painting by Jean-Simon Berthélemy
painting by Jean Simon Berthélemy
painting by Jean-Simon Berthélemy
painting by Jean-Simon Barthélémy
painting by Jean-Simon Berthélemy
painting by Jean-Simon Berthélemy
painting by Jean Simon Berthélemy and by Jean-Baptiste Mauzaisse
painting by Jean Simon Berthélemy
painting by Jean-Simon Barthélemy
painting by Jean-Simon Berthélemy
painting by Jean Simon Berthélemy
painting by Jean Simon Berthélemy
St. Catherine brings controversy to fifty scholars convened by Emperor Maximin II Daïa.
tapestry in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Paris
pair of tapestries and heritage monument (PM75001947) in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Paris
pair of tapestries and national heritage monument (PM75002186) in the hôtel Rothelin-Charolais, Paris, France
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