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List of works by Ulrich Hopp

A B light curve of SZ Lyn

scientific article published in January 1979

A Supernova in an Interacting Pair of Galaxies

scholarly article

A compact population of red giants in the blue compact dwarf galaxy UGCA 290

scientific article published in January 2000

A counter-rotating core in the dwarf elliptical galaxy VCC 510

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

A deep I-selected multiwaveband galaxy catalogue in the COSMOS field

scientific article

A large topographic feature on the surface of the trans-Neptunian object (307261) 2002 MS 4 measured from stellar occultations

scientific article published in October 2023

A measurement of the rate of type Ia supernovae in galaxy clusters from the SDSS-II supernova survey

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

A multiwavelength study of the galaxy UGC 11000

scholarly article

A near-infrared stellar census of blue compact dwarf galaxies: NICMOS detection of red giant stars in the Wolf-Rayet galaxy Markarian 178

scientific article published in January 2000

A near-infrared stellar census of blue compact dwarf galaxies: the Wolf-Rayet galaxy I Zw 36

scientific article published in January 2001

A near-infrared stellar census of the blue compact dwarf galaxy VII Zw 403

scientific article published in January 1999

A new B V lightcurve of the eclipsing binary VW Cep

scientific article published in January 1979

A possible protogalaxy near M 81

scientific article published in January 1993

A rapid optical flare in the distant gamma-ray source 0836+710

scientific article published in January 1993

A redshift survey for faint galaxies towards voids of galaxies

scientific article published in January 1995

A spectrophotometric catalogue of HII galaxies

scientific article published in January 2000

A stellar population gradient in VII Zw 403: implications for the formation of blue compact dwarf galaxies

scholarly article

Astrometric Standard Fields for CCD Observations of Double Stars

scholarly article

B-V observations of six red variable stars

scientific article published in January 1979

BV And narrow-band observations of the eclipsing binary AM Leo

scientific article published in January 1982

BV observations of Pleione (BU Tau) 1977-1980

BV observations of V1057 Cyg

scientific article published in January 1979

BV observations of nova Cyg 1978 (V1668 Cyg)

scientific article published in January 1979

BV photometry of the RRc variable star DH Pegasi

scientific article published in January 1981

BV photometry of the W UMa star 44 i Boo

scientific article

BV-observations of CH Cyg in 1977

scientific article published in January 1978

CCD photometry of 11 resolved dwarf irregular galaxies

scholarly article

Calar Alto 3.5 m telescope observations of the SNR CTB 80

Central rotations of Milky Way globular clusters

scientific article published in January 2014

Cepheids in M31: The PAndromeda Cepheid Sample

Coma imaging of comet P/Brorsen-Metcalf at Calar Alto in Late July to Mid August 1989

scientific article published in January 1991

Comet 17P/Holmes

scholarly article by Trigo-Rodriguez et al

Comparing spectroscopic and photometric stellar mass estimates

scientific article published in January 2004

Dating the stellar population in massive early-type galaxies atz∼ 1.5

scholarly article

Der super-sternhaufen in NGC 1705

Die am schnellsten rotierende Spiralgalaxie

scientific article published in January 1987

Distance, structure and bright stellar content of the dwarf irregular galaxy UGC 685

scholarly article

Dwarf-Galaxy Cosmology

scholarly article by Regina Schulte-Ladbeck et al published 2010 in Advances in Astronomy

Eine neue Zwerggalaxie der Localen Gruppe

scientific article published in January 1992

Ellipticity variations within some globular clusters of the galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds

scientific article

Emission-Line Spectroscopy of Damped Lyα Systems: The Case of SBS 1543+593/HS 1543+5921

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Evidence for chemical evolution in the spectra of high redshift galaxies

scientific article published in January 2002

Exploring cluster elliptical galaxies as cosmological standard rods

article by Bender R. et al published 1998 in Letters of the Astrophysical Journal

Exploring cosmic evolution with the FORS Deep Field

Exploring the resolved stellar contents of E/S0 galaxies

scientific article published in January 2002

Exploring the resolved stellar contents of E/S0 galaxies

scientific article

Extensive optical and near-infrared observations of the nearby, narrow-lined type Ic SN 2007gr: days 5 to 415

