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List of works by Stephen R. Lord

'Popping nana back into bed' - a qualitative exploration of paramedic decision making when caring for older people who have fallen

scientific article

A Bespoke Kinect Stepping Exergame for Improving Physical and Cognitive Function in Older People: A Pilot Study.

scientific article

A Falls Concern Scale for people with spinal cord injury (SCI-FCS)

scientific article published on 02 February 2010

A Multidomain Approach for Predicting Older Driver Safety Under In-Traffic Road Conditions

scientific article published on 18 April 2008

A Stroop Stepping Test (SST) using low-cost computer game technology discriminates between older fallers and non-fallers.

scientific article published on 14 October 2013

A comparison of activity classification in younger and older cohorts using a smartphone

scientific article

A feasibility study and pilot randomised trial of a tailored prevention program to reduce falls in older people with mild dementia

scientific article

A home-based, carer-enhanced exercise program improves balance and falls efficacy in community-dwelling older people with dementia

scientific article published on 3 October 2016

A low-power fall detection algorithm based on triaxial acceleration and barometric pressure

scientific article published on August 2014

A multidisciplinary intervention to prevent subsequent falls and health service use following fall-related paramedic care: a randomised controlled trial.

scientific article published on March 2017

A multifactorial approach to understanding fall risk in older people

scientific article

A multifactorial interdisciplinary intervention reduces frailty in older people: randomized trial.

scientific article

A multifactorial intervention for frail older people is more than twice as effective among those who are compliant: complier average causal effect analysis of a randomised trial.

scientific article

A multivariate regression model predicted falls in residents living in intermediate hostel care

scientific article published on 01 May 2005

A novel Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) system for in-home training of stepping ability: basic parameters of system use by older adults

scientific article published on 29 November 2009

A novel video game--based device for measuring stepping performance and fall risk in older people.

scientific article

A pilot study of long-term monitoring of human movements in the home using accelerometry

scientific article published on 01 January 2004

A population-based study of sensorimotor factors affecting gait in older people

scientific article published on 5 March 2009

A post-hospital home exercise program improved mobility but increased falls in older people: a randomised controlled trial.

scientific article

A randomized controlled pilot study of home-based step training in older people using videogame technology

scientific article

A randomized controlled trial of weight-bearing versus non-weight-bearing exercise for improving physical ability after usual care for hip fracture.

scientific article published in May 2004

A randomized, controlled trial of tai chi for the prevention of falls: the Central Sydney tai chi trial.

scientific article published on August 2007

A selection strategy was developed for fracture reduction programs in frail older people


A simple test of choice stepping reaction time for assessing fall risk in people with multiple sclerosis

scientific article published on 17 March 2016

A simple tool predicted probability of falling after aged care inpatient rehabilitation

scientific article published on 19 January 2011

A structural equation model relating impaired sensorimotor function, fear of falling and gait patterns in older people

scientific article published on 12 May 2006

A tactile stimulus applied to the leg improves postural stability in young, old and neuropathic subjects

scientific article published on 10 August 2006

Ability versus hazard: risk-taking and falls in older people.

scientific article published on 11 November 2014

Acceleration patterns of the head and pelvis when walking on level and irregular surfaces

scientific article published on 01 August 2003

Age-associated changes in head jerk while walking reveal altered dynamic stability in older people.

scientific article published on 5 October 2013

Age-related changes in gait adaptability in response to unpredictable obstacles and stepping targets.

scientific article published on 22 February 2016

Age-related differences in walking stability

scientific article published on 01 March 2003

An Interactive Home-Based Cognitive-Motor Step Training Program to Reduce Fall Risk in Older Adults: Qualitative Descriptive Study of Older Adults' Experiences and Requirements

scientific article published on 30 November 2018

Angiotensin system-blocking medications are associated with fewer falls over 12 months in community-dwelling older people

scientific article published on 30 April 2013

Association of Postural Sway with Disability Status and Cerebellar Dysfunction in People with Multiple Sclerosis: A Preliminary Study

scientific article published on May 2015

Associations between drug burden index and falls in older people in residential aged care

scientific article

Associations between drug burden index and physical function in older people in residential aged care facilities

scientific article published on 25 May 2010

Associations between obesity and overweight and fall risk, health status and quality of life in older people

scientific article published in February 2014

Atypical antipsychotic medications and risk of falls in residents of aged care facilities

scientific article published in August 2005

Automatic segmentation of triaxial accelerometry signals for falls risk estimation

scientific article published in January 2010

BMI: a simple, rapid and clinically meaningful index of under-nutrition in the oldest old?

scientific article published in May 2009

Balance confidence improves with resistance or agility training. Increase is not correlated with objective changes in fall risk and physical abilities

scientific article

Balance, reaction time, and muscle strength in exercising and nonexercising older women: a pilot study

scientific article published on 01 August 1993

Bed rest in a sydney teaching hospital

scientific article published on 01 January 1994

Blood pressure changes on upright tilting predict falls in older people

scientific article published on 01 May 2002

Both resistance and agility training reduce back pain and improve health-related quality of life in older women with low bone mass.

