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List of works by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas

1. Description of a new Monkey of the Genus Semnopithecus from Northern Borneo.

1. On the Mammals of Nyasaland: fourth Notice

article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published 21 August 2009 in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London

10. ‘The Duke of Bedford’ s Zoological Exploration of Eastern Asia.— XIII. On Mammals from the Provinces of Kan‐su and Sze‐chwan, Western China

2. On Mammals from Nyassaland.

2. On some Mammals from Mount Dulit, North Borneo

2. On the probable Identity of certain Specimens, formerly in the Lidth de Jeude Collection, and now in the British Múseum

2. The Duke of Bedford's Zoological Exploration in Eastern Asia.—IV. List of small Mammals from the Islands of Saghalien and Hokkaido

scholarly article (1907)

26. On Mammals collected by Captain Shortridge during the Percy Sladen and Kaffrarian Museum Expedition to the Orange River

scholarly article (1923)

3. On A Small Collection Of Mammalia From Central Mexico

scientific article published on 21 August 2009

3. The Duke of Bedford's Zoological Exploration in Eastern Asia.—I. List of Mammals obtained by Mr. M. P. Anderson in Japan

scholarly article ("1905" [1906])

3. The Rudd Exploration of South Africa.-II. List of Mammals from the Wakkerstroom District, South-Eastern Transvaal


3. The Rudd Exploration of South Africa.-VII. List of Mammals obtained by Mr. Grant at Coguno, Inhambane


6. On the Genera of Rodents: an Attempt to bring up to Date the current Arrangement of the Order

article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published 21 August 2009 in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London

A New Flying Squirrel from Formosa

scientific article published in 1907

A New Uromys From The Kei Islands

scientific article

A new Duiker from West Africa

scholarly article (1903)

A new Potto from British East Africa

scholarly article (1910)

A new Potto from British East Africa [Abstract]

scholarly article (1910)

Antilope nouvelle

scholarly article (1901)

Catalogue of the Marsupialia and Monotremata in the collection of the British Museum (Natural History)

London, Printed by order of the Trustees, 1888.

Description of a new Dik-dik Antelope (Madoqua) discovered in N.E. Africa by Mr. H. S. H. Cavendish.


Description of a new Genus and Species of Rat from New Guinea.

Description of a new Genus and two new Species of Insectivora from Madagascar

scientific article published in April 1882

Description of a new Species of Mus from the Fiji Islands

scientific article published in 1880

Description of new mammals from Mount Ruwenzori

scholalry article (1906)

Description of two new Species of Pteropus from the Caroline Islands

scientific article published on 20 August 2009

Diagnoses of three new mammals collected by Signor L. Fea in the Carin Hills, Burma

scientific article published in 1891

Diagnoses of three new oriental mammals

scientific article published in January 1886

Diagnosis of a new Mexican Geomys

Diagnosis of a new species of Phascologale

scholarly article (1886)

Exhibition of small mammals collected by Mr. Alexander Whyte during his expedition to the Nyika plateau and Masuka Mountains, NR Nyasa

Wissenschaftlicher Artikel

Exhibition of specimens of Mammals and Birds from Japan and description of a new Marten (Mustela melampus bedfordi)

scholarly article (1905)

Exhibition of specimens of Mammals and Birds from Japan and description of a new Marten (Mustela melampus bedfordi) [Abstract]

scholarly article (1905)

Exhibition of, and remarks upon, the skull of a supposed new subspecies of Giraffe from West Africa, proposed to be named Giraffa camelopardalis peralta

scholarly article (1898)

General Notes

I.—The genera and subgenera of the Sciuropterus Group, with descriptions of three new species

scientific article

II.—Description of a new species of Alactaga from Mesopotamia

scientific article published in July 1881

II.—New Forms of Dendromus, Dipodillus, and Gerbillus

scientific article published in 1918

II.—The mammals of Señor Budin's patagonian expedition, 1927–28

scientific article published in 1929

II.—Two new species of Sylvilagus from Colombia

scholarly article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published January 1920 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

III.—Description of a new species of Mus from Southern India

scientific article published in January 1881

III.—On some small mammals from the District of Cuzco, Peru

scientific article published in January 1899

III.—The geographical races of Galago crassicaudatus

scientific article published in 1917

III.—The white-toothed shrew of Palestine

article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published January 1919 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

IV.—Mammals from the Ja River, Cameroons

scientific article published in 1912

IV.—On a new species of Marmosa

scientific article published in January 1899

IV.—On a small collection of mammals from Lumbo, Mozambique

scholarly article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published July 1919 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

IV.—On the striped squirrels hitherto referred to the genus Paraxerus

scientific article published in 1918

IX.—A new aquatic genus of Muridæ discovered by Consul L. Soderström in Ecuador

scientific article published in 1906

IX.—A new subspecies of Bassaricyon from Colombia

scientific article published in 1927

IX.—New African mammals

article published in 1910

IX.—Notes on Phascogale and Chætocercus

scientific article published in 1912

IX.—Notes on the phyllostomatous genera Mimon and Tonatia

IX.—On a new Cephalolophus from Mount Kilima-njaro

IX.—On a new species of armadillo from Bolivia

scholarly article (1894)

IX.—On small mammals collected in Jujuy by Snñor E. Budin

IX.—On small mammals from Nicaragua and Bogota

L.—A new Species of Eligmodontia from Catamarca

scientific article published in 1918

L.—A new bamboo-rat from Perak

scientific article published in 1916

L.—Description of a new species of mole from China

scientific article published in June 1881

L.—Descriptions of four small mammals from South America, including one belonging to the peculiar marsupial genus “Hyracodon,” Tomes

article published in 1895

L.—New Asiatic and Australasian bats and a new bandicoot

L.—New Ground-Squirrels of the Xerus erythropus Group

L.—New species of Paradoxurus, of the P. philippinensis group, and a new Paguma

scientific article published in April 1909

L.—Notes on some S.-American Muridæ

scientific article published in May 1897

L.—On the group of African Zorils represented by Ictonyx libyca

L.—Two new Eastern Bats

scientific article published in 1911

LI.—Description of a second species of rabbit-Bandicoot (Peragale)

article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published June 1887 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

LI.—New species of Œcomys and Marmosa from Amazonia

scientific article published in April 1909

LI.—Notes on bats of the genus Coleura

scientific article published in 1915

LI.—Notes on the species of Notomys, the Australian Jerboa-rats


LI.—On a collection of small mammals from the Tsin-ling Mountains, Central China, presented by Mr. G. Fenwick Owen to the National Museum


LI.—On a remarkable mountain Viscacha from southern Patagonia, with diagnoses of other members of the group

LI.—On the Titi monkeys of the Callicebus torquatus group

LI.—Two new Forms of Leggada

scientific article published in 1918

LII.—Four new small mammals from Venezuela

scientific article published in 1914

LII.—New bats and Rodents from S. America

LII.—On the occurrence of the edible dormouse (genus Glis) in Sardinia

LII.—Two South-American forms of Rhogeessa

LII.—Two new Macaques from W. Java

scientific article published in April 1909

LIII.—A new shrew from the Andaman Islands

LIII.—Description of a new species of Mus from South Australia


LIII.—On mammals collected by the Rev. G. T. Fox in Northern Nigeria

scientific article published in 1911

LIII.—On some Mammals from British New Guinea presented to the National Museum by Mr. C. A. W. Monckton, with Descriptions of other Species from the same Region

LIII.—On the representatives of Putorius ermineus in Algeria and Ferghana

scholarly article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published May 1895 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

LIII.—Some new African Squirrels

scholarly article (1923)

