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List of works by Addison Emery Verrill

A gigantic cephalopod on the Florida coast

Additional observations on the parasites of man and domestic animals

Hartford?, Conn.: Connecticut Board of Agriculture?, 187?

Additions to the Anthozoa and Hydrozoa of the Bermudas


Additions to the Tunicata and Molluscoidea of the Bermudas


Additions to the Turbellaria, Nemertina, and Annelida of the Bermudas : with revisions of some New England genera and species

New Haven: Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1900

Additions to the Turbellaria, Nemertina, and Annelida of the Bermudas, with revisions of some New England genera and species


Additions to the fauna of the Bermudas from the Yale expedition of 1901, with notes on other species

scholarly article

Additions to the marine Mollusca of the Bermudas

scientific article published in 1900

Art. XIX. Brief contributions to zoology from the museum of Yale College. No. XV. Descriptions of starfishes and ophiurans from the Atlantic coasts of America and Africa

scholarly article

Brief contributions from the Museum of Yale College; the gigantic cephalopds of the North Atlantic

scientific article published on 14 August 2013

Brief contributions to zooelogy, from the museum of Yale College; No. XXIII, Results of recent dredging expeditions on the coast of New England

scientific article

Brief contributions to zooelogy, from the museum of Yale College; No. XXV, Results of recent dredging expeditions on the coast of New England, No. 3

scientific article published in December 1873

Brief contributions to zooelogy, from the museum of Yale College; No. XXVII, Results of recent dredging expeditions on the coast of New England, No. 5

scientific article published in February 1874

Brief contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College; No. X, Descriptions of some imperfectly known and new ascidians from New England

scientific article

Brief contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College; No. XII, Descriptions of new and imperfectly known ascidians from New England

scientific article published in March 1871

Brief contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College; No. XIII, Descriptions of new ascidians from New England

scientific article published on 14 August 2013

Brief contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College; No. XIV, Descriptions of new ascidians from New England

scientific article published on 14 August 2013

Brief contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College; No. XIX, Recent additions to the molluscan fauna of New England and the adjacent waters, with notes on other species

Brief contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College; No. XV, Descriptions of starfishes and ophiurians from the Atlantic coasts of America and Africa

scientific article published on 14 August 2013

Brief contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College; No. XVI, On the distribution of marine animals on the southern coast of New England

scientific article published on 14 August 2013

Brief contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College; No. XVII, Descriptions of North American fresh-water leeches

scientific article

Brief contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College; No. XX, Recent additions to the molluscan fauna of New England and the adjacent waters, with notes on other species

scientific article published on 14 August 2013

Brief contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College; No. XXII, On radiata from the coast of North Carolina

scientific article

Brief contributions to zoology from the museum of Yale College; No. XI, Descriptions of some imperfectly known ascidians from New England

scientific article published on 13 August 2013

Catalogue of marine mollusca added to the fauna of New England during the past ten years

New Haven, Conn.: Connecticut Academy, 1882-1885.

Catalogue of mollusca recently added to the fauna of southern New England

Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1880

Contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College; No. 7, Descriptions of new corals

scientific article published in May 1870

Contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College; No. 8, Descriptions of some New England Nudibranchiata

scientific article

Contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College; No. I, Descriptions of a remarkable new jelly-fish and two actinians from the coast of Maine

scientific article published on 14 August 2013

Contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College; No. III, Descriptions of some new American phyllopod Crustacea

scientific article

Contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College; No. V, Descriptions of echinoderms and corals from the Gulf of California

scientific article published on 13 August 2013

Contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College; No. VI, Descriptions of shells from the Gulf of California

scientific article published in March 1870

Decapod Crustacea of Bermuda. Their distribution, variations, and habits / I-- Brachyura and Anomura :

New Haven: Yale University, 1908.

Decapod crustacea of Bermuda

New Haven, Conn., The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Press, 1908-1922.

Decapod crustacea of Bermuda. By Addison E. Verrill

Description of Sclerostoma pinguicola, a new species of Entozoa, from the the hog

scientific article published in September 1870

Descriptions of imperfectly known and new actinians, with critical notes on other species, II

scientific article published in January 1899

Descriptions of new American actinians, with critical notes on other species

scientific article published in December 1898

Descriptions of new genera and species of starfishes from North Pacific Coast of America

scientific article published on 1909

Descriptions of new species of starfishes and ophiurans, with a revision of certain species formerly described; mostly from the collections made by the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries

scholarly article

Discovery of an Octopus Inhabiting the Coast of New England

scientific article published in 1873

Distribution of the Echinoderms of North-eastern America

scholarly article

Giant squid (Architeuthis) abundant in 1875 at the Grand Banks

article by A.E. Verrill published April 1881 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

Hawaiian shallow water Anthozoa

Honolulu, Hawaii, The Museum, 1928.

