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List of works by Salvatore Tudisco

16O-8Be break-up states and cluster structure of 24Mg

4π Neutron detection with low-intensity radioactive beams

A New Generation of SPAD—Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes

A Single Photon Spectrometer for Biomedical Application

A monolithic silicon detector telescope

A neural network for off-line Z classification and energy calibration

A new generation of SPAD: single photon avalanche diodes

A new generation of low-voltage single-photon micro-sensors with timing capability

A new large area monolithic silicon telescope

A new position sensitive anode for plasmas diagnostic

A single photon avalanche detector: SPAD

A single photon spectrometer for biomedical applications

ARETUSA—advanced research equipment for fast ultraweak luminescence analysis: new developments

Advanced research equipment for fast ultraweak luminescence analysis

Arrays of Geiger mode avalanche photodiodes

Bi-dimensional arrays of SPAD for time-resolved single photon imaging

Boron depletion: indirect measurement of the 10B(p,α)7Be S(E)-factor

Calculation of fusion rates at extremely low energies in laser plasmas

Colliding laser-produced plasmas: a new tool for nuclear astrophysics studies

article published in 2010

Comparison between time-of-flight measurements and numerical simulations for laser-generated plasmas

Cross-section of $^{8}Li(\alpha ,n)^{11}B$ : Inhomogeneous Big Bang nucleosynthesis

scholarly article by Silvio Cherubini et al published May 2004 in European Physical Journal A


Dead Time of Single Photon Avalanche Diodes

Delayed luminescence of microalgae as an indicator of metal toxicity

Delayed luminescence: a novel technique to obtain new insights into water structure

scientific article published on 13 January 2012

Design and characterization of single photon avalanche diodes arrays

Different aspects of nuclear structure and reaction mechanisms in the collision 13N11B

Discrimination between normal and cancer cells by using spectral analysis of delayed luminescence

Dynamics of colliding aluminium plasmas produced by laser ablation

ELIMED, MEDical and multidisciplinary applications at ELI-Beamlines

Effect of advanced nanowire-based targets in nanosecond laser-matter interaction (invited).

scientific article

Effects of menadione, hydrogen peroxide, and quercetin on apoptosis and delayed luminescence of human leukemia Jurkat T-cells

scientific article

Energy calibration and particle recognition by a neural network

Enhancement of the two neutron transfer channel in18O induced reactions at 84 MeV

Erratum: TheB11(p,α0)Be8reaction at sub-Coulomb energies via the Trojan-horse method [Phys. Rev. C 69, 055806 (2004)]

scholarly article published in Physical Review C

Evidence of pre-equilibrium γ-ray emission in heavy ion collisions at intermediate incident energies

First measurement of the18O(p,α)15N cross section at astrophysical energies

Formation and decay of [sup 24]Mg in the [sup 13]N+[sup 11]B collision

Front-end electronics for a large-area silicon detector telescope

Fusion reaction studies with RIBs and possible experimental techniques

Generalization of DT equations for time dependent sources

scientific article

Implanted silicon detector telescope: New developments

Improved Results on Extraction of [sup 11]B(p, α[sub 0])[sup 8]Be and [sup 10]B(p, α)[sup 7]Be S(E)-Factor Through the Trojan Horse Method

In flight production of a 8Li radioactive beam for Big Bang nucleosynthesis investigations at LNS Catania

scholarly article by C. Agodi et al published September 2006 in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

Indirect Measurements for (p,α) Reactions Involving Boron Isotopes

Indirect measurement of the 18O(p, α)15N reaction rate through the THM

Indirect measurement of17O(p,α)14N cross section at ultra-low energies

Indirect study of the 6Li(p, α)3He reaction at astrophysical energies

Influence of theα−dmotion inLi6on Trojan horse applications

scholarly article

Investigation of laser-produced aluminum plasma

scholarly article by Salvatore Tudisco et al published October 2011 in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

Investigation on laser–plasma coupling in intense, ultrashort irradiation of a nanostructured silicon target

Investigation on target normal sheath acceleration through measurements of ions energy distribution

scientific article

Investigations of laser plasmas dynamics by means of real and virtual Langmuir Probes


Ion acceleration in non-equilibrium plasmas driven by fast drifting electron

Ion acceleration with a narrow energy spectrum by nanosecond laser-irradiation of solid target

scientific article

Laser-Ultraviolet-A Induced Biophotonic Emission in Cultured Mammalian Cells

Laser-ultraviolet-A-induced ultraweak photon emission in mammalian cells.

scientific article published in March 2005

Lifetime of low-density water domains in salt solutions by time-resolved Delayed Luminescence

Light-particle emission in the reaction 6He + 64Zn around the Coulomb barrier

Limiting excitation energy for GDR gamma decay

article by Salvatore Tudisco et al published June 2002 in Europhysics Letters

MUSES - MUlti SEnsors Sphere

MUSES: MUlti SEnsors Sphere

Measurement of cross section and astrophysical factor of the d(d,p)t reaction using the Trojan Horse Method

Medical research and multidisciplinary applications with laser-accelerated beams: the ELIMED netwotk at ELI-Beamlines

