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List of works by Emilio Salgari

Adventures in the Old West

An Empire Crumbles

book by Emilio Salgari


1914 film by Giovanni Pastrone

Captain Tempesta

adventure novel

Carthage in Flames


Children of the Air

novel by Emilio Salgari

I predoni del Sahara

book by Emilio Salgari

Il tesoro del presidente del Paraguay

book by Emilio Salgari

La montagna d'oro

1901 novel written by Emilio Salgari

La scotennatrice

book by Emilio Salgari

Le Aquile della steppa

novel by Emilio Salgari

Quest for a Throne

book by Emilio Salgari

Return to Mompracem

book by Emilio Salgari

Salgari - I solitari dell'Oceano

book by Emilio Salgari

Salgari - La capitana del Yucatan

Sandokan to the Rescue

book by Emilio Salgari

Son of the Red Corsair

1908 novel by Emilio Salgari

The Black Corsair

The Black Corsair

1898 novel by Emilio Salgari

The Brahman

book by Emilio Salgari

The Daughter of the Green Pirate

1940 film by Enrico Guazzoni

The King of the Sea

novel by Emilio Salgari

The Last Pirates

1908 novel by Emilio Salgari

The Mountain of Light

book by Emilio Salgari

The Mysterious Continent

book by Emilio Salgari

The Mystery of the Black Jungle

1895 book by Emilio Salgari

The Pirates of Bermuda

The Pirates of Malaysia

1896 novel by Emilio Salgari

The Queen of the Caribbean

1901 novel by Emilio Salgari

The Tigers of Mompracem


The Treasure of Bengal

1953 film by Gianni Vernuccio

The Two Tigers

novel by Emilio Salgari

Tigers of Malaysia series

novel series by Emilio Salgari

Two Sailors

Un dramma nell'Oceano Pacifico

book by Emilio Salgari

Yanez’ Revenge

book by Emilio Salgari

Yolanda, the Black Corsair's Daughter

1905 novel by Emilio Salgari

Dva tygři

book edition published in 1906

Dva tygři

book edition published in 1925

Hora světla

book edition published in 1924

Hořící lesy: (trilogie "Rudoši" - část III.)

book edition published in 1930

K severní točně

book edition published in 1923

Královna Zlatých polí

book edition published sometime between 1910–1919

Saharští briganti

book edition published in 1909

Černý korsár

book edition published in 1910