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List of works by Michael W. Thompson

A Group of Mounds on Seasalter Level, near Whitstable, and the Medieval Imbanking in this Area

scholarly article by M. W. Thompson published in January 1956

A Manual of Monumental Brasses. By Herbert Haines, with an Introduction, Biographical Note and Bibliography by Richard J. Busby. 15 x 24 cm. cclxiii-286 pp., 200 illustrations, 1 plate

book review published in 1971

A Suggested Dual Origin for Keeps

article published in 1992

A contraction in plan at Archbishop Chichele's college in Higham Ferrers, Northants

article published in 1967

A single-aisled hall at Conisbrough castle, Yorkshire

article published in 1968

A. L. Mongait: Arkheologiya Zapadnoi Evropy, Kammenyi Vek (The archaeology of Western Europe: the Stone Age). Moscow: Izdatel'stvo ‘Nauka’,* 1973. 355 pp., 13 pls. (5 in colour), numerous figs., 3 maps. Roubles 2.88

An Inventory of Historical Monuments in the County of Cambridge, 1, West Cambridgeshire. By the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments. 8½ x 10¾ in. lxix + 256 pp. 144 pl. (some in colour), many line drawings (not numbered), map in pocket

book review published in 1969

An Inventory of Historical Monuments in the County of Cambridge, II, North-East Cambridgeshire. Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England). 27 x 21 cm. Ixvi+163 pp., 120 pls. and coloured frontispiece, 126 figs., map in pocket

book review published in 1973

An Inventory of the Ancient Monuments in Glamorgan. Vol. I, Pre-Norman. 11 × 8½. Pt. I: The Stone and Bronze Ages. Pp. xxx + 144 + 10 pls. + 36 figs.; Pt. II: The Iron Age and the Roman Occupation. Pp. xxx + 135 + 15 pls. + 39 figs.; Pt. III: The E

An alert in 1318 to the constable of Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire

article published in 1965

Ancient Europe from the Beginnings of Agriculture to Classical Antiquity. By Stuart Piggott. 10 × 7. Pp. xxiv + 343 + 143 figs. + 51 pls. Edinburgh: University Press, 1965. 42s.

Another 'Proto-keep' at Walmer, Kent

article published in 1995

Archaeology in the U.S.S.R. By Alexander Mongait. 10½ x 8½ in. 429 pp., 207 illustrations (including maps). Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1959. Price 45s.

book review published in 1960

Associated Monasteries and Castles in the Middle Ages: A Tentative List

article published in 1986

Azilian Harpoons

scholarly article by M. W. Thompson published in December 1955

Britannia et Anglia

article published in 1969

Building Accounts of King Henry III. Edited by H. M. Colvin. 22 x 14 cm. xvi+472 pp., 16 pIs. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971. Price £7.00.

book review published in 1971

Byzantine coins in Russia

article published in 1966

Castella Maris Baltici l. Edited by Knut Drake. 21 x 30 cm. 275 pp., many figs. and pls. Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell International. ISBN 91-22-01566-3. ISSN 1236-5882. Price: SEK 448 pb.

book review published in 1994


encyclopedia article

Castle Rising Castle, Norfolk: (East Anglian Archacology Report 81.) By Beric Morley and David Gurney. 21 x 30 cm., xii + 152 pp., microfiche. 103 figs., 17 pls., 34 tables. Dereham: Norfolk Museums Service, Field Archaeology Division, 1997

book review published in 1998

Castles from the Air. By R. Allen Brown. 22 x 28 cm. vi + 246 pp., many illustrations. Cambridge: C.U.P., 1989. Price: £17.50.

book review published in 1990

Catalogue of correspondence and papers of Augustus Henry Lane Fox Pitt-Rivers in the Salisbury and South Wiltshire Museum

catalogue published in 1976

Chateau Gaillard, Etudes de castellogie medievale, VI (Actes du Colloque International tenu a Venlo). 27 x 20 cm, 205 pp., figs. and plates. Universite de Caen: Centre de Recherches Archeologiques Medievales, 1973. Price not stated.

book review published in 1974

Chateau Gaillard, Etudes de castellogie medievale, VII (Actes du colloque international tenu a Blois, 2-7 Septembre, 1974). 27 x 20 cm. 224 pp., text figures. Universite de Caen: Centre de Recherches Archeologiques Medievales, 1975. Price not stated.

book review published in 1976

Conisbrough Castle

guidebook published in 1971

Deserted Medieval Villages. Studies. Edited by Maurice Beresford and John G. Hurst. 25 x 19 cm. xviii+340 pp., 31 pls., 42 figs., 16 tables. London: Lutterworth Press, 1971. Price £8.00.

