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List of works by Osvaldo Simeone

A Comparison of Opportunistic Transmission Schemes with Reduced Channel Information Feedback in OFDMA Downlink


A Power Allocation Strategy for Multi-Antenna Amplify-and-Forward Fading Relay Channels

Achievable Rates of Multi-Hop and Cooperative MIMO Amplify-and-Forward Relay Systems with Full CSI

An Auction-Based Incentive Mechanism for Non-Altruistic Cooperative ARQ via Spectrum-Leasing

Asymptotic Analysis of Reduced-Feedback Strategies for MIMO Gaussian Broadcast Channels

Beamforming Design for Joint Localization and Data Transmission in Distributed Antenna System


Beamforming design for joint localization and data transmission in distributed antenna systems


Blahut-Arimoto algorithm and code design for action-dependent source coding problems

CTH11-2: Distributed Multi-Cell Zero-Forcing Beamforming in Cellular Downlink Channels

Cascade Source Coding With a Side Information Vending Machine

Cellular Systems with Full-Duplex Amplify-and-Forward Relaying and Cooperative Base-Stations

Cellular Systems with Non-Regenerative Relaying and Cooperative Base Stations

Cellular systems with full-duplex compress-and-forward relaying and cooperative base stations

Channel Estimation for MIMO-OFDM Systems by Modal Analysis/Filtering

Cloud RAN and edge caching: Fundamental performance trade-offs

Cloud Radio-Multistatic Radar: Joint Optimization of Code Vector and Backhaul Quantization

Cloud-aided wireless networks with edge caching: Fundamental latency trade-offs in fog Radio Access Networks

Code-Aided Channel Tracking and Decoding Over Sparse Fast-Fading Multipath Channels With an Application to Train Backbone Networks

Cognitive Access Policies under a Primary ARQ Process via Forward-Backward Interference Cancellation

Cognitive transmissions under a primary ARQ process via backward interference cancellation


Computation capacities of a broad class of signaling networks are higher than their communication capacities

scientific article published on 10 October 2019

Constrained Codes for Joint Energy and Information Transfer

article by Ali Mohammad Fouladgar et al published June 2014 in IEEE Transactions on Communications

Constrained codes for joint energy and information transfer with receiver energy utilization requirements

scholarly article published June 2014

Cooperation and coordination in cognitive networks with packet retransmission

Cooperative ARQ via auction-based spectrum leasing

Cooperative Wireless Cellular Systems: An Information-Theoretic View

Degraded Broadcast Diamond Channels With Noncausal State Information at the Source

Delay-tolerant robust communication on an out-of-band relay channel with fading side information

Detecting the Number of Transmit Antennas with Unauthorized or Cognitive Receivers in MIMO Systems

Distributed MIMO systems with oblivious antennas

Distributed and Cascade Lossy Source Coding With a Side Information “Vending Machine”

Distributed and cascade lossy source coding with a side information "vending machine"

Distributed digital locked loops for time/frequency locking in packet-based wireless communication

Distributed synchronization in wireless networks

Dynamic Compression-Transmission for Energy-Harvesting Multihop Networks With Correlated Sources


Dynamic Framed-ALOHA for Energy-Constrained Wireless Sensor Networks with Energy Harvesting

scholarly article published December 2010

Energy Harvesting Wireless Communications: A Review of Recent Advances


Energy Management Policies for Energy-Neutral Source-Channel Coding

Energy Management Policies for Passive RFID Sensors with RF-Energy Harvesting

Energy efficiency of non-collaborative and collaborative Hybrid-ARQ protocols

Energy group-based dynamic framed ALOHA for wireless networks with energy harvesting

Energy-Efficient Sensing and Communication of Parallel Gaussian Sources

article published in 2012

Energy-efficient sensing and communication of parallel Gaussian sources

Energy-neutral source-channel coding in energy-harvesting wireless sensors

Estimation of block-fading channels with reduced-rank correlation matrix

Exploiting Partial Cooperation for Source and Channel Coding in Sensor Networks

Femtocell as a Relay: An Outage Analysis

Fronthaul Compression and Precoding Design for C-RANs Over Ergodic Fading Channels

Fronthaul Compression for Cloud Radio Access Networks: Signal processing advances inspired by network information theory

scholarly article by Seok-Hwan Park et al published November 2014 in IEEE: Signal Processing Magazine

Full-Duplex Cloud Radio Access Networks: An Information-Theoretic Viewpoint

article published in 2014

Gaussian Interference Channel Aided by a Relay with Out-of-Band Reception and In-Band Transmission


Gaussian multiple descriptions with common and constrained reconstruction constraints

scholarly article published July 2012

Guest Editorial: Wireless Communications Powered by Energy Harvesting and Wireless Energy Transfer (Part I)

Guest Editorial: Wireless Communications Powered by Energy Harvesting and Wireless Energy Transfer, Part II

HARQ Buffer Management: An Information-Theoretic View

HARQ buffer management: An information-theoretic view

Half-duplex gaussian diamond relay channel with interference known at one relay

Harnessing cloud and edge synergies: toward an information theory of fog radio access networks

Heegard–Berger and Cascade Source Coding Problems With Common Reconstruction Constraints

How Many Bits of Feedback is Multiuser Diversity Worth in MIMO Downlink?

