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List of works by Alan Wace

A British Officer on Active Service, 1799

A Cave of the Nymphs on Mount Ossa

A Latin Inscription from Perrhaebia

A Note on the Excavation of the Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia

article by Richard MacGillivray Dawkins et al published November 1930 in The Journal of Hellenic Studies

ASIA, EUROPE AND THE AEGEAN AND THEIR EARLIEST INTER-RELATIONS: Studies in Early Pottery of the Near East II. By H. Frankfort. London, Royal Anthropological Institute (Occasional Papers no. 8). 1927. pp. xii, 204, and 13 plates. 12s. 6d


Aegean Prehistory: a Review


Apollo seated on the Omphalos: A Statue at Alexandria

Archaeology in Greece, 1919–1921

scholarly article by Alan Wace published in January 1921

Briefe von Heinrich Schliemann, gesammelt und mit einer Einleitung in Auswahl herausgegeben von Ernst Meyer. Geleitwort von Wilhelm Dörpfeld. Pp. 362; 3 pls. Berlin and Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter & Co. 8m.

COPTIC EGYPT. Edited by John D. Cooney. Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, The Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, 1944. pp. 58. $0.75

scholarly article by Alan J. B. Wace published March 1946 in Antiquity

CORINTHIAN VASES IN THE HEARST COLLECTION AT SAN SIMEON. By D. A. Amyx. (University of california. Publications in Classical Archaeology, vol. 1, no. 9). University of Calfornia Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1943. pp. 207–240, Plates 28–32

scholarly article by Alan J. B. Wace published in March 1946

Die Ornamente der Griechischen Grabstelen Klassischer und Nachklassischer Zeit. By Hans Möbius. Pp. 100: 72 plates. Berlin: Keller, 1929

EXPLORATION ARCHÉOLOGIQUE DE DÉLOS: faite par l'École française d'Athènes. Facsicule XI: les sanctuaires et les cultes du mont Cynthe. Par Andrè Plassart. Paris: E. de Boccard. pp. 320 with 6 plates and 257 figs

Early Civilisation in Thessaly. By H. D. Hansen. (Johns Hopkins Studies in Archaeology, No. 15.) Pp. xix + 203; 4 maps, 85 figures. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1933. 24s

scientific article

Essays in Aegean Archaeology - Essays in Aegean Archaeology. (Presented to SirArthur Evans in honour of his seventy–fifth birthday.) Edited by S. Casson. Pp. x + 142; 21 Plates and Frontispiece. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1927. 15s.

scientific article published in 1927

Excavations at Mycenae 1952

scientific article

Excavations at Mycenae, 1939

article by Alan Wace published November 1950 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Excavations at Theotokou, Thessaly

scholarly article by Alan Wace published in January 1907

Excavations at Thermi in Lesbos. By Winifred Lamb, M.A., F.S.A. 12 × 9½. Pp. xii + 228. Cambridge: at the University Press, 1936. 52s. 6d

Excavations at Zerélia, Thessaly

scholarly article by Alan Wace published in November 1908

Forschungen auf Kreta 1942. Edited by Friedrich Matz (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut). Pp. vii + 166. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1951. DM. 30

Fragments of Roman Historical Reliefs in the Lateran and Vatican Museums

GESCHICHTE DES KUNSTGEWERBES ALLER ZEITEN UND VÖLKER. Band I. By Dr H. Th. Bossert pp. XII, 394, with 28 plates. Berlin: Wasmuth, 1928. 42 marks

Grotesques and the Evil Eye

HOW TO OBSERVE IN ARCHAEOLOGY; suggestions for travellers in the Near and Middle East. London: published by order of the Trustees of the British Museum. Second edition, 1929. 2s 6d.ANCIENT SICYON WITH A PROSOPOGRAPHIA SICYONIA. By Charles H. Skalet P

scholarly article by Alan Wace published in September 1929

Hastings and Finlay

Heinrich Schliemann. Briefwechsel, aus dem Nachlass in Auswahl herausgegeben von E. Meyer. Band I, 1842–1875. Berlin: Gebr. Mann, 1953. Pp. 382, with frontispiece. DM. 24

Hellenistic Royal Portraits

I.—Excavations At Sparta, 1907: § 2.—The City Wall

article by Alan Wace published January 1907 in Annual of the British School at Athens

I.—Excavations At Sparta, 1907: § 3.—The Stamped Tiles

article by Alan Wace published January 1907 in Annual of the British School at Athens

I.—Excavations At Sparta, 1907: § 8.—The Tombs

article by Alan Wace & Guy Dickins published January 1907 in Annual of the British School at Athens