book review published in 1971

Drevnii Kiev. Ocherki po Istorii Materialnoi Kultury Drevnerusskogo Goroda [Ancient Kiev. An Outline History of the Material Culture of the Medieval Russian Town]. By M. K. Karger. 2 vols. 8 x 10½ in.

book review published in 1966

Early Maps of the British Isles A.D. 1000-A.D. 1579. (Royal Geographical Society Reproductions of Early Maps, VII). Introduction and Notes by G. R. Crone. Portfolio, 20½ x 16½ in. 20 pls., and introductory booklet, 123 x 10 in. 32 pp

book review published in 1963

Excavation of a Barrow near the Hardy Monument, Black Down, Portesham, Dorset

scientific article

Excavation of the Fortified Medieval Hall of Hutton Colswain at Huttons Ambo, Near Malton, Yorkshire

scholarly article published in 1957

Excavations at Richard's Castle, Herefordshire, 1962-1964

article published in 1969

Excavations in Farnham Castle Keep. Surrey, England, 1958-1960

article published in 1967

Further work at Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire

journal article

Further work at Conisburgh Castle, Yorkshire

article published in 1969

General Pitt-Rivers: evolution and archaeology in the nineteenth century

book published in 1977

Glamorgan County History. Vol. II. Early Glamorgan, Prehistory and Early History. Editedby H. N. Savory. 30 × 21 cm. Pp. xx + 506, 58 figs. + 23 pls. Cardiff: Glamorgan County History Trust, 1984. ISBN 0-904730-04-2. £39.95

article by Michael Thompson published March 1986 in Antiquaries Journal

Greater Medieval Houses of England and Wales, 1300–1300. Vol. 1, Northern England. By Anthony Emery. 290mm. Pp. xii + 435, ills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. ISBN 0-521-49723-X. £80.00


Handbuch der Urgeschichte, I, Ältere und Mittlere Steinzeit, Jäger- und Sammlerkulturen. Edited by Karl J. Narr. 9¼ × 6. Pp. 516 + 22 pls. + 101 figs. Berne: Francke Verlag, 1966. 78 DM

Historic Towns: Maps and Plans of Towns and Cities in the British Isles, with Historical Commentaries, from earliest Times to 1800, vol. 1. Edited by M. D. Lobel. 16¼ x 12¼ in. 78 pp., 55 maps. Oxford: Lovell Johns, 1969. Price £5 5s.

book review published in 1969

Horizontal loom at Novgorod

article published in 1968

Kenilworth Castle

guidebook published in 1980

Kenilworth Castle since 1962

article published in 1969

Kenilworth Castle, Warwickshire

guidebook published in 1977

Kenilworth Castle, Warwickshire

guidebook published in 1991

Konigshagen, ein archaologisch-historischer Beitrag zur Siedlungsgeschichte des sudwestlichen. Harzvorlandes. By Walter Janssen. 6¼ x 9½ in. viii + 246 pp., 21 figs., 20 plans and maps in separate folder

book review published in 1966

Land and Work in Medieval Europe. Selected Papers by Marc Bloch, translated by J. E. Anderson. 8½ x 5½ in. xii + 260 pp. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1966. Price 30s.

book review published in 1967

Lincolnshire Architectural and Archaeological Society, Reports and Papers, n.s, VIII. Edited by D. M. Owen. 8½ x 5½ in. 112 pp., 10 figures, 5 plates. Lincoln: published by the Society, 1960. Price 20s.

book review published in 1961

Maps and Plans in the Public Record Office: I, British Isles, c. 1410-1860. Compiled by H. N. Blakiston. 10 x 6 in. xv+648 pp. London: H.M. Stationery Office, 1967. Price £55s

book review published in 1968

Marxism and Culture


Medieval Archaeology in England: A Guide to the Historical Sources. By Colin Platt. Pinhorn's Handbooks, no. 5. 8¼ x 5¾ in. 32 pp. Shalfleet Manor, Isle of Wight: Pinhorns, 1969. Price 12s.

book review published in 1969

Medieval Bishops' Houses in England and Wales

book published in 1998

Medieval Fortifications. By John R. Kenyon. 250 × 180mm. Pp. xvi + 233, 83 figs., 2 tables. Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1990. ISBN 0-7185-1289-8. £35·00

Medieval Technology and Social Change. By Lynn White, Jr. 8½ x 5¾. xii + 194 pp., 10 pls. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1962. Price 32s.

