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List of works by Walter Salzburger

A BAC library for the goldfish Carassius auratus auratus (Cyprinidae, Cypriniformes).

scientific article published in November 2006

A BAC library of the East African haplochromine cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni

scientific article published in January 2006

A complex mode of aggressive mimicry in a scale-eating cichlid fish

scientific article

A functional trade-off between trophic adaptation and parental care predicts sexual dimorphism in cichlid fish

scientific article published on 21 August 2019

A novel primer set for multilocus phylogenetic inference in East African cichlid fishes

scientific article published on July 21, 2012

A sensory bias has triggered the evolution of egg-spots in cichlid fishes

scientific article (publication date: 2011)

A tribal level phylogeny of Lake Tanganyika cichlid fishes based on a genomic multi-marker approach

scientific article

Adaptive divergence between lake and stream populations of an East African cichlid fish

scientific article published on 13 October 2014

Adaptive phenotypic plasticity contributes to divergence between lake and river populations of an East African cichlid fish


Adaptive phenotypic plasticity in the Midas cichlid fish pharyngeal jaw and its relevance in adaptive radiation

scientific article

Adaptive sequence evolution in a color gene involved in the formation of the characteristic egg-dummies of male haplochromine cichlid fishes

scientific article

Advances in Ecological Speciation: an integrative approach

scientific article

An exploration of the links between parasites, trophic ecology, morphology, and immunogenetics in the Lake Tanganyika cichlid radiation.

scientific article

Ancestral Hybridization Facilitated Species Diversification in the Lake Malawi Cichlid Fish Adaptive Radiation

scientific article published on 01 April 2020

Ancestral duplications and highly dynamic opsin gene evolution in percomorph fishes

scientific article

Ancestral hybridisation facilitated species diversification in the Lake Malawi cichlid fish adaptive radiation

scientific article published on 18 August 2019

Annotation of expressed sequence tags for the East African cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni and evolutionary analyses of cichlid ORFs

scientific article

Asymmetric evolution in two fish-specifically duplicated receptor tyrosine kinase paralogons involved in teleost coloration

scientific article published on 17 March 2006

Back to Tanganyika: a case of recent trans-species-flock dispersal in East African haplochromine cichlid fishes

scientific article

Bayesian Divergence-Time Estimation with Genome-Wide SNP Data of Sea Catfishes (Ariidae) Supports Miocene Closure of the Panamanian Isthmus

scientific article published on 27 January 2018

Bayesian Phylogenetic Estimation of Clade Ages Supports Trans-Atlantic Dispersal of Cichlid Fishes

scientific article

Boule-like genes regulate male and female gametogenesis in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano

scientific article

Case studies and mathematical models of ecological speciation. 1. Cichlids in a crater lake

scientific article published in July 2007

Colour-assortative mating among populations of Tropheus moorii, a cichlid fish from Lake Tanganyika, East Africa

scientific article published in February 2006

Comparative genomics of ParaHox clusters of teleost fishes: gene cluster breakup and the retention of gene sets following whole genome duplications

scientific article

Comparative genomics reveals an outstanding sex chromosome diversity in cichlid fishes driven by genomic novelties and convergent evolution

scientific article published in 2019

Comparative phylogenetic analyses of the adaptive radiation of Lake Tanganyika cichlid fish: nuclear sequences are less homoplasious but also less informative than mitochondrial DNA.

scientific article

Comparative population genetics of seven notothenioid fish species reveals high levels of gene flow along ocean currents in the southern Scotia Arc, Antarctica


Comparative transcriptomics in East African cichlids reveals sex- and species-specific expression and new candidates for sex differentiation in fishes

scientific article

Comparative transcriptomics of Eastern African cichlid fishes shows signs of positive selection and a large contribution of untranslated regions to genetic diversity

scientific article published on 26 May 2011

Comparative transcriptomics of anal fin pigmentation patterns in cichlid fishes

scientific article

Constraints on speciation suggested by comparing lake-stream stickleback divergence across two continents

scientific article

Convergence of gut microbiotas in the adaptive radiations of African cichlid fishes

scientific article published on 16 May 2017

Convergent evolution within an adaptive radiation of cichlid fishes

scientific article published on 15 November 2012

Correction: Genetic diversity, genetic structure and diet of ancient and contemporary red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) from north-eastern France.

