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List of works by Rudyard Kipling


Short story first published in the Windsor Magazine, December 1898


short story by Rudyard Kipling

A British-Roman Song

poem written by Rudyard Kipling

A Choice of Songs

A Diversity of Creatures


A Germ-Destroyer

short story by Rudyard Kipling

A Legend of the Foreign Office

A Pilgrim's Way

edition of a poem by Kipling

A School History of England

book by C. R. L. Fletcher and Rudyard Kipling

A Song in Storm

poem by Rudyard Kipling

A Song of the English

poem by Kipling

A Song of the English

book by Rudyard Kipling

A Song of the English

poem by Rudyard Kipling

A Song to Mithras

poem by Rudyard Kipling

A song of the English

literary work part of the Golden age of illustration collection at the UML

Aerial Board of Control

fictional supranational organization created by Rudyard Kipling

All the Mowgli Stories

book by Rudyard Kipling

An Almanac of Twelve Sports

1898 book of lithograph illustrations by William Nicholson, with words by Rudyard Kipling

Arithmetic on the Frontier

1886 edition of a poem by Rudyard Kipling

Au hasard de la vie

1928 French edition

Ave Imperatrix!

poem by Kipling

Baa Baa, Black Sheep

short story by Rudyard Kipling

Bajky i nebajky

1958 Czech book edition

Ballads and Barrack-Room Ballads/Tommy

Barrack-Room Ballads

book by Rudyard Kipling

Beyond the Pale

Beyond the pale

Big Steamers

poem by Rudyard Kipling

Bitters Neat


Kipling's poem

Captains Courageous

literary work

Captains Courageous: A Story of the Grand B...

Kipling, Rudyard 1897


short story by Rudyard Kipling

Cupid's Arrows

short story by Rudyard Kipling


poem by British writer Rudyard Kipling

Danny Deever

poem by Rudyard Kipling


poem by Rudyard Kipling

Departmental Ditties

work by Kipling

Drums of the Fore and Aft

short story by Rudyard Kipling


Russian translation of Kipling's poem “Boots”

False Dawn

short story by Rudyard Kipling



From Sea to Sea and Other Sketches, Letters of Travel

1899 travelogue by Rudyard Kipling


1892 poem by Rudyard Kipling

God of our fathers, known of old

Christian poem and hymn text by Rudyard Kipling

Gunga Din

poem by Rudyard Kipling

Her Majesty's Servants

short story by Rudyard Kipling

His Chance in Life

short story by Rudyard Kipling

His Majesty the King

Short story by Rudyard Kipling

His Wedded Wife

short story by Rudyard Kipling

Histoires comme ça pour les petits

1903 French book edition

How Fear Came

short story by Rudyard Kipling

How The Camel Got His Hump

1912 version

How The Rhinoceros Got His Skin

1912 version

How the Alphabet Was Made

one of Kipling's "Just So Stories"

How the Alphabet Was Made

1912 version

How the Camel Got His Hump

one of Kipling's "Just So Stories"

How the First Letter Was Written

one of Kipling's "Just So Stories"

How the First Letter Was Written

1912 version

How the Leopard Got His Spots

one of Kipling's "Just So Stories"

How the Leopard Got His Spots

1912 version

How the Rhinoceros Got His Skin

one of Kipling's "Just So Stories"

How the Whale Got His Throat

one of Kipling's "Just So Stories"

How the Whale Got His Throat

1912 version

Hymn of Breaking Strain

I dronningens klær. Soldaterhistorier fra Indien

If — by Rudyard Kipling


poem by Rudyard Kipling

Il risciò fantasma

edition part of the Piccola Biblioteca collection by Adelphi

In Black and White

collection of short stories by Rudyard Kipling

In the House of Suddhoo

short story by Rudyard Kipling

In the Rukh

short story by Rudyard Kipling

Independence: Rectorial address delivered at St Andrews October 10 1923

1924 published edition of address by Rudyard Kipling

Internacia Krestomatio

book by Alexandre Dumas père

Jak dostal velbloud hrb

Czech translation of Kipling story

Jak přišel nosorožec ke své kůži

Czech translation of Kipling story

Jak přišla velryba k svému jícnu

Czech translation of Kipling story

Jak se stalo, že levhart dostal skvrny

Czech translation of Kipling's story

Jungle Book universe

fictional universe


Danish 1907 edition of The Jungle Book

Just So Stories

1912 English book edition

Just So Stories

short story collection by Rudyard Kipling

Just So Stories

2001 version

Just så-historier för små barn

Kaa's Hunting

short story by Rudyard Kipling


story by Rudyard Kipling


by Rudyard Kipling


picaresque novel by Rudyard Kipling


1950 adventure film directed by Victor Saville

Kim, hela världens lille vän : berättelse från Indien

Learoyd, Mulvaney and Ortheris

Letting in the Jungle

Short Story by Rudyard Kipling

Life's Handicap

English edition

Life's Handicap

Life's Handicap: Being Stories of Mine Own ...

