gasification Section, Schenectady, New York

field study published in 1980

Control technology assessment for coal gasification and liquefaction processes. Final study plan

final contract report published in 1979

Control technology assessment of raw cotton processing operations

publication published in 1980


photograph by unknown author (014AAN00517)

Copacabana visto da Ladeira do Leme

photograph by unknown author

Copia efter Constanitins seger af Rafael, i Vatikanen

drawing by Okänd

Copia efter undre delen af Rafaels transfiguration

drawing by Okänd

Core Leaching Experiments to Assess Leaching Characteristics During in Situ Mining of Oxide Copper Ores

publication (OP) published in 1989

Cores operations manual: Bureau of Mines core repository system

information circular published in 1978

Correct Shortcomings During Trial of Shotcrete Lining System and Demonstrate Lining System

final contract report published in 1983

Correction [to “NASA terminates two Earth observation missions”]

Cost Analysis of Model Mines for Strip Mining of Coal in the United States

information circular published in 1972

Costs and benefits of occupational health nursing

NIOSH publication published in 1980

Council room at the town hall of Audenarde

anonymous print

Cranes: a guide to good work practice for operators

NIOSH publication published in 1978

Criteria for a recommended standard ... occupational exposure to antimony

NIOSH criteria document published in 1978

Criteria for a recommended standard... occupational exposure to dinitro-ortho-cresol

NIOSH criteria document published in 1978

Criteria for a recommended standard... occupational exposure to dioxane

NIOSH criteria document published in 1977

Criteria for a recommended standard... occupational exposure to tungsten and cemented tungsten carbide

NIOSH criteria document published in 1977

Criteria for a recommended standard... occupational exposure to vinyl acetate

NIOSH criteria document published in 1978

Criteria for a recommended standard: occupational exposure to diisocyanates

NIOSH criteria document published in 1978

Criteria for controlling occupational exposure to cobalt

NIOSH criteria document published in 1981

Cross section of the quay of Groβen Grasbrook

printed matter by anonymous

Crowds Gather at the Parade Ground of the Honourable Artillery Company to Watch Two Hot-Air Balloons

1884; unknown artist; 1884; Wellcome Collection

Crónica dos Godos


Current Longwall Ventilation Problems and Implications for Thick Seam Longwalls


Current Trends in Metallurgy

publication (OP) published in 1975

Current Trends in Survivorship of Radiologists



publication published in 1979


publication published in 1979


publication published in 1979

Cytogenetic evaluation of bone marrow cells in the rat following long-term inhalation exposure to nitrous oxide plus halothane

final contract report published in 1976

Cytogenetic evaluation of spermatogonial cells in the rat following long-term inhalation exposure to nitrous oxide plus halothane. Final report

final contract report published in 1976

D. hel. Simons martyrium

drawing by Okänd

D. hel. familjen och Elisabet och Johannes

drawing by Okänd

Da Tung and Xi'an Bao Bao

Sculpture in Portland, Oregon

Dagen är kommen

Christmas hymn; Swedish-language adaptation of Adeste Fideles, lyrics by Eva Norberg

Dam som rider på en kamel

drawing by Okänd

Dans kring majstången

drawing by Okänd

Dans kring majstången

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 150/1956)

Dans kring majstången

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 151/1956)

Dans kring majstången

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 153/1956)

Dans kring majstången

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 157/1956)

Dans kring majstången

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 160/1956)

Dans kring majstången

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 192/1956)

Data Processing Required for the Field Test of the Motivational Assisted Spirometry System, Final Report


Data accumulation on selected coal measures in the warrior basin of Alabama including search of unpublished reports on surface field mapping

final contract report published in 1976

Data collection plan of nationwide survey of occupational safety and health work force

publication published in 1976

De Meerleer v. Michigan

right to counsel (cf. indigents appointment of counsel or inadequate representation)

De fyra Evangelisterna

drawing by Okänd

De fyra evangelisterna i ett lunettfält

drawing by Okänd

De la Gardies hus i korsningen Drottninggatan- Lilla Vattugränd

drawing by Ingen uppgift

De la Gardies hus i korsningen Drottninggatan- Lilla Vattugränd

drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1624/1973)

De la Gardies hus i korsningen Drottninggatan- Lilla Vattugränd

drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1625/1973)

De la Gardies hus i korsningen Drottninggatan- Lilla Vattugränd

drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1626/1973)

De la Gardies hus i korsningen Drottninggatan- Lilla Vattugränd

drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1627/1973)

De la Gardies hus i korsningen Drottninggatan- Lilla Vattugränd

drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1628/1973)

De la Gardies hus i korsningen Drottninggatan- Lilla Vattugränd

drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1629/1973)

De la Gardies hus i korsningen Drottninggatan- Lilla Vattugränd

drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1630/1973)

De nya husen på Karetno-Sadovaja-gatan. 1947

drawing by Okänd

De olympiska gudarnas attribut

drawing by Okänd

De onda Englarna nedföras från himmelen

drawing by Okänd

De reis van sint Brandaan

Medieval Dutch version of the Navigatio sancti Brendani

De sovande lärjungarna i Getsemane

drawing by Okänd

De tre parcerna

drawing by Okänd

De upproriska änglarna störtas

drawing by Okänd

Dealing with the unpredictable.

scientific article published in December 2013

Death mask of Napoleon I

Decoration de Christine

drawing by Okänd

Decorative frame

anonymous print

Decorative frame with agricultural scenes

anonymous print

Degasification of Longwalls. Phase I: Annex to Report No. 2 on the Technology of Degasification of Mines in Poland and Other European Countries


Dekorativ grupp med flodgud

drawing by Okänd

Del af hästar [...]

drawing by Okänd

Demeton analytical method

publication published in 1979

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01132)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01134)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01137)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01135)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01139)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01141)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01138)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01143)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01146)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01145)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01148)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01147)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01151)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01088)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01087)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01089)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01094)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01091)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01114)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01098)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01124)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01129)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01125)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01130)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01079)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01081)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01084)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01082)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo - obras de aterramento na região portuária

photograph by unknown author

Demolição do Morro do Castelo - trilhos para remoção da terra

photograph by unknown author

Demolição do Morro do Castelo com uso de jatos de água

photograph by unknown author (037SL01123)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo com uso de jatos de água

photograph by unknown author (037SL01122)

Demolição do Morro do Castelo e os pavilhôes da Exposição Internacional de 1922

photograph by unknown author

Demolição do Morro do Castelo; ao fundo, a Ilha Fiscal e o Palácio Tiradentes em construção

photograph by unknown author

Demolição do Morro do Castelo; ao fundo, os pavilhões da Exposição Internacional de 1922

photograph by unknown author

Demolição do Morro do Castelo; tomada da Avenida Rio Branco

photograph by unknown author

Demolição do Morro do Castelo; tomada da atual Avenida Almirante Barroso

photograph by unknown author

Demolição do morro do Castelo; ao fundo, alguns pavilhões da Exposição Internacional de 1922

photograph by unknown author

Demonstration of New High Performance Batteries in Coal Mining Scoops


Demonstration of Subsidence Monitoring System


Demonstrationståg Tallin

drawing by Okänd

Den botfärdiga Magdalena

drawing by Okänd

Den förlorade sonens hemkomst

drawing by Okänd

Den heliga familjen

drawing by Okänd

Den heliga familjen

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 277/1973)

Den heliga familjen med Anna och Johhanes

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Den heliga familjen med Elisabet och Johannes

drawing by Okänd

Den heliga familjen omgiven av änglar

drawing by Okänd

Den helige Sebastian

drawing by Okänd

Den sista resan

drawing by Okänd

Den tysta parken I.

drawing by Ingen uppgift


publication published in 1979


Old English poem

Des dodes dantz

~ 1489 Low German danse macabre

Design Evaluation for Development of an Advanced Bolter Module

final contract report published in 1975

Design Of A Training Program For National Occupational Safety And Health Hazard Surveyors

publication published in 1983

Design Optimization in Underground Coal Systems. Volume I to X


Design and Demonstration of Subsidence Monitoring Systems


Design and development of horizontal borehole packers for use in coal beds

final contract report published in 1972

Design and development of protective canopies for underground low coal electric face equipment, including shuttle cars - 6 volume set. Volume 1 - final report

final contract report published in 1973

Design and development of protective canopies for underground low coal electric face equipment, including shuttle cars - 6 volume set. Volume 2 - installation and maintenance manual: loader

final contract report published in 1973

Design and development of protective canopies for underground low coal electric face equipment, including shuttle cars - 6 volume set. Volume 3 - installation and maintenance manual: cutter

final contract report published in 1973

Design and development of protective canopies for underground low coal electric face equipment, including shuttle cars - 6 volume set. Volume 4 - installation and maintenance manual: shuttle car

final contract report published in 1973

Design and development of protective canopies for underground low coal electric face equipment, including shuttle cars - 6 volume set. Volume 5 - installation and maintenance manual: face drill

final contract report published in 1973

Design and development of protective canopies for underground low coal electric face equipment, including shuttle cars - 6 volume set. Volume 6 - installation and maintenance manual: roof drill

final contract report published in 1973

Design criteria and guidelines for falling object protective structures (FOPS)

final contract report published in 1976

Design for a baroque organ

anonymous print

Design for processional cross

anonymous print

Design, Fabricate and Test Dozer Trap


Design, Fabrication and Installation of a Yaw Measuring Device


Det inre av Kolosseum

drawing by Okänd

Det roligaste jag vet är att gå på cirkus

drawing by Okänd

Det roligaste jag vet är att leka cowboy

drawing by Okänd

Det roligaste jag vet är att åka båt

drawing by Okänd

Det roligaste jag vet är snöbollskrig

drawing by Okänd

Det roligaste jag vet är vattenpussar

drawing by Okänd

Det roligaste jag vet. Att leka indian

drawing by Okänd

Detailed design and demonstration of underground disposal of coal mining wastes. Phase I

final contract report published in 1981

Detailed design and demonstration of underground disposal of coal mining wastes. Phase I report

final contract report published in 1981

Detalj av silverkandelaber

drawing by Okänd

Determination of air contaminants in above ground coal mining and processing facilities. Final report

final contract report published in 1975

Determination of respirator filtering requirements in a coke oven atmosphere

publication published in 1974

Determining toluene-diisocyanate in air

publication published in 1977

Deux Appartements

work of electronic literature

Develop, assemble and install a permissible surveillance and communication system in the Bureau of Mines mining and safety research center coal mine At Bruceton, Pennsylvania. Vol. 2 - circuits and installation

final contract report published in 1973

Develop, assemble and install a permissible surveillance and communication system in the Bureau of Mines mining and safety research center coal mine at Bruceton, Pennsylvania, - 2 volume set. Vol. 1 - system description

final contract report published in 1973

Development and Use of a Gis Database for the North Branch


Development and evaluation of a computer driven health risk tool for fire fighters. Final report

final contract report published in 1989

Development and validation of a method to determine the cost/benefit effectiveness of occupational health programs

publication published in 1974

Development of Lining and Service Line Extension Systems Compatible With Bsb Excavation Rates Phase I. Design


Development of Optimal Terrace-pit Coal-mining Systems


Development of Surface-mine Cost - Estimating Equations


Development of a Contaminant Diagnostic Monitor

final contract report published in 1983

Development of a Flexible Shaft Roof Drilling System


Development of a Miner-bolter System


Development of a Porosimeter for Coal Mines

publication (CP) published in 1972

Development of a Supportless Mining System


Development of a concept for a national construction industry health and safety data base

field study published in 1992

Development of a control technology assessment industry priority-setting technique

publication published in 1976

Development of a cross-pit conveyor system - 3 volume set. Volume I

final contract report published in 1976

Development of a cross-pit conveyor system - 3 volume set. Volume II

final contract report published in 1976

Development of a cross-pit conveyor system - 3 volume set. Volume III

final contract report published in 1976

Development of a fluorescent cap lamp system

final contract report published in 1976

Development of a hazard process index for 150 selected hazards

final contract report published in 1977

Development of a laboratory accreditation program for occupational health laboratories

publication published in 1975

Development of a mobile shield for underground mining

final contract report published in 1973

Development of a personal monitoring field kit for NO2 and NO

final contract report published in 1981

Development of a portable task luminaire for underground coal mines

final contract report published in 1974

Development of a prototype service-life indicator for organic vapor respirators

publication published in 1978

Development of a simple, rapid analysis method for respirable dust

final contract report published in 1974

Development of a through-the-earth monitor system

final contract report published in 1980

Development of a visual display and control system

final contract report published in 1980

Development of air sampling and analytical methods for toxic chlorinated organic compounds

final contract report published in 1980

Development of an Automated Longwall Shearer


Development of clinic-based occupational safety and health programs for small businesses

NIOSH publication published in 1977

Development of criteria for industrial and firefighters' head protective devices

NIOSH publication published in 1975

Development of engineering and cost data for foreign columbium, tantalum, mercury, and molybdenum properties

final contract report published in 1985

Development of improved respirator cartridge and canister test methods

NIOSH publication published in 1977

Development of multiplexed borehole inclinometer probe, data acquisition and calculation system

final contract report published in 1973

Development of optical instrumentation to standardize detector tube certification procedures

final contract report published in 1974

Development of optimal terrace pit coal mining systems. Technical progress report

final contract report published in 1980

Development of optimal terrace pit coal mining systems. Technical progress report, October 1- October 31, 1979

final contract report published in 1979

Development of pre-mining and reclamation plan rationale for surface coal mines. Volume I of III. The rationale for data acquisitions

final contract report published in 1976

Development of pre-mining and reclamation plan rationale for surface coal mines. Volume II of III. Methods of data acquisition

final contract report published in 1976

Development of pre-mining and reclamation plan rationale for surface coal mines. Volume III of III. Legal control for surface mining

final contract report published in 1976

Development of pre-mining and reclamation plan rationale for surface coal mines. Volumes I-III (set)

final contract report published in 1976

Development of winch-pulled dozer blade equipment system. Final report, phase I

final contract report published in 1975

Developmental Projects on Worksite HRAs (NIOSH)

publication published in 1986

Diana of Villa Bartholoni

statue on display next to Villa Bartholoni in Geneva, copy of the "Diane de Versailles"


publication published in 1981

Die Bürgschaft

opera fragment by Franz Schubert

Diesels in underground mines: measurement and control of particulate emissions. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines Information and Technology Transfer Seminar, Minneapolis, Minnesota, September 29-30, 1992

information circular published in 1992

Diethylaminoethanol analytical method

publication published in 1979

Digital film library

publication published in 1975

Diligens på landsvägen

drawing by Okänd

Diligensen kör

drawing by Okänd

Dimethyl sulfate

publication published in 1979

Dimethyl terephthalate

publication published in 1979

Disappearing dwarfs ?

Diskuterande män i sal med helporträtt på väggarna

drawing by Okänd

Distiques de Caton (version wallonne)

13th-century Walloon translation of Cato's Distichs


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1843/1863)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1844/1863)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1845/1863)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1846/1863)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1847/1863)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1848/1863)

Diverse, mest kopior efter gravyrer

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Diverse, mest kopior efter gravyrer

drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1641/1973)

Diverse, mest kopior efter gravyrer

drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1642/1973)

Diverse, mest kopior efter gravyrer

drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1643/1973)

Diverse, mest kopior efter gravyrer

drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1644/1973)

Diverse, mest kopior efter gravyrer

drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1645/1973)

Diverse, mest kopior efter gravyrer

drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1646/1973)

Djungel med giraff och jätteorm

drawing by Okänd

Djungelboken, figurskildring på celluloid

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Djur i djungeln och en krokodil i floden

drawing by Okänd

Djur i tropisk skog

drawing by Okänd

Djurliv i Afrika

drawing by Okänd

Djävulen risande en kvinna

drawing by Okänd

Do your hispanic workers understand you?

newsletter published in 2006

Do-it-yourself forklift training - 'penny wise and pound foolish'?

newsletter published in 2003

Dois brasileiros, faxineiros de de um restaurante, foram feridos no trabalho, um deles mortalmente, ao serem atacados por um ladrao que portava arma branca

newsletter published in 2005

Dois elefantes diante do Palácio do Catete

photograph by unknown author

Domestic consumption trends, 1972-82, and forecasts to 1993 for 12 major metals

information circular published in 1986

Dove of Peace

hymn tune first published in Southern Harmony in 1835

Doyenné de Bruxelles (de Jonghe.), pear variety

anonymous print

Drager 810 Respirator for Self Rescue

publication (IH) published in 1972

Draperiestudie, gardin

drawing by Okänd

Drawing of a relief or mural of idolatry of Montu in El-Tod (?)

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Driver dies after falling from top of tanker truck

publication published in 2009

Droska far genom den lilla staden

drawing by Okänd

Drottning (?) med uppvaktande hov

drawing by Okänd

Drug sharing in desperate times

Wellcome Collection story

Dräkt för Estländsk bondflicka från Dorpat. "Ein Dörpsches Baür Mädchen".

drawing by Okänd

Dröm med benrangel i månsken

drawing by Okänd

Dröm med stor tupp

drawing by Okänd

Dröm om en trollfamilj och en jätteorm i ett träd

drawing by Okänd

Dröm om fåglar kretsande kring en kvinnofigur utan huvud

drawing by Okänd

Dröm om katter

drawing by Okänd

Dröm om spöke utanför två spökhus

drawing by Okänd

Dust suppression in coal mines

final contract report published in 1972

Dye and organic pigment industry

publication published in 1981

Dyeing and finishing of textiles

publication published in 1981

Dying at home and the doctor's role

Wellcome Collection story

Dykare och undervattensbad

drawing by Okänd

Döende apostel?

drawing by Okänd

Döende ynglig omgiven av div. personer

drawing by Okänd

Döpelse akt

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1501/1973)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1502/1973)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1503/1973)

Dörr med omfattning

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Dörröverstycke med ett landskap

drawing by Okänd

Dörröverstycke med ett landskap

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 113/1902)

Dīgha Nikāya

Buddhist scripture

E. Generalplan öfver National Museum. Quarteret Turken

drawing by Okänd

Eadwine Psalter

12th-century manuscript in Trinity College, Cambridge

Early Diagnosis of Typhoid

scientific article published in August 1963

Early diagnosis of dysbaric osteonecrosis

publication published in 1981

Earth grounding beds - design and evaluation. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines technology transfer seminars, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 25, 1985, and Reno, Nevada, June 27, 1985

information circular published in 1985

Earthquake research in China


Eastern coal mine geomechanics. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines technology transfer seminar, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 19, 1986

information circular published in 1987

Economic Analysis of the Thin-seam and Pitching-seam Longwall Trials


Economic engineering analysis of U.S. surface coal mines and effective land reclamation

final contract report published in 1975

Economic feasibility of recovering and utilizing methane emitted from coal

final contract report published in 1975

Editorial: PRX’s Scope and Standards: A Case in Point

Edward O. Hulburt 1890–1982

biographical article published in 1982

Effect of metopirone upon guinea pig response to intratracheal BeO

publication published in 1972

Effects of Methyl Butyl Ketone on Peripheral Nerves and its Mechanism of Action


Egyptiskt landskap

drawing by Okänd

Eight designs for ornaments

anonymous print

Eighteenth western industrial health conference. The occupational health team looks at the energy crisis

conference proceedings item published in 1975

El-Tod. Arabs walk or ride with camels and donkeys on desert path

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Bull stands near house in the village

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Coptic church. Exterior: Entrance

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Coptic church. Interior: Baptistry

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Coptic church. Interior: Iconostasis

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Coptic church. Interior: Part reserved for women

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Desert and palm trees near the village

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Excavation of a Coptic Church

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Figures standing around the 'hundred year old man'

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Group of children at the edge of the village

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. House in the village

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. House of the Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, donated by the count and countess De Fels

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. House of the Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, donated by the count and countess De Fels. Exterior: Arab mural that proposes the journey of countess De Fels

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. House of the Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, donated by the count and countess De Fels. Top view of house in the desert

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. House of the Institut Français d'Archéology Orientale, donated by De Graaf and Countess De Fels. Chapel

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Mosque

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Panorama, seen from the south

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu (?). Three archaeologists investigate foundations of building

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Archaeologist and worker in front of the façade of the pronaos

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Archaeologist and workers in front of Wall of Sesostris III

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Archaeologist copies inscriptions on temple wall

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Archaeologist takes photos of inscriptions on the walls

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Archaeologist walking in front of the façade of the pronaos

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Bronze case with the name of Amenemhat II, in which the treasure of El-Tod was stored

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Chapel of the goddesses: Archaeologist studies southern wall

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Chapel of the goddesses: Entrance

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Chapel of the goddesses: High relief on wall

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Excavation of the foundations of the northeastern part

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Excavation of the foundations, behind the pronaos 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Excavation of the foundations, behind the pronaos 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Excavation of the foundations, seen from the northeast

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Excavation of the northwestern corner

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Excavation of the temple foundations

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Foundations of the temple, taken during the excavation

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Four bronze cases in which the Treasure of el-Tod was stored

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Frieze with Coptic motifs. Detail: Cross

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. General view of excavation in March 1936

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. General view of the archaeological site, seen from the mosque

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. General view of the remains of the temple

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Head of the God Montu as bull

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Hieroglyphic inscriptions in high relief on wall

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. High relief (?): Coronation of Sewadjare Mentuhotep

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. High relief on a loose block: Anubis

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. High relief on a loose block: Sewadjare Mentuhotep devotes offerings 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. High relief on a loose block: Sewadjare Mentuhotep devotes offerings 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. High relief on loose block: Lower bodies of gods

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. High relief on stone from pier

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. High relief: Sewadjare Mentuhotep

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Houses founded in ruins of the temple, with man standing in the foreground

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Houses founded in the ruins of the temple

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Hypostyle Hall: High relief depicting Horus and priestess

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Hypostyle Hall: High relief on wall

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Hypostyle Hall: Northern wall

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Hypostyle Hall: Northwestern corner 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Hypostyle Hall: Northwestern corner 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Loose block with model of the Hypostyle Hall

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Low relief of Mentuhotep III on wall

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Low relief of Sesostris III 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Low relief of Sesostris III 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Low relief: Wall of Sesostris III

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Pillar of Userkaf (1) and fragmented statue of Amenemhat III (2)

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Pronaos

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Room of the gods

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Room of the gods. Detail: Relief with monstrous animals

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Treasure of El-Tod: Cylinders in Lapis Lazuli 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Treasure of El-Tod: Cylinders in Lapis Lazuli 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Treasure of El-Tod: Five silver bars

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Treasure of El-Tod: Fragments of silver bowls, pleated and flattened 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Treasure of El-Tod: Fragments of silver bowls, pleated and flattened 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Treasure of El-Tod: Fragments of silver bowls, pleated and flattened 03

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Treasure of El-Tod: Gold chains with rings

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Treasure of El-Tod: Seven small objects in Lapis Lazuli 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Treasure of El-Tod: Seven small objects in Lapis Lazuli 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Treasure of El-Tod: Silver and golden bowl

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Treasure of El-Tod: Silver bowl

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Treasure of El-Tod: Silver bowl with inscription in hieratic writing

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Treasure of El-Tod: Silver vase with handle and gold ring 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Treasure of El-Tod: Silver vase with handle and gold ring 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Treasure of El-Tod: Silver vase with handle and gold ring 03

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Treasure of El-Tod: Small objects in silver and lapis lazuli

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Treasure of El-Tod: Small silver lion

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Treasure of El-Tod: Three pendants in Lapis Lazuli 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Treasure of El-Tod: Three pendants in Lapis Lazuli 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Treasure of El-Tod: Three silver bowls

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Treasure of El-Tod: Two silver bowls

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Treasure of El-Tod: Two silver hangers 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Treasure of El-Tod: Two silver hangers 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Two men and group of children standing near houses founded in the ruins of the temple

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Two people standing near house founded in the ruins of the temple

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Woman poses next to low relief of Intef I (?)

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Temple of Montu. Worker shows lintel with Coptic motifs in relief

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Top view of the village

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Two boys walking to Coptic monastery

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. Two niches decorated with relief

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

El-Tod. View of the village from on top of a hill

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries


drawing by Okänd

Electric power generation utilities

publication published in 1979

Electrical, Mechanical, and Hydraulic System Improvement Study for Continuous Miner Operations. Volume I & II


Electromagnetic and seismic noise and propagation - a bibliography for U.S. Bureau of Mines

final contract report published in 1972

Electron spectroscopic analysis of the atomic content of samples of occupational health interest

final contract report published in 1972

Electronics manufacture

publication published in 1979

Elefanter anfaller by

drawing by Okänd

Elefantritt och kanotrodd

drawing by Okänd

Elegant långsträckt släde i rokokostil

drawing by Okänd

Elephants are gray

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Elif dedim

Employees view of the Brookdale Employee Health Service

final grant report published in 1974

En drake och en urfågel

drawing by Ingen uppgift

En falldröm

drawing by Okänd

En flicka hotad av ett monster

drawing by Ingen uppgift

En herde, två orientaler två barn och hundar, skogsbryn med torn

drawing by Okänd

En häxa

drawing by Ingen uppgift

En krigsman

drawing by Okänd

En kung huggs ned

drawing by Ingen uppgift

En kvinnlig martyr halshuggs

drawing by Okänd

En lår

drawing by Ingen uppgift

En man rider på en ko och en går bredvid

drawing by Okänd

En man rider på giraff och en annan hänger i dess svans

drawing by Okänd

En man sittande vid ett bord

drawing by Ingen uppgift

En mardröm

drawing by Okänd

En resa

drawing by Okänd

En resa ifrån kyrkan

drawing by Okänd

En resa under vattnet

drawing by Okänd

En skallig och en skäggig man

drawing by Okänd

En skog

drawing by Ingen uppgift

En söndagspromenad

drawing by Ingen uppgift

En val anfaller en båt

drawing by Ingen uppgift

En ängel försvarar en prins? mot en demon

drawing by Ingen uppgift

En ängel uppenbarar sig för ett barn o en gubbe

drawing by Okänd

Endrin analytical method

publication published in 1978

Energy use patterns for metal recycling

final contract report published in 1978

Energy use patterns in metallurgical and nonmetallic mineral processing (phase 4--energy data and flowsheets, high-priority commodities)

final contract report published in 1975

Energy use patterns in metallurgical and nonmetallic mineral processing (phase 5--energy data and flowsheets, intermediate- priority commodities)

final contract report published in 1975

Energy use patterns in metallurgical and nonmetallic mineral processing (phase 6--energy data and flowsheets, low-priority commodities)

final contract report published in 1976

Energy use patterns in metallurgical and nonmetallic mineral processing (phase 7--summary of the results of phases 4, 5, and 6)

final contract report published in 1976

Energy use patterns in metallurgical and nonmetallic mineral processing (phase 8--opportunities to improve energy efficiency in production of high-priority commodities without major process changes)

final contract report published in 1975

Energy use patterns in metallurgical and nonmetallic mineral processing (phase 9--areas where alternative technologies should be developed to lower energy use in production of high-priority commodities)

final contract report published in 1976

Engel (Consolateur)

drawing by Okänd

Engineering control technology assessment for the plastics and resins industry

publication published in 1977

Engineering control technology assessment of the dry cleaning industry

NIOSH publication published in 1980

Engineering health hazard control technology for coal gasification and liquefaction processes. Final report

final contract report published in 1983

Engineering property changes and environmental effects on coal mine wastes due to slaking

final contract report published in 1981

Engineering: A Cylindrical Tank, Section, Front and Side Elevations

1845; unknown artist; 1845; Wellcome Collection

Engineering: A Machine for Sifting Coffee, Front and Side Elevations

1854; unknown artist; 1854; Wellcome Collection

Engineering: A Safety Valve

1845; unknown artist; 1845; Wellcome Collection

Engineering: A Worm Gear and Spur Gearwheel, Side and End Elevations

1845; unknown artist; 1845; Wellcome Collection

Engineering: Two Intermeshed Crown Gears

1845; unknown artist; 1845; Wellcome Collection

Ensayo de la Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais . año 1766

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Enseada de Botafogo

photograph by unknown author (007A5P3F13-033)

Enseada de Botafogo a partir do Morro da Viúva

photograph by unknown author

Enseada de Botafogo a partir do Morro do Corcovado

photograph by unknown author (001RJ001001)

Enseada de Botafogo e Avenida Beira-Mar; a partir do Morro da Viúva

photograph by unknown author

Enseada de Botafogo e Urca vistos do morro do Pão de Açúcar

photograph by unknown author

Enseada de Botafogo vista do morro do Corcovado

photograph by unknown author

Enseada de Botafogo; Pavilhão Mourisco

photograph by unknown author

Enseada de Botafogo; a partir do Morro do Corcovado

photograph by unknown author

Entrada da Barra

photograph by unknown author

Entrada do túnel novo

photograph by unknown author (014AAN00516)

Environmental Action Programs for Northeastern Pennsylvania Refuse Bank Removal/subsidence Monitoring

publication (CP) published in 1972

Environmental Data for Pre-Mining Phase. Dragline/Conveyor System Demonstration Site - Smith-Heasley Tract, Clarion County, Pennsylvania


Environmental Impact Assessment for Methane Utilization from Coalbeds for Power Generation At Bethlehem Mines Corporation Marianna Mine No. 58, Marianna, Pennsylvania


Environmental and occupational disease

conference proceedings item published in 1991

Environments for people

conference proceedings item published in 1993

Epichlorohydrin industrial hygiene survey at Celanese Coating and Specialties Company, Louisville, Kentucky

field study published in 1977

Epichlorohydrin industrial hygiene survey at Ciba, Geigy Corp. Toms River Chemical Plant, Toms River, New Jersey

field study published in 1977

Epidemiology and health risk assessment. Proceedings of a symposium held May 14 - 16, 1985, Columbia, Maryland

publication published in 1985

Epidemiology of farm-related injuries: bibliography with abstracts

final contract report published in 1992

Epistle from the Marquis de La Fayette, to General Washington

poem (Edinburgh: Mundell and Son; London: Longman and Rees, and J. Wright, 1800.) (Published anonymously. Attributed in some catalogues to Anne Bannerman and in others to George Hamilton.)