LIII.—Two new S.W. African Mungooses

scientific article published in 1928

LIV.—A new Echimys from Eastern Ecuador

scientific article published in 1928

LIV.—A new bat from Northern Nigeria

scientific article published in 1915

LIV.—Description of two new “Pocket-Mice’ of the genus Heteromys

article published in 1893

LIV.—On Caries of the genus Caviella

scientific article published in 1921

LIV.—On a Collection of Bats from Paraguay

LIV.—The West African Forms of Heliosciurus rufobrachium

scientific article published in 1923

LIX.—A selection of lectotypes of American rodents in the collection of the British Museum

scientific article published in 1927

LIX.—Description of a remarkable new Semnopithecus from Sarawak

LIX.—Descriptions of two new bats of the genus Kerivoula

article published in 1894

LIX.—Second list of small mammals from Western Yunnan collected by Mr. F. Kingdon Ward

scientific article published in 1914

LV.—Four new African squirrels

scientific article published in November 1909

LV.—New Sigmodon, Oryzomys, and Echimys from Ecuador

scholarly article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published May 1921 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

LV.—New Subspecies of Protoxerus stangeri, the Giant Squirrel of Equatorial Africa

scholarly article (1923)

LV.—New callicebus and Eumops from S. America

LV.—Notes on Georychus and its allies

scientific article published in 1917

LV.—On a new dormouse from Asia minor, with remarks on the subgenus "Dryomys."

scientific article published in 1907

LV.—On insectivores and rodents collected by Mr. F. Kingdon Ward in N.W. Yunnan

LV.—The missing premolar of the Chiroptera

LVI.—A new Rhynchocyon from Nyasaland

scientific article published in 1902

LVI.—A new deer of the Brocket group from Venezuela

scientific article published in 1908

LVI.—A new pouched mouse (Phascogale) from Northern New South Wales

scientific article published in 1924

LVI.—List of mammals (exclusive of Ungulata) collected on the Upper Congo by Dr. Christy for the Congo Museum, Tervueren

LVI.—New insectivores and voles collected by Mr. A. Robert near Trebizond


LVI.—New mammals from the E. Indian Archipelago

LVI.—On mammals collected in Ceará, N.E. Brazil, by Fräulein Dr. Snethlage

scientific article published in 1910

LVI.—On some new Bornean mammalia

LVII.—A new species of Mastacomys from a cave in South Australia


LVII.—A new tree-kangaroo from British New Guinea

LVII.—A third genus of the Ichthyomys group

scientific article published in 1906

LVII.—Description of a new bat from Selangore

LVII.—Diagnoses of new mammals collected by Mr. H. C. Robinson in the Malay Peninsula and Rhio Archipelago

scientific article published in May 1909

LVII.—Four new South-American Rodents

LVII.—New African Epimys and Jaculus

scientific article published in 1913

LVIII.—A new Jird (Meriones) from Southern Palestine

LVIII.—A new species of the Mascarene genus Eliurus

LVIII.—A preliminary revision of the Bornean species of the genus Mus

LVIII.—New Asiatic mammals of the genera Kerivoula, Eliomys, and Lepus

article published in 1906

LVIII.—New genera of Australasian Muridæ

LVIII.—Note on the nomenclature of the short-eared New-Zealand bat


LVIII.—On a new genus and species of Vespertilionine but from East Africa


LVIII.—On two new Central-African antelopes obtained by Mr. F. J. Jackson

LX.—A new bat of the genus Myotis from Abyssinia

scientific article published in 1927

LX.—Description of a new Mexican bat

LX.—New species of Dipodillus and Psammomys

LX.—On Equus Penricei, a representative of the Mountain Zebra (Equus Zebra, L.) discovered by Mr. W. Penrice in Angola

scholarly article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published November 1900 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

LX.—On a collection of mammals made by Mr. Latham Rutter in the Peruvian Amazons

LX.—On a further collection of mammals from Jujuy obtained by Sr. E. Budin


LX.—On some mammals from Simalur Island, West of Sumatra, collected by Mr. E. Jacobson

LX.—Three new African Rodents

LX.—Three new species of Marmosa, with a note on Didelphys waterhousei, Tomes

LX.—Two new Gerbils from Sinai

LXI.—A new Genet from British East Africa


LXI.—Description of a third species of the genus Nyctophilus

LXI.—New Peruvian species of Conepatus, Phyllotis, and Akodon

LXI.—New mammals from Lake Chad and the Congo, mostly from the collections made during the Alexander-Gosling Expedition


LXI.—New mammals from tropical South America

scientific article published in 1911

LXI.—On some mammals from Bali and Mysol, collected by Mr. E. Stresemann during the "Freiburger Molukken-Expedition."

scientific article published in 1913

LXI.—The Octodon of the highlands near Santiago

scientific article published in 1927

LXI.—The masked civets (Paguma) of Western China


LXI.—The tuco-tuco of San Juan, Argentina


LXII.—A collection of mammals from Northern and Central Mantchuria

scientific article published in December 1909

LXII.—Descriptions of three new bats in the British Museum Collection

LXII.—New small Mammals from New Guinea

scholarly article (1920)

LXII.—On three new Australian rats


LXII.—The Arctonyx of Annam

scientific article published in 1921

LXII.—The Geographical Races of Lutreolina crassicaudata

scientific article published in 1923

LXII.—Two new mammals from the Malay Peninsula

scientific article published in 1910

LXIII.—A new Scoteinus from Queensland

scientific article published in 1924

LXIII.—New Hesperomys and Galea from Bolivia

scientific article published in 1921

LXIII.—On a new African genus of Mustelidæ

LXIII.—On certain African and S.-American otters

scientific article published in 1908

LXIII.—On some new Japanese Mammals presented to the British Museum by Mr. R. Gordon Smith

scientific article published in 1905

LXIV.—A new fish-eating rat from Ecuador

scientific article published in 1924

LXIV.—New species of Reithrodon, Abrocoma, and Scapteromys from Argentina


LXIV.—On a special mountain race of the plantain squirrel from Mount Dulit, E. Sarawak

LXIV.—Size-differences in the little "Pichi" Armadillos

scientific article published in 1928

LXIV.—The Native Rat of Pearson's Islands, S. Australia

scientific article published in 1923

LXIV.—The generic arrangement of the Australian Marines hitherto referred to “Mus.”


LXIX.—New Myotis, Artibeus, Sylvilagus, and Metachirus from central and South America

LXIX.—On a new marmot from North Siberia

scholarly article (1902)

LXIX.—On three new forms of Peromyscus obtained by Dr. Hans Gadow, F.R.S., and Mrs. Godow in Mexico

LXV.—A new Genus and Two new Species of Bats

scientific article published in 1905

LXV.—A new Pogonomys presented to the British Museum by Sir William Ingram


LXV.—A new genus of free-tail bat from N.E. Africa


LXV.—A new skunk from Peru

LXV.—Diagnoses of two new Central-African mammalia

scientific article published in 1887

LXV.—New Australian Muridæ of the genus Pseudomys


LXV.—New Subspecies of Metachirus

scholarly article (1923)

LXV.—Notes on some Mexican Oryzomys

LXV.—On Five new Mammals from Arabia and Persia

scholarly article (1902)

LXV.—On a new Banded Mungoose from Somaliland

LXV.—On small mammals from Djarkent, Central Asia


LXV.—The Spedan Lewis South American exploration.—I. On mammals from Southern Bolivia

scientific article published in 1925

LXVI.—A new Akodon from Tierra del Fuego

LXVI.—A new Genus for Dactylopsila palpator

scholarly article (1910)

LXVI.—A new bat of the genus Miniopterus from N. Australia


LXVI.—Description of a new species of Perognathus from Colorado

LXVI.—Descriptions of new bats and rodents from America

LXVI.—On some Argentine mammals

scientific article published in 1925

LXVI.—Three new S.-American mammals

scientific article published in 1914

LXVI.—Three new bats from the Cameroons, discovered by Mr. G.L. Bates

scholarly article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published December 1903 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

LXVI.—Two new Australian small mammals


LXVI.—Two new Guenons from the Ivory Coast, West Africa

scientific article published in 1923

LXVI.—Two new species of Slow-Loris

LXVII.—On Azara's "Chauve-souris onzième" (Myotis ruber, Geoff.) and a new species allied to it

scientific article published in 1902

LXVII.—On Mammals obtained by Mr. Alphonse Robert on the Rio Jordäo, S. W. Minas Geraes


LXVII.—The Lycaon and Pedetes of British East Africa, and a new gerbille from N. Nyasa


