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List of works by Paolo De Coppi

5 years after an ACE: what happens then?

scientific article published on 29 January 2016

A Continuum Robot and Control Interface for Surgical Assist in Fetoscopic Interventions

scientific article published on March 2017

A comparison of tracheal scaffold strategies for pediatric transplantation in a rabbit model

scientific article published on 4 August 2017

A decellularization methodology for the production of a natural acellular intestinal matrix

scientific article published on 7 October 2013

A patient led, international study of long term outcomes of esophageal atresia: EAT 1.

scientific article published on 9 June 2017

A potential platform for developing 3D tubular scaffolds for paediatric organ development

scientific article published on 4 March 2015

A rat decellularized small bowel scaffold that preserves villus-crypt architecture for intestinal regeneration

scientific article published on 3 February 2012

A systematic review and meta-analysis on fetal ovarian cysts: impact of size, appearance and prenatal aspiration.

scientific article published on 8 September 2017

Activation of regulatory T cells during inflammatory response is not an exclusive property of stem cells

scientific article (publication date: 2012)

Adaptable haemodynamic endothelial cells for organogenesis and tumorigenesis

scientific article published on 09 September 2020

Advanced Necrotizing Enterocolitis Part 1: Mortality

scientific article published on March 20, 2012

Advanced Necrotizing Enterocolitis Part 2: Recurrence of Necrotizing Enterocolitis

scientific article published on March 20, 2012

Advances in musculoskeletal tissue engineering: moving towards therapy

scientific article published on July 2010

Airway tissue engineering

scientific article

Airway tissue engineering: an update

scientific article published on 07 August 2014

Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells Are Cardioprotective Following Acute Myocardial Infarction

scientific article published on 08 July 2011

Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells Restore the Muscle Cell Niche in a HSA-Cre, SmnF7/F7 Mouse Model

scientific article published on 01 August 2012

Amniotic Fluid and Placental Stem Cells

scientific article published on 01 January 2006

Amniotic fluid and bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells can be converted to smooth muscle cells in the cryo-injured rat bladder and prevent compensatory hypertrophy of surviving smooth muscle cells

scientific article published in January 2007

Amniotic fluid stem cell migration after intraperitoneal injection in pup rats: implication for therapy

scientific article published in January 2010

Amniotic fluid stem cells improve survival and enhance repair of damaged intestine in necrotising enterocolitis via a COX-2 dependent mechanism

scientific article published on 24 March 2013

Amniotic fluid stem cells increase embryo survival following injury

scientific article published on 21 November 2011

Amniotic fluid stem cells prevent development of ascites in a neonatal rat model of necrotizing enterocolitis

scientific article published on 12 July 2013

Amniotic mesenchymal cells autotransplanted in a porcine model of cardiac ischemia do not differentiate to cardiogenic phenotypes

scientific article published on 26 September 2005

Amyloid persistence in decellularized liver: biochemical and histopathological characterization.

scientific article published on 8 December 2015

Angiogenic gene-modified muscle cells for enhancement of tissue formation

scientific article published in July 2005

Antenatal management of isolated congenital diaphragmatic hernia today and tomorrow: ongoing collaborative research and development. Journal of Pediatric Surgery Lecture.

scientific article

Arterial tissue regeneration for pediatric applications: inspiration from up-to-date tissue-engineered vascular bypass grafts

scientific article published on 04 April 2013

Autologous satellite cell seeding improves in vivo biocompatibility of homologous muscle acellular matrix implants

scientific article published on 01 August 2002

Autologous transplantation of amniotic fluid-derived mesenchymal stem cells into sheep fetuses

scientific article published on 19 November 2010

Brain lipid-binding protein: a marker of differentiation in neuroblastic tumors.

scientific article

C-kit/CD117 cells from amniotic fluid and membranes and their cardiomyogenic potential.

scientific article

CD117(+) amniotic fluid stem cells: state of the art and future perspectives

scientific article published on July 2012

COVID-19 and vertical transmission: assessing the expression of ACE2/TMPRSS2 in the human fetus and placenta to assess the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection

scientific article published on 18 November 2021

Cadaver kidney transplantation and vascular anomalies: a pediatric experience

scientific article published on 01 October 2006

Captopril reduces the severity of bowel damage in a neonatal rat model of necrotizing enterocolitis

scientific article published on 01 February 2008

Carbon dioxide absorption and elimination in breath during minimally invasive surgery

scientific article published on 27 November 2009

Cell metabolism sets the differences between subpopulations of satellite cells (SCs).