Kipling, Rudyard 1891


short story by Rudyard Kipling


book by Rudyard Kipling

L’Homme qui voulut être roi

French translation of work by Richard Kipling

Malteserkatten Drømmegutten : nye fortællinger


poem by Rudyard Kipling

Many Inventions

Collection of short stories

Miss Youghal's Sais

short story by Rudyard Kipling

Mowgli's Brothers

short story by Rudyard Kipling

Mowgli's Brothers

1977 television film directed by Chuck Jones

Mowgli, l'infant de la jungla

shadow play

Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle

2018 film directed by Andy Serkis

Namgay Doola

O człowieku, który chciał być królem

edition of the translation of the work of Rudyard Kipling

On the Road to Mandalay

musical setting of the Rudyard Kipling poem "Mandalay", composed by Oley Speaks

Pharaoh and the Sergeant

poem by Rudyard Kipling

Pharaoh and the Sergeant

edition of poem in The Five Nations

Plain Tales from the Hills

book by Rudyard Kipling

Plain Tales from the Hills/'Yoked with an Unbeliever'

Plain Tales from the Hills/Lispeth

Plain Tales from the Hills/The Other Man

Plain Tales from the Hills/Thrown Away

Playing Robinson Crusoe

1902 version

Playing Robinson Crusoe

2007 audio version


Czech book edition


1904 Czech book edition

Puck of Pook's Hill

book by Rudyard Kipling

Puck of Pook's Hill

gutenberg version

Puck of Pook's Hill

2008 gutenberg version

Puck of Pook's Hill

1968 republication of 1906

Puck of Pook's Hill

1913 scan

Pussy can sit by the fire and sing

1902 Kipling poem


short story by Rudyard Kipling


1897 poem written by Rudyard Kipling

Red Dog

Mowgli stories

Rewards and Fairies

Rewards for your time and consideration for any damage caused to you

Rewards and Fairies/If—


short story in The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling


1997 retelling of Rudyard Kipling's classic story by Jerry Pinkney

Rudyard Kipling Fonds

fonds held at McGill University

Rudyard Kipling bibliography

author bibliography

Skildringer fra en indisk Storby

Soldiers Three

1899 story collection book

Something of Myself

autobiography of Rudyard Kipling

Stalky & Co.

1899 novel by Rudyard Kipling


poem written by Rudyard Kipling


art song composed by Edward Elgar; musical setting of the poem "Submarines" by Rudyard Kipling

The Answer

poem by Rudyard Kipling

The Arrest of Lieutenant Golightly

short story by Rudyard Kipling

The Ballad of East and West

poem by Kipling

The Beginner

The Beginning of the Armadillos

1912 version

The Beginning of the Armadillos

one of Kipling's "Just So Stories"

The Bell Buoy

poem by Rudyard Kipling

The Bells and Queen Victoria

peom by Rudyard Kipling

The Betrothed

poem by Rudyard Kipling

The Bold 'Prentice

Short story by Rudyard Kipling

The Broken Link Handicap

short story by Rudyard Kipling

The Butterfly That Stamped

1912 version

The Butterfly that Stamped

one of Kipling's "Just So Stories"

The Cat that Walked by Himself

1912 version

The Cat that Walked by Himself

one of Kipling's "Just So Stories"

The City of Dreadful Night

book by Kipling Rudyard published in 1899

The Conversion of Aurelian McGoggin

short story by Rudyard Kipling

The Crab That Played with the Sea

1912 version

The Crab that Played with the Sea

one of Kipling's "Just So Stories"

The Day's Work

book by Rudyard Kipling

The Destroyers

poem by Rudyard Kipling

The Destroyers

poem by Rudyard Kipling, McClure's version

The Drums of the Fore and Aft

edition of work by Kipling

The Elephant's Child

1912 version

The Elephant's Child

one of Kipling's "Just So Stories"

The Eyes of Asia

The Finest Story in the World

The Five Nations

1903 edition of work by Rudyard Kipling

The Five Nations

work by Rudyard Kipling

The Fool

1913 film by George William Pearson

The Fringes of the Fleet

booklet of poems written in 1915 by Rudyard Kipling

The Fringes of the Fleet

song-cycle composed by Edward Elgar

The Gods of the Copybook Headings

poem by Rudyard Kipling

The Gypsy Trail


The Heritage

1905 poem in "The Empire and the century"