LXVII.—The local races of Dasyurus hallucatus

scientific article published in 1926

LXVII.—The squirrels described as Sciurus steerii from Balabac and Palawan

article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published December 1908 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

LXVIII.—New Species of Oryzomys, Proechimys, Cavia, and Sylvilagus from South America

LXVIII.—Notes on South-American Rodents

LXVIII.—On the species of Mydaus found in Borneo and the Natuna Islands

LXVIII.—The generic position of Gerbillus przewalskii, Büchner

scholarly article (1925)

LXVIII.—Three new African Rodents

LXVIII.—Two new races of Mongoose

LXX.—A new Acanthoglossus from the Island of Salawatti

scholarly article (1907)

LXX.—Description of a new Uromys from the Solomon Islands

LXX.—New African mammals

scientific article published in December 1909

LXX.—New forms of Sciurus, Oxymycterus Kannabateomys, Proechimys, Dasyprocta, and Caluromys from South America

LXX.—On seven new small mammals from Ecuador and Venezuela

scholarly article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published June 1898 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

LXX.—Three new mammals from the Lower Amazons

scientific article published in 1911

LXXI.—A new kangaroo from the Northern Territory of Western Australia


LXXI.—New Asiatic Apodemus, Evotomys, and Lepus

scientific article published in 1908

LXXI.—On certain of the smaller S.-American Cervidæ

scholarly article (1913)

LXXI.—On the mole of the Roman district

LXXI.—Two new dormice of the genus Eliomys

scientific article published in 1903

LXXII.—On the species of the genus Rhinopoma

LXXII.—The Spedan Lewis South American Exploration.—III. On mammals collected by Sr. Budin in the Province of Tucuman

scientific article published in 1926

LXXIII.—A new Myotis from Ladak

scientific article published in 1926

LXXIII.—New mammals from South America

scientific article published in 1913

LXXIII.—Note on Sciurus splendidus, Gray

scientific article published in 1928

LXXIII.—Three new mammals from Peru

LXXIV.—A new short-tailed opossum from Argentina

scientific article published in 1924

LXXIV.—The Godman-Thomas expedition to Peru.—II. On mammals collected by Mr. R. W. Hendee in North Peru between Pacasmayo and Chachapoyas

scientific article published in 1926

LXXIV.—The Spedan Lewis South American Exploration.— V. Mammals obtained by Señor E. Budin in Neuquen

LXXIV.—Three new Asiatic mammals

LXXV.–The generic name Delphax in Mammalogy

scientific article published in 1928

LXXV.—A new genus of African Muridæ allied to Leggada

scientific article published in 1925

LXXV.—On Mammals from the Li-kiang Range, Yunnan, being a further Collection obtained by Mr. George Forrest

scholarly article (1923)

LXXV.—The nomenclature of certain lorises

scientific article published in 1908

LXXVI.—A new Australian mouse of the genus Pseudomys

scientific article published in 1925

LXXVI.—A new vole from Spain


LXXVI.—List of a third collection of mammals from Panyam, N. Nigeria, presented by the Rev. G. T. Fox

scholarly article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published June 1912 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

LXXVI.—On various mammals obtained during Capt. Wilkins's Expedition in Australia

scientific article published in 1926

LXXVI.—The Godman-Thomas Expedition to Peru.—VI. On mammals from the Upper Huallaya and neighbouring Highlands

scientific article published in 1927

LXXVII.—New species of Crocidura and Petaurista from Yunnan

scientific article published in 1912

LXXVII.—On some mammals from the Middle Amazons

scientific article published in 1926

LXXVIII.—Two new subspecies of Callosciurus quinquestriatus

scientific article published in 1926

LXXX.—New Centronycteris and Ctenomys from S. America

LXXX.—New Neotropical Molossus, Conepatus, Nectomys, Proechimys, and Agouti, with a Note on the Genus Mesomys

scientific article published in 1905

LXXX.—Three new Rodents from Kan-su

scientific article published in 1911

LXXXI.—Four new African Carnivores

LXXXI.—On a further collection of mammals made by Sr. E. Budin in Neuquen, Patagonia

scientific article published in 1927

LXXXII.—New Rodents from Sze-chwan collected by Capt. F. M. Bailey

scientific article published in 1911

LXXXII.—On mammals collected by C. Keysser in the Saruwaged and Rawlinson Mountains Region of N.E. New Guinea

scientific article published in 1922

LXXXIII.—The generic name of the finless-backed porpoise, formerly known as Neomeris phocænoides

LXXXIV.—The bandicoots of Nuyts Archipelago, A. Australia, and of Cape York, N. Queensland


LXXXV.—Two new subspecies of Phalanger orientalis

LXXXVI.—A new Rock-Wallaby (Petrogale) from the Islands off South Australia


LXXXVIII.—New mammals from Central and Western Asia, mostly collected by Mr. Douglas Carruthers

scientific article published in 1911

LXXXVIII.—The generic name of the finless-backed porpoise

scientific article published in 1925

List of Mammals from the Cameroons Mountain, collected by Mr. H. H. Johnston2

scholarly article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published 20 August 2009 in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London

List of Mammals obtained by Mr. G. F. Gaumcr on Cozumel and Ruatau Islands, Gulf of Honduras.


1910 article in Transactions of the Zoological Society of London

New Mammals from Lake Chad and the Congo, mostly from the Collections made during the Alexander-Gosling Expedition

scholarly article (1907)

New species of Pteropus, Mus, and Pogonomys from the Australian region

scholarly article (1904)

Note intorno ad alcuni Chirotteri appartenenti al Museo Civico di Genova e descrizione di due nuove specie del genere Phyllorhina

scholarly article (1886)

Notes on some Ungulate Mammals.

Notes on the Characters of the different Races of Echidna

scientific article published on 21 August 2009

Notes on the Rodent Genus Heterocephalus

scientific article published on 21 August 2009


On Bats of the Genera Nyctalus, Tylonycteris, and Pipistrellus

On Hylochœrus, the Forest-Pig of Central Africa

scientific article published on 13 October 1904

On Mammals collected by Mr. J. D. La Touche at Kuatun, N.W. Fokien, China

scientific article published on 21 August 2009

On Mammals collected in 1923 by Captain. G. C. Shortridge during the Percy Sladen and Kaffrarian Museum Expedition to South-West Africa.

On Mammals from Inkerman, North Queensland, presented to the National Museum by Sir William Ingram, Bt., and the Hon. John Forrest

scientific article published on 7 July 2010

On Mammals from Ovamboland and the Cunene River, obtained during Capt. Shortridge's third Percy Sladen and Kaffrarian Museum Expedition into South-Wes Africa

scholarly article (1926)

On Mammals from the Gobabis district, Eastern Damaraland, South-West Africa, obtained during Captain Shortridge's fourth Percy Sladen and Kaffrarian Museum Expedition. With Field-notes by the Collector

article by Oldfield Thomas published 21 August 2009 in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London

On Mammals from the Island of Fernando Po, collected by Mr. E. Seimund

On Robert Kerr's Translation of the ‘Systema Naturæ’ of Linnæus

scientific article published in 1879

On a Collection of Mammals from British Namaqualand, presented to the National Museum

On a Collection of Mammals from Western Java presented to the National Museum by Mr. W. E. Balston

scientific article published in 1909

On a Collection of Mammals obtained by Emin Pasha in Equatorial Africa, and presented by him to the Natural History Museum.


On a Collection of Muridœ from Central Peru

scientific article published on 21 August 2009

On a Collection of Rodents from North Peru

scientific article published on 21 August 2009

On a Collection of‘ small Mammals made by Mr. F. J. Jackson in Eastern Africa.


On a Remarkable Case of Affinity between Animals inhabiting Guiana, W. Africa, and the Malay Archipelago.


