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List of works by Claus H. Gravholt

A 20-year-old male with partial trisomy 18q- as diagnosed by in situ hybridization

scientific article published in March 1992

A patient with Edwards syndrome caused by a rare pseudodicentric chromosome 18 of paternal origin

scientific article published on July 1, 1997

Abnormal levels of adipokines in adolescent offspring of women with type 1 diabetes - Results from the EPICOM study

scientific article published on 12 April 2017

Abnormalities of the major intrathoracic arteries in Turner syndrome as revealed by magnetic resonance imaging

scientific article published on 22 March 2010

Academic Achievement in Primary School in Offspring Born to Mothers With Type 1 Diabetes (the EPICOM Study): A Register-Based Prospective Cohort Study

scientific article published on 12 June 2015

Acute and Short-term Chronic Testosterone Fluctuation Effects on Glucose Homeostasis, Insulin Sensitivity, and Adiponectin: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Study

scientific article published on 28 February 2014

Acute estrogen exposure does not affect basal very low-density lipoprotein-triglyceride production or oxidation in postmenopausal women

scientific article published on 21 June 2010

Adenosine concentration in the porcine coronary artery wall and A2A receptor involvement in hypoxia-induced vasodilatation

scientific article

Ambulatory arterial stiffness index in Turner syndrome: the impact of sex hormone replacement therapy

scientific article published in September 2009

An unusual case of an ACTH-secreting macroadenoma with a germline variant in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein (AIP) gene.

scientific article

Anthropometry in Klinefelter Syndrome - Multifactorial Influences Due to CAG Length, Testosterone Treatment and Possibly Intrauterine Hypogonadism

Aortic dimensions in girls and young women with turner syndrome: a magnetic resonance imaging study

scientific article published on 10 January 2010

Aortic events in a nationwide Marfan syndrome cohort

scientific article published on 22 August 2016

Assessment of Attention Deficits in Adolescent Offspring Exposed to Maternal Type 1 Diabetes

scientific article

Assessment of insulin secretion in relatives of patients with type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus: evidence of early beta-cell dysfunction

scientific article

Blood pressure, sympathovagal tone, exercise capacity and metabolic status are linked in Turner syndrome

scientific article published on 12 April 2019

Body composition and physical fitness are major determinants of the growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor axis aberrations in adult Turner's syndrome, with important modulations by treatment with 17 beta-estradiol

scientific article published in August 1997

Body composition is distinctly altered in Turner syndrome: relations to glucose metabolism, circulating adipokines, and endothelial adhesion molecules


Body composition, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes in Klinefelter syndrome.

scientific article published on 16 March 2011

Bone geometry, volumetric density, microarchitecture, and estimated bone strength assessed by HR-pQCT in Klinefelter syndrome

scientific article published in November 2014

Bone mineral density in Klinefelter syndrome is reduced and primarily determined by muscle strength and resorptive markers, but not directly by testosterone

scientific article published on 24 July 2010

Breakpoints in Robertsonian translocations are localized to satellite III DNA by fluorescence in situ hybridization

scientific article published on 01 December 1992

Broca's region and Visual Word Form Area activation differ during a predictive Stroop task

scientific article published on 28 September 2015

Cardiovascular Phenotype in Turner Syndrome—Integrating Cardiology, Genetics, and Endocrinology

scientific article published on June 15, 2012

Chromosomal mosaicism: a follow-up study of 39 unselected children found at birth


Circadian variation of holo-transcobalamin (holo-TC) and related markers

scientific article published in January 2005

Circulating levels of ghrelin and GLP-1 are inversely related during glucose ingestion

scientific article published in July 2002

Clinical and epidemiological description of aortic dissection in Turner's syndrome

scientific article published on 01 October 2006

Clinical care of adult Turner syndrome--new aspects

scientific article published in May 2012

Clinical practice in Turner syndrome.

scientific article published on November 2005

Clinical review: Klinefelter syndrome--a clinical update.