book review published in 1964

Mittelalterliche Burghugel ('Motten') im nordlichen Rheinland. (Beihefte der Bonner Jahrbucher, XVI.) By Michael Muller-Wille, 10½ x 7½ in. vii+115 pp., 6 pls., 59 figs. Cologne: Bohlau Verlag, 1966, Price 22 DM.

book review published in 1967

Motte substructures

article published in 1961

N. P. Stanley Price (ed.): Conservation on archaeological excavations, with particular reference to the Mediterranean area. Rome: ICCROM, 1984, 158 pp., illustrated

Norman Castles in Britain. By Derek Renn. 10 x 6 in. xiii + 364 pp., 49 pls. (1 in colour), 76 figs., 6 maps. London and New York: John Baker and Humanities Press, 1968. Price 106s. or $17.50

book review published in 1968

Norwich: the growth of a city

article published in 1964

Note on an Iron Age habitation site near Battlesbury Camp, Warminster

article published in 1956

Pickering Castle, Yorkshire

guidebook published in 1958

Prehistoric Russia, an Outline. By Tadeusz Sulimirski. 10 × 6. Pp. xxiii + 449 + 50 pls. + 91 figs. + 32 maps + 23 tables. London: John Baker, 1970. £7.35

Problerne der Kustenforschung im sudlichen Nordseegebiet, Bd. ix (Schriftenreihe der Niedersachsischen Landesinstitutes fur Marschen- und Wurtenforschung, Wilhelmshaven). Edited by Werner Haarnagel. 12¼ x 9¼ in. 112 pp., many illustrations and tables

book review published in 1970

RCHM (England): An inventory of the historical monuments in the City of York, vol. 2: The defences. London: HMSO, 1972. 233 pp., 66 pls. (4 in colour), about 100 figs. (unnumbered), 3 pull-outs. £7.25


Reallexikon der Germanischen Alterstumkunde. Founded by Johannes Hoops; 2nd ed., enlarged and fully revised. Edited by H. Jankuhn, H. Kuhn, K. Ranke and R. Wenskus. Bd. I, Lieferung I. 8½ x 6¾ in. 112 pp., 3 pls., 10 figs

book review published in 1968

Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde. Founded by Johannes Hoops; 2 ed., enlarged and fully revised. Edited by H. Jankuhn, H. Kuhn, K. Ranke and R. Wenskus. Bd. I, Lieferungen 2-3. 24 x 17 cm

book review published in 1971

Recent Archaeological Excavations in Europe. Edited by Rupert Bruce-Mitford. 10×7½. Pp. xxviii + 335 + 46 pls. + 113 figs. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1975. £12·00.

Recent Excavations in the Keep of Farnham Castle, Surrey

article published in 1960

Reclamation of waste ground for the pleasance at Kenilworth Castle, Warwickshire

article published in 1964



Reviews of Books

Rheinische Ausgrabungen, I: Beitrage zur Archaologie des Mittelalters (Beihefte der Bonner Jahrbucher, XXVIII). 10½ x 7 in. 280 pp., 97 figs., 29 plates (one in colour). Cologne: Bohlau Verlag, 1968. Price DM 78.

book review published in 1969

Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments in Wales. An Inventory of the Ancient Monuments in Glamorgan. Vol. III. Medieval Secular Monuments. Part 2. Non-Defensive. 28.5 × 22.5 cm. Pp. xxxviii + 398, 205 figs. + 47 pls. (inc. 4 col.). Car

Ruins: Their preservation and display

book published in 1981

Rural Economy and Country Life in the Medieval West. By Georges Duby. Translated by Cynthia Postan. 9 x 6 in. xv + 600 pp., 10 pls., figures and tables. London: Edward Arnold, 1968. Price 90s.

book review published in 1968

Short Reviews

Short Reviews

Stammesbildung und Verfassung. Das Werden der fruhmittelalterlichen gentes. By Reinhard Wenskus. 6½ x 9½ in. x + 656 pp., 2 maps. Cologne: Bohlau Verlag, 1962. Price (linen) 58 Dm.

book review published in 1966

Stonehenge Complete. By Christopher Chippindale. 26 × 19 cm. Pp. 296, 260 ills. (inc. 13 col.). London: Thames and Hudson, 1983. ISBN 0-500-05043-0. £12·50

book review published in 1985

Studien zu fruhgeschichtlichen Befestigungen zwischen Nordsee und Alpen. Beihefte der Bonner Jahrbucher, Band XI. By Rafael von Uslar. 10½ x 7½ in. viii + 290 pp., 96 figs., 17 pls., 1 map. Koln : Bohlau Verlag, 1964. Price (linen) 38 DM.

