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List of works by Florent Rivals

A comparison of the dietary habits of a large sample of the Pleistocene pronghornStockoceros onusrosagrisfrom the Papago Springs Cave in Arizona to the modernAntilocapra americana


A multidisciplinary approach to reconstructing the chronology and environment of southwestern European Neanderthals: the contribution of Teixoneres cave (Moià, Barcelona, Spain)


A new application of dental wear analyses: estimation of duration of hominid occupations in archaeological localities

scientific article published on 9 April 2009

A new approach for deciphering between single and multiple accumulation events using intra-tooth isotopic variations: Application to the Middle Pleistocene bone bed of Schöningen 13 II-4.

scientific article published on 23 April 2015

A new software to improve standardization and quality of data in zooarchaeology

scientific article published in 2020

A new species of rhinoceros from the site of Bethlehem: ‘Dihoplus’ bethlehemsis sp. nov. (Mammalia, Rhinocerotidae)

scientific article published in January 2020

A resilient landscape at Teixoneres Cave (MIS 3; Moià, Barcelona, Spain): The Neanderthals as disrupting agent


A tool for determining duration of mortality events in archaeological assemblages using extant ungulate microwear

scientific article

A zooarchaeological contribution to establish occupational patterns at Level J of Abric Romaní (Barcelona, Spain)


Abundance or stress? Faunal exploitation patterns and subsistence strategies: The case study of Brush Hut 1 at Ohalo II, a submerged 23,000-year-old camp in the Sea of Galilee, Israel

scientific article published on 26 January 2022

An examination of dietary diversity patterns in Pleistocene proboscideans (Mammuthus, Palaeoloxodon, and Mammut) from Europe and North America as revealed by dental microwear

scientific article

Artiodactyls, favourite game of prehistoric hunters at the Caune de l?Arago Cave (Tautavel, France). Opportunistic or selective hunting strategies?


Assessing diet and animal mobility in Iron Age Languedoc, southern France: New insights from a multiproxy approach

Bamboo feeding and tooth wear of three sika deer (Cervus nippon) populations from northern Japan

scientific article published in 2014

Bears in the scene: Pleistocene complex interactions with implications concerning the study of Neanderthal behavior

article by E. Camarós et al published April 2017 in Quaternary International

Behavioural ecology of Late Pleistocene bears (Ursus spelaeus, Ursus ingressus): Insight from stable isotopes (C, N, O) and tooth microwear

scientific article

Caprine dental microwear reveals livestock management and exploitation of landscape during the Middle and Late Bronze Age of the Balearic Islands (ca. 1500–850 cal. BC)

Climate-related dietary diversity of the ungulate faunas from the middle Pleistocene succession (OIS 14-12) at the Caune de l'Arago (France)


Combined dental wear and cementum analyses in ungulates reveal the seasonality of Neanderthal occupations in Covalejos Cave (Northern Iberia)

scientific article published on 04 October 2019

Current research on mammoths and their relatives

scientific article published in 2020

Current research on the settlement dynamics of the Middle Paleolithic and the Middle Stone Age


Dental Wear Evidence for Browsing and Grazing Dietary Traits in the Giant Deer from the Late Pleistocene of Central Europe

scientific article published in 2022

Dental microwear analysis for investigating the diet of an argali population (Ovis ammon antiqua) of mid-Pleistocene age, Caune de l’Arago cave, eastern Pyrenees, France


Diet and ecological niches of the Late Pleistocene hyenas Crocuta spelaea and C. ultima ussurica based on a study of tooth microwear

scientific article published in 2022

Diet of Mongolian gazelles and Tibetan antelopes from steppe habitats using premaxillary shape, tooth mesowear and microwear analyses

Dietary adaptations in an ungulate community from the late Pliocene of Greece

scientific article

Dietary change and evolution of horses in North America

scientific article

Dietary ecology of extant guanaco (Lama guanicoe) from Southern Patagonia: seasonal leaf browsing and its archaeological implications

scholarly article by Florent Rivals published in July 2013

Dietary flexibility and niche partitioning of large herbivores through the Pleistocene of Britain

scholarly article

Dietary interpretation and paleoecology of herbivores from Pikermi and Samos (late Miocene of Greece)

article published in 2010

Dietary plasticity in ungulates: Insight from tooth microwear analysis


Dietary reconstruction of pygmy mammoths from Santa Rosa Island of California

scholarly article

Dietary traits and habitats of the reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) during the Late Glacial of Northern Europe

scientific article published on 6 April 2020

Dietary traits of the ungulates from the HWK EE site at Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania): Diachronic changes and seasonality.