II.—Revision of some genera and species of starfishes, with descriptions of a few new genera

scholarly article

IV.—The "cahow" of the Bermudas, an extinct bird

List of the polyps and corals sent by the Museum of Comparative Zoology to other institutions in exchange, with annotations

scholarly article

Molluscan fauna of New Haven, by George H. Perkins (review)

New Haven: S. Converse, 1870

Mollusks, Echnioderms, Coelenterates, etc. Part G Alcyonaria and Actinaria

Ottawa: F.A. Acland, 1922.

Monograph of the shallow-water starfishes of the North Pacific coast from the Arctic Ocean to California

Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1914.

Nature and origin of the sediments; occurrence of fossiliferous limestone nodules

scientific article published in December 1882

New England Annelida. Part 2 : including the unpublished plates by Verrill with reconstructed captions

scientific article published in 1944

New fluid for preserving Natural-History specimens

article published in 1866

New species of polychaetous annelids from Hawaii

scientific article published in 1943

Nocturnal Protective Coloration of Mammals, Birds, Fishes, Insects, Etc.

scientific article published in 1897

Nocturnal and Diurnal Changes in the Color of Certain Fishes, with Notes on their Sleeping Habits

scientific article published in 1897

Nocturnal and diurnal changes in the colors of certain fishes and of the squid (Loligo), with notes on their sleeping habits

scientific article published on 31 August 2010

Nocturnal protection coloration in mammals, birds, fishes, insects, etc, as developed by natural selection

scientific article published in 1897

Nocturnal protective coloration in mammals, birds, fishes, insects, &c., as developed by natural selection

scientific article published in 1897

North American Ophiuroidea. I. Revision of certain families and genera of West Indian ophiurans

scholarly article

North American Ophiuroidea. II. A faunal catalogue of the known species of Ophiuroidea from the West Indian Region

scholarly article

Note on the distribution of North American birds

scientific article published in March 1866

Note on the generic relations and synonymy of the common sea urchin of New England (Euryechinus drobachiensis Verrill)

scientific article published on 14 August 2013

Notes on Radiata in the Museum of Yale College, with descriptions of new genera and species. No. 2. Notes on the echinoderms of Panama and the west coast of America, with descriptions of new genera and species

scholarly article

Notes on Radiata in the Museum of Yale College, with descriptions of new genera and species. No. 5. Notice of a collection of echinoderms from La Paz, Lower California, with descriptions of a new genus

scholarly article

Notes on Radiata in the museum of Yale College

New Haven, Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor1871

Notes on the Birds of San Domingo, with a List of the Species, including a New Hawk

scientific article

Notes on the Radiata in the Museum of Yale College with descriptions of new genera and species. No. 1. Descriptions of new starfishes from New Zealand

scholarly article

Notice of occurrence of another gigantic cephalopod (Architeuthis) on the coast of Newfoundland in December, 1874

scientific article (publication date: September 1875)

Notice of recent additions to the marine Invertebrata of the north easternn coast of America, with descriptions of new genera and species and critical remarks on others. Part V.—Annelida, Echinodermata, Hydroida, Tunicata

scientific article published on 25 July 2011

Notice of recent additions to the marine Invertebrata of the northeastern coast of America, with descriptions of new genera and species and critical remarks on others. Part 1—Annelida, Gephyraea, Nemertina, Nematoda, Polyzoa, Tunicata, Mollusca,…

scientific article published in 1879

Notice of recent additions to the marine Invertebrata, of the northeastern coast of America, with descriptions of new genera and species and critical remarks on others. Part II.—Mollusca, with notes on Annelida, Echinodermata, etc., collected by the

scientific article published in 1881

Notice of recent additions to the marine fauna of the eastern coast of North America


Notice of recent additions to the marine fauna of the eastern coast of North America

scientific article published in March 1879

Notice of recent additions to the marine fauna of the eastern coast of North America

scientific article

Notice of recent additions to the marine fauna of the eastern coast of North America

scientific article published in April 1879

Notice of recent additions to the marine fauna of the eastern coast of North America

scientific article published in February 1880

Notice of recent additions to the marine fauna of the eastern coast of North America. No. 8

scholarly article

Notice of recent additions to the marine invertebrata of the northeastern coast of America, with descriptions of new genera and species and critical remarks on others. Part IV.—Additions to the deep-water Mollusca, taken off Martha's Vineyard, in ...


