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List of works by Alexandre Dumas

A marriage of convenience : period, Louis XV

a comedy in four acts

Abbé Busoni

alias of Count of Monte Cristo


book by Alexandre Dumas père

All for one and one for all

motto of the Three Musketeers

Ange Pitou

Ange Pitou


Ange Pitou

Marabout géant edition

Anioł Pitoux


play by Alexandre Dumas


novel by the French author Alexandre Dumas


French edition of novel by Alexandre Dumas

Benvenuto Cellini

Polish translaton of novel by Alexandre Dumas

Bibliography of Alexandre Dumas

list of works

Captain Pamphile

Captain Pamphile

1839 novel by Alexandre Dumas

Captain Paul, the pirate

penny blood serialization

Captain Paul, the pirate

penny blood edition



Catherine de Médicis BOYER 1762

document from the Boyer collection

Celebrated Crimes

literary work

Celebrated Crimes

serialized fiction collection

Celebrated Crimes

penny blood edtion

Chicot, the Jester: or, The Lady of Monsoreau. An Historical Romance

Alexandre Dumas 1857

D'Artagnan Romances

set of three novels by 19th century writer Alexandre Dumas

D'Artagnan et les trois mousquetaires

theatrical play from Québec

D'Artagnan et les trois mousquetaires

first edition or translation of a theatrical play in the saison 2015-2016 in Quebec

D'Artagnan et les trois mousquetaires

second edition or translation of a theatrical play in the saison 2015-2016 in Quebec

De tre musketörerna

Swedish 1911 translation of Dumas' Les Trois Mousquetaires

Den siste chevalieren

Swedish 1928 translation of Dumas' Le Chevalier de Maison-Rouge


literary work




book edition

Desrues, the Poisoner; or, all for gold

penny blood

Desrues, the Poisoner; or, all for gold

penny blood periodical serialization


Swedish 1904 translation of Dumas' novel La Dame de Monsoreau

Dieu dispose

literary work

Dieu dispose


Dieu dispose

serialized fiction

Don Juan de Marana


Drottning Margot

Swedish 1920 translation of Alexandre Dumas senior's novel Queen Margot

Dwadzieścia lat później

Fate; or, the avenger's doom

penny blood

Fate; or, the avenger's doom

penny blood periodical serialization

Francis the First: or, The Sculptor's Apprentice and the Provost's D...

Alexandre Dumas 1849

Francis the First; or, the sculptor's apprentice and the provost's daughter

penny blood seralization

Francis the First; or, the sculptor's apprentice and the provost's daughter, volume 1

penny blood edition

Francis the First; or, the sculptor's apprentice and the provost's daughter, volume 2

penny blood edition

Gabriel Lambert

novel by Alexandre Dumas

Gemma di Vergy

opera by Gaetano Donizetti

George: or, The Planter of the Isle of France

Alexandre Dumas 1846


novel by Alexandre Dumas


Grefvinnan de Monsoreau

Swedish 1912 translation of Dumas' La Dame de Monsoreau

Hamlet Alexandre

Hamlet Alexandre is an actor and editor, known for The War Next-door (2021).

Henry III and His Court

1829 play by Alexandre Dumas

Historja Dziadka do Orzechów

1927 Polish translations of two French stories

Hrabia Monte Christo

Polish edition of novel by Alexandre Dumas

Hrabina Charny

Polish edition of novel by Alexandre Dumas

Il tulipano nero

Impressions de voyage en Suisse

Ingenue: or, The Death of Marat. A Romance

Alexandre Dumas 1860

Ingénue, or, the first days of blood

traduction du roman d'Alexandre Dumas, Ingénue

Internacia Krestomatio

book by Alexandre Dumas père

Isabel de Bavière

novel by Alexandre Dumas

Isabel of Bavaria: or, The Chronicles of France for the Reign of Cha...

Alexandre Dumas 1846

Italie pittoresque. Tableau historique et descriptif de l'Italie, du Piémont, de la Sardaigne, de la Sicile, de Malte et de la Corse