book review published in 1965

The Archaeology of Malton and Norton. By J. F. Robinson. 30×21 cm. Pp. xii+46+11 pls.+6 figs. Leeds: Yorkshire Archaeological Society, 1978. £2·50

The Castle in England and Wales. An Interpretative History. By D. J. Cathcart King. 24 × 16 cm. Pp. 209, 25 figs., 9 pls. London and Sydney: Croom Helm. ISBN 0-7099-4829-8. £25·00

book review published in 1988

The Date of 'Fox's Tower,' Farnham Castle, Surrey

article published in 1960

The Decline of the Castle

book by M. W. Thompson published in 1987

The First Inspector of Ancient Monuments in the Field

scholarly article by Michael W. Thompson published in June 1960

The Green Knight's Castle

chapter published in 1989

The Groove and Splinter Technique of working antler in Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Europe

scientific article published in December 1954

The Medieval Buildings of Stamford (Stamford Survey Group, Report I). By Alan Rogers, with introduction by W. A. Pantin. 11¼ x 8¼ in. 57 pp., 61 figs., 1 map. Nottingham: University of Nottingham, Department of Adult Education, 1970

book review published in 1970

The Military Interpretation of Castles

scientific article published in 1994

The Origin of ‘Scheduling’

The Rise of the Castle

book published in 1991

The Royal Hordes, Nomad Peoples of the Steppes. (Library of the Early Civilizations.) By E. D. Phillips. 8½ × 6 in. Pp. 144+141 illustrations (some in colour). London: Thames & Hudson, 1965. Price 30s

The Sketchbook of Villard de Honnecourt. Edited by Theodore Bowie. 7½ x 5¼ in. 144 pp., 64 pIs. Bloomington and London: Indiana University Press (American University Publishers Group, Ltd.), 1968 (?). Price 21s.

book review published in 1968

The Slavs. By Marija Gimbutas. 8 × 6. Pp. 240 + 75 pls. + 63 figs. London: Thames & Hudson, 1971. £3.50.

The Spade in Northern and Atlantic Europe. Edited by Alan Gailey and Alexander Fenton. 9½ x 6¾ in. xiv+257 pp., 33 pls., 88 figs. Belfast: Ulster Folk Museum and Institute of Irish Studies, Queen's University, 1970. Price 33s

book review published in 1970

The Uses of Air Photography, Nature and Man in a New Perspective. Edited by J. K. St. Joseph and published under the auspices of the Cambridge University Committee for Aerial Photography. 12¼ x 9¾ in. 166 pp., 84 pls., 5 figs

book review published in 1967

The Viking Achievement, the Society and Culture of Early Medieval Scandinavia (Great Civilizations Series). By Peter Foote and David M. Wilson. 8½ x 9¼ in. xxv+473 pp., 29 pls., 59 figs. London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1970. Price 65s. (£3.25).

book review published in 1970

The abandonment of the castle in Wales and the Marches

chapter published in 1987

The origin of the word 'keep'

article published in 1994

The origins of Bolingbroke Castle Lincolnshire

journal article published in 1966

The third Chateau-Gaillard conference at Battle, Sussex

report published in 1967

Timber Castles. By Robert Higham and Philip Barker. 255 × 200mm. Pp. 390, 241 ills. London: Batsford, 1992. ISBN 0-7134-2189-4. £47.50

Tools and Tillage, a Journal on the History of the Implements of Cultivation and other Agricultural Processes. Edited by Axel Steensberg, Alexander Fenton and Grith Lerche. Vol. I, no. 1, 64 pp., illus. Copenhagen: G.E.C. Gad, 1968

book review published in 1968

Town Defences in England, an Architectural and Documentary Study, A.D. 900-1500. By Hilary L. Turner. 14X22 em. 246 pp., 40 pls., 4 line drawings. London: John Baker, 197I. Price £2 '90.

book review published in 1971

Two levels of the Mere at Kenilworth Castle, Warwickshire

article published in 1965

Victoria County History. Cambridge and the Isle of Ely. Vol. IX. Chesterton, Northstowe and Papworth Hundreds (North and North-West of Cambridge) Edited by A.P.M. Wright and C.P. Lewis 310 × 215mm. Pp. xx + 453, 24 maps and 35 pls. Oxford: Oxford Un

article by Michael Thompson published September 1989 in Antiquaries Journal

Warfare in England 1066-1189. By John Beeler. 9½ x 6½ in. xiii+493 pp., 13 figs. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1966. Price $12.50

book review published in 1967

Medieval Bishops' Houses in England and Wales

1998 hardcover edition (en)

The Rise of the Castle

2008 paperback edition (en)