Epitafium i upprättstående grafsten-form

drawing by Okänd

Epitafium med Kristi korsbärande

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Epitaph in the Saint Salvator Church

anonymous print

Equipment operation safety study

final contract report published in 1972

Ergonomics of back pain in farmers. Descriptive reference manual. A clinicians guide for the prevention and treatment of back problems and injury associated with Midwest dairy farming

final cooperative agreement report published in 2003

Ergonomics-human factors in mining

information circular published in 1981

Erratum: Constraints on Ultrahigh-Energy Cosmic-Ray Sources from a Search for Neutrinos Above 10 PeV with IceCube [Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 241101 (2016)].

scientific article

Erratum: Final Results of the OPERA Experiment on ν_{τ} Appearance in the CNGS Neutrino Beam [Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 211801 (2018)]

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Erratum: Spin-Dependent Weakly-Interacting-Massive-Particle-Nucleon Cross Section Limits from First Data of PandaX-II Experiment [Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 071301 (2017)].

scientific article published in January 2018

Escola Militar da Praia Vermelha vista da Baía de Guanabara

photograph by unknown author

Esplanada do Castelo - imediações do Museu Histórico Nacional

photograph by unknown author

Esplanada do Castelo tomada da Rua Santa Luzia

photograph by unknown author

Esquiss. Klippor

drawing by Okänd

Establishment of an occupational safety research laboratory

publication published in 1973

Estatutos aprobados por S.M. para gobierno de la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del País

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Estatutos de la Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais, segun el acuerdo de sus Juntas de Vitoria por abril de 1765

18th century literary work printed in Donostia-San Sebastián

Esther och ahasverus

drawing by Okänd

Estimating human rights violations in South Kivu Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo: A population-based survey

scientific article (publication date: September 2012)

Estrogens and androgens

publication published in 1979

Ethiopian Gunda Gunde Gospels

Gospel book from Ethiopian Gunda Gunde Monastery

Ethyl silicate

publication published in 1979

Etna med snö på toppen

drawing by Okänd

Ett barn med krona hittas i gräset

drawing by Okänd

Ett benrangel

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Ett helgons martyr

drawing by Okänd

Ett knäböjande barn

drawing by Okänd

Ett monster utanför mitt hus

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Ett offer (esquiss)

drawing by Okänd

Ett skepp brinner

drawing by Okänd

Ett äventyr

drawing by Okänd

Etude af en arm

drawing by Okänd

Etude af hästar

drawing by Okänd

Etude liggande figur i förkortning

drawing by Okänd

Etude. Akademisk figur

drawing by Okänd

Etude. Allegorisk figur

drawing by Okänd

Etude. Amourer. Stad med hamn och många figurer

drawing by Okänd

Etude. Amourer. Stad med hamn och många figurer

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1760/1863)

Etude. Diverse figurer samt kroppsdelar

drawing by Okänd

Etude. Diverse figurer samt kroppsdelar

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1743/1863)

Etude. Diverse figurer samt kroppsdelar

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1742/1863)

Etude. Diverse figurer. Samt kroppsdelar

drawing by Okänd

Etude. Diverse figurer. Samt kroppsdelar

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1735/1863)

Etude. Diverse figurer. Samt kroppsdelar

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1737/1863)

Etude. Diverse hufvuden; Akademisk figur; m.m.

drawing by Okänd

Etude. En hand

drawing by Okänd

Etude. Ett draperie

drawing by Okänd

Etude. Ett orneradt hvalf

drawing by Okänd

Etude. Ett orneradt hvalf

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1775/1863)

Etude. Ett orneradt hvalf

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1776/1863)

Etude. Flera figurer; äfven hundar

drawing by Okänd

Etude. Grupp af Amourer. Akademisk figur

drawing by Okänd

Etude. Grupp af Amourer. Akademisk figur

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1732/1863)

Etude. Gubbe med glas i handen; Madonna; Academisk figur; Bonde, m fl (titel gäller NMH 1754-1758/1863)

drawing by Okänd

Etude. Gud Fader; Hörn af ett hvalf orneradt med figurer

drawing by Okänd

Etude. Gud Fader; Hörn af ett hvalf orneradt med figurer

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1773/1863)

Etude. Mans hufvuden

drawing by Okänd

Etude. Mans hufvuden

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1722/1863)

Etude. Mans hufvuden

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1724/1863)

Etude. Mans hufvuden

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1723/1863)

Etude. Modonna

drawing by Okänd

Etude. Qvinnohufvud

drawing by Okänd

Etude. Tvenne manfigurer, den ena liggande

drawing by Okänd

Etude. Tvenne manfigurer, den ena liggande

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1715/1863)

Etude. Ung dam med solfjäder; Gubbe

drawing by Okänd

Etude. Ung dam med solfjäder; Gubbe

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1707/1863)

Etude. Åtskilliga hufvuden m.m

drawing by Okänd

Etude. Åtskilliga hufvuden m.m

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1740/1863)

Etuder af åtskilliga figurer, Bönder; Gubbar; Englar mfl

drawing by Okänd

Etuder af åtskilliga figurer, Bönder; Gubbar; Englar mfl

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1691/1863)

Etuder af åtskilliga figurer, Bönder; Gubbar; Englar mfl

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1692/1863)

Etuder af åtskilliga figurer. Öfverste prest; Gubbar; Lazaroner mfl

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1695/1863)

Etuder af åtskilliga figurer. Öfverste prest; Gubbar; Lazaroner mfl

drawing by Okänd

Etuder af åtskilliga figurer. Öfverste prest; Gubbar; Lazaroner mfl

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1696/1863)

European Empirical Methods Applied to Subsidence in U.S. Coal Fields


Evaluation and comparability of mandatory occupational disease reporting systems

publication published in 1972

Evaluation and control of accident potential in the workplace (513). Course administrator's guide

publication published in 1979

Evaluation and control of workplace accident potential student manual

publication published in 1978

Evaluation and feasibility study of isolated electrical distribution systems in underground coal mines

final contract report published in 1972

Evaluation of Environmental Instrumentation (Black Globe Thermometer) Project 036-01


Evaluation of Foam Concrete for a Rapid Centerwall Placement System


Evaluation of Longwall Industrial Engineering Data. Volume I


Evaluation of NIOSH Short Term Training Program


Evaluation of Proposed Modifications to Adam (Advanced Development Analysis Model)


Evaluation of a commercial vacuum system for asbestos removal. A safety and cost evaluation

final grant report published in 1982

Evaluation of alternatives for the kelly bar method of loading explosives

final contract report published in 1978

Evaluation of methanometry in coal mines

final contract report published in 1972

Evaluation of mining constraints to the revitalization of Pennsylvania anthracite

final contract report published in 1975

Evaluation of occupational hazards. Instructor's manual

publication published in 1972

Evaluation of phase I of an occupational health primary care program interfaced with the general health care delivery system

publication published in 1975

Evaluation of portable carbon monoxide meters

final contract report published in 1974

Evaluation of portable sulfur dioxide meters

final contract report published in 1974

Evaluation of respiratory protection in coal preparation plants

final contract report published in 1980

Evaluation of spark source mass spectrometry in the analysis of biological sample

publication published in 1972

Evaluations of Longwall Industrial Engineering Data. Volume II



drawing by Okänd

Examination of six talc samples from Duncan Enterprises

publication (CP) published in 1977

Exomes for we but not for thee

scientific article published on 2 February 2016

Expedition genom afrikansk skog

drawing by Okänd

Exploration of illumination concepts for underground coal mines - 3 volume set. Volume 3 - appendix e. Electronic ballast for the Lucalox high pressure sodium lamp

final contract report published in 1976

Exposição Internacional de 1922

photograph by unknown author (037SL02016)

Exposição Internacional de 1922

photograph by unknown author (037SL02013)

Exposição Internacional de 1922

photograph by unknown author (037SL02014)

Exposição Internacional de 1922

photograph by unknown author (037SL02008)

Exposição Internacional de 1922 - Esplanada do Castelo

photograph by unknown author

Exposição Internacional de 1922 - Pavilhão de Caça e Pesca

photograph by unknown author

Exposição Internacional de 1922: pavilhões em obras

photograph by unknown author (001CC019007)

Exposição Internacional de 1922: pavilhões em obras

photograph by unknown author (001CC019010)

Exposição Internacional de 1922: pavilhões em obras

photograph by unknown author (001CC019011)

Exposição Internacional de 1922: pavilhões em obras

photograph by unknown author (001CC019008)

Exposição Internacional de 1922: pavilhões em obras

photograph by unknown author (001CC019014)

Exposição Internacional de 1922: pavilhões em obras

photograph by unknown author (001CC019013)

Exposição Internacional do Centenário da Independência - Palácio dos Estados (Brasil)

photograph by unknown author

Exposição Internacional do Centenário da Independência - Pavilhão da Tchecoslováquia

photograph by unknown author

Exposição Internacional do Centenário da Independência - Pavilhão do Japão

photograph by unknown author

Exposição de 1922 - Aterro de Santa Luzia

photograph by unknown author

Exposure assessment for epidemiology and hazard control

book published in 1990

Expresiones de gratitud del Real Seminario Bascongado a la memoria del socio ... Don Ambrosio de Meabe ... que murió en la Ciudad de México en primero de octubre de 1781

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Extended Depth Auger Reserve Definition Study


Extraction/preparation R & D Needs for Anthracite


Extractos de las Juntas Generales celebradas por la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais en la Ciudad de Vitoria por setiembre de 1777

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Extractos de las Juntas Generales celebradas por la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais en la Ciudad de Vitoria por setiembre de 1780

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Extractos de las Juntas Generales celebradas por la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais en la Villa de Bilbao por setiembre de 1772

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Extractos de las Juntas Generales celebradas por la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais en la Villa de Bilbao por setiembre de 1775

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Extractos de las Juntas Generales celebradas por la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais en la Villa de Bilbao por setiembre de 1778

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Extractos de las Juntas Generales celebradas por la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais en la Villa de Bilbao por setiembre de 1784

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Extractos de las Juntas Generales celebradas por la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais en la Villa de Vergara por setiembre de 1773

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Extractos de las Juntas Generales celebradas por la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais en la Villa de Vergara por setiembre de 1776

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Extractos de las Juntas Generales celebradas por la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais en la Villa de Vergara por setiembre de 1779

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Extractos de las Juntas Generales celebradas por la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais en la Villa de Vergara por setiembre de 1782

18th century literary work printed inVitoria-Gasteiz

Extractos de las Juntas Generales celebradas por la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais, en la Ciudad de Vitoria por julio de 1786

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Extractos de las Juntas Generales celebradas por la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais, en la Ciudad de Vitoria por julio de 1792

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Extractos de las Juntas Generales celebradas por la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais, en la Ciudad de Vitoria por setiembre de 1783

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Extractos de las Juntas Generales celebradas por la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais, en la Villa de Bilbao por julio de 1787

issue of serial publication of the contents adressed in the meetings held by the Royal Basque Society of Friends of the Country

Extractos de las Juntas Generales celebradas por la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais, en la Villa de Bilbao por julio de 1790

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Extractos de las Juntas Generales celebradas por la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais, en la Villa de Bilbao por julio de 1793

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Extractos de las Juntas Generales celebradas por la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais, en la Villa de Vergara por julio de 1791

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Extractos de las Juntas Generales celebradas por la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais, en la villa de Vergara por octubre de 1789

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Extractos de las Juntas Generales celebradas por la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del País, en la Villa de Vergara por julio de 1788

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Eyrbyggja saga

Icelandic saga

Fabricated metals bibliography

final contract report published in 1980

Fabrication and Testing of a Prototype Longwall Face Alignment System


Facad på en liten egendom att bliva byggd på Öland

drawing by Okänd

Fachada do Teatro Municipal

photograph by unknown author (001AAN005128)

Factors Affecting Radon Transport and the Concentration of Radon in Mines

publication (OP) published in 1981

Faetons fall

drawing by Okänd

Failure Report No. S157


Failure Report No. S184


Failure Report No. S212


Failure Report No. S230


Failure Report No. S231


Failure Report No. S322


Failure Report No. S364


Failure Report No. S373


Failure report no. 5344, 2,4-toluenediisocyanate (TDI)

publication published in 1977

Failure report no. S127

publication published in 1979

Failure report no. S136

publication published in 1979

Failure report no. S14

publication published in 1979

Failure report no. S145

publication published in 1977

Failure report no. S154

publication published in 1979

Failure report no. S159

publication published in 1977

Failure report no. S171

publication published in 1977

Failure report no. S177

publication published in 1977

Failure report no. S180

publication published in 1979

Failure report no. S207

publication published in 1977

Failure report no. S21

publication published in 1977

Failure report no. S221

publication published in 1978

Failure report no. S226

publication published in 1978

Failure report no. S239

publication published in 1978

Failure report no. S252

publication published in 1979

Failure report no. S270

publication published in 1979

Failure report no. S271

publication published in 1979

Failure report no. S277

publication published in 1979

Failure report no. S282

publication published in 1978

Failure report no. S304

publication published in 1979

Failure report no. S305

publication published in 1979

Failure report no. S307

publication published in 1979

Failure report no. S325

publication published in 1977

Failure report no. S34

publication published in 1978

Failure report no. S344

publication published in 1977

Failure report no. S363

publication published in 1978

Failure report no. S390

publication published in 1978

Failure report no. S83

publication published in 1978

Failure report no. S9

publication published in 1978

Falling Angels with Swords

drawing by Ingen uppgift


drawing by Ingen uppgift

Family Tree of Jean-Joseph Bauwens-Vanderdonckt anno 1912

anonymous print

Fantasier i ett växthus 2.

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Far East and South Asia

publication (IH) published in 1977

Far sover, barnen skjuter, blåser trumpet och åker skidor

drawing by Okänd

Fasaner och blommor

drawing by Okänd

Fasti Vindobonenses

set of historical texts (Consularia)


drawing by Okänd

Fatal injuries at work: Massachusetts fatality update, 2002

newsletter published in 2005

Fatal injuries at work: Massachusetts fatality update, 2003-2004

newsletter published in 2006

Fatal injuries at work: Massachusetts fatality update, 2005

newsletter published in 2007

Fatalities in small underground coal mines

final contract report published in 1983

Fatality analysis data base development

final contract report published in 1972

Faun; Hercules. Fängslad man

drawing by Okänd

Faun; Hercules. Fängslad man

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1831/1863)

Faun; Hercules. Fängslad man

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1832/1863)

Faun; Hercules. Fängslad man

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1833/1863)

Feasibility Analysis of Trench Strip and Auger Mining


Feasibility of Designing Open-cast Equipment With Increasing Selective Handling Ability


Feasibility of High Recovery Highwall Mining Equipment


Feasibility of a Continuous Surface Mining Machine Using Impact Breakers


Feasibility of an Underground Equipment Test Mine


Feasibility of remote control and development of remote control devices and sensors - 8 volume set. Volume 6 - feasibility study of the application of solid state displays for underground mining machines

final contract report published in 1972

Feasibility of remote control and development of remote control devices and sensors - 8 volume set. Volume 8 - feasibility study of remote/automatic controls for continuous miners

final contract report published in 1972

Feasibility of remote control and development of remote control devices and sensors - volume 7 - feasibility study of the application of solid state motor controllers to underground mining machines

final contract report published in 1972

Feasibility study covering nationwide occupational safety and health manpower survey

NIOSH publication published in 1975

Feasibility study of in-mine coal preparation facilities

publication (CP) published in 1982

Feasibility study of surface impregnation equipment for chemical stabilization of coal mine structures, 4 volume set, volume 1 - summary phase I and II

final contract report published in 1972

Feasibility study of surface impregnation equipment for chemical stabilization of coal mine structures, 4 volume set, volume 2 - final report, phase I

final contract report published in 1972

Feasibility study of surface impregnation equipment for chemical stabilization of coal mine structures, 4 volume set, volume 3 - final report, phase II

final contract report published in 1972

Feasibility study of surface impregnation equipment for chemical stabilization of coal mine structures, 4 volume set, volume 4 - final report, phase iii, assist technique

final contract report published in 1972

Feast in Piazza S. Petronio, Bologna

drawing by Okänd

Fem kineser kring ett bord i en trädgård

drawing by Okänd

Fem kvinnor

drawing by Okänd

Ferrous scrap geographical distributions demand vs. newly available supply, 1975-1985

final contract report published in 1976

Festival meal at Belsacar´s court

work of art by Frans d. J. Francken (1581-1642)

Field Assessment Program to Evaluate Impact of Osm Regulations


Field screening methods for hazardous wastes and toxic chemicals. Second International Symposium, February 12-14, 1991

final contract report published in 1991

Field survey of Ionics, Inc., Watertown, Massachusetts

publication published in 1972


drawing by Okänd

Fill out form for the inspection for the recompenses for the teaching staff

anonymous print

Final Report for the Joint Aluminum/copper Forecasting and Simulation Model

final contract report published in 1977

Final Report for the Joint Aluminum/copper Forecasting and Simulation Model. Appendices C, D, E, F, G, H and I

final contract report published in 1977

Final Report for the Joint Aluminum/copper Forecasting and Simulation Model. Appendices a and B

final contract report published in 1977

Final progress report for research grant R01-OH-00569 performed at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin

final grant report published in 1978

Final report HSM 99-72-107

publication published in 1973

Final report of activities carried out by the American College of Radiology in cooperation with NIOSH

publication published in 1984

Final report on a method for field evaluation of UV radiation hazard

publication published in 1973

Financing foreign development of non-fuel mineral resources: an analysis of loan terms of international financial institutions vs those of commercial banks

final contract report published in 1986

Finite element analysis of mine structures

final contract report published in 1972

Fire and explosion hazards of oil shale

report of investigations published in 1989

Fire fighters medical research

publication published in 1973

Fireplace in the Liberty of Bruges

anonymous print

Fireplace in the Liberty of Bruges

anonymous print, part of Musea Brugge collection

Fireworks at the marriage of Fredrik, Margrave of Hessen-Kassel to Lovisa Dorothea of Brandenburg in 1700

drawing by Okänd

Fireworks at the marriage of Philip Wilhelm, Margrave of Brandenburg-Schwedt to Johanna Charlotta of Dessau

drawing by Okänd

Fireworks at the marriage of Philip Wilhelm, Margrave of Brandenburg-Schwedt to Johanna Charlotta of Dessau

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH THC 485)

Fiskare från Agger

drawing by Okänd

Fiskare under ett träd

drawing by Okänd

Fiskliv på havsdjupen

drawing by Okänd

Fjorton kanoter med paddlare

drawing by Okänd

Flagellation of Christ

print by Sadeler, Aegidius and Cesari, Giuseppeanonymous


photograph by unknown author

Flicka med frimärksalbum

drawing by Okänd

Flicka, björk och fjäril

drawing by Okänd

Flicka, träd och sol

drawing by Okänd

Flickan som mötte det gamla året

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Flickporträtt i starka färger

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 184/1919)

Flodlandskap med höga klippstränder

drawing by Okänd

Floral frame

anonymous print, part of Musea Brugge collection

Flotte med hus på havet

drawing by Okänd

Flower bouquet

anonymous print

Fluid inclusion and stable isotope study of minor upper Mississippi Valley-type sulfide mineralization in Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois

final contract report published in 1988

Fluorescent whitening agents (FWA's)

publication published in 1979

Fluorocarbons industrial hygiene survey report at Allied Chemical, Danville, Illinois

field study published in 1977

Fluorocarbons, industrial hygiene survey at General Electric Co., Appliance Park, Louisville, Kentucky

field study published in 1977

Flygande mattan

drawing by Okänd

Flykten till Egypten

drawing by Okänd

Flykten till Egypten

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Flyktig och otydlig skiss till en allegorisk framställning.

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Ingen uppgift

Follow up survey of coal miners

final contract report published in 1972

Follow-up examinations for ocular neoplasms and pigmented ocular lesions at the DuPont Belle, West Virginia Plant

publication published in 1980

Fontaine Sainte-Barbe

Fontaine med figurer

drawing by Okänd

Fonte Adriano Ramos Pinto, no Jardim da Glória

photograph by unknown author

Fontän med apostlarna Markus och Johannes Döparen

drawing by Okänd

Forklift operator training pays dividends

newsletter published in 2003

Format av tiden

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Fortaleza de Santa Cruz da Barra - vista para a cidade do Rio de Janeiro

photograph by unknown author

Forte de Santa Rita

photograph by unknown author (037SL03131)

Forte de Santa Rita

photograph by unknown author (037SL03132)

Fortuna på ett klot, med segel

drawing by Okänd

Fossil Energy Subsidence Program First Progress Report



drawing by Okänd


drawing by Ingen uppgift


hymn tune first published in A Compilation of Genuine Church Music, 1832

Four Drawings: “Jupiter Bergstedt and Mercurius Hedlund”, Landscape, Caricatures, and “Indians Who, with Savage Countenances, Study a Steam Engine Whose Mechanics They Do Not Understand”

drawing by Okänd

Four Peasants Around a Table

drawing by Okänd

Fragement of a mortar decorated with a human face. Acropolis of Ras Shamra.

object at Louvre Museum

Framtidsdröm, skådespelerska

drawing by Okänd

Framåtlutad mansperson

drawing by Okänd

Franska teatern i Paris

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Franska teatern i Paris

drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMDrh 555)

From the files of NIOSH: disregard for lockout/tagout results in death

journal article published in 2009

Frost. 1948

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 131/1947)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 154/1947)

Fruntimmens portrait

drawing by Okänd

Från hamnen i Göteborg

drawing by Okänd

Från segelbåt kastas en livboj ut till en sjunkande

drawing by Okänd

Fundamentals of Noise Measurement

publication (IH) published in 1973

Fundos da Biblioteca Nacional, ao fundo os Arcos da Lapa e Santa Teresa

photograph by unknown author

Furfuryl alcohol

publication published in 1977

Further type specimens of shells in the collections of the National Museum of Victoria

article by anonymous published 1946 in Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria

Fyra kvinnor sysslande med bad

drawing by Okänd

Fyra qvinnofigurer

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Förslag till ljusstakar, tre stycken

drawing by Okänd

Första majdemonstration

drawing by Okänd

G-70 permissible methanometer

publication (IH) published in 1972

Gamla Brunkeberg

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Gandhiam Gregory. Bringing genius and passion to world peace.

scientific article

Gas and vapor sampling course

publication published in 1972

Gastric response to methyl methacrylate vapor

final grant report published in 1976

Gastó de Moncada

sculpture of the 16th century by anonymous author


drawing by Okänd

Gatubild med korvförsäljare

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Gatubild, med spårvagn och bilar

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Gatubild, två stående orientaler, en sittande moder, en sittande drickande man

drawing by Okänd

Gatubild; utanför biografen "Flamman"

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Gatuscen, mor och son

drawing by Okänd

Gdy się Chrystus rodzi

Polish Christmas carol

Gdy śliczna Panna

Polish Christmas carol

General Application of the Critical Path Method to Resource Characterization and Planning for Underground Coal Mining


Geologic Considerations in Underground Coal Mining System Design


Georg Boner (Obituary)

obituary for Georg Boner in the Schweizer Bauzeitung 1947

Getúlio Vargas em carro aberto durante o desfile de inauguração da Praça Paris

photograph by unknown author

Getúlio Vargas em comício da Aliança Liberal

photograph by unknown author

Gideon Overcoming the Midianites

painting by Rubens or workshop of Rubens

Gipsy Camp

Giraffer vid vatten

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Gladiator (Nästan utplånad)

drawing by Okänd

Glass and ceramics manufacture

publication published in 1979

Glimpsing a newborn star

Glycidyl ethers

publication published in 1977

Glória, Palácio Monroe e Passeio Público, a partir do centro

photograph by unknown author

Good work practices for electroplaters

NIOSH publication published in 1977

Gospel of Mark

Canonical Gospel of the New Testament

Gott in der Höh sei Preis und Ehr

German hymn

Graduate professional education in industrial health, University of Michigan

final grant report published in 1981

Grafmonument F.S. Elders

public artwork by unknown artist in Den Haag, Netherlands

Grave of Vighi

tomb in Certosa di Bologna, Italy, Gallery of the Cloister VI

Green-Glazed Bottle (lip damaged), Object Register H-749

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Bowl (broken), Object Register K-627

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Bowl Fragment, Object Register E-1356

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Bowl Fragment, Object Register G-2014

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Bowl Fragment, Object Register H-859

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Bowl Fragment, Object Register I-636

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Bowl Fragment, Object Register I-919

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Bowl Fragment, Object Register I-920

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Bowl Fragment, Object Register I-921

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Bowl Fragment, Object Register I-922

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Bowl Fragment, Object Register I-923

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Bowl Fragment, Object Register I-924

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Bowl Fragment, Object Register I-925

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Bowl Fragment, Object Register I-926

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Bowl Fragment, Object Register K-191

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Bowl Fragment, Object Register K-45

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Bowl, Object Register F-259

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Bowl, Object Register F-260

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Bowl, Object Register G-464

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Bowl, Object Register H-341

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Bowl, Object Register I-231

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Cylidrical Jar, Object Register F-549

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Cylindrical Jar (broken), Object Register K-401

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Cylindrical Jar (broken), Object Register K-402

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Cylindrical Jar (broken), Object Register K-407

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Cylindrical Jar (broken), Object Register K-408

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Cylindrical Jar (upper part missing), Object Register E-296

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Cylindrical Jar Fragment, Object Register K-409

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Cylindrical Jar, Object Register E-890

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Cylindrical Jar, Object Register H-579

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Cylindrical Jar, Object Register H-800

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Cylindrical Jar, Object Register H-811

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Cylindrical Jar, Object Register I-232

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Cylindrical Jar, Object Register I-245

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Cylindrical Jar, Object Register I-303

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Cylindrical Jar, Object Register I-699

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Cylindrical Jar, Object Register I-918

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Cylindrical Jar, Object Register K-403

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Cylindrical Jar, Object Register K-404

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Cylindrical Jar, Object Register K-405

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Cylindrical Jar, Object Register K-406

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Cylindrical Jar, Object Register K-491

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Cylindrical Jar, Object Register K-580

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Cylindrical Jar, Object Register K-581

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase (bottom missing), Object Register E-670

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase (bottom missing), Object Register F-467

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase (broken), Object Register !-869

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase (broken), Object Register I-914

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase (broken), Object Register K-360

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase (broken), Object Register K-400

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase (broken), Object Register K-572

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase (broken), Object Register K-573

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase (broken), Object Register K-574

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase (neck damaged), Object Regist E-1227

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase (one handle missing), Object Register K-312

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase (rim and one handle missing), Object Register I-528

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase (rim missing), Object Register I-162

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase Fragment, Object Register I-604

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase Fragment, Object Register I-605

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase Fragment, Object Register I-698

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase Fragment, Object Register K-313

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase Fragment, Object Register K-570

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase, Object Register F-241

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase, Object Register F-555

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase, Object Register G-1576

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase, Object Register H-572

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase, Object Register H-710

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase, Object Register H-797

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase, Object Register H-798

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase, Object Register I-218

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase, Object Register I-831

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase, Object Register I-865

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-Handled Vase, Object Register K-359

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Double-handled Vase (damaged), Object Register G-853

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Handled Vase Fragment, Object Register K-322

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Handled Vase, Object Register H-107

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Handled Vase, Object Register I-233

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug (bottom missing), Object Register F-461

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug (broken), Object Regist H-86

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug (broken), Object Register E-1440

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug (broken), Object Register E-21

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug (broken), Object Register I-346

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug (broken), Object Register I-899

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug (broken), Object Register I-96

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug (broken), Object Register K-315

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug (lip damaged), Object Register I-833

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug (lip damaged), Object Register K-43

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug (neck missing), Object Register E-657

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug (one handle missing), Object Register G-241

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug (one handle missing), Object Register I-272

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug (top broken off), Object Register E-886

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug Fragment, Object Register K-314

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug Handle Fragment, Object Register I-831

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug, Obejct Register I-509

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug, Obejct Register I-723

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug, Object Regiser H-106

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug, Object Register E-817

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug, Object Register F-110

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug, Object Register F-1222

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug, Object Register F-462

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug, Object Register F-575

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug, Object Register G-709

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug, Object Register I-246

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug, Object Register I-247

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug, Object Register I-261

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug, Object Register I-271

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug, Object Register I-347

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug, Object Register I-898

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug, Object Register K-316

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Jug, Object Register K-63

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed One-Handled Pitcher (broken), Object Register K-583

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed One-Handled Pitcher (handle missing), Object Register E-214

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed One-Handled Pitcher (neck and handle missing), Object Register F-255

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed One-Handled Pitcher (neck damaged), Object Register E-179

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed One-Handled Pitcher (neck damaged), Object Register F-246

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed One-Handled Pitcher Fragment, Object Register E-469

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed One-Handled Pitcher Fragment, Object Register K-584

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed One-Handled Pitcher, Object Register E-158

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed One-Handled Pitcher, Object Register F-460

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed One-Handled Pitcher, Object Register F-465

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Pear-Shaped Jar Fragment, Object Register G-765

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Pear-Shaped Jar, Object Register E-1321

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Three-Handled Vase (incomplete), Object Register I-163

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Three-Handled Vase (lip damaged), Object Register K-58

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Three-Handled Vase (one handle missing), Object Register F-1499

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Three-Handled Vase (part of belly missing), Object Register H-86

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Three-Handled Vase, Object Register E-42

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Three-Handled Vase, Object Register F-232

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Three-Handled Vase, Object Register F-237

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Three-Handled Vase, Object Register F-256

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Three-Handled Vase, Object Register G-708

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Three-Handled Vase, Object Register G-854

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Three-Handled Vase, Object Register H-31

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Upper Part of Double-Handled Vase, Object Register E-242

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Upper part of Double-Handled Vase, Object Register K-577

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria

Green-Glazed Upper part of Double-Handled Vase, Object Register K-578

archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria


English folk song

Grotesque Head in Profile

drawing by Okänd

Ground control aspects of coal mine design. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminar, Lexington, Kentucky, March 6, 1973

information circular published in 1974

Ground-water Monitoring in the Tucson Copper Mining District

final contract report published in 1983

Groups of Figures

drawing by Okänd

Groups of Male and Female Figures and Animals, Arranged in Four Rows

drawing by Okänd

Grouting Technology Engineer Manual


Grouting of horizontal holes in coalbeds

final contract report published in 1972

Grupp af flera figurer

drawing by Okänd

Grupp af flera personer. Herde

drawing by Okänd

Grupp af flera personer. Herde

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1764/1863)


drawing by Okänd

Gudinna i vagn

drawing by Okänd

Guia de forasteros en Vitoria por lo respectivo á las tres bellas artes de pintura, escultura y arquitectura : con otras noticias curiosas que nacen de ellas

18th century literary work printed in the Basque Country

Guidelines for application and use of interlock safety devices

publication published in 1981

Guidelines for hazard (energy) control during maintenance and servicing

publication published in 1981

Guidelines for mining near water bodies. Phase III. Recommended guidelines for mining under surface waters

final contract report published in 1976

Guidelines for safe maintenance practices in petroleum refineries, Volume 1

final contract report published in 1981

Guidelines for safe maintenance practices in petroleum refineries, Volume 2

final contract report published in 1981

Guidelines on pregnancy and work

NIOSH publication published in 1977

Guidelines to develop design criteria for working-atmosphere monitoring systems

publication published in 1972

Guillaume de Palerme

poem written by anonymous

Gustav III spelar kort

Gustav Vasas resa i hölasset

drawing by Okänd

Gävle taxi

drawing by Okänd

Gård på landet, vintertid

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Ingen uppgift

HAZOP of anhydrous ammonia use in agriculture

final contract report published in 1991

Hairdressing and barbering

publication published in 1979

Hakon Jarls död

drawing by Okänd

Hamn med fyrtorn. Båtar med flera figurer

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Han faller ner i en jättelik kokande gryta

drawing by Okänd

Han går som bonde bland höstackar

drawing by Okänd

Hand study

drawing by Okänd

Hand-held Permissible Methane Indicating Detector

publication (IH) published in 1972

Handbook for Surveys of Inhalation Contaminants in Above Ground Coal Mining and Processing Work Areas

final contract report published in 1975

Handbook for surveys of inhalation contaminants in above ground coal mining and processing work areas. (condensed version)

final contract report published in 1975

Handbook for surveys of inhalation contaminants in above-ground metal and nonmetal mining and processing work areas, Sept. 23, 1977

final contract report published in 1977

Harbour on a Strait, with Mountains Rising in the Distance

drawing by Okänd

Harlekin målar Colombines porträtt

drawing by Ingen uppgift

HarrisMartin interview with Faye Rice, MPH on occupational exposure to crystalline silica

journal article published in 2002

Havets språk II

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Hazard and operability study of an ethylene oxide sterilizer

field study published in 1988

Hazard assessment of the electronic component manufacturing industry

NIOSH technical report published in 1985

Hazard process index

final contract report published in 1976

Hazardous waste annual refreshers

publication published in 1997

Head of Minerva

statuette fragment on display at the Art and History Museum of Geneva

Health and safety guide for highway and street construction

NIOSH publication published in 1978

Health and safety guide for public warehousing

NIOSH publication published in 1978

Health and safety guide for the commercial roofing industry

NIOSH publication published in 1978

Health and safety in-house and contract research and development in fiscal year 1983

information circular published in 1982

Health and safety of Minnesota highway maintenance workers

final grant report published in 1990

Health hazard alert-benzidine-, o-tolidine-, and o-dianisidine-based dyes

journal article published in 1981

Health hazard control in the pesticide formulating and manufacturing industry - symposium proceedings

publication published in 1981

Health hazard evaluation determination report no. HHE-79-60-690, Steiger Tractor, Inc., Fargo, North Dakota

field study published in 1980

Health implications of new energy technologies

publication published in 1980

Heat measurements course

final contract report published in 1974

Heavy metal aerosols: collection and dissolution efficiencies

publication published in 1981

Hedgebeth v. North Carolina

no merits: adequate non-federal grounds for decision

Heer Bhagwan Singh

Punjabi Qissa

Heer Jog Singh Ki Hai

Punjabi Qissa

Heer Kishan Singh (hissa pehla)

