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List of works by Harry Arnold Baylis

16. A Revision of the Nematode Family Gnathostomidae

A Further Report on Parasitic Nematodes in the Collection of the Zoological Survey of India

scientific article published in 1923

A New Genus of Nematodes Parasitic in Elephants

A New Species of the Nematode Genus Uncinaria from a Sea-Lion, with some observations on Related Species

scientific article published in July 1933

A Nomenclatural Correction

A Revision of the Lung-Worms of Cetacea

scientific article published in May 1925

A nomenclatural correction

A synopsis of the families and genera of Nematoda / by H.A. Baylis ... and R. Daubney ; [with a preface by C. Tate Regan.].


Gongylonema and Cancer

scientific article published in September 1926

Gongylonema and Cancer

I.—Four new Trichostrongylid Nematodes from Queensland

article published in 1930

III.—A new species of Dujardinia (Nematoda) from crocodiles

scientific article published in 1929

IV.—A new Cestode of the genus Zschokkeella

scientific article published in 1915

IV.—A new species of the Nematode genus Trichuris from Queensland

scientific article published in 1932

IV—A nematode parasite of Tipulid larvæ

scientific article published in 1946

IX.—Some Ascaridæ from Queensland

IX.—The Nematode genus Dujardinascaris (nom. nov. pro Dujardinia) in Crocodilia, with a description of a new species

scientific article published in 1947

IX.—Three helminthological notes

L.—The plerocercoid larva of Bothridium (Cestoda)

scientific article published in 1935

LI.—A collection of Entozoa, chiefly from birds, from the Murman coast

LI.—On two Filariid Parasites of Marsupials from Queensland

article published in 1934

LI.—Two new species of Monhystera (Nematodes) inhabiting the gill-chambers of land-crabs

scientific article published in 1915

LII.—Some parasitic worms from musk-rats in Great Britain

scientific article published in 1935

LIII.—A new Cestode and other parasitic worms from Spitsbergen, with a note on two leeches. Results of the Oxford University Expedition to Spitsbergen.—No. 6

article published in 1922

LIII.—On Octopetalum, a new genus of Avian Cestodes

scientific article published in 1914

LIV.—Three notes on parasitic Nematodes

scientific article published in 1932

LIV.—Turbellaria from Lake Tanganyika

scientific article published in 1927

LIV.—Two new species of the nematode genus Heterakis

scientific article published in 1944

LIX.—Notes on four Cestodes

scientific article published in 1934

LIX.—Some parasitic worms from East African Chamæleons

scientific article published in 1937

LV.—A new African earthworm, collected by Dr. C. Christy for the Congo Museum; with a note on its spermathecœ and spermatophores

LV.—Observations on the genus Crassicauda

LVII.—Notes on some parasitic Nematodes

LVII.—What is the common "large Roundworm" of chickens?

scientific article published in 1932

LVIII.—On a Trichostrongylid Nematode from the woodmouse (Apodemus sylvaticus)

scientific article published in 1926

LX.—Two new species of Cooperia [Nematoda] from Australian Cattle

scientific article published in 1929

LXI.—Note on Stenurus ovatus (v. Linstow), a little-known Lung-worm of Cetacea

scientific article published in 1928

LXIII.—Strongylus annulatus, v. Siebold, and the genus Crenosoma, Molin

scientific article published in 1926

LXIII.—The Nematode genus Rondonia Travassos

scientific article published in 1936

LXV.—On Odontoibus ceti, Roussel de Vauzème, a Nematode living on the baleen of whales


LXVI.—Notes on some parasitic nematodes

scientific article published in 1944

LXVII.—On a collection of Nematodes from Malayan reptiles

scientific article published in 1933

LXVII.—Some parasitic worms, mainly from fishes, from Lake Tanganyika

scientific article published in 1928

LXX.—Further note on a new Trematode from the grass-snake

scientific article published in 1924

LXXII.—Some further parasitic worms from Sarawak

scientific article published in 1928

LXXIII.—Note on the Cestode Moniezia [Fuhrmannella] transvaalensis (Baer, 1925)

scientific article published in 1935

LXXIV.—Filaria macrophallos, Parona, and the Genus Hastospiculum, Skrjabin [Nematoda]

LXXIX.—A new acanthocephalan from an East African freshwater fish

scientific article published in 1947

LXXVI.—A new species of the Nematode genus Syngamus

scientific article published in 1926

LXXVII.—Note on the occurrence of "Cysticercus Tæniæ Grimaldii" in a new host

scientific article published in 1926


London: Printed by order of the Trustees of the British Museum, 1915.

