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List of works by Václav Snášel

A Bézier Curve-Based Approach for Path Planning in Robot Soccer

article by Jie Wu & Václav Snášel published 2014 in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

A Comparative Study of the Effects of Culture on the Deployment of Information Technology


A Comprehensive Review on NSGA-II for Multi-Objective Combinatorial Optimization Problems

scientific article published in 2021

A Data Visualization Approach for Trustworthiness in Social Networks for On-line Learning

scholarly article published March 2015

A Fish Detection Approach Based on BAT Algorithm

A Framework of Secured and Bio-Inspired Image Steganography Using Chaotic Encryption with Genetic Algorithm Optimization (CEGAO)

A Graph Theory-Based Evaluation of Strategy Set in Robot Soccer

A Hybrid Approach for Predicting River Runoff

A Modified Invasive Weed Optimization Algorithm for training of feed- forward Neural Networks

A New Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization with Variable Neighborhood Search for Solving Unconstrained Global Optimization Problems

A New Iterative Approach for Finding Nearest Neighbors Using Space-Filling Curves for Fast Graphs Visualization

scholarly article by Tomáš Ježowicz et al published 2014 in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

A New Membrane Algorithm Based on Quasi-Affine TRansformation Evolution for Optimization Problems

A New Search Result Clustering Using Haar Wavelet Transform

scholarly article published April 2009

A Novel Framework Based on Deep Learning and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Assess the Quality of Rice Fields

scholarly article by Nguyen Cao Tri et al published 12 November 2016 in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

A PSO-based document classification algorithm accelerated by the CUDA Platform

A Survey on Big Data, Mining: (Tools, Techniques, Applications and Notable Uses)

A Tolerance Rough Set Based Overlapping Clustering for the DBLP Data

A Type-2 Fuzzy Concepts Lexicalized Representation by Perceptual Reasoning and Linguistic Weighted Average: A Comparative Study

A brief survey of advances in Particle Swarm Optimization on Graphic Processing Units

A brief survey of differential evolution on Graphic Processing Units

A comparison of many-threaded differential evolution and genetic algorithms on CUDA

A continuous double auction method for resource allocation in computational grids

A framework for cyber surveillance of unlawful activities for critical infrastructure using computational grids

A hybrid segmentation approach based on Neutrosophic sets and modified watershed: A case of abdominal CT Liver parenchyma

A modified Invasive Weed Optimization algorithm for time-modulated linear antenna array synthesis

A new FCA algorithm enabling analyzing of complex and dynamic data sets

A new range query algorithm for Universal B-trees

A novel approach for comparing web sites by using MicroGenres

A novel hybrid ABF-PSO algorithm based tuning of optimal FOPI speed controller for PMSM drive

A quantum inspired differential evolution algorithm for automatic clustering of real life datasets

scientific article published on 18 June 2023

A study on performance of MOGA and HLCGA for the Linear Ordering Problem

A substitution of the general partial differential equation with extended polynomial networks

A syllable-based method for Vietnamese text compression

A vision-based navigation system of mobile tracking robot

ACO for continuous function optimization: A performance analysis

Advanced CT and MR Image Processing with FPGA

An ACO inspired weighting approach for the spectral partitioning of co-authorship networks

An Adaptive PSO-Based Sink Node Localization Approach for Wireless Sensor Networks

article published in 2016

An Application of Process Mining to Invoice Verification Process in SAP

An Assistive Object Recognition System for Enhancing Seniors Quality of Life

An Energy Balancing Strategy Based on Hilbert Curve and Genetic Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks

article by Lingping Kong et al published 2017 in Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

An Experimental Analysis of Reservoir Parameters of the Echo State Queueing Network Model

An efficient method for mining frequent sequential patterns using multi-Core processors


An experimental analysis of the Echo State Network initialization using the Particle Swarm Optimization