scientific article

Cell therapy for kidney injury: different options and mechanisms--mesenchymal and amniotic fluid stem cells

scientific article published on 19 May 2014

Cell-intrinsic differences between human airway epithelial cells from children and adults

scientific article published on 20 April 2020

Chlorhexidine antisepsis significantly reduces the incidence of sepsis and septicemia during parenteral nutrition in surgical infants

scientific article published on 01 June 2011

Clinical applications of prenatal and postnatal therapy using stem cells retrieved from amniotic fluid

scientific article published on April 2011

Clonal characterization of rat muscle satellite cells: proliferation, metabolism and differentiation define an intrinsic heterogeneity.

scientific article

Clot dissolution: a novel treatment of midgut volvulus

scientific article published on 28 May 2012

Comparative analysis of the retinal potential of embryonic stem cells and amniotic fluid-derived stem cells

scientific article published on 6 December 2010

Comparative study of immune regulatory properties of stem cells derived from different tissues

scientific article published on 9 August 2013

Comparison of minimally invasive and open gastric transposition in children

scientific article published on 01 October 2014

Concise Review: Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells: The Known, the Unknown, and Potential Regenerative Medicine Applications

scientific article published on 23 December 2016

Congenital diaphragmatic hernia subtypes: Comparing birth prevalence, occurrence by maternal age, and mortality in a national birth cohort

scientific article published in February 2023

Corrigendum: In utero therapy for congenital disorders using amniotic fluid stem cells

scientific article published on 3 March 2015

Cost-effectiveness of laparoscopic versus open pyloromyotomy

scientific article published on 27 March 2012

Counteracting bone fragility with human amniotic mesenchymal stem cells.

scientific article published on 20 December 2016

Culturing muscle fibres in hanging drop: a novel approach to solve an old problem

scientific article published on 10 January 2014

Currarino's syndrome in twins presenting as neonatal intestinal obstruction--identical presentation in non-identical twins

scientific article

Customized bioreactor enables the production of 3D diaphragmatic constructs influencing matrix remodeling and fibroblast overgrowth

scientific article published on 25 April 2022

Decellularised skeletal muscles allow functional muscle regeneration by promoting host cell migration.

scientific article

Decellularized human liver as a natural 3D-scaffold for liver bioengineering and transplantation

scientific article

Decellularized material as scaffolds for tissue engineering studies in long gap esophageal atresia

scientific article published on 17 March 2017

Decellularized rabbit cricoarytenoid dorsalis muscle for laryngeal regeneration

scientific article published on 01 February 2012

Decreased cerebral oxygen saturation during thoracoscopic repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia and esophageal atresia in infants.

scientific article published on January 2011

Design of a stirred multiwell bioreactor for expansion of CD34+ umbilical cord blood cells in hypoxic conditions

scientific article published on 14 June 2011

Detergent enzymatic treatment for the development of a natural acellular matrix for oesophageal regeneration.

scientific article published in January 2013

Different cardiovascular potential of adult- and fetal-type mesenchymal stem cells in a rat model of heart cryoinjury.

scientific article

Discarded human kidneys as a source of ECM scaffold for kidney regeneration technologies

scientific article published on 13 May 2013

Does intestinal permeability lead to organ failure in experimental necrotizing enterocolitis?

scientific article published in January 2010

Donor cell engineering with GSK3 inhibitor-loaded nanoparticles enhances engraftment after in utero transplantation

scientific article published on 01 November 2019

Duhamel pull-through for Hirschsprung disease: a comparison of open and laparoscopic techniques

scientific article published on February 2012

Early experience of thoracoscopic aortopexy for severe tracheomalacia in infants after esophageal atresia and tracheo-esophageal fistula repair

scientific article published on 01 July 2014

Effect of sodium deficiency on growth of surgical infants: a retrospective observational study

scientific article

Effectiveness of the Antegrade Colonic Enema Stopper at Preventing Stomal Stenosis: Long-Term Follow-Up

scientific article published on January 23, 2012

Effects of prostaglandins E1 and E2 on the growth and differentiation of osteoblast-like cells cultured in vitro.

