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List of works by Thomas G. Whitham

A bridge too far: cold and pathogen constraints to assisted migration of riparian forests

scientific article published on 03 July 2015

A community and ecosystem genetics approach to conservation biology and management


A conditional trophic cascade: birds benefit faster growing trees with strong links between predators and plants

scientific article

A framework for community and ecosystem genetics: from genes to ecosystems.

scientific article

A genetic basis for the manipulation of sink–source relationships by the galling aphid Pemphigus batae

scientific article published on June 12, 2011

A genetic basis to community repeatability and stability

scientific article published on November 1, 2010

A genetics-based Universal Community Transfer Function for predicting the impacts of climate change on future communities

scientific article published in 2013

A geographic mosaic of genetic variation within a foundation tree species and its community-level consequences

scientific article published in July 2009

Adaptive Geometry of Burrow Spacing in Two Pocket Gopher Populations

scientific article published in 1982

Adaptive capacity in the foundation tree species Populus fremontii: implications for resilience to climate change and non-native species invasion in the American Southwest

scientific article published on 13 July 2020

Adaptive trait syndromes along multiple economic spectra define cold and warm adapted ecotypes in a widely distributed foundation tree species

scholarly article

Aphid-ant interaction reduces chrysomelid herbivory in a cottonwood hybrid zone.

scientific article

Arthropod communities on hybrid and parental cottonwoods are phylogenetically structured by tree type: Implications for conservation of biodiversity in plant hybrid zones

scientific article published on 22 June 2017


article published in 2004

Beavers, Bugs and Chemistry: A Mammalian Herbivore Changes Chemistry Composition and Arthropod Communities in Foundation Tree Species

scientific article published on 05 July 2021

Biodiversity Consequences of Predation and Host Plant Hybridization on an Aphid-Ant Mutualism

scientific article published on 26 April 2006

Bud phenology and growth are subject to divergent selection across a latitudinal gradient in Populus angustifolia and impact adaptation across the distributional range and associated arthropods

scientific article

Central place foraging by beavers (Castor canadensis): a test of foraging predictions and the impact of selective feeding on the growth form of cottonwoods (Populus fremontii).

scientific article

Changes in interactions between juniper and mistletoe mediated by shared avian frugivores: parasitism to potential mutualism

scientific article published in January 2002

Chronic herbivory negatively impacts cone and seed production, seed quality and seedling growth of susceptible pinyon pines

scientific article published on 24 March 2005

Climate change perils for dioecious plant species.

scientific article

Climate relicts and their associated communities as natural ecology and evolution laboratories

scientific article

Closely Related Tree Species Differentially Influence the Transfer of Carbon and Nitrogen from Leaf Litter Up the Aquatic Food Web

scientific article published in 2014

Common garden experiments disentangle plant genetic and environmental contributions to ectomycorrhizal fungal community structure


Community specificity: life and afterlife effects of genes

scientific article

Competition Mediating the Outcome of a Mutualism: Protective Services of Ants as a Limiting Resource for Membracids

scientific article published on 26 July 2002

Competition between Hummingbirds and Insects for the Nectar of Two Species of Shrubs

Competition between gall aphids and natural plant sinks: plant architecture affects resistance to galling


Conditional Mutualism in a Membracid-Ant Association: Temporal, Age-Specific, and Density-Dependent Effects

scientific article published on 09 May 2006

Conservative leaf economic traits correlate with fast growth of genotypes of a foundation riparian species near the thermal maximum extent of its geographic range

scientific article published on 15 February 2013

Conserving plant genetic diversity for dependent animal communities

scientific article published in 2004

Conserving threatened riparian ecosystems in the American West: Precipitation gradients and river networks drive genetic connectivity and diversity in a foundation riparian tree (Populus angustifolia).

scientific article

Continent-wide tree fecundity driven by indirect climate effects

scientific article

Contrasting rRNA gene abundance patterns for aquatic fungi and bacteria in response to leaf-litter chemistry

scientific article published in 2013

Convergence in mycorrhizal fungal communities due to drought, plant competition, parasitism, and susceptibility to herbivory: consequences for fungi and host plants

scientific article

Cost of Benefits of Territoriality: Behavioral and Reproductive Release by Competing Aphids

scientific article published in 1986

Cottonwood hybrids gain fitness traits of both parents: a mechanism for theirlong‐term persistence?

scientific article published on June 1, 2002

Developmental Changes in Resistance to Herbivory: Implications for Individuals and Populations

scientific article published in 1989

Developmental trajectories in cottonwood phytochemistry

scientific article published in October 2006

Differential Colonization of Resistant and Susceptible Host Plants: Pemphigus and Populus


