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List of works by Matt Griffin

18S rRNA gene sequencing identifies a novel species of Henneguya parasitizing the gills of the channel catfish (Ictaluridae).

scientific article

A chemical survey of exoplanets with ARIEL

scholarly article

A morphological, molecular, and histopathological redescription of Henneguya nyongensis Fomena & Bouix, 1996 (Cnidaria: Myxobolidae) infecting the gills of Peter's elephantnose fish, Gnathonemus petersii (Günther) (Osteoglossiformes: Mormyridae), im

scientific article published on 12 November 2019

A novel Henneguya species from channel catfish described by morphological, histological, and molecular characterization

scientific article published in September 2008

A real-time polymerase chain reaction assay for quantification of Edwardsiella ictaluri in catfish pond water and genetic homogeneity of diagnostic case isolates from Mississippi

scientific article published on December 2011

A space-based Far Infrared Interferometer (FIRI) instrument simulator and test-bed implementation

Application of a real-time PCR assay for the detection of Henneguya ictaluri in commercial channel catfish ponds

scientific article published on 01 November 2009

Arrested Development of Henneguya ictaluri (Cnidaria: Myxobolidae) in ♀ Channel Catfish × ♂ Blue Catfish Hybrids

scientific article published on 03 June 2019

Austrodiplostomum sp., Bolbophorus sp. (Digenea: Diplostomidae), and Clinostomum marginatum (Digenea: Clinostomidae) metacercariae in inland silverside Menidia beryllina from catfish aquaculture ponds, with notes on the infectivity of Austrodiplosto

scientific article published on 19 August 2016

BLAST—a balloon-borne large aperture submillimeter telescope

Bacterial distribution and tissue targets following experimental Edwardsiella ictaluri infection in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus

scientific article published on May 2013

Biomphalaria straminea (Mollusca: Planorbidae) as an intermediate host of Drepanocephalus spp. (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) in Brazil: a morphological and molecular study

scientific article published on 19 May 2015

Characterisation of Myxobolus stellatus n. sp. (Cnidaria: Myxobolidae) infecting the cranial nerves and ganglia of the spotfin hatchetfish Thoracocharax stellatus (Kner) (Characiformes: Gasteropelecidae) from Colombia

scientific article published on 06 April 2020

Characterization of the Life Cycle of a Fish Eye Fluke, Austrodiplostomum ostrowskiae (Digenea: Diplostomidae), with Notes on Two Other Diplostomids Infecting Biomphalaria havanensis (Mollusca: Planorbidae) from Catfish Aquaculture Ponds in Mississi

scientific article

Chronic pathology and longevity of Drepanocephalus spathans infections in juvenile Channel Catfish

scientific article published on December 2014

Classification of a Hypervirulent Aeromonas hydrophila Pathotype Responsible for Epidemic Outbreaks in Warm-Water Fishes

scientific article published on 18 October 2016

Clinostomum album n. sp. and Clinostomum marginatum (Rudolphi, 1819), parasites of the great egret Ardea alba L. from Mississippi, USA.

scientific article published on 6 January 2017

Clinostomum poteae n. sp. (Digenea: Clinostomidae), in the trachea of a double-crested cormorant Phalacrocorax auritus Lesson, 1831 and molecular data linking the life-cycle stages of Clinostomum album Rosser, Alberson, Woodyard, Cunningham, Pote &

scientific article published on 31 May 2018

Co-infection of Acipenserid herpesvirus 2 (AciHV-2) and Streptococcus iniae in cultured white sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus

scientific article published on March 2017

Comparative Susceptibility of Channel Catfish, <i>Ictalurus punctatus</i>; Blue Catfish, <i>Ictalurus furcatus</i>; and Channel (♀) × Blue (♂) Hybrid Catfish to <i>Edwardsiella piscicida</i>, <i>Edwardsiella tarda</i>, and <i>Edwardsiella anguillaru

scientific article published in 2017

Comparative analysis of Edwardsiella isolates from fish in the eastern United States identifies two distinct genetic taxa amongst organisms phenotypically classified as E. tarda

scientific article published on 9 April 2013

Comparative susceptibility of Channel Catfish, Blue Catfish, and their hybrid cross to experimental challenge with Bolbophorus damnificus (Digenea: Bolbophoridae) cercariae

scientific article published in June 2014

Comparison of Edwardsiella ictaluri isolates from different hosts and geographic origins

scientific article published on 14 December 2015

Complete Genome Sequence of Edwardsiella hoshinae ATCC 35051.

scientific article published on 09 February 2017

Complete Genome Sequence of Edwardsiella piscicida Isolate S11-285 Recovered from Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) in Mississippi, USA

scientific article (publication date: 23 November 2016)