scientific article

Coagulation and fibrinolytic disturbances are related to carotid intima thickness and arterial blood pressure in Turner syndrome

scientific article published on 01 May 2012

Compromised trabecular microarchitecture and lower finite element estimates of radius and tibia bone strength in adults with turner syndrome: a cross-sectional study using high-resolution-pQCT.

scientific article

Continuous glucose monitoring in interstitial subcutaneous adipose tissue and skeletal muscle reflects excursions in cerebral cortex

scientific article published in June 2005

Continuous subcutaneous glucose monitoring shows a close correlation between mean glucose and time spent in hyperglycemia and hemoglobin A1c.

scientific article published on November 2007

Coronary artery anomalies in Turner Syndrome.

scientific article published on 5 August 2016

Corrigendum to "Neuroanatomical correlates of Klinefelter syndrome studied in relation to the neuropsychological profile" [NeuroImage:Clin 4 (2014) 1-9].

scientific article published on 11 January 2016

Criminality in men with Klinefelter's syndrome and XYY syndrome: a cohort study.

scientific article

DNA hypermethylation and differential gene expression associated with Klinefelter syndrome

scientific article published in Scientific Reports

Dehydroepiandrosterone substitution in female adrenal failure: no impact on endothelial function and cardiovascular parameters despite normalization of androgen status

scientific article published in March 2007

Dehydroepiandrosterone supplementation in women with adrenal failure: impact on twenty-four hour GH secretion and IGF-related parameters

scientific article published on April 2004

Delayed β-cell response and glucose intolerance in young women with Turner syndrome

scientific article

Diagnosis and mortality in 47,XYY persons: a registry study.

scientific article

Difficulties in diagnosing Marfan syndrome using current FBN1 databases

scientific article published on 26 March 2015

Dilation of the ascending aorta in Turner syndrome - a prospective cardiovascular magnetic resonance study

scientific article

Discontinuation of estrogen replacement therapy in GH-treated hypopituitary women alters androgen status and IGF-I.

scientific article published in May 2005

Discontinuation of hormone replacement therapy in young GH-treated hypopituitary women increases liver enzymes

scientific article published on 5 August 2009

Disproportional geometry of the proximal femur in patients with Turner syndrome: a cross-sectional study

scientific article published on 06 August 2007

Dosage of estradiol, bone and body composition in Turner syndrome: a 5-year randomized controlled clinical trial

scientific article published on 23 November 2016

Dose dependency of the pharmacokinetics and acute lipolytic actions of growth hormone.

scientific article published in October 2002

Effect of growth hormone and 17beta-oestradiol treatment on metabolism and body composition in girls with Turner syndrome

scientific article published in May 2005

Effect of sex hormone treatment on circulating adiponectin and subforms in Turner and Klinefelter syndrome

scientific article published on 22 January 2010

Effects of Cortisol on Carbohydrate, Lipid, and Protein Metabolism: Studies of Acute Cortisol Withdrawal in Adrenocortical Failure

scientific article published on 03 July 2007

Elevated levels of mannan-binding lectin in patients with type 1 diabetes

scientific article published in October 2003

Elevated regional lipolysis in hyperthyroidism

scientific article published in October 2002

Epidemiological, endocrine and metabolic features in Turner syndrome

scientific article published on 01 December 2004

Epidemiological, endocrine and metabolic features in Turner syndrome.

scientific article

Epidemiology of Turner syndrome

scientific article published on 01 March 2008

Epigenetic and transcriptomic consequences of excess X-chromosome material in 47,XXX syndrome-A comparison with Turner syndrome and 46,XX females

scientific article published on 03 June 2020

Epigenetics and genomics in Klinefelter syndrome

scientific article published on 02 June 2020

Epigenetics and genomics in Turner syndrome

scientific article published on 27 February 2019

Estradiol acutely inhibits whole body lipid oxidation and attenuates lipolysis in subcutaneous adipose tissue: a randomized, placebo-controlled study in postmenopausal women.

