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List of works by Paul Bahn

A child in time

scientific article published in Nature

A head in the sands of time

scientific article published in Nature

Adding grist to the mill

scientific article published in Nature

Against Chauvet-nism. A critique of recent attempts to validate an early chronology for the art of Chauvet Cave

Alexander Marshack, 1918–2004


encyclopedia article

Amazon rocks the cradle

scientific article published in Nature

An alternative chronology for the art of Chauvet cave

Ancient Britons in blue

scientific article published in Nature


encyclopedia article

Ann Sieveking: The cave artists. London: Thames & Hudson, 1979. 221 pp., 14 pls. (8 in colour), 141 figs. £ 7.50

Another (and armless) army

scientific article published in Nature

Anthropology: Head to head

article by Paul Bahn published August 2011 in Nature

Anyone for Tanis?

scientific article published in Nature

Archaeological meat and veg

scientific article published in Nature


book published in 1996

Archaeology: A Very Short Introduction

scholarly article by Charles C. Boyd published in October 1997

Archaeology: A Very Short Introduction (2nd edn)

Archaeology: How to spot a fake azilian pebble

scientific article published in Nature

Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice

book published in 1991

Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice

scientific article published in 1992

Azilian Pebbles in British Collections: a Re-examination

Best way to protect rock art is to leave it alone

scientific article

Better late than never

scientific article published in Nature

Bores, Bluffers and Wankas: Some thoughts on archaeology and humour

article published in 1992

Bridge to the past

scientific article published in Nature

Burying the hatchet

scientific article published in Nature

Cannibalism in the Neolithic

scholarly article by Paul Bahn published in June 1991

Castillo, El

encyclopedia article

Cave art without the caves

article published in 1995

Colette Roubet: Economie pastorale préagricole en Algérie Orientale: Le Néolithique de Tradition Capsienne. Paris: Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1979. 595 pp., 232 figs., 153 tables. Frs. 350

Courtney Nimura. Prehistoric rock art in Scandinavia. 2015. xii+141 pages, numerous colour and b&w illustrations. Oxford & Havertown (PA): Oxbow; 978-1-78570-119-1 paperback £25

Crib‐biting: Tethered horses in the Palaeolithic?

scholarly article by Paul Bahn published in October 1980

Current problems in dating Palaeolithic cave art: Candamo and Chauvet


Denis Vialou. L'art des grottes en Ariège Magdalénienne. Paris: CNRS, 1986. XXIIe supplément à Gallia Préhistoire. 432 pages, 4 pages of colour, 24 pages of monochrome plates, 245 figures, 12 plans, 55 tables. Ff 490 hardback

Denise de Sonneville Bordes (ed.): La fin des temps glaciaires en Europe: chronostratigraphie et écologie des cultures du Paléolithique final. (Colloque international No. 271 du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Paris: CNRS, 1979. 2 vol


Digging against the clock

scientific article published in Nature

Dominique Sacchi. Le Paléolithique Supérieur du Languedoc occidental et du Roussillon. CNRS: Paris, 1986. 284 pp., 204 figs., 16 pls. Ffr. 380. XXle supplément à Gallia Préhistoire

Dorothy Garrod in words and pictures

Early teething troubles

scientific article published in Nature

Eating people is wrong

scientific article published in Nature

Evan Hadingham: Secrets of the Ice Age: the world of the cave artists. London: Heinemann, 1980. 343 pp., illustrated. £7.50

Excavation of a palaeolithic plank from Japan

scientific article published in Nature

Flight into pre-history

scientific article published in Nature

Font de Gaume

encyclopedia article

Further back down under

scientific article published in Nature

Gabriel Camps: La Préhistoire: à la recherche du paradis perdu. Paris: Perrin, 1982. 463 pp., 16 pls., 78 figs. Fr. 95


encyclopedia article

Geoffrey A. Clark: The Asturian of Cantabria. Early Holocene hunter-gatherers in Northern Spain. Anthropological Papers of the University of Arizona, No. 41 Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1983. 172 pp., many figs. $18.95


Geoffrey Irwin. The prehistoric exploration and colonisation of the Pacific. vii+240 pages, 83 figures, 22 tables. 1992. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: ISBN 0-521-40371-5 hardback £30 & $49.95

Getting into the groove

scientific article published in Nature

H. -G. Bandi, W. Huber, M. -R. Sauter & B. Sitter (eds): La contribution de la zoologie et de l'éthologie á l'interprétation de l'art des peuples chasseurs préhistoriques. 3e Colloque de la Société suisse des Sciences Humaines, 1979. Fribourg:

Harald Floss & Nathalie Rouquerol (ed.). Les chemins de l'art aurignacien en Europe/Das Aurignacien und die Anfänge der Kunst in Europa: Colloque international/Internationale Fachtagung, Aurignac 16-18 septembre 2005. 476 pages, numerous colour & b&

Human figures in portable art of the European Upper Palaeolithic

Hunting for farmers?

scientific article published in Nature



Ian Hodder, Glynn Isaac & Norman Hammond (eds): Pattern of the past. Studies in honour of David Clarke. Cambridge: University Press, 1981. 444 pp., illustrated. £27.50

Ice Age art: arrival of the modern mindJill Cook. Ice Age art: arrival of the modern mind. 288 pages, numerous illustrations. 2013. London: British Museum Press; 978-0-7141-2333-2 hardback £ 25

Images of the Ice Age

scientific article published in 1990

Jean Abélanet. Signes sans paroles: cent siècles d' art rupestre en Europe occidentale. Paris: Hachette, 1986. 345 pp., 74 figs., 34 pls. Ffr195

