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List of works by Dianne Neumark-Sztainer

'Ready. Set. ACTION!' A theater-based obesity prevention program for children: a feasibility study

scientific article published on 11 July 2008

A Content Analysis of Physical Activity in TV Shows Popular Among Adolescents

scientific article published on 2 February 2017

A Qualitative Exploration Into the Parent-Child Feeding Relationship: How Parents of Preschoolers Divide the Responsibilities of Feeding with Their Children.

scientific article published on 5 April 2018

A Qualitative Investigation of Parents' Perspectives About Feeding Practices With Siblings Among Racially/Ethnically and Socioeconomically Diverse Households

scientific article published on July 2016

A cluster analysis of physical activity and sedentary behavior patterns in middle school girls

scientific article

A content analysis of weight stigmatization in popular television programming for adolescents

scientific article published on 19 August 2014

A cross-cultural comparison of eating behaviors and home food environmental factors in adolescents from São Paulo (Brazil) and Saint Paul-Minneapolis (US).

scientific article

A healthful home food environment: Is it possible amidst household chaos and parental stress?

scientific article published on 01 August 2019

A qualitative analysis of parents' perceptions of weight talk and weight teasing in the home environments of diverse low-income children.

scientific article

A qualitative exploration into momentary impacts on food parenting practices among parents of pre-school aged children

scientific article published on 27 July 2018

A review of associations between family or shared meal frequency and dietary and weight status outcomes across the lifespan

scientific article

A single summative global scale of disordered eating attitudes and behaviors: Findings from Project EAT, a 15-year longitudinal population-based study

scientific article published on 17 August 2020

A yoga-based therapy program designed to improve body image among an outpatient eating disordered population: program description and results from a mixed-methods pilot study

scientific article published on 18 May 2020

Acculturation and ethnic group differences in well-being among Somali, Latino, and Hmong adolescents

scientific article published on 05 November 2020

Accurate parental classification of overweight adolescents' weight status: does it matter?

scientific article published in June 2008

Addressing obesity and other weight-related problems in youth

scientific article published in March 2005

Addressing weight-related issues in an elementary school: what do students, parents, and school staff recommend?

scientific article published in January 2007

Adolescence to young adulthood: when socioeconomic disparities in substance use emerge

scientific article

Adolescent Nutrition

scientific article published on 01 December 2009

Adolescent Snacking Behaviors Are Associated with Dietary Intake and Weight Status

scientific article published on 08 June 2016

Adolescent and Parent Views of Family Meals

Adolescent and parent assessments of diabetes mellitus management at school

scientific article published on 01 May 2004

Adolescent and young adult vegetarianism: better dietary intake and weight outcomes but increased risk of disordered eating behaviors

scientific article

Adolescent beverage habits and changes in weight over time: findings from Project EAT.

scientific article published on 28 October 2009

Adolescent binge/purge and weight loss behaviors: associations with developmental assets

scientific article

Adolescent consumption of sports and energy drinks: linkages to higher physical activity, unhealthy beverage patterns, cigarette smoking, and screen media use

scientific article

Adolescent girls with high body satisfaction: who are they and what can they teach us?

scientific article

Adolescent girls' weight-related family environments, Minnesota

scientific article

Adolescent health and nutrition: a survey of perceived knowledge and skill competencies and training interests among dietitians working with youth

scientific article published in March 2000

Adolescent vegetarians. A behavioral profile of a school-based population in Minnesota

scientific article published in August 1997

Adolescent vegetarians: how well do their dietary patterns meet the healthy people 2010 objectives?

scientific article published on May 2002

Adolescents engaging in unhealthy weight control behaviors: are they at risk for other health-compromising behaviors?

scientific article published on June 1, 1998

Adolescents involved in weight-related and power team sports have better eating patterns and nutrient intakes than non-sport-involved adolescents

scientific article

Adolescents who engage exclusively in healthy weight control behaviors: Who are they?

scientific article

Adolescents' attitudes toward sports, exercise, and fitness predict physical activity 5 and 10 years later.

scientific article

All in the family: correlations between parents' and adolescent siblings' weight and weight-related behaviors

journal article published in 2015

An Exploration of How Family Dinners Are Served and How Service Style Is Associated With Dietary and Weight Outcomes in Children.

scientific article published on April 2017

An Update on the Use and Value of School BMI Screening, Surveillance, and Reporting

article published in 2011

Are Correlates of Physical Activity in Adolescents Similar Across Ethnicity/Race and Sex: Implications for Interventions

scientific article published on 24 October 2019

Are body dissatisfaction, eating disturbance, and body mass index predictors of suicidal behavior in adolescents? A longitudinal study

scientific article published on October 2008

Are diet and physical activity patterns related to cigarette smoking in adolescents? Findings from Project EAT

scientific article

Are family meal patterns associated with disordered eating behaviors among adolescents?

article by Dianne Neumark-Sztainer et al published November 2004 in Journal of Adolescent Health

Are family meal patterns associated with overall diet quality during the transition from early to middle adolescence?

scientific article published in March 2009

Are food restriction and pressure-to-eat parenting practices associated with adolescent disordered eating behaviors?

scientific article published on 18 September 2013

Are parents of young children practicing healthy nutrition and physical activity behaviors?

scientific article

Assessing dietary intake during the transition to adulthood: a comparison of age-appropriate FFQ for youth/adolescents and adults

scientific article

Association between major patterns of dietary intake and weight status in adolescents

scientific article

Associations among Nine Family Dinner Frequency Measures and Child Weight, Dietary, and Psychosocial Outcomes

scientific article published on 10 February 2016

Associations between Dating Violence and High-Risk Sexual Behaviors among Male and Female Older Adolescents

Associations between Maternal Concern for Healthful Eating and Maternal Eating Behaviors, Home Food Availability, and Adolescent Eating Behaviors

Associations between body satisfaction and physical activity in adolescents: implications for programs aimed at preventing a broad spectrum of weight-related disorders

scientific article published in January 2004

Associations between friends' disordered eating and muscle-enhancing behaviors

scientific article

Associations between hurtful weight-related comments by family and significant other and the development of disordered eating behaviors in young adults

scientific article published on September 7, 2011

Associations between parental report of the home food environment and adolescent intakes of fruits, vegetables and dairy foods

scientific article published on 01 February 2005

Associations between parental stress, parent feeding practices, and child eating behaviors within the context of food insecurity

scientific article published on 15 June 2020

Associations between relationship status and day-to-day health behaviors and weight among diverse young adults.

scientific article

Associations between school meals offered through the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program and fruit and vegetable intake among ethnically diverse, low-income children

scientific article published on October 2010

Associations between sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and fast-food restaurant frequency among adolescents and their friends

scientific article published on 13 April 2014

Associations between watching TV during family meals and dietary intake among adolescents

scientific article published in September 2007

Associations between weight talk exposure and unhealthy weight control behaviors among young adults: A person-centered approach to examining how much the source and type of weight talk matters

scientific article published on 22 October 2020

Associations of early adulthood life transitions with changes in fast food intake: a latent trajectory analysis

scientific article published on 09 October 2020

Associations of weight-based teasing and emotional well-being among adolescents

scientific article published on August 2003

Authors' Response

Author’s Response

Beyond Screen Time: Assessing Recreational Sedentary Behavior among Adolescent Girls.

scientific article

Bidirectional associations between body dissatisfaction and depressive symptoms from adolescence through early adulthood.