scientific article published on 7 August 2012

Estrogen Replacement in Turner Syndrome: Literature Review and Practical Considerations

scientific article published on 8 February 2018

Evaluating the quality of Marfan genotype-phenotype correlations in existing FBN1 databases

scientific article published on December 2016

Evaluation of ICD-10 algorithms to identify hypopituitary patients in the Danish National Patient Registry

scientific article published on 09 February 2017

Evidence of a normal mean telomere fragment length in patients with Ullrich-Turner syndrome


Fulminant lactic acidosis in two patients with Type 2 diabetes treated with metformin

scientific article published in October 2005

Genotype and phenotype in Klinefelter syndrome - impact of androgen receptor polymorphism and skewed X inactivation

scientific article published on 07 October 2011

Glucose metabolism, lipid metabolism, and cardiovascular risk factors in adult Turner's syndrome. The impact of sex hormone replacement

scientific article published in July 1998

Glycemia, lipidemia and systolic left ventricular function evaluated by myocardial strain rate: a tissue Doppler echocardiographic study.

scientific article published on 23 October 2007

Growth hormone replacement does not increase mortality in patients with childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency.

scientific article

Health status in women with Turner syndrome: a questionnaire study on health status, education, work participation and aspects of sexual functioning

scientific article published on 21 September 2009

Hormone replacement therapy in Turner syndrome is important-a new meta-analysis points at many shortcomings in the available literature

scientific article

Hypothyroidism secondary to hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction may be part of the phenotype in klinefelter syndrome: a case-control study.

scientific article published on 28 April 2009

Impaired aortic distensibility and elevated central blood pressure in Turner Syndrome: a cardiovascular magnetic resonance study

scientific article published on 13 December 2018

Incidence of GH deficiency - a nationwide study

scientific article published in July 2006

Increased fracture rates in Turner's syndrome: a nationwide questionnaire survey.

scientific article

Increased levels but preserved diurnal variation of serum leptin in GH-deficient patients: lack of impact of different modes of GH administration

scientific article published in June 1998

Increased metabolic risk in adolescent offspring of mothers with type 1 diabetes: the EPICOM study

scientific article published on 30 April 2015

Increased mortality in Klinefelter syndrome.

scientific article

Increased number of sex chromosomes affects height in a nonlinear fashion: a study of 305 patients with sex chromosome aneuploidy.

scientific article

Increased prevalence of autoimmunity in Turner syndrome--influence of age.

scientific article published on 26 February 2009

Inhibin A and B in adolescents and young adults with Turner's syndrome and no sign of spontaneous puberty

scientific article published on 01 August 2002

Insulin increases glycolysis without further vasodilation in porcine coronary arteries exposed to hypoxia.

scientific article published in August 2004

Klinefelter Syndrome and medical treatment: hypogonadism and beyond

scientific article

Klinefelter syndrome - integrating genetics, neuropsychology and endocrinology

scientific article published on 9 February 2018

Klinefelter syndrome has increased brain responses to auditory stimuli and motor output, but not to visual stimuli or Stroop adaptation

scientific article

Klinefelter's syndrome, type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome: the impact of body composition.

scientific article published on 15 March 2010

Left ventricular dysfunction in Klinefelter syndrome is associated to insulin resistance, abdominal adiposity and hypogonadism

scientific article

Left ventricular hypertrophy in Turner syndrome: a prospective echocardiographic study

scientific article published on 4 July 2012

Long QT interval in Turner syndrome--a high prevalence of LQTS gene mutations

scientific article

Long-term Cognitive Implications of Intrauterine Hyperglycemia in Adolescent Offspring of Women With Type 1 Diabetes (the EPICOM Study).

scientific article published on 6 June 2016

Long-term DHEA substitution in female adrenocortical failure, body composition, muscle function, and bone metabolism: a randomized trial

scientific article published on 23 May 2011

Long-term hormone replacement therapy preserves bone mineral density in Turner syndrome.