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Extremely compact massive galaxies at z 1.4

scientific article

Field Galaxy Evolution from the Munich Near-Infrared Cluster Survey (MUNICS)

Finding structures in photometric redshift galaxy surveys: an extended friends-of-friends algorithm

scientific article published in January 2004

First-year Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II supernova results: Hubble diagram and cosmological parameters


First-year spectroscopy for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II supernova survey

scientific article

Following the TraCS of exoplanets with Pan-Planets: Wendelstein-1b and Wendelstein-2b

scientific article published in 2020

Fundamental properties of the new dwarf galaxy And VI - alias `Pegasus Dwarf' - another companion of M31

scientific article published in January 1999

GRB 991208

scientific article

GRB 991208 optical observations

scholarly article

Galactic winds in dwarf galaxies

scholarly article

Globular clusters in NGC 676

scientific article

Gravitationally lensed high redshift galaxies in the field of 1E 0657-56

scientific article published in January 2001

HETDEX Public Source Catalog 1: 220 K Sources Including Over 50 K Lyα Emitters from an Untargeted Wide-area Spectroscopic Survey*

scientific article published in February 2023

HETDEX [O iii] Emitters. I. A Spectroscopically Selected Low-redshift Population of Low-mass, Low-metallicity Galaxies

scientific article published in 2021

HI observations of dwarf galaxies in voids

scientific article published in January 1997

HS 0822+3542 - a new nearby extremely metal-poor galaxy

scientific article

HS 1216+5032: a new double QSO separated by 9"

scientific article

High-energy gamma rays from PKS 1406-076 and the observation of correlated gamma-ray and optical emission

scientific article published in January 1995

Insight into galaxy evolution from a near-infrared survey project

scientific article

Integrated specific star formation rates of galaxies, groups, and clusters: a continuous upper limit with stellar mass?

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Integrated specific star formation rates of galaxies, groups, and clusters: a continuous upper limit with stellar mass?

scholarly article

Internal kinematics of spiral galaxies in distant clusters. II. Observations and data analysis

scientific article published in January 2004

Is AE Aur a variable star ?

scientific article published in January 1981

Kinematic signatures of bulges correlate with bulge morphologies and Sersic index

scientific article published in January 2012

Looking for obscured QSOs in the X-ray emitting ERO population

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Ly{alpha} emission galaxies at a redshift of z=~5.7 in the FORS Deep Field

scientific article published in January 2006

M31 PAndromeda Cepheid sample observed in four HST bands

scientific article published in January 2018

Massive $z\sim1.3$ evolved galaxies revealed

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Measurements of the rate of type Ia supernovae at redshift <~0.3 from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey II Supernova Survey

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

More evidence for a population of intracluster planetary nebulae in the Virgo cluster

scholarly article

Mt. Wendelstein imaging of the post-perihelion dust coma of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko In 2015/2016

scientific article published in January 2016

Multicolor studies of the globular clusters of NGC 1399

scholarly article

Multicolour studies of the globular cluster system of the elliptical galaxy NGC 5813

scientific article published in January 1993

Multiwavelength observations of the bright QSO HS 0624+6907

scientific article published in January 1995

NIR census of the stellar content of nearby blue compact dwarf galaxies with HST

scientific article published in January 2001

New minimum times of the W UMa star SW Lacertae

scientific article published in January 1982

New photoelectric times of minima of W Ursae Majoris

scientific article published in January 1982

No intrinsic stellar population in Compact High-Velocity Clouds?

scholarly article

Note on V1329 CYG=HBV 475

scholarly article

Note on V644 Cen = HD 306989 (B3)

Note on the period of the W UMa star AH Vir

scientific article published in January 1981

Observations of bright T Tau stars in NGC 2264

scientific article published in January 1979

Observations of the southern galaxy clusters STR 0625-540 and STR 0627-544

scholarly article

OmegaCAM: the 16k x 16K CCD camera for the VLT Survey Telescope

scientific article

OmegaCAM: wide-field imaging with fine spatial resolution

scientific article published on 30 September 2004

On the ellipticities of M 31 globular clusters

scientific article published in January 1994

On the period of EG Cephei

scientific article published in January 1983

On the star-formation properties of emission-line galaxies in and around voids

scientific article

Optical investigations of two X-ray clusters of galaxies: 0430.6-6133 and 0626.7-5426

scientific article

Outburst photometry of the dwarf nova SS Cygni

scientific article published in January 1980


scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

PKS 0537-441: Extended [OII] emission and a binary QSO?

