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List of works by Julie Christianson

Assessment of Perigenital Sensitivity and Prostatic Mast Cell Activation in a Mouse Model of Neonatal Maternal Separation

scientific article

Assessment of colon sensitivity by luminal distension in mice

scientific article published in January 2007

Basic and clinical aspects of visceral sensation: transmission in the CNS.

scientific article

Beneficial actions of neurotrophin treatment on diabetes-induced hypoalgesia in mice

scientific article published on November 2003

Convergence of bladder and colon sensory innervation occurs at the primary afferent level

scientific article published on 27 October 2006

Development, plasticity and modulation of visceral afferents

scientific article

Diabetes-induced expression of activating transcription factor 3 in mouse primary sensory neurons

scientific article published in December 2004

Dichotomizing axons in spinal and vagal afferents of the mouse stomach

scientific article published on 18 May 2007

Differences in spinal distribution and neurochemical phenotype of colonic afferents in mouse and rat

scientific article published on 01 January 2006

Distribution and neurochemical identification of pancreatic afferents in the mouse

scientific article published on July 2008

Exercise-mediated improvements in painful neuropathy associated with prediabetes in mice

scientific article published on 06 August 2013

Genetic control of the segregation of pain-related sensory neurons innervating the cutaneous versus deep tissues

scientific article published on 5 December 2013

Ion channels, ion channel receptors, and visceral hypersensitivity in irritable bowel syndrome

scientific article

Motor, Somatosensory, Viscerosensory and Metabolic Impairments in a Heterozygous Female Rat Model of Rett Syndrome

scientific article

Neonatal colon insult alters growth factor expression and TRPA1 responses in adult mice

scientific article published on 17 September 2010

Neonatal maternal separation increases susceptibility to experimental colitis and acute stress exposure in male mice

scientific article published on 30 July 2016

Neonatal vaginal irritation results in long-term visceral and somatic hypersensitivity and increased hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis output in female mice.

scientific article

Nerve growth factor blocks the glucose-induced down-regulation of caveolin-1 expression in Schwann cells via p75 neurotrophin receptor signaling

scientific article published on 5 April 2003

Neurotrophic modulation of myelinated cutaneous innervation and mechanical sensory loss in diabetic mice

scientific article published on 16 December 2006

Restorative effects of neurotrophin treatment on diabetes-induced cutaneous axon loss in mice

scientific article published on February 2003

Stress and chronic pelvic pain

scientific article

Synergistic role of TRPV1 and TRPA1 in pancreatic pain and inflammation

scientific article published on 24 December 2010

TPRV1 expression defines functionally distinct pelvic colon afferents

scientific article published on January 2009

TRPV1 and TRPA1 function and modulation are target tissue dependent

scientific article

Transient receptor potential vanilloid 1-immunopositive neurons in the mouse are more prevalent within colon afferents compared to skin and muscle afferents.

scientific article published on 29 March 2006

Urinary bladder hypersensitivity and dysfunction in female mice following early life and adult stress

scientific article published on 29 February 2016

Vaginal hypersensitivity and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis dysfunction as a result of neonatal maternal separation in female mice.

scientific article published on 23 January 2014

Voluntary wheel running attenuates urinary bladder hypersensitivity and dysfunction following neonatal maternal separation in female mice

scientific article published on 21 February 2018