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List of works by John Gould

2. On aNewSpecies ofChlamydera,orBower-Bird.

scientific article published in January 1862

9. Descriptions ofSixteenNewSpecies ofBirds from theIsland ofFormosa,collected byRobertSwinhoe, Esq., HerMajesty'sVice-Consul atFormosa.

A Century of Birds from the Himalaya Mountains

London,1831. | Smithsonian Libraries

A Monograph of the Trochilidae

book by John Gould

A monograph of the Macropodidæ, or family of kangaroos

London: The Author, 1841-1842

A monograph of the Trochilidae, or family of humming-birds. Supplement

London: Henry Sothern & Co., 1887 [i.e. 1880-1887]

A monograph of the Trochilidæ, or family of humming-birds

London :Printed by Taylor and Francis ;1861 [i.e. 1849-1861] | Smithsonian Libraries

A monograph of the Trogonidae, or family of trogons

London :The Author,1835-1838 | Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr Library

A monograph of the Trogonidae, or family of trogons

book of John Gould

A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islands

London: Published by the author, 1837-38.

An introduction to The birds of Australia

London: Printed for the author, by Richard and John E. Taylor, 1848.

An introduction to the Trochilidae : or family of humming-birds

London: Printed by Taylor and Francis, 1861.

An introduction to the Trochilidae, or family of humming-birds

London :Taylor & Francis,1861. | Cambridge University Library

An introduction to the Trochilidae, or family of humming-birds. : [Supplementary material in Charles Darwin's copy]

Cambridge University Library

An introduction to the birds of Great Britain

London :Printed for the author by Taylor and Francis,1873. | Smithsonian Libraries

An introduction to the mammals of Australia

London: Printed for the author by Taylor and Francis, 1863.

April 10, 1866

April 26, 1864

April 28, 1870

Bettongia cuniculus, Tasmanian Jerboa Kangaroo [Pl. 29]

scientific article

Bettongia fasciata, Banded Jerboa Kangaroo [Pl. 30]

scientific article

Bettongia penicillata, Gray., Jerboa Kangaroo [Pl. 14]

scientific article

Bettongia rufescens, Gray., Rufous Jerboa-Kangaroo. [Pl. 13]

scientific article

Bird of Paradise (Paradisea apoda)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 73675)

Calothorax heliodori

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 73673)

Caprimulgus Ruficollis

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 73669)

Characters of a New Species of Perameles, and a New Species of Dasyurus

scholarly article (1842)

Chlorostilbona prasina (Puncheran's Emerald)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 53568)

Clytolaema aurescens (Banded Ruby or Gould's Ruby)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 53566)


December 13, 1866

December 5, 1871

Dendrolagus ursinus, Müller., and Dendrolagus inustus, Müller., [Pl. 26-27]

scientific article

Description of a new Trogon and a new Odontophorus

Description of a new bird from Guatemala, forming the type of a new genus

Description of a new species of Aulacorhamphus

scientific article published in 1855

Description of a new species of Momotus

Description of the egg of Parra gallinacea

article by John Gould published July 1865 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

Descriptions of Three New Species of the Genus Phaëthornis, Family Trochilidae

Descriptions of a new species of Ptilotis and a new species of Eöpsaltria

scientific article published in January 1851

Descriptions of two new species of humming birds, from Peru

Diphogena aurora (Gould's Rainbow)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 53565)

Discura longicauda (Racket-Tail)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 53569)

Docimastes ensiferus (Sword-billed Hummingbird)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 53575)

Eriocnemis vestitus (Glowing Puff-Leg)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 53563)

Eucephala smaragdocaerulea (Gould's Wood Nymph)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 53567)

February 10, 1870

February 13, 1866

February 13, 1868

February 18, 1873

February 23, 1864

article published in 1864

February 28th

February 9, 1864

Glaucis fraseri (Fraser's Barbed-throat)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 53562)

Great Black Woodpecker (Dryocopus martius)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 73671)