Complete Genome Sequence of Edwardsiella tarda Isolate FL95-01, Recovered from Channel Catfish

scientific article published on 25 June 2015

Complete Genome Sequence of an Edwardsiella piscicida-Like Species Isolated from Diseased Grouper in Israel

scientific article published on 23 July 2015

Complete Genome Sequence of an Edwardsiella piscicida-Like Species, Recovered from Tilapia in the United States

scientific article

Cross‐protective potential of a live‐attenuated <scp><i>Edwardsiella ictaluri</i></scp> vaccine against <scp><i>Edwardsiella piscicida</i></scp> in channel (<scp><i>Ictalurus punctatus</i></scp>) and channel × blue (<scp><i>Ictalurus furcatus</i></s

scientific article published in 2020

Demonstration of spectral and spatial interferometry at THz frequencies.

scientific article published on April 2012

Detection of Salmonella enterica Serovar Montevideo and Newport in Free-ranging Sea Turtles and Beach Sand in the Caribbean and Persistence in Sand and Seawater Microcosms.

scientific article published on 23 December 2016

Draft Genome Sequence of Aeromonas hydrophila TN97-08.

scientific article published on 26 May 2016

Draft Genome Sequences of Four Virulent Aeromonas hydrophila Strains from Catfish Aquaculture

scientific article published on 18 August 2016

Draft Genome Sequences of Three Aeromonas hydrophila Isolates from Catfish and Tilapia

scientific article published on 19 January 2017

Edwardsiella ictaluri as the causative agent of mortality in cultured Nile tilapia

scientific article

Edwardsiella ictaluri infection in Pangasius catfish imported from West Bengal into the Southern Caribbean.

scientific article published on 5 September 2016

Edwardsiella piscicida identified in the Southeastern USA by gyrB sequence, species-specific and repetitive sequence-mediated PCR.

scientific article published on February 2014

Edwardsiella piscicida-associated septicaemia in a blotched fantail stingray Taeniura meyeni (Müeller & Henle).

scientific article

Emergence of <i>Edwardsiella piscicida</i> in Farmed Channel ♀, <i>Ictalurus punctatus</i> × Blue <i>♂</i>, <i>Ictalurus furcatus</i>, Hybrid Catfish Cultured in Mississippi

scientific article published in 2018

Evaluation of a snail trap prototype for monitoring the intermediate gastropod hosts of <i>Bolbophorus</i> spp. in commercial catfish ponds of the southeastern United States

scientific article published in 2023

Fatal septicemia caused by the zoonotic bacterium Streptococcus iniae during an outbreak in Caribbean reef fish.

scientific article published on 27 September 2013

First detection of Erysipelothrix sp. infection in western mosquitofish Gambusia affinis inhabiting catfish aquaculture ponds in Mississippi, USA

scientific article published on 01 February 2019

Genetic analysis and antimicrobial susceptibility of Francisella noatunensis subsp. orientalis (syn. F. asiatica) isolates from fish

scientific article published on 4 August 2011

Genetic sequence data identifies the cercaria of Drepanocephalus spathans (Digenea: Echinostomatidae), a parasite of the double-crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus), with notes on its pathology in juvenile channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus).

scientific article

Henneguya laseeae n. sp. from flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) in the upper Mississippi River

scientific article published on 4 October 2016

Herschel-SPIRE: design, ground test results, and predicted performance

Histologic and molecular characterization of Edwardsiella piscicida infection in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides).

scientific article

Implication of lateral genetic transfer in the emergence of Aeromonas hydrophila isolates of epidemic outbreaks in channel catfish

scientific article

IncA/C plasmid-mediated florfenicol resistance in the catfish pathogen Edwardsiella ictaluri

scientific article published on 24 November 2008

Induction and Evaluation of Proliferative Gill Disease in Channel Catfish Fingerlings

scientific article published on 01 December 2008

Insights into myxozoan composition and physiology revealed by histochemical properties of myxospores

scientific article published on 23 March 2020

Ithyoclinostomum yamagutii n. sp. (Digenea: Clinostomidae) in the great blue heron Ardea herodias L. (Aves: Ardeidae) from Mississippi, USA

scientific article published on 11 January 2020

Kudoa thunni from blackfin tuna (Thunnus atlanticus) harvested off the island of St. Kitts, West Indies

scientific article published on 28 August 2013

Lactococcosis in Silver Carp

scientific article

Molecular and morphological characterization of myxozoan actinospore types from a commercial catfish pond in the Mississippi delta

scientific article published in December 2014

Molecular characterization and histopathology of Myxobolus koi infecting the gills of a koi, Cyprinus carpio, with an amended morphological description of the agent

scientific article published on February 2010

Morphological, Histological, and Molecular Description of Unicauda fimbrethilae n. sp. (Cnidaria: Myxosporea: Myxobolidae) from the Intestinal Tract of Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus

scientific article published on 16 September 2015

Morphology and small-subunit ribosomal DNA sequence of Henneguya adiposa (Myxosporea) from Ictalurus punctatus (Siluriformes).