scientific article published in September 2017

Differences in Tooth Microwear of Populations of Caribou (Rangifer tarandus, Ruminantia, Mammalia) and Implications to Ecology, Migration, Glaciations and Dental Evolution

Domestic and wild ungulate dietary traits at Kouphovouno (Sparta, Greece): implications for livestock management and paleoenvironment in the Neolithic

Découverte de Capra caucasica et d'Hemitragus cedrensis (Mammalia, Bovidae) dans les niveaux du Pléistocène supérieur de la Caune de l'Arago (Tautavel, France) : implication biochronologique dans le contexte du Bassin Méditerranéen


Effect of ontogenetic-age distribution in fossil and modern samples on the interpretation of ungulate paleodiets using the mesowear method

article published in 2007

Erq el Ahmar Elephant Site – A mammoth skeleton at a rare and controversial Plio-Pleistocene site along the mammal migration route out of Africa

scientific article published in 2019

Evidence for geographic variation in the diets of late Pleistocene and early Holocene Bison in North America, and differences from the diets of recent Bison


Examining Neanderthal and carnivore occupations of Teixoneres Cave (Moià, Barcelona, Spain) using archaeostratigraphic and intra-site spatial analysis

scientific article published on 22 February 2021

Fauna, environment and human presence during MIS5 in the North of Spain: The new site of Valdavara 3


Faunal dietary response to the Heinrich Event 4 in southwestern Europe

scholarly article by Florent Rivals published in May 2017

First reconstruction of the dietary traits of the Mediterranean deer ( Haploidoceros mediterraneus ) from the Cova del Rinoceront (NE Iberian Peninsula)

scientific article

Habitat et mode de vie des chasseurs paléolithiques de la Caune de l'Arago (600 000–400 000 ans)

High-resolution paleoenvironmental context for human occupations during the Middle Pleistocene in Europe (MIS 11, Germany)


Human ecological impacts on islands: Exemplified by a dwarf deer (Cervidae: Mazama sp.) on Pedro Gonzalez Island, Pearl Island Archipelago, Pacific Panama (6.2–5.6 kya)

scientific article published on 19 May 2022

Hunted or Scavenged Neanderthals? Taphonomic Approach to Hominin Fossils with Carnivore Damage

Hunting strategy and seasonality in the last interglacial occupation of Cueva Antón (Murcia, Spain)


Investigation of equid paleodiet from Schöningen 13 II-4 through dental wear and isotopic analyses: Archaeological implications

scientific article

Investigation of human hunting seasonality through dental microwear analysis of two Caprinae in late Pleistocene localities in Southern France


Large carnivore attacks on hominins during the Pleistocene: a forensic approach with a Neanderthal example

Large carnivores as taphonomic agents of space modification: an experimental approach with archaeological implications

scholarly article by Edgard Camarós published in February 2013

Large mammal diets and paleoecology across the Oldowan–Acheulean transition at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania from stable isotope and tooth wear analyses

scientific article published on 08 May 2018

Late Neanderthal short-term and specialized occupations at the Abri du Maras (South-East France, level 4.1, MIS 3)

scientific article published on 16 February 2021

Late Villafranchian Ursus etruscus and other large carnivorans from the Orce sites (Guadix-Baza basin, Andalusia, southern Spain): Taxonomy, biochronology, paleobiology, and ecogeographical context

scientific article

Late and middle Pleistocene ungulates dietary diversity in Western Europe indicate variations of Neanderthal paleoenvironments through time and space

scholarly article

Latitude matters: an examination of behavioural plasticity in dietary traits amongst extant and PleistoceneRangifer tarandus

Leporids as a potential resource for predators (hominins, mammalian carnivores, raptors): An example of mixed contribution from level III of Teixoneres Cave (MIS 3, Barcelona, Spain)


Les faunes de grands mammifères de la Caune de l'Arago (Tautavel) dans le cadre biochronologique des faunes du Pléistocène moyen italien