scientific article published on 25 June 2018

De novo gene evolution of antifreeze glycoproteins in codfishes revealed by whole genome sequence data

scientific article

Deciphering the Origin and Evolution of Hepatitis B Viruses by Means of a Family of Non-enveloped Fish Viruses

scientific article published on 24 August 2017

Demography and genome divergence of lake and stream populations of an East African cichlid fish.

scientific article published on 21 July 2017

Depth-dependent plasticity in opsin gene expression varies between damselfish (Pomacentridae) species.

scientific article published on 4 June 2016

Disentangling Incomplete Lineage Sorting and Introgression to Refine Species-Tree Estimates for Lake Tanganyika Cichlid Fishes

scientific article published on 18 August 2016

Diversity and disparity through time in the adaptive radiation of Antarctic notothenioid fishes

scientific article

Diversity and evolution of the vertebrate chemoreceptor gene repertoire

scientific article published in 2024

Drivers and dynamics of a massive adaptive radiation in cichlid fishes

scientific article published on 18 November 2020

Dynamics of sex chromosome evolution in a rapid radiation of cichlid fishes

scientific article published on 01 September 2021

Ecomorphological disparity in an adaptive radiation: opercular bone shape and stable isotopes in Antarctic icefishes

scientific article (publication date: September 2013)

Effects of parental care on resource allocation into immune defense and buccal microbiota in mouthbrooding cichlid fishes.

scientific article published on 14 February 2018

Environmental context for understanding the iconic adaptive radiation of cichlid fishes in Lake Malawi

scientific article published on 06 October 2016

Evidence for sympatric speciation? (Reply)

scientific article published in Nature

Evolution of Hemoglobin Genes in Codfishes Influenced by Ocean Depth.

scientific article published on 11 August 2017

Evolution of opercle bone shape along a macrohabitat gradient: species identification using mtDNA and geometric morphometric analyses in neotropical sea catfishes (Ariidae)

scientific article

Evolution of opercle shape in cichlid fishes from Lake Tanganyika - adaptive trait interactions in extant and extinct species flocks

scientific article

Evolution of the immune system influences speciation rates in teleost fishes

scientific article published on 22 August 2016

Evolution of the tribe Tropheini from Lake Tanganyika: synchronized explosive speciation producing multiple evolutionary parallelism


Evolution of the visual sensory system in cichlid fishes from crater lake Barombi Mbo in Cameroon

scientific article published on 02 October 2019

Evolution: An Archipelago Replete with Replicates

scientific article published on 01 May 2018

Evolution: Cichlid Models on the Runaway to Speciation

scientific article published on November 20, 2012

Evolution: Genomic Signatures of Mimicry and Mimicry of Genomic Signatures

scientific article published on 01 May 2019

Evolutionary Fate of the Androgen Receptor-Signaling Pathway in Ray-Finned Fishes with a Special Focus on Cichlids

scientific article

Evolutionary history of the Lake Tanganyika cichlid tribe Lamprologini (Teleostei: Perciformes) derived from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA data

scientific article

Evolutionary relationships in the sand-dwelling cichlid lineage of lake tanganyika suggest multiple colonization of rocky habitats and convergent origin of biparental mouthbrooding

scientific article published in January 2004

Expression and sequence evolution of aromatase cyp19a1 and other sexual development genes in East African cichlid fishes

scientific article published on 24 July 2013

From crypsis to mimicry: changes in colour and the configuration of the visual system during ontogenetic habitat transitions in a coral reef fish

scientific article published on 15 June 2016

Gene expression dynamics during rapid organismal diversification in African cichlid fishes

scientific article published on 23 November 2020

Gene expression remodelling and immune response during adaptive divergence in an African cichlid fish

scientific article published on 27 October 2020

Gene flow by larval dispersal in the Antarctic notothenioid fish Gobionotothen gibberifrons


