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List of works by Marie Rose Moro

"A multidisciplinary clinical approach to adolescents". Interview by Sylvie Warnet

scientific article published in May 2009

"If walls could talk": A photo-elicitation-based observation of service users' perceptions of the care setting and of its influence on the therapeutic alliance in addiction treatment

scientific article published on 21 September 2018

"It's That Route That Makes Us Sick": Exploring Lay Beliefs About Causes of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Among Sub-saharan African Asylum Seekers in Germany


'Only God can promise healing.': help-seeking intentions and lay beliefs about cures for post-traumatic stress disorder among Sub-Saharan African asylum seekers in Germany

scientific article published on 04 November 2019

A Qualitative Study of Misconceptions Among School Personnel About Absenteeism of Children From Immigrant Families

scientific article published on 20 March 2020

A fragrance workshop, a mediation tool for teenagers

scientific article published in November 2013

A qualitative exploration of the work of embodiment in adolescent girls with obesity.

scientific article published on 5 July 2016

Accueillir et soigner les mineurs isolés étrangers?

Addressing the mother-infant relationship in displaced communities

scientific article published on July 2008

Adolescence and distress. The body is severely tested

scientific article published in September 2015

Adolescent psychiatric disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown

scientific article published on 29 June 2020

Adolescent vulnerabilities and radicalisation

scientific article published in October 2017

Adolescent writing, becoming the narrator of one's own life

scientific article published in November 2017

Adolescents at play: the benefit of individual psychoanalytic psychodrama

scientific article published in November 2017

An overview of transition from child to adult psychiatry

scientific article published in September 2017

Anorexia nervosa hyperactivity-induced ischemic colitis (ANHIC): a new cause of anaemia

scientific article published on 17 June 2016

Anorexia nervosa in a girl of Chinese origin: psychological, somatic and transcultural factors

scientific article published on 19 December 2013

Anorexia nervosa is associated with Neuronatin variants

scientific article published on 01 August 2019

Anorexia, treating and caring for the mistreated body

scientific article published in September 2015

Assessment of transcultural psychotherapy to treat resistant major depressive disorder in children and adolescents from migrant families: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial using mixed method and Bayesian approaches

scientific article published on 12 September 2020

Becoming a transcultural psychotherapist: Qualitative study of the experience of professionals in training in a transcultural psychotherapy group

scientific article published on 02 September 2020

Bilingualism, Language Disorders and Intercultural Families in Contemporary Italy: Family Relations, Transmission of Language and Representations of Otherness.

scientific article published on 3 June 2015

Breaking the silence in Colombia to resist violence 1/2

scientific article published on January 1, 2013

Care and prejudice: moving beyond mistrust in the care relationship with addicted patients.

scientific article

Care for young children who have suffered a tragic event

scientific article published on 01 July 2010

Case Study of An Adopted Chinese Woman with Bulimia Nervosa: A Cultural and Transcultural Approach

scientific article published on August 2017

Chronic idiopathic musculoskeletal pain in youth: a qualitative study

scientific article published on 27 December 2019

Clinical Approaches to Cultural Diversity in Mental Health Care and Specificities of French Transcultural Consultations: A Scoping Review

scientific article published on 27 October 2020

Comprendre pour mieux agir

scientific article published on 01 May 2018


Corrigendum: School Refusal or Truancy? A Qualitative Study of Misconceptions Among School Personnel About Absenteeism of Children From Immigrant Families

scientific article published on 23 April 2020

Cross-cultural consultations, a forum for adolescent trauma victims

scientific article published in September 2013

Cultural Competence of Professionals Working With Unaccompanied Minors: Addressing Empathy by a Shared Narrative

scientific article published on 11 June 2020

Cultural counter-transference, a necessary notion for care

scientific article published in January 2009

Cultural crossings of care: An appeal to the medical humanities

scientific article published on 21 September 2017

Cultural identity and internationally adopted children: qualitative approach to parental representations

scientific article

Culture in initial interactions

scientific article

Culture, trauma, and subjectivity: The French ethnopsychoanalytic approach


Current developments in French ethnopsychoanalysis

scientific article published on July 2011

Dangers of early child-mother separations: Emile Zola as a precursor

scientific article published on 9 April 2008

Des familles qui s’inventent

scientific article published on 20 July 2020

Development of a patient rated scale for mental health global state for use during humanitarian interventions

scientific article published on 18 September 2020

Different perspectives of educational systems with a cross-cultural assessment

scientific article

Does trauma help teenagers to "grow up"?

