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List of works by Martina Carrete

A prioritised list of invasive alien species to assist the effective implementation of EU legislation

scientific article published in 2017

A protective nesting association with native species counteracts biotic resistance for the spread of an invasive parakeet from urban into rural habitats

scientific article published on 07 May 2020

Action on multiple fronts, illegal poisoning and wind farm planning, is required to reverse the decline of the Egyptian vulture in southern Spain


Annual Censuses and Citizen Science Data Show Rapid Population Increases and Range Expansion of Invasive Rose-Ringed and Monk Parakeets in Seville, Spain

scientific article published on 08 March 2022

Apparent Lack of Circovirus Transmission from Invasive Parakeets to Native Birds

scientific article published on 08 March 2022

Application of central-place foraging theory shows the importance of Mediterranean dehesas for the conservation of the cinereous vulture, Aegypius monachus

Assessing the assessments: evaluation of four impact assessment protocols for invasive alien species


Assessing the introduction of exotic raptors into the wild from falconry

scientific article published on 02 January 2021

Author Correction: Personality-dependent breeding dispersal in rural but not urban burrowing owls

scientific article published on 29 January 2020

Author Correction: Urban conservation hotspots: predation release allows the grassland-specialist burrowing owl to perform better in the city

scientific article published in 2023

Behavioral Correlations Associated with Fear of Humans Differ between Rural and Urban Burrowing Owls

scientific article published in 2017

Behaviour-related DRD4 polymorphisms in invasive bird populations

scientific article

Bio-logging shows a central trans-Saharan migration and unknown wintering grounds in Africa of a juvenile griffon vulture from Spain

scientific article published on 18 January 2024

Birds and people: from conflict to coexistence

scientific article published in 2023

Breeding waterbirds in relation to artificial pond attributes: implications for the design of irrigation facilities

Can establishment success be determined through demographic parameters? A case study on five introduced bird species

scientific article

Carcasses increase the probability of predation of ground-nesting birds: a caveat regarding the conservation value of vulture restaurants

Climate matching and anthropogenic factors contribute to the colonization and extinction of local populations during avian invasions

scientific article published in 2022

Climate matching drives spread rate but not establishment success in recent unintentional bird introductions.

scientific article

Combining trade data and niche modelling improves predictions of the origin and distribution of non-native European populations of a globally invasive species


Components of breeding performance in two competing species: habitat heterogeneity, individual quality and density-dependence

scientific article

Correction: A protective nesting association with native species counteracts biotic resistance for the spread of an invasive parakeet from urban into rural habitats

scientific article published in 2023

Corticosterone implants produce stress-hyporesponsive birds

scientific article published on 11 October 2018

Crowding in the city: losing and winning competitors of an invasive bird

scientific article

Current status of the threatened Dupont's lark Chersophilus duponti in Spain: overestimation, decline, and extinction of local populations


Dealing with non-native species: what makes the difference in South America?


Density-dependent productivity depression in Pyrenean Bearded Vultures: implications for conservation

scientific article published in October 2006

Describing dispersal under habitat constraints: A randomization approach in lesser kestrels

article by David Serrano et al published October 2008 in Basic and Applied Ecology

Dietary shifts in two vultures after the demise of supplementary feeding stations: consequences of the EU sanitary legislation

Differences in acute stress responses between wild-caught and captive-bred birds: a physiological mechanism contributing to current avian invasions?


Differences in adrenocortical responses between urban and rural burrowing owls: poorly-known underlying mechanisms and their implications for conservation

scientific article published on 06 July 2020

Distress calls may honestly signal bird quality to predators

scientific article published in 2004

Distress calls reflect poxvirus infection in lesser short-toed lark Calandrella rufescens

scientific article published in 2007

Distribution of alien tetrapods in the Iberian Peninsula

scientific article

Don’t neglect pre-establishment individual selection in deliberate introductions

scientific article published in 2012

Drivers of alien species composition in bird markets across the world

scientific article published on 24 December 2021

Drivers of compositional dissimilarity for native and alien birds: the relative roles of human activity and environmental suitability

scientific article published on 09 January 2020

Drivers of the Ectoparasite Community and Co-Infection Patterns in Rural and Urban Burrowing Owls

scientific article published on 29 July 2022

Effects of carrion resources on herbivore spatial distribution are mediated by facultative scavengers

scientific article published in 2009

Effects of habitat degradation on the abundance, richness and diversity of raptors across Neotropical biomes