Halmaturus agilis, Gould., Agile Wallaby [Pl. 20]

scientific article

Halmaturus bennettii, Bennett's Wallaby [Pl. 7]

scientific article

Halmaturus billardierii, Tasmanian Wallaby [Pl. 10]

scientific article

Halmaturus derbianus, Gray., Derby's Wallaby [Pl. 11]

scientific article

Halmaturus dorsalis, Gray., Black-striped Wallaby [Pl. 8]

scientific article

Halmaturus manicatus, Gould., Black-gloved Wallaby [Pl. 9]

scientific article

Halmaturus parryi, Parry's Wallaby [Pl. 19]

scientific article

Halmaturus ruficollis, Rufous-necked Wallaby [Pl. 17]

scientific article

Halmaturus thetidus, Geoff. & F. Cuv., Pademelon Wallaby [Pl. 21]

scientific article

Halmaturus ualabatus, Black Wallaby [Pl. 18]

scientific article

Handbook to The birds of Australia

London, Published by the author, 1865

Handbook to the Birds of Australia

book by John Gould

Handbook to the birds of Australia. : [Supplementary material in Charles Darwin's copy]

Cambridge University Library

Helianthea eos (Golden Star-frontlet)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 53564)

Hydrochelidon nigra

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 73668)

Hypsiprymnus gilbertii, Gould., Gilbert's Rat Kangaroo [Pl. 15]

scientific article

I.—Description of two new species of Kangaroos from Western Australia

scientific article published in September 1842

IX.—Description of a supposed new speciels of pigeon

scientific article published in 1870

Icones avium, or, Figures and descriptions of new and interesting species of birds from various parts of the globe

[London]: Published by the author, 20, Broad Street, Golden Square, August, 1837-August, 1838.

J. Gould's Monography of the Ramphastidae, or family of toucans

German translation of the J. Gould's Toucans monography

January 13, 1870

January 2, 1872

scientific article (publication date: 1872)

January 23, 1868

January 24th, 1860

Jugger Falcon, Falco jugger, Gray. [Pl. 7]

scientific article

July 10, 1855

scientific article published in January 1855

July 9, 1851

June 9th, 1863

LI.—On a new species of the genus Eupetomena

LIV.—Description of a new species of the genus Malurus

LVIII.—On the bower-birds of Australia, with the description of a new species


LXVIII.—Descriptions of three new species of humming-birds

Lagorchestes conspicillata, Gould., Spectacled Hare Kangaroo [Pl. 28]

scientific article

Lagorchestes leporoïdes, Gould., Hare Kangaroo [Pl. 12]

scientific article

Lampornis prevosti

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 73670)

Lampornis veraguensis (Veraguan Mango)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 53576)

Lapwing, Vanellus cristatus, (Meyer)

print by John Gould

Lesbia Amaryllis

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 73672)

Letter from John Gould to R. Denny

Lophornas reginae (Spangled Coquette)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 53574)

Lophornis chalybeus (Festive Coquette)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 53561)

Macropus fraenatus, Gould., Bridled Kangaroo [Pl. 3]

scientific article

Macropus fuliginosus, Sooty Kangaroo [Pl. 16]

scientific article

Macropus laniger, Great Red Kangaroo [Pl. 2]

scientific article

Macropus major, Shaw., Great Grey Kangaroo [Pl. 1]

scientific article

Macropus unguifer, Gould., Nail-tailed Kangaroo [Pl. 4]

scientific article

March 10, 1870

March 12th, 1861

scientific article published in January 1861

March 19, 1872

March 26, 1868

March 5, 1872

March 8, 1859

scientific article published in January 1859

May 13, 1862.

Monograph of the Pittidae / Part I [-II]

London: Published by the author, 1880-1881.

November 24, 1863

November 28, 1367

Observations on the nests of humming birds

scientific article published in 1855

On Five new Species of Kangaroos

scholarly article (1840/1)

On Four New Species of Mus and one of Hapalotis from Australia

scientific article published on 20 August 2009

On a New Species of Ptarmigan

scientific article

On a new genus and species of Trochilidæ from Ecuador

scientific article published in 1856

On a new genus and species of the family Trochilidæ

On a new species of Odontophorus

On several New Species of Birds from various parts of the World

scientific article published on 20 August 2009

On some New Species of Australian Mammals

scholarly article (1842)

On the nidification of the Kingfisher (Alcedo ispida)

scientific article published in 1860

On two new species of humming birds belonging to the genus Amazilius

Osculant Toucan (Ramphastos osculans)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 73674)