scientific article published in January 2003

Photoelectric observations of 44i Bootis

scientific article published in January 1977

Photographic observations of delta Cephei variables

scholarly article

Photographic observations of old novae

Photographic observations of old novae. II

scientific article published in January 1979

Photometric study of the IC 65 group of galaxies

scientific article

Photometry of the shell star BU Tau (Pleione) 1980-82

scholarly article

Preliminary elements for BV 1621 CMa = HD 56429

Properties of M31. I. Dust. Basic properties and a discussion about age-dependent dust heating

scientific article published in January 2009

Properties of M31. II. A Cepheid disk sample derived from the first year of PS1 PAndromeda data

scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

Properties of M31. III. Candidate beat cepheids from PS1 PAndromeda data and their implication on metallicity gradient

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Properties of M31. IV. Candidate luminous blue variables from PAndromeda

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Properties of M31. V. 298 eclipsing binaries from PAndromeda

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Results of a search for emission-line galaxies towards nearby voids. The spatial distribution

scientific article

Results of a search for faint galaxies in voids

scientific article

SBSG 0335-052W: an extremely low metallicity dwarf galaxy

SN 1995ah: the first supernova observed in a blue compact dwarf galaxy

scientific article

Search for emission-line galaxies towards nearby voids. List 2

scientific article published in January 1998

Search for emission-line galaxies towards nearby voids. Observational data

scientific article published in January 1996

Search for intrisically faint galaxies towards two nearby voids

scientific article published in January 1993

Searching for stars in compact high-velocity clouds - I. First results from VLT and 2MASS

scholarly article

Searching for stars in compact high-velocity clouds - II

scientific article

Simultaneous optical and gamma-ray flaring in PKS 0420-014. Implications for emission processes and rotating jet models

scientific article published in January 1995

Specific star formation rates to redshift 5 from the FORS Deep Field and the GOODS-S field

scientific article published in January 2005

Strukturuntersuchungen an sudlichen Galaxienhaufen

scientific article

Supernova 1988D in MCG +0-20-006

scientific article

Supernova 1995 ah : die erste Supernova in einer blauen kompakten Zwerggalaxie

scientific article published in January 1996

Supernova 1995ah in HS 0016+1449

Supernova 2005hc in MCG +00-6-3

Supernova 2007qd

scientific article published in January 2007

Supernovae 2005go-2005gy

scientific article published in January 2005

Supernovae 2005hk-2005ik

scientific article published in January 2005

Supernovae 2005ht, 2005hv, 2005hy, 2005hz, 2005id, 2005ij, 2005is-2005ka

scientific article published in January 2005

Supernovae 2006fo, 2006gu-2006gx

scientific article published in January 2006

Supernovae 2006gk, 2006gl, 2006gm, 2006gn, 2006go, 2006gp, 2006gq

scientific article published in January 2006

Supernovae 2006hc-2006hm

scientific article published in January 2006

Supernovae 2006ho-2006ht

scientific article published in January 2006

Supernovae 2006hy, 2006hz, 2006ia, 2006ib

scientific article published in January 2006

Supernovae 2006iw and 2006ix-2006ja

scientific article published in January 2006

Supernovae 2006kg-2006lc

scientific article

Supernovae 2006lj-2006ls

scientific article published in January 2006

Supernovae 2006mz-2006ne

scientific article published in January 2006

Supernovae 2006nf-2006np

scientific article published in January 2006

Supernovae 2006ns-2006ob

scientific article published in January 2006

Supernovae 2006ob-2006op

scholarly article

Supernovae 2006sv-2006tc

scientific article published in January 2006

Supernovae 2007ix-2007jh

scientific article published in January 2007

Supernovae 2007ju and 2007kl-2007ld

scientific article published in January 2007

Supernovae 2007lx and 2007nr-2007oa

scientific article published in January 2007

Supernovae 2007md and 2007mr-2007nl

scientific article published in January 2007

Supernovae 2007oq-2007pj

scientific article published in January 2007

Supernovae 2007pn-2007qb

scientific article published in January 2007

Supernovae 2007qf-2007ra

scientific article published in January 2007

Supernovae 2007qz and 2007rc-2007rs

scientific article published in January 2007

Supernovae 2007rg and 2007sb-2007sn

scientific article published in January 2007

Surface photometry of emission-line galaxies in low density regions

scientific article published in January 2000

Surface photometry of galaxies in low density regions

scholarly article

Testing of the dwarf galaxy content and the evolutionary status of nearby groups of galaxies

scholarly article

The 64 Mpixel wide field imager for the Wendelstein 2m telescope: design and calibration

scientific article published on 30 August 2014

The 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko observation campaign in support of the Rosetta mission.

