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List of works by Isabelle Peretz

"Out-of-pitch" but still "in-time". An auditory psychophysical study in congenital amusic adults

scientific article


scientific article

A Left-Ear Advantage for Chords in Non-Musicians

scientific article published on December 1, 1979

A case study of pure word deafness: modularity in auditory processing?

scientific article

A developmental study of the affective value of tempo and mode in music.

scientific article

A frog in your throat or in your ear? Searching for the causes of poor singing

scientific article published on August 29, 2011

A novel tool for evaluating children's musical abilities across age and culture

scientific article published on July 10, 2013

Ability to process musical pitch is unrelated to the memory advantage for vocal music

scientific article published on 03 December 2018

Abnormal electrical brain responses to pitch in congenital amusia.

scientific article

Abnormal pitch--time interference in congenital amusia: evidence from an implicit test

scientific article

Activation in the Right Inferior Parietal Lobule Reflects the Representation of Musical Structure beyond Simple Pitch Discrimination.

scientific article

Amusic does not mean unmusical: beat perception and synchronization ability despite pitch deafness.

scientific article

Amusics can imitate what they cannot discriminate

scientific article published on October 30, 2012

Amygdala damage impairs emotion recognition from music.

scientific article

An acoustical study of vocal pitch matching in congenital amusia.

scientific article

Analytic processing in the classification of melodies as same or different

scientific article

Are text and tune of familiar songs separable by brain damage?

scientific article

Attending to pitch information inhibits processing of pitch information: the curious case of amusia.

scientific article

Atypical hemispheric specialization in intellectual deficiency

scientific article

Auditory recognition expertise and domain specificity

scientific article

Automatic brain responses to pitch changes in congenital amusia

scientific article published in July 2009

Basic timekeeping deficit in the Beat-based Form of Congenital Amusia

scientific article published on 20 May 2020

Benefits of Music Training for Perception of Emotional Speech Prosody in Deaf Children With Cochlear Implants

scientific article

Born to dance but beat deaf: a new form of congenital amusia

scientific article

Boundaries of separability between melody and rhythm in music discrimination: a neuropsychological perspective

scientific article

Brain activity is related to individual differences in the number of items stored in auditory short-term memory for pitch: evidence from magnetoencephalography

scientific article

Brain organization for music processing.

scientific article

Brain specialization for music.

scientific article

Brain specialization for music. New evidence from congenital amusia.

scientific article

Brains that are out of tune but in time.

scientific article

Can We Lose Memory for Music? A Case of Music Agnosia in a Nonmusician

scientific article published on November 1, 1996

Can You Tell a Prodigy From a Professional Musician?

scientific article

Capturing with EEG the neural entrainment and coupling underlying sensorimotor synchronization to the beat.

scientific article

Cardiorespiratory optimization during improvised singing and toning

scientific article published on 14 August 2017

Cerebral and spinal modulation of pain by emotions

scientific article

Characterization of deficits in pitch perception underlying 'tone deafness'.

scientific article

Children Using Cochlear Implants Capitalize on Acoustical Hearing for Music Perception

scientific article published on October 22, 2012

Clustering in music: an appraisal of task factors

scientific article published on January 1, 1989

Cochlear implant users move in time to the beat of drum music.

scientific article

Comorbidity and cognitive overlap between developmental dyslexia and congenital amusia

scientific article published on 20 February 2019

Congenital Amusia (or Tone-Deafness) Interferes with Pitch Processing in Tone Languages

scientific article

Congenital Amusia Persists in the Developing Brain after Daily Music Listening

scientific article published on May 11, 2012

Congenital amusia in childhood: A case study

scientific article published on March 4, 2011

Congenital amusia in speakers of a tone language: association with lexical tone agnosia

scientific article published on August 4, 2010

Congenital amusia interferes with the ability to synchronize with music.

scientific article

Congenital amusia: a cognitive disorder limited to resolved harmonics and with no peripheral basis

scientific article

Congenital amusia: a disorder of fine-grained pitch discrimination.

