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List of works by R. G. Collingwood

'Plumbum Britannicum' and Other Remarks

A LITTLE GUIDE TO ESKDALE. Written and illustrated by Silverpoint. Ulverston: Atkinson, 1930. 6d

A Roman altar found near Godalming

A Samian bowl by Pervincus from Felixstowe

A newly-discovered Roman Site in Cumberland

article published in 1930

Arentsburg: een Romeinsch militair Vlootstation bij Voorburg. Door Dr J. H. Holwerda. 13½ × 10; pp. 165, frontispiece and 110 plans and illustrations. Leiden: E. J. Brill. 1923

DIE DENKMÄLER DES RÖMISCHEN KOLN. By Dr. Fritz Fremersdorf. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. Band I, 1928. 5 RM

article published in 1929

Der Obergermanisch-rätische Limes des Römerreiches. Lieferung xlvii: Strecke 13, Der rätische Limes von der württembergisch-bayerischen Grenze bis Gunzenhausen, und das kleine Kastell Unter-Schwaningen. By E. Fabricius, with contributions by F. W

Die Gräbmäler von Neumagen: bearbeitet von W. von Massow, mit einer Einleitung von E. Krüger. Deutsches Arch. Institut (Röm.-germ. Kommission). Berlin and Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter, 1932. Vols. I, II, 4to. text and plates respectively. Pp. 296+

Die Schweiz in römischer Zeit. Von Felix Stähelin. Basel: Schwabe & Co. 1927. Pp. xvi + 549, with 1 map, 3 plans and 172 illustrations

EXCAVATIONS IN NEW FOREST ROMAN POTTERY SITES. By Heywood Sumner,F.S.A. Chiswick Press. 1927. pp. 123. 12s. 6d

article by R. G. Collingwood published March 1928 in Antiquity

Explorations in the Roman Fort at Ambleside (fourth year, 1920) and at other Sites on the Tenth Iter.

article published in 1921

FORMA ITALIAE: Regio I, Latium et Campania: volumen I, Ager Pomptinus: pars prima, pars secunda. By G. Lugli. Published by Danesi (Rome) for the Unione Accademica Nazionale. 1926, 1928. pp. xxvi and 218, xiv and 75. 320 and 150 lire

GREAT BRITAIN: Essays in Regional Geography by twenty-six authors. Edited by Alan G. OgilvieO.B.E.,M.A.,B.SC., Cambridge, 1928. 21s

Hadrian's Wall: 1921–1930

Hadrian's Wall: a History of the Problem

scientific article published in November 1921

Hadrian’s Wall

ITINERARIA ROMANA. Edidit Otto Cuntz Volumen prius, itineraria Antonini Augusti et Burdigalense. Lipsiae, in aedibus B. G. Teubneri. 1929. 12 RM

International Map of the Roman Empire. 1: 1,000,000. Sheet N30. Edinburgh: Ordnance Survey, 1930. 3s.Forma Orbis Romani. Carte Archéologique De La Gaule Romaine. Edited by A. Blanchet. Text, fasc. I (pp. xii. + 55, 4to), and map, fasc. i; comprising

book review

LATIN EPIGRAPHY: an Introduction to the Study of Latin Inscriptions. By the late Sir John Edwin Sandys; second edition, revised by S. G. Campbell. Cambridge, 1927. pp. xxiv and 324. 12s. 6d

LATIN HISTORICAL INSCRIPTIONS ILLUSTRATING THE HISTORY OF THE EARLY EMPIRE. By G. McN. Rushforth. Second edition. Oxford University Press, 1930. pp. xxxii, 144. 8s 6d

London Museum Catalogues: no. 3. London in Roman Times. 8½ × 5½. Pp. 211. London: The London Museum, 1930. 2s. in paper, 2s. 6d. bound

Numantia: Die Ergebnisse Der Ausgrabungen 1905–1912. Von Adolf Schulten. Vol. II: Die Stadt Numantia. Mit 82 Abbildungen, 63 Profilblättern und 62 Tafeln im Textband, 1 Karte und 15 zum Teil doppelten Plänen in Folio-Mappe. München: Verlag von F

R. E. M. Wheeler and Mrs Wheeler, Report on the Excavation of the Prehistoric, Roman and Post-Roman Site in Lydney Park, Gloucestershire (Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London, no. IX). Oxford, 1932. Pp. 137 + viii

ROMAN SOCIETY IN GAUL IN THE MEROVINGIAN AGE. By Sir Samuel Dill. Macmillan, 1926. 8vo, pp. xiv, 566. 21s. net

