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List of works by Petr Jakeš

Basalts from Leg 6 of the Deep-Sea Drilling Project

journal article from 'Journal of Petrology' published in 1974

Characteristics and origins of diverse Variscan peridotites in the Gföhl Nappe, Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic

scholarly article by Gordon Medaris et al published May 2005 in Lithos

Composition of Island Arcs and Continental Growth

journal article from 'Earth and Planetary Science Letters' published in 1971

Excess Europium Content in Precambrian Sedimentary Rocks and Continental Evolution

journal article from 'Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta' published in 1974

Geochemical Zoning and Early Differentiation in the Moon

book section published in 1977

Geochemistry of peridotites, gabbros and trondhjemites of the Ballantrae complex, SW Scotland


Highly Aluminous Glasses in Lunar Soils and the Nature of the Lunar Highlands

journal article from 'Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta' published in 1972

Hornblendes from Calc-Alkaline Volcanic Rocks of Island Arcs and Continental Margins

journal article from 'American Mineralogist' published in 1972

Major Element Chemistry of Glasses in Apollo 14 Soil 14156

journal article from 'Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta' published in 1973

Major and Trace Element Abundances in Volcanic Rocks of Orogenic Areas

journal article from 'Geological Society of America Bulletin' published in 1972

Major element geochemistry of recent sediments from the Fláje basin (Krus̆né hory–Erzgebirge, Czech Republic)

scholarly article by M Hobzová et al published March 2001 in Applied Geochemistry

Near Earth Resources- a Sober Terrestrial Perspective

scientific article published in July 1991

Petrology of a Portion of the Mare Fecunditatis Regolith

journal article from 'Earth and Planetary Science Letters' published in 1972

Petrology, geochemistry, and age of low-Ti mare-basalt meteorite Northeast Africa 003-A: A possible member of the Apollo 15 mare basaltic suite

scholarly article by Jakub Haloda et al published June 2009 in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

Phase Chemistry of Apollo 14 Soil Sample 14259

journal article from 'Modern Geology' published in 1974

Structure of the melanesian arcs and correlation with distribution of magma types

scientific article published in September 1969

The Geochemical Evolution of the Moon

book section published in 1974

The Major Element Compositions of Lunar Rocks as Inferred from Glass Compositions in the Lunar Soils

book section published in 1972