Notice of the Invertebrata dredged in Lake Superior in 1871 by the U. S. Lake Survey, under the direction of Gen. C. B. Comstock, S. I. Smith, naturalist

scientific article

Notice of the Remarkable Marine Fauna occupying the Outer Banks off the Southern Coast of New England, No. 9

scholarly article

Notice of the remarkable marine fauna occupying the outer banks off the southern coast of New England

Notice of the remarkable marine fauna occupying the outer banks off the southern coast of New England

scientific article published in February 1885

Notice of the remarkable marine fauna occupying the outer banks off the southern coast of New England, No. 11

scholarly article

Notice of the remarkable marine fauna occupying the outer banks off the southern coast of New England, Part 3

scientific article

Notice of the remarkable marine fauna occupying the outer banks off the southern coast of New England; No. 10, Brief contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College

scientific article published on 13 August 2013

Notice of the remarkable marine fauna occupying the outer banks off the southern coast of New England; No. 9, Brief contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College; No. LV

scientific article

Notice of the remarkable marine fauna occupying the outer banks off the southern coast of New England; Part 2

scientific article published in October 1881

Notice of the remarkable marine fauna occupying the outer banks off the southern coast of New England; Part 4

scientific article published in March 1882

Notice of the remarkable marine fauna occupying the outer banks off the southern coast of New England; Part 5

scientific article published in April 1882

Notice of the remarkable marine fauna occupying the outer banks off the southern coast of New England; Part 6

scientific article published in May 1882

Notice of the remarkable marine fauna occupying the outer banks off the southern coast of New England; Part 7, And of some additions to the fauna of Vineyard Sound

scientific article

Notice on recent additions to the marine fauna of the eastern coast of North America

scientific article

Notice on recent additions to the marine fauna of the eastern coast of North America

scientific article published in July 1879

Occurrence of gigantic cuttlefishes on the coast of Newfoundland

On New and imperfectly known Echinoderms and Corals

scholarly article

On the Food and Habits of Some of Our Marine Fishes

scientific article published in 1871

On the affinities of the Paleozoic tabulate corals with existing species

On the external characters of the young of the Central American Tapir. (Elasmognathus Bairdii, gill)

On the polyps and echinoderms of New England, with descriptions of new species

scholarly article

On the post-Pliocene fossils of Sankoty Head, Nantucket Island

scientific article published in November 1875

On the systematic position of the Brachiopoda; by E.S. Morse (book review)

New Haven: S. Converse, 1874

On the zoological affinities of Halysites

On two new species of Cephalopods

Preservation of Starfishes with their natural colours

Recent Explorations in the Region of the Gulf Stream Off the Eastern Coast of the United States by the U. S. Fish-Commission

scientific article published in 1883

Regeneration of lost parts in the squid (Loligo Pealei)

article by A. E. Verrill published June 1881 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

Remarkable development of starfished on the Northwest American coast; Hybridism; Multiplicity of rays; Teratology; Problems in evolution; Geographical distribution

scholarly article

Remarks on certain errors in Mr. Jeffreys's article on "The Mollusca of Europe compared with those of eastern North America"

scientific article published in June 1873

Report on the Anthozoa, and on some additional species dredged by the "Blake" in 1877-1879, and by the U.S. Fish Commission Steamer "Fish Hawk" in 1880-82

scholarly article

Report on the Ophiuroidea collected by the Bahama expedition in 1893

scholarly article

Report on the cephalopods of the northeastern coast of America

Washington, Govt. print. off., 1882.