scientific article

Bottom-up subspace clustering suggests a paradigm shift to prevent fall injuries

scientific article

Brain white matter hyperintensities, executive dysfunction, instability, and falls in older people: a prospective cohort study

scientific article published on 8 March 2012

Can a tailored exercise and home hazard reduction program reduce the rate of falls in community dwelling older people with cognitive impairment: protocol paper for the i-FOCIS randomised controlled trial.

scientific article

Can social dancing prevent falls in older adults? a protocol of the Dance, Aging, Cognition, Economics (DAnCE) fall prevention randomised controlled trial

scientific article

Cerebellar volume mediates the relationship between FMR1 mRNA levels and voluntary step initiation in males with the premutation.

scientific article

Change in vision, visual disability, and health after cataract surgery

scientific article

Choice stepping reaction time test using exergame technology for fall risk assessment in older people

scientific article published on 01 January 2014

Clinical and physiological assessments for elucidating falls risk in Parkinson's disease

scientific article published on 01 July 2009

Cluster randomised trial of a targeted multifactorial intervention to prevent falls among older people in hospital

scientific article published on 10 March 2008

Cognitive Correlates of Timed Up and Go Subtasks in Older People With Preserved Cognition, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Alzheimer's Disease.

scientific article published in October 2017

Community-based group exercise improves balance and reduces falls in at-risk older people: a randomised controlled trial.

scientific article published on July 2003

Community-dwelling seniors who present to the emergency department with a fall do not receive Guideline care and their fall risk profile worsens significantly: a 6-month prospective study

scientific article

Comparison between clinical gait and daily-life gait assessments of fall risk in older people.

scientific article published on 8 February 2017

Comparison of effect of aerobic cycle training and progressive resistance training on walking ability after stroke: a randomized sham exercise-controlled study

scientific article published on 18 April 2008

Comparison of handheld video camera and GAITRite® measurement of gait impairment in people with early stage Parkinson's disease: a pilot study.

scientific article published on January 2013

Comparison of regional lower limb glucose metabolism in older adults during walking

scientific article published on 24 April 2009

Comparison of self-reported crashes, state crash records and an on-road driving assessment in a population-based sample of drivers aged 69-95 years

scientific article published in March 2009

Consequences of lower extremity and trunk muscle fatigue on balance and functional tasks in older people: a systematic literature review.

scientific article

Cost-effectiveness of a Home-Exercise Program Among Older People After Hospitalization

scientific article published on 18 February 2015

Cross-sectional analysis of foot function, functional ability, and health-related quality of life in older people with disabling foot pain

scientific article published in November 2011

Cultural influences on exercise participation and fall prevention: a systematic review and narrative synthesis.

scientific article published on 29 June 2015

Deep white matter hyperintensities, microstructural integrity and dual task walking in older people

scientific article published on 3 January 2018

Depressive Symptoms and Orthostatic Hypotension Are Risk Factors for Unexplained Falls in Community-Living Older People

scientific article

Depressive symptomatology as a risk factor for falls in older people: systematic review and meta-analysis.

scientific article published on 25 April 2013

Depressive symptoms and quality of life in people with age- related macular degeneration

scientific article published on 24 May 2011

Depressive symptoms in addition to visual impairment, reduced strength and poor balance predict falls in older Taiwanese people

scientific article

Depressive symptoms increase fall risk in older people, independent of antidepressant use, and reduced executive and physical functioning

scientific article published on 16 September 2014

Determinants of disparities between perceived and physiological risk of falling among elderly people: cohort study

scientific article

Determinants of health-related quality of life in institutionalised older persons in northern Sydney

scientific article published on 01 February 2005

Determinants of uptake of home modifications and exercise to prevent falls in community-dwelling older people

scientific article published on 28 August 2014

Development and Initial Validation of the Iconographical Falls Efficacy Scale

scientific article published on February 24, 2011

Development and validation of a Chinese version of the Falls Efficacy Scale International.

scientific article published on 30 October 2012

Development and validation of a fall-related impulsive behaviour scale for residential care

scientific article published on 16 October 2013

Development of a tool for prediction of falls in rehabilitation settings (Predict_FIRST): a prospective cohort study

scientific article published on 01 May 2010

Different cognitive profiles for single compared with recurrent fallers without dementia

scientific article published in July 2009

Differing risk factors for falls in nursing home and intermediate-care residents who can and cannot stand unaided

scientific article published on 01 November 2003

Discriminative ability and predictive validity of the timed up and go test in identifying older people who fall: systematic review and meta-analysis.

scientific article published on 25 January 2013

Disentangling the health benefits of walking from increased exposure to falls in older people using remote gait monitoring and multi-dimensional analysis

scientific article published on 12 December 2016

Distribution and correlates of plantar hyperkeratotic lesions in older people.