Punjabi Qissa

Heer Ranjha (Anonymous)

Punjabi Qissa

Heer Ranjha (Persian)

Urdu Qissa

Heer Roshan

Punjabi Qissa

Heer Sialan Di

Punjabi Qissa

Heer da Khat

Punjabi Qissa


Punjabi Qissa

Helg! Far diskar, jag springer ärenden, mor vilar

drawing by Okänd

Helgens klockor ringer till fred

drawing by Okänd

Helgonbild. Profil. Helfigur

drawing by Okänd

Helig familj

drawing by Okänd

Heliga jungfrun och Barnet

drawing by Okänd

Heliga konungar

drawing by Okänd

Heliga tre konungar

drawing by Okänd

Helium: a public policy problem

final contract report published in 1978

Helix pressure gage to indicate roof bolt loads

final contract report published in 1973

Helping the world to hear. William F. Austin.

scientific article published in December 2003

Heptachlor analytical method

publication published in 1978

Herbei, o ihr Gläub’gen

Christmas hymn; German version of "Adeste fideles" translated by Friedrich Heinrich Ranke

Hercules Fernese

drawing by Okänd

Hercules och Omphale

drawing by Okänd

Herde med sin hund

drawing by Okänd

Herde sittande på ett träd

drawing by Okänd

Herkulesbrunnen i Augsburg

drawing by Okänd

Hero, coach, teacher & mentor. Tom Osborne

scientific article published in December 2003

Heroiskt landskap i aftonsol

drawing by Okänd

Herre i hög hatt kör automobil

drawing by Okänd

Herren skiljer ljuset från mörkret

drawing by Okänd


publication published in 1977

Hexamethyl phosphoramide

publication published in 1979

Hidroaviões na Enseada de Botafogo

photograph by unknown author (037SL03098)

Hidroaviões na Enseada de Botafogo

photograph by unknown author (037SL03099)

High Reliability Miner Hydraulic System. Volume I - II

final contract report published in 1983

High Reliability Miner Hydraulic System. Volume I--part II

final contract report published in 1983

High Reliability Miner Hydraulic System. Volume II--mining Hydraulics Manual

final contract report published in 1983

Histopathology report of oil mist inhalation study in rats

publication published in 1972

Historia de Mauricio, Conde de Saxe ... : tomo primero

18th century literary work printed in Donostia-San Sebastián

Historia de Mauricio, Conde de Saxe ... : tomo segundo

18th century literary work printed in Donostia-San Sebastián


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 556/1973)


drawing by Okänd

Hjälten Rustam dödar en demon

drawing by Okänd

Homens assistem regata do Pavilhão Mourisco

photograph by unknown author


scientific article published in January 2011


drawing by Okänd

Hormones (excluding estrogens and androgens)

publication published in 1979

Horn inscribed with a votive inscription for King Shuttir-Nakhkhunte of Elam

object at Louvre Museum

Horse, Standing next to a Tree

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Hospital employee clearing snow killed when his skid-steer loader broke through a ventilation grate located in a sidewalk - Massachusetts

newsletter published in 2005

Hospital occupational health services study. I. Environmental health and safety control

NIOSH publication published in 1974

Hospital occupational health services study. VII. Summary and conclusions

NIOSH publication published in 1976

Hot environments (superseded)

superseded NIOSH publication published in 1980

Hot star

scholarly article

Hotel Copacabana Palace

photograph by unknown author (007A5P3F13-005)

Hotel Copacabana Palace

photograph by unknown author (007A5P3F13-004)

Hotel Serrador

photograph by unknown author

Housatonic Community College self evaluation report. Occupational safety and health program

final grant report published in 1981

Human engineering and human resources management in mining. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminar held at Pittsburgh, PA on July 7-8, 1987; St. Louis, MO, July 15-16, 1987; and San Francisco, CA, July 21-22, 1987.

information circular; conference proceedings item published in 1987

Human subjects selection for testing gas detectors and respirators

final contract report published in 1982


drawing by Okänd

Hunter Surprising Three Nymphs / Diana and Actaeon?

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Husliga scener

drawing by Okänd

Huvud av biskop i underbelysning, karikatyr

drawing by Okänd

Huvud av biskop i underbelysning, karikatyr

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 608/1973)

Huvud av putto med stora lockar

drawing by Okänd

Huvud av soldat

drawing by Okänd

Hydraulic fluid additives

publication published in 1979

Hydraulic transport research facility, volume 1

final contract report published in 1976

Hydrogen chloride

publication published in 1977

Hydrogen chloride: report 4 occupational hazard assessment

publication published in 1981

Hänga i ett träd mellan lejon och orm

drawing by Okänd

Här arbetade jag i somras

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Hérodiade (Herodias).

engraving after painting

Högalidskyrkan; exteriör

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Högalidskyrkans altare

drawing by Ingen uppgift


drawing by Ingen uppgift


drawing by Okänd

I Am The Secret Footballer

I Schlaraffenland. Två under ett träd

drawing by Okänd

I djungeln

drawing by Okänd

I flygmaskin

drawing by Okänd

I järnvägskupén

drawing by Okänd

I oväder med skärgårdsångare

drawing by Okänd

I paradiset

drawing by Okänd

I refused to perform abortions: you don't have to sacrifice your integrity to get ahead

scientific article published on 25 November 2013

I ren-skogen

drawing by Okänd

I slottskapellet

drawing by Okänd

I tåget åker pappa, mamma och jag. Vi ska åka till Hällefors

drawing by Okänd

I väntan på tåget

drawing by Ingen uppgift

I want to be your painting

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Identification and development of data necessary for the relative evaluation for priorities for occupational health research volume 3: part 1. An annotated bibliography of sources of information about four indices of interest to NIOSH..

publication published in 1973

Identification and development of data necessary for the relative evaluation of priorities for occupational health research volume 1: executive summary

publication published in 1973

Identification and development of data necessary for the relative evaluation of priorities for occupational health research volume 2: methodology and results

publication published in 1973

Identification of and ordering of topics for priority list for criteria development in occupational safety

publication published in 1975

Identification, evaluation, selection, criteria development and input of mutagenicity data to the Registry of Toxic Effect of Chemical Substances file

final contract report published in 1978

Idrottsmän på segerpallen

drawing by Okänd

Igreja Matriz de São João da Lagoa

photograph by unknown author

Igreja Nossa Senhora da Glória do Outeiro

photograph by unknown author

Igreja Nossa Senhora do Carmo da Lapa do Desterro e parte do largo da Lapa

photograph by unknown author

Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Glória do Outeiro; tomada da Avenida Augusto Severo

photograph by unknown author

Ilha Fiscal

photograph by unknown author (001AAN005122)

Ilha Fiscal; tomada da Ilha das Cobras

photograph by unknown author

Ilha das Cobras

photograph by unknown author (001AAN005123)

Ilha das Cobras

photograph by unknown author (001AN01002075)

Ilha das Cobras

photograph by unknown author (001AN01002077)

Ilha das Cobras

photograph by unknown author (001AN01002074)

Ilha das Cobras

photograph by unknown author (001AN01002076)

Ilha de Boa Viagem

photograph by unknown author (001ACL019014)

Illumination in Stockholm to mark the victory at Narva in 1700

drawing by Okänd

Illumination measurements course

publication published in 1972

Illustration till "Elddonet"

drawing by Okänd

Illustration till "Elddonet"

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 102/1952)

Illustration till Ord & Bild

drawing by Okänd

Illustration till Ord & Bild

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 175/1938)

Illustration till Ord & Bild

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 176/1938)

Illustration till Ord & Bild

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 177/1938)

Illustration till Ord & Bild 1905, sidan 150

drawing by Okänd

Illustration till Ord & Bild 1905, sidan 154

drawing by Okänd

Illustration till Ord & Bild 1905, sidan 271

drawing by Okänd

Illustration till Ord & Bild 1905, sidan 64

drawing by Okänd

Illustration till Ord & Bild 1905, sidan 64, variant

drawing by Okänd

Illustration till Ord & Bild 1906, sidan 225

drawing by Okänd

Illustration till Ord & Bild 1906, sidan 288

drawing by Okänd

Illustration till Ord & Bild 1906, sidan 476

drawing by Okänd

Illustration till Ord & Bild 1909, sidan 53

drawing by Okänd

Illustrationer till Gamla Testamentet med bibelcitat på Tyska nr 1

drawing by Okänd

Illustrationer till Gamla Testamentet med bibelcitat på Tyska nr 2

drawing by Okänd

Immunological Aspects of Experimental Pneumoconiosis

final contract report

Impact Analysis of Osm Regulations on Highwall Mining Systems


Implications of the Water Pollution Control Act of 1972 for the mineral resource industry, a survey

information circular published in 1975

Improved Sensors and Fire Control Systems for Mining Equipment

final contract report published in 1972

Improved criteria for emergency medical protective clothing

final contract report published in 2008

Improved sensors and fire control systems for mining equipment

final contract report published in 1973

In Memoriam

In Situ Leach Mining. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminars, Phoenix, Arizona, April 4, and Salt Lake City, Utah, April 6, 1989

information circular published in 1989

In Situ Leaching and Solution Mining: Evaluation of State of the Art. Bibliography

final contract report published in 1983

In memory of the Guido Gezelle commemmoration

anonymous print

In situ mining research. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminar, Denver, Colorado, August 5, 1981

information circular published in 1981

In vitro tests for workplace cocarcinogens (contract 200-82-2520)

final contract report published in 1984

In-depth retrospective literature searches on occupational safety and health subjects

final contract report

Indianer på floden

drawing by Okänd

Indianer på krigsstigen

drawing by Okänd

Indianer vid lägerelden

drawing by Okänd

Indice de los libros de decretos de esta M.N. y M.L. Provincia de Alava . desde 18 de septiembre de 1502 hasta 26 de noviembre exclusive de 1754

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Industrial Engineering Study of Continuous Mining Systems


Industrial Hygiene Engineering Institute


Industrial dust interaction with respiratory mucosa

final grant report published in 1982

Industrial engineering study of hazards associated with surface coal mines

final contract report published in 1974

Industrial engineering study of hazards associated with underground coal mine production - 2 Volume Set: Volume 2, data and charts

final contract report published in 1971

Industrial engineering study of hazards associated with underground coal mine production. Volume 1, analysis of underground hazards and fatal accidents

final contract report published in 1971

Industrial hygiene chemistry course - 19 volume set. Includes lessons 1-18 and the course director's seminar

book published in 1975

Industrial hygiene chemistry course. Course director's seminar

publication published in 1975

Industrial hygiene chemistry course. Course evaluator

publication published in 1975

Industrial hygiene comprehensive survey. Final report. Solvent Refined Coal Pilot Plant, Fort Lewis, Washington

publication published in 1980

Industrial hygiene engineering (551)

publication published in 1977

Industrial hygiene inspection procedure guide. Volume 1. Introduction and hazardous materials data listings

final contract report published in 1974

Industrial hygiene inspection procedures guide. Volume 2. Hazardous materials data sheets

final contract report published in 1974

Industrial hygiene inspection procedures guide. Volume 3. Industrial occurrence of hazardous materials

final contract report published in 1974

Industrial hygiene measurements (550)

publication published in 1976

Industrial hygiene measurements (550)

publication published in 1982

Industrial hygiene survey at Johns-Manville Industrial Products Division-Textiles, Manville, New Jersey

publication published in 1973

Industrial hygiene survey at Shell Chemical Co., Deer Park Manufacturing Complex, Houston, Texas

field study published in 1977

Industrial hygiene survey at Virginia Chemicals, Inc., Portsmouth, Virginia

field study published in 1977

Industrial hygiene survey of the Great Western Limestone Mine Crushing and Screening Mill in Horse Creek, Wyoming

field study published in 1970

Industrial hygiene survey of the phosphate in Polk County, Florida

field study published in 1958

Industrial hygiene survey report at Asbestos Roofing Company, 8060 Armour St., San Diego, California

field study published in 1977

Industrial hygiene survey report at Dow Chemical, U.S.A. Texas Division, Freeport, Texas

field study published in 1977

Industrial hygiene survey report at E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Inc., Yerkes Plant, Buffalo, New York

field study published in 1977

Industrial hygiene survey report at Hercules Incorporated, Savannah, Georgia

field study published in 1977

Industrial hygiene survey report at Zeric Roofing Corporation, 8511 Ablett Rd., Santee, California

publication published in 1977

Industrial hygiene surveying technique, course notes, problems and references. Student's manual

final contract report published in 1973

Industrial hygiene surveying techniques, lesson plan and instructor notes. Instructor's manual

final contract report published in 1973

Industrial hygiene walk-through survey report on organophosphorus exposures at Chevron Chemical, Belle Chase, LA

field study published in 1979

Industry, process, and use data for in house criteria document part 5 dibromodifluoromethane

final contract report published in 1976

Industry, process, and use data for in-house criteria document part 4 fluorocarbons

publication published in 1976

Industry, process, and use data for in-house criteria document, part 3: styrene

publication published in 1976

Industry, process, and use data for in-house criteria document. Part 2. Antimony compounds

publication published in 1976

Industry, process, and use data for in-house criteria document. Part 6. Cutting, drawing, lubricating, and quenching oil mists

publication published in 1976

Information and data for use in preparation of a criteria document for coke producing operations

publication published in 1972

Information profiles on potential occupational hazards, volume III, ferrous smelting and steel manufacture industry

publication published in 1979

Information profiles on potential occupational hazards: Trimethylbenzenes

publication published in 1981

Information profiles on potential occupational hazards: adipic acid

publication published in 1981

Information profiles on potential occupational hazards: aluminum and compounds

publication published in 1981

Information profiles on potential occupational hazards: aminoazobenzenes

final contract report published in 1981

Information profiles on potential occupational hazards: benzoin

publication published in 1981

Information profiles on potential occupational hazards: carbonyl fluoride

publication published in 1981

Information profiles on potential occupational hazards: chlorophenols

publication published in 1981

Information profiles on potential occupational hazards: copper and compounds

final contract report published in 1982

Information profiles on potential occupational hazards: epoxy compounds (non-cyclic)

final contract report published in 1982

Information profiles on potential occupational hazards: glycols

final contract report published in 1982

Information profiles on potential occupational hazards: inorganic azides

publication published in 1981

Information profiles on potential occupational hazards: inorganic chromium compounds

final contract report published in 1982

Information profiles on potential occupational hazards: metallocenes

publication published in 1981

Information profiles on potential occupational hazards: methyl tert-butyl ether

final contract report published in 1982

Information profiles on potential occupational hazards: nitroparaffins

final contract report published in 1981

Information profiles on potential occupational hazards: nitrophenols

publication published in 1981

Information profiles on potential occupational hazards: organic anhydrides

final contract report published in 1982

Information profiles on potential occupational hazards: phthalates

final contract report published in 1982

Information profiles on potential occupational hazards: sulfur tetrafluoride

publication published in 1981

Information profiles on potential occupational hazards: the ferrous smelting and steel manufacturing industry

publication published in 1979

Information profiles on potential occupational hazards: thiourea and compounds

final contract report published in 1982

Information profiles on potential occupational hazards: xylenols

publication published in 1981


publication published in 1979

Inhalation Toxicity Study of Nitrous Oxide and Halothane in Rats

final contract report published in 1977

Inherently Safe Mining Systems, Phase II Interim Report (Conventional)


Inherently safe mining systems. Phase II interim report (conventional)

final contract report published in 1976

Initials P.O.C. flanked by coat of arms of the cities of Paris and Brussels

anonymous print

Innovative Machine Design Concepts

final contract report published in 1975

Inorganic Tungsten, Soluble and Insoluble Backup Data Report Number 271 (Revised)

publication published in 1979

Inorganic azides

publication published in 1977

Inorganic chromium compounds

publication published in 1977

Instalador de telhado brasileiro de 42 anos morre ao ser eletrocutado

newsletter published in 2005

Instruction manual supplied-air respirator system for underground coal miners


Instructor manual. Industrial hygiene chemistry course lesson number 1

publication published in 1975

Instructor manual. Industrial hygiene chemistry course lesson number 10

publication published in 1975

Instructor manual. Industrial hygiene chemistry course lesson number 11

publication published in 1975

Instructor manual. Industrial hygiene chemistry course lesson number 12

publication published in 1975

Instructor manual. Industrial hygiene chemistry course lesson number 13

publication published in 1975

Instructor manual. Industrial hygiene chemistry course lesson number 14

publication published in 1975

Instructor manual. Industrial hygiene chemistry course lesson number 15

publication published in 1975

Instructor manual. Industrial hygiene chemistry course lesson number 16

publication published in 1975

Instructor manual. Industrial hygiene chemistry course lesson number 17

publication published in 1975

Instructor manual. Industrial hygiene chemistry course lesson number 18

publication published in 1975

Instructor manual. Industrial hygiene chemistry course lesson number 2

publication published in 1975

Instructor manual. Industrial hygiene chemistry course lesson number 3

publication published in 1975

Instructor manual. Industrial hygiene chemistry course lesson number 4

publication published in 1975

Instructor manual. Industrial hygiene chemistry course lesson number 5

publication published in 1975

Instructor manual. Industrial hygiene chemistry course lesson number 6

publication published in 1975

Instructor manual. Industrial hygiene chemistry course lesson number 7

publication published in 1975

Instructor manual. Industrial hygiene chemistry course lesson number 8

publication published in 1975

Instructor manual. Industrial hygiene chemistry course lesson number 9

publication published in 1975

Intagande av en stad

drawing by Okänd

Intagning av medeltida borg

drawing by Okänd

Interior with a Peasant Family

drawing by Okänd

Interiör från en bröd- och mjölkbutik

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Interiör med div. inomhussysslor

drawing by Okänd

Interiör med eldstad, en gammal man, två kvinnor, ett barn

drawing by Okänd

Interiör med pokulerande sällskap

drawing by Okänd

Interiör med sittande man och flicka

drawing by Okänd

Intermediate Volume Personal Sampler (IVPS)

publication published in 1973

International hazard datasheet on occupation: flight attendant

publication published in 2014

International shipyard health conference

publication published in 1973

International workshop on retrospective exposure assessment for occupational epidemiologic studies

conference proceedings item published in 1990

International workshop on retrospective exposure assessment for occupational epidemiologic studies

journal article published in 1991

Introduction of Raphidia into New Zealand and Australia


Introduction to Courses in Oxygen Deficiency and Methane Detecting Devices

publication (IH) published in 1972

Introduction to industrial hygiene engineering and control (552). Module 3 - instructor's manual. Thermal stress

final contract report published in 1978

Investigating the Recycling of Nickel Hydride Battery Scrap

publication published in 1993

Investigation of Enlightened Slurry Concept for Hydrotransport of Coarse Coal. Volume I - III


Investigation of Mechanics of Mine Acid Formation. Volume I


Investigation of agents which are newly suspected as occupational health hazard, phase one report: vinyl halidies (vinyl fluoride and vinyl bromide)

publication published in 1976

Investigation of agents which are newly suspected as occupational health hazards, phase one report: epichlorohydrin

final contract report published in 1975

Investigation of agents which are newly suspected as occupational health hazards, phase one report: fluorocarbons

field study published in 1976

Investigation of flexible materials for personnel shield

final contract report published in 1972

Investigation of the sanitation practices associated with coal mine operations. Volume I

publication published in 1974

Investigation of the sanitation practices associated with coal mine operations. Volume II, appendixes a - f

publication published in 1974

Ionizing radiation 584

publication published in 1977

Ionizing radiation-584

publication published in 1976

Iowa coal project demonstration mine, Oskaloosa, Iowa

final contract report published in 1981

Iron and its compounds

publication published in 1977

Iron and steel foundries

publication published in 1977

Is it about the patients?

scientific article published in June 2008

Isaks offrande

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Isidoro Hemeryck

print by Veken, G.P. van deranonymous


chapter published in 1977

Issues & needs of the mining industry. A Bureau of Mines perspective

publication (IH) published in 1988

Italian Landscape with a Harbour

drawing by Okänd

Italian Landscape with a River Valley

drawing by Okänd

Italienskt ideallandskap

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Italienskt landskap med byggnader

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Italienskt landskap med lantgård

drawing by Okänd

Itinerarium Burdigalense

4th-century account of a pligrimage from Bordeaux to the Holy Land

Jacob, stamfader till tolv Israeliska släkter

drawing by Okänd

Jacobi kyrka Hamburg

drawing by Okänd

Jag drömde jag var på Mars

drawing by Okänd

Jag plockar blommor

drawing by Okänd

Jag plockar potatis

drawing by Okänd

Jag samlar frimärken

drawing by Okänd

Jag tycker det är roligast med snöbollskrig

drawing by Okänd

Jag åker släde

drawing by Okänd

Jag åker släde

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 191/1953)


drawing by Okänd

Jakt på uroxar

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Ingen uppgift

Jardim Botânico

photograph by unknown author (001AAN005136)

Jardim Botânico

photograph by unknown author (001AAN005137)

Jardim Botânico

photograph by unknown author (001AAN005138)

Jardim Botânico

photograph by unknown author (001AAN005140)

Jason. Del af en naken rygg

drawing by Okänd

Jeftas dotter inför fadern

drawing by Okänd

Jesu dop. Till vänster två knäböjande änglar

drawing by Okänd

Jesu intåg i Jerusalem

drawing by Okänd

Jesus bespisar 5000 män.

drawing by Okänd

Jesus i Getsemane

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Jesus och Johannes som barn

drawing by Okänd

Jesus och den samaritanska kvinnan

drawing by Okänd

Jesus tågar in i Jerusalem

drawing by Okänd

Jewelry manufacturing

publication published in 1979

Jezus malusieńki


Job Safety Guide. Continuous Miner Operation

publication (IH) published in 1973

Johannes Döparens halshuggning

drawing by Okänd

Johannes döparen

drawing by Okänd

Johannes döparen predikar

drawing by Okänd

Johannes döparen predikar

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 56/1973)

Johansson med ofullbordat självporträtt

drawing by Ingen uppgift

John Nevins, Suffering from 'Herpes', Skin Disease on the Back, Possibly Shingles

1834; unknown artist; 1834; Wellcome Collection

John Powlett, Marquis of Winchester

engraving after Peter Oliver

Joseph afklädd af sina bröder

drawing by Okänd

Josiah Willard Gibbs

scholarly article in American Journal of Science (1 September 1903)

Joyful cheer at the jubilee of Leontina Reingoud as twenty-five year guild maiden "Deugd en Vreugd", Blindekens, Bruges, 21 November 1898

anonymous print

Joyful cheer at the wedding feast of Mr Louis Segaert and Mej Adelaide Van de Putte in Blankenberghe, celebrated on 20 May 1856

anonymous print

Judith med Holofernes huvud

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Julen rings in

drawing by Okänd

Julgran med klappar

drawing by Okänd

Julgranen bärs hem

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 183/1956)


drawing by Okänd

June Bacon-Bercey Scholarship in atmospheric sciences

scholarly article by anonymous published 1978 in Eos

Jungfru Maria med Jesusbarnet

drawing by Okänd

Kakemono enligt inskrift framställande Polstjärnans gud Pei Chi Ta Ti

drawing by Okänd

Kakemono framställande en vit örn stående på en klippspets

drawing by Okänd

Kakemono framställandes pagod i månsken

drawing by Okänd

Kakemono med en vit häst bunden vid ett träd

drawing by Okänd

Kakemono med vinterlandskap

drawing by Okänd

Kakemono visande de två gudinnorna på berget Tien Tai åtföljda av en gumse

drawing by Okänd

Kakemono. Fiskaren står iklädd en halmkappa och drar upp en fiskhåv

drawing by Okänd

Kakemono. Skogsbevuxet bergslandskap med vattendrag

drawing by Okänd

Kakemono. Strandparti med sluttningar i bakgrunden

drawing by Okänd

Kakemono. Ur vattnet resa sig några höga, spetsiga delvis trädbevuxna klippor. Nedanför dem en man i en bekväm båt

drawing by Okänd

Kakemono. Vattendrag med vass och andra växter

drawing by Okänd

Kakemono. Vidsträckt landskap med i högt perspektiv sedda bergstrakter, skogar, vattendrag

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Kartusch omgiven av allegoriska figurer

drawing by Okänd

Katt, som tittar upp på en flygande fjäril

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Keeping it secret

scientific article

Kejsar Riberius som förkunnar domar

drawing by Okänd

Killing the Elite

Anonymous novel

King Leopold I and Queen Louise-Marie with their three surviving children

anonymous print

Kirkham receives Horton medal


Kissa Heer Hussain Kissa Heer Asart Siharfipehl

Punjabi Qissa

Kissa Heer Ranjha

Punjabi Qissa by Peer Muhammad Shah

Kissa Heer Ranjha Tarjmua Nagari Se

Urdu Qissa

Kissa Heer Ranjha(Gurmukhi)

Punjabi Qissa


drawing by Ingen uppgift

Knäböjande man med stav

drawing by Okänd

Knäböjande munk

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Knäböjande munk

drawing by Okänd

Koehler and Wolf Permissible Flame Safety Lamps


Kom, alle kristne

Christmas psalm; Danish adaptation of Adeste Fideles, translated by anonymous

Komposition med fåglar, hus och en gubbe

drawing by Okänd

Komt Nu Met Zang

hymn tune first published in 1626

Konstnärens portrait

drawing by Okänd

Konung med uppvaktande hov

drawing by Okänd

Kristi gisslande

drawing by Okänd

Kristi korsfästelse

drawing by Okänd

Kristi korsfästelse

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 11/1973 recto)

Kristi korsfästelse

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 11/1973 verso)

Kristi uppståndelse

drawing by Okänd

Kristi uppståndelse

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 268/1973)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1083/1973)

Kristus binds vid kolonnen för att gisslas?

drawing by Okänd

Kristus botar en blind

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Kristus botar sjuka

drawing by Okänd

Kristus gravläggning

drawing by Okänd

Kristus går på vattnet

drawing by Okänd

Kristus uppenbarar sig för ett kvinnligt helgon

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Kung David i grottan

drawing by Okänd

Kustlandskap (oval)

drawing by Okänd

Kustparti, Bornholm

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Kvinna i vid mantel

drawing by Okänd

Kvinna liggande på en äng

drawing by Okänd

Kvinna med barn

drawing by Okänd

Kvinna med spira och två kronor i handen

drawing by Okänd

Kvinna med vattenkrus framför paroderad reservoar

drawing by Okänd

Kvinna sittande på sängen

drawing by Okänd

Kvinna som går uppför en trapp

drawing by Okänd

Kvinna stående på en vall och nedanför en man

drawing by Okänd

Kvinna vid stranden av ett vatten i en park med tvenne kolonner vid stranden

drawing by Okänd

Kvinnlight helgon i en nisch

drawing by Okänd

Kvinnogestalt på ett moln

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1115/1973)


drawing by Okänd

Kvinnor i en palatsträdgård, ofullbordad

drawing by Okänd

Kvist över en upp och nedvänd korg

drawing by Okänd

Kyrkan och kyrkogården

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 180/1956)


drawing by Okänd

Kök med figurer

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

La Traduction castillane du De montibus de Boccace

Laborer crushed by falling paper bales

publication published in 2008

Laborer from Brazil died on the job when he became caught in a rock crushing machine

newsletter published in 2002

Ladeira da Glória

photograph by unknown author

Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas

photograph by unknown author (002014RJRJ003)

Lament of the Holy Cross


Lamp from the Alhambra Mosque

14th-century lamp

Lancscape with three figures under a tree

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Ingen uppgift

Landsakp med dopscen (?)

drawing by Okänd

Landsakp med kvarnar

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Landscape with Canals and a Mill

drawing by Okänd

Landscape with Roman Ruins

drawing by Okänd

Landscape with Shepherds and a Ruined Castle

drawing by Okänd

Landscape with Tall Trees in the Foreground

drawing by Okänd

Landscape with a Roman Ruin (Minerva Medica)

drawing by Okänd

Landscape with a Stream

drawing by Okänd

Landscape with a Well

drawing by Okänd




drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 135/1866)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1837/1863)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1839/1863)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1838/1863)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1841/1863)


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 327/1973)

Landskap i motljus

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Landskap med Adam och Eva?