Discrimination among pinyon pine trees by Clark's Nutcrackers: effects of cone crop size and cone characters

scientific article published in May 1991

Don't diss integration: a comment on Ricklefs's disintegrating communities

scientific article

Don’t Diss Integration: A Comment on Ricklefs’s Disintegrating Communities

scientific article published in 2009

Drought negatively affects communities on a foundation tree: growth rings predict diversity

scientific article

Duration of Herbivore Removal and Environmental Stress Affect the Ectomycorrhizae of Pinyon Pines

scientific article published in 1995


scientific article published in 2004


scientific article published in 1998


scientific article published on 01 July 1988

Elevated Herbivory in Plant Hybrid Zones: Chrysomela Confluens, Populus and Phenological Sinks

scientific article published in 1993

Environmental and genetic effects on the formation of ectomycorrhizal and arbuscular mycorrhizal associations in cottonwoods

scientific article published on 27 April 2006

Evidence of climate‐driven selection on tree traits and trait plasticity across the climatic range of a riparian foundation species

scientific article published in 2022

Evolution by individuals, plant-herbivore interactions, and mosaics of genetic variability: The adaptive significance of somatic mutations in plants

scientific article

Extending genomics to natural communities and ecosystems.

scientific article published in April 2008

Flexible Life History Traits: Shifts by Scarlet Gilia in Response to Pollinator Abundance

scientific article published on 01 December 1987

Forest gene diversity is correlated with the composition and function of soil microbial communities

scientific article published in 2010

Fractal geometry is heritable in trees

scientific article published on 01 September 2004

From Genes to Ecosystems: The Genetic Basis of Condensed Tannins and Their Role in Nutrient Regulation in a Populus Model System

scientific article published on 20 August 2008

From genes to ecosystems: a synthesis of the effects of plant genetic factors across levels of organization

scientific article published on June 2009


scientific article published in June 1991

Genes to ecosystems: exploring the frontiers of ecology with one of the smallest biological units

scientific article published on July 1, 2011

Genetic Differentiation and Heterozygosity in Pinyon Pine Associated with Resistance to Herbivory and Environmental Stress

Genetic assembly rules and community phenotypes

scientific article published in 2006

Genetic basis of aboveground productivity in two native Populus species and their hybrids

scientific article published on 2 July 2009

Genetic basis of pathogen community structure for foundation tree species in a common garden and in the wild

scientific article published on 25 June 2013

Genetic components to belowground carbon fluxes in a riparian forest ecosystem: a common garden approach

scientific article published on May 29, 2012

Genetic data improves niche model discrimination and alters the direction and magnitude of climate change forecasts

scientific article published on 06 November 2020

Genetic divergence along a climate gradient shapes chemical plasticity of a foundation tree species to both changing climate and herbivore damage

scientific article published on 21 May 2022

Genetic increases in growth do not lead to trade-offs with ecologically important litter and fine root traits in Norway spruce

scientific article published on 17 May 2019

Genetic variation in NIN1 and C/VIF1 genes is significantly associated with Populus angustifolia resistance to a galling herbivore, Pemphigus betae.

scientific article published on 27 October 2015

Genetic variation in productivity of foundation riparian species at the edge of their distribution: implications for restoration and assisted migration in a warming climate

scientific article published on 20 September 2011

Genetic-Based Susceptibility of a Foundation Tree to Herbivory Interacts With Climate to Influence Arthropod Community Composition, Diversity, and Resilience


Genetically based susceptibility to herbivory influences the ectomycorrhizal fungal communities of a foundation tree species.

scientific article published on 17 September 2009

Genetically based trait in a dominant tree affects ecosystem processes

scientific article published on 23 December 2004

Genetically informed ecological niche models improve climate change predictions

scientific article

Genetically-based plant resistance traits affect arthropods, fungi, and birds

scientific article

Genetics-based interactions among plants, pathogens, and herbivores define arthropod community structure

scientific article published in July 2015

Genetics-based interactions of foundation species affect community diversity, stability and network structure.

scientific article published in May 2017

Genotypic variation in foundation species generates network structure that may drive community dynamics and evolution

scientific article published on 07 October 2015

Genotypic variation in foundation species generates network structure that may drive community dynamics and evolution

scientific article published in March 2016

Genotypic variation in phenological plasticity: reciprocal common gardens reveal adaptive responses to warmer springs but not to fall frost


Globally, tree fecundity exceeds productivity gradients

scientific article published on 23 April 2022

Guns and butter: a no cost defense against predation for Chrysomela confluens

scientific article

Habitat Selection by Pemphigus Aphids in Response to Response Limitation and Competition


