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List of works by Lorenz Frølich

"Der skulle vare 2 skilling i byxfickan"

drawing by Lorenz Frølich

A Barber's Pewter Jug

painting by Lorenz Frølich

A Ditch

painting by Lorenz Frølich

A Domestic Scene

painting by Lorenz Frølich

A Herdsman Sitting in a Landscape with Evening Clouds

painting by Lorenz Frølich

A Large Oak

painting by Lorenz Frølich

A Tree with Several Trunks

painting by Lorenz Frølich

Charlotte Hardwick, f. In de Betou.Paris

drawing by Lorenz Frølich

Charlottenlund Wood, North of Copenhagen

painting by Lorenz Frølich

Charon i sin båt

drawing by Lorenz Frølich

Cloud Formations

painting by Lorenz Frølich

Den gudomliga komedin

drawing by Lorenz Frølich

Doctor Ox

short story collection

Domstolspresident John Hardwick, London. Paris

drawing by Lorenz Frølich

Dr. Ox's Experiment

short story by Jules Verne

Elisabeth von Essen

drawing by Lorenz Frølich

Ett par barn och en katt; 6 st numrerade barnboksillustrationer

drawing by Lorenz Frølich

Eva Frölich

drawing by Lorenz Frølich

Fairy-Tale Illustration, Interior with Gnomes and Other Figures

drawing by Lorenz Frølich

Female Nude in the Studio of Thomas Couture

painting by Lorenz Frølich


illustrated edition from 1871 of a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

Fru Lina Frølich med solhat

painting by Lorenz Frølich

Frölich vid staffliet

drawing by Lorenz Frølich

Grälande småflickor

drawing by Lorenz Frølich

Head Study of a Fisherman from Capri

painting by Lorenz Frølich

Hero and Leander

drawing by Lorenz Frølich (Nationalmuseum NMH 62/1901)

Hero and Leander

drawing by Lorenz Frølich (Nationalmuseum NMH 72/1901)

Hero and Leander

drawing by Lorenz Frølich (Nationalmuseum NMH 70/1901)

Hero and Leander

drawing by Lorenz Frølich (Nationalmuseum NMH 60/1901)

Hero and Leander

drawing by Lorenz Frølich (Nationalmuseum NMH 59/1901)

Hero och Leander

drawing by Lorenz Frølich (Nationalmuseum NMH 68/1901)

Hero och Leander

drawing by Lorenz Frølich

Hero och Leander

drawing by Lorenz Frølich (Nationalmuseum NMH 71/1901)

Hero och Leander

drawing by Lorenz Frølich (Nationalmuseum NMH 69/1901)

Hero och Leander

drawing by Lorenz Frølich (Nationalmuseum NMH 67/1901)

Hero och Leander

drawing by Lorenz Frølich (Nationalmuseum NMH 66/1901)

Hero och Leander

drawing by Lorenz Frølich (Nationalmuseum NMH 64/1901)

Hero och Leander

drawing by Lorenz Frølich (Nationalmuseum NMH 63/1901)

Hero och Leander

drawing by Lorenz Frølich (Nationalmuseum NMH 61/1901)

I Andegaarden

illustrated edition from 1871 of a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

Italienska bönder i Rom

drawing by Lorenz Frølich

John Hunter- hardwick

drawing by Lorenz Frølich

Landscape (in the Barbizon district?)

painting by Lorenz Frølich

Landscape near Holmstrup, Zealand

painting by Lorenz Frølich

Landscape near Subiaco, Italy

painting by Lorenz Frølich

Landscape with Hills

painting by Lorenz Frølich

Landscape with a Building in the Background

painting by Lorenz Frølich

Le malade imaginaire: Argan, a Hypochondriac, Complaining of His Ailments to His Nurse

1859; Lorenz Frølich (1820–1908); 1859; Wellcome Collection

Ludvig Holberg Attending a Rehearsal of his Play Erasmus Montanus, Act IV, Scene 2

painting by Lorenz Frølich

Meadow with a Black Horse Grazing

painting by Lorenz Frølich

Mytologisk komposition

drawing by Lorenz Frølich

Naken yngling vid två barbröstade kvinnors fötter

drawing by Lorenz Frølich

Nye Eventyr og Historier II

illustrated first edition from 1871 of a collection of fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen

Portrait of a woman in a red skirt

painting by Lorenz Frølich

Portrait of an African Man

painting by Lorenz Frølich

Portrait of the Painter P.C. Skovgaard

painting by Lorenz Frølich

Räv som biter en höna

drawing by Lorenz Frølich

Siri von Essen som flicka

drawing by Lorenz Frølich


drawing by Lorenz Frølich

Slumrande Amor betraktas av två kvinnor

drawing by Lorenz Frølich

Still Life in White and Grey

painting by Lorenz Frølich

Svävande ängel bärande en kvinna, åtföljda av en kerub

drawing by Lorenz Frølich

The Beetle

illustrated edition from 1871 of a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

The Fringe of a Wood

painting by Lorenz Frølich

The King Svafur Forces Durin and Dvalin to Promise him the Tirfing Sword

painting by Lorenz Frølich

The Resurrection of the Knights Templar

drawing by Lorenz Frølich

The Sound with Rain Clouds and Ships in the Background

painting by Lorenz Frølich

Thor and Hymir

painting by Lorenz Frølich

Två hundar

drawing by Lorenz Frølich

Two Boleti

painting by Lorenz Frølich

Vinjett med vikingaskepp

drawing by Lorenz Frølich

What the Old Man Does is Always Right

illustrated edition from 1871 of a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

White and Pink Clouds against a Pale Blue Sky

painting by Lorenz Frølich

Wild Plants and Grass

painting by Lorenz Frølich

Winding Lane in a Wood

painting by Lorenz Frølich

Woodland Deities Sourrounded by Dancing Bacchantes and Children Playing

painting by Lorenz Frølich


drawing by Lorenz Frølich