Note on the Habitat and Structure of <i>Crassicauda</i> [Nematoda]

scientific article published in 1922

Observations on certain Cestodes of Rats, with an Account of a New Species of Hymenolepis

Observations on the nematode Mermis nigrescens and related species

article published in 1944

On Two Species of the Trematode Genus Didymozoon from the Mackerel

scholarly article in Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, vol. 22 no. 2, April 1938

On a Collection of Nematodes from Nigerian Mammals (chiefly Rodents)

On a New Cestode from an Albatross, Diomedea irrorata.

On the Classification of the Ascabidae. I.— The Systematic value of certain characters of the alimentary canal


On the Classification of the Ascaridae. II. The Polydelphis Group; with some account of other Ascarids parasitic in Snakes

scientific article published in December 1920

On the Classification of the Ascaridae. III. A Revision of the Genus Dujardinia Gedoelst, with a Description of a new Genus of Anisakinae from a Crocodile

scientific article published in September 1923

On the Nomenclature and Synonymy of the Nematode ‘Setaria Labiato-Papillosa’

scientific article published in 1936

On the Probable Identity of a Cestode of the GenusDiphyllobothriumOccurring in Wales and Eire

scientific article published in 1945

On the Structure and Relationships of the Nematode Capillaria [Hepaticola] hepatica (Bancroft)

Report on a Collection of Parasitic Nematodes, mainly from Egypt. Part I. Ascaridae and Heterakidae

scholarly article by H. A. Baylis published March 1923 in Parasitology

Report on a Collection of Parasitic Nematodes, mainly from Egypt. Part II. Oxyuridae

scientific article published in March 1923

Report on a Collection of Parasitic Nematodes, mainly from Egypt. Part III. Camallanidae, etc. With a Note on Probstmatria and an Appendix on Acanthocephala

scientific article published in March 1923

Some Ascarids in the British Museum (Natural History)

article published in 1916

Some New Parasitic Nematodes and Cestodes from Java

Some Parasitic Worms from Arapaima gigas (Teleostean Fish) with a description of Philometra senticosa n.sp. (Filarioidea)

scientific article

Some Parasitic Worms from Australia

scientific article published in April 1934

Some Roundworms and Flatworms from the West Indies and Surinam.-II. Cestodes.

scientific article published in October 1947

Some nematode parasites of earthworms from the Indo-Malay region

scientific article published in July 1943

The Names of Some Molluscan Hosts of the Schistosomes Parasitic in Man

scientific article published in 1931

V.—Note on a new species of Acuaria (Nematoda) from the Adjutant-Stork

VI.—A new Nematode parasite of the common shrew

scientific article published in 1932

VI.—Is Dicrocœlium lanceatum a parasite of the cat? A note on a new variety

article by H. A. Baylis published July 1918 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

VIII.—A new species of Cooperia (Nematoda) from cattle and sheep

scientific article published in 1938

VIII.—A species of the Nematode genus Hedruris occurring in the trout in New Zealand

article by H A Baylis published 1931 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

VIII.—On Crassicauda crassicauda (Crepl.) [Nematoda] and its hosts

scientific article published in 1916

XI.—Notes on some Australian Parasitic Nematodes

scientific article published in 1925

XI.—Some Spirurid nematodes from Queensland

XII.—A new Nematode Parasite from a Hyrax

scientific article published in 1932

XIII.—A Trematode from Protopterus

XIII.—A new species of the nematode genus Crossocephalus from the rhinoceros


XIII.—Notes on some parasitic worms from Norwegian rodents

XIII.—The nematode genus Ascarophis van Beneden

scientific article published in 1933

XIII.—What is Psilochasmus lecithosus, Otte?

scientific article published in 1932

XIV.—A further note on Nematospiroides dubius, Baylis, 1926

scientific article published in 1927

XIV.—Two new parasitic Nematodes from Ceylon

scientific article published in 1935

XIX.—An Ascarid from the sperm-whale

XIX.—The nematode genus Tanqua, R. Blanchard

XL.—On two adult Cestodes from wild swine

XL.—Some parasitic Nematodes from the Uluguru and Usambara Mountains, Tanganyika Territory