On a new Mungoose allied to Herpestes albicaudatus

On a small Collection of Mammals obtained by Mr. Alfred Sharpe, C.B., in Nyasaland

On mammals from the Yunnan highlands collected by Mr. George Forrest and presented to the British Museum by Col. Stephenson R. Clarke, D. S. O.

scientific article published in 1922

On some Antelopes collected in Somali-land by Mr. T. W. H. Clarke

On some Gazelles brought by Sir Edmund Loder from Algeria

scholarly article (1894)

On some Mammals collected by Capt. H. N. Dunn, R.A.M.C., in the Soudan

scholarly article (1903)

On some Mammals from Coiba Island, off the west coast of Panama

scholarly article (1902)

On some Mammals obtained by the late Mr. Henry Durnford in Chubut, E. Patagonia.

On some new Mammals from Northern Nyasaland

scholarly article (1902)

On the African Mungooses

scientific article published on 21 August 2009

On the Antelopes of the Genus Cephalolophus

scholarly article (1892)

On the Bats collected by Mr. C. M. Woodford in the Solomon Islands

On the Habits of the Sydney Bush-Eat (Mus arboricola).

On the Indian Species of the Genus Mus

scientific article published on 21 August 2009

On the Mammals Presented by Allan O. Hume, Esq., C. B., to the Natural History Museum

scientific article published in 1886

On the Mammals collected during the Whitaker Expedition to Tripoli

scholarly article (1902)

On the Mammals collected in Japan by Mr. M. P. Anderson for His Grace the Duke of Bedford, and presented by the latter to the National Museum

scholarly article abstract (1905)

On the Mammals obtained by Mr. A. Whyte in Nyasaland, and presented to the British Museum by Sir H. H. Johnston, K.C.B.; being a fifth Contribution to the Mammal-fauna of Nyasaland.

scholarly article ("1897" [1898])

On the Mammals obtained by Mr. John Whitehead during his recent Expedition to the Philippines


On the Mammals obtained in Darfur by the Lynes-Lowe Expedition

scholarly article (1923)

On the Mammals of Christmas Island

scientific article published on 20 August 2009

On the Mammals of Mount Kina Balu, North Borneo

On the Milk-dentition of the Koala

article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published 20 August 2009 in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London

On the Number of Grinding-Teeth possessed by the Manatee.

article published in 2009

On the Small Mammals of Duval County, South Texas

On the more notable Mammals obtained by Sir Harry Johnston in the Uganda Protectorate

scholarly article (1901)

On the small Mammalia collected in Demerara by Mr. W. L. Sclater

scientific article published on 20 August 2009

Preliminary Notes on the Characters and Synonymy of the different Species of Otter

Preliminary diagnoses of four new mammals from East Africa


Preliminary diagnosis of a new gazelle from Algeria

scholarly article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published May 1894 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

Remarks on Facsimile of Metal Mouse in the Collection of Baron Ustinoff at Jaffa

Report on the Mammalia collected by Mr. Edmund Heller during the Peruvian Expedition of 1915 under the auspices of Yale University and the National Geographic Society

Report on the Mammals obtained and observed by Mr. H. H. Johnston on Mount Kilima-njaro

scholarly article (1885)

Revised determinations of three of the Natuna rodents

scholarly article (1895)

Scientific Results of the Mammal Survey. No. IX

scholarly article (1915)

Scientific results from the mammal survey, No. XIII. A.—On Muridæ from Darjiling and the Chin Hills

scholarly article (1916)

Separate Copies

scientific article published in 1921

Species-limits of Rattus brahma, a murid rodent of northeastern India and northern Burma

scientific article published in 1970

The Delacour Exploration of French Indo-China.- Mammals. III. Mammals collected during the Winter of 1927-28.

article published in 1928

The Delacour Exploration of French Indo-China.-Mammals.

The Duke of Bedford's Zoological Exploration in Eastern Asia. - XI. On Mammals from the Provinces of Shan-si and Shen-si, Northern China.

scientific article (publication date: 7 July 2010)

The Duke of Bedford's Zoological Exploration in Eastern Asia.-IX. List of Mammals from the Mongolian Plateau


The Duke of Bedford's Zoological Exploration in Eastern Asia.-VI. List of Mammals from the Shantung Peninsula, N. China


The Duke of Bedford's Zoological Exploration in Eastern Asia.-VII. List of Mammals from the Tsu-shima Islands


The Duke of Bedford's Zoological Exploration in Eastern Asia.-X. List of Mammals from the Provinces of Chih-li and Shan-si, N. China


The Duke of Bedford's Zoological Exploration of Eastern Asia.-XIV. On Mammals from Southern Shen-si, Central China


The Duke of Bedford's Zoological Exploration of Eastern Asia.-XV. On Mammals from the Provinces of Szechwan and Yunnah, Western China


The Duke of Bedford’s Zoological Exploration in Eastern Asia.—II. List of Small Mammals from Korea and Quelpart

scholarly article ("1906" [1907])

The Generic Arrangement of the African Squirrels

scientific article published in June 1909

The Generic Names given by Frisch in 1775

scientific article published in 1905

The Irish stoat distinct from the British

The Mammals obtained by Mr. Herbert Stevens on the Sladen-Godman Expedition to Tonkin.

The Mammals of the Solomon Islands, based on the Collections made by Mr. C. M. Woodford during his Second Expedition to the Archipelago

The Rudd Exploration of S. Africa.-X. List of Mammals collected by Mr. Grant near Tette, Zambesia


The Rudd Exploration of South Africa.-IV.* List of Mammals obtained by Mr. Grant at Knysna


The Rudd Exploration of South Africa.-IX. List of Mammals obtained by Mr. Grant on the Gorongoza Mountains, Portuguese S.E. Africa


The Rudd Exploration of South Africa.-VIII. List of Mammals obtained by Mr. Grant at Beira.


The book of antelopes

publication in 4 volumes (1894–1900)

V.—Description of a new species of Acomys

V.—Small Mammals from South America

scholarly article (1912)

V.—Two new Australian mammals

V.—Two new Tuco-tucos from Argentina

scientific article published in 1918

VI.—Description of a new Sciuropterus from the Philippines

scientific article

VI.—New Sciurus, Rhipidomys, Sylvilagus, and Caluromys from Venezuela

VI.—On small mammals from the delta of the Parana

VI.—On the rats usually included in the genus Arvicanthis

scientific article published in 1916

VI.—The Porcupine of Tenasserim and Southern Siam

scientific article published in 1916

VII.–On new mammals from Western Mexico and Lower California

VII.— New African Mammals of the Genera Glauconycteris, Lutrra, Funisciurus, Arvicanthis, Lophiomys, and Procavia

scientific article published in 1905

VII.—Diagnosis of a new species of Hesperomys from North America

article published in 1887

VII.—Notes on Emballonura, with descriptions of new species

VII.—Notes on the Asiatic bamboo-rats (Rhizoyms, etc.)

VII.—On Rattus as a generic name, with a note on the Nomenclature of Echimys and Loncheres

scientific article published in 1916

VII.—On the grouping of the South-American Muridæ that have been referred to Phyllotis, Euneomys, and Eligmodontia

scientific article published in 1916

VII.—Some new African Bats (including one from the Azores) and a new Galago

VIII.—A new genus and species of Glossophagine bat, with a subdivision of the genus Chœronycteris

scientific article published in 1928

VIII.—Description of a new Baboon from East Africa

scholarly article (1893)

VIII.—Descriptions of five new African shrews

VIII.—Descriptions of two new species of Macroscelides

VIII.—New Nasua, Lutra, and Proechimys from South America.

scientific article published in 1914

VIII.—On bats of the genus Promops

scientific article published in 1915

VIII.—On small mammals from the Lower Amazon

scientific article published in 1912

VIII.—On some rare Amazonian mammals from the collection of the Para Museum

VIII.—On the generic arrangement of the Australian rats hitherto referred to Conilurus, with remarks on the structure and evolution of their molar cusps

scientific article published in 1906

VIII.—On the generic names applicable to the Chevrotains (Tragulidæ)

scientific article published in 1916

VIII.—Some new insular squirrels of the Callosciurus caniceps-concolor group from Peninsular Siam

X.—A new shrew and two new foxes from Asia Minor and Palestine


X.—A new tuco-tuco from Bolivia

scholarly article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published January 1921 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