scientific article published on 16 November 2017

Binge and purge behavior among adolescents:


Black, Hispanic, and white girls' perceptions of environmental and social support and enjoyment of physical activity

scientific article published on June 2008

Body Dissatisfaction Prospectively Predicts Depressive Mood and Low Self-Esteem in Adolescent Girls and Boys

scientific article published on 01 December 2006

Body dissatisfaction and body comparison with media images in males and females

scientific article published in August 2007

Body dissatisfaction and unhealthy weight-control practices among adolescents with and without chronic illness: a population-based study

scientific article published in December 1995

Body dissatisfaction from adolescence to young adulthood: findings from a 10-year longitudinal study

scientific article published on 18 October 2012

Body dissatisfaction: Do associations with disordered eating and psychological well-being differ across race/ethnicity in adolescent girls and boys?

scientific article published on 8 June 2015

Body dissatisfaction: an overlooked public health concern


Body fat is differentially related to body mass index in U.S.-born African-American and East African immigrant girls

scientific article

Body image concerns, muscle-enhancing behaviors, and eating disorders in males

scientific article published in November 2014

Body image perceptions and dieting among African-American pre-adolescent girls and parents/caregivers

scientific article published on January 2003

Body satisfaction during pregnancy

scientific article

Breakfast eating and weight change in a 5-year prospective analysis of adolescents: Project EAT (Eating Among Teens).

scientific article

But I like PE: factors associated with enjoyment of physical education class in middle school girls

scientific article published on March 2008

Calcium and dairy intake: Longitudinal trends during the transition to young adulthood and correlates of calcium intake.

scientific article

Calcium and dairy intakes of adolescents are associated with their home environment, taste preferences, personal health beliefs, and meal patterns

scientific article published in November 2006

Calorie Labels on the Restaurant Menu: Is the Use of Weight-Control Behaviors Related to Ordering Decisions?

scientific article published on 8 January 2018

Can we simultaneously work toward the prevention of obesity and eating disorders in children and adolescents?

article by Dianne Neumark-Sztainer published 2005 in International Journal of Eating Disorders

Caretaker-child interaction during children's 24-hour dietary recalls: who contributes what to the recall record?

scientific article published in April 2000

Casual sex and psychological health among young adults: is having "friends with benefits" emotionally damaging?

scientific article published in December 2009

Changes in diet, weight, and serum lipid levels associated with olestra consumption

scientific article published in September 2000

Changes in the frequency of family meals from 1999 to 2010 in the homes of adolescents: trends by sociodemographic characteristics

scientific article published on 20 August 2012

Characteristics Associated With Older Adolescents Who Have a Television in Their Bedrooms

Characteristics and dietary patterns of adolescents who value eating locally grown, organic, nongenetically engineered, and nonprocessed food

scientific article published in January 2009

Characteristics of a Favorable Weight Status Change From Adolescence to Young Adulthood.

scientific article published on 7 November 2015

Characteristics of vegetarian adolescents in a multiethnic urban population

scientific article published on December 2001

Child Maltreatment's Heavy Toll: The Need for Trauma-Informed Obesity Prevention

scientific article published on 11 December 2015

Child versus parent report of parental influences on children's weight-related attitudes and behaviors

scientific article published on 27 February 2008

Childhood abuse victimization, stress-related eating, and weight status in young women

scientific article

Childhood obesity and interpersonal dynamics during family meals

scientific article

Childhood psychosocial challenges and risk for obesity in U.S. men and women

Chronic illness and disordered eating: a discussion of the literature

scientific article

Community-level obesity prevention is not associated with dieting behaviours and weight dissatisfaction in children: The Healthy Communities Study

scientific article published on 22 December 2019

Compared to Pre-prepared Meals, Fully and Partly Home-Cooked Meals in Diverse Families with Young Children Are More Likely to Include Nutritious Ingredients

scientific article published on 11 February 2019

Comparing childhood meal frequency to current meal frequency, routines, and expectations among parents

scientific article

Concordance of children's intake of selected food groups as reported by parents via 24-h dietary recall and ecological momentary assessment

scientific article published on 24 June 2020

Constrained choices: Combined influences of work, social circumstances, and social location on time-dependent health behaviors

scientific article published on 04 March 2020

Consumer preferences in format and type of community-based weight control programs

scientific article published in September 1998

Correlates of fruit and vegetable intake among adolescents. Findings from Project EAT.

scientific article published in September 2003

Correlates of inadequate fruit and vegetable consumption among adolescents

scientific article

Correlates of psychosocial well-being among overweight adolescents: the role of the family

scientific article published in February 2007

Correlates of unhealthy weight-control behaviors among adolescents: implications for prevention programs

scientific article published in January 2003

Correlations between family meals and psychosocial well-being among adolescents

scientific article

Couch potatoes or french fries: are sedentary behaviors associated with body mass index, physical activity, and dietary behaviors among adolescents?

scientific article published in October 2003

Could the resource depletion model of self-control help the field to better understand momentary processes that lead to binge eating?

scientific article published on 21 October 2016

Covariations of eating behaviors with other health-related behaviors among adolescents

scientific article published in June 1997

Covariations of unhealthy weight loss behaviors and other high-risk behaviors among adolescents

scientific article published in March 1996

Creating a replicable, valid cross-platform buffering technique: the sausage network buffer for measuring food and physical activity built environments

scientific article

Cumulative Encouragement to Diet From Adolescence to Adulthood: Longitudinal Associations With Health, Psychosocial Well-Being, and Romantic Relationships

scientific article published on 07 September 2019

Date violence and date rape among adolescents: associations with disordered eating behaviors and psychological health

scientific article published in May 2002

Dating violence among a nationally representative sample of adolescent girls and boys: associations with behavioral and mental health

scientific article published on January 1, 2003

Demographic, dietary and lifestyle factors differentially explain variability in serum carotenoids and fat-soluble vitamins: baseline results from the sentinel site of the Olestra Post-Marketing Surveillance Study

scientific article published on April 1999

Depressive symptoms and adolescent eating and health behaviors: a multifaceted view in a population-based sample

scientific article

Description of the home food environment in Black, White, Hmong, Latino, Native American and Somali homes with 5-7-year-old children

scientific article published on 27 November 2018

Development and implementation of a visual card-sorting technique for assessing food and activity preferences and patterns in African American girls

scientific article published in November 2003

Developmental Trends and Determinants of Physical Activity From Adolescence to Adulthood Differ by Ethnicity/Race and Sex.

scientific article published on 9 February 2018

Diet and adolescent behavior: is there a relationship?

scientific article

Diet and lifestyle correlates of lutein in the blood and diet

scientific article published in March 2002

Dietary and weight-related behaviors and body mass index among Hispanic, Hmong, Somali, and white adolescents

scientific article

Dietary approaches to healthy weight management for adolescents: the New Moves model

scientific article published on December 2008

Dietary patterns and home food availability during emerging adulthood: do they differ by living situation?

scientific article

Dieting Status and its Relationship to Eating and Physical Activity Behaviors in a Representative Sample of US Adolescents

scientific article published on October 1, 1998

Dieting and Binge Eating

scientific article published on 01 May 1995

Dieting and binge eating among adolescents: what do they really mean?

scientific article published on April 1998

Dieting and disordered eating behaviors from adolescence to young adulthood: findings from a 10-year longitudinal study

scientific article

Dieting and encouragement to diet by significant others: associations with disordered eating in young adults.