Les faunes des sites du Pléistocène supérieur du Caucase méridional : Grotte de Sakažhia, Grotte d’Ortvala et Grotte du Bronze (République de Géorgie)

Make it clear: molds, transparent casts and lightning techniques for stereomicroscopic analysis of taphonomic modifications on bone surfaces

scientific article published on 29 January 2016

Microwear and isotopic analyses on cave bear remains from Toll Cave reveal both short-term and long-term dietary habits

scientific article published on 05 April 2019

Middle Pleistocene ecology and Neanderthal subsistence: insights from stable isotope analyses in Payre (Ardèche, southeastern France).

scientific article published on 3 August 2013

Multiproxy evidence for leaf-browsing and closed habitats in extinct proboscideans (Mammalia, Proboscidea) from Central Chile

article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Neanderthal Landscapes and Their Home Environment: Flora and Fauna Records from Level J

Neanderthal faunal exploitation and settlement dynamics at the Abri du Maras, level 5 (south-eastern France)

scientific article published in 2020

Neanderthal selective hunting of reindeer? The case study of Abri du Maras (south-eastern France)


Neanderthals in a highly diverse, mediterranean-Eurosiberian forest ecotone: The pleistocene pollen record of Teixoneres Cave, northeastern Spain

scientific article published in 2020

Neanderthals’ hunting seasonality inferred from combined cementochronology, mesowear, and microwear analysis: case studies from the Alpine foreland in Italy

New insights in Neanderthal palaeoecology using stable oxygen isotopes preserved in small mammals as palaeoclimatic tracers in Teixoneres Cave (Moià, northeastern Iberia)

Occupational Patterns and Subsistence Strategies in Level J of Abric Romaní

article published in 2012

Palaeoecology of Neanderthals during Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles in northeastern Iberia (Abric Romaní): From regional to global scale

scholarly article

Palaeoecology of the Mammoth Steppe fauna from the late Pleistocene of the North Sea and Alaska: Separating species preferences from geographic influence in paleoecological dental wear analysis


Palaeoenvironmental and seasonal context of the Late Middle and Early Upper Palaeolithic occupations in Crimea: an approach using dental wear patterns in ungulates

scientific article published on 27 October 2020

Paleodietary reconstruction of fossil horses from the Eocene through Pleistocene of North America

scholarly article by Gina M. Semprebon published in January 2016

Paleoecology (δ13C and δ18O stable isotopes analysis) of a mammalian assemblage from the late Pleistocene of Hidalgo, central Mexico and implications for a better understanding of environmental conditions in temperate North America (18°–36°N La

scholarly article by Victor Manuel Bravo-Cuevas published in November 2017

Paleoenvironment in East Java during the last 25,000 years as inferred from bovid and cervid dental wear analyses

Paleoindian subsistence strategies and late Pleistocene paleoenvironments in the northeastern and southwestern United States: a tooth wear analysis

Presence of Hemitragus aff. cedrensis (Mammalia, Bovidae) in the Iberian Peninsula: Biochronological and biogeographical implications of its discovery at Bolomor Cave (Valencia, Spain)


Puzzling out a palimpsest: Testing an interdisciplinary study in level O of Abric Romaní

scholarly article

Quantitative and qualitative analysis for the study of Middle Paleolithic retouched artifacts: Unit III of Teixoneres cave (Barcelona, Spain)


Reconstruction of Caprine Management and Landscape Use Through Dental Microwear Analysis: The Case of the Iron Age Site of El Turó de la Font de la Canya (Barcelona, Spain)

scientific article of 2018

Resource partitioning and niche separation between mammoths (Mammuthus rumanus and Mammuthus meridionalis) and gomphotheres (Anancus arvernensis) in the Early Pleistocene of Europe

scholarly article

Season of bison mortality in TD10.2 bone bed at Gran Dolina site (Atapuerca): Integrating tooth eruption, wear, and microwear methods

Seasonality and intra-site variation of Neanderthal occupations in the Middle Palaeolithic locality of Payre (Ardèche, France) using dental wear analyses