X.—A selection of lectotypes of the typical Australian marsupials in the British Museum collection


X.—Description of a new Rat from China

scholarly article (1897)

X.—Four new Amazonian Monkeys

scientific article published in 1908

X.—On a Second Species of Lenothrix from the Liu Ku Islands

scientific article published in 1906

X.—On some interesting hedgehogs from the Persian Gulf

X.—On some specimens of Glauconycteris from the Cameroons

X.—On the Brush-tailed Porcupine of Central Africa

X.—On two new Muridæ from Smyrna

scientific article published in 1903

X.—Revised determinations of two far-eastern species of Myospalax

scientific article published in 1912

X.—The geographical races of Herpestes brachyurus, Gray

article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published July 1921 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

X.—The geographical races of Oryzomys ratticeps

scientific article published in 1924

X.—Two new species of Leuconoe

XI.—A new Blue Duiker from Nyasaland

XI.—A new genus of opossum from Southern Patagonia

XI.—Descriptions of three new Gerbilles in the British Museum collection

XI.—Notes on the species of the genus Cavia

scientific article published in 1917

XI.—Notoryctes in North-west Australia


XI.—On a new Subspecies of Zaglossus, with Remarks on other Species of the Genus

article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas & Lord Rothschild published July 1922 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

XI.—On a remarkable new hare from Cape Colony

scientific article published in 1903

XI.—On further new mammals obtained by the Ruwenzori Expedition

scientific article published in 1907

XI.—On the Mexican representative of Sciurus Aberti

XI.—The Psammomys of the alluvial soil of the Nile delta

XI.—The new South-American mammals

scientific article published in 1911

XII.—A new Thomasomys from Rio Grande do Sul

scientific article published in 1928

XII.—A new bat of the genus Promops from Peru

XII.—A new genus of Echimyinæ

XII.—A new genus of fruit-bats and two new shrews from Africa


XII.—A new short-tailed opossum from Marajó, Amazonia

scientific article published in 1923

XII.—New African small mammals in the British Museum collection

scientific article published in August 1909

XII.—New Species of Gerbillus and Taterillus

scholarly article (1918)

XII.—On mammals from the Serra do Mar of Paraná, collected by Mr. Alphonse Robert

XII.—On two new squirrels of the Funisciurus pyrrhopus group

scientific article published in 1903

XIII.—A new Duiker from Zanzibar

scholarly article (1918)

XIII.—A new Gibbon from Annam

scholarly article (1909)

XIII.—A remarkably coloured squirrel from N. Siam

article by Oldfield Thomas published July 1928 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

XIII.—Description of two new squirrels from North Borneo

XIII.—List of small mammals obtained by Mr. G. Fenwick Owen on the Upper Gambia and in Fouta Djallon

scientific article published in 1911

XIII.—On bandicoots allied to Perameles bougainvillei

XIII.—On mammals from near Tinogasta, Catamarca, collected by Sr. Budin

XIII.—On spiny rats of the Proechimys group from South-eastern Brazil


XIII.—On the ring-tailed Phalanger of South Australia, and a new rat from North Queensland


XIII.—Some new Feræ from Asia and Africa

scholarly article (1913)

XIV.—Description of a new Bornean Tupaia

article published in 1893

XIV.—Description of a new Vole from China


XIV.—On Giant Squirrels from the Amazonian region

article published in 1900

XIV.—On a Collection of Mammals obtained in Somaliland by Major H. N. Dunn, R.A.M.C., with Descriptions of Allied Species from other Localities


XIV.—On three new mammals from British New Guinea

scientific article published in 1907

XIV.—The Godman Exploration Fund: List of Mammals from North Queensland collected by Mr. T. V. Sherrin

scholarly article (1923)

XIV.—The south Tenasserim race of Paguma leucomystax Gray

scientific article published in 1928

XIX.—A new monkey and a new squirrel from the Middle Mekong, on the eastern frontier of Siam

XIX.—Descriptions of three new African Muridæ

XIX.—Diagnoses of four new species of Didelphys

XIX.—Four new shrews

scientific article published in 1913

XIX.—List of mammals from the highlands of Jujuy, North Argentina, collected by Sr. E. Budin


XIX.—On a new Gazelle from central Arabia

XIX.—On a new fish-eating rat from Bogotá

scientific article published in 1924

XIX.—On small Mammals from Salta and Jujuy collected by Mr. E. Budin

scholarly article (1918)

XIX.—On some small mammals from Salta, N. Argentina


XIX.—On the arrangement of the South American rats allied to Oryzomys and Rhipidomys

XIX.—On the mammals (other than Ruminants) collected by Captain Angus Buchanan during his second Saharan expedition, and presented by him to the National Museum

scientific article published in 1925

XIX.—Some mammals from N.E. Kimberley, Northern Australia

scientific article published in February 1909

XIX.—Some notes on ferret-badgers

XIX.—The species of the genus Dactylopsila

scientific article published in 1908

XL.—A new hedgehog from Aden

XL.—Description of a new species of Arvicola from Northern India

scientific article published in October 1880

XL.—Description of a new species of Helictis from Borneo

scientific article published in 1895

XL.—Note on Hesperomys pyrrhorhinus, Pr. Max

scientific article published in December 1886

XL.—On mammals collected at Cruz del Eje, Central Cordova, by Mr. P. O. Simons

XL.—On mammals from central Asia, collected by Mr. Douglas Carruthers

scientific article published in 1912

XL.—On some African bats and Rodents

XL.—On two new Chinese Rodents


XL.—The grouping of the South-American Muridæ commonly referred to Akodon

XLI.—Description of a new Acomys from Somaliland

XLI.—Description of a new species of Microgale

scientific article published in November 1884

XLI.—New mammals collected in North-East Africa by Mr. Zaphiro, and presented to the British Museum by W. N. McMillan, Esq.


XLI.—Notes on Australasian rats, with a selection of lectotypes of Australasian Muridæ

XLI.—Notes on the genus Nyctophilus

XLI.—On a new species of Loncheres from British Guiana

XLI.—On the occurrence of Acanthoglossus in British New Guinea

XLI.—On various South-American Mammals

scholarly article (1914)

XLI.—Preliminary description of a new goat of the genus Hemitragus, from South-eastern Arabia

XLI.—Some new Australasian Muridæ

scientific article published in March 1924

XLI.—The geographical races of the Woolly Opossum (Philander laniger)

scientific article published in 1913

XLI.—Three small mammals from S. America

scientific article published in 1912

XLII.—Description of a new Bat from Java, of the Genus Kerivoula

scientific article published in June 1880

XLII.—New mammals from the Australian region


XLII.—On a minute shrew from Lake Baikal

scientific article published in 1915

XLII.—On mammals from Gorgona Island, with the description of a new sloth

scientific article published in 1926

XLII.—On the East-African mungoose described as Galeriscus jacksoni

scientific article published in 1928

XLII.—On the Palawan representative of Tupaia ferruginea

XLIII.—A new vole from Palestine

scientific article published in 1917

XLIII.—Description of a new bat from the Gambia

XLIII.—Descriptions of new rodents from the Orinoco and Ecuador

scientific article published in November 1899

XLIII.—Descriptions of some new Neotropical Muridæ

scientific article

XLIII.—New bats and Rodents in the British Museum collection

XLIII.—Notes on Petrodromus and Rhynchocyon

scholarly article (1918)

XLIII.—On the geographical races of the Kinkajou

XLIII.—The Jerboa of Muscat

XLIII.—Two new mammals from North Argentina

scientific article published in 1926

XLIV.—A new Wild Dog from the Bogotá Cordillera

scholarly article (1918)

XLIV.—A new fruit-bat from Sierra Leone

scholarly article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published October 1908 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

XLIV.—A new rat of the genus Mylomys from the Upper Nile

scientific article published in 1917

XLIV.—A new short-tailed opossum from Brazil


XLIV.—Notes on South-American Monkeys, Bats, Carnivores, and Rodents, with Descriptions of new Species

scholarly article (1903)

XLIV.—On a new species of Atherura discovered by Capt. Guy Burrows on the Congo

XLIV.—On mammals from the Yunnan Highlands collected by Mr. George Forrest and presented to the British Museum by Col. Stephenson R. Clarke, D.S.O.