scientific article

Congenital amusia: a group study of adults afflicted with a music-specific disorder.

scientific article

Contribution of articulatory rehearsal to short-term memory: evidence from a case of selective disruption

scientific article published on November 1, 1992

Contribution of different cortical areas in the temporal lobes to music processing

scientific article published on October 1, 1998

Corrigendum to "Ability to process musical pitch is unrelated to the memory advantage for vocal music" [Brain Cogn. 129 (2019) 35-39]

scientific article published on 12 May 2020

Cortical correlates of acquired deafness to dissonance

scientific article

Cortical deafness to dissonance.

scientific article

Cortical thickness in congenital amusia: when less is better than more.

scientific article

Cross-classification of musical and vocal emotions in the auditory cortex.

scientific article

Cultural aspects of music perception: validation of a Greek version of the Montreal Battery of Evaluation of Amusias

scientific article

Dancing to "groovy" music enhances the experience of flow

scientific article published on 06 May 2018

Decoding Task-Related Functional Brain Imaging Data to Identify Developmental Disorders: The Case of Congenital Amusia

scientific article published on 30 October 2019

Decreased risk of falls in patients attending music sessions on an acute geriatric ward: results from a retrospective cohort study

scientific article published on 28 March 2019

Defining the biological bases of individual differences in musicality

scientific article

Development of the happy-sad distinction in music appreciation. Does tempo emerge earlier than mode?

scientific article

Dichotic perception and laterality in neonates

scientific article

Differentiation of classical music requires little learning but rhythm.

scientific article

Dissociations between music and language functions after cerebral resection: A new case of amusia without aphasia

scientific article published on December 1, 1997

Distinct electrophysiological indices of maintenance in auditory and visual short-term memory

scientific article

Divided attention between lyrics and tunes of operatic songs: Evidence for independent processing

scientific article published on October 1, 2001

Ear asymmetry for chord recognition in musicians and nonmusicians

scientific article

Early integration of vowel and pitch processing: a mismatch negativity study.

scientific article

Editorial: Music, Brain, and Rehabilitation: Emerging Therapeutic Applications and Potential Neural Mechanisms.

scientific article


editorial to special issue

Education, Age, and the Brown-Peterson Technique

scientific article published on January 1, 2001

Effect of Age on Attentional Control in Dual-Tasking

scientific article

Effect of choir activity in the rehabilitation of aphasia: a blind, randomised, controlled pilot study

scientific article

Effects of culture on musical pitch perception

scientific article

Effects of prior exposure on music liking and recognition in patients with temporal lobe lesions.

scientific article

Effects of relaxing music on salivary cortisol level after psychological stress.

scientific article

Effects of vocal training in a musicophile with congenital amusia

scientific article

Electrical Brain Responses to Beat Irregularities in Two Cases of Beat Deafness.

scientific article

Electrophysiological Responses to Emotional Facial Expressions Following a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

scientific article published on 18 June 2019

Emotion effects on implicit and explicit musical memory in normal aging

scientific article

Emotional recognition from dynamic facial, vocal and musical expressions following traumatic brain injury

scientific article

Emotional recognition from face, voice, and music in dementia of the Alzheimer type.

scientific article

Emotional responses to unpleasant music correlates with damage to the parahippocampal cortex.

scientific article

Emotional valence contributes to music-induced analgesia.

scientific article

Enhanced pitch sensitivity in individuals with autism: a signal detection analysis

scientific article

Enhancement of Pleasure during Spontaneous Dance

scientific article published on 29 November 2017

Episodic encoding in normal aging: attentional resources hypothesis extended to musical material

scientific article

Erratum to: The Montreal Protocol for Identification of Amusia

scientific article

Evidence for the role of the right auditory cortex in fine pitch resolution

scientific article

Evidence of lateralized anteromedial temporal structures involvement in musical emotion processing.