scientific article published on 30 March 2009

Does a fall prevention educational programme improve knowledge and change exercise prescribing behaviour in health and exercise professionals? A study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

scientific article

Does increased sunlight exposure work as a strategy to improve vitamin D status in the elderly: a cluster randomised controlled trial.

scientific article published on 3 March 2011

Dorsiflexion Assist Orthosis Reduces the Physiological Cost and Mitigates Deterioration in Strength and Balance Associated With Walking in People With Multiple Sclerosis

scientific article published in February 2015

Economic evaluation of a falls prevention exercise program among people With Parkinson's disease

scientific article published on 23 September 2015

Economic evaluation of a multifactorial, interdisciplinary intervention versus usual care to reduce frailty in frail older people.

scientific article published on 18 September 2014

Effect of a multifactorial interdisciplinary intervention on mobility-related disability in frail older people: randomised controlled trial

scientific article

Effect of a multifactorial, interdisciplinary intervention on risk factors for falls and fall rate in frail older people: a randomised controlled trial.

scientific article published on 30 December 2013

Effect of age-related chronic immobility on markers of bone turnover

scientific article published on 24 October 2005

Effect of wearing a dorsiflexion assist orthosis on mobility, perceived fatigue and exertion during the six-minute walk test in people with multiple sclerosis: a randomised cross-over protocol.

scientific article

Effect on falls of providing single lens distance vision glasses to multifocal glasses wearers: VISIBLE randomised controlled trial

scientific article

Effectiveness of a multifaceted podiatry intervention to prevent falls in community dwelling older people with disabling foot pain: randomised controlled trial.

scientific article

Effectiveness of a multifactorial intervention on preventing development of frailty in pre-frail older people: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

scientific article

Effects of Footwear Features on Balance and Stepping in Older People

scientific article published on 04 February 2008

Effects of Shoe Characteristics on Dynamic Stability When Walking on Even and Uneven Surfaces in Young and Older People

scientific article published on 29 August 2008

Effects of Tai Chi on Cognition and Fall Risk in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Randomized Controlled Trial

scientific article published on 22 November 2016

Effects of a home-based step training programme on balance, stepping, cognition and functional performance in people with multiple sclerosis--a randomized controlled trial

scientific article

Effects of walking surfaces and footwear on temporo-spatial gait parameters in young and older people

scientific article published on 28 November 2008

Efficacy of a multifaceted podiatry intervention to improve balance and prevent falls in older people: study protocol for a randomised trial

scientific article

Eight-Week Remote Monitoring Using a Freely Worn Device Reveals Unstable Gait Patterns in Older Fallers

scientific article published on 15 May 2015

Epidemiology of emergency medical service responses to older people who have fallen: a prospective cohort study

scientific article published on 8 January 2014

Evaluating the effectiveness of a home-based exercise programme delivered through a tablet computer for preventing falls in older community-dwelling people over 2 years: study protocol for the Standing Tall randomised controlled trial.

scientific article

Evaluation of the incidental and planned activity questionnaire (IPEQ) for older people.

scientific article published on 26 May 2009

Evidence of detraining after 12-week home-based exercise programs designed to reduce fall-risk factors in older people recently discharged from hospital

scientific article published on 12 April 2012

Exercise and fall prevention self-management to reduce mobility-related disability and falls after fall-related lower limb fracture in older people: protocol for the RESTORE (Recovery Exercises and STepping On afteR fracturE) randomised controlled t

scientific article published on 2 February 2016

Exercise effect on dynamic stability in older women: a randomized controlled trial

scientific article published on 01 March 1996

Exercise for falls prevention in Parkinson disease: a randomized controlled trial.

scientific article

Exercise for falls prevention in older people: assessing the knowledge of exercise science students

scientific article

Exercise intervention to prevent falls and enhance mobility in community dwellers after stroke: a protocol for a randomised controlled trial

scientific article published on 22 July 2009

Exercise therapy for prevention of falls in people with Parkinson's disease: a protocol for a randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation

scientific article

Exercise to enhance mobility and prevent falls after stroke: the community stroke club randomized trial.

scientific article

Exercise to prevent falls in older adults: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis.

scientific article

Fall assessment in older people.

scientific article published on 14 September 2011

Fall risk in Chinese community-dwelling older adults: A physiological profile assessment study

scientific article published on 6 February 2015

Fall-related hospitalization in people with Parkinson's disease.

scientific article published on 24 January 2017

Fall-related sub-acute and non-acute care and hospitalised rehabilitation episodes of care: what is the injury burden?

scientific article published on June 2013

Falls efficacy scale-international: a cross-sectional validation in people with multiple sclerosis

scientific article

Falls in Older People

scholarly article published 2007

Falls incidence, risk factors, and consequences in Chinese older people: a systematic review.