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med Vestatemplet vid Tivoli

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med befäst stad

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med borg vid sjö

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Landskap med borgruin

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med bro

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med bro

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 183/1919)

Landskap med djur

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med en flod och en borg på en höjd

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med en glänta i skogen. En bro över en ringlande bäck. En kvinna leder en ko

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med en häst som sticker upp huvudet ur en lår

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Landskap med en stad

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med en väderkvarn på en höjd

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med en väg utmed en flod

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med ett runt torn i förgrunden

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med ett tornprytt byggnadskomplex

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med flera träd

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med flod och byar

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med herde som spelar

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med hästar

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Landskap med höga berg

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med insjö

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med krigare och vandrande par

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med kvarn och en ryttare

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med liten välvd bro

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med paviljong

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med ravin

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med ryttare

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med ryttare vid ett vattendrag

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med sjö

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med soldater

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med träd

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med vattenfall

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med väderkvarn och kanal

drawing by Okänd

Landskap med vägvisare

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Landskap med öppen mark i förgrunden och skog i bakgrunden

drawing by Okänd

Landskap, 2 kineser samtalande vid en häck

drawing by Okänd

Landskapsstudie, trädstudie

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Largo da Glória, monumento a Pedro Álvares Cabral ao fundo

photograph by unknown author

Laser Irradiation as a Rapid Screening Process for the Evaluation of Flame Inhibitors

publication (CP) published in 1973

Latinskt poem tillhörande föregående nummer

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Lava-Kushar Juddha

book by anonymous

Lazarus återuppväckande

drawing by Okänd

Le Manuscrit Bibl. nat. de France, fr 688 et son traducteur

Le livre de Catun

13th-century French translation of Cato's Distichs

Le watelet de tous mestiers

Early 16th-century French poem

Learning to Live With Schizoaffective Disorder: A Transformative Journey Toward Recovery

scientific article published in January 2018

Lectures on sampling for gases and vapors

publication published in 1972

Leda och svanen

drawing by Okänd

Leeds Town Hall

print by Leitch, R.P.anonymous

Lejon och kameler bland kokospalmer

drawing by Okänd

Lejon, giraffer och bil i björkskog

drawing by Okänd

Leme, visto do morro do Inhangá

photograph by unknown author (014AAN00501)

Lessons learned from a long‐term psychoanalysis on the telephone

scientific article published on June 16, 2011

Lidded goblet

Liggande Cupido, med båge i handen

drawing by Okänd

Liggande hjort

drawing by Okänd

Liggande hund

drawing by Okänd

Liggande man

drawing by Okänd

Liggande naken man

drawing by Okänd

Lillie v. Thompson

sufficiency of evidence: typically in the context of a jury's determination of compensation for injury or death


drawing by Ingen uppgift


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1535/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1536/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1537/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1538/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1539/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1540/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1541/1973)

Literature search for 2-nitropropane. Task 5

final contract report published in 1977

Literature search strategy for criteria document subjects

publication published in 1975

Ljushögtid i Floda kyrka

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1513/1973)

Llanbeblig Book of Hours

14th-century illuminated manuscript

Lock till silverskål

drawing by Okänd

Lode Deposits, Prospects, and Occurrences of the Porcupine Mining Area, Southeast Alaska


Loe de Ísá

Pakistani hymn tune

Logistics Background Study


Lola the cow

popular children's song

Long-term inhalation reproductive and teratogenic toxicity evaluation of nitrous oxide plus halothane. Final report

final contract report published in 1975

Longwall Data Bank. Quarterly Project Status Report for August 28 - November 28, 1982

final contract report published in 1983

Longwall Data Bank. Quarterly Project Status Report for November 28, 1982 to February 28, 1983


Longwall Mine Availability and Delay Analysis. Volume 2. Appendices


Longwall Preventive Maintenance Study


Lucia i snöväder

drawing by Okänd

Lucia med tärnor

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Ingen uppgift

Ludwig van Beethoven and Johann Sebastian Bach

public artwork by unknown artist in Vlaardingen, Netherlands

Lulajże, Jezuniu

Polish Christmas carol

Lycaon förvandlad till en varg

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Ingen uppgift


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1543/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1544/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1545/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1546/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1547/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1548/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1549/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1550/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1551/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1552/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1553/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1554/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1555/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1556/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1557/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1558/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1559/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1560/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1561/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1562/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1563/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1564/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1565/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1566/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1567/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1568/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1569/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1570/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1571/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1572/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1573/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1574/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1575/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1576/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1577/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1578/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1579/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1580/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1581/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1582/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1583/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1584/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1585/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1586/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1587/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1588/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1589/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1590/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1591/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1592/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1593/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1594/1973)


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

MSA nitrogen dioxide detector

publication (IH) published in 1972

MYB Volume III Mineral Industries of the Middle East


Ma Yofus

Traditional Jewish melody

Machine guarding - assessment of need

publication published in 1975

Machine guarding - assessment of need appendices

publication published in 1975

Machine guarding - assessment of need field survey supplement

publication published in 1975

Madonna stående, med den lilla Johannes

drawing by Okänd

Madonna. Tondo

drawing by Okänd

Madonnan med barnet omgiven av martyrer

drawing by Okänd

Madonnan och barnet omgivna av tillbedjande munkar

drawing by Okänd

Madonnan och lille Johannes döparen

drawing by Okänd

Madonnan på halvmånen

drawing by Okänd

Magdalena vid jesu fötter

drawing by Okänd

Magdalenas botgöring

drawing by Okänd

Maintenance worker killed in roof fall

publication published in 2009


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 154/1956)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 155/1956)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 156/1956)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 163/1956)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 187/1956)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 193/1956)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 194/1956)

Majbrasa på Sakarberget

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 188/1956)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 190/1956)

Makimono framställandes manchuriska ryttare

drawing by Okänd

Makimono med landskapsskildring

drawing by Okänd

Man i färd med att med en kniv genomborra en flicka bunden vid ett träd i skogen

drawing by Okänd

Man i turban och långt skägg

drawing by Okänd

Man insvept i en kappa

drawing by Okänd

Man med skridskor

drawing by Okänd

Man med vid mantel

drawing by Okänd

Man och kvinna, han sedd framifrån och hon från ryggen

drawing by Okänd

Man of War Being Towed into Port

drawing by Okänd

Man på flotte anfalles av valfiskar

drawing by Okänd

Man som ligger framstupe, fragment

drawing by Okänd

Man som vänder sig åt vänster

drawing by Okänd

Man som värmer sig vid ett fyrfat

drawing by Okänd

Manganese and its compounds

publication published in 1977

Manlig modellfigur, ena hälften erosché

drawing by Okänd

Manlig studiefigur

drawing by Okänd

Mans portrait

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1104/1973)

Mansucript KB B 59

Manuscript KB B 59, containing the Elder Westrogothic law.

Manual of good practices for sanitation in coal mining operations

final contract report published in 1974

Manufacture and use of cement

publication published in 1977

Man’s Head in Profile (St Peter?)

drawing by Okänd

Map showing the Boundaries of the Concessions and Reserved Areas of the coal basin in the Campine

anonymous print

Map showing the Boundaries of the Concessions and Reserved Areas of the coal basin in the Campine

anonymous print

Map with a plan for a shipping route between Montfoort and Amsterdam

Marcel Nicolet (1912–1996)

Marche Henri IV

French popular song

Marcus Curtius

drawing by Okänd

Maria Cristina, Queen of Sweden in Guercino's Studio in Bologna, died in Rome 1689

drawing by Okänd

Maria Magdalena

drawing by Okänd

Maria med barnet och helgon omgiven av Justitia och Sapeintia

drawing by Okänd

Maria med barnet tillsammans med Johannes

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Maria med barnet, Elisabeth och S. Anna omgivna av två manliga helgon

drawing by Okänd

Maria och Johannes döparen på knä

drawing by Okänd

Maribor Lutheran Church

church building in Maribor City Municipality, Slovenia

Marie himmelsfärd

drawing by Okänd

Marie himmelsfärd

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 176/1973)

Marie himmelsfärd

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 194/1973)

Marie tempelgång

drawing by Okänd

Marieholms residens

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Marieholms residens

drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1632/1973)

Maritime transport of dry bulk minerals

final contract report published in 1978

Markering VI

drawing by Ingen uppgift


drawing by Okänd


statue by an unknown artist in Florence, Italie

Martyr som flås levande

drawing by Okänd

Marvelous Makenzie. Giving foster kids the gift of duffel bags an dignity.

scientific article published in December 2003

Mary Magdalene

María Luisa de Austria

biography of Marie Louise, Duchess of Parma, Empress of the French from 1810 to 1814

Maskeen Di Heer

Punjabi Qissa

Masnavi Yakta Yani Dastaan Heer-o-ranjha

Punjabi Qissa

Massachusetts Department of Public Health releases safety report

newsletter published in 2004

Massachusetts fatal injuries at work 1999 update

newsletter published in 2001

Massachusetts fatal injuries at work 2000 update

newsletter published in 2002

Massachusetts fatal injuries at work 2001 update

newsletter published in 2004

Massachusetts police officers killed in highway and street work zones

newsletter published in 2003

Massachusetts welders killed in explosions caused by torch cutting containers

newsletter published in 2002

Master Polikarp's Dialog with Death



Japanese historical tale written in the early Muromachi period


drawing by Okänd

Maximum Security: A Hacker's Guide to Protecting Your Internet Site and Network

scholarly article in EDPACS: the EDP audit, control and security newsletter, vol. 25 no. 8, February 1998

Measurement and control of respirable dust in mines

final contract report published in 1980

Measuring Coal Thickness


Mechanical power press safety engineering guide, Wilco, Inc., Stillwater, Minnesota

final contract report published in 1976

Medamud (?). Palm trees

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Abbas Damani and Mohammed Ismaïl pose

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Abou-Fadl and his brother pose

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Archaeologist describes fragments of Coptic columns in the warehouse

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Archaeologist standing on a prehistoric site, seen from the south

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Archaeologists on a prehistoric site, seen from the north

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Boy poses

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Boy using Persian wheel

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Bridge over the canal

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Canal east of the road to Khizam, man and woman with herd of sheep

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Carmine red Coptic pottery

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Cement carrier Fadlal on the archaeological site

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Chapel in wheat field with palm trees

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Church of Deir Amda Pakhom: Figures in front of entrance

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Consoles of pillars, sculpted as lions

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Cook Matha poses 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Cook Matha poses 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Coptic crosses

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Coptic pottery: Amphoras

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Courtyard of the church Deir Amda Pakhôm 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Courtyard of the church Deir Amda Pakhôm 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Damani, Ghafir (guard) of the temple poses 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Damani, Ghafir (guard) of the temple poses 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Decorated Coptic pottery

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Doum palm

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Archaeologists and guides drive on camels through the desert

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Archaeologists and guides eating breakfast

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Archaeologists and guides ready for departure

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Archaeologists and guides standing on a prehistoric site

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Archaeologists eat breakfast 03

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Archaeologists eating breakfast 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Archaeologists eating breakfast 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Archaeologists with guide in the desert

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Arrival of archaeologists

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Arrival of caravan

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Departure of archaeologists and guides on camels

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Departure of archaeologists on camels

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Excavation

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Figures on mountain, seen from the north

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Four men ride camels

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Group of men in the eastern valley

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Guide poses in the desert, facing the east

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Man is cooking in the doorway of the kitchen tent

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Men looks at the arrival of the camels

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Mountain seen from the south

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Setting up camp 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Setting up camp 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. The camp and desert, seen from the north

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. The camp seen from the west

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Two figures pose in the desert, facing south

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. View of the desert to the east with child posing in the foreground

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. View of the desert, facing east, with two children posing in the foreground

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. View of the desert, facing south

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Worker next to mountain, seen from the south

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Workers and archaeologist on mountain, with a view to the north

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Workers pose at the excavation site 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Elouet El Ghir. Workers pose at the excavation site 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Excavation of kôm 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Excavation of kôm 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Farmer ploughing his field, close to Karnak

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Figures pose at the gate of the modern cemetery

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Fragment of a Coptic triangular pediment with lion's head

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Fragments of Coptic fronton

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Fragments of Coptic pottery decorated with low and high relief 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Fragments of Coptic pottery decorated with low and high relief 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Fragments of a decorated plate

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Fragments of a window

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Fragments of decorated Byzantine pottery

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Group of Europeans who visit the camp pose

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Guide and archaeologist riding on camel

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Herd of sheep and goats are grazing on hill

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Ismail, Ghafir (guard) of the temple poses

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Lamps decorated with low and high relief

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Landscape and fields in the vicinity of Al Ashshi

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Local cemetery

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Madani's sister and brother pose

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Madani, Ghafir (guard) of the temple poses

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Madani, Ghafir (guard) of the temple, and his brother pose

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Man and wife pose with buffalo in a pond, two children walk in the water

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Man and woman take a walk in the desert 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Man and woman take a walk in the desert 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Man collects water using sjadoef

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Man poses in the desert

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Man rides donkey between Arabic houses

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Man walking in the wadi of Medamud

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Man who bleaches clothes (?) poses

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Men in the desert drive on camels

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Mohammed Essen and Girl's wife pose

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Mohammed Essen's wife poses

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Mohammed Essen, Ghafir (guard) of the temple poses 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Mohammed Essen, Ghafir (guard) of the temple poses 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Mosque of Sheikh Amin

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Nabihè and Abou-Fadl pose

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Nabihè, fiancée of Wachter Madani, poses with another girl and child

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Native family poses

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Niches with low relief of a Coptic church

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Omdeh (leader of the village) poses with ruin of Temple of Montu

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Palm garden

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Postman Sanoussi poses 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Postman Sanoussi poses 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Pottery and fragments of pottery found on the kôm

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Prehistoric site, seen from the east

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Red sludged Coptic pottery

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Remnants of a Coptic Church on the southern courtyard, seen from the southwest

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Sheikh poses with three children

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Shepherd with two camels loaded with hay

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Shepherds with herd of sheep and goats standing on hill

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Smiling woman poses

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Staff of the excavation camp in 1925 poses

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Sugar cane carrier poses

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Altar and northern colonnade

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Altar from Wegaf at its discovery

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Archaeologist (Étienne Drioton (?)) copies inscriptions on the porch

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Archaeologist and worker clean the Nile god reliefs on the southern wall

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Archaeologist cleans the Nile god reliefs on the northern wall

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Archaeologist is cleaning the low relief of Trajanus and the Holy bull

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Archaeologist poses in front of the entrance of chapel of the cachette

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Archaeologist poses in the chapel in the rear part of the temple

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Archaeologist poses on the dromos in front of the courtyard

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Archaeologist shows the low relief of procession of the Nile gods on the western wall

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Archaeologist sitting in warehouse for archaeological finds

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Archaeologists and workers analyse the floor of the southern kiosk

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Archaeologists are sitting under a wall, held up by iron beams

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Archaeologists at the southern colonnade

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Archaeologists next to loose lintel of Amenhotep II

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Architrave of the gate of Tiberius with low relief 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Architrave of the gate of Tiberius with low relief 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Architraves of Sesostris III, with the eastern portal of the northern kiosk in the background

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Ash of the southern courtyard

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Beginning of a wall next to the colonnade

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Broken head of a sphinx. 3/4

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Broken head of a sphinx. Front view 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Broken head of a sphinx. Front view 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Broken head of a sphinx. Side view

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Cattle in front of tents in excavation camp, seen from the south

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Central part of the temple during the flood

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Chapel in the northeast of the temple with figures in the background

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Child bathing in the temple during the flood, seen from the north

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Child bathing in the temple during the flood, seen from the south

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Child poses in front of the archaeological site, seen from the west

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Child poses next to the jetty

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Child poses with the columns of the northern courtyard

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Child sitting near sphinx

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Colonnade of the northern courtyard

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Column of Antoninus Pius with high relief

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Column of Sobekemsaf I. Detail: King and Anubis in high relief

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Construction of the warehouse for archaeological finds

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Constructions against the stands with archaeologist sitting in the foreground

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Constructions against the stands with workers at work

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Coptic statue

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Courtyard during the flood

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Courtyard, seen from the portico

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Cover plate of the crypt with low relief

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Cross section and plan of the gate of Sesostris III

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Crypt

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Design of pillars in the northern wall of the northern courtyard

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Detaïl: Sed festival of Sesostris III in low relief

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Discovery of the head of Sesostris III (?) wearing the white crown

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Drainage in the eastern wall

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Eastern outer wall, seen from the north

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Eastern outer wall, seen from the south

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Eastern outer wall. Detail

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Eastern portal of the northern kiosk 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Eastern portal of the northern kiosk 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Excavation in the central part of the temple

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Excavation in the eastern central part of the temple

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Excavation in the northeast of the site 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Excavation in the northeast of the site 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Excavation in the southeastern corner of the temple 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Excavation in the southeastern corner of the temple 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Excavation in the southern central part of the temple

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Excavation in the southwest of the site 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Excavation in the southwest of the site 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Excavation of Coptic houses in the courtyard 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Excavation of Coptic houses in the courtyard 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Excavation of a granite column

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Excavation of a sphinx head

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Excavation of the altar in the courtyard

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Excavation of the eastern outer wall

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Excavation of the fragmented block statue of Minmose

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Excavation of the southern kiosk

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Excavation of the southern part of the courtyard

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Excavation under a Coptic paved road to the west of the Holy Lake

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fernand Bisson de la Roque (?) And a woman stand next to a tamarisk tree, with the site in the background

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fernand Bisson de la Roque (?) reads an inscription on the portico

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fernand Bisson de la Roque (?) reads an inscription with Lorgnet

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fernand Bisson de la Roque (?) sitting at the desk in his tent

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fernand Bisson de la Roque and other archaeologist rest outside their tent

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fernand Bisson de la Roque and workers analyse granite threshold of the northern kiosk

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fernand Bisson de la Roque and workers are looking for pot shards

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fernand Bisson de la Roque brushes blocks of the gate of Tiberius

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fernand Bisson de la Roque brushes statue of Montu

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fernand Bisson de la Roque copies graffiti on the floor of the stands

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fernand Bisson de la Roque copies the inscriptions on the architrave of the gate of Tiberius

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fernand Bisson de la Roque copies the inscriptions on the blocks of the gate of Tiberius 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fernand Bisson de la Roque copies the inscriptions on the blocks of the gate of Tiberius 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fernand Bisson de la Roque copies the inscriptions on the fragmented block statue of Minmose

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fernand Bisson de la Roque measures inscriptions on stone

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fernand Bisson de la Roque poses next to the jetty

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fernand Bisson de la Roque poses on an architrave of Sesostris III

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fernand Bisson de la Roque poses on the lintel of Sesostris III, still between the foundations

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fernand Bisson de la Roque takes prints of a relief in the southeastern corner of the temple

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Figure and cattle in front of the ruin of the gate of Tiberius

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Figure in front of tents in excavation camp, seen from the east

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Figure in front of the ruin of the gate of Tiberius, seen through portal

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Figure on donkey in front of the Holy Lake

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Figure poses in front of tents in excavation camp, seen from the west

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Figure poses in front of the archaeological site, seen by the palm trees from the south

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Figure poses in front of the ruin of the gate of Tiberius, seen through the palm trees

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Figure poses in the central part of the deposit of the blocks of the gate of Tiberius

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Figure runs over the northern courtyard

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Figure with a herd of cattle in the middle of limestone debris of sphinxes, south of the excavation camp

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Figures and cattle at the location of the peristyle in 1925

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Figures and cattle in the courtyard of the temple

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Figures walking near northern outer walls, seen from the east

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. First potter's oven in kôm 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. First potter's oven in kôm 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fragment of a bottle with depiction of Joseph I, Pope of Alexandria

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fragment of pillar of Seti II. Low relief: Cartouche of Seti II

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fragmented block statue of Minmose. Detail: Low relief

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fragmented statue of Montu

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fragmented statue of Sesostris III

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fragmented votive statue of the first prophet of Montu

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fragments of Ptolemaic capitals

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Fragments of friezes with relief

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Gate of Tiberius and paved path

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Gate of Tiberius, seen from the northeast

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Gate of Tiberius. Detail: Nile god in low relief

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Gate of Tiberius. Low relief on the inside of the northern pillar

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Gate of Tiberius. Low relief on the outside of the southern pillar: Nile gods

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Golden jewelry

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Granaries. Opening

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Group of Workers poses next to the secondary gate of the outer wall

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Head of Sesostris III (?) wearing the white crown

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Head of Sesostris III (?) wearing the white crown 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Head of Sesostris III (?) wearing the white crown. 3/4 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Head of Sesostris III (?) wearing the white crown. 3/4 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Head of Sesostris III (?) wearing the white crown. 3/4 03

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Head of Sesostris III (?) with the white crown 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Head of Sesostris III (?) with the white crown. 3/4

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Head of Sesostris III (?) with the white crown. Side view

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Head of Sesostris III 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Head of Sesostris III 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Head of a lion's statue

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Hieroglyph in Low Relief: Owl

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Hieroglyph in high relief: Owl of Sobekemsaf I

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Hieroglyph in low relief: Owl of Amenemhat Sobekhotep

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. High relief of Sobekemsaf. Detail: Face of Amon

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. High relief on a loose block of the altar located in the courtyard 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. High relief on a loose block of the altar located in the courtyard 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. High relief on a loose block of the gate: Queen Shepenupet II (?)

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. High relief on a loose block: Face of Amenemhat Sobekhotep wearing red crown

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. High relief on a loose block: Hieroglyphic inscription alongside Pharaoh wearing red crown

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. High relief on a loose block: Sesostris III in front of Montu

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. High relief on a loose block: Sobekemsaf I offering wine

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. High relief on a separate block: Amon introduces Sobekemsaf I next to Montu

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. High relief on a separate block: Cartouche of Sobekemsaf I

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. High relief on a separate block: Sobekemsaf I offering cakes to Montu

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. High relief on a separate block: Sobekemsaf I offering cakes to Montu. Detail

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. High relief with statue of Seti II on a separate block

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. High relief: Face of Sobekemsaf I

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. High relief: Flying falcon of Sesostris III

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. High relief: Roman musicians (?)

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. High relief: Royal Falcon of Sesostris III

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. High relief: Sobekemsaf I offering wine

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Kiosks

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Line drawing of relief on a separate block (inventory number 2487)

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Lintel from Sesostris III halfway through cleaning up. Detail: Sed festival in low relief

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Lintel from Sesostris III. Detail of central part: Sesostris III

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Lintel from Sesostris III. Detail: Amon in low relief

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Lintel from Sesostris III. Low relief: Sed festival

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Lintel from Sesostris III. Low relief: Sesostris III gives offerings to Montu 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Lintel of Amenemhat Sobekhotep

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Lintel of Amenemhat Sobekhotep in the warehouse

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Lintel of Amenemhat Sobekhotep. Detail: Amenemhat Sobekhotep offering milk, in low relief

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Lintel of Amenemhat Sobekhotep. Detail: Amenemhat Sobekhotep offering wine, in low relief

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Lintel of Amenemhat Sobekhotep. Detail: Central part of Sed festival in low relief 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Lintel of Amenemhat Sobekhotep. Detail: Central part of Sed festival in low relief 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Lintel of Amenemhat Sobekhotep. Detail: King in low relief

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Lintel of Amenemhat Sobekhotep. Detail: Montu in low relief

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Lintel of Amenemhat Sobekhotep. Detail: Upper body of Montu in low relief

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Lintel of Amenemhat Sobekhotep. Detaill: Amon-Re in low relief

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Lintel of Amenemhat Sobekhotep. Detaill: Upper body of Amon-Re in low relief

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Lintel of Sesostris III before cleaning

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Lintel of Sesostris III, ready for transport

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Lintel of Sesostris III. Low relief: Sesostris III gives offerings to Montu 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Location of the lintel and statues of Sesostris III

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Loose block from the gate of Ramses II

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Loose block from time of Seti II, reused in the gate of Tiberius 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Loose block from time of Seti II, reused in the gate of Tiberius 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Loose block from time of Seti II, reused in the gate of Tiberius 03

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Loose blocks with high relief from different periods

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Loose blocks with low relief from different periods

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Low relief on Talatat: Servant from Tell el-Amarna

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Low relief on a separate block

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Low relief on a separate block: Jackals prepare poultry

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Low relief on a separate block: Person is received by animals

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Low relief: Left half of Sesostris III sitting on his Sed festival throne

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Low relief: Nile gods 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Low relief: Nile gods 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Low relief: Sesostris III wearing white crown

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Low relief: Triad of Montu

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Low relief: Vespasianus

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Low reliefs on the southern wall: Nile gods 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Low reliefs on the southern wall: Nile gods 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Low reliefs on the southern wall: Procession of the Nile gods, Trajanus and the Holy bull

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Lowest level of the temple

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Man and two children, sitting in front of the columns of the portico

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Man gives food to dog

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Man poses at the ruin of the gate of Sesostris III

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Man poses in porch with low reliefs

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Man with donkey walking along the southern colonnade

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Map of kôm after excavations of 1925

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Naos with group workers in the background

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Northern colonnade of the courtyard

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Northern kiosk

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Northern part of the deposit of blocks from the gate of Tiberius

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Northern part of the rear part of the temple during the flood

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Overview of the archaeological site

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Overview of the archaeological site in 1925-1926 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Overview of the archaeological site in 1925-1926 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Overview of the archaeological site, seen from the northwest

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Overview of the archaeological site, seen from the south

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Overview of the courtyard in 1926 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Overview of the courtyard in 1926 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Overview of the courtyard seen from the east

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Overview of the temple seen from the east

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Overview of the temple seen from the excavation camp in 1931

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Overview of the temple seen from the northeast

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Overview of the temple seen from the west

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Overview of the temple with archaeologist posing in the foreground, taken from the rear part of the temple

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Part of a pilaster with low relief

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Part of the head of Sesostris III

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Pedestal of a statue with Greek inscriptions in low relief 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Pedestal of a statue with Greek inscriptions. Detail

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Pedestal of statue with Greek inscriptions in low relief 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Photographer takes a photo of Fernand Bisson de la Roque at the lintel of Sesostris III

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Photographer takes a picture of the statue of Sesostris III

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Pillar of Amenhotep III in scaffolds

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Plan and reconstruction of the temple from "Description de l'Egypte"

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Plan of the courtyard, after the excavations in 1926

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Plan of the rear part of the temple

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Plan of the temple

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Plan of the temple after the excavations of 1925-1926

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Plan of the temple and drawing of the monumental gate from the book by Richard Pococke

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Plan of the temple and the courtyard

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Plan of the temple with Oedjat eye

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Plate with Aramaic inscription

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Portico

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Portico and southern colonnade, seen from the Hypostyle Hall

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Rear part of the temple, seen from the east

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Rear part of the temple, seen from the south

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Reconstructed altar of Ptolemy III, with high reliefs 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Reconstructed altar of Ptolemy III, with high reliefs 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Reconstructed altar of Ptolemy III, with high reliefs 03

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Reconstruction drawing of the Hypostyle Hall with two men posing in the foreground

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Remains of Coptic constructions on the Eastern Wall 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Remains of Coptic constructions on the Eastern Wall 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Remains of the altar located in the courtyard

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Remains of the altar located in the courtyard, with high reliefs

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Remains of the foundations of a building, seen from the south

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Remnants of a Coptic church in the southern courtyard, seen from the southeast

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Restored statue of Montu. 3/4

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Restored statue of Montu. Detail: Head

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Restored statue of Raet-Tawy. 3/4

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Restored statue of Raet-Tawy. Detail: Head. 3/4

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Restored statue of Raet-Tawy. Side view

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Right angle of the lintel of Sesostris III: Sed festival in low relief 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Right angle of the lintel of Sesostris III: Sed festival in low relief 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Ruin of the gate of Tiberius and paved path

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Ruin of the gate of Tiberius, seen from the southeast

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Ruins of granaries, seen from the northeast

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Ruins of the gate of Tiberius

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Scaffolding, seen from the north

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Scaffolding, seen from the west

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Secondary gate of the outer wall

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Sick worker Damani and his family pose

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Small lintel of Sesostris III. Low relief: Titulature of the King

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Southern colonnade

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Southern colonnade and courtyard seen from the north

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Southern colonnade seen from the south

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Southern colonnade seen through the gate of Tiberius

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Southern colonnade with figures and herd cattle

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Southern kiosk. Line drawing of relief: God Bes

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Southern kiosk. Line drawing of relief: Hieroglyphs, god Montu

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Southern kiosk. Line drawing of relief: Procession of musicians

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Southern kiosk. Line drawing of relief: Singers

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Southern kiosk. Relief: Procession of musicians

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Southern kiosk. Relief: Singers

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Southern kiosk: Low relief of Bes

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Southern part of the back of the temple during the flood, with worker swimming

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Southern part of the deposit of blocks of the gate of Tiberius

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Southern wall of courtyard. Line drawing of relief: Trajanus and Holy Bull

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Southern wall of courtyard. Relief: Trajanus and Holy Bull

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Sphinx dug up in 1931

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Staff of the excavation camp poses in front of tents

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Start of the dromos

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Statue of Montu before the restoration

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Statue of Montu before the restoration. Front view

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Statue of Osiris

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Statue of Raet-Tawy, sitting. 3/4 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Statue of Raet-Tawy, sitting. 3/4 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Statue of Raet-Tawy, sitting. 3/4 03

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Statue of Raet-Tawy, sitting. Detail: Head

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Statue of Raet-Tawy, sitting. Front view

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Statue of Raet-Tawy, sitting. Side view 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Statue of Raet-Tawy, sitting. Side view 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Statue of Sesostris III standing close to the excavation camp

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Statue of Thuthmose IV

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Statue of a judge

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Statue of a young Sesostris III, sitting. Front view 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Statue of a young Sesostris III, sitting. Front view 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Statue of a young Sesostris III. Front view 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Statue of a young Sesostris III. Front view 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Stela of prayer room

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Stone of the gate of Sobekemsaf I with high relief

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Tents in excavation camp

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Terrace of Sesostris III

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. The "Miraculous statue" next to the warehouse

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. The Holy Lake at low tide

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. The Holy Lake at the end of the excavations in 1927

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. The Holy Lake: Northern bank 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. The Holy Lake: Northern bank 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. The archaeological site and palm garden

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. The archaeological site seen from the banks of the canal

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. The colonnade and the beginning of the southern colonnade, seen from the south

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. The dromos, seen from the east

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. The dromos, seen from the stands, with group of workers in the background

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. The kiosks and the colonnade, seen from the north

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. The portico, seen from the colonnade

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. The scaffolding seen from the west with excavation camp in the background

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. The site at the end of the excavations in 1924-1625, three figures pose in the foreground

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. The stand, seen from the south

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. The stand, seen from the southeast

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Three figures near the Holy Lake

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Two boys playing cards next to the fragmented block statue of Minmose

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Two boys pose at low relief in the North-West Chapel

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Two children are in front of the northern outer wall, seen from the south

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Two figures in the northern part of the northern corridor

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Two figures with camels in front of the Holy Lake

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Two men pose in front of the Hypostyle Hall of the temple, seen from the northwest

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Two statues of Sesostris III

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Two statues of Sesostris III standing close to the excavation camp

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Two workers standing next to the head of Sesostris III (?) wearing the white crown drying in the sun

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. View of the Temple, seen by the palm trees from the south

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Votive figurines

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Wall in the west of the northern courtyard. High relief: Ptolemy VI

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Wall of the gate of Amenemhat Sobekhotep. High relief: King wearing red crown

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Warehouse with various stones decorated with low relief dating to the Middle Kingdom

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Water carrier in front of the southern colonnade

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Women transport stone with donkey

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Worker (Ali) cleans the blocks of the gate of Tiberius

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Worker (Ali) cleans the head of Sesostris III

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Worker next to lintel with low relief: Sed festival of Amenemhat Sobekhotep

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Worker poses alongside sphinx of Nectanebo

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Worker poses at gate of Amenhotep II

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Worker poses at the lintel of the gate of Sesostris III

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Worker poses at the southern pillar of the gate of Tiberius

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Worker poses at the well south of the temple

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Worker poses with a fragmented statue of Thuthmose IV

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Worker poses with a loose block with Greek inscriptions

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Worker poses with altar of Sesostris III

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Worker poses with columns that carry Greek inscriptions in low relief

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Worker poses with the Roman altar

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Worker restores the southern outer wall

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Worker sitting near columns along the northern outer wall of the temple

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Worker stands next to the fragmented block statue of Minmose

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Worker steps away from the well

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Worker walks in the portico

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Worker with a block in low relief, in the foundations of the gate of Tiberius

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Worker with jug on his head climbs from the well, south of the temple

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers and Fernand Bisson de la Roque hoist the lintel of Amenemhat Sobekhotep

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers and Fernand Bisson de la Roque put the lintel of Amenemhat Sobekhotep upright

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers and Fernand Bisson de la Roque raise the lintel of Amenemhat Sobekhotep

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers and archaeologist look at a pedestal with Greek inscriptions

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers are paid

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers at work during excavation 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers at work during excavation 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers attach a block to a cart using the Decauville system

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers break down the tents

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers carry the statue of Sesostris III into the warehouse

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers clean the architrave of the portico

