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List of works by Daniel Defoe

A Journal of the Plague Year

1722 first edition of the fictionalized account by Daniel Defoe

A Journal of the Plague Year

historical novel by Daniel Defoe

A Journal of the Plague Year

edition published in 1987

A Plan of the English Commerce

book by Daniel Defoe

A Weekly Review of the Affairs of France (London, 1704-1713)

Periodical publication

A narrative of all the robberies, escapes, &c. of John Sheppard

A tour thro' the whole island of Great Britain


Augusta Triumphans

book by Daniel Defoe

Avventure di Robinson Crusoe

Italian language edition of "Robinson Crusoe"

Bywyd hynod a gweithredoedd rhyfeddol y dewr a'r gwrol Robinson Crusoe

edition; published in 1824

Bywyd hynod a gweithredoedd rhyfeddol y dewr a'r gwrol Robinson Crusoe

edition; published in 1816

Bywyd hynod a gweithredoedd rhyfeddol y dewr a'r gwrol Robinson Crusoe : yr hwn a fu byw wyth mlynedd ar hugain mewn ynys anghyfanedd; yr hon, wedi hyny, a boblogwyd ganddo ef

edition; published in 1857

Bywyd hynod a gweithredoedd rhyfeddol y dewr a'r gwrol Robinson Crusoe : yr hwn a fu byw wyth mlynedd ar hugain mewn ynys anghyfanedd; yr hon, wedi hyny, a boblwyd ganddo ef

edition; published in 1825

Bywyd hynod a gweithredoedd rhyfeddol y dewr a'r gwrol Robinson Crusoe : yr hwn a fu byw wyth mlynedd ar hugain mewn ynys anghyfanedd; yr hon, wedi hyny, a boblwyd ganddo ef

edition; published in 1810

Captain Singleton

1720 novel by Daniel Defoe

Colonel Jack

1722 novel by Daniel Defoe

Conjugal Lewdness

book by Daniel Defoe

Den verklige Robinson Crusoe's lefverne och äfventyr, samt tjuguåttaåriga vistande på en obebodd ö

Lady Roxana

1885 French translation of Roxana: The Fortunate Mistress

Malý Robinson

1882 novel by Daniel Defoe

Memoirs of a Cavalier

1720 novel by Daniel Defoe

Moll Flanders

novel by Daniel Defoe

Moll Flanders and Roxana

collection of the novels by Daniel Defoe

Podivuhodné příhody Robinsona na pustém ostrově

1874 Czech book edition of novel by Daniel Defoe


1884 Czech book editon of novel by Daniel Defoe

Robinson Crusoe

1719 novel by Daniel Defoe

Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe

Swedish translation of Defoe's Robinson Crusoe from 1926

Robinson Crusoe

Norwegian edition of Defoe's Robinson Crusoe from 1900

Robinson Crusoe

1986 Czech book edition

Robinson Crusoe

1975 Czech book edition

Robinson Crusoe : liv og eventyr. 1

Robinson Crusoe. Liv og eventyr 2

Robinson Crusoe: in words of one syllable

1900 version

Robinson Crusoe: in words of one syllable

1899 book

Robinson Kruse berättad för Sveriges ungdom

Robinson Kruso

Robinson Krusoe

1900 novel by Daniel Defoe

Robinson Krusoe. Cesty a příhody Robinsonovy na zemi i na moři

1888 Czech book edition of novel by Daniel Defoe

Roxana: The Fortunate Mistress

novel by Daniel Defoe

Roxana: The Fortunate Mistress

paperback edition (en)

Second Thoughts Are Best

book by Daniel Defoe

Serious Reflections of Robinson Crusoe

novel by Daniel Defoe

The Amazing Adventures of Robinson on a Deserted Island/II. In slavery

The Apparition of Mrs. Veal

book by Daniel Defoe

The Consolidator

The Education of Women

edition of essay by Daniel Defoe

The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

1719 novel by Daniel Defoe

The History of the Remarkable Life of John Sheppard

The King of Pirates

book by Daniel Defoe

The Political History of the Devil

book by Daniel Defoe

The Shortest Way with the Dissenters

1702 political pamphlet by Daniel Defoe

The Shortest-Way with the Dissenters

edition of essay by Daniel Defoe

The Storm

pioneering work of journalism and science reporting by British author Daniel Defoe

The life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crosoe

book by Robinson Crusoe

The life and most surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe

1811 verson, Thomas Wilson and Son publishers

The life and strange adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, mariner

United States 1885 edition of a novel

The true and genuine account of the life and actions of the late Jonathan Wild

Život a zvláštní podivná dobrodružství Robinsona Crusoe námořníka z Yorku

1968 Czech book edition

Deník morového roku

book edition published in 2020

Příběhy Robinsona Crusoe

book edition published in 1948

Robinson Crusoe

book edition published in 2016

Robinson Crusoe

book edition published in 2022

Robinson Crusoe: podivuhodná dobrodružství trosečníka na pustém ostrově

book edition published in 1932