scientific article published on 11 February 2013

Dieting and unhealthy weight control behaviors during adolescence: associations with 10-year changes in body mass index

scientific article published on 25 June 2011

Dieting for weight loss: associations with nutrient intake among women

scientific article published in November 1996

Differences in risk factors for binge eating by socioeconomic status in a community-based sample of adolescents: Findings from Project EAT

scientific article published on 02 April 2019

Directive and non-directive food-related parenting practices: Associations between an expanded conceptualization of food-related parenting practices and child dietary intake and weight outcomes.

scientific article published on 31 July 2016

Disordered Eating Behaviors and 15-year Trajectories in Body Mass Index: Findings From Project Eating and Activity in Teens and Young Adults (EAT)

scientific article published on 18 October 2019

Disordered eating and body dissatisfaction in adolescents with type 1 diabetes and a population-based comparison sample: comparative prevalence and clinical implications

scientific article published on 7 May 2008

Disordered eating and psychological well-being in overweight and nonoverweight adolescents: secular trends from 1999 to 2010

scientific article published on 30 January 2015

Disordered eating in ethnic minority adolescents with overweight

scientific article published on 16 December 2016

Disparities in dietary intake, meal patterning, and home food environments among young adult nonstudents and 2- and 4-year college students

article by Melissa C. Nelson et al published July 2009 in American Journal of Public Health

Do Parents Perceive That Organized Activities Interfere with Family Meals? Associations between Parent Perceptions and Aspects of the Household Eating Environment

scientific article published on 08 January 2020

Do adolescents who live or go to school near fast-food restaurants eat more frequently from fast-food restaurants?

scientific article published on September 15, 2012

Do consumers of savory snacks have poor-quality diets?

scientific article published in May 2000

Do parents or siblings engage in more negative weight-based talk with children and what does it sound like? A mixed-methods study

scientific article published on 26 May 2016

Do parents treat siblings similarly or differently with regard to feeding practices, weight-related conversations, and support for physical activity? An exploratory analysis

journal article published in 2016

Do young adults participate in surveys that 'go green'? Response rates to a web and mailed survey of weight-related health behaviors.

scientific article

Do young adults value sustainable diet practices? Continuity in values from adolescence to adulthood and linkages to dietary behaviour

scientific article published on 06 June 2019

Do youth sports prevent pediatric obesity? A systematic review and commentary

scientific article published on November 2011

Does Body Satisfaction Help or Harm Overweight Teens? A 10-Year Longitudinal Study of the Relationship Between Body Satisfaction and Body Mass Index.

scientific article

Does Body Satisfaction Matter? Five-year Longitudinal Associations between Body Satisfaction and Health Behaviors in Adolescent Females and Males


Does TV viewing during family meals make a difference in adolescent substance use?

scientific article

Does child temperament modify the overweight risk associated with parent feeding behaviors and child eating behaviors?: An exploratory study

scientific article published on 22 February 2016

Does exposure to controlling parental feeding practices during adolescence predict disordered eating behaviors 8 years later in emerging adulthood?

scientific article published on 13 August 2020

Does involvement in food preparation track from adolescence to young adulthood and is it associated with better dietary quality? Findings from a 10-year longitudinal study

scientific article

Does non-standard work mean non-standard health? Exploring links between non-standard work schedules, health behavior, and well-being

scientific article published on 20 December 2017

Does participation in organized sports predict future physical activity for adolescents from diverse economic backgrounds?

scientific article

Does television viewing predict dietary intake five years later in high school students and young adults?

scientific article published on 30 January 2009

Eat this, not that! Parental demographic correlates of food-related parenting practices.

scientific article published on 26 September 2012

Eating among teens: do family mealtimes make a difference for adolescents' nutrition?

scientific article

Eating breakfast and dinner together as a family: associations with sociodemographic characteristics and implications for diet quality and weight status

scientific article published on 15 October 2013

Eating disorders prevention: Looking backward, moving forward; looking inward, moving outward

scientific article

Eating when there is not enough to eat: eating behaviors and perceptions of food among food-insecure youths

Eating, Activity, and Weight-related Problems From Adolescence to Adulthood

scholarly article by Dianne Neumark-Sztainer et al published August 2018 in American Journal of Preventive Medicine

Eating- and weight-related parenting of adolescents in the context of food insecurity.

scientific article

Ecological momentary assessment of the snacking environments of children from racially/ethnically diverse households

scientific article published on 25 October 2019

Effect of School-Based Body Mass Index Reporting in California Public Schools: A Randomized Clinical Trial

scientific article published on 16 November 2020

Effect of socioeconomic status on weight change patterns in adolescents.

scientific article published on 15 December 2008

Emerging Adults' Intersecting Experiences of Food Insecurity, Unsafe Neighborhoods, and Discrimination during the COVID-19 Outbreak

scientific article published on 23 October 2020

Emerging adulthood and college-aged youth: an overlooked age for weight-related behavior change

scientific article published in October 2008

Erratum to ‘Eat this, not that! Parental demographic correlates of food-related parenting practices’ [Appetite 60 (2013) 140–147]

scholarly article published in Appetite

Ethnic differences in psychosocial and health behavior correlates of dieting, purging, and binge eating in a population-based sample of adolescent females

scientific article published on November 1, 1997

Ethnic variation in body composition assessment in a sample of adolescent girls

scientific article

Ethnic/racial differences in weight-related concerns and behaviors among adolescent girls and boys: findings from Project EAT.

scientific article published on November 2002

Ethnic/racial disparities in adolescents' home food environments and linkages to dietary intake and weight status

scientific article

Evaluation of an individualized counseling approach as part of a multicomponent school-based program to prevent weight-related problems among adolescent girls

scientific article

Examining associations between adolescent binge eating and binge eating in parents and friends

scientific article

Examining the effects of mindfulness-based yoga instruction on positive embodiment and affective responses

scientific article published on 15 March 2020

Examining unanswered questions about the home environment and childhood obesity disparities using an incremental, mixed-methods, longitudinal study design: The Family Matters study.

scientific article published on 08 August 2017

Examining variability in parent feeding practices within a low-income, racially/ethnically diverse, and immigrant population using ecological momentary assessment.

scientific article published on 20 April 2018

Examining within- and across-day relationships between transient and chronic stress and parent food-related parenting practices in a racially/ethnically diverse and immigrant population : Stress types and food-related parenting practices

scientific article published on 16 January 2018

Experiences of weight teasing in adolescence and weight-related outcomes in adulthood: A 15-year longitudinal study

scientific article published on 24 April 2017

Exploring Parent Perceptions of the Food Environment in Youth Sport

Exposure to Adverse Events and Associations with Stress Levels and the Practice of Yoga: Survey Findings from a Population-Based Study of Diverse Emerging Young Adults

scientific article published on 30 April 2020

Exposure to teasing on popular television shows and associations with adolescent body satisfaction

scientific article published on 27 September 2017

Factor Analysis Test of an Ecological Model of Physical Activity Correlates

scientific article published on 01 January 2019

Factors associated with changes in physical activity: a cohort study of inactive adolescent girls

scientific article published in August 2003

Factors associated with disordered eating among sexually active adolescent males: gender and number of sexual partners

scientific article published on 6 February 2008

Factors associated with errors in self-reports of stature, weight, and body mass index in Minnesota adolescents

scientific article published in April 2005

Factors associated with overweight among urban American Indian adolescents: findings from Project EAT.