scientific article published on 15 May 2009

Low INSL3 in Klinefelter syndrome is related to osteocalcin, testosterone treatment and body composition, as well as measures of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis

scientific article published on 21 March 2014

Low myocardial glucose uptake in Turner syndrome is unaffected by growth hormone: a randomized, placebo-controlled FDG-PET study

scientific article published on 6 February 2015

Marked disproportionality in bone size and mineral, and distinct abnormalities in bone markers and calcitropic hormones in adult turner syndrome: a cross-sectional study.

scientific article

Measurement of interstitial lactate during hypoxia-induced dilatation in isolated pressurised porcine coronary arteries

scientific article published in February 2002

Medical Problems of Adult Turner’s Syndrome

scientific article published on January 1, 2001

Mild Noonan phenotype associated with coloboma of the iris and choroid

scientific article published on 01 January 2002

Morbidity and GH deficiency: a nationwide study

scientific article published in April 2008

Morbidity and mortality in Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY)

scientific article published on 06 April 2011

Morbidity in 47,XYY syndrome: a nationwide epidemiological study of hospital diagnoses and medication use

scientific article published on 01 June 2020

Morbidity in Klinefelter syndrome and the effect of testosterone treatment

scientific article published on 04 June 2020

Morbidity in Turner Syndrome

scientific article published on 01 February 1998

Mortality and GH deficiency: a nationwide study

scientific article published in July 2007

Mortality and incidence in women with 47,XXX and variants.

scientific article published in February 2010

Mortality and socioeconomic status in adults with childhood onset GH deficiency (GHD) is highly dependent on the primary cause of GHD.

scientific article published on 23 August 2012

Mortality in Cushing's syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

scientific article

Multimodality cardiac imaging in Turner syndrome.

scientific article published on 4 February 2016

Multisystem Morbidity and Mortality in Offspring of Women With Type 1 Diabetes (the EPICOM Study): A Register-Based Prospective Cohort Study

scientific article published on 20 February 2015

Myocardial injury with biomarker elevation in diabetic ketoacidosis

scientific article published in November 2005

Neuroanatomical correlates of Klinefelter syndrome studied in relation to the neuropsychological profile

scientific article (publication date: 2014)

Neuropsychology and brain morphology in Klinefelter syndrome - the impact of genetics.

scientific article published on 28 May 2014

Neuropsychology and socioeconomic aspects of Klinefelter syndrome: new developments

scientific article published on June 2015

Nocturnal hypertension and impaired sympathovagal tone in Turner syndrome.

scientific article published in February 2006

Normal tempo of bone formation in Turner syndrome despite signs of accelerated bone resorption.

scientific article published on 26 July 2011

Occurrence of Gonadoblastoma in Females with Turner Syndrome and Y Chromosome Material: A Population Study1

article published in 2000

Only a minority of sex chromosome abnormalities are detected by a national prenatal screening program for Down syndrome.

scientific article

Osteoprotegerin in Turner syndrome - relationship to aortic diameter

scientific article published on 2 July 2014

Parental origin of the X chromosome, X chromosome mosaicism and screening for “hidden” Y chromosome in 45,X Turner syndrome ascertained cytogenetically

scientific article published on 01 July 1995

Physiological Levels of Glucagon Do Not Influence Lipolysis in Abdominal Adipose Tissue as Assessed by Microdialysis1

Polymorphisms in the vitamin D receptor gene and bone mass, bone turnover and osteoporotic fractures

scientific article published in July 2000

Poor socio-economic status in 47,XXX --an unexpected effect of an extra X chromosome.

scientific article published on 28 March 2013

Prediction of aortic dilation in Turner syndrome - enhancing the use of serial cardiovascular magnetic resonance

scientific article published on 06 June 2013

Preferential stimulation of abdominal subcutaneous lipolysis after prednisolone exposure in humans

scientific article published in August 2002

Prenatal and postnatal prevalence of Klinefelter syndrome: a national registry study

scientific article

Prevalence, incidence, and age at diagnosis in Marfan Syndrome

scientific article published on 2 December 2015

Prevalence, incidence, diagnostic delay, and mortality in Turner syndrome.