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers clean the northern colonnade of the courtyard

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers clean up the dromos west of the gate of Tiberius 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers clean up the dromos west of the gate of Tiberius 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers dig out the gate of Tiberius

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers dig the first slot

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers dig up pillars from Amenemhat Sobekhotep

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers dig up the entrance to the crypt 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers dig up the entrance to the crypt 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers dig up the gate of the granary and the eastern wall of the Holy Lake, seen from the north

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers dig up the gate of the granary and the eastern wall of the Holy Lake, seen from the south

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers dig up the third layer of the foundation

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers drag a block 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers drag a block 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers drag a block of the gate of Tiberius

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers drag the architrave of the gate of Tiberius 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers drag the architrave of the gate of Tiberius 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers drag the blocks of the gate of Tiberius

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers drag the lintel of Sesostris III 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers drag the lintel of Sesostris III 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers drag the lintel of Sesostris III 03

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers emptying the Holy Lake

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers emptying the Holy Lake using a sjadoef

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers emptying the last water from the Holy Lake

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers hoist the block statue of Maanakhtef

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers in and around cachette

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers lift the crypt's cover plate 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers lift the crypt's cover plate 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers move a block to the warehouse

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers move blocks of the gate of Tiberius

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers move part of the architrave of the gate of Tiberius

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers move the architrave of de gate of Tiberius

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers move the lintel of Sesostris III

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers pose at the well south of the temple

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers pose during the construction of the warehouse for archaeological finds

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers prepare the relocation of the lintel of Amenemhat Sobekhotep

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers prepare transport of the architrave of the gate of Tiberius

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers prepare transport of the fragmented statue of Thuthmose IV

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers pull cover stone to the surface

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers put the finishing touches during cleanage of the courtyard

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers putting the pedestal with Greek inscriptions upright

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers raise the fragmented block statue of Minmose

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers remove the lintel of Sesostris III from the foundations

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers restore columns from the courtyard

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers scaffolding the pillar of Amenhotep III

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers stand in front of the stone of the bull

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers standing at the ruin of the gate of Tiberius

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers standing in the emptied Holy Lake

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers standing near the statue of Sesostris III

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers standing next to sandstone structures on the outskirts of the hill

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers throw rubble into a lot 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers throw rubble into a lot 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers transport a block of the gate of Tiberius

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers transport block on a cart using decauville system

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers transport the crypt's cover plate

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers transport the fragmented statue of Thuthmose IV

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers transport the head of Sesostris III (?) wearing the white crown

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers transport the lintel of Amenemhat Sobekhotep

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers transport the lintel of Sesostris III 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers transport the lintel of Sesostris III 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers transport the statue of Sesostris III to the camp

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers transport the statue of Sesostris III to the warehouse

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers turning the architrave of the gate of Tiberius

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers wash the fragmented statue of Thuthmose IV

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers with the architrave of the gate of Tiberius

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Workers with the lintel of Sesostris III in the warehouse

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Temple of Montu. Étienne Drioton finds fragments of statue of Sesostris III

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. The camels rest in the wadi 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. The camels rest in the wadi 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. The wife and children of Damani pose

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Toys

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Travel Mahmoud poses

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Two archaeologists drive camels through the desert, towards the east

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Two children pose in front of the foundations of a small Coptic building

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Two young girls pose 01

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Two young girls pose 02

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Whitewashed Coptic pottery

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Wife poses, without laughing

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Worker Mohamed Ismail

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Worker poses with a Coptic pot holder

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Workers' house

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Young Abdallah poses

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Young girl and her brother pose

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Medamud. Young girl on the Kôm poses

glass diapositive Egyptology, KU Leuven Libraries

Meeting national needs in mineral technology and economics

publication (IH) published in 1979

Memorial o representacion dirigida a la Real Persona por la M.N. y M.L. Provincia de Alava, solicitando se la reintegre en la Silla Episcopal, que con el título de Alava obtuvo en algunos siglos

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Memories of the Great Stages of Life

print by Gibert, Jean-Baptisteanonymous

Memory of the king, the last moments of the king

anonymous print

Menhir of Soalar

Menhir or stella with engraved decoration

Menologium Rusticum Vallense

Imperial Roman calendar inscribed on three sides of a large stone base, discovered 15th cent. and previously owned by Andrea della Valle


publication published in 1977

Mercury control technology assessment study, Cosan Chemical Corporation, Carlstadt, New Jersey. Preliminary survey report for the site visit of July 16, 1981

field study published in 1981

Mercury control technology assessment study, H-B Instrument Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Preliminary survey report for the site visit of September 1, 1981

field study published in 1981

Mercury control technology assessment study, Micro Switch, A Honeywell Division, Freeport, Illinois, preliminary survey report for the site visit of May 5, 1981

field study published in 1981

Mercury control technology assessment study, Partlow Corporation, New Hartford, New York, preliminary survey report for the site visit of June 16, 1981

field study published in 1981

Merkurius i färd med halshugga Argus

drawing by Okänd

Mesa do Imperador

photograph by unknown author

Metal and Minerals, Volume 1. Bumines Minerals Yearbook, 1977


Metal mine fire protection research. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines technology transfer seminar, Tucson, Arizona, March 18, 1977

information circular published in 1977

Metals and Minerals


Metals and minerals. Centennial edition 1981. Volume 1

publication (IH) published in 1982

Methacrylic acid and its esters

publication published in 1979

Methane control in eastern U. S. coal mines. Proceedings of the Symposium of the Bureau of Mines/Industry Technology Transfer Seminar, Morgantown, West Virginia, May 30-31, 1973

information circular published in 1973

Methane control program study

publication (CP) published in 1970

Methane utilization from coalbeds for power generation at Bethlehem Mines Corporation Marianna Mine No. 58

final contract report published in 1981

Method of Investigations, Estimation, and Classification of Roofs in Mines in the United States of America for the Selection of Suitable Mechanized Support for Longwalls


Methodology to measure the economic impact of copper mining and mineral processing waste regulations

final contract report published in 1990

Methods and Costs of Coal Refuse Disposal and Reclamation

information circular published in 1973

Methods of Investigations, Estimation, and Classification of Roofs in Mines in the United States of America for the Selection of Suitable Mechanized Support for Longwalls


Methyl chloride

publication published in 1977

Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide

publication published in 1977

Methylamine analytical method

publication published in 1979

Michigan astronomers discover promethium in star

article published in 1971

Mickael och Draken

drawing by Okänd

Microseismic Monitoring of a Longwall Coal Mine. Volumes I Through III



drawing by Okänd

Mihrab (71-1885)

mihrab section in Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Militatair scen med många figurer (esquiss)

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Ingen uppgift


drawing by Okänd

Min dröm: Jag lär mig hoppa rep

drawing by Okänd

Mine Emergency Training

publication (IH) published in 1972

Mine Ventilation Economics


Mine ground control. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines technology transfer seminars, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, December 6-7, 1983, and Denver, Colorado, December 8-9, 1983

information circular published in 1984

Mine health and safety contract research, development, and demonstration in fiscal year 1979

information circular published in 1979

Mine health and safety in-house research, development, and demonstration in fiscal year 1979

information circular published in 1979

Mine power distribution. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminar, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 19, 1975

information circular published in 1975

Mine power systems research (in four parts). 1. Trailing cables

information circular published in 1979

Mine power systems research (in four parts). 2. Grounding research

information circular published in 1979

Mine power systems research (in four parts). 3. Circuit protection

information circular published in 1979

Mine power systems research (in four parts). 4. transients and enclosures

information circular published in 1979

Mine rescue and survival, final report

final contract report published in 1970

Mine safety education and training seminar

information circular published in 1980

Mine shaft fire and smoke protection system. Volume 1 - design and demonstration. Final report

final contract report published in 1975

Mine subsidence control. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminar, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September 19, 1985

information circular published in 1985

Mine waste disposal technology. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Workshop, Denver, Colorado, July 16, 1981

information circular published in 1981

Miner-bolter Development: An Evaluation


Mineral Appraisal of the Proposed Selawik National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska: A Preliminary Comment

publication (CP) published in 1978

Mineral Commodity Summaries

publication published in 1994

Mineral Commodity Summaries 1982

publication (IH) published in 1982

Mineral Commodity Summaries 1987

publication (IH) published in 1987

Mineral Commodity Summaries 1989


Mineral Commodity Summaries 1990


Mineral Facts and Problems, 1975 Edition

publication (IH) published in 1976

Mineral Facts and Problems, 1980 Edition

publication (IH) published in 1981

Mineral Industries of Africa

publication published in 1992

Mineral Industries of Asia and the Pacific

publication published in 1992

Mineral Industries of the Middle East

publication published in 1992

Mineral appraisal of lands adjacent to Mt. McKinley National Park, Alaska

final contract report published in 1978

Mineral appraisal of the Wrangell-St. Elias region. A summary report

publication (CP) published in 1978

Mineral appraisal of the proposed Kobuk Valley National Park, Alaska:a preliminary comment

publication (CP) published in 1978

Mineral appraisal of the proposed Utukok and Colville Wild and Scenic Rivers: a summary report

publication (CP) published in 1980

Mineral appraisal of the proposed gates of the Arctic Wilderness National Park, Alaska: a preliminary comment

publication (CP) published in 1978

Mineral commodity summaries 1983

publication (IH) published in 1983

Mineral commodity summaries 1984

publication (IH) published in 1984

Mineral commodity summaries 1985

publication (IH) published in 1985

Mineral commodity summaries 1986

publication (IH) published in 1986

Mineral commodity summaries 1991

publication published in 1991

Mineral data appraisal of the proposed Noatak National Ecological Preserves, Alaska. A preliminary comment

publication (CP) published in 1978

Mineral deposit inventory for ten Alaska port sites

publication (CP) published in 1990

Mineral deposits of the Cape Krusenstern area, Alaska: a preliminary comment

publication (CP) published in 1980

Mineral facts and problems, 1970 edition

publication (IH) published in 1970

Mineral facts and problems, 1985 Edition

publication (IH) published in 1985

Mineral industries of Africa

publication (IH) published in 1984

Mineral industries of Europe and the U.S.S.R

publication (IH) published in 1984

Mineral industries of Latin America

publication published in 1988

Mineral industries of the Far East and south Asia

publication (IH) published in 1988

Mineral industries of the Middle East

publication (IH) published in 1986

Mineral issues--1987

publication published in 1987

Mineral issues--1989. Competitiveness and regulation

publication (IH) published in 1989

Mineral position of the United States: the past fifteen years. the 1985 annual report of the Secretary of the Interior under the Mining and Minerals Policy Act of 1970

publication (IH) published in 1986

Mineral trends and forecasts

publication (IH) published in 1979

Minerals Data Source Directory, January 1983 (An Update of IC 8881)

information circular published in 1983

Minerals Yearbook - Volume III Mineral Industries of


Minerals Yearbook - MYB-Volume III Mineral Industries of


Minerals Yearbook - MYB. Volume III Mineral Industries


Minerals Yearbook - MYB. Volume III Mineral Industries of


Minerals Yearbook - Volume III Mineral Industries of


Minerals Yearbook - Volume III Mineral Industries of

publication, date unknown

Minerals Yearbook . Volume III Minerals in the World


Minerals Yearbook Volume III Mineral Industries of the


Minerals Yearbook Volume III. Mineral Industries of


Minerals Yearbook Volume III. Minerals in the World


Minerals Yearbook, 1981, Volume III Area Reports: International. Centennial Edition


Minerals Yearbook, 1982. Volume III Area Reports: International, 1982


Minerals Yearbook, 1989 Volume III Mineral Industries of

publication published in 1992

Minerals Yearbook, Volume II. Area Reports: Centennial Edition, 1981


Minerals Yearbook, Volume III Area Reports: Internationa.. Centennial Edition, 1981


Minerals data source directory

information circular published in 1982

Minerals environmental in-house and contract research and development in fiscal year 1980

information circular published in 1980

Minerals environmental in-house and contract research and development in fiscal year 1981

information circular published in 1981

Minerals health and safety contract research, development, and demonstration in fiscal year 1980

information circular published in 1980

Minerals health and safety contract research, development, and demonstration in fiscal year 1981

information circular published in 1981

Minerals health and safety in-house and contract research, development, and demonstration in fiscal year 1982

information circular published in 1982

Minerals health and safety in-house research, development, and demonstration in fiscal year 1980

information circular published in 1980

Minerals health and safety in-house research, development, and demonstration in fiscal year 1981

information circular published in 1981

Minerals in 1991


Minerals in 1992

publication published in 1992

Minerals in America: The First 500 Years

publication published in 1991

Minerals in the 50 States

publication published in 1991

Minerals in the East Mojave National Scenic Area, California. Volume I--a minerals investigation. Volume II--an economic analysis

publication published in 1990

Minerals in the U.S. economy: Ten-year supply-demand profiles for mineral and fuel commodities (1965-1974)

publication (IH) published in 1976

Minerals in the U.S. economy: ten-year supply-demand profiles for mineral and fuel commodities

publication (IH) published in 1975

Minerals in the U.S. economy: ten-year supply-demand profiles for mineral and fuel commodities (1966-75)

publication (IH) published in 1977

Minerals in the U.S. economy: ten-year supply-demand profiles for nonfuel mineral commodities (1968-77)

publication (IH) published in 1979

Minerals research

final grant report published in 1971

Minerva bild

drawing by Okänd

Miniatyrerna i 1600-tals stil med kunglig krona

drawing by Okänd

Mining Properties Acquisition Costs: Kantishna Hills and Dunkle Mine Study Areas, Denali National Park, Alaska

final contract report published in 1983

Mining and Rock Mechanics Research in Oil Shale and Nahcolite, Horse Draw Shaft, Colorado. Appendix Volume A-1. Raw Data

publication (CP) published in 1983

Mining and Rock Mechanics Research in Oil Shale and Nahcolite, Horse Draw Shaft, Colorado. Appendix Volume A-2. Core Hole 1840-Ug-3 Data

publication (CP) published in 1983

Mining and Rock Mechanics Research in Oil Shale and Nahcolite, Horse Draw Shaft, Colorado. Appendix Volume A-3. Drawing Index

publication (CP) published in 1983

Mining and Rock Mechanics Research in Oil Shale and Nahcolite, Horse Draw Shaft, Colorado. Appendix Volume A-4. Surface Testing

publication (CP) published in 1983

Mining and Rock Mechanics Research in Oil Shale and Nahcolite, Horse Draw Shaft, Colorado. Appendix Volume A-5. Sample Log

publication (CP) published in 1983

Mining and Rock Mechanics Research in Oil Shale and Nahcolite, Horse Draw Shaft, Colorado. Volume 1. Geotechnical Information

publication (CP) published in 1983

Mining and Rock Mechanics Research in Oil Shale and Nahcolite, Horse Draw Shaft, Colorado. Volume 2. Mine Operations Engineering

publication (CP) published in 1988

Mining and mineral operations in the New England and Mid-Atlantic states. A visitor guide

publication (IH) published in 1976

Mining and mineral operations in the North-Central States. A visitor guide

publication (IH) published in 1977

Mining and mineral operations in the Pacific States. A visitor guide

publication (IH) published in 1976

Mining and mineral operations in the Rocky Mountain States. A visitor guide

publication (IH) published in 1977

Mining and mineral operations in the South Atlantic States. A visitor guide

publication (IH) published in 1976

Mining and mineral operations in the South-Central States. A visitor guide

publication (IH) published in 1977

Mining applications of life support technology. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines technology transfer seminar, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 20, 1986

information circular published in 1987

Mining health and safety in-house and contract research in fiscal year 1985

information circular published in 1985

Mining research in the Bureau of Mines: safety, efficiency, and environmental quality

publication (IH) published in 1978

Mining research review

publication (IH) published in 1976

Mining research review

publication (IH) published in 1978

Mining research review

publication (IH) published in 1980

Mining research review

publication (IH) published in 1975

Mining surveillance study of coal preparation and related laboratory float-sink operations

final contract report published in 1983

Mining technology research

publication (IH) published in 1975


Minuta de Decretos hechos por esta Muy Noble, y Muy Leal Provincia de Alaba, en sus Juntas Generales de Santa Cathalina de este año de 1735

18th century literary work printed in the Basque Country

Minutes of the 1953 Annual Meeting Held at Cambridge, January 22-24, 1953

scientific article

Minutes of the 1955 Spring Meeting Held at Washington, D. C., April 28-30, 1955

scientific article

Minutes of the Cleveland Meeting

Minutes of the Eugene Meeting, June 19-21, 1930

scientific article

Minutes of the Meeting at Oak Ridge, March 16-18, 1950

Minutes of the Meeting at Washington, April 29 to May 1, 1948

Minutes of the Philadelphia Meeting December 28, 29, 30, 1926

Minutes of the Stanford Meeting, March 6, 1926

scientific article

Minutes of the Stanford University Meeting, January 22, 1921

Missouri workshops on asbestos treatment in schools

final grant report published in 1981

Mistakes and perfect medicine

Wellcome Collection story


drawing by Ingen uppgift

Model of a British frigate

model of a British frigate made by British prisoners of war in Toulon in 1807, now belonging to the Art and History Museum of Geneva

Model specifications for the protection of workers from lead on steel structures

final cooperative agreement report published in 1993

Modellstudie till en Johannes predikar i öknen

drawing by Okänd

Modern Underground Mining Technologies for Pitching Coalbed Extraction


Mohiravan badh aru betal-chandi upakhyan

book composed by anonymous writer

Molybdenum and its compounds

publication published in 1979

Mon petit lapin a bien du chagrin

Monitoring and Control of Machines and Mining Systems


Monitoring of mining equipment hydraulics through adaption of the statistical analog monitor

final contract report published in 1978

Monohaloacetic acids

final contract report published in 1980

Monseigneur Waffelaert, the new bishop of Bruges

print by Wylanusanonymous, part of Musea Brugge collection, 0020.GRO0367.III

Monumento Rodoviário Belvedere - presença de Washington Luís

photograph by unknown author

Monumento a Pedro Álvares Cabral

photograph by unknown author (001AN02001006)

Monumento em homenagem a Duque de Caxias

photograph by unknown author (001RJ007002)

Monumento à D. Pedro I

photograph by unknown author

Moreeuw en Cie. Rousselare.

anonymous print, part of Musea Brugge collection

Morpheus, after Nicolas Poussin


Morro Dois Irmãos e Pedra da Gávea vistos da Estrada dos Picos

photograph by unknown author

Morro da Igrejinha

photograph by unknown author

Morro da Vigia

photograph by unknown author

Morro da rua Tonelero

photograph by unknown author

Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01045)

Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author (037SL01063)

Morro do Castelo - Igreja de São Sebastião dos Capuchinhos

photograph by unknown author

Morro do Castelo - Igreja de São Sebastião dos Capuchinhos; transladação dos restos mortais de Estácio de Sá

photograph by unknown author

Morro do Castelo - transladação dos restos mortais de Estácio de Sá

photograph by unknown author

Morro do Castelo em processo de demolição e os pavilhões da Exposição Internacional de 1922

photograph by unknown author

Morro do Castelo em processo de demolição; visto da Rua México

photograph by unknown author

Morro do Castelo; amolador em frente à moradias e, ao fundo, o Palace Hotel

photograph by unknown author

Morro do Castelo; moradias

photograph by unknown author

Morro do Inhangá

photograph by unknown author (014AAN00521)

Morro do Pão de Açúcar e bondinho

photograph by unknown author (007A5P3F13-037)

Morro do Pão de Açúcar; visto da Praia de Botafogo

photograph by unknown author

Mortality among coal miners covered by the UMWA health and retirement funds

final contract report published in 1975

Mortality study of dentists

final contract report published in 1976

Mosaicarum et Romanarum legum collatio

collectioin of law sources from late antiquity

Moses uptages af Faraos dotter

drawing by Okänd

Mother and child

drawing by Okänd

Motivational Assisted Spirometry System (MASS) development

publication published in 1971

Mount Vesuvius in Eruption at Night, Showing the Bay of Naples in the Foreground with a Sailing Boat, and Spectators on the Oppo

1829; unknown artist; 1829; Wellcome Collection

Mount Vesuvius in Eruption at Night, with Smoke, Fire, and Lava, over the Bay of Naples

1794; unknown artist; 1794; Wellcome Collection

Mrs Broadbent, Afflicted with Breast Cancer

1840; unknown artist; 1840; Wellcome Collection

Mrs Prince, after Surgical Removal of a Breast

1841; unknown artist; 1841; Wellcome Collection

Msa Carbon Monoxide Tester

publication (IH) published in 1972

Msa Explosimeter, Model 2A

publication (IH) published in 1972

Msa McCaa Mine Rescue Apparatus

publication (IH) published in 1972

Msa W-65 Self Rescuer

publication (IH) published in 1972

Msa permissible methane spotter

publication (IH) published in 1972

Muere un trabajador de mantenimiento al caer de la azotea de un edificio de apartamentos

field study published in 2008

Multidão reunida em torno de Washington Luís

photograph by unknown author

Mummy Portrait

Munk knäböjande framför madonnan med barnet, fragment

drawing by Okänd

Munk med spädbarn

drawing by Okänd

Munk som skriver

drawing by Okänd

Munkar knäböjer för ett Helgon. I höjden synes frälsaren mfl

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Ingen uppgift

Musei Capitolini S2417


My Experience With Psychiatric Services.

scientific article

My own story: dealing with depression

scientific article published on July 1, 2012

Månadsbild: november

drawing by Okänd

Mönster för dukning av ett runt bord

drawing by Okänd

Mönster för uppdukning av ett stort runt bord

drawing by Okänd

Mönster till en tavla med inbroderat bibelspråk

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Ingen uppgift


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 187/1933)

Mędrcy świata, Monarchowie

Polish Christmas carol

N,N-dimethyl acetamide

publication published in 1979

N,N-dimethyl formamide

publication published in 1979

NIOSH 583, Non-Ionizing Radiation: Hazards and Controls

publication published in 1997

NIOSH Analytical Methods for Set M

publication published in 1976

NIOSH Analytical Methods for Set O

publication published in 1976

NIOSH Fiscal Year 80 Annual Grants Report Accession List


NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, 2nd edition, volume 6

NIOSH publication published in 1980

NIOSH analysis methods for set J

publication published in 1976

NIOSH analytical method chlorodiphenyl (54% chlorine) S121

publication published in 1975

NIOSH analytical methods for Set B Standards Completion Program

publication published in 1975

NIOSH analytical methods for Set L

publication published in 1976

NIOSH analytical methods for Set W

publication published in 1976

NIOSH analytical methods for set A standards completion program

publication published in 1975

NIOSH analytical methods for set C standards completion program

publication published in 1975

NIOSH analytical methods for set D standards completion program

publication published in 1975

NIOSH analytical methods for set E

publication published in 1975

NIOSH analytical methods for set F standards completion program

publication published in 1975

NIOSH analytical methods for set G

publication published in 1976

NIOSH analytical methods for set H

publication published in 1977

NIOSH analytical methods for set I

publication published in 1976

NIOSH analytical methods for set K standards completion program

final contract report published in 1976

NIOSH analytical methods for set M

publication published in December 1976

NIOSH analytical methods for set N standards completion program

final contract report published in 1976

NIOSH analytical methods for set P standards completion program

final contract report published in 1976

NIOSH analytical methods for set Q standards completion program

final contract report published in 1976

NIOSH analytical methods for set R

publication published in 1976

NIOSH analytical methods for set T

publication published in 1976

NIOSH analytical methods for set U standards completion program

final contract report published in 1976

NIOSH analytical methods for set V

publication published in 1976

NIOSH certified equipment list as of June 1, 1980

NIOSH publication published in 1980

NIOSH grants 1980 research and demonstration grants and cooperative agreements active in fiscal 1980

final contract report published in 1980

NIOSH information dissemination strategy

publication published in 1976

NIOSH spirometry training guide

publication published in 1997

NIOSH workshop on the heat stress standard

publication published in 1980

NIOSH/OSHA pocket guide to chemical hazards (78-210, fourth printing) (superseded)

superseded NIOSH publication published in 1981

NIOSH/OSHA pocket guide to chemical hazards (78-210, second printing) (superseded)

superseded NIOSH publication published in 1980

NIOSH/OSHA pocket guide to chemical hazards (78-210, third printing) (superseded)

superseded NIOSH publication published in 1980


political Internet meme

Naken kvinna kliver upp ur badet

drawing by Okänd

Naken man liggande på rygg

drawing by Okänd

Naken qvinna sittande. Två amourer

drawing by Okänd

Naket barn bakifrån

drawing by Okänd

Naket barn från sidan

drawing by Okänd

Naket barn, sittande

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

National AG Safety Database (NASD): health, dafety and injury prevention in agriculture

publication published in 1995

National AG Safety Database (NASD): health, safety and injury prevention in agriculture

publication published in 1999

National AG Safety Database (NASD): health, safety and injury prevention in agriculture

publication published in 1998

National AG Safety Database (NASD): health, safety and injury prevention in agriculture

publication published in 1997

National Health Survey findings of occupational health interest

publication published in 1961

National occupational hazard survey. Volume III. Survey analysis and supplemental tables

NIOSH publication published in 1977

Nationalmuseum. " Karta öfver Skepps- och Kastellholmarne"

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Nationalmuseum. "Karta öfver Kyrkholmen. Litt: A", ur volym

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Nationalmuseum. Det. av fasad med kvaderrustik+längdsnitt av 1:a och 2:a stenskiftena under fönsterna

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Nationalmuseum. Detaljskiss av pilasterbas, "Hörsaal", övre våningen

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Nationalmuseum. Detaljskisser till tak, sal XI, bottenvåninegn

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Nationalmuseum. Detaljskisser till takrosett, bottenvåningen

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Nationalmuseum. Detaljstudie av portalens pilasterkapitäl, " Hörsaal", övre våningen

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Nationalmuseum. Fasaden mot norr

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Nationalmuseum. Fasaden mot öster

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Nationalmuseum. Gårdsfasader mot söder och norr. Sektioner

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Nationalmuseum. Kolonn i bottenvån

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Nationalmuseum. Plan av bottenvåningen

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Nationalmuseum. Sektioner av nedre vestibulen

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Nationalmuseum. Väggsektion med fönster, "Grosser Hörsal". Övre våningen

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Nationwide survey of the occupational safety and health work force

NIOSH publication published in 1978

Nattligt mord på gata

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Ingen uppgift

Neo-Gothic frame

anonymous print

Neptunus står på en Delfin

drawing by Okänd


hymn tune first published in the Repository of Sacred Music, Part Second, in 1813

New AGU fellows

New Mexico Highway Department Crusher Study

field study published in 1971

New Publications of the Bureau of Mines, U.S. Department of the Interior, List 942, November - December 1995


New developments in occupational stress

NIOSH technical report published in 1980

New procedure for recovering nickel and cobalt from western laterites. Economic feasibility

final contract report published in 1982

New steelmaking technology from the Bureau of Mines. Proceedings of an open industry briefing held in association with the Electric Furnace Conference, December 8, 1987, Chicago, Il

information circular published in 1988

Niobidernas död

drawing by Okänd


publication published in 1977


publication published in 1977

Nitroethane analytical method

publication published in 1978

Nitromethane analytical method

publication published in 1979


publication published in 1977


publication published in 1977

Noaks ark

drawing by Okänd

Nocturnal, England

Noise control: proceedings. Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminar, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, January 22, 1975

information circular published in 1975

Nonferrous metal prices in the United States through 1988

publication (IH) published in 1990

Nonferrous smelting

publication published in 1979


drawing by Ingen uppgift

Nonfuels mineral model directory

information circular published in 1984

Nonionizing radiation (583)

publication published in 1977

Nonionizing radiation 583

publication published in 1977

Noticia de las hidalguia y entroncamientos, que se han litigado ante las justicias ordinarias de esta Provincia

18th century literary work printed in Donostia-San Sebastián

Novena de Maria Santisima de los Dolores

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Nr 113 profiler

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Nr 146 Bilder från Järvafältet I

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Nr 35 sommarkänslor

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Nya huset vid stäket

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Nya huset vid stäket

drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1614/1973)

Nya huset vid stäket

drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1615/1973)

Nya huset vid stäket

drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1616/1973)

Nyckelskaft 2 st i rococostil

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

När Edvard P. var och sjöng "Den glade skräddaren" på Konserthuset i Hälsningborg

drawing by Okänd

När Inga och jag skulle plocka äpplen

drawing by Okänd

När far och jag for med hudar till Valdemarsvik

drawing by Okänd

När hissen störtar ner

drawing by Okänd

När jag blir stor ska jag bli upptäcktsresande

drawing by Okänd

När jag plockade blommor

drawing by Okänd

När jag plockade blå bär

drawing by Okänd

När jag plockade blåbär

drawing by Okänd

När jag plockade blåbär i skogen

drawing by Okänd

När jag plockade bär

drawing by Okänd

När jag plockade daggmask

drawing by Okänd

När jag plockade grankott

drawing by Okänd

När jag plockade hallon

drawing by Okänd

När jag plockade körsbär

drawing by Okänd

När jag plockade körsbär hemma i trädgården

drawing by Okänd

När jag plockade lingon

drawing by Okänd

När jag plockade lingon

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 135/1947)

När jag plockade lingon

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 140/1947)

När jag plockade lingon

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 157/1947)

När jag plockade lärkträdskott i lasarettsparken

drawing by Okänd

När jag plockade plommon

drawing by Okänd

När jag plockade potatis

drawing by Okänd

När jag plockade slånbär

drawing by Okänd

När jag plockade svamp

drawing by Okänd

När jag plockade svamp

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 148/1947)

När jag plockade svamp

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 156/1947)

När jag plockade svamp i skogen

drawing by Okänd

När jag plockade äpplen

drawing by Okänd

När jag plockade äpplen

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 165/1947)

När jag var i skogen och plockade bär

drawing by Okänd

När jag var ute och plockade blåbär

drawing by Okänd

När jag var ute och plockade svamp

drawing by Okänd

När jag var vacker

drawing by Okänd

När kläderna väckte mig

drawing by Okänd

När vi högg vete

drawing by Okänd

När vi plockade näckrosor

drawing by Okänd

När vi plockar blåbär

drawing by Okänd

O Pão de Açúcar; destaque para o bondinho

photograph by unknown author

O Quanta Qualia

hymn tune first published in France in 1681

Obras na Avenida Central, atual Rio Branco

photograph by unknown author

Observation and Analytical Calculations of Strata Movement Above Idealized Mine Structures, Sandia National Laboratories

publication (OP) published in 1981

Observations and Analytical Calculations of Strata Movement Above Idealized Mine Structures


Occupation and disease - a guide for decision-making

publication published in 1976

Occupational Injuries in the General Building and Heavy Construction Industuries (Final Report)

final contract report published in 1979

Occupational Safety And Health Profile Of Printing Processes, (Final Directors Draft)


Occupational and industrial dermatology

book published in 1982

Occupational characteristics of disabled workers

NIOSH technical report published in 1980

Occupational epidemics in the 1990s. Fifth US-Finnish Joint Symposium on Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, Ohio

journal article published in 1992

Occupational exposure to organophosphorus compounds

final grant report published in 1977

Occupational fire casualty information final report

publication published in 1975

Occupational hazard assessment of trinitrotoluene. Interim report

final contract report published in 1980

Occupational hazard assessment, coal liquefaction volume II - assessment

NIOSH criteria document published in 1981

Occupational hazard assessment, coal liquefaction, volume 1 - summary

NIOSH criteria document published in 1981

Occupational hazard assessment: criteria for controlling occupational hazards in animal rendering processes