scientific article published in January 2008

Factors influencing food choices of adolescents: findings from focus-group discussions with adolescents

scientific article

Familial correlates of adolescent girls' physical activity, television use, dietary intake, weight, and body composition

scientific article

Family Dinner Frequency Interacts With Dinnertime Context in Associations With Child and Parent BMI Outcomes

scientific article published on 15 May 2017

Family Home Food Environment and Nutrition-Related Parent and Child Personal and Behavioral Outcomes of the Healthy Home Offerings via the Mealtime Environment (HOME) Plus Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial

scientific article published on June 2017

Family dinner meal frequency and adolescent development: relationships with developmental assets and high-risk behaviors

scientific article published on 10 July 2006

Family food preparation and its effects on adolescent dietary quality and eating patterns

journal article published in 2016

Family functioning: associations with weight status, eating behaviors, and physical activity in adolescents

scientific article published on 29 August 2012

Family life cycle transitions and the onset of eating disorders: a retrospective grounded theory approach

scientific article published on 12 July 2011

Family meal frequency and weight status among adolescents: cross-sectional and 5-year longitudinal associations

scientific article published on 14 August 2008

Family meal patterns: associations with sociodemographic characteristics and improved dietary intake among adolescents

scientific article

Family meals among parents: Associations with nutritional, social and emotional wellbeing

scientific article published on 07 May 2018

Family meals and adolescents: what have we learned from Project EAT (Eating Among Teens)?

scientific article

Family meals and disordered eating in adolescents: are the benefits the same for everyone?

scientific article published on 6 August 2014

Family meals and disordered eating in adolescents: longitudinal findings from project EAT.

scientific article published in January 2008

Family meals and substance use: is there a long-term protective association?

scientific article published on 11 April 2008

Family meals during adolescence are associated with higher diet quality and healthful meal patterns during young adulthood

scientific article published in September 2007

Family meals. Associations with weight and eating behaviors among mothers and fathers

scientific article

Family meals: perceptions of benefits and challenges among parents of 8- to 10-year-old children

scientific article

Family mealtime while growing up: associations with symptoms of bulimia nervosa

scientific article published in January 2001

Family weight talk and dieting: how much do they matter for body dissatisfaction and disordered eating behaviors in adolescent girls?

scientific article

Family weight teasing, ethnicity and acculturation: Associations with well-being among Latinx, Hmong, and Somali Adolescents

scientific article published on 10 April 2019

Fast food for family meals: relationships with parent and adolescent food intake, home food availability and weight status

scientific article published in January 2007

Fast food intake among adolescents: secular and longitudinal trends from 1999 to 2004.

scientific article published on 7 January 2009

Fast food intake: longitudinal trends during the transition to young adulthood and correlates of intake

scientific article published on 10 March 2008

Fast food restaurant use among adolescents: associations with nutrient intake, food choices and behavioral and psychosocial variables

scientific article (publication date: December 2001)

Fat 'n happy 5 years later: is it bad for overweight girls to like their bodies?

scientific article published in October 2007

Feeding a family in a recession: food insecurity among Minnesota parents

scientific article published on 19 January 2012

Feminist identity, body image, and disordered eating

scientific article published on 22 December 2015

Fifteen-Year Prevalence, Trajectories, and Predictors of Body Dissatisfaction From Adolescence to Middle Adulthood

scientific article published on 29 July 2019

Fifteen-year Weight and Disordered Eating Patterns Among Community-based Adolescents

scientific article published on 10 November 2017

Five-year change in body satisfaction among adolescents.

scientific article published in October 2006

Five-year longitudinal and secular shifts in adolescent beverage intake: findings from project EAT (Eating Among Teens)-II.

scientific article published in February 2009

Five-year longitudinal predictive factors for disordered eating in a population-based sample of overweight adolescents: Implications for prevention and treatment

article by Dianne Neumark-Sztainer et al published November 2009 in International Journal of Eating Disorders

Focus groups with working parents of school-aged children: what's needed to improve family meals?

scientific article published on March 2011

Food Insecurity, Diet Quality, Home Food Availability, and Health Risk Behaviors Among Emerging Adults: Findings From the EAT 2010-2018 Study

scientific article published on 16 July 2020

Food and weight-related patterns and behaviors of Hmong adolescents

scientific article published in June 2007

Food availability, modeling and restriction: how are these different aspects of the family eating environment related to adolescent dietary intake?

journal article published in 2016

Food preparation and purchasing roles among adolescents: associations with sociodemographic characteristics and diet quality

scientific article published in February 2006

Food preparation by young adults is associated with better diet quality

scientific article

Food-related parenting practices and adolescent weight status: a population-based study

scientific article published on 22 April 2013

Food-related parenting practices and child and adolescent weight and weight-related behaviors

scientific article

Friends Like Me: Associations in Overweight/Obese Status among Adolescent Friends by Race/Ethnicity, Sex, and Friendship Type

scientific article

Friends' dieting and disordered eating behaviors among adolescents five years later: findings from Project EAT.

scientific article published on 15 March 2010

Fruit and Vegetable Intake Correlates During the Transition to Young Adulthood

scientific article published on 14 May 2008

Fruits and vegetables at home: child and parent perceptions

scientific article published on September 2009

Future directions for research on yoga and positive embodiment

scientific article published on 01 July 2020

Guess Who's Cooking? The Role of Men in Meal Planning, Shopping, and Preparation in US Families


HOME Plus: Program design and implementation of a family-focused, community-based intervention to promote the frequency and healthfulness of family meals, reduce children's sedentary behavior, and prevent obesity

scientific article published on 29 April 2015

He said, she said: examining parental concordance on home environment factors and adolescent health behaviors and weight status

journal article published in 2016

Health care information sources for adolescents: age and gender differences on use, concerns, and needs

scientific article published in September 2001

Healthful eating and physical activity in the home environment: results from multifamily focus groups

scientific article published on 20 December 2011

Healthy Home Offerings via the Mealtime Environment (HOME): feasibility, acceptability, and outcomes of a pilot study

scientific article

Higher Diet Quality in Adolescence and Dietary Improvements Are Related to Less Weight Gain During the Transition From Adolescence to Adulthood

scientific article

Higher weight status and restrictive eating disorders: an overlooked concern

scientific article published in January 2015

Home food environment factors associated with the presence of fruit and vegetables at dinner: A direct observational study

scientific article

Home/family, peer, school, and neighborhood correlates of obesity in adolescents.

scientific article published on 31 May 2013

Household food insecurity: associations with disordered eating behaviours and overweight in a population-based sample of adolescents

scientific article published on 29 May 2020

How is the practice of yoga related to weight status? Population-based findings from Project EAT-IV

journal article published in 2017

How significant is the 'significant other'? Associations between significant others' health behaviors and attitudes and young adults' health outcomes

scientific article

Identification and correlates of weight loss in adolescents in a national sample

scientific article published in February 2007

Identifying correlates of young adults' weight behavior: survey development.

scientific article published in November 2011

Improving the nutritional health of adolescents—position statement—society for adolescent medicine


Increasing weight-bearing physical activity and calcium-rich foods to promote bone mass gains among 9-11 year old girls: outcomes of the Cal-Girls study

scientific article

Individual and environmental influences on adolescent eating behaviors

scientific article

Informing family approaches to eating disorder prevention: perspectives of those who have been there.

