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List of works by Alysha R. Meyers

A prospective study of musculoskeletal outcomes among manufacturing workers: I. Effects of physical risk factors

journal article published in 2014

AI and Workers' Comp

NIOSH Science Blog post published in 2019

Applying machine learning to workers' compensation data to identify industry-specific ergonomic and safety prevention priorities: Ohio, 2001 to 2011

journal article published in 2018

Assessment of ALS mortality in a cohort of formaldehyde-exposed garment workers

journal article published in 2013

Association between the ACGIH TLV for HAL and incidence of CTS in a pooled prospective study

conference proceedings item published in 2015

Cancer mortality among styrene and fibreglass exposed workers in the reinforced plastic boatbuilding industry

abstract published in 2014

Celebrating National Ergonomics Month

NIOSH Science Blog post published in 2024

Center for Workers' Compensation Studies (superseded)

superseded NIOSH program performance one-pager published in 2018

Center for Workers' Compensation Studies (superseded)

superseded NIOSH program performance one-pager published in 2019

Clinical diagnosis groups developed to bridge the ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM coding transition and monitor trends in workers’ compensation claims - Ohio, 2011-2018

journal article published in 2025

Cohort mortality study of garment industry workers exposed to formaldehyde: update and internal comparisons

journal article published in 2013

Comparison of cost valuation methods for workers compensation data

conference proceedings item published in 2013

Comparison of methods for auto-coding causation of injury narratives

journal article published in 2016

Construction industry workers' compensation injury claims due to slips, trips, and falls - Ohio, 2010-2017

journal article published in 2023

Degree of integration between occupational safety and health programs and wellness programs: first-year results from an insurer-sponsored wellness grant for smaller employers

journal article published in 2019

Development and evaluation of a Naïve Bayesian model for coding causation of workers' compensation claims

journal article published in 2012

Development and evaluation of an auto-coding model for coding unstructured text data among workers' compensation claims

conference proceedings item published in 2013

Development of methods for using workers' compensation data for surveillance and prevention of occupational injuries among State-insured private employers in Ohio

journal article published in 2016

Effectiveness of New Guidelines to Prevent Workplace Hand-Wrist MSDs

NIOSH Science Blog post published in 2019

Evaluating injury and illness trends in federal and Postal Service employees using workers' compensation claims data 2007-2022

journal article published in 2024

Evaluation of alternate category structures for the strain index: an empirical analysis

journal article published in 2014

Factors that might affect SARS-CoV-2 transmission among foreign-born and U.S.-born poultry facility workers - Maryland, May 2020

journal article published in 2020

Incident CTS in a large pooled cohort study: associations obtained by a Job Exposure Matrix versus associations obtained from observed exposures

journal article published in 2018

Manufacturing Program (superseded)

superseded NIOSH program performance one-pager published in 2018

Modeling the effect of the 2018 revised ACGIH® hand activity Threshold Limit Value® (TLV) at reducing risk for carpal tunnel syndrome

journal article published in 2019

Mortality among styrene-exposed workers in the reinforced plastic boatbuilding industry

journal article published in 2016

NIOSH Manufacturing Program (superseded)

superseded NIOSH program performance one-pager published in 2019

NIOSH research efforts to prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders

conference proceedings item published in 2023

National Occupational Research Agenda for musculoskeletal health

conference proceedings item published in 2019

Nonmalignant disease mortality among styrene, fibreglass, and wood dust exposed workers in the reinforced plastic boatbuilding industry

abstract published in 2014

Occupational injuries among construction workers by age and related economic loss: findings from Ohio workers' compensation, USA: 2007-2017

journal article published in 2023

Occupational injuries in Ohio wood product manufacturing: a descriptive analysis with emphasis on saw-related injuries and associated causes

journal article published in 2014

Oil and gas extraction industry workers' compensation claims and proposed safety interventions

journal article published in 2024

Overexertion related age-specific WMSDs claims among construction workers in Ohio, USA: 2007-2013

abstract published in 2019

Prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in Washington State, USA

conference proceedings item published in 2015

Respiratory-related workers' compensation claims from private employers - Ohio, 2001-2018

journal article published in 2024

Safety Intervention Grant Programs Can Be Effective in Preventing Workplace Injuries

NIOSH Science Blog post published in 2023

The Upper Limb Musculoskeletal Disorder Consortium

NIOSH Science Blog post published in 2021

The effectiveness of insurer-supported safety and health engineering controls in reducing workers' compensation claims and costs

journal article published in 2014

The speed calculated hand activity level (HAL) matches observer estimates better than the frequency calculated HAL

conference proceedings item published in 2018

Using Workers' Compensation Records for Safety and Health Research

NIOSH Science Blog post published in 2014

Using workers' compensation data for surveillance of occupational injuries and illnesses - Ohio, 2005-2009

conference proceedings item published in 2013

Visualizing Ohio Workers' Compensation Claims by Event/Exposure

NIOSH Science Blog post published in 2023

Work-related musculoskeletal disorders

chapter published in 2022

Work-related risk factors for rotator cuff syndrome in a prospective study of manufacturing and healthcare workers

journal article published in 2021

Workers' compensation claim counts and rates by injury event/exposure among state-insured private employers in Ohio, 2007-2017

journal article published in 2021

Workers' compensation claim rates and costs for musculoskeletal disorders related to overexertion among construction workers - Ohio, 2007-2017

journal article published in 2021

Workers' compensation claims for traumatic brain injuries - Ohio, 2001-2010

abstract published in 2015

Workers' compensation claims for traumatic brain injuries among private employers - Ohio, 2001-2011

journal article published in 2020

Workers' compensation injury claims among workers in the private ambulance services industry - Ohio, 2001-2011

journal article published in 2018

Workers' compensation insurance: a primer for public health

NIOSH publication published in 2014