scientific article published in October 2002

Efficient delivery of human single fiber-derived muscle precursor cells via biocompatible scaffold

scientific article published in January 2008

Electrophysiologic stimulation improves myogenic potential of muscle precursor cells grown in a 3D collagen scaffold

scientific article

Endothelial properties of third-trimester amniotic fluid stem cells cultured in hypoxia

scientific article

Engineering muscle tissue for the fetus: getting ready for a strong life

scientific article

Engineering tissue for the fetus: stem cells and matrix signalling

scientific article published on June 2014

Engineering transplantable jejunal mucosal grafts using patient-derived organoids from children with intestinal failure

scientific article published on 07 September 2020

Erratum: Primary versus Staged Closure of Exomphalos Major: Cardiac Anomalies Do Not Affect Outcome

scientific article published on 30 August 2017

Esophageal Atresia: Improved Outcome in High-Risk Groups Revisited

scientific article

Esophageal tissue engineering: a new approach for esophageal replacement.

scientific article

Exclusion of oesophageal atresia by passage of a nasogastric tube: an exception to the rule

scientific article

Extracellular matrix hydrogel derived from decellularized tissues enables endodermal organoid culture

scientific article published on 11 December 2019

Fetal stem cells and skeletal muscle regeneration: a therapeutic approach

scientific article published on 27 August 2014

Fetoscopic versus Open Repair for Spina Bifida Aperta: A Systematic Review of Outcomes

scientific article published on 23 February 2016

Fluoroscopic balloon dilation of esophageal atresia anastomotic strictures in children and young adults: single-center study of 103 consecutive patients from 1999 to 2011.

scientific article published on 10 December 2013

Fundoplication in Ventilator-Dependent Infants with Gastro-oesophageal Reflux

scientific article published on March 20, 2012

Gastroschisis with intestinal atresia--predictive value of antenatal diagnosis and outcome of postnatal treatment

scientific article published on February 2012

Hepatic regenerative medicine.

scientific article published on 10 June 2015

High contrast microstructural visualization of natural acellular matrices by means of phase-based x-ray tomography

scientific article

High transduction efficiency of human amniotic fluid stem cells mediated by adenovirus vectors.

scientific article

Homologous muscle acellular matrix seeded with autologous myoblasts as a tissue-engineering approach to abdominal wall-defect repair.

scientific article published in May 2005

Human Amniocytes Are Receptive to Chemically Induced Reprogramming to Pluripotency

scientific article

Human Chorionic Stem Cells: Podocyte Differentiation and Potential for the Treatment of Alport Syndrome

scientific article published on 5 January 2016

Human amniotic fluid stem cell differentiation along smooth muscle lineage

Human amniotic fluid stem cell preconditioning improves their regenerative potential

scientific article

Human amniotic fluid stem cells protect rat lungs exposed to moderate hyperoxia.

scientific article

Human amniotic fluid-derived stem cells are rejected after transplantation in the myocardium of normal, ischemic, immuno-suppressed or immuno-deficient rat

scientific article published on 23 December 2006

Human and murine amniotic fluid c-Kit+Lin- cells display hematopoietic activity

scientific article published on 12 February 2009

Human mid-trimester amniotic fluid stem cells cultured under embryonic stem cell conditions with valproic acid acquire pluripotent characteristics

scientific article published on 27 November 2012

Hypercapnia and acidosis during open and thoracoscopic repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia and esophageal atresia: results of a pilot randomized controlled trial

scientific article published on December 2013

Hypoxia increases mouse satellite cell clone proliferation maintaining both in vitro and in vivo heterogeneity and myogenic potential.

scientific article

Immune regulatory properties of CD117(pos) amniotic fluid stem cells vary according to gestational age

scientific article

Immunomodulatory effect of a decellularized skeletal muscle scaffold in a discordant xenotransplantation model

scientific article published on 12 August 2013

In Utero Gene Therapy (IUGT) Using GLOBE Lentiviral Vector Phenotypically Corrects the Heterozygous Humanised Mouse Model and Its Progress Can Be Monitored Using MRI Techniques

scientific article published on 12 August 2019

In Utero Transplantation of Expanded Autologous Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells Results in Long-Term Hematopoietic Engraftment

scientific article published on 29 July 2019

In amnio MRI of mouse embryos

scientific article (publication date: 2014)