scientific article published on March 2011

Falls management: detection and prevention, using a waist-mounted triaxial accelerometer

scientific article published in January 2007

Falls risk is associated with pain and dysfunction but not radiographic osteoarthritis in older adults: Tasmanian Older Adult Cohort study

scientific article published on 03 February 2006

Fatigue induced changes to kinematic and kinetic gait parameters following six minutes of walking in people with multiple sclerosis

scientific article published on 20 May 2015

Fatigue, Physical Activity, Quality of Life, and Fall Risk in People with Multiple Sclerosis

scientific article published on 01 March 2017

Foot Pain, Plantar Pressures, and Falls in Older People: A Prospective Study

scientific article published on 09 September 2010

Foot and Ankle Strength, Range of Motion, Posture, and Deformity Are Associated With Balance and Functional Ability in Older Adults

scientific article published on 01 January 2011

Foot and leg problems are important determinants of functional status in community dwelling older people

scientific article published on 01 August 2005

Foot pain in community-dwelling older people: an evaluation of the Manchester Foot Pain and Disability Index

scientific article published on 31 January 2006

Foot shape of older people: implications for shoe design

article by Karen Julie Mickle et al published September 2010 in Footwear Science

Footwear Characteristics and Risk of Indoor and Outdoor Falls in Older People

scientific article published on 01 January 2006

Force-controlled balance perturbations associated with falls in older people: a prospective cohort study

scientific article

Fracture risk assessment in frail older people using clinical risk factors

scientific article published on 9 June 2008

Frailty Intervention Trial (FIT)

scientific article

Gait as a biomarker? Accelerometers reveal that reduced movement quality while walking is associated with Parkinson's disease, ageing and fall risk.

scientific article published in January 2014

Gait impairment and falls in cognitively impaired older adults: an explanatory model of sensorimotor and neuropsychological mediators.

scientific article published on 9 May 2012

Gait parameter risk factors for falls under simple and dual task conditions in cognitively impaired older people

scientific article published on 23 July 2012

Gait profiles as indicators of domain-specific impairments in executive control across neurodevelopmental disorders.

scientific article published on 28 October 2013

Gait, balance and plantar pressures in older people with toe deformities

scientific article published on 22 June 2011

Galvanic vestibular stimulation evokes sensations of body rotation

scientific article (publication date: 20 December 2002)

Good lateral harmonic stability combined with adequate gait speed is required for low fall risk in older people.

scientific article published on 19 August 2014

Good memory as a predictor of falls: fact or artefact

scientific article published on 8 February 2012

Greater daily defined dose of antihypertensive medication increases the risk of falls in older people--a population-based study.

scientific article published on 16 June 2014

Group exercise can improve participants' mobility in an outpatient rehabilitation setting: a randomized controlled trial


Head and pelvis stride-to-stride oscillations in gait: validation and interpretation of measurements from wearable accelerometers

scientific article published on 2 April 2015

Health and lifestyle risk factors for falls in a large population-based sample of older people in Australia

scientific article published on 14 December 2012

Health and social support services in older adults recently discharged from hospital: service utilisation and costs and exploration of the impact of a home-exercise intervention

scientific article

Health coaching and pedometers to enhance physical activity and prevent falls in community-dwelling people aged 60 years and over: study protocol for the Coaching for Healthy AGEing (CHAnGE) cluster randomised controlled trial.

scientific article published on 10 May 2016

High arterial pulse wave velocity is a risk factor for falls in community-dwelling older people

scientific article published on 15 July 2014

High bone turnover is an independent predictor of mortality in the frail elderly

scientific article published on 5 April 2006

Hip fractures: changing patterns in hospital bed use in NSW between 1979 and 1990

scientific article published on 01 May 1993

Home exercise to improve strength and walking velocity after hip fracture: a randomized controlled trial

scientific article published on 01 February 1997

Hospital admissions following presentations to emergency departments for a fracture in older people

scientific article published on June 2007

ICF participation restriction is common in frail, community-dwelling older people: an observational cross-sectional study.

scientific article published in March 2011

ICT-based system to predict and prevent falls (iStoppFalls): results from an international multicenter randomized controlled trial

scientific article published on 27 November 2015

ICT-based system to predict and prevent falls (iStoppFalls): study protocol for an international multicenter randomized controlled trial

scientific article

ISB Clinical Biomechanics Award 2009: toe weakness and deformity increase the risk of falls in older people

scientific article published on 13 September 2009

Identification of high risk fallers among older people living in residential care facilities: a simple screen based on easily collectable measures.

scientific article

Identifying older people at high risk of future falls: development and validation of a screening tool for use in emergency departments.

scientific article published on 8 November 2012

Impact of white matter lesions on physical functioning and fall risk in older people: a systematic review

scientific article published on 02 June 2011

Impaired Depth Perception and Restricted Pitch Head Movement Increase Obstacle Contacts When Dual-Tasking in Older People

scientific article published on 12 February 2010

Impaired Response Selection During Stepping Predicts Falls in Older People-A Cohort Study

scientific article

Impaired weight transfer persists at least four months after hip fracture and rehabilitation.