Osphranter antilopinus, Gould., Red Wallaroo [Pl. 22]

scientific article

Osphranter robustus, Gould., Black Wallaroo [Pl. 5]

scientific article

Petrogale brachyotis, Gould., Short-eared Rock-Wallaby [Pl. 6]

scientific article

Petrogale inornata, Gould., Unadorned Rock Wallaby [Pl. 25]

scientific article

Petrogale lateralis, Gould., Striped-sided Rock Wallaby [Pl. 24]

scientific article

Petrogale penicillata, Gray., Brush-tailed Rock Wallaby [Pl. 23]

scientific article

Ramphomicron microrhyncha (Small-billed Thornbill)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 53573)

Remarks on the Genus IIapalotis

Rufous-breasted Bamboo Partridge (Bambusicola Hyperythra)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 73667)

Selashorus scintilla (Scintillant Hummingbird)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 53571)

Spathura rufocaligata (Red-booted Racket-Tail)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 53570)

Spathura underwoodi (White-footed Racket-Tail)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 53577)

Tharmastura enicura (Slender Shear-Tail)

print in the National Gallery of Art (NGA 53572)

The Birds of Asia

London: Printed by Taylor and Francis, pub. by the author, 1850-1883.

The Birds of Australia

set of works by John Gould about the birds of Australia

The Birds of Australia, Vol. 2 of 7

book by John Gould published in 1848

The Birds of Australia, Vol. 3 of 7

book by John Gould published in 1848

The Birds of Australia, Vol. 4 of 7

book by John Gould published in 1848

The Birds of Europe

London,Printed by R. and J.E. Taylor, pub. by the author,1837. | Smithsonian Libraries

The Mammals of Australia

publication in 13 parts (1845–1863)

The birds of Australia, supplement

London: Printed by Taylor and Francis ... published by the author ..., [1851]-1869.

The birds of Great Britain

London :Printed by Taylor and Francis, published by the author,1873. | Smithsonian Libraries View Boo

The birds of New Guinea and the adjacent Papuan islands : including many new species recently discovered in Australia

London: Henry Sotheran & Co., 1875-1888.

The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle ... during the years 1832-1836

first edition of the book published in parts between 1838 and 1843

VII.—Observations on the Chlamydoderæ or Bower-birds, with description of a new species


1974 film by Jack Gold

X.—Descriptions of four new species of humming-birds from Mexico

XII.—Descriptions of five new species of birds from Queensland, Australia; and a new humming-bird from the Bahamas


XIV.—Description of Diphlogæna Hesperus, a new species of the family Trochilidæ

XIX. Yellow-billed Aracari (Pteroglossus flavicrostris) --

artwork published in 1831

XIX.—On a new species of fruit-pigeon from Northern Queensland

XL.—Descriptions of two new species of humming-birds

XLI.—On a supposed new species of humming-bird from the Juan-Fernandez Group of Islands

XLIII.—Description of a new species of the family Pittidæ

XLIII.—On a new species of Thrush pertaining to the genus Oreocincla

article published in 1872

XLIII.—On the Family Procellaridæ, with descriptions of Ten new Species

XLV.—Description of two new Humming-birds from Bolivia

scholarly article by John Gould published June 1880 in Annals and Magazine of Natural History

XV.—On two new species of Birds

XVII.—On a new species of Platycercus

XVIII.—Notice of a Japanese Pheasant

XXI.—Description of a new species of Seïsura

scientific article published in 1870

XXI.—Descriptions of two new species of Humming-Birds

XXII.—Descriptions of two new species pertaining to the Avifauna of Australia


XXIX.—On two new species of Trogon and a new species of Toucan from the Cordillerian Andes


XXV.—On three new species of toucans pertaining to the genus Aulacorhamphus

scientific article published in 1874

XXXII.—Description of Ceryle Sharpii, a new Kingfisher from the Gaboon

XXXIII.—Descriptions of eight new species of birds from South America

XXXIV.—On two new birds from eastern Australia

scientific article published in 1867

XXXVIII.—Further contributions to the ornithology of Australia


Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle

literary work first published in parts between 1838 and 1843

The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Sulphur : under the command of Captain Sir Edward Belcher, during the years 1836-42

title in the Biodiversity Heritage Library collection