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List of works by David Throsby

An Artistic Production Function: Theory and an Application to Australian Visual Artists


Article 13: Integration of Culture in Sustainable Development

scholarly article published 2012

Assessing the Impacts of a Cultural Industry

Benefit–Cost analysis of foreign student flows from developing countries: The case of postgraduate education

Chapter 1 Introduction and Overview

Chapter 16 Creativity and the Behavior of Artists


Chapter 28 Cultural Heritage: Economic Analysis and Public Policy

article by Ilde Rizzo & David Throsby published 2006 in Handbook of the Economics of Art and Culture

Conceptual Revolutions in Twentieth-Century Art. By David W. Galenson. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Pp. xvi, 443. $90.00, cloth; $26.99, paper


Corporatisation, Economic Efficiency and the Australian Symphony Orchestras


Culturally sustainable development: theoretical concept or practical policy instrument?


Culture, economics and sustainability


D. Paul Schafer: Revolution or Renaissance: Making the Transition from an Economic Age to a Cultural Age

article by David Throsby published 26 August 2009 in Journal of Cultural Economics

Defining the artistic workforce: The Australian experience


Determining the Value of Cultural Goods: How Much (or How Little) Does Contingent Valuation Tell Us?

Development Strategies for Pacific Island Economies: Is There a Role for the Cultural Industries?


Digital complements or substitutes? A quasi-field experiment from the Royal National Theatre

article by Hasan Bakhshi & David Throsby published 16 February 2013 in Journal of Cultural Economics

Economic analysis of artists' behaviour: some current issues

Economic circumstances of the performing artist: Baumol and Bowen thirty years on

Explicit and implicit cultural policy: some economic aspects

In defence of measurement: a comment on Phiddian et al

Individual preferences and the demand for military expenditure*

Introduction and Overview

Investment in urban heritage conservation in developing countries: Concepts, methods and data

article by David Throsby published June 2016 in City, Culture and Society

Modelling the cultural industries

Multiple job-holding and artistic careers: some empirical evidence


New technologies in cultural institutions: theory, evidence and policy implications



Preferred work patterns of creative artists

Psychic Payoffs, Overpriced Assets, and Underpaid Superstars


Richard A. Etlin,In defense of humanism: value in the arts and letters

Strategic bias and demand for public goods


Sustainability Concepts in Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Cultures


The Composer in the Market Place Revisited: The Economics of Music Composition Today


The Creation of Value by Artists: The Case of Hector Berlioz and the Symphonie Fantastique

The Economic and Cultural Value of Paintings: Some Empirical Evidence


The Economics of Cultural Policy

The Political Economy of Art: Ruskin and Contemporary Cultural Economics

The concentric circles model of the cultural industries


The role of culture in sustainable urban development: some economic issues


Value and Valuation in Art and Culture: Introduction and Overview


What price culture?


Why Should Economists be Interested in Cultural Policy?

“A Rising Tide Raises All Boats”