Analysis of loop strategies in robot soccer game

Analysis of strategy in robot soccer game

Analysis of the DBLP Publication Classification Using Concept Lattices

Analysis on population-based algorithm optimized filter for non-invasive fECG extraction

scientific article published in 2023

Ant colony inspired algorithm for adaptive traffic routing

Application of Bio-inspired Methods Within Cluster Forest Algorithm

Application of FUZZY-AHP for Industrial Cluster Identification

Application of Hexagonal Coordinate Systems for Searching the K-NN in 2D Space

Artificial Protozoa Optimizer (APO): A novel bio-inspired metaheuristic algorithm for engineering optimization

scientific article published in July 2024

Artificially evolved soft computing models for photovoltaic power plant output estimation


Assessing the LCC Websites Quality

Author Profile Identification Using Formal Concept Analysis

Automated zebrafish-based toxicity test using Bat optimization and AdaBoost classifier


Automatic Localization and Boundary Detection of Retina in Images Using Basic Image Processing Filters

article published in 2012

Automatic Power System Identification Using Genetic Algorithms

scholarly article published September 2014

Automatic shell clustering using a metaheuristic approach

Behavior of the Concept Lattice Reduction to visualizing data after Using Matrix Decompositions

scholarly article published November 2007

Behaviour of pseudo-random and chaotic sources of stochasticity in nature-inspired optimization methods

Big Data Pre-processing Techniques Within the Wireless Sensors Networks

Biomedical Distributed Signal Processing and Analysis

scholarly article by Marek Penhaker et al published 2013 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Biometric cattle identification approach based on Weber’s Local Descriptor and AdaBoost classifier

Blind Watermark Approach for Map Authentication Using Support Vector Machine

Brain–Computer Interface Based on Motor Imagery: The Most Relevant Sources of Electrical Brain Activity

Breast Cancer Detection and Classification Using Support Vector Machines and Pulse Coupled Neural Network

article published in 2012

Can deterministic chaos improve differential evolution for the linear ordering problem?

Cattle Identification Using Muzzle Images

article published in 2016

Classification of EEG Signals Using Vector Quantization

Classification via Nearest Prototype Classifier Utilizing Artificial Bee Colony on CUDA

Closed trail distance in a biconnected graph

scientific article published in PLoS ONE

Cloud Computing Environments for Biomedical Data Services

scholarly article by Marek Penhaker et al published 2012 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Clustering categorical data using a swarm-based method

Clustering data using a Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF)

Clustering the Sources of EEG Activity during Motor Imagery by Attractor Neural Network with Increasing Activity (ANNIA)

Clustering using artificial bee colony on CUDA

Clustering variables by classical approaches and neural network Boolean factor analysis

Comparing two local methods for community detection in social networks

Comparison of Local and Global Ranking in Networks

Comparison of fuzzy rules and SVM approach to the value estimation of the use case parameters

Complex System Modeling with General Differential Equations Solved by Means of Polynomial Networks

Compression of small text files

Compression-based similarity in EEG signals

Computational Intelligence Methods for Data Analysis and Mining of eLearning Activities

Constructing ordinary sum differential equations using polynomial networks

Convergence analysis of swarm algorithm

article published in 2009

Correction to: Medical Image Retrieval Using Vector Quantization and Fuzzy S-Tree

scientific article published on 01 May 2018

Czech Text Segmentation Using Voting Experts and Its Comparison with Menzerath-Altmann law

scholarly article by Tomáš Kocyan et al published 2011 in Communications in Computer and Information Science

Data Mining and Fusion Techniques for WSNs as a Source of the Big Data

Data Mining by Symbolic Fuzzy Classifiers and Genetic Programming

Data Parallel density-based genetic clustering on CUDA Architecture

Data mining using NMF and generalized matrix inverse

Data-Mining Protein Structure by Clustering, Segmentation and Evolutionary Algorithms

article published in 2009

Design and Implementation of an Improved Datacenter Broker Policy to Improve the QoS of a Cloud