Joseph Balsamo


Joseph Balsamo : memoires d'un medecin

book by Alexandre Dumas

Joseph Balsamo : memoires d'un medecin

Józef Balsamo

Polish translation of novel by Alexander Dumas

Kawaler de Maison Rouge


play written by Alexandre Dumas


1940 film by Guido Brignone

Kean: Genius or Scoundrel

1956 film by Vittorio Gassman, Francesco Rosi

Kobieta o aksamitnym naszyjniku

La Colombe

literary work

La Colombe


La Colombe

book edition

La Dame de Monsoreau

Novel by Alexandre Dumas,

La Femme au collier de velours

La Reine Margot


La Reine Margot

serialized fiction

La Reine Margot

novel by Alexandre Dumas

La San-Felice

1864 novel by Alexandre Dumas

La Tour de Nesle

play by Dumas and Gaillardet

La Tulipe noire

French edition of Alexandre Dumas novel

La comtesse de Charny


La comtesse de Charny

Marabout géan

La dame de Monsoreau

book version

La guerre des femmes

book by Alexandre Dumas père

La traviata

opera by Giuseppe Verdi

Lady Hamiltonová: životopisný a historický román

1948 Czech book edition

Le Capitaine Pamphile

French edition of novel by Alexandre Dumas

Le Caucase

1859 French edition

Le Chant des Girondins

Anthem of the Second French Republic

Le Chevalier de Maison-Rouge

novel by Alexandre Dumas père

Le Chevalier de Maison-Rouge

French theater play

Le Chevalier de Maison-Rouge

Le Comte de Monte Cristo

serialized fiction

Le Comte de Monte Cristo


Le Comte de Monte-Cristo

French edition of novel by Alexandre Dumas

Le Corricolo

1841–1843 travelogue by Alexandre Dumas

Le Gentilhomme de La Montagne

Le Meneur de loups

1868 French edition

Le Sphinx rouge

Novel by Alexandre Dumas Sr.

Le Vicomte de Bragelonne

Le collier de la reine

edition of "The Queen's Necklace"

Les Compagnons de Jéhu


Les Compagnons de Jéhu

book edition

Les Mille et Un Fantômes


Les Mille et Un Fantômes

book edition

Les Mohicans de Paris

1854 novel by Alexandre Dumas

Les Trois Mousquetaires

1849 edition

Les frères corses

first edition

Les frères corses


Les quarante-cinq


Les quarante-cinq

Marabout 1962

Louis 16. et la révolution

book of Alexandre Dumas

Louis 16. et la révolution

Michel Lévy Frères 1866

Mademoiselle de Belle-Isle

Margaret of Navarre: or The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve. An Hi...

Alexandre Dumas 1845

Margaret of Navarre; or the massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve

serialized fiction translation

Margaret of Navarre; or the massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve

penny blood edition

Marie Antoinette; or, the chevalier of the Red House

serialized fiction translation

Marie Antoinette; or, the chevalier of the Red House

penny blood edition

Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots

literary work

Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots

penny blood serialization

Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots

penny blood edition

Memoir of a successful French lady of fashion

penny blood

Memoir of a successful French lady of fashion

penny blood periodical serialization

Memoirs of a Maître d'Armes: or, Eighteen Months at St. Petersburg

Alexandre Dumas 1853

Memoirs of a Physician

literary work

Memoirs of a Physician

penny blood serialization

Memoirs of a Physician

penny blood edition

Memoirs of a Physician

penny blood edition; Cheap library edition

Monte Christo

penny blood

Monte Christo

penny blood periodical serialization

My memoirs

Alexandre Dumas's memoir

Myladys son eller 20 år efteråt

1925 Swedish edition of Alexandre Dumas' Vingt ans aprés

Nanon: or, Women's War

Alexandre Dumas 1857

Naszyjnik królowej


Polish edition of novel by Alexandre Dumas

Oeuvres complètes d'Alexandre Dumas


Oeuvres complètes d'Alexandre Dumas / Alexandre Dumas


Pani de Monsoreau

Pascal Bruno

literary work

Pascal Bruno the Sicilian bandit

literary work

Pascal Bruno the Sicilian bandit

serialized fiction collection

Pascal Bruno the Sicilian bandit

penny blood edition

Pascal Bruno, the Sicilian bandit

penny blood serialization

Pascal Bruno, the Sicilian bandit

penny blood tale

Pascal Bruno: A Sicilian Story

Alexandre Dumas 1837

Paul Jones

drama by Alexandre Dumas


Polish 1928 translation of Dumas' Pauline


novel by Alexandre Dumas


Swedish 1910 translation of Dumas' novel Pauline

Pauline: A Tale of Normandy

Alexandre Dumas 1844

Queen Margot of Valois

penny blood

Queen Margot of Valois

penny blood periodical serialization

Reine Margot : édition ELTeC

(2021) edition of work by Alexandre Dumas

Robin Hood the Outlaw

novel by Alexandre Dumas

Roland de Montrevel: or, The Companions of Jehu. A Tale of the Frenc...

