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List of works by Lewis Carroll

A Game of Fives

poem by Lewis Carroll

A Tangled Tale

collection of 10 brief humorous stories by Lewis Carroll

A Valentine

a poem by Lewis Carroll

A Valentine

1883 edition of a poem by Lewis Carroll

A Valentine

1869 edition of poem by Lewis Carroll

Abridged Long Division


poem by Lewis Carroll ("Little maidens, when you look")

After Three Days

poem by Lewis Carroll


opera in 3 acts and 10 scenes composed by Giampaolo Testoni. First representation in 1993 at Teatro Massimo, Palermo

Alice & Lewis

animated television series

Alice Liddell and fern


Alice Liddell as "The Beggar Maid"

photograph of Alice Liddell as ‘The Beggar Maid’

Alice in Wonderland

1976 Soviet audio play

Alice in Wonderland

1988 Australian 51-minute direct-to-video animated film

Alice in Wonderland

musical pantomime

Alice in Wonderland fictional world

the fictional world of Alice in Wonderland series

Alice's Abenteuer im Wunderland

1869 edition of Zimmermann's translation of Alice in Wonderland

Alice's Adventures Under Ground

an early version of Lewis Carroll's book that was later revised and published as Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Alice's Adventures Underground

Wikimedia disambiguation page

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

2008 gutenberg

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

novel by Lewis Carroll

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Chapter 1 of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

1866 edition of work

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1907)

1907 edition of work by Lewis Carroll

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (first edition)

(1865) edition of work by Lewis Carroll

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland : ELTeC edition

(2021) edition of work by Lewis Carroll

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland retold in words of one syllable

book by Lewis Carroll, adapted by Mrs J. C. Gorham

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. by Lewis Carroll (print edition)

(1869) edition of work by Lewis Carroll

Alice's adventures in Wonderland

Scan from the Golden age of illustration collection at the UML

Alice's adventures in Wonderland

1916 scan

Alice's adventures in Wonderland

1907 illustrated novel

Alice's adventures in Wonderland (Harper & Brothers, 1902)

Alice's adventures in Wonderland: retold in words of one syllable

1905 version

Alice's äventyr i sagolandet

Alices äventyr i underlandet

Swedish translation of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland from 1921

Alico en Mirlando

book by Lewis Carroll

All in the golden afternoon...

poem by Lewis Carroll

Annie Rogers and Mary Jackson as Queen Eleanor and Fair Rosamund

photograph by Lewis Carroll

Atalanta in Camden-Town

poem by Lewis Carroll

Brief Method of Dividing a Given Number by 9 or 11

Christmas Greetings

poem by Lewis Carroll

Euclid and his Modern Rivals


Facts, Figures, and Fancies

Fame's Penny-Trumpet

poem by Lewis Carroll

Father William

2007 version

Father William

1904 version

Four Riddles

series of poems by Lewis Carroll

Haddocks' Eyes

poem by Lewis Carroll

How Doth the Little Crocodile

poem by Lewis Carroll


fictional creature created by Lewis Carroll


book by Lewis Carroll and Stéphane Jorisch


nonsense poem by Lewis Carroll

La Aventuroj de Alicio en Mirlando

Kearney's Esperanto translation of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, 1910 edition

Lewis Carroll Seated on a Windowsill of the Old Rectory at Croft, Darlington, Yorkshire

photograph in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 162323)

Logika hrou

Czech book edition from 1971 year

Looking-Glass Land

fictional setting of “Through the Looking-Glass” by Lewis Carroll

Lorina and Alice Liddell in Chinese Dress

photograph in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 199154)

Maries Hændelser i Vidunderlandet

Mary J. MacDonald dreaming of her father and brother Ronald

photograph by Lewis Carroll

Notes by an Oxford Chiel

collection of several satirical texts by Lewis Carroll

Notes by an Oxford Chiel

collection of several satirical texts by Lewis Carroll


fictional character in Lewis Carroll’s Alice's Adventures in Wonderland


poem by Lewis Carroll

Phantasmagoria and Other Poems

1869 poetry collection by Lewis Carrol

Phantasmagoria and Other Poems

1869 edition of work by Lewis Carroll

Poeta Fit, non Nascitur

poem by Lewis Carroll

Portrayals of Alice in Wonderland

fictional character

Przygody Alinki w Krainie Cudów


fictional character

Queen of May


Reginald Southey and Skeletons

1857 photograph by Lewis Carroll

Rhyme? and Reason?

1883 edition of a book of verse by Lewis Carroll

Sir JE Millais, Lady Millais, Effie and Mary at Window of Cromwell Street Home, from an album compiled by Sir John Everett Millais - Charles Dodgson

work of art by Lewis Carroll

Size and Tears

poem by Lewis Carroll


fictional species created by Lewis Carroll

Sonya v tsarstve diva

1879 Russian translation of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

St. George and the Dragon


Sylvie and Bruno

novel by Lewis Carroll

Symbolic Logic

written work by Lewis Carroll

The Alphabet Cipher

The Blank Cheque

work by Lewis Carroll

The Dynamics of a Parti-cle

The Elections to the Hebdomadal Council

poem by Lewis Carroll

The Game of Logic

book of Lewis Carroll

The Hunting of the Snark

1876 first edition of a poem by Lewis Carroll

The Hunting of the Snark

nonsense poem by Lewis Carroll

The Lang Coortin'

poem by Lewis Carroll

The Little Red Riding Hood

photograph by Lewis Carroll

The Mock Turtle's Song


The New Belfry of Christ Church, Oxford

The New Method of Evaluation as Applied to π

humoristic paper by Lewis Carroll

The Nursery "Alice"

shortened version of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

The Offer of the Clarendon Trustees

The Walrus and the Carpenter

poem by Lewis Carroll

The Willow-Tree

poem by Lewis Carroll

Theme with Variations

poem by Lewis Carroll

Thomas Combe in Cloak and Holding Mortar Board by Lewis Carroll - Charles Dodgson

work of art by Lewis Carroll

Thomas Combe in Cloak and Mortar Board, from an album compiled by Sir John Everett Millais - Charles Dodgson

work of art by Lewis Carroll

Three Sunsets and Other Poems

1898 edition of work by Lewis Carroll and E. Gertrude Thomson

Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice F...

Carroll, Lewis 1871

Through the Looking-Glass

novel by Lewis Carroll

Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There

1872 edition of work by Lewis Carroll

Trwy'r drych : a'r hyn a welodd Alys yno

edition; published in 1984


character from Carroll's "Through the Looking Glass"


character from Carroll's "Through the Looking Glass"

Tweedledum and Tweedledee

pair of fictional brothers from Carrolls "Through the Looking Glass"

What the Tortoise Said to Achilles

short story by Lewis Carroll

What the Tortoise Said to Achilles

1895 edition of work by Lewis Carrol

Word ladder

word game

Xie Kitchin

photograph in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 92358)

You Are Old, Father William

poem by Lewis Carroll


jig tool and substitution cypher invented by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (alias Lewis Carroll) for writing by feel


fictional creature from Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass

О чём Черепаха говорила Ахиллесу (Кэрролл)

Russian edition of story by Lewis Carroll

Alenka pro nejmenší

book edition published in 2019

Alenka v kraji divů a za zrcadlem

book edition published in 2016

Alenka v kraji divů a za zrcadlem

book edition published in 2022

Alenčina dobrodružství v kraji divů a za zrcadlem

book edition published in 2015

Alenčina dobrodružství v kraji divů a za zrcadlem

book edition published in 2017

Alenčina dobrodružství v říši divů a za zrcadlem

book edition published in 2017

Aventures d'Alice au pays des merveilles