scientific article published on 01 January 2011

Early intervention for everyone? A review of cross-cultural issues and their treatment in ultra-high-risk (UHR) cohorts

scientific article published on 30 April 2018


Epidemiological description of 529 families referred for French transcultural psychotherapy: A decade of experience

scientific article published on 04 August 2020

First parent-child meetings in international adoptions: a qualitative study

scientific article

First reported case of Clinical Lycanthropy in a 12-year-old adolescent: from culture-bound syndromes to internet-mediated delusions?

scientific article published on 26 November 2020

Fluoxetine dependence in a former amineptine abuser

scientific article

Growing up as a migrant, rites of passage in the Maghreb

scientific article

HPV vaccination and sexual health in France: Empowering girls to decide

scientific article published on 23 February 2019

HPV vaccination rate in French adolescent girls: an example of vaccine distrust.

scientific article

Impact of migration on explanatory models of illness and addiction severity in patients with drug dependence in a Paris suburb

scientific article published on 4 January 2012

In-quiétude et souci de soi comme éthique dans les relations thérapeutiques avec les patients addictés

Indicative evaluation of psychological disturbance amongst young children affected by the January 2010 Haiti earthquake, in Port-au-Prince

scholarly article by Yoram Mouchenik et al published 24 March 2014 in Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies

Initiating psychiatric care for young, isolated foreigners

scientific article

Integrated (one-stop shop) youth health care: best available evidence and future directions

scientific article published in November 2017


Is Ricoeur's Notion of Narrative Identity Useful in Understanding Recovery in Drug Addicts?

scientific article published in July 2008

Jewish Children Hidden in France (1940–1944): What Outcomes for Feelings of Shame?

scientific article published on December 1, 2012

Jewish children hidden in France between 1940 and 1944: An analysis of their narratives today

scientific article published on October 1, 2010

L'approche ethnopsychiatrique

La consultation ethnosystémique d'Avicenne

La langue de l'autre dans la psychothérapie en situation d'exil et de traumatisme

La promesse dans les addictions : de la reconnaissance de soi à la reconnaissance mutuelle selon Hannah Arendt et Paul Ric?ur

La transition enfant-adulte pour les patients souffrant de troubles des conduites alimentaires

scientific article published on 01 July 2017

Language, a unique care tool

scientific article published on March 1, 2013

Le miroir pétrifié

Le mutisme extra-familial chez les enfants de migrants. Le silence de Sandia

Les histoires des toxicomanes : intérêts de la notion d'identité narrative de Ricœur dans les addictions

Les soins en situation transculturelle

Les troubles du langage oral en situation transculturelle

Les états psychotiques chez les jeunes migrants et enfants de migrants

scientific article published on 01 December 2009

L’accueil des mineurs isolés : une clinique de l’hospitalité

scientific article published on 01 September 2019

L’intérêt de la transculturalité dans un monde métissé

scientific article published on 01 November 2020

Maternal perception of emotional difficulties of preschool children in rural Niger

scientific article

Metasynthesis of youth suicidal behaviours: perspectives of youth, parents, and health care professionals

scientific article

Metasynthesis: An Original Method to Synthesize Qualitative Literature in Psychiatry.

scientific article published in December 2017

Migrant Parents of Adolescents With School Refusal: A Qualitative Study of Parental Distress and Cultural Barriers in Access to Care

scientific article published on 01 January 2019

Mobilising Social and Symbolic Resources in Transcultural Therapies with Refugees and Asylum Seekers: The Story of Mister Diallo