scientific article

Examination of the working memory components in normal aging and in dementia of the Alzheimer type

scientific article published in March 1996

Excitability of the motor system: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study on singing and speaking

scientific article

Exposure effects on music preference and recognition

scientific article published on September 1, 1998

Expressiveness in musical emotions

scientific article published on July 15, 2011

Facial, vocal and musical emotion recognition is altered in paranoid schizophrenic patients

scientific article

Fear across the senses: brain responses to music, vocalizations and facial expressions

scientific article

Feeling the Beat: Bouncing Synchronization to Vibrotactile Music in Hearing and Early Deaf People

scientific article published on 12 September 2017

Fine-grained pitch processing of music and speech in congenital amusia

scientific article

Frontal processing and auditory perception

scientific article published in April 2000

Functional MRI evidence of an abnormal neural network for pitch processing in congenital amusia

scientific article

Functional dissociations following bilateral lesions of auditory cortex

scientific article

Genetic Influences On Music Expertise

book chapter

Genetic factors and shared environment contribute equally to objective singing ability

scientific article published on 06 May 2022

Greek Battery of Evaluation of Amusias

Happy, sad, scary and peaceful musical excerpts for research on emotions

scientific article

Harmonic priming in an amusic patient: the power of implicit tasks

scientific article

Hemispheric asymmetry in amusia

scientific article

Identification of Changes along a Continuum of Speech Intonation is Impaired in Congenital Amusia

scientific article published on December 27, 2010

Impaired encoding of rapid pitch information underlies perception and memory deficits in congenital amusia

scientific article

Impaired memory for pitch in congenital amusia

scientific article

Impaired recognition of musical emotions and facial expressions following anteromedial temporal lobe excision

scientific article

Impaired recognition of scary music following unilateral temporal lobe excision.

scientific article

Impairments in musical abilities reflected in the auditory brainstem: evidence from congenital amusia.

scientific article

Implicit and explicit emotional memory for melodies in Alzheimer's disease and depression

scientific article

Individual Differences in Rhythmic Cortical Entrainment Correlate with Predictive Behavior in Sensorimotor Synchronization

scientific article

Instrumental music influences recognition of emotional body language.

scientific article

Integrated preattentive processing of vowel and pitch: a mismatch negativity study

scientific article

Introduction to The neurosciences and music IV: learning and memory

scientific article published in April 2012

Keeping the Beat: A Large Sample Study of Bouncing and Clapping to Music

scientific article

L'échec du dialogue entre parole et musique dans le chant

conference paper

Laterality effects in processing tonal and atonal melodies with affective and nonaffective task instructions

scientific article

Learning lyrics: to sing or not to sing?

scientific article published in March 2007

Learning sung lyrics aids retention in normal ageing and Alzheimer's disease.

scientific article

Left ear advantage in pitch perception of complex tones without energy at the fundamental frequency

scientific article published on February 1996

Liking for happy- and sad-sounding music: Effects of exposure

scientific article

Listeners feel the beat: entrainment to English and French speech rhythms

scientific article

Load-dependent brain activity related to acoustic short-term memory for pitch: magnetoencephalography and fMRI.

scientific article

Local and global processing of music in high-functioning persons with autism: beyond central coherence?

scientific article

Losing the beat: deficits in temporal coordination.

scientific article

Making non-fluent aphasics speak: sing along!

scientific article

Melodic intonation therapy: back to basics for future research

scientific article

Memory disorders and vocal performance

scientific article

Memory in the neonate brain

scientific article

Meta-analytic evidence for the non-modularity of pitch processing in congenital amusia

scientific article

Mode and tempo relative contributions to "happy-sad" judgements in equitone melodies

scientific article published on 01 January 2003

Moderating variables of music training-induced neuroplasticity: a review and discussion

scientific article

Modes of processing melodies and ear asymmetry in non-musicians

scientific article

Modularity in music relative to speech: framing the debate

book chapter

Modularity of music processing.

scientific article

Modulation of electric brain responses evoked by pitch deviants through transcranial direct current stimulation

scientific article published on 24 November 2017

Modulation of the startle reflex by pleasant and unpleasant music.