scientific article published in March 2009

Integrated prevention of obesity and eating disorders: barriers, developments and opportunities.

scientific article published on 28 March 2012

Integrating messages from the eating disorders field into obesity prevention

scientific article published on December 1, 2012

Integrating the prevention of eating disorders and obesity: feasible or futile?

scientific article

Intergenerational Transmission of Parent Encouragement to Diet From Adolescence Into Adulthood


Intergenerational transmission of family meal patterns from adolescence to parenthood: longitudinal associations with parents' dietary intake, weight-related behaviours and psychosocial well-being

scientific article published on 17 October 2017

Internalization of the sociocultural ideal: weight-related attitudes and dieting behaviors among young adolescent girls

scientific article published in March 2001

Intimate Partner Violence and 5-Year Weight Change in Young Women: A Longitudinal Study

scientific article published on 11 January 2017

Introduction to the special issue on yoga and positive embodiment: a note from the editors on how we got here

scientific article published on 01 July 2020

Intuitive eating in young adults. Who is doing it, and how is it related to disordered eating behaviors?

scientific article

Intuitive eating longitudinally predicts better psychological health and lower use of disordered eating behaviors: findings from EAT 2010-2018

scientific article published on 31 January 2020

Is Friendship Network Weight Status Associated with One's Own Psychological Well-being? It Depends on One's Own Weight Status

scientific article published on May 2016

Is dieting advice from magazines helpful or harmful? Five-year associations with weight-control behaviors and psychological outcomes in adolescents

scientific article published in January 2007

Is olestra consumption associated with changes in dietary intake, serum lipids, and body weight?

scientific article published in September 2003

Is the childhood home food environment a confounder of the association between child maltreatment exposure and adult body mass index?

scientific article published on 14 February 2018

Lesbian, gay and bisexual college student perspectives on disparities in weight-related behaviours and body image: a qualitative analysis

scientific article published on 27 January 2016

Life Events and Longitudinal Effects on Physical Activity: Adolescence to Adulthood

scientific article published on 01 April 2019

Long-term impact of adolescent dating violence on the behavioral and psychological health of male and female youth

scientific article published on 24 July 2007

Longitudinal and Secular Trends in Parental Encouragement for Healthy Eating, Physical Activity, and Dieting Throughout the Adolescent Years

scientific article published on February 18, 2011

Longitudinal and secular trends in adolescent whole-grain consumption, 1999-2004.

scientific article published on 11 November 2009

Longitudinal and secular trends in weight-related teasing during adolescence

scientific article published in November 2008

Longitudinal associations between parenting style and adolescent disordered eating behaviors

scientific article published on 16 September 2014

Longitudinal changes in physical activity and sedentary behavior from adolescence to adulthood: comparing U.S.-born and foreign-born populations

scientific article

Longitudinal trajectories and prevalence of meeting dietary guidelines during the transition from adolescence to young adulthood

scientific article published on 01 March 2019

Major patterns of dietary intake in adolescents and their stability over time

scientific article

Making time for meals: meal structure and associations with dietary intake in young adults

scientific article

Male body image and weight-related disorders--reply

scientific article published in February 2015

Maternal and adolescent report of mothers' weight-related concerns and behaviors: longitudinal associations with adolescent body dissatisfaction and weight control practices

scientific article

Mediators involved in the relation between depressive symptoms and weight status in female adolescents and young adults

scientific article published on 2 February 2015

Millennials at work: workplace environments of young adults and associations with weight-related health

scientific article published on 11 August 2015

Mistreatment due to weight: prevalence and sources of perceived mistreatment in women and men.

scientific article published in November 1999

Momentary Parental Stress and Food-Related Parenting Practices

scientific article published on 22 November 2017

Mother-Father-Adolescent Triadic Concordance and Discordance on Home Environment Factors and Adolescent Disordered Eating Behaviors.

scientific article published in February 2018

Mother-reported parental weight talk and adolescent girls' emotional health, weight control attempts, and disordered eating behaviors

scientific article

Mothers' perceptions of their adolescents' weight status: are they accurate?

scientific article published in November 2004

Motivational interviewing as a component of a school-based obesity prevention program for adolescent girls

scientific article

Multicontextual correlates of adolescent leisure-time physical activity

scientific article published in June 2014

Multicontextual correlates of adolescent sugar-sweetened beverage intake

scientific article published on 01 May 2018

Multicontextual correlates of energy-dense, nutrient-poor snack food consumption by adolescents

scientific article published on 9 January 2017

Multiple sexual victimizations among adolescent boys and girls: prevalence and associations with eating behaviors and psychological health

scientific article published on January 2003

Multiple sociodemographic and socioenvironmental characteristics are correlated with major patterns of dietary intake in adolescents

scientific article published in February 2011

Multiple types of harassment: associations with emotional well-being and unhealthy behaviors in adolescents

scientific article

Muscle-enhancing behaviors among adolescent girls and boys

scientific article

New Moves: a school-based obesity prevention program for adolescent girls

scientific article

New moves-preventing weight-related problems in adolescent girls a group-randomized study

scientific article

No Time for Family Meals? Parenting Practices Associated with Adolescent Fruit and Vegetable Intake When Family Meals Are Not an Option.

scientific article published on 10 December 2016

Nonresident parental influence on adolescent weight and weight-related behaviors: similar or different from resident parental influence?

scientific article

Nutrition Facts Panels: Who Uses Them, What Do They Use, and How Does Use Relate to Dietary Intake?

scientific article published in February 2018

Nutrition Facts Use in Relation to Eating Behaviors and Healthy and Unhealthy Weight Control Behaviors

scientific article published on 21 December 2017

Obesity and eating disorder prevention: an integrated approach?

scientific article

Obesity in Adolescence Predicts Lower Educational Attainment and Income in Adulthood: The Project EAT Longitudinal Study

scientific article published on 01 September 2018

Obesity, Disordered Eating, and Eating Disorders in a Longitudinal Study of Adolescents: How Do Dieters Fare 5 Years Later?

article by Dianne Neumark-Sztainer et al published April 2006 in Journal of the American Dietetic Association

Obesity, body dissatisfaction, and emotional well-being in early and late adolescence: findings from the project EAT study

scientific article published on 25 September 2010

Olestra Postmarketing Surveillance Study: design and baseline results from the sentinel site.

scientific article

Olestra is associated with slight reductions in serum carotenoids but does not markedly influence serum fat-soluble vitamin concentrations

scientific article published in March 2006

Overeating among adolescents: prevalence and associations with weight-related characteristics and psychological health

scientific article published on January 2003

Overeating and binge eating in emerging adulthood: 10-year stability and risk factors

scientific article published on 21 December 2015

Overeating with and without loss of control: Associations with weight status, weight-related characteristics, and psychosocial health

scientific article

Overweight status and eating patterns among adolescents: where do youths stand in comparison with the healthy people 2010 objectives?

scientific article published on 01 May 2002

Overweight status and weight control behaviors in adolescents: longitudinal and secular trends from 1999 to 2004.

scientific article

Parent and family associations with weight-related behaviors and cognitions among overweight adolescents

scientific article published on 14 April 2010

Parent conversations about healthful eating and weight: associations with adolescent disordered eating behaviors.

scientific article published on August 2013

Parent-adolescent conversations about eating, physical activity and weight: prevalence across sociodemographic characteristics and associations with adolescent weight and weight-related behaviors.

