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List of works by Andreu Mas-Colell

2 Recent Developments in the Theory of Incomplete Markets

A General Class of Adaptive Strategies

A Simple Adaptive Procedure Leading to Correlated Equilibrium

2000 article by Hart and Mas-Colell introducing regret-matching

A characterization of community excess demand functions


A further result on the representation of games by markets

article by Andreu Mas-Colell published February 1975 in Journal of Economic Theory

A geometric approach to a class of equilibrium existence theorems

A model of equilibrium with differentiated commodities


A new approach to the existence of equilibria in vector lattices

A note on a theorem of F. Browder

A note on cost-share equilibrium and owner-consumers

A note on the core equivalence theorem

scientific article (publication date: December 1978)

A refinement of the core equivalence theorem

A remark on a smoothness property of convex, complete preorders

A selection theorem for open graph correspondences with star-shaped values

An equilibrium existence theorem for a general model without ordered preferences

An equivalence theorem for a bargaining set

An observation on gross substitutability and the weak axiom of revealed preference

Bargaining and Cooperation in Strategic Form Games

Birgit Grodal: A Friend to Her Friends

scientific article (publication date: September 2004)

Chapter 34 Equilibrium theory in infinite dimensional spaces


Competitive and value allocations of large exchange economies

Continuous and smooth consumers: Approximation theorems

Corrections to an equilibrium existence theorem for a general model without ordered preferences

Cost share equilibria: A Lindahlian approach

Determinacy of equilibrium in large-scale economies

Finite Horizon Bargaining and the Consistent Field

General Possibility Theorems for Group Decisions

article published in 1972

Generic finiteness of equilibrium payoffs for bimatrix games

Gross substitutability in large-square economies

Harsanyi Values of Large Economies: Nonequivalence to Competitive Equilibria


Indeterminacy in incomplete market economies


Indivisible commodities and general equilibrium theory

La teoría del equilibrio económico general. Un enfoque diferenciable

1994 edition of written work by Andreu Mas-Colell

La teoría del equilibrio económico general. Un enfoque diferenciable

written work by Andreu Mas-Colell

La universidad española: soltando amarras

written work by Andreu Mas-Colell

La universidad española: soltando amarras

2005 edition of written work by Andreu Mas-Colell

Markets, correlation, and regret-matching

Nash equilibrium and economics: Remarks

Noncooperative approaches to the theory of perfect competition: Presentation


Notes on the smoothing of aggregate demand

On Revealed Preference Analysis

On a theorem of Schmeidler

On marginal cost pricing with given tax-subsidy rules

On the continuity of equilibrium prices in constant-returns production economies


On the equilibrium price set of an exchange economy

On the finiteness of the number of critical equilibria, with an application to random selections

On the stability of best reply and gradient systems with applications to imperfectly competitive models

Perfect Competition and the Core


Real indeterminacy with financial assets

Regret-based continuous-time dynamics

Remarks on the game-theoretic analysis of a simple distribution of surplus problem

Self-fulfilling equilibria: An existence theorem for a general state space

Stochastic uncoupled dynamics and Nash equilibrium


The Governance and Performance of Research Universities: Evidence from Europe and the U.S.

scientific article published in April 2009

The existence of security market equilibrium with a non-atomic state space


The governance and performance of universities: evidence from Europe and the US


Uncoupled Dynamics Do Not Lead to Nash Equilibrium


Walrasian equilibria as limits of noncooperative equilibria. Part I: Mixed strategies