scientific article published on 21 April 2010

Implementing falls prevention research into policy and practice in Australia: past, present and future

scientific article published on 15 November 2011

Incidental and Planned Exercise Questionnaire for seniors: validity and responsiveness

scientific article published in January 2014

Increased concern is protective for falls in Chinese older people: the chopstix fall risk study.

scientific article published on 11 February 2013

Individual and community fall prevention strategies

scientific article published on 01 May 2008

Inertial measurements of free-living activities: assessing mobility to predict falls

scientific article published on January 2014

Influence of fall related factors and bone strength on fracture risk in the frail elderly

scientific article published on 10 January 2007

Interactive Cognitive-Motor Step Training Improves Cognitive Risk Factors of Falling in Older Adults - A Randomized Controlled Trial

scientific article published on 16 December 2015

Intervention to prevent further falls in older people who call an ambulance as a result of a fall: a protocol for the iPREFER randomised controlled trial.

scientific article

Intraindividual Stepping Reaction Time Variability Predicts Falls in Older Adults With Mild Cognitive Impairment

scientific article published on 3 September 2016

Kinect-Based Five-Times-Sit-to-Stand Test for Clinical and In-Home Assessment of Fall Risk in Older People.

scientific article published on 28 May 2015

Kinect-based choice reaching and stepping reaction time tests for clinical and in-home assessment of fall risk in older people: a prospective study

scientific article published on 30 January 2016

Longitudinal falls-risk estimation using triaxial accelerometry

scientific article published on 29 September 2009

Low-Power Fall Detector Using Triaxial Accelerometry and Barometric Pressure Sensing

article by Changhong Wang et al published December 2016 in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

Low-trauma fractures indicate increased risk of hip fracture in frail older people

scientific article published in February 2011

Measures of physical functioning after hip fracture: construct validity and responsiveness of performance-based and self-reported measures

scientific article published on 12 July 2012

Measuring human functional age: a review of empirical findings

scientific article published on July 1996

Medications Are Associated with Falls in People with Multiple Sclerosis: A Prospective Cohort Study

scientific article

Men's perspectives on fall risk and fall prevention following participation in a group-based programme conducted at Men's Sheds, Australia

scientific article published on 15 December 2016

Mild cognitive impairment as a predictor of falls in community-dwelling older people

scientific article published in October 2012

Minimal chair height standing ability is independently associated with falls in Taiwanese older people

scientific article published in July 2011

Minimising disability and falls in older people through a post-hospital exercise program: a protocol for a randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation

scientific article

Mobility training after hip fracture: a randomised controlled trial


Mobility-related disability three months after aged care rehabilitation can be predicted with a simple tool: an observational study

scientific article published on 01 January 2010

Most functional outcomes are similar for men and women after hip fracture: a secondary analysis of the enhancing mobility after hip fracture trial

scientific article

Multifocal glasses impair edge-contrast sensitivity and depth perception and increase the risk of falls in older people

scientific article published on 01 November 2002

Multiple sclerosis severity and concern about falling: Physical, cognitive and psychological mediating factors

scientific article

Muscle weakness impairs the proprioceptive control of human standing

scientific article published on 16 April 2008

Myostatin antibody (LY2495655) in older weak fallers: a proof-of-concept, randomised, phase 2 trial

scientific article published on 26 October 2015

Neovascular AMD: an overlooked risk factor for injurious falls.

scientific article published on 23 July 2009

Neuropsychological, balance, and mobility risk factors for falls in people with multiple sclerosis: a prospective cohort study

scientific article published on 3 October 2013

Neuropsychological, physical, and functional mobility measures associated with falls in cognitively impaired older adults

scientific article

New Methods to Monitor Stair Ascents Using a Wearable Pendant Device Reveal How Behavior, Fear, and Frailty Influence Falls in Octogenarians

scientific article

New methods for fall risk prediction.

scientific article published on September 2014

Normative data on neuropsychological tests for very old adults living in retirement villages and hostels

scientific article

Obesity and falls in older people: mediating effects of disease, sedentary behavior, mood, pain and medication use.

scientific article published on 22 September 2014

Older fallers attended to by an ambulance but not transported to hospital: a vulnerable population at high risk of future falls

scientific article

Older people contact more obstacles when wearing multifocal glasses and performing a secondary visual task

scientific article published on 18 August 2009

Older people presenting to the emergency department after a fall: a population with substantial recurrent healthcare use.

scientific article

Older women with age-related macular degeneration have a greater risk of falls: a physiological profile assessment study

scientific article published on 20 March 2008

Otago home-based strength and balance retraining improves executive functioning in older fallers: a randomized controlled trial

scientific article published on 15 September 2008

Our correct use of ANCOVA yields acceptable results

article by KAARIN J. ANSTEY et al published 2 February 2007 in Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society

