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List of works by Joan Liversidge

A New Hoard of Romano-British Pewter from Icklingham

article published in 1959

A. G. McKay: Houses, villas and palaces in the Roman world. London: Thames and Hudson, 1975. 288 pp., 76 pls., 77 figs. £8.00

book review published on 1976

Anne Rainey: Mosaics in Roman Britain. Newton Abbot: David and Charles, 1973. 205 pp., 27 pls., 60 figs. £3.75

article by Joan Liversidge published December 1973 in Antiquity

Brantingham Roman Villa: Discoveries in 1962

East Anglia. By R. Rainbird Clarke. 8 × 5¾. Pp. 240 + pls. 60. (Ancient Peoples and Places.) London: Thames and Hudson, 1960. 30s

Furniture in the Ancient World. By Hollis S. Baker. 11 × 8½. Pp. 351 + 16 coloured pls. + 474 pls. and drawings. London: The Connoisseur, 1966. £6.6s

Gisela M. A. Richter: The Furniture of the Greeks, Etruscans and Romans. London: Phaidon, 1966. 369 pp., 668 pls., 25 figs. £6

Life in the Villa in Roman Britain

N. Davey & R. Ling. Wall-painting in Roman Britain. Britannia Monograph No. 3 (Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies 1982) 231 pp. 124 pls, figs. 60. £14.50 (paper)


Reviews. J. P. Wild: Textile manufacture in the northern Roman provinces. Cambridge: University Press, 1970. (Cambridge Classical Studies.) 212 pp., 12 pls., 77 figs., 16 tables. £3.25

article by Joan Liversidge published June 1971 in Antiquity

Tables in Roman Britain

article by Joan Liversidge published March 1950 in Antiquity

W. Groenman-van Waateringe: Romeins Lederwerk uits Valkenburg Z. H. Groningen: J. B. Wolters, 1967. With English summary. 221 pp., 76 figs. D.Fls. 20.50

Wall-Paintings from Verulamium

scientific article published in 1971