XLIV.—On new African Muridæ

XLIV.—On the East-African representative of the Bongo and its generic position

XLIV.—On the small Hamsters that have been referred to Cricetulus phæus and campbelli

XLIV.—On two new Muridæ from Tasmania

scientific article published in June 1882

XLIV.—The Godman-Thomas Expedition to Peru.—I. On mammals collected by Mr. R. W. Hendee near Lake Junin

scientific article published in 1926

XLIX.—A new rat from Tenasserim

scientific article published in 1916

XLIX.—New African mammals


XLIX.—On Neotropical bats of the genus Eptesicus

article published in 1920

XLIX.—On mammals from Manus Island Admiralty group, and Ruk Island, Bismarck Archipelago

XLIX.—On the N. Australian rats referred to the genus Mesembriomys

scientific article published in April 1909

XLIX.—On three new bats obtained by Mr. Willoughby Lowe in the Sudan

XLIX.—The garden dormouse (Eliomys) of Formentera, Balearic islands

scientific article published in 1925

XLIX.—Three new species of Nyctinomus

XLV.—A new Hipposiderus from Borneo

XLV.—A new bat from the United States, representing the European Myotis (Leuconoe) Daubentoni

scholarly article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published May 1904 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

XLV.—A new cotton-tail (Sylvilagus) from Colombia

scholarly article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published October 1921 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

XLV.—A new genus of cavy from Catamarca

scientific article published in 1925

XLV.—A new mungoose from Namaqualand

XLV.—A new subspecies of Nyctinomus australis

scientific article published in 1924

XLV.—A new vole from Eastern Asia

scientific article published in 1911

XLV.—Descriptions of two new rodents from the Victoria Nyanza

article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published October 1893 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

XLV.—New foxes of the genera Cerdocyon and Pseudalopex from Northern Argentina


XLV.—On a new species of Lagidium from the Eastern Coast of Patagonia

scientific article published in 1897

XLV.—On some new forms of Otomys

scientific article published in 1902

XLV.—On the Dwarf Mungoose (Helogale) of Somaliland

XLV.—The Godman-thomas expedition to Peru.—IV. On mammals collected by Mr. R. W. Hendee North of Chachapoyas, Province of Amazonas, North Peru

XLV.—The Spedan Lewis South American Exploration.—II. On mammals collected in the Tarija Department, Southern Bolivia

scientific article published in 1926

XLV.—The races of Dremomys pernyi

scientific article published in 1916

XLVI.—A new Chinese mole of the gensus Scaptochirus

scientific article published in 1910

XLVI.—A new genus of bats allied to Nyctophilus

scientific article published in 1914

XLVI.—A new species of Dwarf Potto

scientific article published in 1913

XLVI.—Descriptions of two new Argentine Rodents


XLVI.—New forms of Akodon and Phyllotis, and a new genus for "Akodon" teguina

scientific article published in 1913

XLVI.—On new small mammals from the Neotropical region

XLVI.—On small mammals from the Famatina chain, north-western Rioja

XLVI.—On some of the Larger species of Geomys

XLVI.—Three new bats, African and Asiatic

XLVI.—Three new mammals from Dutch New Guinea

XLVII.—Descriptions of new Rodents from Western South America

XLVII.—New African mammals in the British Museum

scholarly article (1910)

XLVII.—New species of Saccopteryx, Sciurus, Rhipidomys, and Tatu from South America

scholarly article (1901)

XLVII.—On mammals from Ceram

scholarly article (1920)

XLVII.—On some Australasian Mammals

scientific article published in 1905

XLVII.—On two new Neotropical mammals

XLVII.—Three new West African mammals

XLVIII. —On the animals known as "Ground-Hogs" or "Cane-Rats" in Africa

scientific article published in 1922

XLVIII.—A new Dassie from North Nyasaland

XLVIII.—Description of a new bat of the genus Artibeus from Trinidad

XLVIII.—Descriptions of two new Murines from Peru and a new Hare from Venezuela

scholarly article (1900)

XLVIII.—Notes on Dr. W. Kükenthal's discoveries in Mammalian dentition

XLVIII.—On Mustela albinucha, Gray

scientific article published in May 1883

XLVIII.—On mammals from Northern Angola collected by Dr. W. J. Ansorge

scholarly article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published June 1904 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

XLV—On some new mammals from the neighbourhood of Mount Sahama, Bolivia

scholarly article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published April 1898 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

XV.—A new bat from the Key Islands

XV.—On the generic names of certain old-world monkeys

scientific article published in 1916

XV.—The generic Positions of “Mus” nigricauda, Thos., and woosnami, Schwann

XVI.—A new Taphozous from the Sudan

XVI.—A remarkable new monkey from Peru

scientific article published in 1927

XVI.—Notes on Argentine, Patagonian, and Cape Horn Muridæ

scientific article published in 1916

XVI.—On small mammals collected by Sr. E. Budin in North-western Patagonia

XVII.—A new marmoset from the Peruvian Amazons

XVII.—Description of a new Papuan Phalanger

XVII.—Geographical races of Petaurista alborufus

XVII.—New South-American mammals

XVII.—The mammals of the 1921 Mount Everest Expedition

XVII.—The new Argentine species of Akodon


XVII.—Two new Mammals from South America

article published in 1904

XVII.—Two new Muridæ discovered in Paraguay by the Marquis de Wavrin

XVIII.—A new Mountain Vizcacha (Lagidium) from N.W. Patagonia

XVIII.—A new Pika from the Altai

scientific article published in 1924

XVIII.—A new species of Euneomys from Patagonia

XVIII.—Description of a new Stenodermatous bat from Trinidad

XVIII.—Diagnoses of six new Mammals from the Solomon Islands

XVIII.—Diagnoses of two new fruit-eating bats from the Solomon Islands

article published in 1887

XVIII.—Mammals from the River Supinaam, Demerara, presented by Mr. F. V. McConnell to the British Museum

XVIII.—Notes on S. American Leporidæ

scholarly article (1913)

XVIII.—Notes on neotropical mammals of the genera Felis, Hapale, Oryzomys, Akodon, and Ctenomys, with descriptions of new species


XVIII.—Notes on some spiny mice (Acomys)

XVIII.—On a Second Collection of Mammals obtained by Dr. W. J. Ansorge in Angola

scholarly article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas & Robert Charles Wroughton published August 1905 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

XVIII.—On some new forms of Ochotona

XVIII.—On the Tsu-shima Representative of the Japanese Sable

XVIII.—The Godman-Thomas expedition to Peru.—III. On mammals collected by Mr. R. W. Hendee in the Chachapoyas region of North Peru

scientific article published in 1926

XX.—Description of a new species of reed-rat (Aulacodus) from East Africa, with remarks on the milk-dentition of the genus


XX.—Description of a new squirrel from Borneo

XX.—Descriptions of four new South-American mammals

article published in 1897

XX.—New African rodents and insectivores, mostly collected by Dr. C. Christy for the Congo Museum

scientific article published in August 1915

XX.—New Asiatic Muridæ

article published in 1911

XX.—New Rhipidomys, Akodon, Ctenomys, and Marmosa from the Sierra Santa Barbara, S.E. Jujuy

XX.—On some of the species of Psammomys found in Algeria, Tunis, and Tripoli

scientific article published in 1925

XX.—On the systematic arrangement of the Marmosets

XX.—The Generic Division of the Hedgehogs

scholarly article (1918)

XX.—The Spedan Lewis South American exploration.—IV. List of mammals obtained by Sr. Budin on the boundary between Jujuy and Bolivia

scientific article published in 1926

XX.—Two new rats of the Rattus confucianus group

scientific article published in 1917

XXI.—A revised Classification of the Otomyinæ, with Descriptions of new Genera and Species

scholarly article (1918)

