1982 film
Alice Cooper song
Alice Cooper song
1992 single by Alice Cooper
song by Alice Cooper
2000 single by Alice Cooper
original song written and composed by Michael Bruce, Glen Buxton, Dennis Dunaway, Alice Cooper, Neal Smith
1986 single by Alice Cooper
original song written and composed by Alice Cooper, Jack Ponti, Vic Pepe, Bob Pfeifer
Alice Cooper song
1970 single by Alice Cooper
2009 single by Alice Cooper
original song written and composed by Alice Cooper, Robert Pfeifer, Dan Wexler
original song written and composed by Alice Cooper, Vic Pepe, Jack Ponti
original song written and composed by Alice Cooper and Michael Bruce; first recorded by Alice Cooper
original song written and composed by Alice Cooper, Dick Wagner
song performed by Alice Cooper
1989 song by Alice Cooper
Alice Cooper single
1972 single by Alice Cooper
original song written and composed by Alice Cooper, Kane Roberts
Alice Cooper song
Alice Cooper song
song by Alice Cooper
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