Designing Light Weight Intrusion Detection Systems

Detecting Insider Attacks Using Non-negative Matrix Factorization

Detection of Breast Abnormalities of Thermograms based on a New Segmentation Method

Detection of Dead Stained Microscopic Cells Based on Color Intensity and Contrast

article by Taras Kotyk et al published 10 November 2015 in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Detection of head experts in social network

Differential Evolution and Genetic Algorithms for the Linear Ordering Problem

Differential Evolution for Scheduling Independent Tasks on Heterogeneous Distributed Environments

Differential evolution for the linear ordering problem implemented on CUDA

Differential evolution using a localized Cauchy mutation operator

Digital Restoration of Cultural Heritage With Data-Driven Computing: A Survey

scientific article published in 2023

Dimension Reduction Methods for Image Retrieval

Dimension reduction methods in graph drawing problem

Dimensionality Reduction Method's Comparison Based on Statistical Dependencies

Dimensionality Reduction and Prediction of the Protein Macromolecule Dissolution Profile

scholarly article by Varun Kumar Ojha et al published 2014 in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Dimensionality reduction, and function approximation of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) micro- and nanoparticle dissolution rate.

scientific article

Domain Patterns and Semantic Annotation of Web Pages

E-Assessment of Individual and Group Learning Processes

article published in 2012

E-Contract Securing System Using Digital Signature Approach

EEG Data Similarity Using Lempel–Ziv Complexity

Efficient Area Association Using Space Filling Curves

Efficient Processing of Narrow Range Queries in Multi-dimensional Data Structures

Efficient algorithms for mining colossal patterns in high dimensional databases

Efficient visualization of social networks based on modified Sammon׳s mapping

scholarly article by Milos Kudelka et al published December 2015 in Swarm and evolutionary computation

Electronic commerce growth in developing countries: Barriers and challenges

Energy-Aware Sink Node Localization Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks

article published in 2015

Ensemble of Heterogeneous Flexible Neural Tree for the Approximation and Feature-Selection of Poly (Lactic-co-glycolic Acid) Micro- and Nanoparticle

Ensemble of heterogeneous flexible neural trees using multiobjective genetic programming

Evaluation of Novel Soft Computing Methods for the Prediction of the Dental Milling Time-Error Parameter

scientific article published in 2013

Evolutionary Algorithms for Fast Parallel Classification

Evolutionary Techniques for Image Segmentation

Evolutionary improvement of search queries and its parameters

Evolutionary prediction of photovoltaic power plant energy production


Evolving Fuzzy Classifier for Data Mining - an Information Retrieval Approach

Evolving feasible linear ordering problem solutions

Experimental Analysis of a Hybrid Reservoir Computing Technique

FCA as a Tool for Inaccuracy Detection in Content-Based Image Analysis

Fast Dimension Reduction Based on NMF

Fast decoding algorithms for variable-lengths codes

scholarly article by Jiří Walder et al published January 2012 in Information Sciences

Fast intrusion detection system based on Flexible Neural Tree

Feature Selection Using Semi Discrete Decomposition and Singular Value Decompositions

Feature Selection Using a Genetic Algorithm for Solar Power Prediction

Feature Selection by Principle Component Analysis for Mining Frequent Association Rules


Feature clustering for orthophotomap analysis

Feature selection and ensemble of regression models for predicting the protein macromolecule dissolution profile

scholarly article published July 2014

Fine Partitioning of 2-connected Components Using Fiedler Vector

Forcoa.NET: An interactive tool for exploring the significance of authorship networks in DBLP data

Forecasting of Power Quality Parameters Based on Meteorological Data in Small-Scale Household Off-Grid Systems

scientific article published in 2022

Free-form surface reconstruction from 3D multi-resolution data on spherical space