Alexandre Dumas 1860

Rosa: or, The Black Tulip

Alexandre Dumas 1854

Royalists and Republicans; Or, The Companions of Jehu

penny blood

Royalists and Republicans; Or, The Companions of Jehu

penny blood periodical serialization

Supposed Headlines of Moniteur Universel in March 1815.

a hoax about Napoleon's return to Paris written by Alexaner Dumas

The Bastard of Mauléon

literary work

The Bastard of Mauléon

penny blood seralization

The Bastard of Mauléon

penny blood edition; published by E. Appleyard, 1850

The Bastard of Mauléon

penny blood edition; published by E. Appleyard, 1855

The Bastard of Mauléon

penny blood edition; published by E. Appleyard, 1848

The Bastard of Mauléon

penny blood edition; published by E. Appleyard, 1849

The Black Tulip

novel by Alexandre Dumas

The Companions of Jehu

book by Alexandre Dumas père

The Conspirators

1843 novel by Alexandre Dumas

The Corsican Brothers

novella by Alexandre Dumas

The Corsican Brothers

1985 film by Ian Sharp

The Corsican Brothers

penny blood periodical serialization

The Corsican Brothers

penny blood

The Count of Monte Cristo

novel by Alexandre Dumas

The Countess of Charny


The Countess of Salisbury

1836 novel

The Countess of Salisbury and the Maid of C...

M., E. R. 1840

The Dove

penny blood

The Dove

penny blood periodical serialization

The Fencing Master

1840 novel by Alexandre Dumas

The Forty-Five Guardsmen

serialized fiction translation

The Forty-Five Guardsmen

penny blood edition

The Forty-five Guardsmen

novel by Alexandre Dumas père

The Galley-Slave, Gabriel Lambert

penny blood serialization

The Galley-Slave, Gabriel Lambert

penny blood tale

The Galley-Slave, Gabriel Lambert: To which is added, Julien: or, Th...

Alexandre Dumas 1850

The Historical Romance of Buckingham and Richelieu

penny blood edition, 1853

The Knight of Sainte-Hermine

book by Alexandre Dumas père

The Marchioness of Brinvilliers, the poisoner

penny blood serialization

The Marchioness of Brinvilliers, the poisoner

penny blood tale

The Marchioness of Ganges

penny blood serialization

The Marchioness of Ganges

penny blood tale

The Memoirs of a Physician

penny blood seralization

The Memoirs of a Physician

penny blood edition; published by Edmund Appleyard, 1848

The Memoirs of a Physician

penny blood edition; published by Edmund Appleyard, 1849

The Mouth of Hell

book by Alexandre Dumas père

The New Troy

1850 novel by Alexandre Dumas

The Nutcracker

a retelling of Ernst Hoffmann story by Alexander Dumas

The Page of the Duke of Savoy

Alexandre Dumas 1871

The Planter of the Isle of France

serialized fiction translation

The Planter of the Isle of France

penny blood edition

The Prince of Thieves

novel by Alexandre Dumas

The Prisoner of If; or The Revenge of Monte-Christo

serialized fiction translation

The Prisoner of If; or The Revenge of Monte-Christo

penny blood edition

The Prisoner of If; or The Revenge of Monte-Christo

literary work

The Queen's Necklace

novel by Alexandre Dumas

The Queen's necklace


The Regent's Daughter

1845 novel by Alexandre Dumas

The Regent's Daughter

penny blood

The Regent's Daughter

penny blood periodical serialization

The Russian Gipsy: or, The Palace of Ice

Alexandre Dumas 1861

The Seven Mysteries

penny blood

The Seven Mysteries

penny blood tale

The Thousand and One Phantoms

penny blood periodical serialization

The Thousand and One Phantoms; to be read between eleven o'clock and midnight

penny blood

The Thousand-and-One Phantoms

penny blood

The Thousand-and-One Phantoms

penny blood periodical serialization

The Three Musketeers

penny blood seralization

The Three Musketeers

penny blood edition, 1846

The Three Musketeers

penny blood edition, 1848

The Three Musketeers

1844 novel by Alexandre Dumas

The Three Musketeers

The Three Musketeers (2007 Penguin ed.)