scientific article

Parent-child connectedness and behavioral and emotional health among adolescents

scientific article published in January 2006

Parent-child health- and weight-focused conversations: Who is saying what and to whom?

scientific article published on 27 March 2018

Parent/Adolescent Weight Status Concordance and Parent Feeding Practices.

scientific article published on 24 August 2015

Parental Contributors to the Prevalence and Long-term Health Risks of Family Weight Teasing in Adolescence

scientific article published on 27 October 2020

Parental correlates of physical activity in a racially/ethnically diverse adolescent sample

scientific article published on 01 April 2002

Parental eating behaviours, home food environment and adolescent intakes of fruits, vegetables and dairy foods: longitudinal findings from Project EAT.

scientific article published on 29 March 2007

Parental employment and work-family stress: associations with family food environments

scientific article

Parental influences on adolescents' physical activity and sedentary behavior: longitudinal findings from Project EAT-II

Parental influences on adolescents' physical activity and sedentary behavior: longitudinal findings from Project EAT-II.

scientific article

Parental report versus child perception of familial support: which is more associated with child physical activity and television use?

scientific article

Parenting adolescent girls with type 1 diabetes: parents' perspectives

scientific article published in April 2004

Parenting an overweight or obese teen: issues and advice from parents

scientific article published on 4 July 2012

Parenting characteristics in the home environment and adolescent overweight: a latent class analysis.

scientific article

Parenting style and family meals: cross-sectional and 5-year longitudinal associations

scientific article

Parenting style as a predictor of adolescent weight and weight-related behaviors

scientific article

Participation in weight-related sports is associated with higher use of unhealthful weight-control behaviors and steroid use.

scientific article published in March 2007

Patterns of health-compromising behaviors among Minnesota adolescents: sociodemographic variations

scientific article published on 01 November 1996

Patterns of obesogenic neighborhood features and adolescent weight: a comparison of statistical approaches

scientific article

Patterns of weight control behavior persisting beyond young adulthood: Results from a 15-year longitudinal study

scientific article published on 01 September 2018

Peer harassment and disordered eating

scientific article published on April 2008

Peer harassment, school connectedness, and academic achievement

scientific article published in October 2003

Perceived and Police-Reported Neighborhood Crime: Linkages to Adolescent Activity Behaviors and Weight Status

scientific article published in August 2015

Perceived barriers to and incentives for participation in a weight-loss program among low-income women in WIC.

scientific article published in January 1998

Perceived social-ecological factors associated with fruit and vegetable purchasing, preparation, and consumption among young adults

scientific article published on 16 August 2013

Perceived stigmatization among overweight African-American and Caucasian adolescent girls

scientific article

Perceptions of secondary school staff toward the implementation of school-based activities to prevent weight-related disorders: a needs assessment

scientific article published in January 1999

Persistence of Weight Loss Behavior Among Adolescent Girls in Jerusalem

scientific article published in January 1997

Personal, behavioral and socio-environmental predictors of overweight incidence in young adults: 10-yr longitudinal findings.

scientific article published on 25 March 2013

Personal, behavioral, and environmental predictors of healthy weight maintenance during the transition to adulthood

scientific article published on 02 May 2018

Personal, behavioral, and environmental risk and protective factors for adolescent overweight

scientific article published in November 2007

Perspectives about family meals from single-headed and dual-headed households: a qualitative analysis

scientific article published on December 2013

Physical Activity Patterns Among Somali Adolescents in Minnesota

scientific article published on 10 December 2014

Physical Activity and Sociodemographic Correlates of Adolescent Exergamers

scientific article published on 01 May 2018

Physical activity and screen time in adolescents and their friends

scientific article

Physical activity and sports team participation: associations with academic outcomes in middle school and high school students

scientific article published in January 2010

Physical activity attitudes, preferences, and practices in African American, Hispanic, and Caucasian girls

scientific article published on February 2006

Physical activity within a community-based weight control program: program evaluation and predictors of success.

scientific article published in January 1995

Policy Actions to Address Weight-Based Bullying and Eating Disorders in Schools: Views of Teachers and School Administrators

scientific article

Positive attitudes toward organic, local, and sustainable foods are associated with higher dietary quality among young adults

scientific article published on January 2013

Predictors of adolescent breakfast consumption: longitudinal findings from Project EAT.

scientific article published in September 2011

Predictors of dieting and disordered eating behaviors from adolescence to young adulthood

scientific article

Predictors of fruit and vegetable intake in young adulthood

scientific article

Predictors of initiation and persistence of unhealthy weight control behaviours in adolescents

scientific article published on 29 October 2009

Prevalence Rates and Psychological Predictors of Secretive Eating in Overweight and Obese Adolescents

Prevalence and correlates of weight-control behaviors among Caribbean adolescent students

scientific article published in August 2002

Prevalence and risk and protective factors related to disordered eating behaviors among adolescents: relationship to gender and ethnicity

scientific article

Prevalence and utility of DSM-IV eating disorder diagnostic criteria among youth

scientific article published in July 2007

Prevalence of adolescents' self-weighing behaviors and associations with weight-related behaviors and psychological well-being.

scientific article published on 20 February 2013

Preventing and treating adolescent obesity: A position paper of the Society for Adolescent Medicine


Preventing eating disorder pathology: common and unique features of successful eating disorders prevention programs

scientific article

Preventing obesity and eating disorders in adolescents: what can health care providers do?

scientific article published on March 2009

Preventing the broad spectrum of weight-related problems: working with parents to help teens achieve a healthy weight and a positive body image

scientific article

Prevention of body dissatisfaction and disordered eating: What next?

scientific article published on July 2006

Prevention of obesity and eating disorders: a consideration of shared risk factors

scientific article published on 8 September 2006

Problematic eating behaviors and attitudes predict long-term incident metabolic syndrome and diabetes: The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults Study

scientific article published on 12 January 2019

Promoting healthful family meals to prevent obesity: HOME Plus, a randomized controlled trial

scientific article

Promoting healthy eating and physical activity in adolescents

scientific article

Prospective Predictors of Body Dissatisfaction in Young Adults: 10-year Longitudinal Findings

scientific article

Prospective predictors of body dissatisfaction in adolescent girls and boys: a five-year longitudinal study

scientific article published in September 2006

Providing calorie information on fast-food restaurant menu boards: consumer views.

scientific article

Psychological and behavioral risk profiles as they relate to eating disorder diagnoses and symptomatology among a school-based sample of youth

scientific article published on 24 September 2010

Psychological distress is associated with unhealthful dietary practices

scientific article published on 01 May 2002

Psychosocial and Health Behavior Outcomes of Young Adults with Asthma or Diabetes

scientific article published on April 2012

Psychosocial and behavioral correlates of dieting among overweight and non-overweight adolescents

scientific article published in May 2006

Psychosocial and behavioral correlates of dieting and purging in Native American adolescents

scientific article

Psychosocial concerns and health-compromising behaviors among overweight and nonoverweight adolescents

scientific article

Psychosocial concerns and weight control behaviors among overweight and nonoverweight Native American adolescents

scientific article published in June 1997

Psychosocial correlates of health compromising behaviors among adolescents


Psychosocial predictors of binge eating and purging behaviors among adolescents with and without diabetes mellitus

scientific article published in October 1996

Public-health approach to eating disorders

scientific article published in The Lancet

Questionnaire-based problematic relationship to eating and food is associated with 25 year body mass index trajectories during midlife: The Coronary Artery Risk Development In Young Adults (CARDIA) Study

scientific article

Racial/ethnic differences in weight-related teasing in adolescents

scientific article published in November 2008

Reading magazine articles about dieting and associated weight control behaviors among adolescents

scientific article published in January 2003

Recommendations from Overweight Youth Regarding School‐Based Weight Control Programs

scientific article published on December 1, 1997

Reducing barriers to participation in weight-loss programs in low-income women

scientific article published in February 1998

Relationship between adolescents' and their friends' eating behaviors: breakfast, fruit, vegetable, whole-grain, and dairy intake

scientific article

Relationships between body satisfaction and psychological functioning and weight-related cognitions and behaviors in overweight adolescents

scientific article published on 10 February 2012

Relationships between maternal and adolescent weight-related behaviors and concerns: the role of perception

scientific article published in July 2006

Relationships between the family environment and school-based obesity prevention efforts: can school programs help adolescents who are most in need?

