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List of works by Ernst Lert


opera production (Teatro di Torino di Riccardo Gualino)

Baumeister Solness. Schauspiel in 3 Akten

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920

Coriolanus. Historisches Drama in 5 Akten

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920

Der Prinz wider Willen. Oper in 3 Aufzügen

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920

Der fliegende Holländer. Romantische Oper in drei Akten

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920

Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg. Oper in 3 Aufzügen

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920

Die Räuber. Schauspiel in 5 Akten

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920

Die Walküre. Handlung in 3 Aufzügen. Erster Tag aus "Der Ring des Nibelungen"

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920

Die toten Augen. Bühnendichtung

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920

Don Juan

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1932-1933

Don Pasquale. Komische Oper in 3 Akten und 4 Bildern

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920

Ein Maskenball. Oper in 5 Akten

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920

Faust in ursprünglicher Gestalt. Der Urfaust

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920

Fidelio. Grosse Oper in 2 Akten

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920

Figaros Hochzeit. Oper in 4 Aufzügen

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920

Genesius. Eine christliche Tragödie

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920

Gespenster. Familiendrama in 3 Aufzügen

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920

Hannibals Brautfahrt. Schwank in 3 Akten

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920

Igernes Schuld. Ein Kammerspiel in 4 Akten

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920

Iphigenie auf Tauris. Oper in 3 Akten

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920

König Nicolo oder “So ist das Leben”. Schauspiel mit einem Prolog und in neun Bildern

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920

Königskinder. Märchenoper in drei Aufzügen

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920

Ostern. Ein Passionsspiel

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920

Salome. Drama in einem Aufzug

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920

Sappho. Trauerspiel in fünf Aufzügen

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920

Satyros oder Der vergötterte Waldteufel

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920

Tantris der Narr. Drama in 5 Akten

performing arts production of the Theater Basel during the season 1919-1920