I.—Excavations At Sparta, 1908 § 7.—A Third-Century Marble Head

article by Alan Wace published November 1908 in Annual of the British School at Athens

I.—Excavations At Sparta, 1908 § 8.—A Hoard of Hellenistic Coins

article by Alan Wace published November 1908 in Annual of the British School at Athens

I.—Excavations Near Angelona

I.—Excavations at Sparta, 1909: §6.—The Menelaion

article by Alan Wace et al published November 1909 in Annual of the British School at Athens

II.—Excavations at Sparta, 1906: § 2.—The City Wall

article by Alan Wace published November 1906 in Annual of the British School at Athens

II.—Excavations at Sparta, 1906: § 3—The Heroön

article by Alan J. B. Wace published November 1906 in Annual of the British School at Athens

II.—Excavations at Sparta, 1906: § 8.—The Stamped Tiles

article by Alan J. B. Wace published November 1906 in Annual of the British School at Athens

II.—Geraki: 1.—Excavations

article by Alan J. B. Wace & Frederick William Hasluck published November 1905 in Annual of the British School at Athens

II.—Geraki: 2.—Sculptures

II.—Geraki: Historical Note

II.—Topography: East-Central Laconia

III. —Thalamae: V.—Frankish Sculptures at Parori and Geraki

III.—Pottery: Early Pottery From Geraki

II—Excavations at Sparta, 1906: § 11.—The Roman Baths. (Arapissa.)

article by Alan J. B. Wace published November 1906 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Introduction; and Addendum

Jericho Tomb 13

John Devitt Stringfellow Pendlebury

L. M. Wilson, Ancient Textiles from Egypt in the University of Michigan Collection. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1933. Pp. 78 + x, with 23 plates. $2.50

LA PUERTA DE LOS LEONES DE MICENAS Y LA COLUMNA MINOANA. By L. I. Rajkay, Acta Cientifica Venezolana, Vol. VI, Nos. 5 y 6, Caracas, 1955

La Civilisation Egéenne. By G. Glotz. La Renaissance du Livre, 78 Boulevard Saint-Michel, Paris, 1923. Fr. 15

article by A. J. B. W. published 1924 in The Journal of Hellenic Studies

La Vallée du Spercheios des origines au IVe siècle. By Yves Béquignon. Pp. xvi + 400; 23 plates. Paris: de Boccard. 1937.

Lining Papers from Corpus Christi College

scientific article published in 1937

MINOANS, PHILISTINES, AND GREEKS, 1400–900 B.C. By A. R. Burn. Kegan Paul, 1930. pp. XVI, 274, with 16 plates and 2 maps. 15s



Mycenae 1950

Mycenae, 1952

Mycenae, 1953

Mycenae, an archaeological history and guide

written work by A. J. B. Wace

Notes from the Sporades, Astypalaea, Telos, Nisyros, Leros

Notes on the Homeric House

article by Alan J. B. Wace published November 1951 in The Journal of Hellenic Studies

PROSYMNA, the Helladic Settlement preceding the Argive Heraeum. By Carl W. Blegen Cambridge University Press, 1937. 2 vols., pp. XXVI, 486, with 8 plates in colour, 731 illustrations, and 52 plans. £7 7s

Part I. Neolithic Mycenae

Part I. Preliminary Report on the Excavations of 1952

article by Alan Wace published November 1953 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Part I. Preliminary Report on the Excavations of 1953

article by Alan Wace published November 1954 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Part I. Preliminary Report on the Excavations of 1954

article by Alan Wace published November 1955 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Part I. Preliminary Report on the Excavations of 1955

article by Alan Wace published November 1956 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Part II. A Faience Cylinder

Part II. Ephyraean Ware

Part II. The Grave Circle

Part II. The Perseia Fountain House

article by Alan Wace et al published November 1953 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Part II. The Prehistoric Cemetery: Graves below The House of the Warrior Vase

article by Alan Wace & M. Pakenham-Walsh published November 1955 in Annual of the British School at Athens

Part III. Notes on the Construction of the ‘Tomb of Clytemnestra’

Part IV. Prehistoric Cemetery: A Deposit of L.H. III Pottery

Part IV. The Epano Phournos Tholos Tomb

Part IV. The ‘Gallery’ in the North Wall

Part IV. ‘Egyptian’ Amphorae, Correction

Part V. The Chronology of Late Helladic IIIB

Recent Excavations in Asia Minor


SCHLIEMANN OF TROY: the story of a goldseeker. By Emil Ludwig. With an introduction by Sir Arthur Evans. Putnam, 1931. pp. 336. 21s