Pain and anxiety mediate the relationship between dizziness and falls in older people

scientific article published on 25 January 2013

Perception of the Postural Vertical and Falls in Older People

scientific article published on 03 July 2012

Perceptions of Speed and Risk: Experimental Studies of Road Crossing by Older People

scientific article

Physical activity program for older persons: effect on balance, strength, neuromuscular control, and reaction time

scientific article published in June 1994

Physical factors underlying the association between lower walking performance and falls in older people: a structural equation model

scientific article

Physical functioning measures and risk of falling in older people living in residential aged care facilities.

scientific article

Physical impairments in cognitively impaired older people: implications for risk of falls

scientific article published on 26 July 2012

Physiologic, health and lifestyle factors associated with femoral neck bone density in older women


Physiologic, psychologic, and health predictors of 6-minute walk performance in older people

scientific article

Physiological and Cognitive Mediators for the Association Between Self-reported Depressed Mood and Impaired Choice Stepping Reaction Time in Older People

scientific article published on 21 December 2009

Physiological and psychological predictors of walking speed in older community-dwelling people

scientific article published on 01 November 2005

Physiological fall risk factors in cognitively impaired older people: a one-year prospective study

scientific article published on 11 October 2012

Postural sway approaches center of mass stability limits in Parkinson's disease

scientific article published on 10 February 2011

Prediction of voluntary activation, strength and endurance of elbow flexors in postpolio patients

scientific article

Predictors of adherence to a multifaceted podiatry intervention for the prevention of falls in older people

scientific article

Predictors of adherence to a structured exercise program and physical activity participation in community dwellers after stroke.

scientific article

Predictors of cessation of regular leisure-time physical activity in community-dwelling elderly people

scientific article published on 23 May 2007

Predictors of exercise adherence in older people living in retirement villages

scientific article

Predictors of falling in elderly hospital patients

scientific article published on 01 May 2004

Predictors of nontransport of older fallers who receive ambulance care.

scientific article published on 24 January 2014

Prevalence and correlates of participation in fall prevention exercise/physical activity by older adults

scientific article published on 10 October 2012

Prevalence of Vestibular Disorder in Older People Who Experience Dizziness.

scientific article

Preventing falls in older multifocal glasses wearers by providing single-lens distance glasses: the protocol for the VISIBLE randomised controlled trial.

scientific article

Primary aging, secondary aging, and intelligence

scientific article published in 1993

Provision of out-of-hospital analgesia to older fallers with suspected fractures: above par, but opportunities for improvement exist

scientific article

Proxy assessment of health-related quality of life in the frail elderly

scientific article published on 01 July 2003

Psychological distress and visual functioning in relation to vision-related disability in older individuals with cataracts

scientific article published in May 2006

Quantitative ultrasound of the calcaneus and falls risk in the institutionalized elderly: sex differences and relationship to vitamin D status

scientific article published on 01 November 2002


article by Robert G. Cumming et al published January 2006 in Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Rapid gait termination: effects of age, walking surfaces and footwear characteristics.

scientific article published on 8 April 2009

Rationale for Strengthening Muscle to Prevent Falls and Fractures: A Review of the Evidence.

scientific article published on 4 February 2016

Reach distance but not judgment error is associated with falls in older people.

scientific article published on 17 May 2011

Reaction Time and Postural Sway Modify the Effect of Executive Function on Risk of Falls in Older People with Mild to Moderate Cognitive Impairment

scientific article published on 25 October 2016

Recommendations for a core outcome set for measuring standing balance in adult populations: a consensus-based approach.

scientific article

Reducing risk of falling in older people discharged from hospital: a randomized controlled trial comparing seated exercises, weight-bearing exercises, and social visits

scientific article published in August 2009

Regional Gray Matter Volumes Are Related to Concern About Falling in Older People: A Voxel-Based Morphometric Study

scientific article

Relationships between HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statin) use and strength, balance and falls in older people

scientific article

Relationships between serum vitamin D levels, neuromuscular and neuropsychological function and falls in older men and women

scientific article published on 20 April 2011

Reliability of simple portable tests of physical performance in older people after hip fracture

scientific article published on 01 August 2005

Reliability of the GAITRite® walkway system for the quantification of temporo-spatial parameters of gait in young and older people

scientific article published on 01 August 2004

Resistance and agility training reduce fall risk in women aged 75 to 85 with low bone mass: a 6-month randomized, controlled trial.

scientific article

Risk factors for fracture following a fall among older people in residential care facilities in Australia

scientific article published on 22 September 2008

Risk factors for frequent falls in people with Parkinson's disease

scientific article published on 01 January 2014

Risk factors for hip fracture among institutionalised older people

scientific article

Risk of falling: Predictors based on reduced strength in persons previously affected by polio

scientific article published on 01 June 2002

Rivastigmine for gait stability in patients with Parkinson's disease (ReSPonD): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial

scientific article published on 12 January 2016

Role of quantitative ultrasound to predict fracture among institutionalised older people with a history of fracture

scientific article published on 27 May 2008

Selective subcortical contributions to gait impairments in males with the FMR1 premutation.