Report on the starfishes of the West Indies, Florida, and Brazil, including those obtained by the Bahama expedition from the University of Iowa in 1893

scholarly article

Report upon the invertebrate animals of Vineyard Sound and adjacent waters, with an account of the physical features of the region

scientific publication

Report upon the invertebrate animals of Vineyard Sound and the adjacent waters, with an account of the physical characters of the region

scholarly article (note: BHL 1974 version is a reprint of an A.E. Verrill 1973 article)

Restoration of the disk in Ophiurans

scientific article published in 1882

Results of dredging expeditions off the New England coast in 1874

scientific article published in June 1875

Results of dredging expeditions off the New England coast in 1874, Part II

scientific article published in September 1875

Results of dredging expeditions off the New England coast in 1874, with Plates III and IV

scientific article

Results of recent dredging expeditions on the coast of New England

scientific article

Results of recent dredging expeditions on the coast of New England

scientific article published in January 1874

Results of recent dredging expeditions on the coast of New England; No. 6

scientific article published in April 1874

Results of recent dredging expeditions on the coast of New England; No. 7

scientific article published in May 1874

Results of the explorations made by the steamer Albatross off the northern coast of the United States in 1883

scientific publication

Revision of certain Genera and Species of Starfishes with descriptions of new forms


Revision of the deep-water mollusca of the Atlantic coast of North America, with descriptions of new genera and species

scientific article published in 1898

Revision of the genera of Ledidae and Nuculidae of the Atlantic Coast of the United States

Revision of the genera of starfishes of the subfamily Asterininae


scientific article

Second catalogue of Mollusca recently added to the fauna of the New England coast and the adjacent parts of the Atlantic, consisting mostly of deep sea species, with notes on others previously recorded


Synopsis of the Cephalopoda of the northeastern coast of America

scientific article published in April 1880

The Bermuda Islands. Part IV. Geology and paleontology, and part V. An account of the coral reefs

scholarly article by A. E. Verrill published in January 1907

The Bermuda Islands: their scenery, climate, productions, physiography, natural history, and geology; with sketches of their early history and the changes due to man

scholarly article by A. E. Verrill published in January 1902

The Florida Sea-Monster

scientific article published in 1897

The Florida Sea-Monster

scientific article published on 23 October 2021

The Giant Cuttle-Fishes of Newfoundland and the Common Squids of the New England Coast

scientific article published on 26 July 2002

The Opisthoteuthidae; a remarkable new family of deep sea Cephalopoda, with remarks on some points in molluscan morphology

scientific article published on 31 August 2010

The Rules of Zoological Nomenclature; from the report of a committee appointed to report on the changes which they may consider desirable to make, if any, in the Rules of Zoological Nomenclature

scientific article published in July 1869

The cephalopods of the north-eastern coast of America

New Haven, Conn. :Connecticut Academy of Sciences,1879-1881 | MBLWHOI Library

The cephalopods of the north-eastern coast of America / by A.E. Verrill

The cephalopods of the northeastern coast of America

Washington: G.P.O., 1882.

The colossal cephalopods of the North Atlantic

S.l.: s.n., 1875?

The external and internal parasites of [man and] domestic animals

Hartford, Conn., Case, Lockwood & Brainard, printers, 1870

The external and internal parasites of man and domestic animals

Hartford, Conn., Case, Lockwood & Brainard, printers[1870]

The gigantic cephalopods of the North Atlantic

scientific article published on 13 August 2013

The supposed great Octopus of Florida: certainly not a Cephalopod

Third catalogue of Mollusca recently added to the fauna of the New England coast and the adjacent parts of the Atlantic, consisting mostly of deep-sea species with notes on others previously recorded


VII. — North American Ophiuroidea. 1. Revision of certain families and genera of West Indian Ophiurans

XI.—<i>On the distribution of marine animals on the Southern Coast of New England</i>

scientific article published in 1872

XVIII.—Descriptions of a remarkable new jellyfish and two actinians from the coast of Maine

XXIII.—Remarks on certain errors in Mr. Jeffreys's article on “The mollusca of Europe compared with those of Eastern North America”

XXVI.—Classification of Polyps. (Extract condensed from a synopsis of the Polypi of the North Pacific exploring expedition under Captains Ringgold and Rodgers, U.S.N.

XXXIV.—Notice of the occurrence of another gigantic cephalopod(Architeuthis)on the coast of Newfoundland, in December 1874

scientific article (publication date: October 1875)

XXXIX.—Descriptions of some new American phyllopod Crustacea

XXXVII.—On the affinities of Palæozoic tabulate corals with existing species

[Notice of recent additions to the marine Invertebrata, of the northeastern coast of America, with descriptions of new genera and species and critical remarks on others.] Part III.—Catalogue of Mollusca recently added to the fauna of southern New En

scientific article published on 18 July 2011