Fusing Data and Optimizing Queries for Intelligent Search

Fuzzified Aho-Corasick search automata

Fuzzy C-Means Based Liver CT Image Segmentation with Optimum Number of Clusters

Fuzzy Modeling of User Needs for Improvement of Web Search Queries

Fuzzy Rule Based Intelligent Security and Fire Detector System

Fuzzy Rules and SVM Approach to the Estimation of Use Case Parameters

Fuzzy Signatures for Multimedia Databases

Fuzzy classification by evolutionary algorithms

scholarly article published October 2011

Fuzzy clustering using hybrid fuzzy c-means and fuzzy particle swarm optimization

Fuzzy signatures organized using S-Tree

GPU Accelerated Genetic Clustering

GUI Patterns and Web Semantics

Gannet optimization algorithm : A new metaheuristic algorithm for solving engineering optimization problems

scientific article published in 2022

Generation of Offensive Strategies in Robot Soccer Game

Genetic Algorithms Searching for Turbo Code Interleaver and Solving Linear Ordering Problem

scholarly article published June 2008

Genetic Algorithms for Turbo Code Interleaver Optimization

scholarly article published October 2007

Genetic Algorithms for the Use in Combinatorial Problems

Genetic algorithm for clustering accelerated by the CUDA platform

Genetic search for quasigroups with heterogeneous power sequences

Geometrical and topological approaches to Big Data

Graph Drawing Using Dimension Reduction Methods

Grey Wolves Optimizer-based localization approach in WSNs

scholarly article published December 2015

Hash Functions Based on Large Quasigroups

Heavy facilities tension prediction using Flexible Neural Trees

Human Thermal Face Extraction Based on SuperPixel Technique

Identify Influential Spreaders in Online Social Networks Based on Social Meta Path and PageRank

Identifying Circles of Relations from Smartphone Photo Gallery

Identifying power profiles in the photovoltaic power station data by self-organizing maps and dimension reduction by Sammon's projection

Image Analysis by Methods of Dimension Reduction

Implementing Artificial Immune Systems for the Linear Ordering Problem

Implementing Boolean Matrix Factorization

Implementing GP on Optimizing Boolean and Extended Boolean Queries in IRs With Respect to Users Profiles

Implicit User Modelling for Query Optimization

Implicit User Modelling for Web Search Improvement

Improving Node Similarity for Discovering Community Structure in Complex Networks

Inhibition of HIV-1 integrase by modified oligonucleotides derived from U5' LTR.

scientific article

Initializing reservoirs with exhibitory and inhibitory signals using unsupervised learning techniques

Interleaver Design for Parallel Convolutive Turbo Codes by the Genetic Algorithms

Internet Searching Using Web Patterns


Internet of Things Communication Reference Model and Traffic Engineer System (TES)

Internet of Things: Overview, Sources, Applications and Challenges

Internet of things communication reference model

scholarly article published July 2014

Introduction to Integration of the Process Mining to the Knowledge Framework for Software Processes

Investigating Query Similarity Measures for Collaborative Web Search

article published in 2008

Large quasigroups in cryptography and their properties testing

scholarly article published December 2009

Learning Patterns from Data by an Evolutionary-Fuzzy Approach

Limitations on Low Variance k-Fold Cross Validation in Learning Set of Rules Inducers

Linear antenna array synthesis using fitness-adaptive differential evolution algorithm

Link suggestions in terrorists networks using Semi Discrete Decomposition

Liver CT Image Segmentation with an Optimum Threshold Using Measure of Fuzziness

Local dependency in networks

Loop Strategies and Application of Rough Set Theory in Robot Soccer Game

Machine Learning Techniques for Prostate Ultrasound Image Diagnosis

scholarly article by Aboul Ella Hassanien et al published 2010 in Studies in Computational Intelligence

Matrix Factorization Approach for Feature Deduction and Design of Intrusion Detection Systems

Medical Image Retrieval Using Vector Quantization and Fuzzy S-tree

scientific article published on 15 December 2016

Metaheuristic based scheduling meta-tasks in distributed heterogeneous computing systems.