XXI.—Diagnoses of two new East-African mammals

XXI.—New mammals from Peru and Bolivia, with a list of those recorded from the Inambari River, Upper Madre de Dios

scholarly article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published February 1901 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

XXI.—Note on Mus Burtoni, Thos

XXI.—On a Collection of Mammals from the Kanuku Mountains, British Guiana

XXI.—On new small mammals from South America

scientific article published in February 1899

XXI.—The "Huron" of the Argentine

scientific article published in 1921

XXI.—The Tree-Shrews of the Tupaia belangeri-chinensis group

scientific article published in 1914

XXII.—A new Vespertilionine bat from Angola

scholarly article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published August 1912 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

XXII.—A new free-tail bat from the Lower Amazons

article published in 1901

XXII.—An analysis of the mammalian generic names given in Dr. C. W. L. Gloger's ‘Naturgeschichte’ (1841)


XXII.—List of small Mammals obtained by Mr. A. E. Pease, M.P., during his recent Expedition to Abyssinia, with Descriptions of Three new Forms of Macroscelides

XXII.—New Bats from British East Africa collected by Mrs. Hinde, and from the Cameroons by Mr. G. L. Bates

scholarly article (1904)

XXII.—On Marmosa marmota and elegans, with descriptions of new subspecies of the latter

scientific article published in 1902

XXII.—On a new pigmy antelope obtained by Col. J. J. Harrison in the Semliki Forest

scientific article published in 1906

XXII.—On bats from Old Calabar

scientific article published in August 1880

XXII.—On mammals from the Province of San Juan, Western Argentina


XXII.—Preliminary diagnoses of new mammals from Northern Luzon, collected by Mr. John Whitehead

XXII.—The Hedgehog of Palestine and Asia Minor

scholarly article (1918)

XXII.—The generic position of certain African Muridæ, hitherto referred to Æthomys and Praomys

scientific article published in 1926

XXII.—Two new Rodents from Tartagal, Salta, N. Argentina


XXIII.—A new bat of the genus Scotæcus

XXIII.—New African Mammals of the Genera Cercopithecus, Scotophilus, Miniopterus, Crocidura, Georychus, and Heliophobius

scientific article published in 1906

XXIII.—Note on the Gibbon of the Island of Hainan (Hylobates hainanus, sp. n.)

scholarly article (1892)

XXIII.—Notes on African Rodents

XXIII.—On a new species of Eliurus

XXIII.—On mammals form the Malay Peninsula and Islands

XXIII.—On new mammals obtained by the Utakwa expedition to Dutch New Guinea

XXIII.—Some new African Mammalia

scientific article published in 1926

XXIII.—The Genet of the Balearic Islands

article published in 1902

XXIII.—Two new Argentine forms of skunk


XXIII.—Two new mammals from N. Australia

scientific article published in September 1909

XXIV.—A new species of Aconæmys from Southern Chili

scientific article published in 1917

XXIV.—Description of a new Brazilian species of Hesperomys

scientific article published in March 1886

XXIV.—Descriptions of two new Bornean squirrels

XXIV.—Diagnosis of a new subspecies of hare from the Corea

article published in 1892

XXIV.—Four new Species of Hedgehog

scholarly article (1918)

XXIV.—New South-American Sciuri, Heteromys, Cavia, and Caluromys

XXIV.—On mammals from Cochabamba, Bolivia, and the region north of that place

scholarly article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published February 1902 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

XXIV.—On small mammals obtained in Sankuru, South Congo, by Mr. H. Wilson

scientific article published in 1916

XXIV.—On some small Mammals collected by Mr. A. M. Mackilligin in the Eastern Desert of Egypt

scholarly article (1904)

XXIV.—On two new mammals from China

scientific article published in 1902

XXIV.—Some new species of Uromys

XXIV.—Some notes on Babirussa

XXIV.—Two new Rock-Wallabies (Petrogale) discovered by Capt. G. W. Wilkins in Northern Australia


XXIX.—A new mink-like Mustela from Java

scientific article published in 1917

XXIX.—A new mole from Western Siam

scientific article published in February 1929

XXIX.—A new shrew of the genus Blarinella from Upper Burma

scientific article published in 1915

XXIX.—A subdivision of the genus Uromys

XXIX.—New Forms of Saimiri, Saccopteryx, Balantiopteryx, and Thrichomys from the Neotropical Region

scientific article published in 1904

XXIX.—New South-American Rodents

scientific article published in 1914

XXIX.—Notes on bats of the genus Histiotus

scientific article published in 1916

XXIX.—On mammals from Northern Persia, presented to the National Museum by Col. A. C. Bailward.

XXV.—A further collection of mammals from Jujuy

XXV.—A new genus of opossums and a new tuco-tuco

XXV.—A new vole from the Lower Yang-tse-kiang

XXV.—Description of a new species of Meriones from Palestine

XXV.—On further patagonian mammals from Neuquen and the Rio Colorado collected by Señor E. Budin

scientific article published in 1927

XXV.—On the generic names Rattus and Phyllomys

scientific article published in 1916

XXVI.—Description of a new fruit-bat from New Guinea

XXVI.—Description of a new species of Sminthus from Kashmir

XXVI.—Diagnosis of a new Central-American porcupine

XXVI.—New Species of Oxymycterus, Thrichomys, and Ctenomys from S. America

scholarly article (1903)

XXVI.—Notes on gerbils referred to the genus Meriones, with descriptions of new species and subspecies

article published in 1919

XXVI.—On Micoureus griseus, Desm., with the description of a new genus and species of Didelphyidæ

XXVI.—On Neotropical Mammals of the Genera Callicebus, Reithrodontomys, Ctenomys, Dasypus, and Marmosa

scholarly article (1907)

XXVI.—On a new Form of Puma from Patagonia

XXVI.—On some Queensland Phalangeridæ

article published in 1923

XXVI.—Three new African mice of the genus Dendromus

XXVII.—A new binturong from Siam

scientific article published in 1916

XXVII.—Descriptions of new Neotropical mammals

scientific article published in October 1899

XXVII.—Descriptions of new Neotropical mammals

scholarly article (1900)

XXVII.—Further notes on the genus Chiroderma

XXVII.—Mammals of the Panyam Plateau, Northern Nigeria.—II

scientific article published in 1912

XXVII.—New Bats and Rodents from West Africa, the Malay Peninsula, and Papuasia


XXVII.—New Callithrix, Midas, Felis, Rhipidomys, and Proechimys from Brazil and Ecuador

scholarly article (1904)

XXVII.—New rodents from S. America

scientific article published in 1911

XXVII.—On a Collection of Bats from Para

XXVII.—On a new Oribi obtained by Major Powell-Cotton in British East Africa


XXVII.—On some small Mammals, chiefly Bats, from the East Indian Archipelago

scholarly article (1923)

XXVII.—Some Notes on the small Sand-Foxes of North Africa

scholarly article (1918)

XXVII.—Two new species of Nasua

scientific article published in 1912

XXVIII.—A new bandicoot-rat from Western Siam

XXVIII.—A new genus for Sciurus poensis and its allies

scientific article published in 1916

XXVIII.—Description of a new bat of the genus Nyctophilus

XXVIII.—Descriptions of new Bornean and Sumatran mammals

XXVIII.—Further new African Mammals

scholarly article (1910)

XXVIII.—Notes on some South-American mammals, with descriptions of new species

scientific article published in September 1909

XXVIII.—On indigenous Muridæ in the West Indies; with the description of a new Mexican Oryzomys

XXVIII.—On some mammals from the New Hebrides

scientific article published in 1925

XXVIII.—The method of taking the incisive index in rodents

XXVIII—A new agouti from the moon mountains, Southern British Guiana, with notes on other species

scientific article published in 1917

XXX.—A new tuco-tuco from Tucuman

XXX.—A subdivision of the Old Genus Nesokia, with descriptions of three new members of the group, and of a Mus from the Andamans

XXX.—New African mammalia of the genera Petrodromus, Dendromys, Mus, and Lepus

XXX.—New mammals from New Guinea and neighbouring islands

XXX.—Note on the Steatomys of Angola

scholarly article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published September 1892 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