Genetic Variation and Hybridization in Evolutionary Radiations of Cichlid Fishes

scientific article published on 16 November 2020

Genetic architecture of skeletal evolution in European lake and stream stickleback

scientific article

Genetic diversity, genetic structure and diet of ancient and contemporary red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) from north-eastern France.

scientific article published on 5 January 2018

Genetic structure of the vairone Telestes souffia in the eastern part of Lake Constance, central Europe


Genetic support for random mating between left and right-mouth morphs in the dimorphic scale-eating cichlid fish Perissodus microlepis from Lake Tanganyika.

scientific article published in May 2010

Genetics and timing of sex determination in the East African cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni

scientific article

Genetics of sexual development: an evolutionary playground for fish

scientific article

Genome desertification in eutherians: can gene deserts explain the uneven distribution of genes in placental mammalian genomes?

scientific article published on July 2009

Genome divergence during evolutionary diversification as revealed in replicate lake-stream stickleback population pairs

scientific article published on 2 March 2012

Genomics of cold adaptations in the Antarctic notothenioid fish radiation

scientific article published in 2023

Genomics of speciation and introgression in Princess cichlid fishes from Lake Tanganyika

scientific article

Geometric morphometric analyses provide evidence for the adaptive character of the Tanganyikan cichlid fish radiations

scientific article

Gut Microbiota Dynamics during Dietary Shift in Eastern African Cichlid Fishes

scientific article published on 15 May 2015

Habitat use and its implications to functional morphology: niche partitioning and the evolution of locomotory morphology in Lake Tanganyikan cichlids (Perciformes: Cichlidae)


Hosts are ahead in a marine host-parasite coevolutionary arms race: innate immune system adaptation in pipefish Syngnathus typhle against Vibrio phylotypes.

scientific article published on 5 April 2012

How Cichlids Diversify

scientific article published in Science

Hybrid origin of a swordtail species (Teleostei: Xiphophorus clemenciae) driven by sexual selection

scientific article published in March 2006

ICDP workshop on the Lake Tanganyika Scientific Drilling Project: a late Miocene–present record of climate, rifting, and ecosystem evolution from the world's oldest tropical lake

scientific article

Identification and characterization of gene expression involved in the coloration of cichlid fish using microarray and qRT-PCR approaches

scientific article

Immigrant and extrinsic hybrid inviability contribute to reproductive isolation between lake and river cichlid ecotypes


Immune-related functions of the Hivep gene family in East African cichlid fishes

scientific article published on 09 December 2013

In ovo omnia: diversification by duplication in fish and other vertebrates

scientific article

Inhibition of Aromatase Induces Partial Sex Change in a Cichlid Fish: Distinct Functions for Sex Steroids in Brains and Gonads

scientific article published on 26 April 2016

Intrinsic and extrinsic factors act at different spatial and temporal scales to shape population structure, distribution and speciation in Italian Barbus (Osteichthyes: Cyprinidae).

scientific article

Introgressive hybridization between color morphs in a population of cichlid fishes twelve years after human-induced secondary admixis

scientific article published on 4 May 2012

Lake level fluctuations synchronize genetic divergences of cichlid fishes in African lakes

scientific article

Many genes in fish have species-specific asymmetric rates of molecular evolution

scientific article published on 8 February 2006

Mitochondrial phylogeny and phylogeography of East African squeaker catfishes (Siluriformes: Synodontis)

scientific article

Mitochondrial phylogeny of the Cyprichromini, a lineage of open-water cichlid fishes endemic to Lake Tanganyika, East Africa

scientific article

Molecular Characterization of Two Endothelin Pathways in East African Cichlid Fishes

scientific article published on January 21, 2012

Molecular markers for Diadegma (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) species distinction and their use to study the effects of companion plants on biocontrol of the diamondback moth


Mouth dimorphism in scale-eating cichlid fish from Lake Tanganyika advances individual fitness

scientific article published on 30 July 2018

Natural selection: it's a many-small world after all.