In utero therapy for congenital disorders using amniotic fluid stem cells

scientific article

In vitro and in vivo cardiomyogenic differentiation of amniotic fluid stem cells

scientific article published in June 2011

In vitro and in vivo evaluation of acellular diaphragmatic matrices seeded with muscle precursors cells and coated with VEGF silica gels to repair muscle defect of the diaphragm

scientific article

In vivo tissue engineering of functional skeletal muscle by freshly isolated satellite cells embedded in a photopolymerizable hydrogel

scientific article published on 30 March 2011

Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells from human fetal stem cells (hFSCs)

scientific article published on April 1, 2013

Intravital three-dimensional bioprinting

scientific article published on 22 June 2020

Is early delivery beneficial in gastroschisis?

scientific article published on June 2014

Is there a benefit of peritoneal drainage for necrotizing enterocolitis in newborn infants?

scientific article published on 01 November 2010

Isolation and Expansion of Muscle Precursor Cells from Human Skeletal Muscle Biopsies

scientific article published in April 2016

Isolation of amniotic stem cell lines with potential for therapy

scientific article

Isolation of c-Kit+ human amniotic fluid stem cells from second trimester

scientific article published in January 2013

Isolation of esophageal stem cells with potential for therapy

scientific article

Isolation of mesenchymal stem cells from human vermiform appendix.

scientific article

Lancet Commission: Stem cells and regenerative medicine.

scientific article published on 3 October 2017

Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication and gastrostomy for a giant hiatal hernia in an infant with situs inversus totalis

scientific article published on 28 January 2014

Laparoscopic finding of chylous ascites and intestinal malrotation in an infant presenting with left inguinal hernia

scientific article published on 01 August 2008

Laparoscopic management of midgut malrotation and tuberculous peritonitis in an adolescent boy

scientific article published on 26 June 2014

Let sleeping dogs lie: To leave the appendix at the time of a Ladd procedure.

scientific article

Local and systemic responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection in children and adults

scientific article published on 22 December 2021

Long-Term Hematopoietic Engraftment of Congenic Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells After in Utero Intraperitoneal Transplantation to Immune Competent Mice.

scientific article

Long-term cryopreservation of decellularised oesophagi for tissue engineering clinical application

scientific article

Macrophage-secreted factors enhance the in vitro expansion of DMD muscle precursor cells while preserving their myogenic potential

scientific article

Maintaining a minimally invasive surgical service during a pandemic

scientific article published in May 2022

Management of a complication of percutaneous gastrostomy in children

scientific article

Meckel’s scan in children: a review of 183 cases referred to two paediatric surgery specialist centres over 18 years

scientific article published on February 16, 2013

Meconium is not enough: look for the hole!

scientific article

Mesenchymal stromal cells can be derived from bone marrow CD133+ cells: implications for therapy

scientific article

Microliter-bioreactor array with buoyancy-driven stirring for human hematopoietic stem cell culture

scientific article published on 11 August 2010

Molecular signature of human amniotic fluid stem cells during fetal development

scientific article published in January 2013

More patches or more lung in congenital diaphragmatic hernia?

scientific article published on 01 October 2012

Multi-stage bioengineering of a layered oesophagus with in vitro expanded muscle and epithelial adult progenitors

scientific article published in Nature Communications

Murine muscle precursor cells survived and integrated in a cryoinjured gastroesophageal junction.

scientific article published on 20 June 2007

Muscle differentiation and myotubes alignment is influenced by micropatterned surfaces and exogenous electrical stimulation

scientific article published in September 2009

Myoblast-acellular skeletal muscle matrix constructs guarantee a long-term repair of experimental full-thickness abdominal wall defects.

scientific article published in July 2006

Neovascularization induced by porous collagen scaffold implanted on intact and cryoinjured rat hearts

scientific article published on 01 October 2007

Novel approach to in-vivo oesophageal regeneration

scientific article published on 8 April 2016

Oesophageal atresia is correctable and survivable in infants less than 1 kg.

scientific article published on 18 April 2016

Ontological differences in first compared to third trimester human fetal placental chorionic stem cells

scientific article

Optimization of Liver Decellularization Maintains Extracellular Matrix Micro-Architecture and Composition Predisposing to Effective Cell Seeding

scientific article published in 2016

Organ bioengineering for the newborn

scientific article published on 06 September 2014

Outcomes following laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair in infants compared with older children

scientific article published on 16 October 2012

Outcomes of diverting jejunostomy for severe necrotizing enterocolitis

scientific article published on 01 June 2011

Pancreatic tumours in children: diagnosis, treatment and outcome

scientific article published on 15 July 2015

Pdx1 and controlled culture conditions induced differentiation of human amniotic fluid-derived stem cells to insulin-producing clusters

scientific article

Persistent ascites can be effectively treated by peritoneovenous shunts

scientific article published on February 1, 2011

Placenta as a reservoir of stem cells: an underutilized resource?