2007 Penguin edition of the novel by Alexandre Dumas

The Two Dianas

book by Alexandre Dumas père

The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later

book by Alexandre Dumas, second sequel to The Three Musketeers

The Wedding Dress

literary work

The Wedding Dress

penny blood serialization

The Wedding Dress

penny blood edition

The Wolf Leader

book by Alexandre Dumas père

The Wolf Leader

1904 edition

The lady Monsoreau


Tower of Screaming Virgins

1968 film by Franz Antel

Trzej muszkieterowie

Twenty Years After

novel by Alexandre Dumas; sequel to The Three Musketeers

Une fille du Régent


Une fille du Régent

serialized fiction

Urbain Grandier

novel by Alexander Dumas

Vaninka; or, the murdered lover

penny blood serialization

Vaninka; or, the murdered lover

penny blood tale

Varinka, ou le kabak rouge

literary work

Vicomte de Bragelonne

Vingt ans après

French 1846 edition of Dumas' Twenty Years After

W pałacu carów

Wicehrabia de Bragelonne



Ascanio: (dobrodružství slavného italského mistra Benvenuta Cellini na francouzském dvoře)

book edition published in 1925

Bratrstvo mstitelů: román z doby prvního konsula Republiky francouzské generála Bonaparta

book edition published in 1924

Drama roku devadesátého třetího: román

book edition published in 1934

Družina Jehu

book edition published in 1935

Dáma z Monsoreau

book edition published in 1930

Emma Lyonna: román

book edition published in 1939


book edition published in 1926

Hrabě Monte Cristo

book edition published in 2016

Hrabě Monte Cristo

book edition published in 2022

Hrabě Monte-Christo

book edition published in 2017

Hrabě de Monte Christo

book edition published in 1947

Hrabě de Monte Cristo: román

book edition published in 1929


book edition published in 1926

Josef Balsamo

book edition published in 1929

Josef Balsamo: (Paměti lékařovy I.)

book edition published in 1911–1912

Kapitán Richard: obrazy z válečného života za Napoleona I

book edition published in 1924

Královna Margot

book edition published in 2015

Královna Margot

book edition published in 2023

Královnin kavalír

book edition published in 1930

Královnin kavalír Díl I.

book edition published in 1931

Královnin náhrdelník

book edition published in 1929

Králův šašek

book edition published in 2016

Králův šašek

book edition published in 1931

La San Felice

book edition published in 1938–1939

Lady Hamiltonová

book edition published in 2022

Leon a Leona, páže vévody Savojského: historický román ze XVI. století

book edition published in 1927

Levoboček z Mauléonu

book edition published in 1926

Napoleon Bonaparte: román jeho života

book edition published in 1920

O korunu a lásku

book edition published in 1932

Paměti lékařovy. Dobytí Bastilly

book edition published in 1929

Paměti lékařovy. Dobytí Bastilly

book edition published in 1937

Paměti lékařovy. Hraběnka de Charny

book edition published in 1937–1938

Paměti milostnice: román

book edition published in 1930

Paní de Monsoreau

book edition published in 2016

Pařížští Mohykáni: román

book edition published in 1923–1924

Příšerné historie

book edition published in 1924

Robin Hood

book edition published in 2018


book edition published in 1926

Tajemný doktor

book edition published in 1924

Tisíc a jeden přízrak

book edition published in 1934

Tři mušketýři

book edition published in 1922

Tři mušketýři

book edition published in 1921

Tři mušketýři

book edition published sometime between 1922–1925

Tři mušketýři

book edition published in 1927

Tři mušketýři

book edition published in 1967

Tři mušketýři

book edition published in 1934–1935

Tři mušketýři

book edition published in 2017

Tři mušketýři

book edition published in 1918

Tři mušketýři

book edition published in 2018

Tři mušketýři

book edition published in 1948

Tři mušketýři ještě po deseti letech: (Vicomte Bragelonne)

book edition published in 1922

Tři mušketýři ještě po deseti letech: (Vikomt Bragelonne)

book edition published in 1923

Tři mušketýři ještě po deseti letech: (Vikomt Bragelonne)

book edition published in 1935–1936

Tři mušketýři ještě po deseti letech: (Vikomt Bragelonne)

book edition published in 1926–1927

Tři mušketýři po dvaceti letech

book edition published in 1922

Tři mušketýři po dvaceti letech

book edition published in 1922

Tři mušketýři po dvaceti letech

book edition published in 1935

Tři mušketýři po dvaceti letech

book edition published in 1925

Tři mušketýři po dvaceti letech

book edition published in 1928–1929

Tři mušketýři: (obležení La Rochelle): výňatek z francouzského románu A. Dumase

book edition published sometime between 1921–1922

V předvečer bartolomějské noci

book edition published in 1933

V červáncích Velké revoluce

book edition published in 1934


book edition published in 1925

Válka žen

book edition published in 1926

Válka žen: historický román

book edition published in 1903

Černý tulipán

book edition published in 2016

Černý tulipán

book edition published in 2019


Chinese version