scientific article published in October 2014

Novel relationships among ten fish model species revealed based on a phylogenomic analysis using ESTs

scientific article published on 11 May 2006

On the origin and trigger of the notothenioid adaptive radiation

scientific article published in 2011

Origin of the superflock of cichlid fishes from Lake Victoria, East Africa

scientific article

Origins of shared genetic variation in African cichlids

scientific article published on 28 December 2012

Out of Tanganyika: genesis, explosive speciation, key-innovations and phylogeography of the haplochromine cichlid fishes

scientific article

Parallel ecological diversification in Antarctic notothenioid fishes as evidence for adaptive radiation

scientific article

Parallel evolution of a type IV secretion system in radiating lineages of the host-restricted bacterial pathogen Bartonella

scientific article (publication date: 2011)

Parallel evolution of facial stripe patterns in the Neolamprologus brichardi/pulcher species complex endemic to Lake Tanganyika

scientific article

Paraphyly of the Blue Tit (Parus caeruleus) suggested from cytochrome b sequences

scientific article

Parental investment matters for maternal and offspring immune defense in the mouthbrooding cichlid Astatotilapia burtoni

scientific article published on 20 December 2017

Phenotypic plasticity confers multiple fitness benefits to a mimic

scientific article

Phylogenetic relationships of the lamprologine cichlid genus Lepidiolamprologus (Teleostei: Perciformes) based on mitochondrial and nuclear sequences, suggesting introgressive hybridization

scientific article published on 16 June 2005

Phylogenomics of an extra-Antarctic notothenioid radiation reveals a previously unrecognized lineage and diffuse species boundaries

scientific article published on 10 January 2019

Phylogeny of the Lake Tanganyika cichlid species flock and its relationship to the Central and East African haplochromine cichlid fish faunas

scientific article

Phylogeography and Ecological Niche Shape the Cichlid Fish Gut Microbiota in Central American and African Lakes

scientific article published on 15 October 2019

Phylogeography and evolution of the Tanganyikan cichlid genus Tropheus based upon mitochondrial DNA sequences

scientific article

Phylogeography of Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) and the origin of the Gibraltar colony

scientific article

Phylogeography of the Eurasian Willow Tit (Parus montanus) based on DNA sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene

scientific article published on July 2002

Phylogeography of the Italian vairone (Telestes muticellus, Bonaparte 1837) inferred by microsatellite markers: evolutionary history of a freshwater fish species with a restricted and fragmented distribution

scientific article

Phylogeography of the vairone (Leuciscus souffia, Risso 1826) in Central Europe

scientific article published in September 2003

Pleistocene desiccation in East Africa bottlenecked but did not extirpate the adaptive radiation of Lake Victoria haplochromine cichlid fishes

scholarly article

Point-Combination Transect (PCT): Incorporation of small underwater cameras to study fish communities.

scientific article published on 20 February 2019

Population divergences despite long pelagic larval stages: lessons from crocodile icefishes (Channichthyidae).

scientific article

Population-structure and genetic diversity in a haplochromine cichlid fish [corrected] of a satellite lake of Lake Victoria

scientific article published in September 2004

Real-time social selection maintains honesty of a dynamic visual signal in cooperative fish

scientific article published on 25 October 2017

Repeated Evolution Versus Common Ancestry: Sex Chromosome Evolution in the Haplochromine Cichlid Pseudocrenilabrus philander

article published in 2019

Segregation of species-specific male attractiveness in f(2) hybrid lake Malawi cichlid fish

scientific article

Separated by sand, fused by dropping water: habitat barriers and fluctuating water levels steer the evolution of rock-dwelling cichlid populations in Lake Tanganyika

scientific article published on 22 April 2011

Sequence analyses of the distal-less homeobox gene family in East African cichlid fishes reveal signatures of positive selection

scientific article

Singing above the chorus: cooperative Princess cichlid fish (Neolamprologus pulcher) has high pitch

Singing above the chorus: cooperative Princess cichlid fish (Neolamprologus pulcher) has high pitch

Social selection maintains honesty of a dynamic visual signal in cichlid fish

Speciation dynamics and extent of parallel evolution along a lake-stream environmental contrast in African cichlid fishes

scientific article published in 2021

Speciation via introgressive hybridization in East African cichlids?

