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List of works by Edgar Ravenswood Waite

A basic list of the fishes of New Zealand

article published in 1909

A description of Macropus isabellinus, Gould

A fresh-water turtle (Pelochelys cantoris, Gray,) from New Guinea

article by Edgar R. Waite published 1903 in Records of the Australian Museum

A matter of nomenclature

article published in 1903

A museum enemy—dust

A new Blind Snake from the Duke of York Island

A review of the eleotrids of New South Wales

Additions and Corrections to the Basic List of the Fishes of New Zealand

article published in 1912

Additions to the fish-fauna of Lord Howe Island


Additions to the fish-fauna of Lord Howe Island, No. 2


Additions to the fish-fauna of Lord Howe Island, no. 3

article by Edgar R. Waite published 1903 in Records of the Australian Museum

Additions to the fish-fauna of Lord Howe Island, no. 4

article by Edgar R. Waite published 1904 in Records of the Australian Museum

An addition to the Lacertilian fauna of the Solomon Islands


An extended description of Mus fuscipes, Waterhouse

Catalogue of the fishes of Lord Howe Island

article by Edgar R. Waite published 1904 in Records of the Australian Museum

Description of a new Phascogale from north western Australia

Description of a ring-tailed opossum, regarded as a variety of Pseudochirus herbertensis, Collett

Description of the Maori Tomb

article published in 1912

Descriptions of and notes on some Australian and Tasmanian fishes


Feeding Habits of Nestling Bee-eaters

scientific article published in Nature

Large Blue Whales


scientific article published in 1896

New or rare fishes from Maroubra, N. S. W

New records or recurrences of rare fishes from eastern Australia


New records or recurrences of rare fishes from eastern Australia. No. 2

scholarly article by Edgar R. Waite published in 1903

New records or recurrences of rare fishes from eastern Australia. No. 3

scholarly article by Edgar R. Waite published in 1904

Notes on Australian Typhlopidae


Notes on Australian Typhlopidae

Notes on fishes from Western Australia, and description of a new species


Notes on fishes from Western Australia. No. 2


Notes on fishes from Western Australia. No. 3


Notes on snakes. I. Denisonia melanura, Boul. II. Micropechus elapoides, Boul. III. Furina calonota, Dum. & Bibr.

Notes on three notable New Zealand Whales

article published in 1912

Observations on Dendrolagus bennettianus, de Vis

Observations on Testudo nigrita, Dum. & Bibr.

Occasional notes. I. Climbing habits of an Australian snake

Occasional notes. I. Stegostoma tigrinum, Gmel. An addition to the fauna of New South Wales


Occasional notes. II. Chersydrus granulatus, Schneider, a snake new to Australia

scholarly article by Edgar R. Waite published in 1903

Occasional notes. III. The genus Dromicia in New South Wales

article published in 1904

Occasional notes. IV. Lampris luna, Gmelin. Its recurrence in New Zealand waters

Occasional notes. IV. Uronycteris cephalotes, Pallas

Occasional notes. V. The generic name Crepidogaster

Occasional notes. VIII. Lygosoma fragile, Gunther

On the Habits of the Sydney Bush-Eat (Mus arboricola).

Recurrence of Megaderma gigas, Dobson

Regalecus glesne, Ascanius. An addition to the fauna of New South Wales

Review of the Australian blind snakes (family Typhlopidae)

scholarly article

Scientific Results of the New Zealand Government Trawling Expedition, 1907. Introduction

article published in 1909

Scientific results of the New Zealand government trawling expedition, 1907. Pisces. Part I

article published in 1909

Scientific results of the New Zealand government trawling expedition, 1907. Pisces. Part II

article published in 1911

Scientific results of the trawling expedition of H.M.C.S. "Thetis"

scientific article published in 1899

Skeleton of Luvarus imperialis, Rafinesque. (A fish new to the western Pacific fauna)

Some new and little known fishes from South Australia

scholarly article

Studies in Australian sharks, with diagnosis of a new family


Studies in Australian sharks. No. 2


Studies in Australian sharks. No. 3


Sympathetic Song in Birds

article by Edgar Ravenswood Waite published August 1903 in Nature

The breeding habits of the Paradise Fish, (Polyacanthus opercularis, Linaeus)

The card-catalogue system adapted to museum requirements

The generie name Thylacomys

The nest or drey of the Ring-tailed Opossum, Pseudochirus peregrinus, Bodd

The osteology of the New Guinea turtle (Carettochelys insculpta, Ramsay)

The skull of Dendrolagus dorianus, Ramsay

XXVIII.—The generic name Thylacomys

Zoological Publications