scientific article

Metaheuristic design of feedforward neural networks: A review of two decades of research


Metaheuristic tuning of type-II fuzzy inference systems for data mining

Metric Indexing for the Vector Model in Text Retrieval


Mining multi-class industrial data with evolutionary fuzzy rules

Mining traffic accident features by evolutionary fuzzy rules

Mobile Phone Positioning in GSM Networks Based on Information Retrieval Methods and Data Structures

Modeling the Determinants Affecting Consumers’ Acceptance and Use of Information and Communications Technology

Modeling the Determinants Influencing the Diffusion of Mobile Internet

Modified differential evolution algorithm for parameter estimation in mathematical models

Multi-Objective Gray-Wolf Optimization for Attribute Reduction

article by E. Emary et al published 2015 in Procedia Computer Science

Multi-objective optimization model for railway heavy-haul traffic: Addressing carbon emissions reduction and transport efficiency improvement

scientific article published in May 2024

Multiobjective Programming for Type-2 Hierarchical Fuzzy Inference Trees

Multipopulational Metaheuristic Approaches to Real-Parameter Optimization

Named Entity Recognition in Vietnamese Tweets

Nature-Inspired Meta-Heuristics on Modern GPUs: State of the Art and Brief Survey of Selected Algorithms

Neural PCA and Maximum Likelihood Hebbian Learning on the GPU

article by Pavel Krömer et al published 2012 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

New BFA method based on attractor neural network and likelihood maximization

article by Alexander A. Frolov et al published May 2014 in Neurocomputing

New trends on soft computing models in industrial and environmental applications

Non-negative Matrix Factorization on GPU

Non-negative matrix factorization for EEG

Normalization of Vietnamese Tweets on Twitter

scholarly article by Vu H. Nguyen et al published 2015 in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Novel Random Key Encoding Schemes for the Differential Evolution of Permutation Problems

scientific article published in 2022

On Knowledge Structures Reduction

On SVD-Free Latent Semantic Indexing for Iris Recognition of Large Databases

On Social Networks Reduction

On convergence of multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimizers

On maps comparison methods

On the differential evolution for vehicle routing problem

On the efficient search of an XML twig query in large DataGuide trees

On turbo code interleavers optimized by bit error rate evolution and free distance evolution

Optimal column subset selection for image classification by genetic algorithms

Optimization of Rules Selection for Robot Soccer Strategies

Optimizing Information Retrieval Using Evolutionary Algorithms and Fuzzy Inference System

Optimizing Interleaver for Turbo Codes by Genetic Algorithms

scholarly article published October 2007

Orphan Drug Legislation with Data Fusion Rules Using Multiple Fingerprints Measurements

PCA-based home videos annotation system

Parallel Differential Evolution in Unified Parallel C

Pattern Discovery for High-Dimensional Binary Datasets

Pattern recognition and knowledge discovery from road traffic accident data in Ethiopia: Implications for improving road safety

scholarly article published December 2011

Photovoltaic Power Plant Output Estimation by Neural Networks and Fuzzy Inference


Plant Identification: Two Dimensional-Based Vs. One Dimensional-Based Feature Extraction Methods


Power Load Daily-Similarity and Time-Series Prediction Using the Selective Differential Polynomial Network

Power Output Models of Ordinary Differential Equations by Polynomial and Recurrent Neural Networks

scholarly article by Ladislav Zjavka & Václav Snášel published 2014 in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Practical results of artificial immune Systems for combinatorial optimization problems

Prediction of Dental Milling Time-Error by Flexible Neural Trees and Fuzzy Rules

scientific article published in 2012

Predictive modeling of die filling of the pharmaceutical granules using the flexible neural tree


Preferences of Business Process Models: Interpretative Analysis on Spontaneously Common Symbols

Preferences of business process models: Interpretative analysis on spontaneously common symbols

Preliminary investigation on relations between complex networks and evolutionary algorithms dynamics