Mother-child attachment challenged by prison

scientific article published on 29 June 2020

Music as mediation in a home for adolescents

scientific article

My stomach, the monster under my bed

scientific article published in November 2016

Obésité de l’adolescent : un symptôme, des prises en charge

scientific article published on 01 November 2018

Overcoming professionals' challenging experiences to promote a trustful therapeutic alliance in addiction treatment: A qualitative study

scientific article

Parental magico-religious illness beliefs in an adolescent girl with major depression and systemic lupus erythematosus

scientific article published in January 2006

Parenthood in migration: how to face vulnerability

scientific article published in March 2014

Parenthood: The Impact of Immigration

Patients' beliefs about the causes of systemic lupus erythematosus

scientific article published on 29 December 2009

Postnatal depression and relationship with the cultural world in Tunisia

scientific article published in September 2017

Posttraumatic stress symptoms after childhood cancer

scientific article published on December 2003

Psychiatry in a humanitarian situation, a therapeutic nursery in Guatemala

scientific article published on November 2008

Psychosis risk research versus daily prognosis uncertainties: A qualitative study of French youth psychiatrists' attitudes toward predictive practices

scientific article

Qualitative assessment of transcultural psychotherapy by adolescents and their migrant families: Subjective experience and perceived effectiveness

scientific article published on 06 August 2020

Quand faire c’est dire ! Ce que nous apprennent les enfants

scientific article published on 18 February 2020

Représentations culturelles, itinéraires thérapeutiques et santé mentale infantile en Guadeloupe

Research in adolescent healthcare: The value of qualitative methods

scientific article published on 12 October 2019

Severe neutropenia in an anorexic adolescent girl: a stigma of underfeeding syndrome?

scientific article published on 25 September 2020

Shifting views and building bonds: Narratives of internationally adopted children about their dual culture

scientific article published on 11 April 2018

Silence, Rebellion, and Acting-Out of a Silenced Past: Understanding the French Riots From a Postcolonial and Transcultural Perspective

scientific article published on 18 December 2019

Stories of Children and Adolescents from other Cultures: The Trauma of Migration


Stress and coping strategies in systemic lupus erythematosus: a review

scientific article published on January 2006

Support group for hospitalised adolescents: support for growing up

scientific article

Supporting a teenager confronted with a traumatic experience

scientific article published in September 2015

Taking care of the families of air disaster victims

scientific article published on 01 July 2010

The Bulle: Support and prevention of psychological decompensation of healthcare workers during the trauma of the COVID-19 epidemic

scientific article published on 19 September 2020

The COVID-19 Pandemic: Do Not Turn the Health Crisis Into a Humanity Crisis

scientific article published on 16 July 2020

The Quest for Meaning Around Self-Injurious and Suicidal Acts: A Qualitative Study Among Adolescent Girls

scientific article published on 05 April 2019

The Transgenerational Transmission of Trauma: The Effects of Maternal PTSD in Mother-Infant Interactions

scientific article published on 30 November 2020

The fight against school failure in children of migrants

scientific article published on March 1, 2013

The mother-child bond in transcultural situations

scientific article published on March 1, 2013

The neurobiological hypotheses on Clinical Lycanthropy

scientific article published on 18 August 2020

The rule of virginity among young women of Maghrebine origin in France

scientific article published on April 2010

Théories de la lecture et addictions : du Lecteur Modèle au Patient Modèle

Trauma among children and parents within the context of international adoption

scientific article published on 01 January 2011

Trauma et cultures


Trauma-related psychological disorders among Palestinian children and adults in Gaza and West Bank, 2005-2008.

scientific article

Twins and cultures

scientific article published in April 2009

What is a "Maison des Adolescents"? A history of integrated youth health care services in France


