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List of works by Jian-Min Zuo

A novel, layered phase in Ti-rich SrTiO3 epitaxial thin films.

scientific article published on 18 December 2014

Accurate structure refinement and measurement of crystal charge distribution using convergent beam electron diffraction

scientific article published on 01 August 1999

Accurate structure-factor phase determination by electron diffraction in noncentrosymmetric crystals

scientific article published on 01 January 1989

Ag-Pt Compositional Intermetallics Made from Alloy Nanoparticles.

scientific article

Ambient photodoping of p-type organic nanofibers: highly efficient photoswitching and electrical vapor sensing of amines

scientific article published on 17 May 2010

Anisotropic strain-induced curvature in type-II CdSe/CdTe nanorod heterostructures

scientific article published on 01 March 2010

Approaching the size limit of organometallic layers: synthesis and characterization of highly ordered silver-thiolate lamellae with ultra-short chain lengths

scientific article published on 15 November 2016

Atomic resolution imaging of a carbon nanotube from diffraction intensities.

scientific article

Atomic resolution tomography reconstruction of tilt series based on a GPU accelerated hybrid input-output algorithm using polar Fourier transform

scientific article published on 13 November 2014

Bonding in GaAs

scientific article published on 01 July 1988

Charge density and chemical bonding in rutile, TiO2.

scientific article

Charge ordering in magnetite at low temperatures

scientific article published on 01 November 1990

Coherent nano-area electron diffraction

scientific article

Collapse and stability of single- and multi-wall carbon nanotubes

scientific article published on 4 September 2007

Colossal positive magnetoresistance in surface-passivated oxygen-deficient strontium titanite

scientific article

Combined structure-factor phase measurement and theoretical calculations for mapping of chemical bonds in GaN

scientific article published on 07 May 2010

Combining real and reciprocal space information for aberration free coherent electron diffractive imaging

scientific article published on 20 November 2010

Comment on "Atomic resolution in lensless low-energy electron holography"

scientific article published on 01 May 1992

Comment on "Structural preablation dynamics of graphite observed by ultrafast electron crystallography".

scientific article

Composition analysis of semiconductor quantum wells by energy filtered convergent-beam electron diffraction

scientific article published on 13 June 2007

Construction of an organic crystal structural model based on combined electron and powder X-ray diffraction data and the charge flipping algorithm.

scientific article

Coordination-dependent surface atomic contraction in nanocrystals revealed by coherent diffraction

scientific article published on 9 March 2008

Direct Imaging of Nanoscale Phase Separation inLa0.55Ca0.45MnO3: Relationship to Colossal Magnetoresistance

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Direct observation of interfacial Au atoms on TiO₂ in three dimensions

scientific article published on 17 March 2015

Dissolution Kinetics of Oxidative Etching of Cubic and Icosahedral Platinum Nanoparticles Revealed by in Situ Liquid Transmission Electron Microscopy.

scientific article published on 10 February 2017

Double-helix structure in multiwall boron nitride nanotubes

scientific article published on 22 October 2005

Dynamic-template-directed multiscale assembly for large-area coating of highly-aligned conjugated polymer thin films

scientific article

Dynamics of Transformation from Platinum Icosahedral Nanoparticles to Larger FCC Crystal at Millisecond Time Resolution.

scientific article published on 8 December 2017

Effects of Particle Size on Mg2+ Ion Intercalation into λ-MnO2 Cathode Materials

scientific article published on 28 June 2019

Electrochemically tunable thermal conductivity of lithium cobalt oxide

scientific article published on 3 June 2014

Electron Beam Stimulated Molecular Motions

scientific article published on 30 March 2011

Electron-beam-induced growth of TiO(2) nanostructures.

scientific article

Electronic reconstruction at SrMnO3-LaMnO3 superlattice interfaces

scientific article published on 09 November 2007

Electrons for single molecule diffraction and imaging

scientific article published in August 2012

FORTRAN source listing for simulating three-dimensional convergent beam patterns with absorption by the Bloch wave method

scientific article published in May 1989

Facile Synthesis of Tadpole-like Nanostructures Consisting of Au Heads and Pd Tails

scientific article published on 21 November 2007

Fast Atomic-Scale Chemical Imaging of Crystalline Materials and Dynamic Phase Transformations

scientific article published on 4 March 2016

Free folding of suspended graphene sheets by random mechanical stimulation

scientific article published on 23 April 2010

Growth of Au on Pt icosahedral nanoparticles revealed by low-dose in situ TEM.

scientific article published on 9 March 2015

High Aspect Ratio β-Ga2O3 Fin Arrays with Low-Interface Charge Density by Inverse Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching

scientific article published on 24 June 2019

High-index facets in gold nanocrystals elucidated by coherent electron diffraction

scientific article published on 18 March 2013

In situ measurements and transmission electron microscopy of carbon nanotube field-effect transistors

scientific article published on 23 October 2007

In(x)Ga(₁-x)As nanowires on silicon: one-dimensional heterogeneous epitaxy, bandgap engineering, and photovoltaics

scientific article published on 12 October 2011

Interfacial chemistry in a ZnTe/CdSe superlattice studied by atom probe tomography and transmission electron microscopy strain measurements.

scientific article published on 8 January 2016

Introduction to the special issue in honor of Regents' Prof. John C.H. Spence in occasion of his 65th birthday.

