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List of works by Alberto Gola

A SPAD-based hybrid system for time-gated fluorescence measurements

A comprehensive study of temperature stability of Silicon PhotoMultiplier

Analysis of single-photon time resolution of FBK silicon photomultipliers

Analysis of transit time spread on FBK silicon photomultipliers

Characterization of Linearly Graded Position-Sensitive Silicon Photomultipliers

Characterization of Single-Photon Time Resolution: From Single SPAD to Silicon Photomultiplier

Characterization of new FBK SiPM technology for visible light detection

scholarly article by N Serra et al published 27 March 2013 in Journal of Instrumentation

Characterization of the First FBK High-Density Cell Silicon Photomultiplier Technology

Development of an automatic procedure for the characterization of silicon photomultipliers

First measurements for the SiliPET project: A small animal PET scanner based on stacks of silicon detectors

First results on NUV-SiPMs at FBK

First results with SiPM tiles for TOF PET based on FBK RGB-HD technology

scientific article published on December 2015

High Detection Efficiency and Time Resolution Integrated-Passive-Quenched Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes

Influence of the active area size and read-out method on the timing performance of SiPMs coupled to LYSO scintillators

NUV Silicon Photomultipliers With High Detection Efficiency and Reduced Delayed Correlated-Noise

New Developments of Near-UV SiPMs at FBK

Performance of FBK high-density SiPM technology coupled to Ce:LYSO and Ce:GAGG for TOF-PET

scientific article published on 03 February 2014

Sensitivity encoded silicon photomultiplier--a new sensor for high-resolution PET-MRI.

scientific article published on 20 June 2013

SiPM optical crosstalk amplification due to scintillator crystal: effects on timing performance

scientific article published on 12 June 2014

Sub-100 ps coincidence time resolution for positron emission tomography with LSO:Ce codoped with Ca.

scientific article

Technological and Design Improvements of FBK NUV Silicon-Photomultipliers

The DRAGO gamma camera.

scientific article published in April 2010

Timing and Energy Resolution of new near-UV SiPMs coupled to LaBr3:Ce for TOF-PET.

scientific article published on October 2014

Timing performance of large area SiPMs coupled to LYSO using dark noise compensation methods