1987 animated television special directed by Phil Roman
comic strip created by Jim Davis
fictional cartoon cat
media franchise
2007 film by Mark A.Z. Dippé
1991 animated television special directed by John Sparey
1987 film by Phil Roman
Cartoon Character
American animated television series with characters from the Garfield and U.S. Acres comic strips
book by Jim Davis
1986 animated television special directed by Phil Roman
1984 animated television special by Phil Roman
1983 animated television special directed by Phil Roman
narrative universe of the comic strip and media franchise
1989 animated television special
1990 animated television special based on the Garfield comic strip
2008 animated film directed by Mark A.Z. Dippé
1985 animated television special directed by Phil Roman
2009 CGI film directed by Mark A.Z. Dippé
1989 animated television special
1984 book of illustrated short stories
book edition (en)
comic strip by Jim Davis
1988 film directed by Jim Davis
1982 animated television special directed by Phil Roman
comic strip
fictional Garfield comic strip character
fictional cartoon dog
French animated television series
comic strip by Jim Davis
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About Paulina