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List of works by Cuntai Guan

A 16-Channel Nonparametric Spike Detection ASIC Based on EC-PC Decomposition

scientific article published on 5 March 2015

A Context-aware Locality Measure for Inlier Pool Enrichment in Stepwise Image Registration

scientific article published on 30 December 2019

A Large Clinical Study on the Ability of Stroke Patients to Use an EEG-Based Motor Imagery Brain-Computer Interface

scientific article published on October 1, 2011

A New Variational Method for Bias Correction and Its Applications to Rodent Brain Extraction.

scientific article published on 5 December 2016

A Novel Method of Emergency Situation Detection for a Brain-controlled Vehicle by Combining EEG Signals with Surrounding Information

scientific article published on 04 September 2018

A Randomized Controlled Trial of EEG-Based Motor Imagery Brain-Computer Interface Robotic Rehabilitation for Stroke

scientific article

A Subject-Transfer Framework Based on Single-Trial EMG Analysis Using Convolutional Neural Networks

scientific article published on 11 October 2019

A Unified Fisher's Ratio Learning Method for Spatial Filter Optimization.

scientific article published on 29 August 2016

A brain controlled wheelchair to navigate in familiar environments

scientific article published on 10 May 2010

A brain-computer interface based attention training program for treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

scientific article

A brain-computer interface based cognitive training system for healthy elderly: a randomized control pilot study for usability and preliminary efficacy

scientific article

A clinical study of motor imagery BCI performance in stroke by including calibration data from passive movement.

scientific article

A clinical study of motor imagery-based brain-computer interface for upper limb robotic rehabilitation

scientific article published in January 2009

A closed-loop, music-based brain-computer interface for emotion mediation

scientific article published on 18 March 2019

A hybrid BCI system for 2-D asynchronous cursor control

scientific article published in January 2010

A maximum mutual information approach for constructing a 1D continuous control signal at a self-paced brain-computer interface

scientific article

A new EC-PC threshold estimation method for in vivo neural spike detection

scientific article published on 13 July 2012

A new discriminative common spatial pattern method for motor imagery brain-computer interfaces

scientific article published on 14 July 2009

A pilot randomized controlled trial using EEG-based brain-computer interface training for a Chinese-speaking group of healthy elderly

scientific article

A randomized controlled trial of a brain-computer interface based attention training program for ADHD

scientific article published on 21 May 2019

A subject-independent pattern-based Brain-Computer Interface

scientific article

Actigraphy studies and clinical and biobehavioural correlates in schizophrenia: a systematic review

scientific article published on 19 March 2019

Adaptation of motor imagery EEG classification model based on tensor decomposition.

scientific article

Adaptive estimation of hand movement trajectory in an EEG based brain-computer interface system

scientific article

Adaptive tracking of discriminative frequency components in electroencephalograms for a robust brain-computer interface

scientific article published on 11 April 2011

Adaptive transfer learning for EEG motor imagery classification with deep Convolutional Neural Network

scientific article published on 23 December 2020

An EEG-based BCI system for 2-D cursor control by combining Mu/Beta rhythm and P300 potential

scientific article published on 8 July 2010

An extended EM algorithm for joint feature extraction and classification in brain-computer interfaces.

scientific article published in November 2006

Analysis of Source Sparsity and Recoverability for SCA Based Blind Source Separation

Artifact removal for intracranial pressure monitoring signals: A robust solution with signal decomposition

scientific article published on January 1, 2011

Artificial neural network based intracranial pressure mean forecast algorithm for medical decision support

scientific article published on January 2011

BCI Competition IV - Data Set I: Learning Discriminative Patterns for Self-Paced EEG-Based Motor Imagery Detection

scientific article

Bayesian learning for spatial filtering in an EEG-based brain-computer interface

scientific article published in July 2013

Brain plasticity following MI-BCI training combined with tDCS in a randomized trial in chronic subcortical stroke subjects: a preliminary study.

scientific article published on 23 August 2017

Brain-computer interface-based robotic end effector system for wrist and hand rehabilitation: results of a three-armed randomized controlled trial for chronic stroke.