Hypergraph-Based Analysis of Clustered Co-Operative Beamforming With Application to Edge Caching

Impact of secondary MAC cooperation on spectrum sharing in cognitive readio networks

Information Embedding on Actions

Information and Energy Flows in Graphical Networks with Energy Transfer and Reuse

Information embedding on actions

Inter-Cluster Design of Precoding and Fronthaul Compression for Cloud Radio Access Networks

Inter-layer per-mobile optimization of cloud mobile computing: a message-passing approach

Interactive Joint Transfer of Energy and Information

Interference Channel With an Out-of-Band Relay

Interference Channel aided by an Infrastructure Relay

Interference Spins: Scheduling of Multiple Interfering Two-Way Wireless Links

Interference channel with a half-duplex Out-of-Band Relay

Interference management via rate splitting and HARQ over time-varying fading channels

Joint Decompression and Decoding for Cloud Radio Access Networks

Joint Optimization of Cloud and Edge Processing for Fog Radio Access Networks

Joint Precoding and Multivariate Backhaul Compression for the Downlink of Cloud Radio Access Networks

Joint Signal and Channel State Information Compression for the Backhaul of Uplink Network MIMO Systems

Joint cloud and edge processing for latency minimization in Fog Radio Access Networks

Joint multi-cell processing for downlink channels with limited-capacity backhaul

Joint optimization of cloud and edge processing for fog radio access networks

Joint precoding and fronthaul optimization for C-RANs in ergodic fading channels

Joint signal and channel state information compression for uplink network MIMO systems

Joint source-channel coding with one-bit ADC front end

LAGC: Lazily Aggregated Gradient Coding for Straggler-Tolerant and Communication-Efficient Distributed Learning

scientific article published on 03 April 2020

LDM Versus FDM/TDM for Unequal Error Protection in Terrestrial Broadcasting Systems: An Information-Theoretic View

Leveraging strictly causal state information at the encoders for multiple access channels

Lossy Computing of Correlated Sources with Fractional Sampling

Lossy compression with privacy constraints: Optimality of polar codes

Lossy computing of correlated sources with fractional sampling

Medium Access Control Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks with Energy Harvesting

Message and state cooperation in a relay channel when the relay has strictly causal state information

Modulation Classification via Gibbs Sampling Based on a Latent Dirichlet Bayesian Network

Modulation classification for MIMO-OFDM signals via Gibbs sampling

article published in 2015

Modulation classification of MIMO-OFDM signals by Independent Component Analysis and Support Vector Machines

Multi-Cell MIMO Cooperative Networks: A New Look at Interference

Multi-layer hybrid-ARQ for an out-of-band relay channel

Multi-layer transmission and hybrid relaying for relay channels with multiple out-of-band relays


Multihop Backhaul Compression for the Uplink of Cloud Radio Access Networks

Multihop backhaul compression for the uplink of cloud radio access networks

Multiple Access Channels With States Causally Known at Transmitters

Multirelay channel with non-ergodic link failures

Multisample Online Learning for Probabilistic Spiking Neural Networks

scientific article published in 2022

Multistatic cloud radar systems: joint sensing and communication design

Multivariate Fronthaul Quantization for Downlink C-RAN

Multivariate backhaul compression for the downlink of cloud radio access networks

Multivariate fronthaul quantization for C-RAN downlink: Channel-adaptive joint quantization in the cloud

Network Topology Inference Based on Timing Meta-Data

scientific article published in 2023

Non-Orthogonal eMBB-URLLC Radio Access for Cloud Radio Access Networks with Analog Fronthauling

scientific article published on 02 September 2018

On Codebook Information for Interference Relay Channels With Out-of-Band Relaying

On cascade source coding with a side information “vending machine”