Jean Guilaine, André Freises, Raymond Montjardin et al: Leucate-Corrège, habitat noyé du Néolithique Cardial. Toulouse: Centre d'Anthropologie des Sociétés Rurales/Sète: Musée Paul Valéry, 1984. 270 pp., 135 figs. Frs. 180

Khmer artefacts return to Cambodia

scholarly article by Paul Bahn published December 2000 in Antiquity

Knut Helskog. Communicating with the world of beings. The World Heritage rock art sites in Alta, Arctic Norway. 240 pages, numerous colour and b&w illustrations. 2014 (first published in 2012 in Norwegian). Oxford & Philadelphia (PA): Oxbow; 978-1-78

article by Paul Bahn published 30 January 2015 in Antiquity


encyclopedia article

Les Combarelles

encyclopedia article

Lya Dams: L'art paléolithique de la caverne de La Pileta. Graz (Austria) : Akademische Druck-u. Verlaganstalt, 1978. 103 pp., 105 pls., 96 figs. Sch. 1800

scholarly article by Paul Bahn published March 1983 in Antiquity

Making sense of rongorongo

scientific article published in Nature

Mammoths, mastodonts, & elephants. Biology, behavior, and fossil records

scientific article published in 1992

Marthe Chollot-Varagnac: Les origines du graphisme symbolique. Essai d'analyse des écritures primitives en Préhistoire. Paris: Editions de la Fondation Singer-Polignac, 1980. 476 pp., 197 pls. Frs. 350

Martin Oliva (ed.). Sídliště mamutího lidu, u Milovic pod Pálavou: otázka strukturs mamutími kostmi/Milovice, site of the mammoth people below the Pavlov hills: the question of mammoth bone structures (Studies in Anthropology, Palaeoethnology

article by Paul Bahn published June 2010 in Antiquity

Michel Barbaza. Les Trois Bergers. Du conte perdu au mythe retrouvé. Pour une anthropologie de l’art rupestre saharien. 2015. 270 pages, 206 colour and b&w illustrations. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Midi; 978-2-8107-0335-7 hardback €35

Michel Lorblanchet. Lagrotte ornée de Pergouset (Saint Géry, Lot): un sanctuaire secret paléolithique (Documents d' Archéologie française 85). 192 pages, 157 figures, 7 tables. 2001. Paris: Maison des Sciences de l'homme; 2-7351-1802-3 (ISSN 076

New Bronze Age civilization

scientific article published in Nature

New rock-art find in Portugal



encyclopedia article

Nothing on the rocks

scientific article published in Nature

Old China for new

scientific article published in Nature

Origins of full-scale agriculture

scientific article published in Nature

Palaeolithic Cave Engravings at Creswell Crags, England

scientific article published in 2004

Past master

scientific article published in Nature

Pech Merle

encyclopedia article

Pigments of the imagination

scientific article published in Nature

Pleistocene Images outside Europe.

scientific article published in 1991

Prehistoric Europe

encyclopedia article

Putting a Brave Face on a Fake

scientific article published in October 1996

Religion and Ritual in the Upper Palaeolithic

Remembrance of things past

Return of the Euro-boomerang

scientific article published in Nature

Review of S. di Lernia & D. Zampetti. La Memoria dell’Arte. Le pitture rupestri dell’Acacus tra passato e futuro

scholarly article by Paul G. Bahn published in June 2009

Roc de Sers

encyclopedia article

Rudolph Kuper (ed.). Wadi Sura: the Cave of Beasts. A rock art site in the Gilf Kebir (SW-Egypt) (Africa Praehistorica 26). 542 pages, numerous colour illustrations, 2 foldouts. 2013. Cologne: Heinrich Barth Institut; 978-3-927688-40-7 hardback €85

scholarly article by Paul Bahn published June 2014 in Antiquity

Seasonal migration in South-west France during the late glacial period

scientific article published in September 1977

Sex and violence in rock art

scientific article published in Nature

Steven J. Mithen. Thoughtful foragers: a study of prehistoric decision making. xii + 289 pages, 57 figures, 23 tables. 1990. Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press; ISBN 0-521-355702 hardback £35. & $59.50

T. D. Price & J. A. Brown (eds): Prehistoric hunter-gatherers. The emergence of cultural complexity. London: Academic Press, 1985. 450 pp., 10 pls. £60


scholarly article by Paul Bahn published in November 1986

Testing the ‘Three Stages of Trance’ Model

scientific article published in October 2003

The Cambridge Illustrated History of Archaeology

book published in 1999

The Initial Magdalenian in France. By Martin F. Hemingway. 2 volumes, 502 pages. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 90. 1980. Price £17.00


The Signs of All Times: Entoptic Phenomena in Upper Palaeolithic Art [and Comments and Reply]

scientific article published in April 1988

The death of a pterodactyl

The great wooden well of Kückhoven

scientific article published in Nature

The ‘unacceptable face’ of the West European Upper Palaeolithic

Time for a change


encyclopedia article

Tuc d’Audoubert

encyclopedia article

Use of plants in the European Palaeolithic: A review of the evidence


Verification of the age of the Palaeolithic cave art at Creswell Crags, UK

Waking the Trance-Fixed

scientific article published in April 2004

Water Mythology and the distribution of Palaeolithic Parietal Art

scholarly article by Paul Bahn published in December 1978

What Is Archaeology? An essay on the Nature of Archaeological Research

scientific article published in 1989

Úžasné památky starých národů

book edition published in 2022