XXXI.—A new genus of Glossophagine bat from Colombia

scientific article published in 1913

XXXI.—A new marmoset from the Lower Amazons

XXXI.—Description of a new rat from North Borneo

XXXI.—Descriptions of new mammals from South America

XXXI.—On mammals collected in Turkestan by Mr. Douglas Carruthers

scientific article published in March 1909

XXXII.—A new Dik-Dik from British East Africa


XXXII.—Description of a second species of the carnivorous genus Nandinia, from Southern Nyassaland

article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published September 1893 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

XXXII.—Diagnosis of a new Pteropus from the Admiralty Islands

XXXII.—On a new genus and species of shrew, and some new Muridæ from the East-Indian Archipelago


XXXII.—On two new Rodents from Van, Kurdistan

XXXII.—Some notes on three-toed sloths

scientific article published in 1917

XXXII.—The generic classification of the Taphozous Group

XXXII.—Three new Palœarctic mammals

scientific article published in 1906

XXXIII.—A collection of mammals from eastern Buenos Ayres, with descriptions of related new mammals from other localities

XXXIII.—A new Scotophiline bat from British East Africa with the description of a new genus of the group


XXXIII.—New Callicebus, Conepatus, and Œcomys from Peru

scientific article published in 1924

XXXIII.—New Cryptotis, Thomasomys, and Oryzomys from Colombia


XXXIII.—New Neotropical Mammals, with a Note on the Species of Reithrodon


XXXIII.—New South American small mammals

scientific article published in 1924

XXXIII.—On a new monkey from Nyasaland

XXXIII.—On mammals from the lower amazons in the Goeldi Museum, Para


XXXIII.—Some notes on the Echimyinæ

scientific article published in 1916

XXXIII.—Two new genera of small mammals discovered by Mrs. Holms-Tarn in British East Africa


XXXIV.—A new Jerboa from China


XXXIV.—New Neotropical Chrotopterus, Sciurus, Neacomys, Coendon, Proechimys, and Marmosa

scientific article published in 1905

XXXIV.—New Pseudochirus and Phascogale from N. W. New Guinea

XXXIV.—New Species of Macroscelides and Glauconycteris

article published in 1901

XXXIV.—On some small mammals from Madagascar

scientific article published in 1926

XXXIV.—On the arrangement of the small Tenrecidæ hitherto referred to Oryzorictes and Microgale

scholarly article (1918)

XXXIV.—On the classification of the Cavies

scientific article published in 1916

XXXIV.—On two new hares allied to Oryctolagus crassicaudatus

XXXIV.—Some Rarities from Abyssinia, with the Description of a new Mole-Rat (Tachyoryctes), and a new Arvicanthis

scientific article published in 1928

XXXIV.—Some notes on Pacas

scientific article published in 1924

XXXIV.—The penis-bone, or "Baculum," as a guide to the classification of certuin squirrels

scientific article published in 1915

XXXIV.—Two new Asiatic voles

XXXIX.—Description of a new species of Vespertilio from China

XXXIX.—Further new African mammalia

XXXIX.—On Bornean specimens of the Teledu (Mydaus)

scientific article published in 1927

XXXIX.—On two new members of the genus Heteromys and two of neotoma

XXXIX.—The Transvaal Race of the Common S.-African Wild Cat

scientific article published in 1928

XXXIX.—The nomenclature of the flying-lemurs

XXXIX.—Two new Asiatic Bats of the genera Tadarida and Dyacopterus

scholarly article (1920)

XXXIX.—Two new Australian Muridæ

scientific article published in 1926

XXXIX.—Two new jerboa-rats (Notomys)

XXXIX.—Two new mammals from Marajó Island

scientific article published in 1923

XXXIX.—Two new species of Akodon from Argentina


XXXV.—A special genus for the Himalayan Bat known as Murina grisea

XXXV.—Descriptions of new Neotropical mammals

scholarly article (1900)

XXXV.—New forms of Saimiri, Oryzomys, Phyllotis, Coendou, and Cyclopes

XXXV.—Notes on agoutis, with descriptions of new forms

scientific article published in 1917

XXXV.—On African mole-rats of the genera Georychus and Myoscalops

Wissenschaftlicher Artikel

XXXV.—On a remarkable new Squirrel from Burma

scientific article published in 1905

XXXV.—On some Ceylon mammals

scientific article published in 1924

XXXV.—On some Pteropine bats from Vulcan and Dampier Islands, off the N.E. coast of New Guinea

XXXV.—On the Zululand Form of Livingstone's antelope (Nesotragus Livingstonianus)

XXXV.—On the bear of Ecuador

scholarly article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published March 1902 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

XXXV.—Two new Argentine Rodents, with a new subgenus of Ctenomys

scientific article published in 1916

XXXV.—Two new Glossophagine bats from central America

XXXVI.–Description of a new Chinese squirrel


XXXVI.—A new Heliophobius from North-eastern Rhodesia

scientific article published in 1917

XXXVI.—A new genus of phyllostome bats and a new Rhipidomys from Ecuador

scholarly article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published October 1915 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

XXXVI.—Description of a new bat from North Borneo

XXXVI.—Descriptions of two new Sciuropteri discovered by Mr. Charles Hose in Borneo

scholarly article (1900)

XXXVI.—Diagnosis of a new Cynopterus from Borneo

XXXVI.—List of mammals from Mount Kilimanjaro, obtained by Mr. Robin Kemp, and presented to the British Museum by Mr. C. D. Rudd

scientific article published in 1910

XXXVI.—Note on the technical name of the Tasmanian devil

XXXVI.—Notes on various American mammals

XXXVI.—On Shrews from British East Africa


XXXVI.—On a new dormouse from Mashunaland

XXXVI.—On the Panda of Sze-chuen

XXXVI.—On two new species of Mus discovered by Mr. S. L. Hinde in British East Africa

XXXVI.—The Godman-Thomas expedition to Peru.—V. On mammals collected by Mr. R. W. Hendee in the Province of San Martin, N. Peru, mostly at Yurac Yacu

XXXVI.—The types of the mammals described by M. Fernand Lataste


XXXVII.—Description of a new Echimys from the neighbourhood of Bogota

XXXVII.—Descriptions of new Rodents from Western South America

article published in 1900

XXXVII.—Further notes on Asiatic bamboo-rats

scientific article published in 1915

XXXVII.—New Insular Forms of Nasua and Dasyprocta

XXXVII.—On African bats and shrews

XXXVII.—On a new genus of Vespertilionine bat from New Guinea

XXXVII.—The Spalax of the Grecian Archipelago

scientific article published in 1917

XXXVII.—The forms of Jaculus jaculus in Egypt and Syria

scholarly article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published April 1922 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

XXXVII.—The geographical races of Citellus fulvus

scientific article published in 1915

XXXVII.—Two new West-African mammals

XXXVIII.—A new Cricetulus from Mongolia

XXXVIII.—A new long-eared bat from central Asia

scientific article published in 1926

XXXVIII.—A new ratel from British East Africa

scientific article published in 1923

XXXVIII.—A special Proodont Race of Water-vole, occurring in Northumbria

scientific article published in 1928

XXXVIII.—Description of a new porcupine from East Africa


XXXVIII.—Descriptions of two new North-Bornean mammals

XXXVIII.—On a Collection of Small Mammals from the Upper Nile obtained by Mr. R. M. Hawker

XXXVIII.—On further monkeys of the Callicebus torquatus group

scientific article published in 1927

XXXVIII.—On mammals collected by Mr. Perry O. Simons in the southern part of the Bolivian plateau

XXXVIII.—On mammals from Celebes, Borneo, and the Philippines recently received at the British Museum

scholarly article by Michael Roger Oldfield Thomas published September 1896 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

XXXVIII.—On some new mammalia from the East-Indian Archipelago

article published in 1892

XXXVIII.—On the "Tohi," the East-African reedbuck currently known as Cervicapra bohor

scientific article published in 1900

XXXVIII.—On the large flying-squirrels referred to Petaurista nitida, Desm.