On channels with action-dependent states

On remote radio head selection for the downlink of backhaul constrained network MIMO systems

scholarly article published March 2014

On the Energy Efficiency of Hybrid-ARQ Protocols in Fading Channels

On the Heegard-Berger problem with common reconstruction constraints

On the Optimal Scheduling of Independent, Symmetric and Time-Sensitive Tasks

On the Sum-Rate of Broadcast Channels with Outdated 1-Bit Feedback

On the Transfer of Information and Energy in Multi-User Systems

On the impact of limited-capacity backhaul and inter-users links in cooperative multicell networks

On the optimal number of hops in linear wireless ad hoc networks with hybrid ARQ

On the optimization of two-way AF MIMO relay channel with beamforming

On the spectrum of large random hermitian finite-band matrices

On the throughput region of single and two-way multi-hop fading networks with relay piggybacking

Optimal Fronthaul Quantization for Cloud Radio Positioning

Optimal cognitive transmission exploiting redundancy in the primary ARQ process


Optimal fronthaul compression for synchronization in the uplink of cloud radio access networks

Optimality of myopic scheduling and whittle indexability for energy harvesting sensors

scholarly article published March 2012

Optimization of multistatic cloud radar with multiple-access wireless backhaul

Outage Capacity of Two-Phase Space-Time Coded Cooperative Multicasting

Outage and Diversity-Multiplexing Trade-Off Analysis of Closed and Open-Access Femtocells

Packet-wise vertical handover for unlicensed multi-standard spectrum access with cognitive radios

Performance Analysis of Collaborative Hybrid-ARQ Incremental Redundancy Protocols Over Fading Channels

Performance Analysis of Collaborative Hybrid-ARQ Protocols over Fading Channels

Performance evaluation of multiterminal backhaul compression for cloud radio access networks

Protocol Coding for Two-Way Communications with Half-Duplex Constraints

Relaying under structured interference

Robust Baseband Compression Against Congestion in Packet-Based Fronthaul Networks Using Multiple Description Coding

scientific article published on 24 April 2019

Robust Communication via Decentralized Processing With Unreliable Backhaul Links

article by Osvaldo Simeone et al published July 2011 in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory

Robust Interference Management via Linear Precoding and Linear/Non-Linear Equalization

Robust Layered Transmission and Compression for Distributed Uplink Reception in Cloud Radio Access Networks


Robust Uplink Communications over Fading Channels with Variable Backhaul Connectivity

Robust coding for lossy computing with receiver-side observation costs

Robust distributed compression for cloud radio access networks

Robust uplink communications over fading channels with variable backhaul connectivity

Signal Processing-Assisted Protocols and Algorithms for Cooperating Objects and Wireless Sensor Networks

scholarly article by Carles Antón-Haro et al published 2010 in EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking

Signal and interference alignment via message passing for MIMO interference channels

Source Coding When the Side Information May Be Delayed

Source coding with delayed side information

Source coding with in-block memory and controllable causal side information

Spectrum Leasing Via Cooperative Interference Forwarding

Spectrum Leasing via Cooperation With Multiple Primary Users

Spectrum Leasing via Cooperation for Enhanced Physical-Layer Secrecy

Spectrum Leasing via Cooperative Opportunistic Routing Techniques

Spectrum leasing via cooperative opportunistic routing

Spectrum leasing via cooperative opportunistic routing in distributed ad hoc networks: Optimal and heuristic policies

Spiking Generative Adversarial Networks With a Neural Network Discriminator: Local Training, Bayesian Models, and Continual Meta-Learning

scientific article published in 2022

Stable Throughput of Cognitive Radios With and Without Relaying Capability

article published in 2007

Sum-Rate Analysis of General OFDM Downlink Channels with 1-bit Feedback per Sub-Carrier

Sum-Rate of MIMO Broadcast Channels with One Bit Feedback

The Cognitive Multiple Access Wire-Tap Channel

The Effect of Imperfect Channel Knowledge on a MIMO System with Interference

Throughput analysis of type-I HARQ strategies in Two-Way Relay Channels

Throughput and Energy Efficiency of Opportunistic Routing with Type-I HARQ in Linear Multihop Networks

Throughput of Low-Power Cellular Systems With Collaborative Base Stations and Relaying

Time-Asynchronous Robust Cooperative Transmission for the Downlink of C-RAN


Topology Discovery for Linear Wireless Networks With Application to Train Backbone Inauguration

Transfer Meta-Learning: Information- Theoretic Bounds and Information Meta-Risk Minimization

scientific article published on 14 October 2021

Two-way communication with adaptive data acquisition

scholarly article published July 2013

Two-way communication with adaptive data acquisition

scholarly article published 29 May 2013

Two-way communication with energy exchange

Uplink HARQ for Cloud RAN via Separation of Control and Data Planes

Wireless secrecy with infrastructure-aided cooperation