scientific article

Myxobolus axelrodi n. sp. (Myxosporea: Myxobolidae) a parasite infecting the brain and retinas of the cardinal tetra Paracheirodon axelrodi (Teleostei: Characidae).

scientific article

Myxobolus ictiobus n. sp. and Myxobolus minutus n. sp. (Cnidaria: Myxobolidae) from the gills of the smallmouth buffalo Ictiobus bubalus Rafinesque (Cypriniformes: Catostomidae).

scientific article published on 15 June 2016

Myxobolus lepomis n. sp. (Cnidaria: Myxobolidae), a gill myxozoan infecting Lepomis marginatus Holbrook and Lepomis miniatus Jordan (Perciformes: Centrarchidae), in the Big Thicket National Preserve, Texas, USA.

scientific article published on 30 March 2017

Myxobolus neurophilus Guilford 1963 (Myxosporea: Myxobolidae): a common parasite infecting yellow perch Perca flavescens (Mitchell, 1814) in Saskatchewan, Canada

scientific article

Myxobolus neurophilus: morphologic, histopathologic and molecular characterization

scientific article published on February 2010

Necroulcerative dermatitis associated with Myxobolus dermatoulcerans n. sp. (Cnidaria: Myxobolidae) in red-bellied piranha, Pygocentrus nattereri Kner (Characiformes: Serrasalmidae), from Peru

scientific article published on 20 September 2020

New data on Henneguya pellis (Myxozoa: Myxobolidae), a parasite of blue catfish Ictalurus furcatus

scientific article

New data on Neodiplostomum americanum Chandler and Rausch, 1947 (Digenea: Diplostomidae), in the Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus Gmelin, 1788 and the Eastern Screech Owl Megascops asio Linnaeus, 1758 in Mississippi, USA.

scientific article

New host record and molecular characterization of Dicauda atherinoidi Hoffman & Walker (Bivalvulida: Myxobolidae): a parasite of the emerald shiner Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque, 1818 and mimic shiner Notropis vollucellus Cope, 1865.

scientific article published on 19 April 2017

Oral Vaccination of Channel Catfish against Enteric Septicemia of Catfish Using a Live Attenuated Edwardsiella ictaluri Isolate

scientific article published on June 2015

Pathology associated with Odhneriotrema incommodum infection in wild-caught American alligators Alligator mississippiensis and assessment of potential first intermediate snail hosts

scientific article published on 13 November 2019

Phenotypic and genotypic heterogeneity among Streptococcus iniae isolates recovered from cultured and wild fish in North America, Central America and the Caribbean islands

scientific article published on December 2014

Rapid quantitative detection of Aeromonas hydrophila strains associated with disease outbreaks in catfish aquaculture

scientific article published on July 2013

Real-time polymerase chain reaction assays for the detection and quantification of Edwardsiella tarda, Edwardsiella piscicida, and Edwardsiella piscicida-like species in catfish tissues and pond water

scientific article published on 22 January 2015

Recovery and confirmation of Edwardsiella piscicida from a black crappie Pomoxis nigromaculatus (Lesueur, 1829)

scientific article published on 15 July 2019

Small subunit ribosomal RNA sequence links the myxospore stage of Henneguya mississippiensis n. sp. from channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus to an actinospore released by the benthic oligochaete Dero digitata

scientific article published on 26 February 2015

The Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (BLAST)

The EChO science case

scientific article (publication date: 29 November 2015)

The science of EChO


Thelohanellus toyamai (syn. Myxobolus toyamai) infecting the gills of koi Cyprinus carpio in the eastern United States

scientific article published on 05 January 2011

Validation of Fermentation and Processing Procedures for the Commercial-Scale Production of a Live, Attenuated Edwardsiella ictaluri Vaccine for Use in Channel Catfish Aquaculture

scientific article published on June 2017

Variation in susceptibility to Henneguya ictaluri infection by two species of catfish and their hybrid cross

scientific article published in March 2010

Verrucous dermal henneguyosis associated with Henneguya exilis (Kudo, 1929) (Cnidaria: Myxobolidae), a parasite of the channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque, 1818).

scientific article published on 5 February 2016