Effects of land use, nesting-site availability, and the presence of larger raptors on the abundance of Vulnerable lesser kestrels Falco naumanni in Kazakhstan

article published in 2004

Emerging laws must not protect stray cats and their impacts

scientific article published on 4 May 2022

Epizoochory in Parrots as an Overlooked Yet Widespread Plant–Animal Mutualism

scientific article published on 13 April 2021

Evaluation of the network of protection areas for the feeding of scavengers in Spain: from biodiversity conservation to greenhouse gas emission savings


Evolution of genomic variation in the burrowing owl in response to recent colonization of urban areas.

scientific article

Fine-scale collision risk mapping and validation with long-term mortality data reveal current and future wind energy development impact on sensitive species

scientific article published in January 2024

From local monitoring to a broad-scale viability assessment: a case study for the Bonelli's Eagle in western Europe

scientific article published in 2013

Genes acting in synapses and neuron projections are early targets of selection during urban colonization

scientific article published on 20 April 2020

Genetic diversity at neutral and adaptive loci determines individual fitness in a long-lived territorial bird.

scientific article published on 2 May 2012

Genomic evidence for sensorial adaptations to a nocturnal predatory lifestyle in owls

scientific article published on 08 August 2020

Goats, birds, and emergent diseases: apparent and hidden effects of exotic species in an island environment

scientific article published in June 2009

Good News for European Vultures

scientific article published in Science

Habitat, human pressure, and social behavior: Partialling out factors affecting large-scale territory extinction in an endangered vulture

Heritability of fear of humans in urban and rural populations of a bird species

scientific article

High Prevalence of Novel Beak and Feather Disease Virus in Sympatric Invasive Parakeets Introduced to Spain From Asia and South America

scientific article published on 14 May 2020

High individual consistency in fear of humans throughout the adult lifespan of rural and urban burrowing owls

scientific article

High urban breeding densities do not disrupt genetic monogamy in a bird species

scientific article

Humans and Scavengers: The Evolution of Interactions and Ecosystem Services

scholarly article by Marcos Moleón et al published 22 March 2014 in BioScience

Incorporating spatial constraints in different periods of the annual cycle improves species distribution model performance for a highly mobile bird species


Individual consistency in flight initiation distances in burrowing owls: a new hypothesis on disturbance-induced habitat selection.

scientific article

Inter-individual variability and conspecific densities: consequences for population regulation and range expansion

scientific article

Inter-individual variability in fear of humans and relative brain size of the species are related to contemporary urban invasion in birds.

scientific article

Is assisted colonization feasible? Lessons from past introductions

scientific article published in 2012

Land use changes and raptor conservation in steppe habitats of Eastern Kazakhstan

Large scale risk-assessment of wind-farms on population viability of a globally endangered long-lived raptor

Large-scale age-dependent skewed sex ratio in a sexually dimorphic avian scavenger

scientific article

Large-scale movement patterns in a social vulture are influenced by seasonality, sex, and breeding region

Large‐scale movement patterns in a social vulture are influenced by seasonality, sex, and breeding region

scientific article published in February 2023

Linking ecology, behaviour and conservation: does habitat saturation change the mating system of bearded vultures?

scientific article published on December 2006

Links between fear of humans, stress and survival support a non-random distribution of birds among urban and rural habitats

scientific article

Low heritability in tool use skills in a wild vulture population

Management-Related Traffic as a Stressor Eliciting Parental Care in a Roadside-Nesting Bird: The European Bee-Eater Merops apiaster

scientific article

Managing supplementary feeding for avian scavengers: Guidelines for optimal design using ecological criteria

Mortality at wind-farms is positively related to large-scale distribution and aggregation in griffon vultures

Nest-site competition and killing by invasive parakeets cause the decline of a threatened bat population.