NIOSH criteria document published in 1981

Occupational hazard control options for chemical process unit operations

publication published in 1983

Occupational health and safety of municipal workers

conference proceedings item published in 1977

Occupational health assessment status and requirements for direct and indirect coal liquefaction

publication published in 1980

Occupational health guidelines for chemical hazards

NIOSH publication published in 1981

Occupational health nursing

final grant report published in 1979

Occupational immunology

journal article published in 2002

Occupational injuries in the general building and heavy construction industries (final report)

final contract report published in 1979

Occupational medicine symposia

NIOSH publication published in 1975

Occupational safety and health hazards in rehabilitations facilities (withdrawn)

NIOSH publication published in 1980

Occupational safety and health program practices for institutions of higher education: a procedures manual

final contract report published in 1977

Occupational safety and health symposia 1979

NIOSH publication published in 1980

Occupational safety and health symposia, 1976

NIOSH publication published in 1977

Occupational safety and health training for government employees

final grant report published in 1977

Occupational safety in grain elevators and feed mills

publication published in 1981

Occupational stress

book published in 1974

Occupational stress. Proceedings of the Conference on Occupational Stress, Los Angeles, November 3, 1977

NIOSH conference proceedings published in 1978

Occupational stress: issues and developments in research

book published in 1988

Ocular ultraviolet effects from 295 nm to 335 nm in the rabbit eye

NIOSH publication published in 1976

Ocular ultraviolet effects from 295 nm to 400 nm in the rabbit eye

NIOSH publication published in 1977

Of mice men and models: future research for improving risk assessment methods

journal article published in 2002


drawing by Okänd

Ohila la-El

Medieval Jewish liturgical poem

Oil Availability by Sulfur Levels

publication (OP) published in 1971

Oil well drilling and services

publication published in 1979

Oj, maluśki, maluśki


Okänd byggnad

drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1619/1973)

Okänd byggnad

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Okänd byggnad

drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1620/1973)

Okänd byggnad

drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1621/1973)

Okänd byggnad

drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1622/1973)

Old man

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Olomoucké povídky

collection of short stories from 2nd half of 15 century

Olympens gudar sittande till bords?

drawing by Okänd

Omni Die

hymn tune first published in the Gross Catolisch Gesangbuch in 1631

Omni Die

hymn tune purported to be first published in Alte Catholische Geistliche Kirchengesang in 1695

On madness: a personal account of rapid cycling bipolar disorder.

scientific article published on September 2006

On-the-Job Safety Rules for Power Tool Operation


Oncogenic potential of vinyl bromide during chronic inhalation exposure - rats. Pathology report. Volume 1

publication published in 1979

One who loves children. Betty Tisdale

scientific article published on December 2003

Operating practice changes and control modifications to improve safety of coal augering operations

final contract report published in 1975

Orchot Tzaddikim

book on Jewish ethics

Ordenanzas con que se gobierna la Real Junta, y Casa de Misericordia de la M.N. y M.L. Ciudad de Vitoria

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Ordenanzas de la Ilustre Universidad, Casa de Contratacion, y Consulado de la M. Noble, y M. Leal Ciudad de San Sebastian, aprobadas y confirmadas por el Rey Carlos Tercero, año de 1766

18th century literary work printed in Donostia-San Sebastián

Ordenanzas de la M.N. y M.L. Ciudad de Vitoria

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Ordenanzas del Noble, y Leal Valle de Oyarzun

18th century literary work printed in Donostia-San Sebastián

Ordenanzas para el gobierno del Hospital de Peregrinos, que se dice fundado por Santo Domingo de La-Calzada, en la Ciudad del mismo nombre, á que se halla unido el Hospital que mandaron fundar Don Domingo Mendez Gallego, y Doña Andrea de Lara

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Ordonnances synodales du Diocese de Bayonne / publiées par Monseigneur Guillaume d'Arche, Evêque de Bayonne, dans son Synode, tenu le 12 mars 1749

18th century literary work printed in Bayonne

Ore handling equipment operations safety study in underground metal and nonmetal mines

final contract report published in 1975

Organic anhydrides

publication published in 1977

Organic peroxides

publication published in 1979

Organic silicon compounds

publication published in 1979

Organizational evaluation and information needs study. Volume 1. Executive summary

final contract report published in 1974

Organizational evaluation and information needs study. Volume II. Organizational study

final contract report published in 1974

Organizational evaluation and information needs study. Volume III. Technical information needs report

final contract report published in 1974

Organo (alkyl) mercury analytical method

publication published in 1977


publication published in 1977


publication published in 1977

Organolead compounds

publication published in 1977


publication published in 1977

Oriental ornamental border

anonymous print


drawing by Okänd

Our family secrets

scientific article published in August 2015

Oval med vapen

drawing by Okänd

Oxalic acid

publication published in 1977


publication published in 1977

PHS program in occupational health

conference proceedings item published in 1964

Painted crucifix

painted crucifix in Urbino, Italy, by unknown artist

Pair of unidentified lovers from classical antiquity

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 106/1966)

Palácio Amarelo, em primeiro plano o Chafariz da Águia.

photograph by unknown author

Palácio Monroe

photograph by unknown author (001AAN005129)

Palácio Monroe

photograph by unknown author (007A5P3F04-049)

Palácio Nova Friburgo, atual Palácio do Catete

photograph by unknown author

Palácio da Prefeitura

photograph by unknown author

Palácio da Princesa Isabel

photograph by unknown author


drawing by Okänd

Panorama de Copacabana

photograph by unknown author


drawing by Okänd

Paper from the NIOSH International Respirator Research Workshop, September 9-11, 1980

publication published in 1980

Pappas resa till Schweiz och Italien

drawing by Okänd

Parada dos alunos do Colégio Militar; posse do presidente Prudente de Moraes

photograph by unknown author

Parada militar de 7 de setembro na avenida Presidente Vargas

photograph by unknown author

Paraquat analytical method

publication published in 1979

Paris dom (Esqiss)

drawing by Okänd

Parklandskap med loggia

drawing by Okänd

Parklandskap med skärmarkitektur

drawing by Okänd

Pars Museum's Kufic Qur'an

9th century Kufic Qur'an manuscript stolen in 2003

Part of the human condition

NIOSH publication published in 1978

Parte da rua Tonelero

photograph by unknown author

Particulate filter research recommendations

publication published in 1975

Pattern Shop, Core Room, Molding Shop and Sandhandling Department


Paul before Felix

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Peasants in a Farmhouse

drawing by Okänd

Peasants' War

print by Louis Geens and Davidsfondsanonymous

Peasants' War

print by Louis Geens and Davidsfondsanonymous, part of Musea Brugge collection

Peasants' War

print by Louis Geens and Davidsfondsanonymous, part of Musea Brugge collection, 0020.GRO0586.III

Peasants' War

print by Louis Geens and Davidsfondsanonymous, part of Musea Brugge collection, 0020.GRO0616.III

Pedra da Gávea vista da Tijuca

photograph by unknown author

Pedras de Inhangá, formação rochosa que demarcava a separação das praias de Copacabana e do Leme

photograph by unknown author


drawing by Okänd

Penhale to receive 1998 Ocean Sciences Award

People Being Tortured in a Town Square

drawing by Okänd

Permissible automatic data acquisition system

final contract report published in 1973

Permissible methanometer M-402

publication (IH) published in 1972

Personal protective clothing/equipment sizing and fit practices

task order report published in 1996

Personal sampler pump for charcoal tubes

final contract report published in 1972

Personification of service in action. Vice-admiral Willam P. Lawrence.

scientific article published in December 2003

Pesticide residue hazards to farm workers

NIOSH conference proceedings published in 1976

Petroleum and oil-shale research of the Bureau of Mines, Fiscal Years 1967-68

information circular published in 1970

Phase III survey report no. 6, worker exposure to polyaromatic hydrocarbons at selected petroleum refinery process units, Koch Refining Company Rosemount, Minnesota

field study published in 1980

Phase III survey report no. 8, worker exposure to polyaromatic hydrocarbons at selected petroleum refinery process units, Phillips Petroleum Refinery, Great Falls, Montana

field study published in 1980

Phosdrin (Mevinphos) analytical method

publication published in 1979

Photograph of the "Triptych with Virgin and Child and Angels Making Music"

Pieta with putti carrying instruments of the Passion

drawing by Okänd

Pilot plant study of factors affecting polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon emission from coke oven


Pitching Seam Longwall Data Collection Plan and Analysis


Planning report for an epidemiological study of agricultural workers exposed to noise

publication published in 1975

Planning report for an epidemiological study on prevalence of agricultural respiratory diseases

final contract report published in 1975

Planritning av dekoration

drawing by Okänd

Planritning av ett cirkelrunt rum

drawing by Okänd

Planritning av ett fyrkantigt rum

drawing by Okänd

Planritning av ett långsträckt rum

drawing by Okänd

Planritning av ett runt rum sannolikt i Wrangelska palatset

drawing by Okänd

Planritning för en festmåltid

drawing by Okänd

Plant Observation Report and Evaluation (PORE) for carbon disulfide

publication published in 1977

Plant observation report and evaluation

publication published in 1976

Plant observation report and evaluation, Altavista Plant, Burlington Industries, Altavista, Virginia

final contract report published in 1981

Plant observation report and evaluation, Malden Mills, Inc

final contract report published in 1981

Plant observation report and evaluation, Pennwalt Corporation, secondary and tertiary aliphatic monoamines

publication published in 1980

Plant observation report and evaluation, Union Camp Corporation, pulp and paper mills

publication published in 1980

Plant observation reports and evaluation

publication published in 1975

Plastics and resins manufacture

publication published in 1979

Plockar smultron

drawing by Okänd

Plöjande bönder

drawing by Okänd

Pneumatic dust control in grain elevators: guidelines for design operation and maintenance

publication published in 1982

Podkoní a žák

Czech poem

Point Mining System


Policies, programs, and public participation: environmental and occupational health in the emerging market economies and democracies of Central and Eastern Europe

conference proceedings item published in 1993

Polychlorinated biphenyls-industry, process, and use information part 1

publication published in 1976

Polyethylene glycols

publication published in 1979

Polypropylene glycols

publication published in 1979


publication published in 1979

Portrait af Annibale Carracci

drawing by Okänd

Portrait af Grefve Brummer

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Portrait af Tiziano Vecelli da Cadore

drawing by Okänd

Portrait of Charlotte van Mecklenburg-Strelitz, queen of Great Britain and Ireland

anonymous print

Portrait of Donato Creti

Portrait drawing by unknown artist

Portrait of Margaretha Constantia Veeren


Portrait of Maria Jacoba Antoinette Veeren (1835-1914)


Portrait of Two Friends. Caricature

drawing by Okänd

Portrait of a Woman in a Lace-Trimmed Bonnet

drawing by Okänd

Portrait of a Woman of the Hofer Family

painting by an unknown artist, c.1470

Portrait of a Young Man

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 2215/1863)

Portrait of a Young Woman as Diana

drawing by Okänd

Portrait of a man

anonymous print

Portrait of a man

print by Schubert, Josephanonymous

Portrait of a man

anonymous print, part of Musea Brugge collection

Portrait of a man

anonymous print, part of Musea Brugge collection

Portrait of an Old Woman

drawing by Okänd

Portrait of an Old Woman, Full Face

drawing by Okänd

Portrait of an Unidentified Man

drawing by Okänd

Portrait of the Duchess of Luynes and her children

pastel by C. C. after Alexandre Cabanel

Portraits of a Man and a Woman

drawing by Okänd

Porträtt av Axel Borg

drawing by Okänd

Porträtt av Axel Lillja af Löfstad

drawing by Okänd

Porträtt av Conrad Christ. Königsmarck

drawing by Okänd

Porträtt av Gustaf Adolf von Lewenhaupt

drawing by Okänd

Porträtt av en kyrklig dignitär

drawing by Okänd

Porträtt av en prästman

drawing by Okänd

Porträtt av fru Eva Löwstädt-Åström med boa

drawing by Okänd

Porträtt av målare vid staffliet

drawing by Okänd

Porträtt av målare vid staffliet

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1105/1973)

Porträtt, brb åt höger

drawing by Okänd

Porträtthuvud, efter Rubens

drawing by Okänd

Porträttstudier av sex personer

drawing by Okänd

Position statement on climate change and greenhouse gases

scholarly article by anonymous published 28 September 1999 in Eos

Postdisaster survival and rescue research

information circular published in 1982

Postmining Results in Coshocton County, Ohio: Research on the Hydrology and Water Quality of Watersheds Subjected to Surface Mining

final contract report published in 1983

Potash and Phosphate Demand, and Agricultural Supply Submodel

final contract report published in 1983


drawing by Okänd

Potential health hazards of video display terminals

NIOSH publication published in 1981

Potential oil recovery by waterflooding reservoirs being produced by primary methods

information circular published in 1970

Power Shovel Data Accumulator and Display


Power Supplies


Praia de Botafogo e o Cristo Redentor

photograph by unknown author

Praia de Copacabana

photograph by unknown author (001AN01001010)

Praia de Copacabana até a igrejinha

photograph by unknown author

Praia de Copacabana vista do morro da Igrejinha

photograph by unknown author (014AAN00525)

Praia de Copacabana, com vista do Pão de Açúcar

photograph by unknown author

Praia de Copacabana; ao fundo, o Morro do Pão de Açúcar

photograph by unknown author

Praia de Ipanema, com Morro Dois Irmãos ao fundo

photograph by unknown author

Praia de Ipanema, com vista do Morro Dois Irmãos e da Pedra da Gávea

photograph by unknown author

Praia de Santa Luzia; ao fundo, o Morro do Castelo

photograph by unknown author

Praia de Santo Antônio

photograph by unknown author

Praia do Leme

photograph by unknown author (014AAN00522)

Praça Floriano

photograph by unknown author (007A5P3F04-047)

Praça Floriano

photograph by unknown author (007A5P3F04-048)

Praça Paris, Outeiro da Glária e o Morro do Pão de Açucar

photograph by unknown author

Praça Sacopenapan

photograph by unknown author

Precious metals recovery from low-grade resources. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines open industry briefing session at the National Western Mining Conference, Denver, Colorado, February 12, 1986

information circular published in 1986

Prediction of the Haicheng earthquake

scholarly article by anonymous published 1977 in Eos

Preliminary Bibliography for Ponceau 3R

publication published in 1976

Preliminary Feasibility Study of Tandem Dragline/bwe Mining Approach


Preliminary Search Strategy, Modification No. 1


Preliminary bibliography for 1,3-propane sultone

final contract report published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for 3,3'-dimethoxybenzidine

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for 3,3'-dimethylbenzidine

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for 4,4 methylene bis (2-methylaniline)

final contract report published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for 4,4 methylene dianiline

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for 4-hydroxyazobenzene

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for 7H-dibenzo(c,g)carbazole

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for N-methyl-N-nitrosoguanidine

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for N-nitroso-N-methyl-urethane

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for N-nitroso-di-N-butylamine

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for N-nitrosodiethylamine

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for Ponceau MX

final contract report published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for Ponceau SX

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for Sudan II

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for Yellow AB

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for Yellow OB

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for acetaldehyde

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for acetamide

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for alkali metal hydroxides

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for amaranth

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for ammonium nitrate

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for amyl alcohol, isobutyl alcohol

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for antimony

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for auramine

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for benz(a)anthracene

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for benzo(a)pyrene, unit I

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for benzo(a)pyrene, unit II

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for benzo(b)fluoranthene

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for benzo(e)pyrene

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for benzo(j)fluoranthene

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for boron

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for bromine pentafluoride

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for carbon black

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for carmoisine

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for chloroprene

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for chromium

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for chrysene

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for chrysoidine

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for cyclohexanol

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for diazomethane

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for dibenz(a,h)acridine

final contract report published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for dibenz(a,h)anthracene

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for dibenz(a,j)acridine

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for dibenzo(a,e)pyrene

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for dibenzo(a,h)pyrene

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for dibenzo(a,i)pyrene

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for dibenzo(a,l)pyrene

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for dibenzo(h,rst)pentaphene

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for dibutyl phosphate

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for dichloroacetylene

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for dichlorobenzene

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for dieldrin

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for diethyl sulfate

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for dimethyl sulfate

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for ethyl methane sulfonate

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for ethyl, isopropyl, and methyl ethers

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for ethylenethiourea

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for furfuryl alcohol

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for glycidyl ethers

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for hydroquinone

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for indium

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for iron

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for ketones

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for magenta

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for mercaptans

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for methyl methane sulfonate

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for methyl silicate

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for nitroglycerin

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for nitrosoethylurea

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for nitrosomethylurea

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for o-aminoazotoluene

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for oil mists

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for oil orange SS

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for orange I

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for p-aminoazobenzene

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for phenothiazine

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for portland cement

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for styrene

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for sudan I

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for sudan red 7B

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for thallium

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for thioacetamide

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for thiouracil

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for thiourea

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for tungsten

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for urethane

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography for vanadium

publication published in 1976

Preliminary bibliography of benz(c)acridine

publication published in 1976

Preliminary mineral evaluation of light density lines not included in Conrail. Part 1 (of three parts)

publication (CP) published in 1975

Preliminary mineral evaluation of light density lines not included in Conrail. Part 2 (of three parts)

publication (CP) published in 1975

Preliminary mineral evaluation of light density lines not included in Conrail. Part 3 (of three parts)

publication (CP) published in 1975

Preliminary plant visit industrial hygiene report, Formaldehyde Production Facility, Monsanto Plastics and Resins Company, Eugene, Oregon

field study published in 1981

Preliminary report of plants and processes

publication published in 1981

Preliminary report of plants and processes for infrared radiation

final contract report published in 1980

Preliminary report of plants and processes for pulp and paper mills

final contract report published in 1980

Preliminary report of plants and processes for the dyeing and finishing of textiles

final contract report published in 1980

Preliminary report on plants and processes: vinyl acetate, vinyl bromide, and vinylidene chloride

publication published in 1977

Preliminary report result of air samples at H. K. Porter Company, Middletown, Connecticut

field study published in 1968

Premining investigations for hardrock mines. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminar, Denver, Colorado, September 25, 1981

information circular published in 1982

Present day CO2 emissions from volcanos

scientific article (publication date: 1991)

Presidente Getúlio Vargas em almoço no Forte de São João

photograph by unknown author

Pressures of acute obstetrics on consultants: Consultants are stretched to their limits.

scientific article published in July 1999

Presumed design for a calendar of 1856 with the Dutch coat of arms and putti scenes

anonymous print

Preventing accidental ozone poisoning in workers

publication published in 1966

Preventing coal mine groundfall accidents: how to identify and respond to geologic hazards and prevent unsafe worker behavior: proceedings: Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminar

information circular published in 1992

Primary Aluminum Plants, Worldwide. Part One--details


Primary aluminum plants, worldwide. part two--summary


Prince Vessantara Leaves the Life of a Hermit and Returns to the City

1815; unknown artist; 1815; Wellcome Collection

Principal mineral areas of the United States (map)


Principles of Mine Rescue

publication (IH) published in 1972

Principles of accident potential recognition

final contract report published in 1975

Print of the Holy Blood in Bruges

anonymous print

Print with wire fences

anonymous print

Printing industry

publication published in 1977

Problems in occupational safety and health: a critical review of select physical and psychological factors. Volume II

final contract report published in 1973

Proceedings of a roundtable discussion on thermal analysis techniques

NIOSH publication published in 1976

Proceedings of a workshop on methodology for assessing reproductive hazards in the workplace, April 19-22, 1978

conference proceedings item published in 1980

Proceedings of a workshop/conference on the role of metals in carcinogenesis, Atlanta, Georgia, March 24-28, 1980

publication published in 1980

Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, August 6-8, 2002, Morgantown, West Virginia

conference proceedings item published in 2002

Proceedings of the 36th Annual American Medical Association Congress on Occupational Health, Rochester, New York, September, 1976

final contract report published in 1977

Proceedings of the American Physical Society

scientific article

Proceedings of the American Physical Society

Proceedings of the American Physical Society

Proceedings of the First National Minerals Policy Forum: Advancing the Industry

publication published in 1992

Proceedings of the VII International Congress of Rural Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, September 17-21, 1978

conference proceedings item published in 1978

Proceedings of the first NCI/EPA/NIOSH collaborative workshop: progress on joint environmental and occupational cancer studies

conference proceedings item published in 1980

Proceedings of the symposium on occupational health hazard control technology in the foundry and secondary non-ferrous smelting industries

NIOSH publication published in 1981

Proceedings of the symposium on respirable coal mine dust, Washington, DC, November 3-4, 1969

information circular published in 1970

Proceedings of the symposium on standards for occupational exposures to hot environments

conference proceedings item published in 1973

Proceedings. Conference on occupational health issues affecting secretarial and clerical personnel

publication published in 1982

Proceedings: 1989 industrial hearing conservation conference, April 12-14, 1989

conference proceedings item published in 1989

Proceedings: 1992 hearing conservation conference, April 1-4, 1992

final contract report; conference proceedings item published in 1992

Process reference index

final contract report published in 1976

Profeten jonas kastas i hafvet

drawing by Okänd

Proficiency Analytical Testing Program sample generation procedures

final contract report published in 1983

Proficiency Analytical Testing quality assurance plan

final contract report published in 1983

Profiles on occupational hazards for criteria document priorities

final contract report published in 1979

Program operational planning

publication published in 1974

Program. National Conference on Ergonomics, Safety, and Health in Construction. Setting the agenda and creating a coalition

publication published in 1993

Progress report. Evaluation of organization and information (data) requirements of NIOSH. Narrative report for period no. 1, April 2, 1973 to April 20, 1973

publication published in 1973

Progress report. Evaluation of organization and information (data) requirements of NIOSH. Technical information needs

publication published in 1973

Projects to expand energy sources in the Western States--an update of information circular 8719

information circular published in 1978

Projects to expand fuel sources in Eastern States. Survey of planned or proposed coal mines, coal & noncoal conversion plants, electric generating plants, oil refineries, uranium enrichment facilities

information circular published in 1976

Projects to expand fuel sources in eastern states--an update of Information Circular 8725

information circular published in 1978

Promenad i regn med paraply

drawing by Okänd

Promenad på landsväg

drawing by Okänd

Proportional analysis of associations between elementary and secondary school teachers and deaths from malignant neoplasms using 1983 and 1984 Pennsylvania death data

publication published in 1986

Proposed Subsidence Research and Development Plan for Division of Fossil Fuel Extraction


Proposed national strategies for the prevention of leading work- related diseases and injuries, part 1

final cooperative agreement report published in 1986

Proposed national strategies for the prevention of leading work- related diseases and injuries, part 2

final cooperative agreement report published in 1988

Prospecting, Surveying, and Mine Planning


Protection and troubleshooting of coal mine electrical cables - 4 volume set. Volume 1 - shuttle car reel test unit

final contract report published in 1972

Protection and troubleshooting of coal mine electrical cables - 4 volume set. Volume 2 - continuous miner cable reel system design

final contract report published in 1972

Protection and troubleshooting of coal mine electrical cables - 4 volume set. Volume 3 - summary report. Cable fault locator instrument for period August 1971 to November 1972

final contract report published in 1973

Protection and troubleshooting of coal mine electrical cables - 4 volume set. Volume 4 - final report

final contract report published in 1973

Proyecto de una Escuela patriótica presentado a la Junta General de la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais por su Junta de Ynstitucion a 17 de setiembre de 1775

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Przybieżeli do Betlejem

Polish Christmas carol

Präst med en monstrans och en ängel som nedkampar otron

drawing by Okänd

Prédio da Associação Brasileira de Imprensa (ABI)

photograph by unknown author

Prédio do Conselho Municipal, atual Palácio Pedro Ernesto

photograph by unknown author

Prédio e palacete nas imediações da Praça XV de Novembro

photograph by unknown author

Psychological behavioral strategies for accident control. A system for diagnosis and intervention

publication published in 1974

Publicity for chromolithographic paper from the brand IBIS

anonymous print

Publicity for the French magazine "La Saison"

anonymous print

Publisher's Note: Limits on Active to Sterile Neutrino Oscillations from Disappearance Searches in the MINOS, Daya Bay, and Bugey-3 Experiments [Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 151801 (2016)].

scientific article

Publisher's Note: Measurement of Singly Cabibbo Suppressed Decays Λ_{c}^{+}→pπ^{+}π^{-} and Λ_{c}^{+}→pK^{+}K^{-} [Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 232002 (2016)].

scientific article published in January 2018

Puestos están, frente a frente


Pulmonary response to inhaled fibrogenic minerals

final grant report

Pulp and paper mills

publication published in 1981

Pulp and paper mills

final contract report published in 1980

Pulpit of Saint-Denis (Beton-Bazoches)

Putti med troféer

drawing by Okänd

Putti med troféer

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 205/1973)

Putti och figur med lagerkrans

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Ingen uppgift

Pyrethrum analytical method

publication published in 1979


drawing by Okänd

På resa

drawing by Okänd

På tjurfäktning i Spanien

drawing by Okänd

På vikingastråt

drawing by Okänd

På väg

drawing by Ingen uppgift

På väg ut från julottan

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 181/1956)

Påskkäring rider till Blåkulla

drawing by Okänd

Påskkäringar rider till Blåkulla

drawing by Okänd

Påskkäringar rider till Blåkulla

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 161/1956)

Påve med följe i tillbedjan

drawing by Okänd

Påve mottager en furste

drawing by Okänd

Pójdźmy wszyscy do stajenki

Polish Christmas carol

Quaderno de leyes, y ordenanzas con que se govierna esta Muy Noble y Muy Leal Provincia de Alava

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Quaderno de leyes, y ordenanzas, con que se govierna esta Muy Noble y Muy Leal Provincia de Alava ...

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Quaderno de leyes, y ordenanzas, con que se govierna esta Muy Noble, y Muy Leal Provincia de Alava

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Quaderno de leyes, y ordenanzas, con que se govierna esta Muy Noble, y Muy Leal Provincia de Alava ...

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Quality control consultation program for industrial hygiene laboratories

publication published in 1975

Quartel Central do Corpo de Bombeiros

photograph by unknown author (001AAN005125)

Quartel Central do Corpo de Bombeiros

photograph by unknown author (001AAN005126)

Quartel Central do Corpo de Bombeiros

photograph by unknown author (001AAN005127)

Quartel General do Campo da Aclamação - Ministério da Guerra

photograph by unknown author

Queenly Kayt + magnificent Maggie: taking caring and community service to a high art.

scientific article published in December 2003

Quick disconnect couplers for trailing cables

final contract report published in 1972

Quinta de São Cristóvão

photograph by unknown author

Qur'an of Khorasan

11th/12th century naskh script manuscript of Qur'an with Persian translation

Qvinna nedböjd till jorden

drawing by Okänd

Qvinna och två amourer sittandes på en delfin

drawing by Okänd

R&D needs for oil shale mining and health/safety technology


Raising a baby in prison

Wellcome Collection story

Ramverk med skulpturer

drawing by Okänd

Ranworth rood screen

medieval structure in St Helen's Church, Ranworth, Norfolk, England

Rationale for classification of combustible gases, vapors, and dusts with reference to the National Electrical Code

publication published in 1982

Real Cedula de S.M. y Señores del Consejo, en que se prescribe el metodo que se ha de observar en la decision de las competencias que ocurran

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Real Cedula de S.M. y Señores del Consejo, por la qual se extiende la creacion de vales reales de la Acequia Imperial de Aragon, y Canal Real de Tauste, hecha en virtud de la de siete de julio de mil setecientos ochenta y cinco

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Real Cedula de S.M. y Señores del Consejo, por la qual se manda guardar y cumplir el Decreto inserto, en que se crean cincuenta y tres millones, ciento nueve mil y trescientos pesos de á ciento y veinte y ocho quartos en vales reales

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Recirculation of exhaust air

NIOSH publication published in 1976

Recollections of a journey through a psychotic episode: or, mental illness and creativity

scientific article published on January 2007

Recommendations to improve premining investigations in metal and nonmetal mining

final contract report published in 1977

Recommended health and safety guidelines for coal gasification pilot plants

publication published in 1977

Reconstructed plan of the city of Jerusalem at the time of Jesus Christ

anonymous print

Recovery of manganese from solution obtained by bioleaching

conference proceedings item published in 1993


drawing by Okänd

Registro de la Junta General, que esta Mui Noble, y Mui Leal Provincia de Guipuzcoa ha celebrado en la M.N. y M.L. Ciudad de San Sebastian este año de 1753 ...

18th century literary work printed in Donostia-San Sebastián

Registro de la Junta General, que esta Mui Noble, y Mui Leal Provincia de Guipuzcoa ha celebrado en la Noble, y Leal Villa de Elgoybar este año de 1755 ...