scientific article

Protein metabolism in Turner syndrome and the impact of hormone replacement therapy

scientific article published on 11 June 2007

Psychological functioning, brain morphology, and functional neuroimaging in Klinefelter syndrome

scientific article published on 28 May 2020

Quality of life in men with Klinefelter syndrome: the impact of genotype, health, socioeconomics, and sexual function

scientific article

Quantitative liver functions in Turner syndrome with and without hormone replacement therapy

scientific article published in June 2007

Reduced androgen levels in adult Turner syndrome: influence of female sex steroids and growth hormone status

scientific article published on 01 June 1999

Reference values for body proportions and body composition in adult women with Ullrich-Turner syndrome.

scientific article

Repeated Spontaneous Pregnancies in 45,X Turner Syndrome

scientific article published on 01 February 2010


scientific article published on 12 June 2015

Serum Levels of Anti-Müllerian Hormone as a Marker of Ovarian Function in 926 Healthy Females from Birth to Adulthood and in 172 Turner Syndrome Patients

scientific article published on 18 August 2010

Sex chromosome aneuploidies in 2020-The state of care and research in the world

scientific article published on 04 June 2020

Sex hormone replacement in Turner syndrome.

scientific article published on 07 December 2011

Short QTc interval in males with klinefelter syndrome-influence of CAG repeat length, body composition, and testosterone replacement therapy.

scientific article published on 23 January 2015

Short-term growth hormone treatment in girls with Turner syndrome decreases fat mass and insulin sensitivity: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study

scientific article published in November 2002

Signs of low-grade systemic inflammation in female offspring of women with type 1 diabetes: The EPICOM study.

scientific article published in July 2016

Socio-economic factors affect mortality in 47,XYY syndrome-A comparison with the background population and Klinefelter syndrome

scientific article published on 14 August 2012

Socioeconomic factors do not but GH treatment does affect mortality in adult-onset growth hormone deficiency.

scientific article published on 26 August 2014

Socioeconomic parameters and mortality in Turner syndrome

scientific article published on 21 March 2012

Socioeconomic trajectories affect mortality in Klinefelter syndrome.

scientific article published on 11 May 2011

Subclinical left ventricular dysfunction in normotensive women with Turner's syndrome.

scientific article published on October 2006

Testicular Sperm Sampling by Subcapsular Orchiectomy in Klinefelter Patients: A New Simplified Treatment Approach.

scientific article published on 4 August 2015

The GH–IGF–IGFBP axis is changed in Turner syndrome: Partial normalization by HRT

The Klinefelter syndrome: current management and research challenges

scientific article

The amylin analog pramlintide improves glycemic control and reduces postprandial glucagon concentrations in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus

scientific article published on 01 July 1999

The effects of GH and hormone replacement therapy on serum concentrations of mannan-binding lectin, surfactant protein D and vitamin D binding protein in Turner syndrome

scientific article published in March 2004

The metabolic syndrome is frequent in Klinefelter's syndrome and is associated with abdominal obesity and hypogonadism

scientific article published in July 2006

Thyroid hormone increases mannan-binding lectin levels

scientific article published in November 2005

Turner syndrome and clinical treatment.

scientific article published on 09 April 2008

Turner syndrome and the heart: cardiovascular complications and treatment strategies.

scientific article published on January 2002

Turner syndrome in adulthood

scientific article published in January 2005

Turner syndrome: mechanisms and management

scientific article published on 18 June 2019

Twenty-four-hour insulin secretion rates, circulating concentrations of fuel substrates and gut incretin hormones in healthy offspring of Type II (non-insulin-dependent) diabetic parents: evidence of several aberrations

scientific article

Very short term dehydroepiandrosterone treatment in female adrenal failure: impact on carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism

scientific article

What microRNAs could tell us about the human X chromosome

scientific article published on 30 April 2020

Widespread DNA hypomethylation and differential gene expression in Turner syndrome

scientific article published on 30 September 2016