The Hyaenas

poem by Rudyard Kipling

The Jungle Book

1894 children's book by Rudyard Kipling

The Jungle Book

a collection of stories by Rudyard Kipling

The Jungle Book/Darzee's Chant

poem written by Rudyard Kipling

The Jungle Book/Hunting-Song of the Seeonee Pack


The Jungle Book/Lukannon

poem written by Rudyard Kipling

The Jungle Book/Mowgli's Song

The Jungle Book/Parade Song of the Camp Animals

poem written by Rudyard Kipling

The Jungle Book/Road-Song of the Bandar-Log

poem written by Rudyard Kipling

The Jungle Book/Shiv and the Grasshopper

poem written by Rudyard Kipling

The King's Ankus

short story by Rudyard Kipling

The King's Pilgrimage

book by Rudyard Kipling

The Lang Men o' Larut

The Last of the Light Brigade

poem written by Rudyard Kipling

The Light That Failed

novel by Rudyard Kipling

The Man Who Was

play written by Rudyard Kipling

The Man Who Would Be King

edition of short story by Rudyard Kipling

The Man Who Would Be King

novella by Rudyard Kipling

The Mark of the Beast

short story by Rudyard Kipling

The Miracle of Purun Bhagat

short story by Rudyard Kipling

The Mother Hive

short story by Rudyard Kipling

The Other Man

short story by Rudyard Kipling

The Phantom 'Rickshaw and other Eerie Tales

book by Rudyard Kipling

The Recall

edition fo poe by Rudyard Kipling

The Rescue of Pluffles

short story by Rudyard Kipling

The Return of Imray

The Second Jungle Book

book by Rudyard Kipling

The Seven Seas

1896 edition of the poetry collection by Rudyard Kipling

The Seven Seas

book of poetry by Rudyard Kipling

The Ship that Found Herself

short story by Rudyard Kipling, 1895

The Sing-Song of Old Man Kangaroo

1912 version

The Sing-Song of Old Man Kangaroo

one of Kipling's "Just So Stories"

The Son of His Father

The Sons of Martha


The Spring Running

short story by Rudyard Kipling

The Story of the Gadsbys

book by Rudyard Kipling

The Story of the Gadsbys: A Tale without a ...

Kipling, Rudyard 1890

The Tabu Tale

one of Kipling's "Just So Stories"

The Taking of Lungtungpen

short story by Rudyard Kipling

The Thousandth Man

The Three Musketeers

short story by Rudyard Kipling

The Undertakers

short story by Rudyard Kipling

The Village That Voted the Earth Was Flat

1917 short story by Rudyard Kipling

The Wandering Jew

The War in the Mountains

book by Rudyard Kipling

The White Man's Burden

poem by the English poet Rudyard Kipling

The White Seal

short story by Rudyard Kipling

The Wish House

The Years Between

The finest story in the world

short story by Rudyard Kipling

The way that he took

Short story by Rudyard Kipling

There was never a Queen like Balkis

1902 Kipling poem

Three and – an Extra

short story by Rudyard Kipling

Thrown Away

short story by Rudyard Kipling

Thy Servant a Dog

book by Rudyard Kipling

Tiger! Tiger!

short story by Rudyard Kipling

Toomai of the Elephants

short story by Rudyard Kipling

Total Dictation

annual Russian literacy test organized worldwide

Traffics and Discoveries

1904 collection of poems and short stories by Rudyard Kipling

True Royalty

1904 version

True Royalty

2007 audio version

Under the Deodars

book by Rudyard Kipling

Valon kadotessa

Watches of the Night

short story by Rudyard Kipling

Wee Willie Winkie and Other Child Stories

book by Rudyard Kipling


short story by Rudyard Kipling

With the Night Mail

McClure's Magazine/Volume 26, November 1905, pp.23-35.

With the Night Mail

Literary work

Without Benefit of Clergy

short story by Rudyard Kipling

Yoked with an Unbeliever

short story by Rudyard Kipling

przeglad wojskowy w opowiadaniu sludzy jej krolewskiej mosci



Druhá kniha o džungli

book edition published in 1933

Jak dostal velbloud hrb

book edition published in 1938

Jediný syn

book edition published in 2017

Just so stories

book edition published in 2015


book edition published in 2015


book edition published in 1939

Kniha džunglí

book edition published in 1921

Kniha džunglí

book edition published in 1931

Kniha džunglí

book edition published in 1911

Kniha džunglí

book edition published in 2015

Kniha džunglí

book edition published in 2016

Knihy džunglí

book edition published in 1976

Knihy džunglí

book edition published in 2016

Knihy džunglí

book edition published in 2017

Knihy džunglí

book edition published in 2022

Náhrdelník maharadžů: povídka Západu a Východu

book edition published in 1927

Něco o mém životě: (pro přátele známé i neznámé)

book edition published in 2017


book edition published in 1915

Povídky z Indie

book edition published in 1903

Povídky z Indie

book edition published in 1903

Stateční kapitáni

book edition published in 2019

Tři mušketýři

book edition published in 1948

Welandův meč a jiná Šotkova kouzla

book edition published in 1929