Minutes of 18th-century parliamentary sessions of Gipuzkoa printed in Donostia-San Sebastián

Registros de Juntas particulares, que ha celebrado esta Muy Noble y Muy Leal Provincia de Guipuzcoa, desde el año de 1700

18th century literary work printed in Donostia-San Sebastián

Reglamento para la conservacion del nuevo camino, fabricado a expensas del real erario, desde la ciudad de Burgos hasta el confin de la provincia de Alava

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Release of Underground Mining Models on a Time-sharing Network - a Feasibility Study




Reliability Requirements for Automated Bolter Modules in Underground Coal Mines


Reliability of presence sensing devices

final contract report published in 1981

Reliquaries of Saint Patrick

1856; unknown artist; 1856; Wellcome Collection

Reliquary bust of Saint Ursula

Report 4. Secondary aliphatic monoamines. Properties, production, uses, exposure, and toxicologic, pharmacologic, and biologic effects

publication published in 1979

Report number 1, the dyeing and finishing of textiles, strategies for identifying problem areas

final contract report published in 1980

Report of Activities of the Advanced Coal Extraction System Definition Project Period 1979-1980


Report of Industrial Hygiene Surveys conducted during fiscal year 1973 in six aluminum plants located in the Northwestern United States

field study published in 1973

Report of Visit to El Paso Natural Gas, El Paso, Texas

final contract report published in 1977

Report of Visit to HYGAS Pilot Plant, Chicago, Illinois

final contract report published in 1976

Report of Visit to Morgantown Energy Research Center (MERC), Morgantown, West Virginia

final contract report published in 1977

Report of Visit to National Lime and Stone Company, Carey, Ohio

final contract report published in 1977

Report of Visit to Panhandle Eastern, Houston, Texas

final contract report published in 1976

Report of Visit to Texaco Corporation, Wilmington, California

final contract report published in 1977

Report of Visit to Woodall-Duckham, Pittsburgh Sales Office, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

final contract report published in 1977

Report of Visits to Bi-Gas Pilot Plant, Homer City, Pennsylvania

final contract report published in 1976

Report of Visits to Glen-Gery Corporation

final contract report published in 1977

Report of Visits to Pittsburgh Energy Research Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

final contract report published in 1976

Report of joint task force to review radiation aspects of the Uranium Miners Study

publication published in 1961

Report of qualification test. U.S. Bureau of Mines Connector

final contract report published in 1972

Report of search strategy and sources for foundries

final contract report published in 1978

Report of the Pneumoconiosis Committee of the College of American Pathologists to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health on standards for the pathology of coal workers' pneumoconiosis for U.S. miners

publication published in 1978

Report of the subcommittee on occupational health

publication published in 1964

Report of visit to CO2 Acceptor Pilot Plant, Rapid City, South Dakota

final contract report published in 1976

Report of visit to Fluor Engineers and Constructors, Inc., WESCO Project Group, Irvine, California

final contract report published in 1977

Report of visit to General Electric Company, Schenectady, New York

final contract report published in 1977

Report on the mortality experience of Pennsylvania workers 1983 through 1985

publication published in 1987

Requirements for respiratory fit testing in the OSHA lead standard

publication published in 1981

Resa i landå med fyrspann

drawing by Okänd

Resa in i norsk fjord

drawing by Okänd

Resa med postdiligens

drawing by Okänd

Resa till sjunde himlen

drawing by Okänd

Resa under stenåldern

drawing by Okänd

Research '75. A Summary of Significant Results in Mining Metallurgy, and Mineral Economics

publication (IH) published in 1976

Research '76. A summary of significant results in mining, metallurgy and mineral economics

publication (IH) published in 1977

Research '78. A summary of significant results in mining, metallurgy, and mineral economics

publication (IH) published in 1979

Research 89-90

publication (IH) published in 1990

Research 91

publication published in 1991

Research 92

publication published in 1992

Research and Development

publication published in 1993

Research and Development Effort on the Tunnel Boring Machine Project At Eastern Associated Coal Corporation


Research and technologic work on explosives, explosions, and flames: fiscal year 1968

information circular published in 1970

Research and technologic work on explosives, explosions, and flames: fiscal year 1969

information circular published in 1970

Research for investigating the effectiveness of solid sorbents in detecting small levels of permeating low-volatility organic chemicals

final contract report published in 2005

Research on the hydrology and water quality of watersheds subjected to surface mining. Phase 1: premining hydrologic and water quality conditions

final contract report published in 1978

Residência do embaixador norte-americano (atual Escola Alemã Corcovado)

photograph by unknown author

Respirable dust control. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines technology transfer seminars, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September 21, 1976, and St. Louis, Missouri, September 23, 1976

information circular published in 1977

Ressaca na Avenida Beira-Mar

photograph by unknown author (001AN01002067B)

Restaurante Avenida Atlântica

photograph by unknown author

Restaurante Belle-Vue

photograph by unknown author

Resting Peasants

drawing by Okänd


hymn tune first published in The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion

Restructuring public health systems: implications for environmental and occupational health

conference proceedings item published in 1995

Result of U.S.P.H.S. survey at Johns-Manville, Manville, New Jersey

publication published in 1971

Results of U.S.P.H.S personal air samples at H. K. Porter, Huntington, Indiana

publication published in 1966

Results of U.S.P.H.S. air samples at Raybestos Manhattan, Manheim, Pennsylvania

field study published in 1970

Results of U.S.P.H.S. personal air samples at H. K. Porter, Huntington, Indiana

field study published in 1969

Results of U.S.P.H.S. personal air samples at Ruberoid Corporation, St. Louis, Missouri

publication published in 1967

Results of U.S.P.H.S. survey at Johns-Manville Asbestos

field study published in 1967

Results of U.S.P.H.S. survey at Raybestos Manhattan, Incorporated, Manheim, Pennsylvania

publication published in 1967

Results of U.S.P.H.S. survey at Raybestos-Manhattan Marshville, North Carolina

publication published in 1971

Results of air samples at Johns-Manville, textile plant, Manville, New Jersey

field study published in 1965

Results of air samples at Raybestos Manhattan Friction Plant, Charleston, South Carolina

publication published in 1965

Results of air samples at Raybestos Manhattan Friction Products, Manheim, Pennsylvania

publication published in 1964

Results of air samples at Raybestos-Manhatton-Textile Products in Manheim, Pennsylvania

publication published in 1964

Results of air samples at World Bestos Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. in New Castle, Indiana

publication published in 1969

Results of air samples of Johns-Manville in Marshville, North Carolina

publication published in 1967

Results of personal air samples at Philip Carey, Cincinnati, Ohio

field study published in 1966

Resumen de actas de la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais en sus Juntas Generales celebradas en la Ciudad de Vitoria por setiembre de 1777

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Resumen de actas de la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais en sus Juntas Generales celebradas en la Villa de Vergara por setiembre de 1779

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Resumen de actas de la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del Pais, en sus Juntas Generales celebradas en la Villa de Bilbao por setiembre de 1778

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Resumen de actas de la Real Sociedad Bascongada de los Amigos del País en sus Juntas Generales celebradas en la Villa de Vergara por setiembre de 1776

18th century literary work printed in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Retreat surface area mining systems

final contract report published in 1976

Retábulo das Cenas da Vida de Jesus Cristo

Review Panel forPhysical Review Letters

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Review and evaluation of recent literature: occupational exposure to sulfuric acid

NIOSH publication published in 1981

Review and evaluation of recent scientific literature regarding occupational exposure to coke oven emissions

publication published in 1977

Review and evaluation of recent scientific literature relevant to an occupational standard for ethylene dibromide

final contract report published in 1979

Review of Particle Properties


Review of Uranium Miners Study and Statements of Outstanding Problems

publication published in 1962

Review, summarization, and evaluation of literature to support the update and revision of criteria documents X. Silica

publication published in 1977

Review, summarization, and evaluation of literature to support the update and revision of criteria documents. V. Toluene

final contract report published in 1977

Review, summarization, and evaluation of literature to support the update and revision of criteria documents. VIII. Vinyl chloride

publication published in 1977

Review, summarization, and evaluation of literature to support the update and revision of criteria documents. XII. Mercury

publication published in 1977

Review, summarization, and evaluation of literature to support the update and revision of criteria documents. XIII. Hot environments

publication published in 1973

Revolta Naval - entrada para o Batalhão Naval, danificada durante a Revolta

photograph by unknown author

Revolta Naval - outra entrada para o Batalhão Naval, onde os revoltosos assentaram um canhão

photograph by unknown author

Revolta Naval; edifício do Batalhão Naval com torreão parcialmente destruído

photograph by unknown author

Revolta Naval; metralhadora em área destruída, voltada para o Arsenal da Marinha

photograph by unknown author

Revolução de 1930 - Incêndio na torre do Jornal "O Paiz"

photograph by unknown author

Ridande dam

drawing by Okänd

Riddles Wisely Expounded

1445 traditional song

Rider på häst med paraply

drawing by Okänd

Right side of a temple

anonymous print

Riken gas indicator (Type 17, 18, and 21)

publication (IH) published in 1972

Ritning till obelisk

drawing by Okänd

Ritning till takdekoration

drawing by Okänd

Robin Hood

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Robin Hood

heroic outlaw in English folklore, a highly skilled archer and swordsman

Rochas na Avenida Niemeyer

photograph by unknown author

Rock Mechanics Instrumentation Program for Kaiser Steel Corporation's Demonstration of Shield-type Longwall Supports At York Canyon Mine, Raton, New Mexico


Rock Mechanics Instrumentation for Mine Design. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminar, Denver, Colorado, July 25, 1972

information circular published in 1973

Rock mechanics in the national interest

conference proceedings published in 2001

Rocky Coastal Landscape

drawing by Okänd

Role of the primary care physician in occupational and environmental medicine

publication published in 1988

Romance of Flamenca

13th-century romance, written in the Occitan language

Romersk ruin

drawing by Okänd

Romerska krigare kommer in till kvinna med halvklädd man

drawing by Okänd

Romskt läger

drawing by Okänd

Ronnel analytical method

publication published in 1979

Roof and Rib Control

publication (IH) published in 1973

Roofer electrocuted when aluminum extension ladder contacts overhead power line

newsletter published in 2006

Roofing industry

publication published in 1977


drawing by Okänd

Rotenone analytical method

publication published in 1979

Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast: A Visit by the King and Queen to the Clarence Ward

1903; unknown artist; 1903; Wellcome Collection

Rua Araújo Gondim

photograph by unknown author

Rua Barata Ribeiro

photograph by unknown author

Rua Gustavo Sampaio

photograph by unknown author (014AAN00507)

Rua Gustavo Sampaio

photograph by unknown author (014AAN00512)

Rua Primeiro de Março

photograph by unknown author (001AAN005124)

Rua Primeiro de Março

photograph by unknown author (001AN01002039)

Rua Tonelero

photograph by unknown author

Ruinlandskap. I förgrunden båt med figurer

drawing by Okänd

Ruins of the church of Dudzele near Bruges

anonymous print

Ruins of the church of Dudzele near Bruges

anonymous print, part of Musea Brugge collection

Russo-Japanese War: Rows of Women in a Large Warehouse Making Bandages for the Wounded Japanese

1904; unknown artist; 1904; Wellcome Collection

Rysk karusell i Afganistan

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Ryttare i sextonhundratalsdräkt

drawing by Okänd

Rytteriavdelning stormar en höjd

drawing by Okänd

Räv tar byte i hönsgård

drawing by Okänd

Röjning av en gata i skogen

drawing by Okänd

S Franciscus och två änglar

drawing by Okänd

S. Antonio av Padua, skådar Jesusbarnet

drawing by Okänd

S. Franciscus

drawing by Okänd

S. Franciscus

drawing by Ingen uppgift

S. Franciscus

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 192/1973)

S. Franciscus stigmatisering

drawing by Okänd

S. Johannes i öknen

drawing by Okänd

S. Johannes i öknen

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 104/1918)

S. Laurentii martyrium

drawing by Okänd

S. Rocco utdelar allmosor

drawing by Okänd

S. Sebastian

drawing by Okänd

SN1987A - 25 years on

SPORE - benzoyl peroxide

publication published in 1977

Saddled Horse

drawing by Okänd

Safety analysis of United States shaft-sinking operations

final contract report published in 1977

Safety analysis system study

publication (CP) published in 1972

Safety and health in arc welding and gas welding and cutting

NIOSH publication published in 1978

Safety in manual materials handling

NIOSH publication published in 1978

Safety in the petrochemical industry

publication published in 1980

Safety in the use and maintenance of large mobile surface mining equipment. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines Technology transfer seminars, Tucson, Arizona, Denver, Colorado, and St. Louis, MO, August 1983

information circular published in 1983

Safety is seguridad: a workshop summary

conference proceedings published in 2003


drawing by Ingen uppgift


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1596/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1597/1973)

Saint Nicholas of Myra


drawing by Okänd

Salome med Johannes Döparens huvud

drawing by Okänd

Salv'a lo vescovo senato

Same i ackja

drawing by Okänd

Samer, renar och vargar

drawing by Okänd

Samer, renar, hundar och kåtor

drawing by Okänd

Samling skisser av olika mästare. Inbunden i en bok med träpärmar och klädd med gråblå mönstrat siden

drawing by Okänd

Sampling Data Sheet No. 346


Sampling and analytical procedures for the industrial hygiene characterization of coal gasification and liquefaction pilot plants

final contract report published in 1979

Sankt Hieronymus i öknen

drawing by Okänd

Sankt Paulus och en annan apostel

drawing by Okänd

Sarajevo Haggadah

illuminated Hebrew manuscript

Satirisk allegori

drawing by Okänd

Sawal Jawab Heer Ranjha

Punjabi Qissa

Scale and Microstructure Effects on the Impact Resistance

publication published in 1993

Scen med biskop och knäböjande man

drawing by Okänd

Scene from classical history, with a philosopher and the Imperial family

drawing by Okänd

Scene of baptism

drawing by Okänd

Schematic and flowsheet appendix

final contract report published in 1976

School science laboratories: a guide to some hazardous substances

publication published in 1984

Scientific support documentation for the revised 1991 NIOSH lifting equation: technical contract reports

purchase order report published in 1991

Scope for the dyeing and finishing of textiles

final contract report published in 1980

Scott/draeger Bg 174 Mine Rescue Apparatus

publication (IH) published in 1972

Screening of priority chemicals for potential reproductive hazard

publication published in 1983

Screening of priority chemicals for reproductive hazards. Benzethonium chloride (CAS No. 121-54-0), 3-ethoxy-1-propanol (CAS No. 111-35-3), acetone (CAS No. 67-64-1)

publication published in 1987

Screening of priority chemicals for reproductive hazards. Benzyl alcohol (CAS No. 100-51-6), probenecid (CAS No. 57-66-9), trans-retinoic acid (CAS No. 302-79-4)

publication published in 1986

Screening of priority chemicals for reproductive hazards. Monoethanolamine (CAS No. 141-43-5), diethanolamine (CAS No. 111-42- 2), triethanolamine (CAS No. 102-71-6)

publication published in 1987

Screening of priority chemicals for reproductive hazards. Triorthocresyl phosphate (CAS No.: 78-30-8), 4,4'-thiobis (6-t-butyl-m-cresol) (CAS No.: 96-69-5), 13-cis-retinoic acid (CAS No.: 4759-48-2)

publication published in 1987

Search of fatality and injury records for cases related to confined spaces

publication published in 1978

Secondary and tertiary aliphatic monoamines

publication published in 1981

Secondary gold in the United States

information circular published in 1970

Selling sex and sacrificing safety

Wellcome Collection story

Sensitivity Analysis and Mid-west Conveyor Application Study


Sepes, Caritas och Fides

drawing by Okänd

Serra da Tijuca vista do Sumaré

photograph by unknown author

Services to operate and maintain a diesel exhaust exposure system for chronic animal inhalation exposure studies

publication published in 1983

Shearer Haulage Speed Constraints. Volume II


Sheep Shearing

drawing by Okänd

Sheet with two skulls

drawing by Okänd

Shepherd Outside a Cottage

drawing by Okänd

Shishupal Badh

book written by anonymous writer

Shoots in the park

steel sculpture, Park Na Solidaritě, Prague, Czech Republic

Shotcrete Lining System Demonstration


Showdown with the Devil

Anonymous novel


drawing by Okänd

Sigillum Neronis

carnelian intaglio

Silver Soucoupe with Three Glasses

drawing by Okänd

Silver analytical method

publication published in 1978

Silverskål med amorin på locket

drawing by Okänd

Silverskål med amorin på locket

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1495/1973)

Silverskål på piedestal

drawing by Okänd

Silverware and metalwork from the Middle Ages measured and drawn from old models

anonymous print

Simmande gäss på en bred flod med en byggnad och lövträd på stranden i fonden

drawing by Okänd

Simplex gasification demonstration in the Wellman-Galusha gasifier

final contract report published in 1982

Single-entry Longwall Study. Volume I Report


Single-entry Longwall Study. Volume II. Appendices


Sir Cleges

medieval English verse romance

Sir Perceval of Galles

Middle English Arthurian verse romance

Site Selection Report: Characterization of Subsidence Over Longwall Mining Panels


Sittande bonde med en korg

drawing by Okänd

Sittande gubbe (Knästycke)

drawing by Okänd

Sittande gumma har kort i handen

drawing by Okänd

Sittande gumma knypplar?

drawing by Okänd

Sittande kvinna

drawing by Okänd

Sittande naken man

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1108/1973)

Sittande naken mansfigur

drawing by Okänd

Sittande qvinna. Vid hennes sida en stock (concordia)

drawing by Okänd

Six Studies of an Antique Mask

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Skeppsbrutna gör upp eld på flotten

drawing by Okänd

Skiss till baldakin och altare för kyrkan Saint-Jean-en-Grève i Paris

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Skissboksblad, utkast till en dekorativ, rundkomponerad kvinnofigur och en vas eller skål

drawing by Okänd

Skisser för madonna med barnet

drawing by Okänd

Skjuter boaormar i djungeln

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Skolpojkar vid hyvelbänkar

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Skämtteckning. Kostymskiss till någon teaterfigur

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Ingen uppgift

Sköld med sparre-vapnet

drawing by Okänd

Slaughtering and rendering plants

publication published in 1977

Slädfärd till julottan

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Snarlik bild, [Jämför NMH 123/1918] endast olika dräkter och ställning på triangeln

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Social advocates and 'new breed' philanthropists. Steven & Michele Kirsch

scientific article published in December 2003

Socrates-MAHG 19575

Roman copy of a Greek bust of a philosophe

Soldadores de Massachusetts matados en explosiones causadas al cortar envases vacíos con antorchas

newsletter published in 2002

Soldat och kvinna

drawing by Okänd

Soldater inför en tribunal

drawing by Okänd

Som pälsjägare i Kanada

drawing by Okänd

Sommarlandskap med en sjö och en trädbevuxen ö

drawing by Okänd

Somos Uno

hymn tune

Song of Badan Barphukon

Assamese ballad

Sopo Archangels

painting series

South Africa and critical materials

publication (CP) published in 1986

Sparre-vapnet omgivet av putti och vätornament

drawing by Okänd

Special issue on urbanization and development planning in Africa.

scientific article published on January 1976

Specific requirements for first aid kits for commercial diving

publication published in 1979

Speculum al foder

Mirror of Coitus (English)

Spegel med flankerande fält

drawing by Okänd

Spegel med flankerande fält

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1506/1973)

Spela teater är det roligaste jag vet. Här är jag älva

drawing by Unknown

Spirit-inspired worldwide humanitarian. Gloria Johnson-Rodgers.

scientific article published on December 2003


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1510/1973)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1511/1973)

Splicing mine cables

publication (IH) published in 1984

Spökdröm i skogen

drawing by Okänd

Spökdröm med månsken över slottsruin

drawing by Okänd

Spökdröm, gestaltad som ett färgmönster

drawing by Okänd

Spöket på kyrkogården

drawing by Okänd

St Catherine of Alexandria

drawing by Okänd

St Franciscus knäböjer för ett kors

drawing by Okänd

St Sebastian

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Stadsvy, en bro, visande dess pålning

drawing by Okänd

Standardization of Controls for Underground Electric Face Equipment-- Phase I

final contract report published in 1973

Standards for occupational exposures to hot environments

NIOSH publication published in 1976

Standing Crop Biomass and Cover on Amended Coarse Taconite


Standing Girl, Seen from Three Sides

drawing by Okänd

Standing Girl, Spinning

drawing by Okänd

State mineral summaries - 1992

book published in 1992

State of the art research perspectives on musculoskeletal disorder causation and control

journal article published in 2004

State-of-the-art of underground coal mine tracked vehicle brake systems (revised report)

final contract report published in 1973


Greek stage production of homonymous play, 1987/88

Stations of the Cross in Hostinné

stations of the Cross, Hostinné, Trutnov District, Czech Republic

Statistical Analog Monitor (Stam) for Use With Mining Equipment


Statistical evaluation and mitigation of inductive interference problems in portable power cables

final contract report published in 1975

Statistical evaluation of inductive effects in mine cables

final contract report published in 1973

Status of Mining Program Environmental Assessments (Eas) and Environmental Impact Statements (Eiss)


Status of mineral industries

publication (IH) published in 1975

Status of the mineral industries

publication (IH) published in 1976

Status of the mineral industries

publication (IH) published in 1977

Staty med Mikael och draken

drawing by Okänd

Sten Bergman i Nya Guinea. Floden är gul av dy

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Stick, measuring (AM 2007.57.2)

Stjärnorna skimrade med långa stråkar

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Storkar, krokodil, lejon och orm

drawing by Okänd

Straffångens julafton

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Strandparti, Fredensborg

drawing by Okänd

Strasbourg cathedral

anonymous print

Strid mellan Horatius och Curatius

drawing by Okänd

Strid mellan indianer och vita

drawing by Okänd

Strutsar och kameler

drawing by an unknown 13 year old Swedish, male artist called "Bo".

Student manual. Industrial hygiene chemistry course. Volume I

publication published in 1975

Student manual. Industrial hygiene chemistry course. Volume II

publication published in 1975


drawing by Okänd

Studie av huvud

drawing by Okänd

Studie av två fötter

drawing by Okänd

Studie efter gipsantik

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Study for the portrait of a man in oval frame surrounded by sculpted ornaments

drawing by Okänd

Study of a Massive Silver Throne for Louis XIV

drawing by Okänd

Study of a sleeping boy

drawing by Okänd

Study of noise sources in a cross section of taconite plants

final contract report published in 1977

Study of the use of taggants for explosives identification - 2 volume set. Volume 2 - pilot test plan

final contract report published in 1977

Study of the use of taggants for explosives identification- 2 volume set. Volume 1 - National Implementation Model

final contract report published in 1977

Study plan. Control technology assessment of chemical process - batch unit operations

final contract report published in 1981

Study, Two characters

drawing by Okänd

Study. Heads; Academic character; etc.

drawing by Okänd

Study. Heads; Academic character; etc.

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1727/1863)

Stupad häst. Guldgrund

drawing by Okänd

Stående herre, karikatyr

drawing by Okänd

Stående kvinna

drawing by Okänd

Stående och sittande män, landskapsutblick

drawing by Okänd

Subject contest expression class, Bruges Academy

document with the assigment for the prize contest in

Sulfuryl fluoride analytical method

publication published in 1979

Summarization of recent literature pertaining to an occupational health standard for 1,1,1-trichloroethane

publication published in 1980

Summarization of recent literature pertaining to an occupational health standard for cadmium

publication published in 1980

Summarization of recent literature pertaining to an occupational health standard for epichlorohydrin. Final report

publication published in 1980

Summarization of recent literature pertaining to an occupational health standard for hexavalent chromium

publication published in 1980

Summarization of recent literature pertaining to an occupational health standard for methylene chloride

publication published in 1980

Summarization of recent literature pertaining to an occupational health standard for oxides of nitrogen

publication published in 1980

Summary of plant observation reports and evaluation for hydrogen sulfide

publication published in 1977

Summary of plant observation reports and evaluation for wood dust

final contract report published in 1978

Summary of plant observation reports and evaluations for tungsten and its compounds

final contract report published in 1977

Summary plant observation report and evaluation

final contract report published in 1976

Summary plant observation report and evaluation for 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane

final contract report published in 1976

Summary plant observation report and evaluation for ketones

final contract report

Summary plant observation report and evaluation for the organotins

publication published in 1976

Summary plant observation report and evaluation. Vinyl acetate

publication published in 1978

Summary report of the mining survey team for Alaska

Summary status report of an investigation of an incident of toxic polyneuropathy at the Borden Chemical Company's Columbus Coated Fabrics Division, Columbus, Ohio, report no. IWS-47-10a

field study published in 1973

Superconductor resembles perovskite

scholarly article by anonymous published 1987 in Eos

Suplemento de los Fueros, privilegios, y ordenanzas de esta Mui Noble, y Mui Leal Provincia de Guipuzcoa

18th century literary work printed in Donostia-San Sebastián

Supplemental manuscripts. Question and answer workshops. 34th AMA Congress on Occupational Health of 1974

final contract report published in 1974

Sur le pont d'Avignon


Surface Minable Coal Reserves in the United States Based on Technology Improvements


Surface Mining


Surface coal mining machinery and equipment

final contract report published in 1975

Surface coal mining reclamation equipment and techniques. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines technology transfer seminars, Evansville, Indiana, June 3, 1980, and Denver, Colorado, June 5, 1980

information circular published in 1980

Surface mine blasting. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines technology transfer seminar, Chicago, Illinois, April 15, 1987

information circular published in 1987

Surface mine truck safety. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminars, Minneapolis, Minnsota, 6/25/80, Birmingham, Alabama, 7/9/80, and Tucson, Arizona, 7/24/80

information circular published in 1980

Survey of Premium Finishes, Incorporated, Cincinnati, Ohio

publication published in May 1974

Surviving fatness

Wellcome Collection story

Surviving sex work on the streets

Wellcome Collection story


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 138/1947)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 164/1947)

Svampplockning med älg

drawing by Okänd

Svampplockning med överraskning av älgfamilj

drawing by Okänd

Svampplockning på holmar

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Svenska riksvapnet hållet av två krönta lejon

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Symposium on health education and health promotion in the workplace

final contract report published in 1980

Symposium on occupational safety research and education: a dialogue between two communities

NIOSH publication published in 1982

Symposium on the assessment of reproductive hazards in the workplace

journal article published in 1988

Symposium proceedings, control technology in the plastics and resins industry

NIOSH publication published in 1981

Synchronisms of Flann Mainistrech

System Safety Report for Methane Utilization from Coalbeds for Power Generation At Bethlehem Mines Corporation Marianna Mine No. 58, Marianna, Pennsylvania


System application report. Mine shaft fire and smoke protection system. Interim report - 3 volume set. Volume 1 - mine fire protection for underground maintenance shops

final contract report published in 1976

System application report. Mine shaft fire and smoke protection system. Interim report - 3 volume set. Volume 3 - mine fire protection for underground fuel storage and transfer area

final contract report published in 1976

System modification and validation testing of fire protection systems for mine haulage trucks. Final report

final contract report published in 1974

System study of coal mine communications

final contract report published in 1973

Systems Study of Data Availability on Natural Gas

publication (OP) published in 1971

Systems analysis of an inherently explosion-proof coal mining operation

final contract report published in 1972

Söndageseftermiddag 2U.T. 1972" u.å.

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Takdekoration i barockstil

drawing by Okänd

Takdekoration i renässansstil

drawing by Okänd


publication published in 1977


anonymous print

Teaterscen med valv och trappor

drawing by Okänd

Teaterscen, förhall till en gotisk kyrka

drawing by Okänd

Teaterscen, vinkällare

drawing by Okänd

Techador fue electrocutado cuando una escalera de extensión de aluminio tuvo contacto con líneas (cables) eléctricas aéreas

newsletter published in 2006

Technical Assistance Report, No. TA-062-845, San Francisco Newspaper Agency, Chronicle, and Examiner, San Francisco, California

field study published in 1979

Technical Subtasks and Organizational Structure of the Tunnel Boring Machine Project


Technical and economic feasibility surface mining coal deposits north slope of Alaska

final contract report published in 1977

Technical appendix to a nationwide survey of the occupational safety and health work force

publication published in 1979

Technical assistance report no. TA-79-15, Dulles International Airport, Washington National Airport, Washington, D.C

field study published in 1979

Technical assistance report no. TA-80-111, State of Washington and Region X Office of the Department of Health and Human Services

field study published in 1980

Technical highlights, mining research, 1987

publication (IH) published in 1988

Technical highlights: health and safety research, 1970-80

publication (IH) published in 1981

Technical supplement to the final report on the development and validation of a method to determine the cost/benefit effectiveness of occupational health programs

publication published in 1974

Technique for chest radiography for pneumoconiosis

final contract report published in 1982

Technologic Trends in the Minerals Industry, 1971

information circular published in 1973

Technologic and Related Trends in the Mineral Industries, 1972

information circular published in 1973

Technologic and related trends in the mineral industries, 1973

information circular published in 1974

Technology News 356 - impact assessment and blast design for surface mines with low-frequency vibration problems

technology news published in 1990

Technology News 357 - anticollision systems for large mine-haulage trucks

technology news published in 1990

Technology News 358 - a geolaser for mapping planar geologic features in deep underground mines

technology news published in 1990

Technology News 375 - a disposable filter to reduce diesel exhaust particulate emissions

technology news published in 1991

Technology News 376 - enhanced drilling performance using polyethylene oxide

technology news published in 1991

Technology News 377 - new flammability test for conveyor belting

technology news published in 1991

Technology News 378 - pneumatic wall-locking geophone system

technology news published in 1991

Technology News 379 - user-friendly in situ copper oxide leach mining cost model

technology news published in 1991

Technology News 380 - abandoned mine lands program TN #1: subsidence abatement investigation laboratory (SAIL)

technology news published in 1991

Technology News 381 - computer-assisted ground control management system

technology news published in 1991

Technology News 382 - analysis of longwall pillar stability (ALPS) method for sizing longwall pillars

technology news published in 1991

Technology News 383 - innovative roof bolt support systems

technology news published in 1991

Technology News 384 - redistributed explosive charges reduce rockfall at surface mines

technology news published in 1991

Technology News 385 - reduction in rockfall and blast-produced overbreak in underground mines

technology news published in 1991

Technology News 386 - abandoned mine lands program TN #2: the effectiveness of surface seals on coal seam fire control

technology news published in 1991

Technology News 387 - abandoned mine lands program TN #3: foaming mud cement controls underground coal mine fires and subsidence

technology news published in 1991

Technology News 388 - abandoned mine lands program TN #4: repairing stream channels to reduce water loss into underground mines

technology news published in 1991

Technology News 389 - new ideas for keeping miners away from unsupported roof

technology news published in 1991

Technology News 390 - computer program for unsaturated flow analysis

technology news published in 1991

Technology News 391 - abandoned mine lands TN #5: abandoned mine detection using integrated geophysical methods

technology news published in 1991

Technology News 392 - abandoned mine lands program TN #6: the use of polyethylene oxide to improve drilling system performance

technology news published in 1991

Technology News 393 - abandoned mine lands program TN #7: annotated bibliography on soil characterization and soil amendment use on coal surface mine lands

technology news published in 1991

Technology News 394 - laser-based tram control systems for mining machines

technology news published in 1992

Technology News 395 - expert system for determining the spontaneous combustion potential of coal

technology news published in 1992

Technology News 396 - improved imaging of underground structure: a new curved ray tomographic program from the Bureau of Mines

technology news published in 1992

Technology News 397 - mechanical position and heading systems for mining machines

technology news published in 1992

Technology News 398 - the minerals related impacts of a direct tax on U.S. primary lead production and primary lead imports

technology news published in 1992

Technology News 399 - recommendations for handling materials in low-seam coal mines

technology news published in 1992

Technology News 400 - abandoned mines lands program TN #8: foam concrete seals for abandoned mine shafts and adits

technology news published in 1992

Technology News 401 - breakthrough in roof-bolt drilling technology provides 200 to 400 times greater bit life

technology news published in 1992

Technology News 402 - CRADA's provide opportunity for Bureau of Mines and non-federal parties to work together

technology news published in 1992

Technology News 403 - measurement and control of diesel particulate emissions

technology news published in 1992

Technology News 404 - abandoned mine lands program TN #9: subsidence monitoring using seismic activity

technology news published in 1992

Technology News 405 - abandoned mine lands program TN #10: fires in abandoned coal mines and waste banks

technology news published in 1992

Technology News 406 - abandoned mine lands program TN #11: Cryogenic slurry for extinguishing subsurface fires

technology news published in 1992

Technology News 407 - abandoned mine lands program TN #12: passive mine drainage treatment systems

technology news published in 1992

Technology News 407A - passive mine drainage treatment systems

technology news published in 1994

Technology News 408 - abandoned mine lands program TN #13: GIS data base for Colorado Springs AML study area

technology news published in 1992

Technology News 410 - development of a cost-effective personal diesel exhaust aerosol sampler

technology news published in 1992

Technology News 411 - processing automobile catalytic converters for recovering platinum-group metals

technology news published in 1992

Technology News 416 - MULSIM/NL: a boundary element method program for stress analysis of coal mines

technology news published in 1993

Technology News 417 - prevent highwall mining machine explosions with inert gas

technology news published in 1993

Technology News 418 - computer program for determining carbon monoxide and smoke sensor spacing and alarm levels in conveyor belt entries

technology news published in 1993

Technology News 419 - vibration testing of off-road vehicle seats

technology news published in 1993

Technology News 420 - abandoned mine lands program TN #14: soil factors affecting surface mine reclamation

technology news published in 1993

Technology News 421 - software for interactive acquisition and analysis of time domain reflectometry measurements

technology news published in 1993

Technology News 422 - dry exhaust conditioning systems for diesel engines in gassy mines

technology news published in 1993

Technology News 423 - personal computer software for analyzing mine accident data

technology news published in 1993

Technology News 424 - process for recovering neodymium and iron from permanent NdFeB magnet scrap

technology news published in 1993

Technology News 425 - personal computer software for analyzing visibility and illumination problems in underground mines

technology news published in 1993

Technology News 426 - selective metal recovery from mine drainage using biogenic hygrogen sulfide

technology news published in 1993

Technology News 427 - design practices for multiple-seam longwall mines

technology news published in 1994

Technology News 428 - engineering methods for the design and employment of wood cribs

technology news published in 1994

Technology News 429 - abandoned mine lands program TN #15: remining abandoned underground and surface coal mines to reduce effluent contaminant load

technology news published in 1994

Technology News 432 - improved tomographic subsurface imaging: new software from the U.S. Bureau of Mines

technology news published in 1994

Technology News 435 - mine closure guidelines

technology news published in 1994

Technology News 438 - a field test of electromagnetic geophysical techniques for locating underground conductive solutions

technology news published in 1994

Technology News 92 - two bulldozer blades and grading bar raise recontouring efficiency

technology news published in 1981

Technology of auger mining

final contract report published in 1975

Teckning I

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Teckning till väggdekor

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Teknisk framtidsdröm

drawing by Okänd

Templo Neoclássico

photograph by unknown author (001AAN005139)