scientific article published on 25 November 2012

Potential Benefits of Laparoscopic Repair of Duodenal Atresia: Insights from a Retrospective Comparative Study

scientific article published on 10 November 2019

Potential of human fetal chorionic stem cells for the treatment of osteogenesis imperfecta

scientific article published on 16 October 2013

Preservation of micro-architecture and angiogenic potential in a pulmonary acellular matrix obtained using intermittent intra-tracheal flow of detergent enzymatic treatment

scientific article published on 30 May 2013

Primary versus Staged Closure of Exomphalos Major: Cardiac Anomalies Do Not Affect Outcome.

scientific article published on 23 May 2017

Production and Implantation of Renal Extracellular Matrix Scaffolds From Porcine Kidneys as a Platform for Renal Bioengineering Investigations


Production of arrays of cardiac and skeletal muscle myofibers by micropatterning techniques on a soft substrate

scientific article

Propagation, expansion, and multilineage differentiation of human somatic stem cells from dermal progenitors

scientific article published on June 2005

Protein and Molecular Characterization of a Clinically Compliant Amniotic Fluid Stem Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicle Fraction Capable of Accelerating Muscle Regeneration Through Enhancement of Angiogenesis.

scientific article published on 5 July 2017

Publisher Correction: In Utero Gene Therapy (IUGT) Using GLOBE Lentiviral Vector Phenotypically Corrects the Heterozygous Humanised Mouse Model and Its Progress Can Be Monitored Using MRI Techniques

scientific article published on 24 December 2019

Rapid Expansion of Human Epithelial Stem Cells Suitable for Airway Tissue Engineering.

scientific article

Rapid production of human liver scaffolds for functional tissue engineering by high shear stress oscillation-decellularization

scientific article

Recurrence rate of Morgagni diaphragmatic hernia following laparoscopic repair.

scientific article published on February 2013

Regeneration and bioengineering of the gastrointestinal tract: current status and future perspectives

scientific article published on 22 May 2012

Regenerative medicine as applied to general surgery

scientific article published in May 2012

Regenerative medicine as applied to solid organ transplantation: current status and future challenges

scientific article

Regenerative medicine for congenital diaphragmatic hernia: regeneration for repair

scientific article published on 31 October 2012

Regenerative medicine for congenital malformations

scientific article published on February 1, 2013

Regenerative medicine for the youngest: customized therapies for rare diseases

scientific article

Regenerative medicine: is this the biggest change in surgery?

scientific article published on 18 April 2014

Regenerative medicine: prenatal approaches

scientific article published in September 2022

Robust phase retrieval for high resolution edge illumination x-ray phase-contrast computed tomography in non-ideal environments

scientific article published on 09 August 2016

Routine clonal expansion of mesenchymal stem cells derived from amniotic fluid for perinatal applications

scientific article published on 27 June 2013

SARS-CoV-2 infection and replication in human gastric organoids

scientific article published on 16 November 2021

Satellite cells delivered by micro-patterned scaffolds: a new strategy for cell transplantation in muscle diseases

scientific article published in February 2007

Selection of multipotent cells and enhanced muscle reconstruction by myogenic macrophage-secreted factors

scientific article published on 20 January 2009

Sheep CD34+ amniotic fluid cells have hematopoietic potential and engraft after autologous in utero transplantation

scientific article published in January 2015

Single-cell PCR analysis of murine embryonic stem cells cultured on different substrates highlights heterogeneous expression of stem cell markers

scientific article published on 08 October 2013

Skeletal muscle tissue engineering: which cell to use?

scientific article published on 03 July 2013

Sources of mesenchymal stem cells: current and future clinical use.

scientific article published on January 2013

Stem cell approaches for vocal fold regeneration

scientific article

Stem cell therapy as an option for pediatric surgical conditions

scientific article

Stem cells as a potential therapy for necrotizing enterocolitis

scientific article published on 23 October 2013

Stem cells as a potential treatment of necrotizing enterocolitis

scientific article published on 01 March 2009

Stem cells from amniotic fluid--Potential for regenerative medicine

scientific article published on 10 September 2015

Stem cells from fetal membranes and amniotic fluid: markers for cell isolation and therapy.