scientific article

Brain-computer-interface-based intervention re-normalizes brain functional network topology in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder

scientific article published on 10 August 2018

Calibrating EEG-based motor imagery brain-computer interface from passive movement

scientific article published in January 2011

Clinical study of neurorehabilitation in stroke using EEG-based motor imagery brain-computer interface with robotic feedback

scientific article published in January 2010

Cluster-based analysis for personalized stress evaluation using physiological signals

scientific article

Combining EPI and motion correction for fMRI human brain images with big motion

scientific article published in August 2015

Comparison of designs towards a subject-independent brain-computer interface based on motor imagery

scientific article published in January 2009

Cortical activation of passive hand movement using Haptic Knob: a preliminary multi-channel fNIRS study

scientific article published on January 2014

Cross-Subject Classification of Speaking Modes Using fNIRS

scientific article

Decoding Movement-Related Cortical Potentials Based on Subject-Dependent and Section-Wise Spectral Filtering

scientific article published on 15 January 2020

Design of an online EEG based neurofeedback game for enhancing attention and memory

scientific article published in January 2013

Detection of motor imagery of brisk walking from electroencephalogram.

scientific article published on 17 June 2014

Detection of motor imagery of swallow EEG signals based on the dual-tree complex wavelet transform and adaptive model selection

scientific article published on 19 May 2014

Detection of variations in cognitive workload using multi-modality physiological sensors and a large margin unbiased regression machine

scientific article published on January 2014

Differential Amplitude of Low-Frequency Fluctuations in brain networks after BCI Training with and without tDCS in Stroke

scientific article published on 01 July 2018

Discriminative channel addition and reduction for filter bank common spatial pattern in motor imagery BCI.

scientific article

Discriminative learning of propagation and spatial pattern for motor imagery EEG analysis

scientific article published on 29 July 2013

Dynamically weighted ensemble classification for non-stationary EEG processing.

scientific article

EC-PC spike detection for high performance brain-computer interface

scientific article published in August 2015

EEG data space adaptation to reduce intersession nonstationarity in brain-computer interface

scientific article

EEG source space analysis of the supervised factor analytic approach for the classification of multi-directional arm movement.

scientific article published on 18 May 2017

EEG-Based Strategies to Detect Motor Imagery for Control and Rehabilitation.

scientific article published on 30 December 2016

EEG-based classification of fast and slow hand movements using Wavelet-CSP algorithm

scientific article

Effectiveness of a Personalized Brain-Computer Interface System for Cognitive Training in Healthy Elderly: A Randomized Controlled Trial

scientific article published on 01 January 2018

Electrocorticographic representations of segmental features in continuous speech.

scientific article

Electrocorticographic signal classification based on time-frequency decomposition and nonparametric statistical modeling

scientific article

Equivalence probability and sparsity of two sparse solutions in sparse representation

scientific article published in December 2008

Estimation of glance from EEG for cursor control

scientific article published in January 2013

Exposure Therapy With Personalized Real-Time Arousal Detection and Feedback to Alleviate Social Anxiety Symptoms in an Analogue Adult Sample: Pilot Proof-of-Concept Randomized Controlled Trial

scientific article published on 14 June 2019

Facilitating effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on motor imagery brain-computer interface with robotic feedback for stroke rehabilitation.

scientific article

Facilitating motor imagery-based brain-computer interface for stroke patients using passive movement

scientific article published on 4 March 2016

Feature consistency-based model adaptation in session-to-session classification: a study using motor imagery of swallow EEG signals.

scientific article published in January 2013

Filter Bank Common Spatial Pattern Algorithm on BCI Competition IV Datasets 2a and 2b

scientific article

Go green! Reusing brain monitoring data containing missing values: a feasibility study with traumatic brain injury patients.

scientific article

Graph Neural Networks on SPD Manifolds for Motor Imagery Classification: A Perspective From the Time–Frequency Analysis

scientific article published in 2024

Heart rate estimation from FBG sensors using cepstrum analysis and sensor fusion

scientific article published on 01 January 2014

Hybrid fNIRS-EEG based classification of auditory and visual perception processes.

scientific article

Impact of obstructive sleep apnea on sleep-wake stage ratio

scientific article

Improving session-to-session transfer performance of motor imagery-based BCI using Adaptive Extreme Learning Machine

scientific article published in January 2013

Independent Mobility Achieved through a Wireless Brain-Machine Interface

scientific article

Inter-subject transfer learning with an end-to-end deep convolutional neural network for EEG-based BCI

scientific article published on 26 November 2018

Introduction to NeuroComm: a platform for developing real-time EEG-based brain-computer interface applications

scientific article

Large-scale brain functional network topology disruptions underlie symptom heterogeneity in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

scientific article published on 19 November 2018

Learning Temporal Information for Brain-Computer Interface Using Convolutional Neural Networks

scientific article published on 09 March 2018

Learning from feedback training data at a self-paced brain-computer interface.

scientific article

Motor imagery BCI for upper limb stroke rehabilitation: An evaluation of the EEG recordings using coherence analysis.

