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List of works by Christian Jacq

13 à table !

French collection of short stories edited for the benefit of Restos du Cœur

Barrage sur le Nil

novel by Christian Jacq

Battle of Kadesh

1996 historical novel by Christian Jacq

La Reine Soleil

1988 novel by Christian Jacq

Nefer the silent

novel by Christian Jacq

Princess of the Sun

2007 film by Philippe Leclerc

The Battle of Kadesh

1996 novel written by Christian Jacq

The Divine Worshipper

2008 novel by Christian Jacq

The Son of Light

Christian Jacq's book

The Tutankhamen Affair


The eternal temple

1996 novel written by Christian Jacq

The lady of Abu Simbel

1996 novel written by Christian Jacq

The place of truth

novel by Christian Jacq

The wise woman

novel by Christian Jacq

Under the western acacia

1996 novel written by Christian Jacq

War of the crowns

novel by Christian Jacq

La Bataille de Kadesh

paperback edition (fr)

La Justice du vizir

2004 paperback edition (fr)

La femme sage

2002 paperback edition (fr)

La justice du vizir

2004 paperback edition (fr)

La spada di luce

paperback edition (it)

Le Dernier Rêve de Cléopâtre

2012 paperback edition (fr)

Le Frère du feu

paperback edition (fr)

Le Pharaon noir

2000 paperback edition (fr)

Le dernier crime d'Agatha Christie

1998 paperback edition (fr)

Le grand magicien

paperback edition (fr)

Le voleur d'âmes

2015 paperback edition (fr)

Nefertiti: sluneční stín

book edition published in 2015

Paneb the Ardent

paperback edition (en)


book edition published in 2018

Ramses. Bitva u Kadeše

book edition published in 2020

Ramses. Paní z Abú Simbelu

book edition published in 2022

Ramses: chrám milionů let

book edition published in 2018

Setnovo pátrání. Prokletý hrob I

book edition published in 2016

Setnovo pátrání. Souboj kouzelníků IV

book edition published in 2017

Setnovo pátrání. Zakázaná kniha II

book edition published in 2017

Setnovo pátrání. Zloděj duší III

book edition published in 2017

Sous l'acacia d'Occident

1998 paperback edition (fr)

Živá moudrost starověkého Egypta

book edition published in 2016