scientific article

Morphometry of the amusic brain: a two-site study

scientific article

Music Agnosias: Selective Impairments of Music Recognition After Brain Damage

Music Training Facilitates Lexical Stress Processing

scientific article

Music and emotion: perceptual determinants, immediacy, and isolation after brain damage

scientific article

Music and speech listening enhance the recovery of early sensory processing after stroke

scientific article

Music and words in the visual cortex: The impact of musical expertise

scientific article

Music as a mnemonic to learn gesture sequences in normal aging and Alzheimer's disease.

scientific article

Music lexical networks: the cortical organization of music recognition.

scientific article

Music listening engages specific cortical regions within the temporal lobes: differences between musicians and non-musicians.

scientific article

Music listening enhances cognitive recovery and mood after middle cerebral artery stroke.

scientific article

Music, language and cognition: unresolved issues

scientific article published in February 2008

Music, language, and modularity in action

Musical Disorders

scientific article

Musical difficulties are rare: a study of "tone deafness" among university students.

scientific article

Musical excerpts: indices relating to familiarity, age of acquisition and verbal associations

scientific article published on June 1, 1995

Musical scale properties are automatically processed in the human auditory cortex

scientific article

Musical structural determinants of emotional judgments in dementia of the Alzheimer type.

scientific article

Musical training improves the ability to understand speech-in-noise in older adults

scientific article published on 29 May 2019

Musique, langage, émotion: Approche neurocognitive

conference proceedings

Neural overlap in processing music and speech

scientific article

Neurobiological, cognitive, and emotional mechanisms in melodic intonation therapy

scientific article

Neurobiology of Congenital Amusia

scientific article

Neurophysiological and Behavioral Differences between Older and Younger Adults When Processing Violations of Tonal Structure in Music

scientific article published on 13 February 2018

Neuroscience and Music ("Neuromusic") III: disorders and plasticity. Preface

scientific article published in July 2009


scientific article

On the Relevance of Natural Stimuli for the Study of Brainstem Correlates: The Example of Consonance Perception

scientific article

Patterns of music agnosia associated with middle cerebral artery infarcts.

scientific article

Perceiving the tonal ending of tune excerpts: the roles of pre-existing representation and musical expertise

scientific article

Perception and action in singing

scientific article published on January 1, 2011

Pitch discrimination without awareness in congenital amusia: Evidence from event-related potentials

scientific article published on February 28, 2013

Pitch perception and production in congenital amusia: Evidence from Cantonese speakers

scientific article

Playing Super Mario 64 increases hippocampal grey matter in older adults

scientific article published on 6 December 2017

Playing Super Mario increases oculomotor inhibition and frontal eye field grey matter in older adults

scientific article published on 15 December 2018

Poor Synchronization to Musical Beat Generalizes to Speech

scientific article published on 04 July 2019

Pre-target neural oscillations predict variability in the detection of small pitch changes

scientific article

Prelude or requiem for the 'Mozart effect'?

scientific article published in August 1999

Prevalence of congenital amusia

scientific article

Priming paradigm reveals harmonic structure processing in congenital amusia

scientific article

Processing Prosodic and Musical Patterns: A Neuropsychological Investigation

scientific article published on January 1, 1998

Processing interactions between phonology and melody: vowels sing but consonants speak

scientific article

Processing of local and global musical information by unilateral brain-damaged patients

scientific article

Quantifying tone deafness in the general population.

scientific article

Random Feedback Makes Listeners Tone-Deaf.

scientific article

Recognition of music in long-term memory: Are melodic and temporal patterns equal partners?

scientific article published on July 1, 1997

Recording the human brainstem frequency-following-response in the free-field

scientific article

Revisiting the dissociation between singing and speaking in expressive aphasia

scientific article

Role of Familiarity in Auditory Discrimination of Musical Instrument: A Laterality Study

scientific article published on December 1, 1997

Role of tempo entrainment in psychophysiological differentiation of happy and sad music?

scientific article


scientific article

Selective neuronal entrainment to the beat and meter embedded in a musical rhythm.

scientific article

Sensitivity to musical emotions in congenital amusia.