scientific article published in January 2013

Multi-class EEG classification of voluntary hand movement directions.

scientific article published on 10 September 2013

Multi-class filter bank common spatial pattern for four-class motor imagery BCI.

scientific article

Multi-direction hand movement classification using EEG-based source space analysis.

scientific article published in August 2016

Neural and cortical analysis of swallowing and detection of motor imagery of swallow for dysphagia rehabilitation-A review.

scientific article

Omitting the intra-session calibration in EEG-based brain computer interface used for stroke rehabilitation.

scientific article published in January 2012

On the asynchronously continuous control of mobile robot movement by motor cortical spiking activity.

scientific article published in January 2014

On the robustness of EC-PC spike detection method for online neural recording

scientific article published in August 2014

On the use of convolutional neural networks and augmented CSP features for multi-class motor imagery of EEG signals classification

scientific article published in August 2015

Online performance evaluation of motor imagery BCI with augmented-reality virtual hand feedback

scientific article

Online semi-supervised learning with KL distance weighting for motor imagery-based BCI.

scientific article published in January 2012

Optimizing low-frequency common spatial pattern features for multi-class classification of hand movement directions

scientific article

Optimizing spatial filters by minimizing within-class dissimilarities in electroencephalogram-based brain-computer interface.

scientific article published in April 2013

Optimizing the channel selection and classification accuracy in EEG-based BCI.

scientific article published on 22 March 2011

Optimum spatio-spectral filtering network for brain-computer interface

scientific article published in January 2011

Personalized features for attention detection in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

scientific article published in July 2017

Post-acute stroke patients use brain-computer interface to activate electrical stimulation

scientific article published in January 2010

Prefrontal cortical activation during arithmetic processing differentiated by cultures: a preliminary fNIRS study

scientific article published in January 2012

Probability estimation for recoverability analysis of blind source separation based on sparse representation

Prognostic and Monitory EEG-Biomarkers for BCI Upper-Limb Stroke Rehabilitation

scientific article published on 24 June 2019

Quantifying limb movements in epileptic seizures through color-based video analysis

scientific article published on 21 November 2012

Quantitative EEG as Biomarkers for the Monitoring of Post-Stroke Motor Recovery in BCI and tDCS Rehabilitation

scientific article published on 01 July 2018

Real-Time Subject-Independent Pattern Classification of Overt and Covert Movements from fNIRS Signals

scientific article

Regularized common spatial pattern with aggregation for EEG classification in small-sample setting

scientific article published on 30 September 2010

Regularizing Common Spatial Patterns to Improve BCI Designs: Unified Theory and New Algorithms

scientific article published on September 30, 2010

Resting state changes in functional connectivity correlate with movement recovery for BCI and robot-assisted upper-extremity training after stroke

scientific article published on 29 May 2012

Robust Nonlinear Causality Analysis of Non-Stationary Multivariate Physiological Time Series

scientific article published on 26 May 2017

Robust classification of EEG signal for brain-computer interface.

scientific article published in March 2006

Robust filter bank common spatial pattern (RFBCSP) in motor-imagery-based brain-computer interface

scientific article

SaFIN: a self-adaptive fuzzy inference network

scientific article published on 18 October 2011

Selection of effective EEG channels in brain computer interfaces based on inconsistencies of classifiers

scientific article published on August 2014

Single-trial classification of NIRS data from prefrontal cortex during working memory tasks.

scientific article

Spatio-Spectral Feature Representation for Motor Imagery Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks

scientific article published in 2022

Spatio-spectral feature selection based on robust mutual information estimate for Brain Computer Interfaces

scientific article

Speaking mode recognition from functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy.

scientific article published in January 2012

Temporal classification of multichannel near-infrared spectroscopy signals of motor imagery for developing a brain-computer interface

scientific article

The predictive role of pre-cue EEG rhythms on MI-based BCI classification performance.

scientific article published on 28 June 2014

Towards asynchronous brain-computer interfaces: a P300-based approach with statistical models.

scientific article published in January 2007

Transcranial direct current stimulation and EEG-based motor imagery BCI for upper limb stroke rehabilitation

scientific article published in January 2012

Unsupervised brain computer interface based on intersubject information and online adaptation.

scientific article

Utilization of temporal information for intracranial pressure development trend forecasting in traumatic brain injury.

scientific article published on January 2012

Voxel selection in FMRI data analysis based on sparse representation

scientific article

Wavlet phase-locking based binary classification of hand movement directions from EEG

scientific article published on 05 September 2018

iSyNCC: an intelligent system for patient monitoring & clinical decision support in Neuro-Critical-Care

scientific article published in January 2011