scientific article published on July 2017

The Antlia cluster of galaxies and its environment : the Hydra I-Centaurus supercluster

scholarly article

The BL Lac object PKS 0537-441: a lense or being lensed ?

scientific article published in January 2001

The Carbon-rich Type Ic SN 2007gr: The Photospheric Phase

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II Supernova Survey

article by Masao Sako et al published 14 May 2018 in Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific

The Evolution of Galaxies in the FORS Deep and GOODS-S Fields

The FORS Deep Field

scientific article published in January 2000

The FORS Deep Field spectroscopic survey

scientific article published in January 2004

The FORS Deep Field: Field selection, photometric observations and photometric catalog

scientific article published in January 2003

The HETDEX pilot survey. I. Survey design, performance, and catalog of emission-line galaxies

scientific article

The HETDEX pilot survey. II. The evolution of the Ly{alpha} escape fraction from the ultraviolet slope and luminosity function of 1.9 < z < 3.8 LAEs

article by Blanc G. A. et al published 2011 in Letters of the Astrophysical Journal

The HETDEX pilot survey. IV. The evolution of [O II] emitting galaxies from z ~ 0.5 to z ~ 0

scientific article

The Hamburg/SAO Survey for Emission-Line Galaxies. I. A First List of 70 Galaxies

scientific article

The Hamburg/SAO survey for emission-line galaxies. III. The third list of 81 galaxies

scholarly article

The Hamburg/SAO survey for emission-line galaxies. IV. The fourth list of 119 galaxies

scientific article published in January 2001

The Hamburg/SAO survey for emission-line galaxies. V. The fifth list of 161 galaxies

scientific article published in January 2001

The Hamburg/SAO survey for emission-line galaxies. VI. The sixth list of 126 galaxies

scientific article published in January 2005

The Hobby–Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment (HETDEX) Survey Design, Reductions, and Detections*

scientific article published in December 2021

The Kormendy relation of massive elliptical galaxies at z 1.5: evidence for size evolution


The M31 near-infrared period-luminosity relation and its non-linearity for {delta} Cep variables with 0.5 <= log (P) <= 1.7

scientific article published in January 2015

The MUNICS Project: Galaxy Assembly at 0 < z < 1

The Mass Function of Field Galaxies at 0.4 < z < 1.2 as Derived from the MUNICS K-Selected Sample

The Munich Near-Infrared Cluster Survey (MUNICS). VI. The stellar masses of k-band-selected field galaxies to z~1.2

scholarly article

The Munich Near-Infrared Cluster Survey - I. Field selection, object extraction and photometry

scientific article

The Munich Near-Infrared Cluster Survey - IV. Biases in the completeness of near-infrared imaging data

scientific article published in January 2002

The Munich Near-Infrared Cluster Survey - IX. Galaxy evolution to z 2 from optically selected catalogues

scientific article

The Munich Near-Infrared Cluster Survey - V. The evolution of the rest-frame K - and J -band galaxy luminosity functions to z ~ 0.7

scientific article published in January 2003

The Munich Near-Infrared Cluster Survey: Number Density Evolution of Massive Field Galaxies to [CLC][ITAL]z[/ITAL][/CLC] ∼ 1.2 as Derived from the [ITAL]K[/ITAL]-Band–selected Survey

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The Munich Near‐Infrared Cluster Survey. II. TheK‐Band Luminosity Function of Field Galaxies toz∼ 1.2

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The Puzzle of the LyAlpha Galaxies: New Results from the VLT

scientific article published in January 2007

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II supernova survey: technical summary

scientific article

The Spitzer-HETDEX exploratory large-area survey

scientific article published in January 2016

The Star Formation Rate History in the FORS Deep and GOODS-South Fields

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

The TESIS Project: Are Type 2 QSO Hidden in X-Ray Emitting EROs?