scientific article

Relative food abundance predicts greater binge-eating symptoms in subsequent hours among young adults experiencing food insecurity: Support for the “feast-or-famine” cycle hypothesis from an ecological momentary assessment study

scientific article published in 2023

Review of options for primary prevention of eating disturbances among adolescents


Risk Behaviors and Emotional Well-Being in Youth With Chronic Health Conditions


Risk Factors for Disordered Eating in Overweight Adolescents and Young Adults

scientific article

School lunch and snacking patterns among high school students: associations with school food environment and policies

scientific article

School-based programs for obesity prevention: what do adolescents recommend?

scientific article published on March 2000

School-based programs for preventing eating disturbances

scientific article published on February 1996

Secular Trends in Meal and Snack Patterns among Adolescents from 1999 to 2010.

scientific article published on 16 October 2015

Secular trends in family dinner frequency among adolescents

scientific article published on 22 January 2016

Secular trends in fast-food restaurant use among adolescents and maternal caregivers from 1999 to 2010

Secular trends in weight status and weight-related attitudes and behaviors in adolescents from 1999 to 2010.

scientific article published on 15 October 2011

Self-Perceived Cooking Skills in Emerging Adulthood Predict Better Dietary Behaviors and Intake 10 Years Later: A Longitudinal Study

scientific article published on 7 March 2018

Self-Weighing Throughout Adolescence and Young Adulthood: Implications for Well-Being.

scientific article

Self-Weighing: Helpful or Harmful for Psychological Well-Being? A Review of the Literature

scientific article published on March 2015

Self-reported dieting: How should we ask? What does it mean? Associations between dieting and reported energy intake

scientific article published on December 1, 1997

Self-weighing among adolescents: associations with body mass index, body satisfaction, weight control behaviors, and binge eating

scientific article

Self-weighing and weight control behaviors among adolescents with a history of overweight

scientific article published on 6 December 2008

Self-weighing behaviors in young adults: tipping the scale toward unhealthy eating behaviors?

scientific article

Self-weighing in adolescents: helpful or harmful? Longitudinal associations with body weight changes and disordered eating

scientific article published in December 2006

Setting policy priorities to address eating disorders and weight stigma: views from the field of eating disorders and the US general public

scientific article

Shared and non-shared risk and protective factors of binge eating and binge drinking from adolescence to young adulthood

scientific article published on 24 April 2019

Shared meals among young adults are associated with better diet quality and predicted by family meal patterns during adolescence

scientific article published on 3 August 2012

Shared risk and protective factors for overweight and disordered eating in adolescents

scientific article

Shared risk factors for mood-, eating-, and weight-related health outcomes

scientific article published on 21 December 2015

Should we discuss weight and calories in adolescent obesity prevention and weight-management programs? Perspectives of adolescent girls

scientific article published in September 2006

Sibling eating behaviours and parental feeding practices with siblings: similar or different?

scientific article

Significant others' weight-related comments and their associations with weight-control behavior, muscle-enhancing behavior, and emotional well-being

scientific article published in December 2017

Sleep duration and BMI in a sample of young adults

scientific article

Sleep indices and eating behaviours in young adults: findings from Project EAT.

scientific article

Snacking on Television: A Content Analysis of Adolescents' Favorite Shows

scientific article published on 19 May 2016

Social and Psychological Factors Associated With Adolescent Physical Activity

scientific article published on 11 May 2016

Social isolation, psychological health, and protective factors in adolescence

scientific article published on 01 January 2007

Social, educational, and psychological correlates of weight status in adolescents

scientific article published on January 2001

Society for Adolescent Medicine Position Statement. Improving the nutritional health of adolescents

scientific article published on 01 January 2000

Socio-environmental, personal and behavioural predictors of fast-food intake among adolescents

Sociodemographic and personal characteristics of adolescents engaged in weight loss and weight/muscle gain behaviors: who is doing what?

scientific article

Socioeconomic differences in overweight and weight-related behaviors across adolescence and young adulthood: 10-year longitudinal findings from Project EAT.

scientific article published on 09 March 2016

Socioenvironmental, Personal, and Behavioral Correlates of Severe Obesity among an Ethnically/Racially Diverse Sample of US Adolescents

scientific article

Sport participation during adolescence and suicide ideation and attempts

scientific article

Sports and energy drink consumption are linked to health-risk behaviours among young adults

scientific article published on 16 February 2015

Stability and change in patterns of eating disorder symptoms from adolescence to young adulthood.

scientific article published on 15 February 2017

Stability of eating disorder diagnostic classifications in adolescents: five-year longitudinal findings from a population-based study

scientific article published in July 2011

Steroid use among adolescents: findings from Project EAT.

scientific article

Steroid use among adolescents: longitudinal findings from Project EAT.

scientific article published in March 2007

Stressful life events and disordered eating behaviors: findings from Project EAT.

scientific article published on 24 June 2008

Striving to prevent obesity and other weight-related problems in adolescent girls: The New Moves approach

Structural and interpersonal characteristics of family meals: associations with adolescent body mass index and dietary patterns

scientific article published on 6 April 2013

Structured physical activity and psychosocial correlates in middle-school girls

scientific article published on 15 February 2007

Suicidal behavior in adolescents: relationship to weight status, weight control behaviors, and body dissatisfaction

scientific article published in January 2008

Teasing, disordered eating behaviors, and psychological morbidities among overweight adolescents

scientific article published on November 2008

The Contribution of Snacking to Overall Diet Intake among an Ethnically and Racially Diverse Population of Boys and Girls

scientific article published on 25 November 2019

The Healthy Home Offerings via the Mealtime Environment (HOME) Plus study: design and methods

scientific article

The Transmission of Family Food and Mealtime Practices From Adolescence to Adulthood: Longitudinal Findings From Project EAT-IV.

scientific article

The course of binge eating from adolescence to young adulthood

scientific article published on 26 August 2013

The home physical activity environment and adolescent BMI, physical activity and TV viewing: Disparities across a diverse sample

scientific article

The importance of families to adolescents' physical activity and dietary intake

scientific article published on December 1, 2011

The interface between the eating disorders and obesity fields: moving toward a model of shared knowledge and collaboration

scientific article published on March 2009

The intergenerational transmission of family meal practices: a mixed-methods study of parents of young children.