Mono-energetic ions emission by nanosecond laser solid target irradiation

Monte: A compact and versatile multidetector system based on monolithic telescopes

Multi agent simulation of pedestrian behavior in closed spatial environments

Multipixel geiger-mode photon detectors for ultra-weak light sources

NUMEN Project @ LNS : Heavy ions double charge exchange reactions towards the 0νββ nuclear matrix element determination

New bi-dimensional SPAD arrays for time resolved single photon imaging

scientific article

New high accuracy measurement of theO17(p,α)N14reaction rate at astrophysical temperatures

scholarly article

New results on the Trojan Horse Method applied to the [sup 10,11]B+p reactions

News and Views in Uva-Laser–Induced Ultraweak Delayed Luminescence of Cultured Mammalian Cells

Non-equilibrium Statistic Features in Dissipative Heavy Ion Collision27Al+27Al

Note: Dead time causes and correction method for single photon avalanche diode devices

scientific article published in August 2010

Numerical simulations of the ion capture process for laser-generated plasmas interacting with electron cyclotron resonance ion sources

Numerical simulations on laser absorption enhancement in hybrid metallo-dielectric nanostructured targets for future nuclear astrophysics experiments

scientific article published in 2020

On the magnitude of the 8Li + 4He → 11B + n reaction cross section at the Big-Bang temperature

Optical, x-ray and microwave diagnostics

Perturbation of the ECR plasma ion energy distribution function during the interaction with a laser-generated plasma

Plasma astrophysics and laser experiments: hydrodynamical simulation of colliding plasmas

Position monolithic silicon detector telescope: simulation results

Pre-equilibrium dipole strength in charge asymmetric peripheral heavy-ion reactions

Preliminary Study of Two-Neutron States via the ([sup 18]O,[sup 16]O) Reaction at 84 MeV

Prompt electrons driving ion acceleration and formation of a two-temperature plasma in nanosecond laser-ablation domain

Pulse shape discrimination of charged particles with a silicon strip detector

Quasifree mechanism in theLi6+Li6→3αreaction at low energy

scholarly article

Reactions induced by the halo nucleusHe6at energies around the Coulomb barrier

scholarly article

SINPHOS - SINgle PHOton Spectrometer for biomedical application

SPAD arrays and micro-optics: towards a real single photon spectrometer

SPID: single photon imaging device

SiCILIA-Silicon Carbide Detectors for Intense Luminosity Investigations and Applications

scientific article published on 15 July 2018

Silicon Geiger mode avalanche photodiodes

Single Photon Avalanche Diodes: Towards the Large Bidimensional Arrays

scientific article published on 6 August 2008

Single photon avalanche photodiodes arrays

Single photon spectrometer for biomedical application: new developments

Single photon spectrometer for biomedical application: new developments

Single seed viability checked by delayed luminescence

scientific article published on 19 October 2007

Spectral Analysis of Delayed Luminescence as a Tool to Discriminate between Normal and Cancer Skin Cells

Spectral analysis of Delayed Luminescence from human skin as a possible non-invasive diagnostic tool

scientific article

Spectral analysis of delayed luminescence as a tool to discriminate between normal and cancer skin cells

Spectral analysis of laser-induced ultraweak delayed luminescence in cultured normal and tumor human cells: temperature dependence

scientific article

Spectral analysis of photo-induced delayed luminescence from human skin in vivo

Spectral analysis of photoinduced delayed luminescence from human skin in vivo

article published in 2007

Strip monolithic telescopes

Study of Laser Plasmas Dynamics Through Real and Virtual Langmuir Probes

Study of [sup 17]O(p,α)[sup 14]N reaction via the Trojan Horse Method for application to [sup 17]O nucleosynthesis

Study of the 3He(d, p)4He reaction through the Trojan Horse Method

Study of the [sup 10]B(p,α)[sup 7]Be Reaction through the Indirect Trojan Horse Method

TRASMA, a detector for γ-charged particle coincidences

Test of scintillator readout with single photon avalanche photodiodes

Test of scintillator readout with single photon avalanche photodiodes

The 7Li(p, α)4He fusion reaction studied via the trojan horse method and its astrophysical implications

The Trojan Horse Method in nuclear astrophysics

The Trojan horse method in nuclear astrophysics: recent results

The astrophysical factor for the 11B(p,α0)8Be reaction extracted via the Trojan Horse method

The impact of real time information on transport network routing through intelligent agent-based simulation

article published in 2009

The vacuum as a form of turbulent fluid: Motivations, experiments, implications

TheB11(p,α0)Be8reaction at sub-Coulomb energies via the Trojan-horse method

scholarly article

Time Resolved Camera: The New Frontier of Imaging Devices

Time-resolved analysis of the visible light emitted by laser-produced plasma

scholarly article by G. Privitera et al published June 2008 in Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids

Time-resolved spectral measurements of delayed luminescence from a single soybean seed: effects of thermal damage and correlation with germination performance

scientific article

Triple α resonances in the 6 Li + 6 Li → 3 α reaction at low energy

Two-Neutron Excitations in light nuclei via the (18O,16O) reaction at 84 MeV

Validity test of the Trojan Horse Method applied to the 7Li + p → α + α reaction via the 3He break-up