Religion and Philosophy

1916 book by R.G. Collingwood

Roman Britain in 1921 and 1922

Roman Britain in 1923

scientific article published in November 1922

Roman Britain in 1924

scientific article published in November 1924

Roman Britain in 1925

Roman Britain in 1926

Roman Britain in 1927

Roman Britain in 1928

Roman Britain in 1929

Roman Britain in 1930

Roman Britain in 1931

Roman Britain in 1933

Roman Inscriptions of Britain

3-volume corpus of inscriptions found in Britain from the Roman period

Roman Milestones in Cornwall

Romano-British Kent. Offprint from Victoria County History of Kent. Pp. 176, with 34 plates and 32 illustrations and plans in text

Romans, Kelts and Saxons in Ancient Britain: an investigation into the two dark centuries (400–600) of English history. By R. E. Zachrisson. Uppsala, 1927. Pp. 94

STRASBOURG-ARGENTORATE: préhistorique, gallo-romain, et mérovingien. By Robert Forrer. Strasbourg, Librarire Istra, 15 rue des juifs, 1930. Two vols., pp. 884, 610 illustrations and 154 plates

Sir George Macdonald, K.C.B., LL.D, D.LITT., F.B.A., The Roman Wall in Scotland. Second edition, revised, enlarged, and in great part rewritten. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1934. Pp. 492 + xvi, with 80 plates, and 57 illustrations in the text. 30s

book review published in 1936

Sir George Macdonald, Roman Britain: 1914–1928. British Academy Supplemental Papers, no. vi. London: Humphrey Milford, n.d. Pp. 114, with 16 plates and 20 figures in the text. 7s. 6d. net

THE CAERLEON AMPHITHEATRE: a summary. By Tessa Verney Wheeler,F.S.A. Reprinted from Archaeologia Cambrensis, June 1928. pp. 32, and 13 figs

THE CLASSICAL MONUMENTS OF ROME AND ITS VICINITY. By Giuseppe Lugli, translated by Gilbert Bagnani. Vol. I. The Zona Archeologica. Rome, 1929. 40 lire

THE COMMERCE BETWEEN THE ROMAN EMPIRE AND INDIA. By E. H. Warmington. Cambridge University Press, 1928. 15s. net

THE FIGHT FOR AN EMPIRE: a translation of the third book of the Histories of Tacitus. By W. J. Sydne Woodhouse, 1931, London: Australian Book Co., 16 Farringdon Avenue, E.C.4. 1932. 6s


THE INVASION OF EUROPE BY THE BARBARIANS: a series of lectures. By the late J. B. Bury. Edited by Professor F. J. C. Hearnshaw. Mamillan, 1928. 12s. 6d

THE SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC HISTORY OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE. By M. Rostovtseff. Oxford University Press. 1926. pp. XXVI, 695, 60 plates. 45s

THE TRANSITION FROM ROMAN BRITAIN TO CHRISTIAN ENGLAND (A.D. 368-664). By Sheldon Gilbert Macmillan, 1932. pp. XXIII, 219, with map. 10s


The Archaeology of Roman Britain

book published in 1969

The British Frontier in the Age of Severus

scientific article published in November 1923

The Exploration of the Roman Fort at Ambleside: Report on the third year's work (1915)

article published in 1916

The Fosse

scientific article published in November 1924

The Idea of History

book published in 1946

The Monumental and the Mundane: A Common Epigraphic Tradition

The Roman Evacuation of Britain

scientific article published in November 1922

The Roman Fort near Brecon, By R. E. Mortimer Wheeler. 8¾ × 5½. Pp. viii + 260, and 107 plans and illustrations. London: Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, 1926

The Roman Frontier in Britain

The Roman Inscriptions of Britain, Vol. I. Inscriptions on Stone

book published in 1965

The Roman Occupation of Britain: being six Ford Lectures delivered by F. Haverfield, now revised by G. Macdonald. With a notice of Haverfield's life and a list of his writings. 8½ × 5½. Pp. 304. Oxford: at the Clarendon Press, 1924. 18s

The Romans in Britain. By Sir Bertram C. A. Windle, M.A., Sc.D., F.R.S., F.S.A., LL.D. 8½ × 5½; pp. xii + 244. London: Methuen. 1923. 12s. 6d

The Theory of Historical Cycles. II. Cycles And Progress

Town and Country in Roman Britain

article published in Antiquity in 1929

Two Greek Fortresses in Sicily