XLI.—A new Cestode from the grey parrot

scientific article published in 1929

XLI.—Gammarus pules as an intermediate host for trout-parasites

article published in 1931

XLI.—Records of some parasitic worms from British vertebrates

scientific article published in 1928

XLI.—Two new species of the Cestode genus Bertiella, with a note on the presence of uterine pores

scientific article published in 1934

XLII.—The Cestode genus Catenotænia

XLIII.—On some parasitic worms from Java, with remarks on the Acanthocephalan genus Pallisentis

scientific article published in 1933

XLIII.—Three new Acanthocephala from marine fishes of Australasia

XLIV.—A new Ascarid from an Otter

XLIV.—A new Siamese Nematode of the genus Falcaustra

article published in 1920

XLIV.—A new species of Physaloptera [Nematoda] from an Australian lizard

scientific article published in 1924

XLIX.—Correction to the descriptions of two species of Notocotylus [Trematoda]

scholarly article published in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

XLV.—Some new Entozoa from birds in Uganda

scholarly article by H. A. Baylis published May 1919 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

XLVII.—A new species of Notocotylus [Trematoda] from the water-rail

scientific article published in 1936

XLVIII.—On a new species of the Nematode genus Thubunæa

scientific article published in 1926

XLVIII.—Two more new Trichostrongylid Nematodes from Queensland

article published in 1931

XLVIII.—Two new species of the Nematode genus Mermis

scientific article published in 1933

XLi.—Notes on three little-known Trematodes

XV.—Miscellaneous notes on Parasitic Worms

scientific article published in 1934

XV.—Oxyuris paronai, v. Linst., and its association with another Oxyurid in the same host

XVI.—On a curious malformation in Tænia saginata

XVII.—A little-known Nematode parasite of the eel

scientific article published in 1934

XVIII.—A Filariid from the African elephant

XVIII.—Helminths from the American cotton-rat (Sigmodon hispidus)

scientific article published in 1945

XVIII.—On a larval form of Acanthotænia

scientific article published in 1929

XX.—Preliminary account of Aspidodrilus, a remarkable Epizoic Oligochæte

scientific article published in 1914

XX.—The systematic position of the Nematoda

scientific article published in 1924

XXII.—A new Nematode of the genus Cucullanus from New Zealand

scientific article published in 1932

XXII.—Some parasitic worms from the British Cameroons

scientific article published in 1936

XXIII.—A new Trematode from the grass-snake

scientific article published in 1924

XXIII.—A third species of the Nematode genus Thubunæ

XXIII.—On a Nematode parasite of pangolins

scientific article published in 1931

XXIII.—On the synonymy of two tetraphyllidean Cestodes from rays

scientific article published in 1948

XXIX.—On two Nematode Parasites of fishes

scientific article published in 1947

XXIX.—On two new species of Oxysomatium (Nematoda). with some remarks on the genus

XXV.—Some Nematodes of the genus Cucullanus from fishes of the Nile

scientific article published in 1923

XXV.—The male of Micropleura vivipara [Nematoda]

scientific article published in 1924

XXVII.—On a Trichostrongylid nematode from the Bank Vole (Evotomys glareolus)

scientific article published in 1928

XXVIII.—Some new parasitic Nematodes from Australia

scientific article published in 1927

XXX.—A new Species of the Nematode genus Macropostrongylus

scientific article published in 1940

XXX.—On a collection of Cestodes and Nematodes from small mammals in Tanganyika territory

article published in 1934

XXXI.—Some Nemertinea, free-living Nematoda and Oligochœta from the Falklands

scientific article published in 1916

XXXII.—"Tænia" exigua Dujardin

scientific article published in 1947

XXXIII.—A Parasitic Oligochæte, and other inhabitants of the gill-chambers of land-crabs

scientific article published in 1915

XXXIII.—A comparison of certain species of the Nematode genus Amidostomun, with a description of a new species

scientific article published in 1932

XXXIII.—On the Nematode genus Proleptus

scientific article published in 1933

XXXIV.—A new Ascarid from a bat

scientific article published in 1936

XXXIV.—Notes on some parasitic worms from East Africa


XXXV.—Crossophorus collaris, Hemprich & Ehrenberg, a little-known Nematode parasite of the hyrax

scientific article published in 1919

XXXV.—Four new species of Nematodes

scientific article published in 1935

XXXVI.—On a further collection of parasitic worms from the Belgian Congo

scientific article published in 1940

XXXVII.—Some Heterakidæ and Oxyuridæ [Nematoda] from Queensland

article published in 1930

XXXVIII.—Further records of parasitic worms from British vertebrates

scientific article published in 1939

XXXVIII.—Preliminary descriptions of three new parasitic Nematodes

article by H.A. Baylis & R. Daubney published March 1923 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History