scientific article

Speciation: Genomic Archipelagos in a Crater Lake

scientific article published on 01 March 2016

Species diversity and phylogeography of the Australoheros autrani group (Teleostei, Cichlidae) in eastern Brazil

scientific article published in 2022

Species-specific population structure in rock-specialized sympatric cichlid species in Lake Tanganyika, East Africa

scientific article published on 9 December 2006

Strong genome-wide divergence between sympatric European river and brook lampreys.

scientific article published in August 2013

Structural manipulations of a shelter resource reveal underlying preference functions in a shell-dwelling cichlid fish

scientific article published on 20 May 2020

Study of morphological variation of northern Neotropical Ariidae reveals conservatism despite macrohabitat transitions

scientific article published on 27 March 2018

Sympatric speciation in Nicaraguan crater lake cichlid fish

scientific article

TANDEM: integrating automated allele binning into genetics and genomics workflows


TaxI: a software tool for DNA barcoding using distance methods

scientific article published in October 2005

Testing the stages model in the adaptive radiation of cichlid fishes in East African Lake Tanganyika

scientific article

The Adaptive Radiation of Notothenioid Fishes in the Waters of Antarctica

The Most Developmentally Truncated Fishes Show Extensive Hox Gene Loss and Miniaturized Genomes.

scientific article

The Visual Opsin Gene Repertoires of Teleost Fishes: Evolution, Ecology, and Function

scientific article published in 2021

The diverse prey spectrum of the Tanganyikan scale-eater Perissodus microlepis (Boulenger, 1898)

The ecological and genetic basis of convergent thick-lipped phenotypes in cichlid fishes

scientific article published on 11 October 2012

The evolution of cichlid fish egg-spots is linked with a cis-regulatory change

scientific article

The function of anal fin egg-spots in the cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni

scientific article

The genetics of niche-specific behavioral tendencies in an adaptive radiation of cichlid fishes

scientific article published on 25 April 2024

The genomic signature of parallel adaptation from shared genetic variation

scientific article

The genomic substrate for adaptive radiation in African cichlid fish

scientific article

The genomic timeline of cichlid fish diversification across continents

scientific article published on 18 November 2020

The genomics of organismal diversification illuminated by adaptive radiations

scientific article published on 7 August 2015

The interaction of sexually and naturally selected traits in the adaptive radiations of cichlid fishes

scientific article

The most developmentally truncated fishes show extensive Hox gene loss and miniaturized genomes


The ontogenetic development of egg-spots in the haplochromine cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni


The performance of phylogenetic algorithms in estimating haplotype genealogies with migration

scientific article published on 4 April 2011

The puzzling phylogeography of the haplochromine cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni.

scientific article published on 2 May 2018

The role of the Yala swamp lakes in the conservation of Lake Victoria region haplochromine cichlids: Evidence from genetic and trophic ecology studies

scientific article published in 2008

The species flocks of East African cichlid fishes: recent advances in molecular phylogenetics and population genetics

scientific article published on 20 April 2004

The taxonomic diversity of the cichlid fish fauna of ancient Lake Tanganyika, East Africa

scientific article published on 01 October 2020

Time matters! Developmental shift in gene expression between the head and the trunk region of the cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni


To be or not to be a flatworm: the acoel controversy

scientific article

To be or not to be a hamlet pair in sympatry

scientific article published in March 2008

Two Decades of Molecular Ecology: where are we and where are we heading?

scientific article published on December 1, 2012

Understanding explosive diversification through cichlid fish genomics

scholarly article by Walter Salzburger published in August 2018

Uninformative polymorphisms bias genome scans for signatures of selection

scientific article

Variation of anal fin egg-spots along an environmental gradient in a haplochromine cichlid fish

scientific article published on 4 January 2017

Variations on a theme: Genomics of sex determination in the cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni

scientific article

Vision using multiple distinct rod opsins in deep-sea fishes

scientific article

Where Am I? Niche constraints due to morphological specialization in two Tanganyikan cichlid fish species

scientific article published on 12 August 2020

Why UV vision and red vision are important for damselfish (Pomacentridae): structural and expression variation in opsin genes.

scientific article published on 20 December 2016