Temporary worker fatally crushed: paper bales topple at recycling plant

newsletter published in 1995

Tempus Adest Floridum

melody first published in Piae Cantiones in 1582

Ten NIOSH Analytical Methods - Set 4

final contract report published in 1978

Ten NIOSH analytical methods - Set 2

final contract report published in 1977

Ten NIOSH analytical methods - Set 6

final contract report published in 1978

Ten NIOSH analytical methods - phosphine

publication published in 1979

Ten NIOSH analytical methods - set 1

final contract report published in 1977

Ten NIOSH analytical methods - set 3

publication published in 1977

Ten NIOSH analytical methods set-5

publication published in 1978

Terephthalic acid

publication published in 1979

Terphenyls: preliminary report of plants and processes

publication published in 1981


drawing by Okänd

Test Data on Exhaust Emissions from a Proposed Commercial Catalytic Converter

publication (CP) published in 1973

Testing of respirator systems in coal mines

publication published in 1972


publication published in 1977


publication published in 1981


publication published in 1979

The Adoration of the Shepherds

drawing by Okänd

The Book of Curiosities

arabic book

The Bureau of Mines minerals availability system and resource classification manual

information circular published in 1974

The Capture of Christ

drawing by Okänd

The Court of Jamshid

Folio 24v from the Shahnama (Book of Kings) of Shah Tahmasp

The Dead Christ

drawing by Okänd

The Death of Sapphira

drawing by unknown

The Demand for and Supply of Manpower in the Bituminous Coal Industry for the Years 1985 and 2000

publication (CP) published in 1973

The Deposition

drawing by Okänd

The Development of a Mechanical Anchor Bolter Module


The Domestic Supply of Critical Minerals

publication (IH) published in 1983

The Federal Coal Mine Health Program in 1976

NIOSH publication published in 1976

The Federal Mine Health Program in 1979

NIOSH publication published in 1980

The First Noel

traditional English Christmas carol with Cornish origins

The First Nowell

English Christmas carol; version published in the New English Hymnal

The Florida phosphate industry's technological and environmental problems, a review

information circular published in 1983

The Florida phosphate slimes problem--a review and a bibliography

information circular published in 1975

The Holy Family with St John and Elizabeth

drawing by Okänd

The Importance of Talk Therapy

scientific article

The Industrial Environment, Its Evaluation and Control

NIOSH publication published in 1973

The Kiss of Death (1957)

1957 black and white photograph

The Last Supper

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 432/1863)

The MSA hydrogen sulfide detector

publication (IH) published in 1972

The Martyrdom of S. Stephen

drawing by Okänd

The Massacre of the Innocents

drawing by Lucas Cranach the Elder (Workshop)

The Mocking of Christ

drawing by Okänd

The Naked Killer

drawing by Okänd

The Natural Sciences Tripos

The New Materials Society. Volume 3 - materials shifts in the new society

publication (IH) published in 1991

The Passion of Christ

paintings formerly attributed to Michael Wolgemut

The Resurrection

edition of a hymn in Lyra Davidica (1708)

The Return of the Prodigal Son

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 54/1973)

The Road to Calvary

drawing by Okänd

The Satyr and the Peasant

Subject of a number of paintings by Jacob Jordaens and his workshop based on the fable of the Satyr and the Peasant in Aesop's Fables

The Stoning of St. Stephen

stained glass windows from the Liebfrauenkirche, Trier, now in the Museum Schnütgen, Cologne, Germany

The Three-dimensional Structural Analysis of Double-entry and Single- entry Coal Mines - 3 Volume Report


The United States position and outlook in potash

information circular published in 1970

The Watchman and Jamaica Free Press

article en français paru dans la Revue des Deux mondes

The Watermills at Singrave

drawing by Okänd

The Wreck of the "Atlantic" - Cast Up by the Sea

print by Winslow Homer (American, 1836-1910) (1942.1304)

The analysis of acetone, 2-butanone, mesityl-oxide, methyl-n-amyl-ketone, hexone, cyclohexanone, 2-pentanone, and diacetone-alcohol in air

publication published in 1977

The application of boring machines to the production of steeply pitching anthracite coal

final contract report published in 1975

The benefits/costs of tertiary oil recovery

final contract report published in 1974

The best means of artificial respiration for commercial divers

publication published in 1979

The coat of arms of Bruges

anonymous print

The collateral damage of internet censorship by DNS injection

scientific article published on 26 June 2012

The descent from the Cross

anonymous print

The development and evaluation of an electronic emission spectral index which can be related to the carcinogenic hazard of the respirable portion of coal-tar rich volatiles

final contract report published in 1972

The development of a system to suppress and extinguish fully developed coal dust explosions, progress report

final contract report published in 1972

The dye industry: occupational hazards associated with the manufacture of dyes and pigments

final contract report published in 1980

The dyeing and finishing of textiles, Volume 2

final contract report published in 1981

The dyeing and finishing of textiles, Volume 3

final contract report published in 1981

The essence of being stuck: It takes one to think you know one or work on the therapist's own family

The evaluation of foamed concrete explosion-proof bulkheads

final contract report published in 1975

The evaluation of four analytical methods for determining boron trifluoride concentrations

publication published in 1975

The extreme ultraviolet sky

scientific article published in January 1992

The fertilizer industry

publication published in 1979

The food processing industry

publication published in 1979

The four parts of the world

Group of four sculptures by Jan Pieter van Baurscheit the Younger or Jan Claudius de Cock

The future is farm safety. A safe workplace makes a strong workforce

final cooperative agreement report published in 1995

The history of medicine

scientific article published in January 2002

The human equation: health and comfort

conference proceedings item published in 1989

The importance of minerals, 1776-1976

publication (IH) published in 1976

The legacy of the flood of '93. A working conference on the occupational and environmental health and safety issues, St. Louis, Missouri, April 11-13, 1994

conference proceedings item published in 1994

The maritime police station is Ostend

printed matter by anonymous, part of Musea Brugge collection, 0020.GRO0339.III

The maritime police station is Ostend

printed matter by anonymous, part of Musea Brugge collection, 0020.GRO0338.III

The maritime police station is Ostend

printed matter by anonymous, part of Musea Brugge collection, 0020.GRO0351.III

The mineral industries of Africa

publication (IH) published in 1976

The mineral industry of Yugoslavia

publication (CP) published in 1987

The mineral position of the United States--1989: annual report of the Secretary of the Interior under the Mining and Minerals Policy Act of 1970

publication (IH) published in 1990

The monastery and school of the Hieronymites in Sint-Niklaas

anonymous print

The new materials society: challenges and opportunities. Volume 1-- new materials markets and issues

publication (IH) published in 1990

The new materials society: challenges and opportunities. Volume 2-- new materials science and technology

publication (IH) published in 1990

The ocean in a high CO2 world

scientific article (publication date: 2004)

The petrochemical industry

publication published in 1979

The potential impact of acid rain legislation on the domestic aluminum smelting industry

publication (CP) published in 1988

The present status and requirements for occupational safety research

publication published in 1972

The present status and requirements for occupational safety research

final contract report published in 1972

The presentation of Mary in the temple

print by Veronese, Paolo and Cars, I. F.anonymous, part of Musea Brugge collection

The raising of Lazarus

drawing by Okänd

The recirculation of industrial exhaust air

NIOSH conference proceedings item published in 1978

The reserve base of bituminous coal and anthracite for underground mining in the Eastern United States

information circular published in 1974

The safe asbestos treatment program

final grant report published in 1982

The unconscious diver: respiratory control and other contributing factors

publication published in 1982

The wood-based panel products industry

publication published in 1979

The wrecking and demolition industry

publication published in 1979

The “Arch of Janus” in Rome

drawing by Okänd

The “Certosa di Pavia”

drawing by Okänd

The “Temple of Minerva Medica” in Rome

drawing by Okänd

Theatro Municipal

photograph by unknown author (007A5P3F04-046)

Theoremata haec de vero, et bono, ex philosophorum, & medicorum placitis deprompta, publice disputanda proponit Annibal Iuncus Vrbinas

Printed text (antique) Monograph dated 1560

Thiram analytical method

publication published in 1979

Third annual report of health activities under the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977

publication published in 1981

Three Massachusetts forklift operators killed

newsletter published in 2000

Three Studies of a Skeletal Figure

1812; unknown artist; 1812; Wellcome Collection


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Ingen uppgift

Till julottan

drawing by Okänd

Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry Studies of Flame Inhibitors

publication (CP) published in 1973


drawing by Okänd

Tjekov och Tolstoj

drawing by Ingen uppgift


drawing by Okänd

To the fellow speakers of Hendrik Conscience

anonymous print

Tobias och ängeln

drawing by Okänd

Tobias presenting Archangel Rafalël to his parents

Towards improved health and safety for America's coal miners

publication (IH) published in 1972

Town on a River

drawing by Okänd

Trabajador paisajista muere al ser golpeado por un tronco rodante

field study published in 2005

Trabalhador do Brasil morre no trabalho, ao ficar preso em maquina para triturar pedras

newsletter published in 2002

Trabalhador morreu ao ser esmagado por placas de granito

newsletter published in 2006

Translations of Foreign Hydrotransport Technology. Volume I - German Technology


Translations of Foreign Hydrotransport Technology. Volume II - Russian Technology




Trawl fishing

print by Clays, Paul Jean and Lacoste

Tre apostel figurer

drawing by Okänd

Tre figurer och en kamel kring en brunn

drawing by Okänd

Tre kvinnor

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Tre munkar tillbedja Heliga jungfrun och Barnet

drawing by Okänd

Tre munkar tillbedja Heliga jungfrun och Barnet

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 1804/1863)

Tre nakna mansfigurer. Den ena sysselsatt med målning

drawing by Okänd

Tre putti svävande med en stol

drawing by Okänd

Tre qvinnor, af hvilka den ena liggande

drawing by Okänd

Tree care work presents fatal hazards

newsletter published in 2005

Tree study

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Tremastare på havet

drawing by Okänd

Trends in the Minerals Industry, 1970

information circular published in 1972


publication published in 1981


drawing by Okänd

Triumphal chariot for Princess Rospigliosi

drawing by Okänd

Tron, hoppet och barmhärtigheten

drawing by Okänd

Tropisk natt

drawing by Okänd

Tropiska vilda djur

drawing by Okänd

Tropiskt landskap med infödingar

drawing by Okänd

Trying to overcome racism in the NHS

scientific article published on March 2000

Tryumfy Króla Niebieskiego

christmas song

Träd III

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Trädgård (oval)

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Ingen uppgift


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1634/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1635/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1636/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1637/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1638/1973)


drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 1639/1973)


drawing by Okänd

Trädstudie, stammar

drawing by Okänd

Trädstudie, stammar

drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 144/1866)

Tulip Book by Judith Leyster

Book by Judith Leyster and other artists with over 40 paintings of tulips

Tvärsnitt av synagogan Maggiore i Mantova

drawing by Okänd

Två barn

drawing by Okänd

Två barn i snöig skog

drawing by Okänd

Två barn seglar på isflak

drawing by Okänd

Två brinnande örlogsskepp

drawing by Okänd

Två cyklister

drawing by Okänd

Två damer, bröstbilder

drawing by Okänd

Två flickor i en skog eller park

drawing by Okänd

Två helgon under en valvbåge

drawing by Okänd

Två hufvuden

drawing by Okänd

Två jakthundar

drawing by Okänd

Två kameler med ryttare

drawing by Okänd

Två kvinnohuvuden

drawing by Okänd

Två kvinnor läsande en bok

drawing by Okänd

Två kvinnor som blickar åt höger

drawing by Okänd

Två kvinnor, den ena med en bok

drawing by Okänd

Två kvinnor, en sedd framifrån och en bakifrån

drawing by Okänd

Två kvinnor, sittande, hålla mellan sig en triangelformad ställning med fötter, utskuret i form av klöverblad

drawing by Okänd

Två landskap med figurer, i form af basrelief

drawing by Okänd

Två landsknektar

drawing by Okänd

Två mansfigurer i ovanlig costym. Den ena spelar zittra

drawing by Okänd

Två män och en kvinna runt ett brinnande ljus i ett landskap

drawing by Okänd

Två män vid en flodstrand

drawing by Okänd

Två qvinnor, samt en naken gosse

drawing by Okänd

Två ryttare

drawing by Okänd

Två samtalande personer

drawing by Okänd

Två soldater, den ene till häst

drawing by Okänd

Två troll i en grotta i skogen

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Två vandrare

drawing by Okänd

Två vinthundar

drawing by Okänd

Två änglar understödja Kristi döda kropp

drawing by Okänd

Tvåpuckliga kameler och fyrpuckliga berg

drawing by Okänd

Two Brazilian restaurant cleaners were injured on the job, one fatally, when assaulted by a robber

newsletter published in 2005

Two Horses Pulling a Wagon

drawing by Okänd

Two Massachusetts news carriers killed

newsletter published in 1995

Two male figures, one draped

drawing by Okänd

Two vehicle mounted work platforms overturn killing the operators

newsletter published in 2004

Tåg genom Norrland

drawing by Okänd

Tåget i stan

drawing by Okänd

U.S. Bureau of Mines Research 88. A summary of significant results in mineral technology and economics

publication (IH) published in 1989

U.S.P.H.S. survey at Abex Corporation, American Brakeblok Division, Winchester, Virginia

publication published in 1972

U.S.P.H.S. survey at Brown and Root Pipeline Plant, New Orleans, Louisiana

publication published in 1972

U.S.P.H.S. survey at Johns-Manville, Asbestos Textile Plant, Manville, New Jersey

publication published in 1965

U.S.P.H.S. survey at Philip-Carey, Cincinnati, Ohio

publication published in 1972

UC-Davis study looks at NAGCAT, tractor ergonomics and children

newsletter published in 2006

UFTM evaluation final report

final contract report published in 1975

USBM Publications on Internet/ Gopher


USSR and the politics of polish antisemitism 1956–68

Uggla i gran

drawing by Okänd

Ulmus Carpinfolia Gled

drawing by Ingen uppgift


final contract report published in 1981

Un joven de 16-años de edad de Massachusetts fue lesionado gravemente en el trabajo mientras operaba una carretilla elevadora

newsletter published in 2002

Underground Mine Communications (In Four Parts). 1. Mine Telephone Systems (Including Articles on a Coaxial-cable Telephone System and Conventional Telephone Equipment)

information circular published in 1977

Underground coal mining in the United States--research and development programs

final contract report published in 1970

Underground metal and nonmetal mine fire protection. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminars, Denver, Colorado, Nov. 3, 1981, and St. Louis, Missouri, Nov. 6, 1981

information circular published in 1981

Underground mine communications (in four parts). 3. Haulage systems

information circular published in 1977

Underground mine disaster survival and rescue: An evaluation of research accomplishments and needs

final contract report published in 1981

Underspoil Haulage of Surface Mined Coal



drawing by Okänd

Ung dam i riddräkt lutad emot en klippa betraktar en gravurna

drawing by Okänd

Ung man i 1600-talsdräkt

drawing by Okänd

Ung man med fladdrande draperi

drawing by Okänd

Ung naknen kvinna i vänster-profil

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Ung qvinna

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Ungman sysselsatt med ögonoperation på en gubbe

drawing by Okänd

Uniform Method for Impinger Counting

publication published in 1969

Unique photograph of Amir Kabir

presumed photograph of Amir Kabir published by Ettela'at in 1976

United States v. Alcea Band of Tillamooks

Indians (other than pertains to state jurisdiction over)

United States v. Urbuteit

federal or state consumer protection: typically under the Truth in Lending; Food, Drug and Cosmetic; and Consumer Protection Credit Acts

Update of the literature: crystalline silica

publication published in 1980

Upper limb movement degradation with performance of repetitive reaching in a rat model

abstract published in 2008


drawing by Ingen uppgift

Urbaniseringen framskrider

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Urskogsdröm: han rider på elefant i djungeln

drawing by Okänd

Urtidsdjur invaderar staden

drawing by Okänd

User's Manual Instructions for Completing of the Cooperative Exposure Survey


Utan titel

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Utan titel

drawing by Ingen uppgift (Nationalmuseum NMH 15/1996)

Utan titel I

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Utkanten av en gammal stad

drawing by Okänd

Utkast till gravmonument över en abedissa

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Utkast till kartusch

drawing by Okänd

Utkast till transparang med allegorisk komposition

drawing by Okänd

Utsikt från en klippa över slättlandskap med flod

drawing by Okänd

Utslungande ur himlen

drawing by Ingen uppgift


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 159/1956)


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 182/1956)


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Ingen uppgift

Vanadium Backup Data Report Number 290 (Revised)

publication published in 1979


drawing by Okänd

Vas med delfinhuvusen och girlander

drawing by Okänd

Vas med handtag

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Venez divin Messie

Christmas carol

Venus ger Amor risbastu

drawing by Okänd

Venus och Adonis

drawing by Okänd

Vi plocka blåsippor

drawing by Okänd

Vi plockar medicinalväxter

drawing by Okänd

Vi plockar äpplen

drawing by Okänd

Video and Poor Insight in Persons With Schizophrenia

scientific article published on 09 February 2015

Video clip of a mine explosion

publication published in 1996

View of building with outbuilding and fence

anonymous print

View of the Colosseum in Rome

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Vinkylre, skiss

drawing by Okänd

Vinpress med Bacchus, Amor och musiken

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

Vinyl chloride in air

publication published in 1973

Vinyl chloride in air, Physical and Chemical Analysis Branch

publication published in 1974

Vinyl cyclohexene dioxide

publication published in 1977

Virgin and Child with the Apple (verso)

drawing after Martin Schongauer

Virgin of the Cerca

Virgin of the Cerca Image

Virgin of the Peana (Ateca)

Marian advocation typical of the Zaragoza municipality of Ateca

Vista aérea da Praça Paris e do Jardim da Glória

photograph by unknown author

Vista aérea de Copacabana, no Rio de Janeiro, tomada do interior do Graf Zepellin

photograph by unknown author

Vista aérea do Rio de Janeiro, tomada do interior do Graf Zepellin

photograph by unknown author

Vista da Avenida Beira-Mar a partir da Glória

photograph by unknown author

Vista da Enseada de Botafogo e de parte da avenida Beira-Mar

photograph by unknown author

Vista da Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas

photograph by unknown author (037SL03112)

Vista da Praia de Botafogo, ao fundo o Morro do Corcovado

photograph by unknown author

Vista da Praia de Botafogo, ao fundo o Morro do Corcovado e a Pedra da Gávea

photograph by unknown author

Vista da Praia de Botafogo, com o Morro do Corcovado à direita

photograph by unknown author

Vista da Praia de Botafogo, tomada do Morro da Viúva

photograph by unknown author

Vista da enseada de Botafogo

photograph by unknown author

Vista da enseada de Botafogo e Pão de Açúcar a partir do Corcovado

photograph by unknown author

Vista da enseada de Botafogo, com Copacabana ao fundo, a partir do Mirante Dona Marta

photograph by unknown author

Vista da lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas

photograph by unknown author (001AAN005142)

Vista da lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas

photograph by unknown author (001AAN005143)

Vista da lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, Ipanema e Leblon.

photograph by unknown author

Vista da praia de Botafogo

photograph by unknown author (001AN01001002)

Vista da rua Nossa Senhora de Copacabana e praia

photograph by unknown author (014AAN00518)

Vista de Copacabana a partir do morro da Igrejinha

photograph by unknown author

Vista de casarios e barcos

photograph by unknown author

Vista de rua comercial

photograph by unknown author

Vista do Leme

photograph by unknown author (014AAN00515)

Vista do Pico do Corcovado, ainda com o mirante Chapéu do Sol

photograph by unknown author

Vista do Pão de Açúcar

photograph by unknown author (001AAN005121)

Vista do Pão de Açúcar

photograph by unknown author (001AAN005147)

Vista do Pão de Açúcar

photograph by unknown author (001AAN005149)

Vista do Pão de Açúcar

photograph by unknown author (001AAN005151)

Vista do Pão de Açúcar

photograph by unknown author (001AAN005141)

Vista do Pão de Açúcar

photograph by unknown author (001AN01002021)

Vista do bairro de Copacabana; a partir do Leme

photograph by unknown author

Vista dos bairros da Urca, de Botafogo e de parte de Copacabana; a partir do Morro do Pão de Açúcar

photograph by unknown author

Vista panorâmica da enseada de Botafogo, a partir do Morro do Corcovado

photograph by unknown author

Vista para a Baía de Guanabara

photograph by unknown author

Vista para hotel na Praça XV de Novembro

photograph by unknown author

Visual agnosia

scientific article published on 9 November 2012

Volume I. Metals and Minerals


Volume I. Metals and materials 1991

publication published in 1993

Volume I. Metals and minerals

publication (IH) published in 1990

Volume II. Area Reports: Domestic

publication, date unknown

Volume II. Area Reports: Domestic. Centennial Edition, 1981

publication (IH) published in 1983

Volume II. Area reports: domestic

publication (IH) published in 1985

Volume II. Area reports: domestic

publication (IH) published in 1986

Volume II. Area reports: domestic

publication published in 1991

Volume II. Area reports: domestic, 1982

publication (IH) published in 1984

Volume III Mineral Industries of Asia and the Pacific


Volume III Mineral Industries of Europe and the U.S.S.R


Volume III Mineral Industries of the Middle East


Volume III Minerals Industries of Asia and Pacific 1991


Volume III Minerals Industries of Latin America and


Volume III Area Reports: International, 1982

publication published in 1984

Volume III Area Reports: International. Centennial Edition, 1981

publication (IH) published in 1983

Volume III Area Reports: international. centennial edition, 1981

publication (IH) published in 1985

Volume III Area reports: international

publication (IH) published in 1990

Voluntary accreditation for occupational safety and health programs in industry

final contract report published in 1976

Voulme I. Metals and Minerals


Väg, kulle med frodig växtlighet

drawing by Okänd

Väggfält med konsolbord

drawing by Okänd

Väggfält med spegel

drawing by Okänd

Väggparti med soffa

drawing by Okänd

Vår barnsköterska är ute och reser med lilla syster

drawing by Okänd

Vår frälsare vart barn som vi

Swedish Christmas hymn


drawing by Okänd


Old English epic poem surviving only in fragments

Walk through survey report exposure to natural conjugated estrogens at Ayerst Laboratories Incorporated, Division of American Home Products Corporation, Rouses Point, N.Y

field study published in 1979

Walk through survey report of exposure to estrogens at Syntex (F.P.) Inc., Humacao, Puerto Rico

field study published in 1979

Walk-through survey report as part of the sulfuric acid study at United States Steel Corporation, Dravosburg, Pennsylvania

field study published in 1979

Walk-through survey report at oral contraceptive manufacturing operations at Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation, Raritan New Jersey

field study published in 1979

Walk-through survey report exposure to estrogens at Schering Corporation, Union, New Jersey

field study published in 1980

Walk-through survey report of exposure to estrogens at Wyeth Laboratories, Paoli, Pennsylvania

field study published in 1979

Walk-through survey report of exposures to estrogens at Syntex Laboratories, Inc., Palo Alto, California

field study published in 1979

Walk-through survey report of the oral contraceptive manufacturing operations at Ortho Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Dorado, Puerto Rico

field study published in 1979

Walk-through survey report, General Motors Assembly Division, Linden, New Jersey

field study published in 1980

Walk-through survey report, Nazar Rubber Company, Toledo, Ohio

field study published in 1977

Walk-through survey report, Whirlpool Corporation, Marion Division, Marion, Ohio

field study published in 1979

Walk-through survey report, exposure to natural, esterified estrogens at Hoffman-La Roche Inc., Nutley, New Jersey, 07110

field study published in 1980

Walk-through survey report, the Sherwin-Williams Company, Chemicals Division, Cincinnati, Ohio

field study published in 1977


anonymous anti-Uniate treatise of 1605

Warning properties in respirator selection

final contract report published in 1975

Washington Foundry Survey

publication published in 1971

Washington Luís com outros homens não identificados na sacada do Palácio do Catete

photograph by unknown author

Washington Luís e Antônio Prado Jr. na Feira de Amostras

photograph by unknown author

Washington Luís e Antônio Prado Junior, entre outros, em inauguração da Avenida Praça de Itália, atual Avenida General Justo

photograph by unknown author

Washington Luís em carro aberto durante desfile

photograph by unknown author

Washington Luís, ao centro de cartola, durante evento não identificado

photograph by unknown author

Washington Luís, ao centro, entre civis e militares

photograph by unknown author

Washington Luís, ao centro, entre civis e militares; ao fundo, a estátua equestre de Duque de Caxias

photograph by unknown author

Washington Luís, de chapéu na mâo, entre civis e militares

photograph by unknown author

Water Circulation System Balance of Central Florida Mining

final contract report published in 1977

Water Jet Shearer Assessment


Water jet chock mounted miner feasibility study

final contract report published in 1975

Waterjet Assisted Tunnel Boring


Wayfaring Stranger

American hymn tune first published in 1883

Welding and brazing

publication published in 1977

What it feels like to be compulsorily detained for treatment

scientific article published on 16 August 2017

When doctors get sick

Wellcome Collection story

Why I don't like prescribing sleeping pills

Wellcome Collection story

Why some patients make my heart sink

Wellcome Collection story

William Tell

folk hero of Switzerland

Wire Rope Improvement Program



anonymous medieval morality play

Woman holding a funeral urn, allegedly Caroline Bonaparte with the urn containing the ashes of her husband Joachim Murat

anonymous drawing

Woman with a thin drapery

drawing by Okänd

Women's Bath

woodcut by follower of Albrecht Dürer

Wood dust

publication published in 1977

Wood floor sanders killed when floor finishing product catches fire - Massachusetts

newsletter published in 2006

Wood preserving

final contract report published in 1981

Woodworker dies when struck by tool knife launched from overarm router

newsletter published in 1997

Work Plan for Revising the Ramc Mine Costing Methodology


Work exposure to polyaromatic hydrocarbons at selected petroleum refinery process units, Champlin Petroleum Refinery, Enid, Oklahoma, phase III survey report no. 1

field study published in 1980

Work practices guide for manual lifting

NIOSH technical report published in 1981

Work-related musculoskeletal disorders: a construction bibliography

publication published in 1993

Worker exposure to polyaromatic hydrocarbons at selected petroleum refinery process unit Coastal States Petrochemical Company Refinery, Corpus Christi, Texas, phase III survey report #3

field study published in 1980

Worker exposure to polyaromatic hydrocarbons at selected petroleum refinery process units of Sun Oil Refinery, Tulsa, Oklahoma

publication published in 1980

Worker exposure to polyaromatic hydrocarbons at selected petroleum refinery process units, phase III survey report no. 5, Gulf Oil Refinery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

field study published in 1980

Worker exposure to polyaromatic hydrocarbons at selected petroleum refinery process units, phase III survey report no. 7, Standard Oil Company of Ohio, Toledo, Ohio

field study published in 1980

Worker exposure to polyaromatic hydrocarbons at selected petroleum refinery process units, phase III survey report no. 9, Texaco Refinery, Casper, Wyoming

field study published in 1980

Worker killed when crushed by multiple stone slabs

newsletter published in 2006

Worker killed while inflating a tire mounted on a multi-piece rim - Massachusetts

newsletter published in 2004

Worker training in a new era: responding to new threats. Report of Conference in Baltimore, Maryland October 26-27, 2002

NIOSH publication published in 2004

Workers Repairing a Sidewalk with Bitumen

film 1898

Working Documents Prepared for the Advisory Conference on Tunnelling of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

publication (CP) published in 1970

Workshop development of recommended standard for manufacture and formulation of pesticides and areas of needed research

conference proceedings item published in 1976

Workshop on the chest x-ray as an epidemiological tool

final grant report published in 1974

World Medical Association Declaration of Geneva.

scientific article published in December 2017

World demand for fertilizer nutrients for agriculture

publication (CP) published in 1988

Wsród nocnej ciszy


Włocławek Goblet

X-Ray Description of Pneumoconiosis. A Home Study Syllabus


XVI Internat. Conf. on Coal Mine Safety Res., Washington, DC, 1975

publication (OP) published in 1975

XVI International Conference on Coal Mine Safety Research, Washington, DC, September 22-26, 1975: Preprints

publication (CP) published in 1975

XVI international conference on coal mine safety research, Washington, D.C., September 22-26, 1975: opening and closing sessions, discussions of papers

publication (CP) published in 1975

Yakataga and Chilkat oil possibilities (letters and reports)

Young Woman with Three Putti

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Youth Pouring Wine

drawing by Okänd

Zebror på savannen

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd

[...] på Monte Cavallo i Rom

drawing by Okänd

den heliga familjenmed Johannes

drawing by Ingen uppgift

n-Butyl acetate

publication published in 1979

ndustrial hygiene survey report of benzidine azo dyes at Salz Leathers, Inc., Santa Cruz, California

publication published in 1978

recto: Academic study after a print of a right foot on a pedestal; verso: Academic study of a scene with a ruin

anonymous drawing


hymn edited by Bishnuram Das


publication published in 1979

¿Eres un joven que tabaja? Cosas que debes saber sobre la seguridad y la salud en el trabajo

NIOSH publication published in 1997


drawing by Okänd

Ängel med en fisk och ett gissel

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Ängel med radband

drawing by Ingen uppgift

Ängel uppenbarar sig för Maria med barnet

drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd


drawing by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMH 452/1973)

Änglar mfl figurer

drawing by Ingen uppgift


drawing by Okänd

Åkande och ridande barn

drawing by Okänd

Ångbåten lägger till i Göteborgs skärgård

drawing by Okänd

Åtskilliga nakna figurer, i form af basrelief

drawing by Okänd

Ó křesťané všichni

Christmas hymn; Czech version of "Adeste fideles" translated by Josef Šlechta


drawing by Okänd

Örn omgiven av putti

drawing by Okänd

Överkroppen av en stående man

drawing by Okänd

ରାଧାକୃଷ୍ଣ ଯୁଗଳ ରହସ୍ୟ ଓ ଦାୟିକା

book published in 1924

Exposure assessment for epidemiology and hazard control

hardcover edition (en)

Occupational and industrial dermatology

1982 hardcover edition (en)

Occupational stress

1974 hardcover edition (en)

Romance del conde Claros de Montalván

poem; anonymous author