Why research in child and adolescent psychiatry is not a minor topic and why research and publication in this field remain important

scientific article published on 07 January 2021

['Child witches', analysis of a cultural countertransference]

scientific article published on 01 May 2019

[A clinic for half-castes for children of immigrants]

scientific article published on 01 October 2009

[A tool for the language evaluation of bilingual children]

scientific article published on 01 July 2018

[Admitting and caring for migrant children and their parents]

scientific article published on 01 August 2008

[Adolescence and definition of family, the complexity of new family configurations]

scientific article published on 20 July 2020

[Adolescents from here versus from other places].

scientific article

[An overview of suicide risk in adolescence]

scientific article published on 01 May 2018

[Anorexia and corporal mediations]

[Archaic countertransference of the cotherapist in transcultural consultations]

scientific article published on 01 June 2019

[At the heart of the transcultural psychotherapy of a traumatised unaccompanied minor with psychosis]

scientific article published on 01 September 2019

[Becoming parents in a cross-cultural situation]

scientific article published on 20 July 2020

[Benefit of the group for supporting a traumatised mother-baby dyad]

scientific article published on 01 July 2018

[Between parents and children, stories to escape non-sense]

scientific article published on 01 November 2020

[Bulimia nervosa, a pathology with multiple complications]

scientific article published on 01 September 2015

[Caregivers of North African origin faced with Islamist radicalisation]

scientific article published on 01 June 2019

[Children's cries, wars and drawings]

scientific article published on 01 May 2019

[Choosing the name in international adoption]

scientific article published in May 2014

[Comorbid major depressive disorder of anorexia nervosa in adolescence: A scoping review of treatment strategies]

scientific article published on 12 September 2020

[Countertransference reactions faced with traumatised mothers and their babies in Central Africa]

scientific article published on 01 July 2018

[Cross-breeding and diversity, an opportunity]

scientific article published on 01 October 2009

[Disclosure and silence, protecting the baby from trauma transmission?]

scientific article published on 01 May 2019

[Do you like me French or Tamil?]

scientific article published on 20 July 2020

[Drawing, a tool to use with unaccompanied foreign minors]

scientific article published on 01 January 2017

[Externalizing behaviour problems of internationally adopted adolescents: a review]

scientific article published on 01 May 2007

[How to better understand immigrant families and their children in order to give better care]

scientific article published on 01 January 2009

[Maternity professionals working with pregnant and homeless migrant women]

scientific article published on 01 June 2019

[Methods to improve suicidal adolescents' compliance to care after emergency discharge: A literature review]

scientific article published on 24 March 2018

[Migrant children: healthcare in a transcultural setting]

scientific article published on 01 March 2020

[Need for secularism in hospital care practice].

scientific article

[Nurses and questions of identity]

scientific article published on 01 October 2008

[Parenthood in exile]

scientific article published on 01 October 2009

[Pervasive refusal syndrome in children]

scientific article published on 01 September 2019

[Pervasive refusal syndrome: study of a clinical case]

scientific article published on 01 December 2019

[Psychological vulnerability of teams working with displaced Syrians in Lebanon]

scientific article published on 01 July 2018

[Puberty ritual of a Tamil girl in France and psychopathology]

scientific article published on 20 July 2020

[Representations and experience of caregivers on the pathway of pregnant unaccompanied minors]

scientific article published on 01 September 2019

[Selective inability to speak, a expression of division between two cultures]

scientific article published on 01 October 2009

[Study on parent-to-child transmission related to Sri Lanka's civil war]

scientific article published on 17 February 2020

[Suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts in adolescence among migrants]

scientific article published on 01 May 2018

[The issue of death drawn by children].

scientific article published in March 2016

[The parents' experience of school refusal in adolescence]

scientific article published on 01 September 2015

[The relational issues surrounding food in obese teenagers and their family]

scientific article published on 01 November 2018

[The role of qualitative methods in psychiatric research]

scientific article published on 31 January 2020

[Towards a transcultural approach to eating disorders].

scientific article published on November 2016

[Welcoming families from all cultures]

« Le sang de mon frère ». Expérience de la greffe intrafamiliale à travers dessins et discours d'enfants drépanocytaires