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List of works by Paul Cartledge

(C.) Rolley Les vases de bronze de l'archaïsme récent en Grande-Grèce. (Bibliothèque de l'Institut français de Naples, 2e sér., 5.) Naples: Centre Jean Bérard. 1982. Pp. 117, 46 plates. Price not stated

(J. N.) Coldstream Geometric Greece. (Benn study: archaeology.) London: Benn. 1977. Pp. 405, 117 text figs. (incl. maps.) £17.00

scholarly article by Paul Cartledge published in November 1979

(L. H.) Jeffery Archaic Greece: the citystates c. 700–500 B.C. London and Tonbridge: Benn. 1976. Pp. 272, 46 illus., 5 text figs., 2 maps. £10·50

(N.) Thompson Herodotus and the origins of the political community: Arion's leap. New Haven and London: Yale UP, 1996. Pp. xiv + 193. £16.95. 0300062605

(R.) Sealey A history of the Greek city states ca. 700–338 B.C. Berkeley etc.: University of California Press. [1977]. Pp. xxi + 516, frontis., [29] illus., 8 maps. £12.00 (cloth), £5.50 (paper)


Ancient Greece: A Very Short Introduction

Ancient greece: a history in eleven cities

book published in 2009

Book Reviews

scholarly article (International History Review, September 1998)

Book Reviews

Cyrenaica in Antiquity. Edited by Barker Graeme, Lloyd John and Reynolds Joyce. Society for Libyan Studies Occasional Papers I, British Archaeological Reports International Series 236, Oxford, 1985. Pages xiv + 403, 58 figures, 44 plates, 9 tables. P

scientific article published in 1985

Delphi. Fouilles de Delphes. Tome v. [Monuments figurés.] Fasc. iii. Les trépieds à cuve clouée. By C. Rolley. Paris: École française d'Athènes. 1977. Pp. 166, 55 plates, 64 figs. Price not stated

Hoplites and Heroes: Sparta's contribution to the technique of ancient warfare

Les Hilotes. J. Ducat

Literacy in the Spartan oligarchy

Olympia. Olympische Forschungen. Ed. A. Mallwitz. 10. (M.) Maass Die geometrischen Dreifüsse von Olympia. Berlin: De Gruyter. 1978. Pp. ix + 247, [87] plates, 13 text figs. DM 200.11. (H.-V.) Herrmann Die Kessel der orientalisierenden Zeit. ii. Kess

Reception (P.) Vidal-Naquet Ed. L'Atlantide. Petite histoire d'un mythe platonicien. (Histoire 72). Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2005. Pp. 199, illus. 18. 225238071X

Reviews of Book

Spartan Wives: Liberation or Licence?

scientific article published in May 1981

The Athenian Experiment: Building an Imagined Political Community in Ancient Attica, 508–490 b.c. By Greg Anderson. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2003. Pp. [xvii] + 317. $60.00 (cloth)

The Greeks and Anthropology

journal article from 'Anthropology Today' published in 1994

The Poetics of Colonization: From City to Text in Archaic Greece. Carol Dougherty

The Slave in Greece and Rome

scholarly article in Slavery & Abolition, vol. 34 no. 1, March 2013

The ‘Tacitism’ of Edward Gibbon (two hundred years on)

Urban Gothic

television series