SIXTH AND FIFTH CENTURY POTTERY FROM RHITSONA. From excavations made at Rhitsona by R. M. Burrows in 1909 and by P. N. Ure and A. D. Ure in 1921 and 1922. Edited by P. N. Ure. Oxford University Press; London, Milford. 1927. pp. x, 112, and 25 plates.

article by Alan Wace published June 1928 in Antiquity

Saint Gerasimos and the English Admiral

Some Sculptures at Turin

St. George the Vampire

Studies in Roman Historical Reliefs

THE CAMBRIDGE ANCIENT HISTORY. Volume of plates, II. Prepared by C. T. Seltman,M.A. Cambridge University Press. 1928. pp. xii, 120, and 120 plates. 9s

THE HEARST HYDRIA, AN ATTIC FOOTNOTE TO CORINTHIAN HISTORY. By H. R. W. Smyth. (University of California Publications in Classical Archaeology, vol. 1, no. 10). University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1944. pp. 241–90, Plates 33?

scholarly article by Alan J. B. Wace published in March 1946

THE HISTORY AND CIVILIZATION OF ANCIENT MEGARA, 1. By E. L. Highbarger. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press. [Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies in Archæology, no. 2]. 1927. pp. xvi, 222. $2.50

THE MINOAN-MYCENAEAN RELIGION AND ITS SURVIVAL IN GREEK RELIGION. By Martin P. Nilsson. C. W. K. Gleerup, Lund; H. Milford, London. 1927. pp. xxiv, 582, 4 plates. 31s. 6d

THE PALACE OF MINOS AT KNOSSOS. By Sir Arthur Evans . Vol. II, parts 1 and 2. Macmillan. 1928 pp. xxii, xiv, 844. Coloured plates viii–xiv, supplementary plates xii–xxxi, plans A–C, and 559 figs. 147s

article by Alan Wace published September 1929 in Antiquity

The Base of the Obelisk of Theodosius

The Brummagem Philhellene

The Chatsworth Head

The Date of The Treasury of Atreus

article by Alan Wace published 1926 in The Journal of Hellenic Studies

The Discovery of Inscribed Clay Tablets at Mycenae

The Minoan-Mycenaean Religion and its Survival in Greek Religion. By Martin P. Nilsson. (Acta Reg. Soc. Hum. Litt. Lundensis, IX.) Pp. xxiv + 656. (Second, revised edition.) Lund: Gleerup, 1950. Kr. 50

The Mounds of Macedonia

The Pre-Mycenaean Pottery of the Mainland

The Reliefs in the Palazzo Spada

The Site of Olynthus

The Topography of Pelion and Magnesia

The Topography of Pelion and Magnesia: Addenda

The prehistoric exploration of the Greek mainland

article published in 1946

Troy. General Introduction. The First and Second Settlements. By C. W. Blegen, J. L. Caskey, M. Rawson and J. Sperling. Volume 1. Part 1, Text. Part 2, plates. Pp. xxiv + 396 and xxvii + 473 plates. Princeton: University Press (for University of Cinc

Troy. The Third, Fourth and Fifth Settlements. Vol. II. Text and Plates. By C. W. Blegen, J. L. Caskey, M. Rawson, and J. Sperling. Pp. xxii + 325, with 318 plates. Princeton: University Press, 1951. (London: Geoffrey Cumberlege). 235s.Troy. The Sixt

article by Alan Wace published November 1956 in The Journal of Hellenic Studies

VII.—The Sheldon Tapestry Weavers and their Work

scientific article

§ I.—The Campaign of 1920

§ II.—The Campaign of 1921

§ IV.—The Rhyton Well

§ IV.—The Rhyton Well (Continued)

§ IX.—The Tholos Tombs

§ V.—The Campaign of 1922

§ VI.—The Campaign of 1923

§ VII.—The Lion Gate and Grave Circle Area

§ VIII.—The Palace

§ X.—The Cyclopean Terrace Building

§ XII.—Hagios Elias

ÉCOLE FRANÇAISE D'ATHÈNES. ÉTUDES CRÉTOISES, I. MALLIA.. Premier Rapport 1922–24. By F. Chapouthier and J. Charbonneaux. Paris: Geuthner. pp. ii 66 and 36 plates. 100 francs

ÉCOLE FRANÇRAISE D'ATHÈNES. ÉTUDES CRÉTOISES, I. MALLIA. Écritures Minoennes. By F. Chapouthier. Paris: Geuthner. pp. 100, and 8 plates. 80 francs