New York: C. Scribner, 1922, c1916
New York,C. Scribner's sons,1914. | Multiple institutions
New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1910.
New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1910.
London,Syndicate publishing company[1910?] | Library of Congress
London,John Murray,1910. | Smithsonian Libraries
London ;Macmillan, 1908.
New York, Forest and Stream Publishing Co., 1901.
New York: Forest and stream publishing co., 1901.
New York,Forest and stream publishing co.,1901. | Library of Congress
New York :Forest and stream publishing co.,1893. | Smithsonian Libraries
first volume of the journal Bird-Lore
1908 executive order establishing the Sitgreaves National Forest from the Black Mesa and Tonto National Forests
1908 executive order by Theodore Roosevelt defining the extent of the Holy Cross National Forest
1908 executive order by Theodore Roosevelt creating Apache National Forest from part of the Black Mesa National Forest
1908 executive order by Theodore Roosevelt establishing the Mono National Forest in Nevada and California
July 2, 1908 Executive Order (effective July 1, 1908) creating and modifying many US National Forests
Executive Order in 1908 establishing Kaibab National Forest and eliminating Grand Canyon National Forest
Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1903
London,Harper & Brothers,1907. | Library of Congress
London, Harper & Brothers, 1907.
Denver, Co.F.S. Thayer,1894. | Cornell University Library
New York :Forest and stream publishing company,1895. | Smithsonian Libraries
New York: Review of Reviews, 1910, c1893.
New York, Current Literature Pub. Co., 1908.
New York :Putnam,c1885. | University of California Libraries (
London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1900.
London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1900.
speech by Theodore Roosevelt
New York,Frederick A. Stokes company,1911. | Library of Congress
New York,C. Scribner's Sons,1914. | Smithsonian Libraries
speech by Theodore Roosevelt at the New York City Republican Club on February 13, 1905
Chicago,Field Museum of Natural History,1926. | Field Museum of Natural History Library
book by Theodore Roosevelt published in 1900
London: Longmans, Green, and co., 1905.
book by Theodore Roosevelt published in 1908
U.S. Presidential Proclamation establishing the Luquillo Forest Reserve in Puerto Rico
U.S. Presidential Proclamation in 1904 establishing the Salt Lake Forest Reserve
Presidential Proclamation establishing the Helena Forest Reserve in 1906
Presidential Proclamation establishing the Ashland Forest Reserve
US Presidential Proclamation establishing the Vernon Forest Reserve
US Presidential proclamation establishing the Ruby Mountains Forest Reserve
US Presidential Proclamation establishing the Fillmore Forest Reserve
US Presidential Proclamation abolishing the Logan Forest Reserve and establishing the Bear River Forest Reserve
US Presidential proclamation renaming Grand Cañon Forest Reserve
1906 US presidential proclamation by Theodore Roosevelt establishing the Coeur d'Alene Forest Reserve
US presidential proclamation by Theodore Roosevelt renaming Cascade Range Forest Reserve
presidential declaration by Theodore Roosevelt admitting Oklahoma to the United States of America
U.S. Presidential proclamation in 1908 establishing the Ozark National Forest
US Presidential Proclamation Establishing Datil National Forest in 1908
US Presidential Proclamation in 1908 modifying several national forests in Arizona
US Presidential Proclamation establishing the Dakota National Forest in 1908
US Presidential Proclamation establishing the Nevada National Forest in 1909
edition of essay by Roosevelt
New York :Century Co.,1899, c1888. | University of California Libraries (
political catch phrase by Theodore Roosevelt
book by Theodore Roosevelt
speech by Theodore Roosevelt
London,Macmillan & Co., Ltd.,1902. | Smithsonian Libraries
London :Chatto & Windus,1909. | Webster Family Library of Veterinary Medici
New York: Review of Reviews, 1910, c1893.
New York: Putnam, 1903, c1893.
London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1900.
New York [etc.]G.P. Putnam's Sons[c1893] | Smithsonian Libraries
autobiography of Theodore Roosevelt
New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1925, c1914.
New York, Collier, 1897-
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