scientific article published on 28 September 2016

Self-reported chronic pain is associated with physical performance in older people leaving aged care rehabilitation

scientific article published on 05 February 2014

Sensori-motor function in older persons with diabetes

scientific article

Sensori-motor function, gait patterns and falls in community-dwelling women

scientific article published on 01 July 1996

Sensorimotor and neuropsychological correlates of force perturbations that induce stepping in older adults

scientific article published on 26 June 2012

Sensorimotor and postural control factors associated with driving safety in a community-dwelling older driver population

scientific article published on 29 October 2013

Serum Parathyroid Hormone Is Associated with Increased Mortality Independent of 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D Status, Bone Mass, and Renal Function in the Frail and Very Old: A Cohort Study

scientific article published on 01 November 2004

Serum Parathyroid Hormone Predicts Time to Fall Independent of Vitamin D Status in a Frail Elderly Population

scientific article published on 01 April 2004

Single and dual task tests of gait speed are equivalent in the prediction of falls in older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

scientific article

Six minutes of walking leads to reduced lower limb strength and increased postural sway in people with Multiple Sclerosis.

scientific article published in January 2014

Sleep quality and falls in older people living in self- and assisted-care villages

scientific article published on 21 July 2008

Slip resistance of casual footwear: implications for falls in older adults

scientific article

Slow Processing Speed Predicts Falls in Older Adults With a Falls History: 1-Year Prospective Cohort Study.

scientific article published on 08 April 2017

Social Dancing and Incidence of Falls in Older Adults: A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial.

scientific article

Soft tissue thickness under the metatarsal heads is reduced in older people with toe deformities.

scientific article

Spatial variability during gait initiation while dual tasking is increased in individuals with mild cognitive impairment

scientific article published on March 2014

Step Time Variability and Pelvis Acceleration Patterns of Younger and Older Adults: Effects of Footwear and Surface Conditions

scientific article published on 01 January 2011

Step training improves reaction time, gait and balance and reduces falls in older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis

scientific article

Streamlining assessment and intervention in a falls clinic using the Timed Up and Go Test and Physiological Profile Assessments.

scientific article published in November 2005

Strength in the lower limbs, visual contrast sensitivity, and simple reaction time predict cognition in older women

scientific article published on 01 March 1997

Strength measures are better than muscle mass measures in predicting health-related outcomes in older people: time to abandon the term sarcopenia?

scientific article published on 9 July 2016

Sub-cortical infarcts and the risk of falls in older people: combined results of TASCOG and Sydney MAS studies

scientific article published on 8 April 2014

Sunlight and health: Attitudes of older people living in intermediate care facilities in southern Australia


Symmetry matched auditory cues improve gait steadiness in most people with Parkinson's disease but not in healthy older people.

scientific article published in January 2015

Systematic review of non-transportation rates and outcomes for older people who have fallen after ambulance service call-out.

scientific article published on 17 April 2013

Tailored multifactorial intervention to improve dizziness symptoms and quality of life, balance and gait in dizziness sufferers aged over 50 years: protocol for a randomised controlled trial

scientific article

The Falls Efficacy Scale International (FES-I). A comprehensive longitudinal validation study

scientific article

The ReSPonD trial--rivastigmine to stabilise gait in Parkinson's disease a phase II, randomised, double blind, placebo controlled trial to evaluate the effect of rivastigmine on gait in patients with Parkinson's disease who have fallen

scientific article

The association between choice stepping reaction time and falls in older adults--a path analysis model

scientific article published in January 2010

The beneficial effects of group-based exercises on fall risk profile and physical activity persist 1 year postintervention in older women with low bone mass: follow-up after withdrawal of exercise

scientific article

The comparative ability of eight functional mobility tests for predicting falls in community-dwelling older people

scientific article published on 16 May 2008

The contribution of foot problems to mobility impairment and falls in community-dwelling older people

scientific article published on 01 December 2001

The development and validation of a brief performance-based fall risk assessment tool for use in primary care.

scientific article published on 3 June 2010

The effect of an individualized fall prevention program on fall risk and falls in older people: a randomized, controlled trial

scientific article published on 01 August 2005

The effect of cataract surgery on neuropsychological test performance: a randomized controlled trial.

scientific article published in September 2006

The effect of enhanced supervision on fall rates in residential aged care

scientific article published on 01 October 2009

The effect of group exercise on physical functioning and falls in frail older people living in retirement villages: a randomized, controlled trial

scientific article published on 01 December 2003

The effect of group-based exercise on cognitive performance and mood in seniors residing in intermediate care and self-care retirement facilities: a randomised controlled trial

scientific article published on 16 October 2008

The effect of interactive cognitive-motor training in reducing fall risk in older people: a systematic review

scientific article

The effect of lower limb muscle fatigue on obstacle negotiation during walking in older adults

scientific article published on 27 September 2012

The effect of sensor-based exercise at home on functional performance associated with fall risk in older people - a comparison of two exergame interventions.