scientific article published on 20 February 2014

Stem-cell therapy in an experimental model of pulmonary hypertension and right heart failure: role of paracrine and neurohormonal milieu in the remodeling process

scientific article published in November 2011

Stem-cell-based, tissue engineered tracheal replacement in a child: a 2-year follow-up study

scientific article

Stem-cell-based, tissue-engineered tracheal replacement in a child - Authors' reply

scientific article published in January 2013

Super-resolution for upper abdominal MRI: Acquisition and post-processing protocol optimization using brain MRI control data and expert reader validation

scientific article published on 01 July 2019

Surgical Repair of Incarcerated Inguinal Hernia in Children: Laparoscopic or Open?

scientific article published on October 11, 2010

TGFβ-induced osteogenic potential of human amniotic fluid stem cells via CD73-generated adenosine production

scientific article

Testicular outcome following laparoscopic second stage Fowler-Stephens orchidopexy

scientific article

The Host Immune Response to Tissue-Engineered Organs: Current Problems and Future Directions

scientific article published on 24 December 2015

The Human Pancreas as a Source of Protolerogenic Extracellular Matrix Scaffold for a New-generation Bioartificial Endocrine Pancreas

scientific article published on 26 November 2015

The Production of Pluripotent Stem Cells from Mouse Amniotic Fluid Cells Using a Transposon System

scientific article published on 28 February 2017

The contribution of stem cell therapy to skeletal muscle remodeling in heart failure

scientific article published on 28 February 2013

The influence of heart valve leaflet matrix characteristics on the interaction between human mesenchymal stem cells and decellularized scaffolds.

scientific article

The natural history of prenatally diagnosed congenital cystic lung lesions: long-term follow-up of 119 cases

scientific article published on 5 June 2017

The origin of intermuscular adipose tissue and its pathophysiological implications

scientific article published on 08 September 2009

The outcome of critically ill neonates undergoing laparotomy for necrotising enterocolitis in the neonatal intensive care unit: a 10-year review

scientific article published on 10 February 2014

The predictive value of preoperative fluorine-18-L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine positron emission tomography-computed tomography scans in children with congenital hyperinsulinism of infancy

scientific article published on January 2011

The surgical approach to esophageal atresia repair and the management of long-gap atresia: results of a survey

scientific article published on 01 February 2009

The use of human amniotic fluid stem cells as an adjunct to promote pulmonary development in a rabbit model for congenital diaphragmatic hernia.

scientific article published on 19 June 2015

Therapeutic potential of amniotic fluid stem cells

scientific article published on March 2013

Thoracoscopic repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia: intraoperative ventilation and recurrence

scientific article

Thoracoscopic vs open repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia after extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: a comparison of intra-operative data

scientific article published on 16 January 2023

Three-dimensional porous scaffold allows long-term wild-type cell delivery in dystrophic muscle

scientific article published on 01 January 2011

Tissue engineered human tracheas for in vivo implantation

scientific article published on 25 August 2010

Tissue engineering of the esophagus

scientific article published on 18 April 2014

Tissue engineering vascular grafts a fortiori: looking back and going forward

scientific article

Tracheal Replacement Therapy with a Stem Cell-Seeded Graft: Lessons from Compassionate Use Application of a GMP-Compliant Tissue-Engineered Medicine

scientific article published on June 2017

Tracheal matrices, obtained by a detergent-enzymatic method, support in vitro the adhesion of chondrocytes and tracheal epithelial cells

scientific article published in June 2005

Trends in the treatment and outcome of congenital diaphragmatic hernia over the last decade

article by Massimo Garriboli et al published 23 October 2012 in Pediatric Surgery International

Trilogy of foregut, midgut and hindgut atresias presenting in reverse order

scientific article

Trisomy 21 mid-trimester amniotic fluid induced pluripotent stem cells maintain genetic signatures during reprogramming: implications for disease modeling and cryobanking

scientific article published on 27 August 2014

Update on Foregut Molecular Embryology and Role of Regenerative Medicine Therapies

scientific article

Upregulating CXCR4 in human fetal mesenchymal stem cells enhances engraftment and bone mechanics in a mouse model of osteogenesis imperfecta

scientific article published on 07 December 2011

Vacuum-assisted decellularization: an accelerated protocol to generate tissue-engineered human tracheal scaffolds.

scientific article published on 05 February 2017

Valproic acid confers functional pluripotency to human amniotic fluid stem cells in a transgene-free approach

scientific article

What can regenerative medicine offer for infants with laryngotracheal agenesis?

scientific article published on 22 August 2011