scientific article published in June 2011

Lamellar phase separation and dynamic competition in La0.23Ca0.77MnO3.

scientific article published on 14 April 2005

Lattice and strain analysis of atomic resolution Z-contrast images based on template matching.

scientific article published on 7 August 2013

Lattice-Rotation Vortex at the Charged Monoclinic Domain Boundary in a Relaxor Ferroelectric Crystal

scientific article published on 12 April 2017

Metal-insulator transition and its relation to magnetic structure in (LaMnO3)2n/(SrMnO3)n superlattices

scientific article published on 27 June 2008

Metastability and structural polymorphism in noble metals: the role of composition and metal atom coordination in mono- and bimetallic nanoclusters

scientific article published on 14 January 2013

Mid-infrared emission from In(Ga)Sb layers on InAs(Sb)

scientific article published on 01 October 2014

Nanobelt self-assembly from an organic n-type semiconductor: propoxyethyl-PTCDI.

scientific article published in August 2005

Nanofibril self-assembly of an arylene ethynylene macrocycle

scientific article published on 01 May 2006

New optical absorption bands in atomic-layer superlattices

scientific article published on 01 March 2010

Nonlithographic patterning and metal-assisted chemical etching for manufacturing of tunable light-emitting silicon nanowire arrays

scientific article published on 01 May 2010

On the consistency of QCBED structure factor measurements for TiO2 (rutile).

scientific article

One-dimensional self-assembly of metallic nanostructures on single-walled carbon-nanotube bundles

scientific article published in December 2006

Orbital ordering in LaMnO3: estimates of structure factors and comparison of measurement methods

scientific article published on 20 December 2001

Passivation Dynamics in the Anisotropic Deposition and Stripping of Bulk Magnesium Electrodes During Electrochemical Cycling.

scientific article published on 10 August 2015

Peak separation method for sub-lattice strain analysis at atomic resolution: Application to InAs/GaSb superlattice

scientific article published on 21 October 2016

Practical spatial resolution of electron energy loss spectroscopy in aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy.

scientific article

Probing Interfacial Electronic Structures in Atomic Layer LaMnO3 and SrTiO3 Superlattices

scientific article published on 01 March 2010

Pure electronic metal-insulator transition at the interface of complex oxides.

scientific article published on 21 June 2016

Quantitative electron diffraction evidence for one-dimensional ordering in magnetite above the Verwey transition

scientific article

Regioselective Atomic Rearrangement of Ag-Pt Octahedral Catalysts by Chemical Vapor-Assisted Treatment

scientific article

Resonance effect in ELNES from perovskite-type manganites BiMnO3 and LaMnO3

scientific article published on 01 January 2002

Size- and shape-dependent energetics of nanocrystal interfaces: experiment and simulation

scientific article published on 06 June 2003

Solving difficult structures with electron diffraction

scientific article published on January 2015

Solving protein nanocrystals by cryo-EM diffraction: multiple scattering artifacts

scientific article published on 6 October 2014

Spence, Zuo and Hoier reply

scientific article published on 01 September 1989

Strain Field in Ultrasmall Gold Nanoparticles Supported on Cerium-Based Mixed Oxides. Key Influence of the Support Redox State.

scientific article published on 8 April 2016

Structural characterization of Ba2YCu3O7 by high resolution transmission electron microscopy

scientific article published on 01 March 1988

Structural characterization of Pt-Pd and Pd-Pt core-shell nanoclusters at atomic resolution

scientific article published in June 2009

Studies of x-ray localization and thickness dependence in atomic-scale elemental mapping by STEM energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy using single-frame scanning method.

scientific article published on 8 December 2017

Surface structural sensitivity of convergent-beam RHEED: Si (001) 2×1 models compared with dynamical simulations

scientific article published in April 2000

Symmetry quantification and mapping using convergent beam electron diffraction.

scientific article

Synthesis, Internal Structure, and Formation Mechanism of Monodisperse Tin Sulfide Nanoplatelets.

scientific article published on 22 July 2015

TEM based high resolution and low-dose scanning electron nanodiffraction technique for nanostructure imaging and analysis.

scientific article published on 19 January 2015

The formation and utility of sub-angstrom to nanometer-sized electron probes in the aberration-corrected transmission electron microscope at the University of Illinois.

scientific article

Three-dimensional nanostructure determination from a large diffraction data set recorded using scanning electron nanodiffraction

scientific article

Time-dependent, protein-directed growth of gold nanoparticles within a single crystal of lysozyme

scientific article

Toward Superconducting Critical Current by Design.

scientific article published on 31 March 2016

Towards a full retrieval of the deformation tensor F using convergent beam electron diffraction

scientific article published on 19 December 2014

Towards sub-A atomic resolution electron diffraction imaging of metallic nanoclusters: a simulation study of experimental parameters and reconstruction algorithms

scientific article published on 20 February 2007

Ultrathin n-type organic nanoribbons with high photoconductivity and application in optoelectronic vapor sensing of explosives.

scientific article published in April 2010

Use of quantitative convergent-beam electron diffraction in materials science.

scientific article

Visualizing materials chemistry at atomic resolution

scientific article published on 01 April 2010

Zuo, Spence, and O'Keeffe reply