scientific article published on 30 November 2015

The effects of a community exercise program on fracture risk factors in older women

scientific article published on 01 January 1996

The effects of an exercise program on fall risk factors in people with Parkinson's disease: a randomized controlled trial.

scientific article published in July 2010

The epidemiology of hospitalised wrist fractures in older people, New South Wales, Australia

scientific article published in November 2006

The impact of a home-based walking programme on falls in older people: the Easy Steps randomised controlled trial

scientific article published on 8 January 2015

The impact of cataract surgery on visual functioning, vision-related disability and psychological distress: a randomized controlled trial

scientific article published in November 2006

The increasing burden of pelvic fractures in older people, New South Wales, Australia

scientific article published in November 2005

The influence of age, anxiety and concern about falling on postural sway when standing at an elevated level.

scientific article published on 15 July 2016

The interplay between executive control and motor functioning in Williams syndrome.

scientific article

The on-road difficulties of older drivers and their relationship with self-reported motor vehicle crashes

scientific article published on 28 September 2009

The physiology of falling: assessment and prevention strategies for older people

scientific article

The relative contribution of physical and cognitive fall risk factors in people with Parkinson's disease: a large prospective cohort study.

scientific article

The role of cognitive function and physical activity in physical decline in older adults across the cognitive spectrum

scientific article published on 25 May 2018

The role of concern about falling on stepping performance during complex activities

scientific article published on 27 November 2019

The upper limb Physiological Profile Assessment: Description, reliability, normative values and criterion validity

scientific article published on 27 June 2019

Three simple clinical tests to accurately predict falls in people with Parkinson's disease.

scientific article published on 28 February 2013

Thresholds for inducing protective stepping responses to external perturbations of human standing

scientific article published on 23 April 2003

Towards enhancing national capacity for evidence informed policy and practice in falls management: a role for a "Translation Task Group"?

scientific article published on 31 May 2007

Training unsupported sitting in people with chronic spinal cord injuries: a randomized controlled trial

scientific article published on 14 July 2009

Transfer effects of step training on stepping performance in untrained directions in older adults: A randomized controlled trial.

scientific article published on 21 February 2017

Treating frailty--a practical guide.

scientific article

Treatment of Osteoporosis in Australian Residential Aged Care Facilities: Update on Consensus Recommendations for Fracture Prevention

scientific article published on 24 June 2016

Uncontrolled head oscillations in people with Parkinson's disease may reflect an inability to respond to perturbations while walking

scientific article published on 02 April 2015

Understanding risk of falls in people with cognitive impairment living in residential care

scientific article published on 5 May 2012

Use of a physiological profile to document motor impairment in ageing and in clinical groups

scientific article published on 25 September 2015

Validation of an accelerometer-based fall prediction model

scientific article published on January 2014

Validation of the Iconographical Falls Efficacy Scale in cognitively impaired older people.

scientific article published on 16 May 2013

Validity and Reliability of Assessment Tools for Measuring Unsupported Sitting in People With a Spinal Cord Injury

scientific article published on 01 September 2009

Validity and reliability of a simple 'low-tech' test for measuring choice stepping reaction time in older people

scientific article published on 27 October 2015

Validity and reliability of the Swaymeter device for measuring postural sway

scientific article

Virtual reality and the prevention of falls in the real world

scientific article published on 11 August 2016

Vision and falls in older people: risk factors and intervention strategies.

scientific article

Visual Field Dependence Is Associated with Reduced Postural Sway, Dizziness and Falls in Older People Attending a Falls Clinic.

scientific article

Visual risk factors for falls in older people

scientific article published in May 2001

Visual risk factors for falls in older people.

scientific article published on September 2006

Visuospatial tasks affect locomotor control more than nonspatial tasks in older people.

scientific article

Vitamin D response of older people in residential aged care to sunlight-derived ultraviolet radiation.

scientific article published on 14 October 2014

Walking for six minutes increases both simple reaction time and stepping reaction time in moderately disabled people with Multiple Sclerosis

scientific article published in July 2014

Walking speed, cadence and step length are selected to optimize the stability of head and pelvis accelerations

scientific article published on 24 August 2007

Walking stability and sensorimotor function in older people with diabetic peripheral neuropathy 1 1No commercial party having a direct financial interest in the results of the research supporting this article has or will confer a benefit upon the aut

scientific article published on 01 February 2004

Wavelet-Based Sit-To-Stand Detection and Assessment of Fall Risk in Older People Using a Wearable Pendant Device.

scientific article published on 3 October 2016

Wearable pendant device monitoring using new wavelet-based methods shows daily life and laboratory gaits are different.

scientific article published on 6 August 2015

White matter hyperintensities and impaired choice stepping reaction time in older people

scientific article published on 22 January 2011

White matter hyperintensities are an independent predictor of physical decline in community-dwelling older people

scientific article published on 16 May 2012