Preprocessing methods for SVD-based iris recognition

Programming Risk Assessment Models for Online Security Evaluation Systems

Properties of Concept Lattice Reduction Based on Matrix Factorization

Prosima: Protein similarity algorithm

Quantum inspired meta‐heuristic approaches for automatic clustering of colour images

scientific article published in 2021

Quasigroups with good statistical properties

Random Forests Based Classification for Crops Ripeness Stages

Recent trends in intelligent data analysis

Region-based Image Fusion Approach of Panchromatic and Multi-spectral Images

Relation Analysis in eLearning

Reshaping email relationships

Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation Approach Based on Mathematical Morphology

article published in 2015

Retinal Feature-Based Registration Schema

Retinal Vessel Segmentation Based on Flower Pollination Search Algorithm

Rough Power Set Tree for Feature Selection and Classification: Case Study on MRI Brain Tumor

Rough Sets-Based Identification of Heart Valve Diseases Using Heart Sounds

SOM neural network - a piece of intelligence in disaster management

scholarly article published December 2009

SOM on Interval Variables for Mobile Emergency Call Positioning



scientific article published in September 2016

Scalable differential evolution for many-core and clusters in Unified Parallel C

Scaling IDS construction based on Non-negative Matrix factorization using GPU computing

Search Results Clustering Using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF)

article published in 2009

Search Results Clustering Using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF)

Search in Documents Based on Topical Development


Search personalization in hyperlinked environments by relevance propagation and ant colony optimization

Searching for quasigroups for hash functions with genetic algorithms

Searching of Circular Neighborhoods in the Square and Hexagonal Regular Grids

Searching protein 3-D structures for optimal structure alignment using intelligent algorithms and data structures.

scientific article

Searching similar images — Vector quantization with S-tree

Selected papers from the 6th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications

Semantic Analysis of Web Pages Using Cluster Analysis and Nonnegative Matrix Factorization

Semantic Analysis of Web Pages Using Web Patterns

Semantic Annotation of Web Pages Using Web Patterns

Semantic and Similarity Measure Methods for Plagiarism Detection of Students’ Assignments

Semi-automated System for Cup to Disc Measurement for Diagnosing Glaucoma Using Classification Paradigm

Semi-automatic annotation system for home videos

Sensitivity analysis of echo state networks for forecasting pseudo-periodic time series

Serum protein pattern associated with organ damage and lupus nephritis in systemic lupus erythematosus revealed by PEA immunoassay

scientific article published on 3 October 2017

Short Term Power Prediction of the Photovoltaic Power Station Based on Power Profiles

Short term power prediction of the photovoltaic power station based on comparison of power profile sequences using F-Score computation

Short-term power load forecasting with ordinary differential equation substitutions of polynomial networks

Similarity Analysis of EEG Data Based on Self Organizing Map Neural Network

Similarity Based on Data Compression

Similarity in Information Retrieval

Simple Rules for Syllabification of Arabic Texts

Simple Stemming Rules for Arabic Language

Simultaneous optimization of neural network weights and active nodes using metaheuristics

Social Network Reduction Based on Stability

Social Networks Analysis: Tools, Measures and Visualization

scholarly article published 2012

Social communities detection in Enron corpus using h-Index

Soft Computing Techniques Applied to a Case Study of Air Quality in Industrial Areas in the Czech Republic

scholarly article by Ángel Arroyo et al published 2013 in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Soft identification of experts in DBLP using FCA and fuzzy rules

Solution for Search Result Clustering by Using Singular Value Decomposition

scholarly article published December 2008

Solving Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem with Real Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery Using Differential Evolution

Spam detection using compression and PSO

Special issue HAIS 2012: Recent advancements in hybrid artificial intelligence systems and its application to real-world problems

scientific article published in September 2015

Special issue SOCO12

scientific article published in June 2015

Strategy Description and Modelling for Multi-Agent Systems

Survey of Plagiarism Detection Methods

Survey: Using Genetic Algorithm Approach in Intrusion Detection Systems Techniques