scientific article published on 8 February 2019

The link between body dissatisfaction and self-esteem in adolescents: similarities across gender, age, weight status, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status

scientific article

The protective role of family meals for youth obesity: 10-year longitudinal associations

scientific article

The reciprocal relationship between parent-child connectedness and adolescent emotional functioning over 5 years

scientific article published on 16 January 2009

The relationship between unsupervised time after school and physical activity in adolescent girls

scientific article

The relationship of weight-related perceptions, goals, and behaviors with fruit and vegetable consumption in young adolescents.

scientific article published in February 2005

The relative importance of dissatisfaction, overvaluation and preoccupation with weight and shape for predicting onset of disordered eating behaviors and depressive symptoms over 15 years

scientific article published on 07 September 2018

The researchers have left the building: what contributes to sustaining school-based interventions following the conclusion of formal research support?

scientific article published on May 2014

The role of social norms and friends' influences on unhealthy weight-control behaviors among adolescent girls

scientific article

The social environments of adolescents: associations between socioenvironmental factors and health behaviors during adolescence.

scientific article

The state of adolescent health: Looking back and planning ahead


The unique and additive associations of family functioning and parenting practices with disordered eating behaviors in diverse adolescents.

scientific article published on 30 November 2012

The weight dilemma: A range of philosophical perspectives

scientific article

Theater as a behavior change strategy: qualitative findings from a school-based intervention

scientific article

Time 2 tlk 2nite: use of electronic media by adolescents during family meals and associations with demographic characteristics, family characteristics, and foods served.

scientific article

To the Editors

scientific article published on 01 March 1995

Trends in adolescent fruit and vegetable consumption, 1999-2004: project EAT.

scientific article published in February 2007

Unhealthy behaviors and psychosocial difficulties among overweight adolescents: the potential impact of familial factors

scientific article published in August 2002

Unhealthy weight control behaviors and substance use among adolescent girls: The harms of weight stigma

scientific article published on 28 May 2019

Unhealthy weight management behavior among adolescent girls with type 1 diabetes mellitus: the role of familial eating patterns and weight-related concerns

scientific article published in October 2004

Unhealthy weight-control behaviours, dieting and weight status: a cross-cultural comparison between North American and Spanish adolescents.

scientific article published on 11 October 2012

Use of a Web-Based Component of a Nutrition and Physical Activity Behavioral Intervention with Girl Scouts


V.I.K. (Very Important Kids): a school-based program designed to reduce teasing and unhealthy weight-control behaviors

scientific article published on 23 October 2006

Viewpoints of Minnesota students on school-based sexuality education

scientific article published in October 1997

Watching Television while Eating: Associations with Dietary Intake and Weight Status among a Diverse Sample of Young Children

scientific article published on 25 April 2019

Weight comments by family and significant others in young adulthood

scientific article published on December 15, 2010

Weight concerns and dieting behaviors among high school girls in Israel

scientific article published in January 1995

Weight control behaviors among adult men and women: cause for concern?

scientific article

Weight control behaviors among obese, overweight, and nonoverweight adolescents

scientific article published in September 2002

Weight control behaviors and dietary intake among adolescents and young adults: longitudinal findings from Project EAT.

scientific article published in November 2009

Weight control practices and disordered eating behaviors among adolescent females and males with type 1 diabetes: associations with sociodemographics, weight concerns, familial factors, and metabolic outcomes

scientific article (publication date: August 2002)

Weight control strategies of overweight adolescents who successfully lost weight

scientific article

Weight status and emotional well-being: longitudinal findings from Project EAT.

scientific article

Weight teasing and disordered eating behaviors in adolescents: longitudinal findings from Project EAT (Eating Among Teens).

scientific article

Weight-bearing physical activity among girls and mothers: relationships to girls' weight status

scientific article published on February 2004

Weight-control behaviors among adolescent girls and boys: implications for dietary intake

scientific article

Weight-control behaviors among adults and adolescents: associations with dietary intake

scientific article published in May 2000

Weight-related attitudes and behaviors ofadolescent boys and girls who are encouraged to diet by their mothers


Weight-related behaviors among adolescent girls and boys: results from a national survey

scientific article published in June 2000

Weight-related concerns and behaviors among overweight and nonoverweight adolescents: implications for preventing weight-related disorders

scientific article published in February 2002

Weight-related issues and high-risk sexual behaviors among college students

scientific article published in September 2005

Weight-related sports involvement in girls: who is at risk for disordered eating?

scientific article published in July 2002

Weight-related teasing from adolescence to young adulthood: longitudinal and secular trends between 1999 and 2010.

scientific article published on 13 April 2013

Weight-related teasing in the school environment: associations with psychosocial health and weight control practices among adolescent boys and girls

scientific article

Weight-teasing among adolescents: correlations with weight status and disordered eating behaviors

scientific article published on January 1, 2002

Weight-teasing and emotional well-being in adolescents: longitudinal findings from Project EAT.

scientific article published in June 2006

Weightism, racism, classism, and sexism: shared forms of harassment in adolescents

scientific article published on 06 April 2013

What Are We Drinking? Beverages Shown in Adolescents' Favorite Television Shows

scientific article

What can we do to help parents raise children with a healthy weight and a healthy body image?

scientific article published in October 2005

What's Being Served for Dinner? An Exploratory Investigation of the Associations between the Healthfulness of Family Meals and Child Dietary Intake.

scientific article published on 22 September 2016

What's for dinner? Types of food served at family dinner differ across parent and family characteristics.

scientific article published on 19 October 2012

Which dieters are at risk for the onset of binge eating? A prospective study of adolescents and young adults

scientific article

Who Values Gluten-Free? Dietary Intake, Behaviors, and Sociodemographic Characteristics of Young Adults Who Value Gluten-Free Food

scientific article published on 19 June 2018

Who is meeting the Healthy People 2020 objectives?: Comparisons between racially/ethnically diverse and immigrant children and adults

scientific article published on 01 December 2018

Whole-grain intake correlates among adolescents and young adults: findings from Project EAT.

scientific article published in February 2010

Why does dieting predict weight gain in adolescents? Findings from project EAT-II: a 5-year longitudinal study

scientific article published in March 2007

Work hours and perceived time barriers to healthful eating among young adults

scientific article

Yoga Practice Among Veterans With and Without Chronic Pain: A Mixed Methods Study

scientific article published on 01 September 2020

Yoga and Pilates: associations with body image and disordered-eating behaviors in a population-based sample of young adults

scientific article

Yoga and body image: Findings from a large population-based study of young adults

scientific article published on 27 December 2017

Yoga and body image: How do young adults practicing yoga describe its impact on their body image?

scientific article published on 03 October 2018

Yoga and eating disorders: is there a place for yoga in the prevention and treatment of eating disorders and disordered eating behaviours?

scientific article

Yoga and the experience of embodiment: a discussion of possible links

scientific article published on 10 January 2020

Yoga in the treatment of eating disorders within a residential program: A randomized controlled trial

scientific article published on 10 October 2016

Yoga practice among ethnically/racially diverse emerging adults: Associations with body image, mindful and disordered eating, and muscle-enhancing behaviors

scientific article published on 04 December 2020

Yoga's potential for promoting healthy eating and physical activity behaviors among young adults: a mixed-methods study.

scientific article

Young adult nutrition and weight correlates of picky eating during childhood

scientific article published on 06 December 2019

Young adults and eating away from home: associations with dietary intake patterns and weight status differ by choice of restaurant

scientific article published on November 2011

Youth dietary intake and weight status: healthful neighborhood food environments enhance the protective role of supportive family home environments

scientific article published on 08 December 2013