scientific article published on 9 May 2018

Nesting innovations allow population growth in an invasive population of rose-ringed parakeets

scientific article published in 2021

Nestling sex ratio is unaffected by individual and population traits in the griffon vulture

scientific article published in 2022

Non-random patterns and temporal trends (1912-2012) in the transport, introduction and establishment of exotic birds in Spain and Portugal


Personality-dependent breeding dispersal in rural but not urban burrowing owls

scientific article published on 27 February 2019

Poaching sources and trade routes in Peru and Ecuador warn of the unsustainable rural demand for preferred parrot species

scientific article published on 12 April 2023

Population sex ratios: another consideration in the reintroduction - reinforcement debate?

scientific article

Predicting the implications of conservation management: a territorial occupancy model of Bonelli's eagle in Murcia, Spain


Priority areas for conservation alone are not a good proxy for predicting the impact of renewable energy expansion

scientific article published on 25 July 2022

Rapid loss of antipredatory behaviour in captive-bred birds is linked to current avian invasions

scientific article published on 15 December 2015

Recent Advances in Parrot Research and Conservation

scientific article published on 25 May 2022

Regional Bans on Wild-Bird Trade Modify Invasion Risks at a Global Scale

article by Laura Cardador et al published 30 March 2017 in Conservation Letters

Renewables in Spain threaten biodiversity

scientific article published on 01 December 2020

Sanitary versus environmental policies: fitting together two pieces of the puzzle of European vulture conservation

scientific article published in 2010

Selection on a behaviour-related gene during the first stages of the biological invasion pathway

scientific article

Selection on individuals of introduced species starts before the actual introduction

Sex, personality and conspecific density influence natal dispersal with lifetime fitness consequences in urban and rural burrowing owls

scientific article published on 12 February 2020

Shared genetic diversity across the global invasive range of the monk parakeet suggests a common restricted geographic origin and the possibility of convergent selection

scientific article published on 15 April 2015

Spatial heterogeneity in resource distribution promotes facultative sociality in two trans-Saharan migratory birds

scientific article (publication date: 2011)

Spatio-temporal segregation of facultative avian scavengers at ungulate carcasses

scientific article published in 2009

Species distribution models and wind farm developments

Successful hybridization between non‐congeneric parrots in a small introduced population

scientific article published on 05 February 2021

Supplanting ecosystem services provided by scavengers raises greenhouse gas emissions

scientific article

Survival in a long-lived territorial migrant: effects of life-history traits and ecological conditions in wintering and breeding areas

scientific article published in 2009

Survival in a long-lived territorial migrant: effects of life-history traits and ecological conditions in wintering and breeding areas

Testing the goodness of supplementary feeding to enhance population viability in an endangered vulture

scientific article

The EASIN Editorial Board: quality assurance, exchange and sharing of alien species information in Europe


The European trade ban on wild birds reduced invasion risks

scientific article

The PHA test reflects acquired T-cell mediated immunocompetence in birds

scientific article

The Role of Monk Parakeets as Nest-Site Facilitators in Their Native and Invaded Areas

The empty temporal niche: breeding phenology differs between coexisting native and invasive birds

The extent, frequency and ecological functions of food wasting by parrots

scientific article published on 24 October 2019

The precautionary principle and wind-farm planning: Data scarcity does not imply absence of effects

The widespread keeping of wild pets in the Neotropics: An overlooked risk for human, livestock and wildlife health

scientific article published on 27 March 2024

Tonic immobility is a measure of boldness toward predators: an application of Bayesian structural equation modeling


Too sanitary for vultures

scientific article

Trends in legal and illegal trade of wild birds: a global assessment based on expert knowledge

scientific article published on 01 August 2019

Uneven large-scale movement patterns in wild and reintroduced pre-adult bearded vultures: conservation implications

scientific article

Urban conservation hotspots: predation release allows the grassland-specialist burrowing owl to perform better in the city

scientific article

Wild-bird trade and exotic invasions: a new link of conservation concern?

scientific article published in 2008

Winners and losers in human-made habitats: interspecific competition outcomes in two Neotropical vultures


Management of invasive alien species in Spain: A bibliometric review

scientific article