The TESIS Project: Revealing Massive Early-Type Galaxies at z > 1

The Wendelstein Calar Alto Pixellensing Project (WeCAPP): the M 31 nova catalogue

scientific article published in January 2012

The Wendelstein Weak Lensing (WWL) pathfinder: accurate weak lensing masses for Planck clusters

scientific article

The actual photometric behaviour of CH Cyg

scholarly article

The cluster of galaxies SC 0316-44 Does it rotate ?

scholarly article

The comet 17P/Holmes 2007 outburst: the early motion of the outburst material

scientific article

The connection between star formation and stellar mass: specific star formation rates to redshift one

scientific article published in January 2005

The density of very massive evolved galaxies to z = 1.7

The dwarf galaxy UGC 5272 and its small companion galaxy

scientific article

The dwarf irregular galaxy Holmberg IX

scientific article

The dwarf irregular/Wolf-Rayet galaxy NGC 4214. I. A new distance, stellar content, and global parameters

The evolution of early- and late-type galaxies in the cosmic evolution survey up to z {approx} 1.2

scientific article published in January 2009

The evolution of the luminosity functions in the FORS Deep Field from low to high redshift

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The evolution of the luminosity functions in the FORS deep field from low to high redshift

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The evolution of the mass function split by morphology up to redshift 1 in the FORS Deep and the GOODS-S fields

scientific article published in January 2006

The extraordinarily bright optical afterglow of GRB 991208 and its host galaxy

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The globular cluster system around NGC 1399

scientific article published in January 1991

The globular cluster system of NGC 5813

scholarly article

The impact of Spitzer infrared data on stellar mass estimates – and a revised galaxy stellar mass function at 0 < z < 5

scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The light curve of 44 i Boo in 1978

scholarly article published 1978

The little galaxy that could: kinematics of Camelopardalis B

scientific article published in January 2003

The luminous quasar HS 1700+6416 and the shape of the "big bump" below 500 A

scientific article published in January 1989

The mass (star number) - Radius relations for the Clusters of the Large Magellanic Cloud

scientific article published in January 1981

The massive, nearly face-on cataclysmic variable GD 552

The massive, nearly face-on cataclysmic variable GD 552

scientific article published in January 1990

The old and heavy bulge of M31. I. Kinematics and stellar populations

scientific article published in January 2010

The oldest stars of the extremely metal-poor local group dwarf irregular galaxy Leo A

scientific article published in January 2002

The period of V154 in NGC 5272 (M 3)

scientific article published in January 1980

The size, shape, density and ring of the dwarf planet Haumea from a stellar occultation

scientific article published in October 2017

The star formation histories of blue compact galaxies: where are the gaps ?

article by Schulte-Ladbeck R. E. et al published 2001 in Astrophysics and Space Science

The star formation history of the blue compact dwarf galaxy UGCA 290

scientific article published in January 2002

The stellar content and morphology of the dwarf irregular galaxy Holmberg IX

scholarly article

The stellar content of 10 dwarf irregular galaxies

The stellar content of NGC 6789, a blue compact dwarf galaxy in the local void

scientific article

The stellar mass function of galaxies to z~5 in the FORS Deep and GOODS-South Fields

scholarly article

The synchrotron halo and magnetic field of NGC 4449

scholarly article

The z=2.72 galaxy cB58: a gravitational fold arc lensed by the cluster MS 1512+36

scientific article published in January 1998

UBV photometry and spectroscopy of an anomalous SS Cygni outburst

scientific article

UGC 5272 : a pair of nearby dwarf galaxies?

scientific article

UGC 6456 resolved into single stars with HST - the stellar census of a BCDG

scientific article published in January 1997

Using delta Cep stars to study northern dwarf irregular galaxies of the Local Group

scientific article published in January 2006

Visual observations of Mira type variable stars

scientific article published in January 1978

WeCAPP - The Wendelstein Calar Alto Pixellensing Project tracing dark and bright matter in M 13

scientific article published in January 2001

WeCAPP - Wendelstein Calar Alto pixellensing project. I. Tracing dark and bright matter in M31

scientific article published in January 2001

``Baade's red sheet'' resolved into stars with HST in the blue compact dwarf galaxy VII Zw 403