Swarm scheduling approaches for work-flow applications with security constraints in distributed data-intensive computing environments

Tension estimation by fuzzy predictors in heavy facilities

Tensor Decomposition for 3D Bars Problem

Testing the properties of large quasigroups

Text Similarity Based on Data Compression in Arabic

Text normalization for named entity recognition in Vietnamese tweets

scientific article published in December 2016

The Deployment of MIS in Developing Countries

The Evolution of Fuzzy Classifier for Data Mining with Applications

The Hybrid Approaches for Forecasting Real Time Multi-step-ahead Boiler Efficiency

scholarly article published 2016

The Nelder-Mead Simplex Method with Variables Partitioning for Solving Large Scale Optimization Problems

Thermogram breast cancer prediction approach based on Neutrosophic sets and fuzzy c-means algorithm.

scientific article published in August 2015

Three Types of Differential Evolution Applied to the Facility Location Problem

Time-series forecasting using Bagging techniques and reservoir computing

Towards an Automated Zebrafish-based Toxicity Test Model Using Machine Learning


Towards intrusion detection by information retrieval and genetic programming

Towards prediction of photovoltaic power quality

Towards the analysis of co-authorship networks by iterative spectral partitioning

Traditional and self-adaptive differential evolution for the p-median problem

Trigram-Based Vietnamese Text Compression

Two New Methods for Network Analysis: Ant Colony Optimization and Reduction by Forgetting

Upgrading Web Search Queries

User Profiles Modeling in Information Retrieval Systems

User Segmentation Based on Finding Communities with Similar Behavior on the Web Site

Using Kohonen Maps and Singular Value Decomposition for Plagiarism Detection

Using SOM in the performance monitoring of the emergency call-taking system

Using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) as a solution for search result clustering


Using Singular Value Decomposition as a Solution for Search Result Clustering

article by Hussam D. Abdulla et al published 2014 in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Using Wavelet and Multi-wavelet Transforms for Web Information Retrieval of Czech Language

scholarly article by Shawki A. Al-Dubaee et al published 2010 in Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing

Using nonnegative matrix factorization and concept lattice reduction to visualizing data

scholarly article published August 2008

Using self-organizing maps for identification of roles in social networks

Utilization of the Discrete Differential Evolution for Optimization in Multidimensional Point Clouds.

scientific article

Utilizing Text Similarity Measurement for Data Compression to Detect Plagiarism in Czech

Value estimation of the use case parameters using SOM and fuzzy rules

article published in 2012

Vector model improvement using suffix trees


Visual Similarity of Web Pages

Visual investigation of similarities in Global Terrorism Database by means of synthetic social networks

Visualization of social network dynamics using Sammon's projection

scholarly article published August 2013

Visualizing Clusters in the Photovoltaic Power Station Data by Sammon’s Projection

scholarly article by Martin Radvanský et al published 2014 in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Water Pollution Detection System Based on Fish Gills as a Biomarker

article by Asmaa Hashem Sweidan et al published 2015 in Procedia Computer Science

Web Content Mining Using MicroGenres

Web Data Clustering

Web Page Analysis: Experiments Based on Discussion and Purchase Web Patterns

Web Page Analysis: Experiments Based on Discussion and Purchase Web Patterns

scientific article

Web Page Analysis: Experiments Based on Web Patterns

Web Site Description Based on Genres and Web Design Patterns

Web content mining using web design patterns

Web page classification based on collection

Web pages clustering based on web patterns

Web retrieval improvement: Using pattern detection


Web site assessment in the airline industry: An empirical study of GCC airline companies

Weighted Co-authorship Network Based on Forgetting

Word-Based Compression Methods and Indexing for Text Retrieval Systems

XML compression improvements based on the clustering of elements

n-Gram-Based Text Compression

scientific article published on 14 November 2016