scientific article

Shifting ear differences in melody comparison through transposition

scientific article

Shifting ear differences in melody recognition through strategy inducement

scientific article

Should we make aphasic patients sing?

book chapter

Singing Delays the Onset of Infant Distress

scientific article

Singing ability is rooted in vocal-motor control of pitch

scientific article

Singing in congenital amusia

scientific article

Singing proficiency in congenital amusia: imitation helps

scientific article

Singing proficiency in the general population

scientific article

Songs as an aid for language acquisition.

scientific article

Specialized neural dynamics for verbal and tonal memory: fMRI evidence in congenital amusia


Speech vs. singing: infants choose happier sounds

scientific article

Spinal modulation of nociception by music

scientific article published on January 31, 2012

Statistical learning of speech, not music, in congenital amusia

scientific article

Steady-state evoked potentials as an index of multisensory temporal binding

scientific article

Successful measurement of the mismatch negativity despite a concurrent movie soundtrack: Reduced amplitude but normal component morphology

scientific article published on June 14, 2013

Tagging the neuronal entrainment to beat and meter.

scientific article

Task determinants of ear differences in melody processing

scientific article

The Combination of Rhythm and Pitch Can Account for the Beneficial Effect of Melodic Intonation Therapy on Connected Speech Improvements in Broca's Aphasia

scientific article

The Montreal Protocol for Identification of Amusia

scientific article

The Nature and Nurture of Melody: A Twin Study of Musical Pitch and Rhythm Perception.

scientific article

The amusic brain: in tune, out of key, and unaware.

scientific article

The amusic brain: lost in music, but not in space

scientific article

The basis of musical consonance as revealed by congenital amusia

scientific article published on November 12, 2012

The co-occurrence of pitch and rhythm disorders in congenital amusia

scientific article published on 30 December 2018

The effect of musical experience on emotional self-reports and psychophysiological responses to dissonance

scientific article

The effects of emotion on memory for music and vocalisations

scientific article

The effects of short-term musical training on the neural processing of speech-in-noise in older adults

scientific article published on 09 August 2019

The fur of the crocodile and the mooing sheep: A study of a patient with a category-specific impairment for biological things

scientific article published on June 1, 2002

The genetic basis of music ability

scientific article

The genetics of congenital amusia (tone deafness): a family-aggregation study

scientific article

The impact of musicianship on the cortical mechanisms related to separating speech from background noise

scientific article

The modulation of pain by attention and emotion: a dissociation of perceptual and spinal nociceptive processes

scientific article published on 31 December 2010

The nature of music from a biological perspective.

scientific article

The need to consider underlying mechanisms: A response from dissonance

scientific article

The role of contour and intervals in the recognition of melody parts: evidence from cerebral asymmetries in musicians

scientific article published on March 1, 1992

The singing voice is special: Persistence of superior memory for vocal melodies despite vocal-motor distractions

scientific article published on 23 November 2020

The sound of mute vowels in auditory word-stem completion

scientific article published on 19 January 2009

The specificity of neural responses to music and their relation to voice processing: an fMRI-adaptation study.

scientific article

The “Musical Emotional Bursts”: a validated set of musical affect bursts to investigate auditory affective processing

scientific article published on August 13, 2013

Time course of melody recognition: a gating paradigm study.

scientific article

Tonal language processing in congenital amusia.

scientific article

Tone language fluency impairs pitch discrimination

scientific article

Toward a biological account of music experience.

scientific article

Towards a Neurobiology of Musical Emotions

book chapter

Two-way interactions between music and language: evidence from priming recognition of tune and lyrics in familiar songs.

scientific article

Universal recognition of three basic emotions in music.

scientific article

Varieties of musical disorders. The Montreal Battery of Evaluation of Amusia

scientific article

Vocal pitch shift in congenital amusia (pitch deafness)

scientific article published on March 5, 2013

What Makes Musical Prodigies?

scientific article published on 11 December 2020

What is specific to music processing? Insights from congenital amusia.

scientific article

Without it no music: cognition, biology and evolution of musicality

scientific article

Évaluation de la perception et de la mémoire musicale

book chapter