Herbivore deme formation on individual trees: a test case

scientific article published on 01 July 1993

Herbivore-driven mycorrhizal mutualism in insect-susceptible pinyon pine

scientific article published in Nature

Herbivory and tree mortality across a pinyon pine hybrid zone

scientific article

Herbivory, plant resistance, and climate in the tree ring record: interactions distort climatic reconstructions

scientific article

Heritable Phytohormone Profiles of Poplar Genotypes Vary in Resistance to a Galling Aphid

scientific article published on 29 April 2019

Heterozygous Trees Rebound the Fastest after Felling by Beavers to Positively Affect Arthropod Community Diversity

scientific article published on 28 May 2021

Higher photosynthetic capacity from higher latitude: foliar characteristics and gas exchange of southern, central and northern populations of Populus angustifolia

scientific article

Host Genetics and Environment Drive Divergent Responses of Two Resource Sharing Gall-Formers on Norway Spruce: A Common Garden Analysis

scientific article

Host plant genetics affect hidden ecological players: links among Populus, condensed tannins, and fungal endophyte infection


Hybridization among dominant tree species correlates positively with understory plant diversity

scientific article


scientific article published on 04 June 2007

Impact of Insect Herbivores on Competition Between Birds and Mammals for Pinyon Pine Seeds

scientific article published on 09 May 2006

Impact of pocket gopher disturbance on plant species diversity in a shortgrass prairie community

scientific article

Importance of Belowground Herbivory: Pocket Gophers May Limit Aspen to Rock Outcrop Refugia

scientific article published in 1989

Importance of species interactions to community heritability: a genetic basis to trophic-level interactions


Incorporating climate change and exotic species into forecasts of riparian forest distribution

scientific article

Increased moth herbivory associated with environmental stress of pinyon pine at local and regional levels

scientific article published in February 1997

Increased resistance of Bt aspens to Phratora vitellinae (Coleoptera) leads to increased plant growth under experimental conditions

scientific article (publication date: 2012)

Indirect Herbivore Mediation of Avian Seed Dispersal in Pinyon Pine

scientific article published in 1991

Insects as traits in plant systematics: their use in discriminating between hybrid cottonwoods

scientific article published on 26 November 2007

Integrating the 'genomic mosaic' view of species into studies of biotic interactions: a comment on Bernhardsson et al. ().

scientific article published on 18 October 2013

Introduced elk alter traits of a native plant and its plant-associated arthropod community


Is there tree senescence? The fecundity evidence

scientific article published on 16 August 2021

Landscape genetic connectivity in a riparian foundation tree is jointly driven by climatic gradients and river networks

scientific article

Large effect quantitative trait loci for salicinoid phenolic glycosides in Populus: Implications for gene discovery.

scientific article published on 8 March 2018

Leaf litter quality affects aquatic insect emergence: contrasting patterns from two foundation trees

scientific article published on March 27, 2013

Legacy effects of tree mortality mediated by ectomycorrhizal fungal communities

scientific article published on 10 July 2019

Limits to reproduction and seed size-number trade-offs that shape forest dominance and future recovery

scientific article published on 02 May 2022

Linking tree genetics and stream consumers: isotopic tracers elucidate controls on carbon and nitrogen assimilation


Local adaptation and rapid evolution of aphids in response to genetic interactions with their cottonwood hosts

scientific article published on 02 September 2020

Local biotic adaptation of trees and shrubs to plant neighbors

scientific article published in 2016

Long-Term Studies Reveal Differential Responses to Climate Change for Trees Under Soil- or Herbivore-Related Stress


Long-term insect herbivory slows soil development in an arid ecosystem


Long-term sexual allocation in herbivore resistant and susceptible pinyon pine (Pinus edulis).

scientific article

Manipulation of food resources by a gall-forming aphid: the physiology of sink-source interactions

scholarly article by Katherine C. Larson & Thomas G. Whitham published 1991 in Oecologia

Masting is uncommon in trees that depend on mutualist dispersers in the context of global climate and fertility gradients

scientific article published in 2023

Mortality gradients within and among dominant plant populations as barometers of ecosystem change during extreme drought

scientific article published on October 2006

Negative Effects of Scale Insect Herbivory on the Ectomycorrhizae of Juvenile Pinyon Pine

scientific article published in 1993

New frontiers in community and ecosystem genetics for theory, conservation, and management