Seasonality of the Final Natufian occupation at Eynan/Ain Mallaha (Israel): an approach combining dental ageing, mesowear and microwear

scientific article published on 9 September 2020

Seasonality, duration of the hominin occupations and hunting grounds at Middle Pleistocene Qesem Cave (Israel)

scientific article published on 27 October 2021

Short, but repeated Neanderthal visits to Teixoneres Cave (MIS 3, Barcelona, Spain): a combined analysis of tooth microwear patterns and seasonality


Stories written in teeth: New archeological insights from tooth-related studies

scholarly article by Florent Rivals published in April 2016

Straight from the horse's mouth: High-resolution proxies for the study of horse diet and its relation to the seasonal occupation patterns at Divnogor'ye 9 (Middle Don, Central Russia)

scholarly article

Tale of two timescales: Combining tooth wear methods with different temporal resolutions to detect seasonality of Palaeolithic hominin occupational patterns

Territorial Mobility of Neanderthal Groups: A Case Study from Level M of Abric Romaní (Capellades, Barcelona, Spain)


The Middle Pleistocene argali (Ovis ammon antiqua) assemblages at the Caune de l'Arago (Tautavel, Pyrénées-Orientales, France): were prehistoric hunters or carnivores responsible for their accumulation?


The Radiocarbon Approach to Neanderthals in a Carnivore Den Site: a Well-Defined Chronology for Teixoneres Cave (Moià, Barcelona, Spain)


The Role of Grass vs. Exogenous Abrasives in the Paleodietary Patterns of North American Ungulates

scientific article published in 2019

The bear necessities: A new dental microwear database for the interpretation of palaeodiet in fossil Ursidae

scholarly article by Spyridoula Pappa published in January 2019

The bears from Dmanisi and the first dispersal of early Homo out of Africa

scientific article published on 28 November 2019

The evolution of Paleolithic hominin–carnivore interaction written in teeth: Stories from the Swabian Jura (Germany)


The late Early Pleistocene suid remains from the paleoanthropological site of Buia (Eritrea): Systematics, biochronology and eco-geographical context

scholarly article by Tsegai Medin published in August 2015

Time uncertainty, site formation processes, and human behaviours: New insights on old issues in High-Resolution Archaeology

scholarly article by Francesca Romagnoli published in April 2018

Too good to go? Neanderthal subsistence strategies at Prado Vargas Cave (Burgos, Spain)

scientific article published in 2023

Tracking environmental changes in the Pleistocene using dental wear patterns in European fossil ungulates

scholarly article

Trends in the paleodietary habits of fossil camels from the Tertiary and Quaternary of North America

scientific article published in 2010

Un nouveau gisement paléontologique à Capra caucasica praepyrenaica : la grotte de l'Arche à Bugarach (Aude, France)


Un petit boeuf médiéval identifié dans un silo

scholarly article in Archéologie du Midi Médiéval, vol. 25 no. 1, 2007

Ungulate dietary traits and plasticity in zones of ecological transition inferred from late Pleistocene assemblages at Jou Puerta and Rexidora in the Cantabrian Region of northern Spain

scholarly article by Florent Rivals published in June 2018

Ungulate feeding ecology and middle Pleistocene paleoenvironments at Hundsheim and Deutsch-Altenburg 1 (eastern Austria)

scientific article published in 2012

Ungulates from Teixoneres Cave (Moià, Barcelona, Spain): Presence of cold-adapted elements in NE Iberia during the MIS 3


Unraveling a Neanderthal palimpsest from a zooarcheological and taphonomic perspective

Updating Neanderthals: Taking stock of more than 160 years of studies

Variations in Microtus arvalis and Microtus agrestis (Arvicolinae, Rodentia) Dental Morphologies in an Archaeological Context: the Case of Teixoneres Cave (Late Pleistocene, North-Eastern Iberia)

scholarly article by Elisa Luzi published in September 2016

Was grass more prevalent in the pronghorn past? An assessment of the dietary adaptations of Miocene to Recent Antilocapridae (Mammalia: Artiodactyla)

scientific article published in 2007

What can incisor microwear reveal about the diet of ungulates?

article by Florent Rivals et al published 1 January 2010 in Mammalia

Who eats whom? Taphonomic analysis of the avian record from the Middle Paleolithic site of Teixoneres Cave (Moià, Barcelona, Spain)


Within-island local variations in tooth wear of sika deer (Cervus nippon centralis) in northern Japan