North American tree migration paced by climate in the West, lagging in the East

scientific article published on 04 January 2022

Phenotypic variation in nurse traits and community feedbacks define an alpine community

scientific article published on 02 March 2011

Plant Phenotype and Interspecific Competition between Insects Determine Sawfly Performance and Density

scientific article published on 09 May 2006

Plant genes link forests and streams

scientific article published in January 2006

Plant genetic determinants of arthropod community structure and diversity

scientific article published on 01 January 2005

Plant genetic identity of foundation tree species and their hybrids affects a litter-dwelling generalist predator

scientific article

Plant genetics and interspecific competitive interactions determine ectomycorrhizal fungal community responses to climate change

scientific article

Plant genotype influences aquatic‐terrestrial ecosystem linkages through timing and composition of insect emergence

scientific article published on 06 June 2016

Plant-herbivore interactions in a trispecific hybrid swarm of Populus: assessing support for hypotheses of hybrid bridges, evolutionary novelty and genetic similarity

scientific article published on 8 September 2015

Plant-soil microorganism interactions: heritable relationship between plant genotype and associated soil microorganisms

scientific article published in March 2008

Plastic responses to hot temperatures homogenize riparian leaf litter, speed decomposition, and reduce detritivores

scientific article published on 08 July 2021

Polymorphisms in early neurodevelopmental genes affect natural variation in alcohol sensitivity in adult drosophila

scientific article

Population Fluctuations in Complex Life Cycles: An Example From Pemphigus Aphids

scientific article published in 1988

Populus hybrid hosts drive divergence in the herbivorous mite, Aceria parapopuli: implications for conservation of plant hybrid zones as essential habitat

scientific article published in 2012

Predictors of Ips confusus outbreaks during a record drought in southwestern USA: implications for monitoring and management

scientific article

Premature Leaf Abscission: An Induced Plant Defense Against Gall Aphids


Rainfall continentality, via the winter Gams angle, provides a new dimension to biogeographical distributions in the western United States

scientific article published on 28 November 2020

Rapid plant evolution in the presence of an introduced species alters community composition

scientific article published on 11 June 2015

Rapid shifts in the chemical composition of aspen forests: an introduced herbivore as an agent of natural selection


Reduced mycorrhizae on Juniperus monosperma with mistletoe: the influence of environmental stress and tree gender on a plant parasite and a plant-fungal mutualism

scientific article published on 01 February 1992

Relative importance of genetic, ontogenetic, induction, and seasonal variation in producing a multivariate defense phenotype in a foundation tree species

scientific article published on June 1, 2012

Riverine complexity and life history inform restoration in riparian environments in the southwestern United States

scientific article

Season mediates herbivore effects on litter and soil microbial abundance and activity in a semi-arid woodland

Selection for genetics‐based architecture traits in a native cottonwood negatively affects invasive tamarisk in a restoration field trial

scientific article published on 09 June 2018

Selective Fruit Abscission by Juniperus monosperma as an Induced Defense against Predators

scientific article published in 1989

Self-Similarity, Leaf Litter Traits, and Neighborhood Predicting Fine Root Dynamics in a Common-Garden Forest

scientific article published on 24 September 2019

Separating ontogenetic and environmental determination of resistance to herbivory in cottonwood.

scientific article published in November 2009

Shifts from competition to facilitation between a foundation tree and a pioneer shrub across spatial and temporal scales in a semiarid woodland

scientific article

Simulating selection and evolution at the community level using common garden data

scientific article published on 10 March 2022

Soil nitrogen availability varies with plant genetics across diverse river drainages


Soil-mediated local adaptation alters seedling survival and performance

scientific article published in 2011


article by Kiona Ogle et al published November 2000 in Ecology

The Influence of Time and Plant Species on the Composition of the Decomposing Bacterial Community in a Stream Ecosystem

scientific article published on 15 February 2016

The Proportion of Three Foundation Plant Species and Their Genotypes Influence an Arthropod Community: Restoration Implications for the Endangered Southwestern Willow Flycatcher

scientific article published on 27 September 2012

The Theory of Habitat Selection: Examined and Extended Using Pemphigus Aphids

scientific article published in 1980

The relative influences of host plant genotype and yearly abiotic variability in determining herbivore abundance

scientific article published on 15 September 2011

Tradeoffs between leaf cooling and hydraulic safety in a dominant arid land riparian tree species

scholarly article

Transgenerational effects of herbivory in a group of long-lived tree species: maternal damage reduces offspring allocation to resistance traits, but not growth

scientific article published on 05 June 2013

Tree genetics defines fungal partner communities that may confer drought tolerance

scientific article published on 25 September 2017

Tree genetics strongly affect forest productivity, but intraspecific diversity–productivity relationships do not

scientific article published in 2016

Tree genotype and genetically based growth traits structure twig endophyte communities

scientific article published on 14 March 2014

Tree genotypes affect rock lichens and understory plants: examples of trophic‐independent interactions

scientific article published in 2021

Tree hybridization and genotypic variation drive cryptic speciation of a specialist mite herbivore

scientific article published on 26 August 2008

Tree-Ring Variation in Pinyon Predicts Likelihood of Death following Severe Drought

article by Kiona Ogle et al published November 2000 in Ecology

Variation in below-ground carbon fluxes along a Populus hybridization gradient

scientific article published on 01 January 2007